Proper planning: when is the best time to conceive a child. The correct position for conceiving a child. Rapid conception - reality or fairy tale

How to conceive a child the first time? In fact, this topic remains relevant to this day for a long time. In general, all issues related to women are of interest. Especially for those who really want to give birth as soon as possible. Or those who have problems conceiving. Many people share tips and tricks on how they managed to get pregnant on the first try or very quickly. What techniques help you conceive? What should a woman know about this moment?

No guarantee

First of all, you will have to take into account one very interesting fact: the female body is full of mysteries. Conception is still considered a purely individual feature. And doctors cannot give a 100% guarantee that even a perfectly healthy woman can get pregnant the first time.

That is why it is recommended to be mentally prepared for failure. You shouldn’t think about them all the time, but you shouldn’t assume that all the suggested tips mean 100% pregnancy on the first try. Recommendations will only help speed up the process and increase the likelihood of success. So the first time?

Medical examinations

Not the most obligatory point from the point of view of conception is a complete examination of the body. Particular attention needs to be paid to the reproductive system. And we are talking about both a woman and a man.

You should not get pregnant if you have certain diseases. And illnesses complicate this process. Especially when it comes to women. First, you will need to treat the disease, and only then take actions that will facilitate early conception.

  • laboratory - take blood and urine tests;
  • gynecologist (he will prescribe smears);
  • urologist;
  • therapist;
  • Ultrasound room (it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and thyroid gland);
  • Laura.

Only in a healthy state can one deal with issues related to pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only having problems with pregnancy, but also putting the unborn baby in danger. However, if the couple is healthy, it is enough to make sure that both partners do not have sexually transmitted diseases.


How to conceive a child the first time? There is one “golden” rule that will help 100%. Even if not the first time, you will be able to get pregnant quite quickly if you follow the recommendations.

The likelihood of a successful pregnancy increases in the middle of the menstrual cycle. After approximately 14 days (with a cycle of 28 days), ovulation occurs. If fertilization of the egg occurs at this moment, then the probability of conceiving a baby is high. Accordingly, many recommend having unprotected sex on the day of ovulation.

For women with irregular periods, this issue becomes problematic. But how can you conceive a child the first time, using knowledge about ovulation? To do this, you just need to regularly go for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and also “catch” the specified period. Modern determination of ovulation at home is the use of special tests. They are somewhat reminiscent of pregnancy tests. But such devices must be used approximately 10-12 days from the start of the menstrual cycle.

Regularity of acts

What other ways are there to get pregnant quickly? Conceiving the first time is possible with regular intimate life. Moreover, it is worth noting that ovulation should not be neglected.

It is recommended to have unprotected sex with your partner every other day. And no more than once a day. Frequent ejaculation in a man reduces the speed of sperm. This, of course, negatively affects the likelihood of conception.

A little advice: it is necessary to begin sexual activity in such a way that sexual intercourse (one of them) must occur during ovulation. This technique will increase the likelihood of conception several times. Perhaps these are the principles you need to follow in order to get pregnant as quickly as possible.

Choosing a pose

The following advice is an unproven method that increases the likelihood of pregnancy. How can you get pregnant the first time? The methods can be varied. And some recommendations have not been confirmed by doctors. But they are common among women.

For example, you should pay attention to the choice of position during sex. Optional advice, but it provides an additional guarantee for the success of conception. It is best to choose positions in which sperm does not flow out of the vagina. For example, “missionary” would do.

In any case, there is no need to dwell on this moment. You just need to remember the laws of attraction. It is not recommended to end sexual intercourse in “woman on top” positions.

Vitamins to help

A modern person, even a perfectly healthy one, quite often lacks vitamins to enrich the body. Therefore, women who want to get pregnant the first time are recommended to start taking folic acid approximately 2-3 months before the planned conception.

Men are also targeted. They are also recommended to take folic acid. Once a day, 1 tablet. Additionally, you can start using drugs to improve sperm quality. For example, "SpermActiv" or "Spermaktin". You can buy these products at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is not prohibited to use them without consulting a doctor, but it is not recommended.


How to conceive a child the first time? The next piece of advice is to improve your diet. A person's diet plays a huge role in fertility. It is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet. Less fat, flour and sweets. More vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables.

The rules apply to both partners. That is, both men and women should start practicing proper nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • sour cream;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • pineapples

If you regularly consume the listed products, your body will be enriched with vitamins. A woman's fertility will improve, and a man's sperm quality will improve. Accordingly, you can hope for a successful conception of the baby. It is recommended to adjust your diet approximately a year before planning pregnancy. Not a required item, but it really helps.

Bad habits

You should pay attention to the presence of bad habits in the couple. The thing is that scientists have already proven that people with a craving for smoking or alcohol have less fertility. More precisely, the presence of bad habits has a detrimental effect on pregnancy planning.

What does it mean? A year in advance (or better yet, even earlier), a man and a woman (she first of all) need to give up smoking and alcohol. It is also recommended to start leading an active lifestyle. The absence of bad habits is a huge plus that will definitely help you get pregnant. But this does not mean that people who do not drink alcohol or tobacco do not have problems conceiving. Nevertheless, even doctors advise eliminating bad habits. This is especially true for those who are diagnosed with infertility.

Lie down for a while, or “birch tree”

If you're wondering how to conceive a baby the first time, there are some slightly absurd tips to consider. But many women follow them. And at the same time, they assure that the methods really help conception.

For example, most representatives of the fair sex note that after unprotected sexual intercourse it is recommended to make a “birch tree” without getting out of bed. Or rather, carefully move towards the wall and lean your outstretched legs against the wall. And raise your pelvis a little. “Birch” is an exercise that is also often used. the first time? Various methods are offered. It is advisable to combine them all.

Instead of the described process, doctors recommend not getting out of bed immediately after intercourse. It is best to lie down for 15-20 minutes. And only after that you can go to the shower. This way, the most active sperm will not come out of the vagina with excess sperm.

A little about the influencing factors

Now it’s clear how to get pregnant quickly. Methods and negative factors (some of them) have already been proposed. What else affects the effectiveness of conception?

Among the most common problems are:

  1. Constant thoughts about failures to conceive. Many people recommend not focusing on the problem and not thinking about it. “Let go” and hope for the best. Actually this is not the best advice. Not thinking about failures and coming to terms with them is not as easy as it seems.
  2. Stress. To increase the likelihood of conception, you need to be in a favorable environment. Less stress. It is recommended to exclude it completely if possible.
  3. Constant pressure from relatives. Questions from the series “When will there be grandchildren?” very stressful. It's hard to believe, but they lead to problems conceiving a baby. Therefore, it is better to put a taboo on this topic.
  4. Heredity. We shouldn’t forget about her either. If women in the family had problems with pregnancy, then it is possible that this trait will continue to be passed on.

Now it’s clear how to conceive a child the first time. The rules are simple, but not everyone can follow them. You'll have to be persistent.

The conception of a child begins with the fusion of two germ cells, male and female, which carry genetic information. This fusion is called fertilization and is a complex process that is studied by doctors and scientists. After fusion, a fertilized cell is formed - a zygote. This is the initial stage of pregnancy, during which the fertilized cell divides, turns into an embryo and further forms the fetus.

What is the process of conception?

Before a child is conceived in the mother’s body, a full-fledged egg must mature in the woman’s ovaries. This process takes about two weeks and ends with ovulation. After the follicle ruptures, the mature female reproductive cell, which has a round shape and resembles the yolk of an egg in appearance, is captured by the fallopian tube.

The egg itself cannot move; the villi of the fallopian tube help it move. At the same time, sperm move towards them, the path of which runs from the woman’s genital tract through the uterus into the fallopian tubes. If the “meeting” occurs under favorable circumstances, a child is conceived. This becomes possible when the following factors coincide:

  • By the time the sperm enters the fallopian tube, the egg remains viable. The lifespan of a female reproductive cell is 12–24 hours (it is for this reason that the most favorable days for conceiving a child are the period of ovulation).
  • The sperm must “get” to the egg. Given their tiny size, they have to cover a huge distance in a very short time. And among the sperm, not all of them move in the correct way (forward), have a sufficient life expectancy and are able to penetrate the egg (conceive a child).
  • The sperm, having reached the egg, binds to its shell using special receptors. After this, a special bubble in the head of the sperm (acrosome) bursts, which dissolves the shell of the egg and penetrates inside. However, many sperm do not recognize the egg, and this reaction does not occur. And in some sperm, on the contrary, this reaction occurs spontaneously, before meeting the egg.
  • After the fusion of sperm and egg, a zygote is formed and the first cell division occurs, which takes from 6 to 12 hours. Further division leads to the growth of the zygote and its increase in size.
  • The fetus slowly moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus and, in the absence of obstacles, reaches its target and is implanted into the loosened and prepared wall of the uterus.

However, even when conception occurs, pregnancy does not always occur. In the case of adhesions, an ectopic pregnancy may occur (the zygote will not be able to reach the uterus); in the case of late ovulation, the future fetus will not be able to attach to the mucous membrane, which has already undergone changes and prepared for menstruation, or due to disturbed hormonal balance, the endometrium is not adapted to the attachment of the egg . As you can see, not only successful fertilization is important for conceiving a child and achieving pregnancy.

Planning your pregnancy

Gynecologists and obstetricians strongly recommend that future parents plan for the birth of a child and undergo appropriate preparation. The main problem that needs to be given maximum attention is to check the health status of both partners. If such an examination reveals diseases, they should be treated and waited for about 3 months, otherwise the diseases or medications taken may become an obstacle to conceiving children. This is especially true for sexually transmitted diseases. An examination by specialists should be carried out in advance, and not after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, this will save time and save you from stress.

How to properly prepare for conceiving a child?

Compliance with certain rules of preparation for future pregnancy is required from both parents. These include:

  • Both parents should visit a therapist and talk about the planned conception, and then receive directions for general and biochemical blood tests. This is required to assess the general condition of the parents and treat diseases, if any.
  • Also, before conceiving a child, you need to make sure that the parents do not have sexually transmitted diseases, genital tract infections, microplasmosis, HIV and hepatitis C.
  • Parents should give up bad habits, including drinking beer, cigarettes, and foods with preservatives.
  • A woman should also visit a gynecologist and have her reproductive system examined.
  • A man should take drugs to increase fertility (improving sperm quality), and a woman should take vitamin and mineral complexes to prepare for pregnancy.

How to choose the best day to conceive a child?

Many young couples believe that pregnancy should occur in the first month with unprotected regular sex. In fact, even if the future parents are completely healthy, pregnancy can occur after 3-4 months and even after six months or a year, this is not a deviation from the norm. You can speed up the appearance of children in a family by determining the appropriate day of the menstrual cycle (by calculating ovulation for conceiving a child).

This period is called the “fertility window” and lasts on average 6 days. At this time, ovulation occurs, and a full-fledged egg is ready to merge with a sperm. The ovulation schedule can be calculated using an ovulation calculator calendar or by measuring basal temperature.

It is the period of ovulation that is the best time to plan a child. With unprotected sex, there is a high probability of fertilization and pregnancy.

Is position important during conception?

This question remains open. Some argue that a couple should have sex in the missionary position, while other women believe that the position with the partner from behind is also suitable for successful conception of a child. There is also disagreement about how “turbulent” intimacy can be. Female orgasm leads to contraction of the vaginal muscles, which promotes the rapid movement of sperm. But scientists have not found evidence that the position and intensity of sex affects the likelihood of conception.

On what day can signs of pregnancy appear?

In most cases, a woman finds out about pregnancy by a delay in menstruation, which does not come on time. After the first day of delay, a woman’s new position can already be confirmed by conventional home pregnancy tests in the form of test strips.

However, in certain cases, it is possible to detect precursors that are observed after 5-7 days when children are conceived. This is the appearance of spotting or traces of blood on underwear.

This happens towards the end of the cycle, but even before the start of the expected menstruation and indicates the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity, accompanied by implantation bleeding. Implantation of the fertilized egg indicates pregnancy. At this stage, test strips may not show pregnancy, but an ultrasound and blood test will already confirm its occurrence. Therefore, if you want to quickly find out the good news, visit a gynecologist.

Later signs of pregnancy are symptoms of early toxicosis, for example, nausea in the morning. Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, appetite may suddenly disappear or, conversely, increase sharply. Increased sensitivity to odors may occur.

Active development of the embryo leads to growth of the uterus and enlargement of the abdomen for a period of about 4 months. Until then, the abdominal enlargement may not be noticeable.

What to do if you can't get pregnant?

According to observations, about 13% of couples who do not have serious health problems dream of children, but the woman is unable to get pregnant. A couple can be considered infertile if they have been sexually active for one or more years without using contraception, but the woman does not become pregnant.
If you cannot get pregnant for a long time, future parents should undergo examination. It is important that the man also visit the doctor and get tested, since problems in the reproductive system can occur not only in the expectant mother, but also in the future father.
The purpose of the examination is to identify the cause of infertility. And after that, of course, do everything possible to ensure pregnancy occurs.

  • Disorders of the male reproductive system can be different - from varicocele or infectious diseases to deterioration in sperm quality for an unknown reason. A man does not always require surgical treatment or hormones. For example, in the case of inflammatory processes, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs. And in the case of an insufficient number of sperm capable of fertilization, you may need to take Speroton, a drug that has proven effective in this situation.
  • Disorders of the female reproductive system also have a different nature: from hormonal problems to stress. Conceiving a child can be prevented by high levels of prolactin, or lack of ovulation, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, thin endometrium, various inflammatory processes, etc. A woman's treatment for infertility is selected depending on the cause. In particular, women with reduced fertility due to insufficient endometrial thickness, irregular cycles or high prolactin levels may be prescribed a Pregnoton complex with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and vitex extract.
  • Male and female factors of infertility simultaneously detected in approximately 20% of infertile couples. Moreover, the reason may be precisely in the partnership - for example, immunological incompatibility or a mismatch in the combination of genes of the future parents. Or it may be that fertility is reduced in each of the parents, which ultimately reduces the likelihood of conception to almost zero. It is important to note that often the cause of non-pregnancy is sexually transmitted diseases, which are asymptomatic in both partners. In this case, it is enough for the future parents to undergo a course of treatment.
  • Idiopathic infertility e – a situation when examinations show no abnormalities in either a man or a woman, and conception does not occur.

The main thing is to remember that today medicine can solve many problems that cause infertility. And specialists will certainly select the most effective one for your case. Modern reproductive specialists have a variety of remedies in their arsenal - from proven vitamin and mineral complexes to assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

The process of conceiving a child is a natural moment of the birth of life. Its duration is individual: how long fertilization will occur largely depends on the functioning of the body of the expectant mother and father. As a result of the fusion of 2 cells, an embryo is formed, which develops in the womb of a woman and after 9 months greets this world with a joyful cry.

How to conceive a child: rules

Some time after the wedding, couples ask themselves the main question - having children. It is not always possible to get pregnant on the first try, and future parents resort to detailed study of the features of the stages of conception. Often the process is long-term under the influence of unfavorable factors: structural features and functioning of the body, chronic pathologies, hormonal imbalances, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, and so on.

The basics of successful conception lie in following a number of preparation rules:

  • A visit to the doctor to make a prognosis for the appearance of pathologies in the fetus and the expectant mother. Both partners need to undergo laboratory tests (general blood test, biochemistry, test for hormone concentrations, other tests for infections), and have an ultrasound of the genital organs.
  • If there are indications (genetic pathologies in parents or older children), consultation and examination with a geneticist is recommended.
  • Treatment of chronic diseases in the mother to avoid exacerbations and complications during pregnancy. The necessary immune vaccination is carried out at personal request.
  • Balanced diet: regularly consume fresh vegetables and fruits, avoid processed foods and fatty foods.
  • Mandatory cessation of bad habits.
  • Regular exercise. It is important to avoid overheating and dehydration.
  • The partner should not wear tight underwear and should not visit baths and saunas during the planning period due to the risk of overheating of the groin area.
  • Take into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, try to conceive on the right days in the middle of the cycle (ovulation). To determine them, you can use special tests or build a graph of basal temperature.
  • Regular sex life 1-2 times a day in the correct position for conception.

Sexologists note 3 successful positions for intercourse:

  • Missionary- the woman lies on her back with her legs spread, and the man is on top. The sperm enters the uterus, from there it goes straight into the fallopian tubes and does not flow out.
  • On the side- the woman lies on her side, her knees bent under her, her partner behind her.
  • Doggy pose- the woman is on her knees, and the partner is located behind her. The position ensures that sperm reach the egg quickly. Popular belief claims that this position increases the chances of having a son.

When conceiving twins, the hereditary factor and the increased concentration of sperm in the eaculate play an important role. Experts recommend abstaining from intimacy for 3 days. The thick consistency of sperm increases the chances of conception.

When planning a pregnancy, it is important for the mother to drink vitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the necessary nutrients. It is also recommended for both partners to take folic acid orally in a prophylactic dose of 0.4 milligrams 3 months before the expected conception.

Folic acid deficiency in a partner reduces the number of healthy sperm and contributes to the formation of pathologies in the fetus.

When using oral hormonal contraceptives, it takes 3 months to fully restore fertility after stopping use.

What happens after intercourse

After sexual intercourse, sperm penetrate the female body. Each of them has an X or Y chromosome. This determines what gender the child will be born to the couple. There is no clear answer to how long it will take for an egg to be fertilized.

Spermatozoa are able to remain active for 9 days. A woman cannot feel the micromovements of male cells from the inside. This is a secretive and painstaking process that requires a certain period of time.

Sperm mature over 2-3 months, so it is important for the expectant father not to smoke or drink alcohol during this period. Toxins slow down the motor activity of sperm in relation to the mature egg. X-rays and radiation should also be avoided.

Conception process

An indicator of the speed of the conception process is the partner’s fertility - the ability to give birth to a new life. It depends on the woman’s age, health status, structural features of the genital organs and the functioning of the body.

The egg, which looks like a small anatomical spherical formation, is responsible for the process of conception in the body. On the outside, the germ cell is covered with a dense membrane that protects the nucleus from external damage.

The cycle of the female reproductive system repeats monthly. Under the influence of hormones, eggs mature in the ovaries. As a result of the active growth of follicles, they swell and rupture. At the same time, one female cell emerges from them, rarely several are formed per cycle.

The ovulation phase begins approximately 14 days after the end of the last menstrual period.

The onset of fertility is indicated by the appearance of the following signs:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • scanty bleeding;
  • breast pain and tenderness;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • changes in taste preferences and sense of smell.

It is possible to determine ovulation by measuring basal temperature, which is measured anally in the morning without getting out of bed. An increase of 0.5 degrees indicates a favorable period for conception.

It is advisable to determine luteinizing hormone in morning urine using a special test. Its presence indicates impending fertility. You can also find out on what day ovulation will take place from a gynecologist during ultrasound diagnostics.

Fertilization of a cell occurs in stages and takes several days.

Day 1 - Fertilization of the egg

Initially, male reproductive cells enter the uterus through the vagina. The path then continues along the fallopian tubes, where there is a possibility of meeting a mature egg. She retains the ability to become fertilized within one day. The egg moves towards the uterus until it meets a sperm. According to statistics, only one flagellate is able to penetrate predominantly into the female reproductive cell.

How fertilization occurs is shown in the picture.

The head of the sperm entered the egg, dissolving the walls. The tail of the flagellate fell off, and the male and female reproductive cells merged. Now the surface of the egg has changed: one whole has formed - the zygote. Other sperm cannot enter the cell.

The most favorable period for conceiving a baby is the first few hours after ovulation. At this time, the chance of new life appearing increases significantly.

2-4 days - Zygote division

The zygote is a complex complex of cells. Already a day after its formation, cell division begins, which lasts for 96 hours. After this period, the embryo already consists of 32 cells.

The zygote fragmentation scheme is carried out by daily doubling of cells. This process occurs at all stages of human development, including the movement and implantation of the fertilized egg.

Day 5-7 - Embryo transfer

When the unborn child is born, the process of attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity occurs. The fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes from the 4th to the 7th day. For 3 days the embryo is in search of a place for attachment. During this period, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

After 4 days, the zygote changes into a blastocyst. At this stage of formation, villi appear, intended to nourish the embryo.

During the movement of the fertilized egg, an active release of hormones begins, which ensure the preservation of the existing pregnancy. The hormone progesterone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, is responsible for maintaining the viability of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy.

Day 7-12 - Implantation

Once the fetus is moved, the important process of implantation begins.

This stage occurs gradually:

  • The embryo implants into the lining of the uterus, which fills with fluid. As a result, the fertilized egg is closely pressed against the endometrium.
  • The embryo interacts with the uterus through the villi.
  • The final period is the destruction of the uterine mucosa and its attachment to the mother’s circulatory system. From this time the period of bearing the baby begins.

Implantation may be accompanied by slight, scanty discharge of blood that leaves the uterus and does not pose any danger.

If you have scanty bleeding for 10-14 days, you should consult a gynecologist.

Violation of the above stages of baby formation can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy. As a result, another menstruation will occur.

13-20 days - Delayed menstruation

The probable occurrence of pregnancy after sexual intercourse is indicated by a delay in menstruation.

At the same time, the fastest way to understand whether there is a pregnancy in the early stages of conception is to do an analysis to determine the level of hCG in the urine (test) or blood (in the laboratory).

After successful implantation, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to be intensively produced. Under the influence of this hormone, a woman experiences morning sickness, constant drowsiness and weakness. Many may feel tingling and pulling in the mammary glands and lower abdomen. The production of hCG begins after 7 days of fertilization, the concentration increases with each day of delay.

After what time to do the test, it is individual for each woman and depends on the menstrual cycle. Early diagnosis of pregnancy should be carried out no earlier than 12-14 days after the expected conception.

The result should be assessed in the first 5-10 minutes after dropping the test into a jar of morning urine. The appearance of even a weak second stripe means conception has taken place. All tests should be performed early in the morning: the concentration of hCG is higher, the results are considered accurate.

For reliability, the early study should be repeated 2 more times with an interval of 2-3 days. When pregnancy has occurred, it can be determined by an ultrasound examination, which will show the fertilized egg and the place of its attachment.

Women may experience delays outside of pregnancy. A normal disruption of the menstrual cycle is the absence of menstruation for 5-7 days. In case of late delays under conditions of a negative pregnancy test, you should consult a gynecologist.

Possible symptoms in a woman

The first symptoms of pregnancy may appear even before your period is missed.

There are a number of first signs:

  • Weakness, tired appearance.
  • Mild nausea in the morning.
  • Change in taste.
  • Darkening of the nipples, increased sensitivity and breast enlargement.
  • Increased sense of smell.
  • Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.
  • Scanty vaginal discharge.
  • Runny nose, sore throat with a slight increase in temperature.

The onset of pregnancy is signaled by the appearance of pulling spasms in the lower abdomen and lower back, and a frequent urge to urinate.

It is impossible to say for sure what a girl feels during the period when a couple has successfully conceived a baby. For women, the time when she bears a child proceeds individually with characteristic features. It is important not to confuse early pregnancy with menstrual irregularities.

Useful video


All periods of life are described in cycles. We come into this world and are a new unit of society in the future, creating a similar continuation. For a sexually mature couple, this process is natural and the only thing that is required of them is not to use contraception during sexual intercourse. Nevertheless, in practice, more and more people are faced with the problem of conception. Every year, about 30% of young couples turn to doctors asking if they can’t get pregnant, what to do and what measures need to be taken to ensure that the baby is healthy.

The primary task is to figure out how to conceive a child the first time and whether this is possible in principle. We will also consider all effective methods for conceiving a baby of a specific gender.

How to get pregnant quickly the first time?

When planning a pregnancy, you should definitely pay attention to the following factors:

  • Duration of the menstrual cycle. According to statistics, it is more difficult to conceive for women whose monthly cycle is more than 28 days, as well as for those who do not have a regular cycle. This pattern can be explained by the fertile period, i.e. ovulation. This is the time (mid-cycle) when eggs leave the ovaries. This means that for those who have a 28-day cycle, this happens on the 14th day. But here it is worth identifying some reasons that lead to failures: frequent stressful situations, heavy physical activity, hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is not possible to calculate the date of ovulation.

If a dilemma arises about how to get pregnant faster, you need to correctly calculate the time of rupture of a mature follicle. For women with irregular periods, only the temperature measurement method is suitable.

  • Life expectancy of seminal fluid in a woman’s genitals. Average sperm activity indicators are 3 days. Thus, you can quickly get pregnant if sexual intercourse occurs 2 days before ovulation. At the same time, for maximum seminal fluid activity, it is necessary to abstain from intercourse 3-4 days before the required date. It is this period that is favorable for fertilization - the sperm has time to reach the fallopian tube when the egg is released. In this case, the possibility of achieving a positive result reaches 25%.
  • Health assessment of partners. The quality and way of life, chronic diseases, past pathologies, termination of pregnancy - all these are factors that reduce the functioning of the reproductive system in a couple.
  • Sex during the fertile phase. If you adhere to this plan, the probability of fertilization is not high - up to 10%. Nevertheless, this is also an opportunity.

It is necessary to realize that even a fertilized egg may not have time to attach to the endometrium and leave the body along with the menstrual fluid.

According to statistics, every sixth woman planning a child can become pregnant the first time. However, if this does not happen, according to the recommendations of reproductive specialists, you must actively adhere to the plan, do not use protective equipment and wait for the long-awaited two test strips for half a year.

What to do to get pregnant?

Scientists conducted an experiment with the participation of more than 100 married couples who were ready to procreate. For six months, all participants adhered to a healthy lifestyle and had sex at least 3 times a week. Almost 60% achieved success within these 6 months.

Fertility level


You are the least fertile

During the menstrual cycle, which lasts on average 3-5 days, as well as several days after.

Are you fertile?

Sperm entering the body on these days can remain active until the day of ovulation.

You are in your most fertile period

11 - day when ovulation most likely occurs

For those planning a pregnancy, this is a favorable period.

You may still be fertile

There is always a chance that ovulation occurred later than planned.

You are the least fertile

If you are trying to conceive, this is the time you are least likely to successfully complete the task.

To successfully implement your plan for conceiving a child, you can listen to the following tips:

  1. The optimal age of childbearing for a European woman is from 25 to 33 years. If we take neighboring countries, this figure increases by 2-3 years.
  2. Pay close attention to the amount of fluid you drink. It would seem that this aspect has nothing to do with childbirth, but the quantity and quality of cervical lubrication depends on this indicator. The so-called leucorrhoea is a kind of incubator for sperm and the more there are, the higher the chance of preserving the vital activity of sperm.
  3. It is necessary to calculate ovulation by entering data into the calendar over several months. Also, special mobile applications and pharmacy tests have been developed for this, which significantly facilitate the task of miscalculations and eliminate the risk of making mistakes.
  4. 2 days before the expected release date of the egg, you should not use contraceptives.
  5. Also, do not forget about oral contraception. Each type requires a certain period of overexposure (most often 3 months) after which you can try to get pregnant.
  6. Men and women are not recommended to wear underwear that restricts movement.
  7. Before sex, you should not take hot baths or visit the sauna.
  8. It is desirable that the peak of pleasure (orgasm) be achieved by two partners.
  9. As it turns out, most newlyweds conceive a child while on vacation at sea.
  10. After intercourse, do not get out of bed immediately. Initially, you should place a pillow under your buttocks, with your legs placed as high as possible, for example, leaning against the wall.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the regularity of the fertile phase. There are cases. When a woman does not have such a period, doctors artificially stimulate it.

In what position can you get pregnant quickly?

There is a widespread belief that by choosing the right position you can not only conceive a child, but also plan his gender. However, this concept is mythical and has nothing to do with reality. There is no such position in sex that would guarantee fertilization.

However, to reassure couples, experts still give advice on facilitating the entry of seminal fluid into the fallopian tubes. Firstly, this is the “birch tree” pose. It should be performed daily as an exercise to ensure good blood flow to the genitals. Secondly, the “dog” position in sex. It determines the deepest penetration and, accordingly, the fastest delivery to the destination.

How to get pregnant if you can't?


At least 2-3 months before your planned pregnancy, nourish your body with vitamins. Unfortunately, fruits and vegetables alone will not be enough, so you should pay attention to vitamin complexes with additional vitamin-like substances and mineral micronutrients. It is through the latter that the maximum benefit will be obtained. The most necessary ones that are emphasized in the composition are: E, C, folic acid, CA, Fe, copper, selenium and magnesium. With their help, the body heals and comes into the necessary tone for conception. You can ask your gynecologist about such drugs. If you start taking them within the specified period, this reduces the risk of congenital pathology of the fetal neural tube by 98%.

Regular sex

Sexual intercourse should occur at least three times a week. The maturation period of seminal fluid takes 9-11 weeks, while a single ejaculation removes 150-300 thousand sperm from the male system. It is for this reason that sex should be regular, but not frequent.

Folk remedies for conceiving a child

Doctors practicing alternative methods recommend a decoction of Ortilia lopsided to women planning to become a mother. The recipe looks like this:

  1. Take 3 tbsp. dried herb leaves.
  2. Pour 400 ml of boiling water.
  3. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour.
  4. Filter and leave for 2 hours.

Take the finished medicine instead of other drinks, 2-3 cups per day. It can also be diluted with traditional black tea without additives 50/50.

How to quickly get pregnant and plan the sex of the embryo?

There are many ways in which future parents have the opportunity to predetermine who will be a boy or a girl:

  • use the ancient Chinese table of the relationship between the mother’s age and the date of conception;
  • according to the compatibility of the parents' blood group.

The gender of the baby is determined during the fusion of the egg and the sperm, while the dominant chromosome (X-girl, Y-boy) present in the latter will determine the gender.

There are also such reliable patterns:

  • it has been proven that sperm with an X chromosome live up to three days and move many times slower than their male counterparts, who, in turn, are active for only one day;
  • however, there are significantly fewer Y chromosomes in the seminal fluid.

If we take into account the characteristics of chromosomes, the following features emerge:

  1. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl, sex should occur 3 days before ovulation.
  2. Those wishing to have a boy should accurately calculate the date of release of the egg and have sexual intercourse on this day.

If you cannot get pregnant over a long period and all independent attempts by the couple remain unsuccessful, you should turn to a reproductive center for help. This is where they will help determine the true cause and, if necessary, it is possible to use in vitro fertilization or another suitable method.

In conclusion, we can say with confidence that the main factors lie within the couple itself. For some, this is a psychological barrier of self-doubt; for others, it is insufficient preparation and awareness of parenthood. In any case, all that is required for conception is love and an understanding that a healthy lifestyle, full of positive experiences, will help achieve quick results.

Only those who become pregnant by accident do not think about the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time. All couples planning a child, at the very first, starting stage, ask themselves the question of how to increase the likelihood of conception, because even a healthy man and woman may not conceive a baby.

It is impossible to calculate the probability of conception with mathematical accuracy, just as, alas, it is impossible to fully understand all the factors that influence this sacrament. But all those planning need to start by understanding the rules that, to one degree or another, increase the chances of getting pregnant as soon as possible, and sometimes even the first time. We will talk about them in this article.

Rule No. 1 – “Choose favorable days”

The desire to have a child alone is not enough to conceive one. You need to clearly understand during which periods of the female menstrual cycle conception is most likely. A man is fertile by default all the time, and a woman’s fertility is directly dependent on her own cycle.

Immediately after menstruation and during menstruation it is almost impossible to get pregnant, and immediately before it is also impossible. Only the middle of the menstrual cycle, when a woman ovulates, is ideal for conception.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

A woman can calculate the approximate day of her ovulation using a special calculator or independently, armed with a calendar and a simple pencil. If a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days on average (from the beginning of one period to the beginning of another), ovulation occurs on the 14th day. The starting point is the first day of menstruation. If the duration of the cycle is 30 days, then you should wait for the “important day” on the 15th day.

Difficulties may arise in women with irregular menstrual cycles. In this case, they should make two calculations - determine the middle of their shortest cycle and the same day of their longest cycle. The result will be a range of 13-16 days or 14-18 days; it is on these days that you should expect ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from a ruptured follicle. From this moment, fertilization is possible within 1-1.5 days. If the sperm does not penetrate the egg within the allotted period of time, the egg dies and you will have to wait until the next ovulation to try to conceive again.

Male reproductive cells are more tenacious: sperm can retain its morphological and other properties for 3-5 days.

Sperm may well “wait” for the egg to leave the follicle, already in the fallopian tube. That is why the optimal days for having sex for quick conception begin three days before expected ovulation and continue for 1-2 days after this date.

A calendar of days favorable for conceiving a baby can be drawn up in advance in order to better plan the rest of the preparation, including the active phase. If a woman does this using an online calculator, she can not only calculate the best days of the month, but also print out a calendar so that she always has it at hand, without having to try to reproduce the dates of fertile days in her mind over and over again.

You need to learn to listen to your feelings. On the eve of ovulation, libido changes: sexual appetite increases, discharge becomes more viscous and abundant, its structure reminiscent of raw egg white, and breasts may become more sensitive. On the day of ovulation, many women notice short-term, rather noticeable pain in the side on the right or left. This is how the follicle ruptures and the egg is released.

If you concentrate on your feelings in the middle of your cycle for several months, you can learn to almost accurately determine the most favorable period for conception.

Many people use the method of measuring basal temperature. Every morning, before getting out of bed, women measure the temperature in the rectum and make a chart. During the period of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply, and then, if conception is successful, it rises rapidly. This method is good, but only in combination with compliance with the other rules for successful conception.

If there is no time to draw basal temperature charts, and there are no special sensations, and besides, the cycle is irregular, a woman can use pharmacy express tests for ovulation, and also visit an ultrasound room to use ultrasound scanning to track the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg. Ultrasound today is the most accurate way to determine days favorable for conception.

Rule #2 – “Have Sex Right”

Too frequent sexual intercourse during the month of active planning does not increase the likelihood of quickly conceiving a child, as some people think, but only reduces it. With frequent contact, a man’s sperm becomes more “liquid”, that is, the concentration of germ cells in the seminal fluid decreases, the amount of ejaculate itself decreases, and this directly affects the likelihood of getting pregnant.

The best composition of seminal fluid will be if a man has intimate contact with his partner no more than once every 2-3 days. Moreover, after menstruation, it is better to refrain from contact for 4-5 days, and then by the time before ovulation, the sperm will be the most concentrated and of the highest quality. A couple of days after expected ovulation, sexual intercourse should be performed every other day.

It is absolutely obvious to everyone that sexual intercourse, the purpose of which is to conceive a child, must be unprotected. This means that contraception such as condoms, vaginal suppositories or pills should not be used. The act should not be interrupted or incomplete.

It is also not recommended to use intimate gels and lubricants. Such products, although they facilitate the act, add pleasant sensations to partners, have a detrimental effect on the state of the microflora of the female vagina, on its acidity level. Lubricants also negatively affect sperm motility. Douching before sexual intercourse is not necessary for the same reason.

Women often wonder if position plays a role during ejaculation. For a healthy woman, without anatomical features, the position in which sexual intercourse will be performed does not matter.

But women with a slightly backward curved uterus may have problems with the unimpeded and rapid penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. They are recommended to use the knee-elbow position, in which the man completes sexual intercourse from behind. This position ensures deeper penetration - the path that sperm have to travel is significantly shortened, which increases the likelihood of conceiving a baby the first time.

The “cowgirl” position is not very suitable for conception, because most of the sperm that enters the vagina flows out. The classic “missionary” position is considered quite favorable for conception. Spouses usually have their own favorite poses and their combination in their arsenal. You shouldn't attach too much importance to them. The main thing is to ensure deeper penetration of seminal fluid at the moment of ejaculation.

After sexual intercourse, a woman is recommended to stand in the “birch tree” position for about 20 minutes, when the woman’s legs are higher than her head. You can lie down after intercourse for half an hour, simply throwing your legs on the wall or headboard. Don't immediately get up and run to the shower. If the goal is conception, you need to give the sperm time and create all the conditions for their easier movement through the genital tract, uterine cavity and fallopian tube to the waiting egg.

You should not treat sexual intercourse as a mechanical process of conceiving a child. Try not to think about conception or calculate the likelihood of getting pregnant. According to long-term observations of reproductive specialists, couples who have sex with pleasure and love get pregnant more quickly.

A woman’s orgasm increases the likelihood of a quick conception, and love, trust and a feeling of gratitude to her partner for the pleasure she provides create an optimal psychological background for the accomplishment of the great sacrament.

Rule No. 3 – “Objectively assess the health of your partners”

Problems with reproductive abilities can occur in both women and men. That is why doctors recommend starting planning for a child with a visit to the medical office. Sometimes a healthy man and woman cannot conceive a baby for a long time, despite all their efforts. We can talk about the possibility of conceiving the first time only if both partners are completely healthy and everything is in order with their reproductive health.

There is only one way to verify this - by visiting a doctor. A woman is recommended to consult a gynecologist, and a man - a urologist. If any deviations are identified, it is better to postpone planning until complete recovery, so as not to worry in vain.

In the planning process, the most painful thing is the psychological perception of failure. If you did everything right, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur again, understanding the fiasco is difficult not only for women, but also for men. In order not to waste your nerves, it is better to start planning for your son or daughter, firmly confident that everything is in order with your health.

It is also important to evaluate your well-being on days favorable for conception. If a woman is ovulating as planned, and her husband has a viral infection and a high fever, conception may not take place, even if sexual intercourse is successful.

Spermatozoa are very sensitive to many factors. Illness, fatigue, stress in a man, any ailment can significantly reduce his ability to fertilize.

Rule No. 4 – “Prepare to conceive in advance”

The chances of getting pregnant the first time will be higher if partners begin preparing for the fateful cycle in advance. About three months in advance, a man should start taking vitamins. There are special vitamin complexes enriched with folic acid, zinc and selenium. These substances are very important for the composition of sperm.

Spermatogenesis (the process of production and maturation of sperm) lasts about 3 months. This is exactly how long it takes for the sperm composition to be “renewed”. It will be good if during these three months a man not only takes vitamins designed for the stronger sex, but also dietary supplements to improve sperm quality.

For three months before the expected conception, a man should refrain from working with painting materials, paints and varnishes, acids, salts of heavy metals, radioactive materials and substances.

A man should not frequently visit the bathhouse and sauna, or turn on electric seat heating in his car, since the temperature effect on the testicles has a detrimental effect on the composition of sperm. You should also avoid wearing tight underwear and tight pants.

A woman should start taking folic acid a couple of months before conception. It, of course, does not increase the likelihood of getting pregnant, but this substance accumulates in the body. If conception takes place, folic acid will tenfold reduce the likelihood of congenital deformities and malformations of the baby.

Additionally, you can take multivitamins, the composition of which was created specifically for expectant mothers and those planning to conceive.

Both spouses should abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages at least three months before conception. The process of conception itself while intoxicated does not have much effect on a woman’s egg, but alcohol has a detrimental effect on the composition of a man’s sperm. Therefore, after a couple of glasses of wine, the likelihood of getting pregnant is lower than without them.

The ban on alcohol in this situation has the nature of prohibition. No matter how men try to justify “just one!” A glass of beer after a working day is definitely not good for reproductive health.

It can be more difficult for a woman who smokes to get pregnant than for a non-smoking member of the fair sex. A man who is seriously thinking about conceiving a healthy child and becoming a father should also reduce the amount of nicotine consumed, or better yet, completely give up this harmful habit at least for the period of planning to conceive a baby. Preparing for conception also includes avoiding drugs or psychotropic medications.

If one of the spouses took antibiotics or hormones for therapeutic purposes, after the end of treatment you need to wait at least 1-2 months and only then start planning. Any addiction to medications, be it antipyretics or headache pills, is not the best companion for couples planning a baby. By the month in which conception is planned, it is better to give up any medications except vitamins.

Correcting the family's nutrition will also help prepare for conception. The diet of spouses who dream of becoming the mother and father of a healthy child must include meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, and a large amount of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.

It is more difficult for vegetarians to get pregnant precisely because of the lack of animal protein in the body, especially in men. A woman should give up coffee and strong tea a month before conception, this will increase the chances of conceiving quickly. A man should not eat fast food “masterpieces” - a large number of preservatives in them cause morphological deformities of sperm, which reduces fertility and increases the likelihood of conceiving a child with chromosomal abnormalities.

Rule No. 5 – “Get your thoughts in order”

Very often, women who try with all their spiritual strength to get pregnant encounter the opposite result. After many attempts without success, they stop “obsessing”, despair and unexpectedly become pregnant. History knows many situations when a desperate couple comes to terms with infertility and takes an adopted baby from an orphanage, and after a while becomes pregnant with their own. In such cases, people say that the couple was “rewarded by God.”

From the point of view of psychosomatic processes, the following happens: while a woman persistently plans and experiences unsuccessful attempts, she is in a constant state of stress. All her thoughts are only about whether she conceived this month or not.

They cannot be distracted by anything else, they painfully experience the onset of their next period, and on the last day of their period they are already planning a new cycle. The stress hormones that such women produce interfere with the normal production of female sex hormones, in particular, they reduce the concentration of progesterone.

It is progesterone that is necessary for normal conception and implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. When a woman calms down, stops planning and just lives and enjoys herself, progesterone production returns to normal and pregnancy occurs.

That is why before planning it is important to understand the main thing - stress interferes with pregnancy. Set priorities for yourself, find a place in your life for interesting work, educational and pleasant communication with friends, don’t forget about hobbies, make sure that you simply have no time to sit and worry about the fact that conception may not have taken place. Only a calm and measured attitude to planning can guarantee a quick pregnancy.

Don't forget that the feeling of love for your partner comes to the fore. When it is present, pregnancy occurs much faster than for couples who chose financial well-being, social security, fear of loneliness, or other reasons that have little to do with true love as the reason for living together.

What can prevent you from conceiving quickly?

Even if a couple does everything right, no one guarantees a quick conception. A lot of factors can interfere with fertilization. Thus, it may be puzzling that sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation does not lead to conception. This is possible if the sperm was unable to reach the egg, or if there was no egg at all.

Such cycles devoid of ovulation occur from time to time in every woman, even if she is completely healthy. If a woman has problems with her gynecological history, there is ovarian dysfunction, or hormonal imbalances, then the likelihood of an anovulatory cycle increases. Sometimes, despite all the calculations, ovulation occurs later than expected. Late ovulation occurs in approximately 5-7% of women at least a couple of times a year, and therefore doctors recommend continuing sexual intercourse even after the day of expected ovulation, once every 2-3 days.

Excess weight of a woman is one of the most common reasons for lack of pregnancy. The more extra pounds you carry, the more difficult it can be to conceive a baby. Hormonal levels in obesity, even mild obesity, undergo major changes.

If a woman decides to become a mother, sometimes it is enough for her to lose only 5% of her body weight for the attempt to be successful.

It is much more difficult for women with underweight. Girls who are too thin should definitely consult a doctor and gain the missing kilograms in order to have a chance of conceiving. The process of gaining kilograms with pathological thinness takes a lot of time, and it is almost always accompanied by the need for hormonal correction.

Sometimes the inability to conceive a child is due to genetic incompatibility of partners. This doesn’t happen too often, but this reason cannot be ignored. If a man and a woman are completely healthy and have not become pregnant for a year, it is worth contacting a geneticist, who will prescribe all the necessary tests to determine the compatibility of the partners. If their genomes are very similar, then conception is impossible.

Often, conception occurs, but the woman does not even know about it, since her next period comes on time or with a slight delay of a few days. We are talking about the so-called biochemical pregnancy. Fertilization occurs with it, but the fertilized egg fails to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

The second option is rejection of the implanted fertilized egg within a few days after implantation. The true reasons for this phenomenon are not fully known to science. Most often, according to doctors, the embryo that has gross chromosomal abnormalities that are incompatible with further growth and development does not take root. Also, the reason may lie in the insufficient amount of progesterone produced in the woman’s body, in autoimmune processes when the woman’s immunity rejects the embryo.

A woman can guess about a biochemical pregnancy by a delay of several days, by the heterogeneous consistency of menstrual blood with clots, as well as by a weakly positive reaction to a pregnancy test.

Some, especially those who want to become expectant mothers as soon as possible, begin to do them almost a couple of days after ovulation in the hope of seeing at least the “ghosts” of the second stripe. Usually, by the end of the first lunar month (by the first day of the delay), a weak second line may appear, but menstruation will still begin, darkening all the joy.

Is it possible to “order” the gender of a child?

All planning women have heard that the gender of the child can be “programmed.” So, popular rumor recommends having sexual intercourse before ovulation if you want a girl to be born. If you need an heir, then conception should be postponed until the day of ovulation on the first day after it. This opinion is wrong and here's why:

  • The sex of the child is determined by the sperm. If a sperm with the XX set fertilizes the egg, a daughter is born; if the sperm with the XY set succeeds first, we should expect the birth of a boy.

    Probability of getting pregnant - in numbers

    Reproductionists have calculated that the probability of getting pregnant the first time after competent preliminary preparation for a completely healthy young couple is only 11%. This is the maximum value, which cannot be increased by following the rules or using folk methods. If a couple has aggravating factors, for example, age, bad habits, chronic diseases, then the likelihood decreases proportionally.

    The probability of conceiving the first time for a woman aged 20-23 years is approaching 11%, and for a 30-year-old woman it is already reduced to 7%; for a woman over 36 years old, the chances of becoming pregnant the first time if all the above recommendations are followed is only 4% . However, there is no need to despair. According to statistics, 60% of couples of reproductive age become pregnant within the first six months from the start of planning. Every third couple becomes pregnant within 12 menstrual cycles, that is, within a year.

    An important event for the family should be approached philosophically, but be sure to prepare for it. Couples who go to conception with a conscious mutual desire to raise a child, from experience, have a greater chance of becoming successful parents who will be able not only to conceive and give birth, but also to raise and raise a worthy person.

    In a quarter of cases, when an egg meets a sperm, fertilization does not occur for reasons that are beyond the competence of medicine. They are inexplicable. Women whose age has “stepped over” 35 years have a 20% increase in the likelihood of conceiving not one, but two or three babies at once.

    In 40% of cases of family infertility, men are to blame, or rather deviations in the state of male reproductive health.

    Experts recommend visiting a doctor with complaints about possible infertility after a year of unsuccessful independent attempts. For couples in which the woman is over 35 years old, this period of time is reduced to six months.

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