Legal basis for defining the concept of “consumer market.” Consumer market: definition, basic concepts, structure, meaning and functions, infrastructure


consumer market - what is it?

consumer market (English), Verbrauchermarkt (German)

consumer market- this is a set of relationships that arise between sellers and buyers of works, services, goods, on the one hand, and their consumers, on the other; These are relations regarding the demand, supply and sale of goods and services for individual consumption, developing in trade, public catering, and in the field of paid services. The consumer market, its functioning, is determined by a system of socio-economic and organizational relations regarding the production and sale of consumer goods, socio-economic support for the livelihoods of individual social groups and segments of the population of a particular territory.

In modern conditions, the structure and volume of the consumer market largely depend on both the organization of the activities of retail enterprises and the structure of demand of the solvent population in a certain region. Mechanisms for regulating the consumer market presuppose both market regulation, carried out on the basis of self-regulation of demand and competition, and the presence of regulatory factors.

Today, the consumer services market offers simply a huge selection of services of various profiles. The purpose of such activities is to identify and satisfy the consumer’s needs for services, in the provision of which various firms and companies specialize. Among their many, at first it can be quite difficult for the consumer to choose the one that will be able to provide this or that service with the highest quality, however, by acquiring his own experience, studying reference and information materials, by obtaining information from third parties, he identifies those companies that perform their work the best qualitatively. As for the consumer market, the consumer goods market represents a huge number of companies, organizations and industries whose activities are aimed at meeting the needs of citizens for individual consumer goods, such as clothing, food, household appliances, etc. Today's administrative reform related to the consumer market is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the influence of administrative and legal authorities and at further economic development of subjects of the consumer market. The Decree of the Moscow Government “On the organization of control and administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of the consumer market and services of the city of Moscow” makes it possible to exercise control over organizations, enterprises and individual entrepreneurs whose activities lie in the mentioned area, in order to improve the quality of the products they provide and protect the rights consumers.

An analysis of the state of the consumer market gives an idea of ​​exactly how the Russian consumer market is developing and how the structure of retail trade is changing. Marketing research carried out within the framework of such an analysis shows changes in customer preferences, the difference in these preferences in capital cities and regions, determines the level of income of the population, the size and intensity of trade turnover, and also characterizes retail trade enterprises. By collecting such data throughout Russia, marketers are able to determine the preferences, behavior and mood of consumers.

..^at the surface of the phenomenon, these connections take the form of acts of purchase and sale, but in essence they are deeper. Specific forms of market relations are manifested in the quantitative and qualitative relations of the main elements of the market: demand, supply and price. Under the influence of these elements, the proportions between production and consumption are formed. The relationship between the elements of the consumer goods market (CPGM) is presented in Fig. 13.1.

The consumer market serves mainly the sphere of personal consumption of the population. It represents a complex

Rig. 13.1. V.tailkh" ligature ismeipov PTI111

new system. The composition and structure of the consumer market can be classified according to:

regional basis;

purpose (market of food, non-food products, cultural and household goods and household items);

channels for selling goods.

This classification makes it possible to identify the markets of regions and individual goods within the entire consumer market to analyze their development and achieve proportionality of supply and demand both in the country as a whole and by region, individual goods, as well as purposefully form the structure of consumption of goods by the country's population.

The consumer market is characterized primarily by the share of food and non-food products in its composition. In turn, each of these components of trade turnover is divided into separate product groups. For example, food products include bread and bakery products, meat and meat products, confectionery, etc. The detailed structure of each group represents an assortment of goods (for example, Ukrainian bread, Minsk bread, etc.

The food market is characterized by the following specific features:

wide interchangeability of goods according to their functional purpose, which determines the absence of pent-up demand;

seasonality of production of a number of food products, which causes significant seasonal fluctuations in realized demand;

extensive links between trade and production;

the coincidence mainly of the timing of production of goods with their consumption;

limited shelf life of some food products.

The market for non-food products differs from the food market in its wider assortment, high degree of updating, significant changes in demand under the influence of fashion, the absence of natural restrictions on the size of consumption of goods, pronounced individuality in the demand of the population, a clear distinction between goods according to their functional purpose, high demands of the population for assortment and quality goods.

The market for cultural, household and household goods is characterized by:

long periods of consumption;

deferred public demand for certain products;

pronounced influence of scientific and technical progress and living conditions of the population;

the social nature of the use of many items;

organization of additional services for the operation of a number of products, sale of spare parts.

These features determine the uniqueness of approaches to forecasting demand and forming the structure of trade turnover. For example, it is impossible to correctly determine the prospects for the development of demand without having data on the availability of durable goods among the population.

During the transition period, the consumer market takes on various forms, and new channels for selling goods to the public appear.

Based on the channels for selling goods, the consumer market can be divided into organized and unorganized.

The organized market covers the sale of goods through an officially registered trading network of shops, tents, kiosks, and public catering establishments of all forms of ownership. This category also includes the sale of goods to the population directly by producing enterprises and organizations, as well as by collective and state farms that sell goods received through exchange transactions and trade transactions directly from their own farms.

The sale of agricultural products in urban markets covers their sale by peasants, farmers and individual citizens.

The unorganized market covers the sale by private individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities of goods produced in the republic and brought from countries near and far abroad, through free trade in specially designated places (stadiums, clothing and mixed markets, etc.) or on the streets , squares and other places.

The most important element of the market is demand. Demand is a solvent need presented by buyers in the market to realize their interests. Demand is always specific and has quantitative and qualitative certainty. At the same time, demand is dynamic and changeable. Under certain conditions, he can switch from one product to another.

The potential volume of demand for all goods or for a specific product is usually called actual demand. It is measured by the amount of money that buyers can allocate to purchase the entire mass of goods or a specific product at a given price level. However, not all funds intended for the purchase of goods are sold on the market. Some of them remain with buyers for various reasons, while some of the actual demand is not satisfied. In this regard, demand, being an effective need, can take various forms.

There are realized, unsatisfied, emerging and rush demand.

Realized demand is demand that results in the purchase of a product. It constitutes the bulk of actual demand and is measured by the amount of money spent on the purchase of goods, or the volume of goods sold on the market. An indicator of realized demand is retail trade turnover. It shows what needs for goods and what part of them are satisfied in society over a certain period of time. At the same time, part of the needs does not take the form of demand, but is satisfied through public consumption funds and income from private farming for personal consumption. Therefore, the demand is narrower than the need.

Unsatisfied demand is part of the demand actually presented by the population, which at one time or another was not realized due to the low quality of the product, high price or lack of product on sale.

Assessing unsatisfied demand is necessary to correctly calculate the volume and structure of demand for goods. The basis for its determination is the materials of a special survey.

Emerging demand is a set of new requirements made by buyers for the consumer properties, quality and external design of goods, which may entail the need for a significant restructuring of production and trade assortment. The amount of emerging demand is assessed through special surveys, customer surveys and other methods. Excessive demand is typical for those product groups for which there is a shortage.

Demand is formed under the influence of many factors, which can be combined into the following groups:

social: social structure of society, level of cultural development, fashion, professional composition of the population, etc.;

economic: the level of development of the production of goods, the monetary income of the population, the level of retail prices and their ratio, the ratio of commodity and non-commodity forms of consumption, the degree of provision of the population with durable goods, the state of trade services, etc.;

demographic: population size, the ratio between urban and rural populations, its gender and age composition, family size and composition, population migration;

natural and climatic conditions, traditions, scientific and technological progress, contributing to the emergence of analogues and the emergence of new types of goods;

political factors, unforeseen emergencies.

The influence of these groups of factors on the formation of demand is not the same. The most significant factors determining the demand for goods are presented in Fig. 13.2.

In order to study, form and forecast demand, macro- and micro-demand are distinguished.

Macro demand includes:

demand in its entirety, presented throughout the country or regions;

the demand of various social strata of the population - workers, employees, collective farmers and the urban and rural population in general;

demand for individual groups or types of goods (food and non-food products, and within them - for enlarged groups - fabric, shoes, radio products, etc.).

Micro-demand includes:

Income Product price Demand for product “I? Figure 1І.2. Factors determining the demand for a product

demand of the population of small territorial units;

demand of various social groups of the population (for example, by income level, age, education, etc.);

demand for certain types and varieties of goods within product groups.

A distinctive feature of consumer demand is the frequency or frequency of its presentation. In accordance with this, demand is divided into everyday (for food products), periodic (for non-food products), rare (for durable goods), impulsive, arising under the influence of product supply or due to imitation of fashion.

There are two forms of satisfying demand: individual and collective.

In the individual form, each consumer himself makes the decision to purchase goods depending on the availability of funds; with collective, the type and quantity of goods for purchase are determined by a group of consumers or are formed centrally.

The following pattern in demand changes is observed. As incomes increase, the scale expands and the structure of demand for food products changes. The population, mainly its wealthy segments, is placing increasing demand on livestock products, sugar, vegetables and fruits. As income increases, as income increases, food that is better in nutritional value displaces food that is worse, and when food needs are satisfied, each additional increase in income goes toward non-food items.

The population's demand for consumer goods is characterized by volume and structure. The volume of demand is the amount of money that the population exchanges for goods. It is determined by the size of the purchasing funds of the population, and in an unsaturated market, also by the size of the unsatisfied demand of the population. The structure of demand characterizes the relationship between individual product groups in retail trade turnover, related to their importance in meeting the reasonable needs of the population, the degree of complementarity and replaceability of goods in the process of sales and consumption.

An important element of the market is supply.

Product supply should be understood as the quantity and quality of goods that are on the market or can be delivered to it. Manufacturers, presenting op-

7 3ak,2281 193 a limited amount of goods, they strive to sell the product of labor in such a way as to recoup costs and obtain maximum income.

The volume and composition of product supply directly depend on production. However, supply and the products produced in society at any given moment do not coincide either in volume or composition. This depends on a number of reasons. For example, part of the produced agricultural products, which goes to the needs of personal consumption of commodity producers and the formation of seed, fodder and other funds, does not take the form of a commodity supply. Exports and imports of goods also have a significant impact. In particular, exports reduce the supply of goods on the domestic market compared to production, and imports, on the contrary, increase it.

Thus, supply can be considered as the result of production activities in the form of a commodity mass intended for sale. The components of aggregate supply are current production, inventories of goods, and imports.

Aggregate supply factors include the availability of domestic resources, production costs, price levels, imports and prices for imported goods, taxes, the level of scientific research and technology.

The growth of production and the development of scientific and technological progress contribute to an increase in the supply of goods on the market and the expansion of domestic and foreign trade.

Supply and demand are two interdependent categories. Supply is formed under the influence and taking into account the demand of the population, and demand is formed and realized thanks to supply. You cannot buy something that is not produced and not offered on the market, and aimlessly produce something that will not find recognition among buyers. Produced products can be sold if they meet the demand of the population in terms of consumer properties and volume.

The relationship between supply and demand characterizes the state of market balance.

Market balance is distinguished by volume and structure, for the country as a whole and individual regions, and according to cost and physical indicators. Market equilibrium is a manifestation of proportionality in economic development.

The degree of change in demand and supply under the influence of one or another factor characterizes their elasticity.

Elasticity of demand is a concept that characterizes the degree of response of the purchased quantity of a product to fluctuations in its market price and household income. Elasticity of supply characterizes the relative change in the volume of production and supply of goods in connection with the movement of its price on the market.

Price, being a form of expressing the value of a product, can deviate from it under the influence of supply and demand. At the same time, it significantly affects their ratio. When the price of a product increases, the demand for it usually decreases, and when the price decreases, it increases. The supply changes directly depending on the price. The price most often decreases with an increase in supply, and increases with an increase in demand.

Typical types of dependence of supply and demand on price are presented in Fig. 13.3 and 13.4.

As the price of a product increases from P\ to P2, its sales volume (demand) decreases from Q2 to Q! (see Fig. 13.3), and the quantity of goods offered for sale (supply) increases (see Fig. 13.4). When the price decreases, the opposite trend appears.

The dependence of demand on price compared to the dependence of supply on price is more flexible, because demand is more elastic.

Demand, supply and price, being the main elements of the market, are in a constant dialectical relationship, which reflects the operation of the economic law of supply and demand. But the relationship between supply and demand is formed not only under the influence of this law. The law of supply and demand in the process of its action integrates the system of eco-

O 0.Q Volume of product application

Rig. 13.4. Supply curve

R. nomic laws. Its action is significantly influenced by the law regulating the amount of money in circulation. When there is an excess amount of money in circulation, the relationship between supply and demand changes. The relationship between the elements of the market mechanism can be represented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 13.5).

Solid lines show a direct relationship between changes in the value of market elements, dotted lines show the inverse relationship.

The most important prerequisite for ensuring proportionality between supply and demand is to improve the practice of studying and forecasting demand and the relationship between trade and industry and agriculture.

The development of the consumer goods market is characterized by market capacity. This is the main parameter of the market.

Market capacity is understood as the possible volume of sales of goods over a certain period of time. Demand determines the market capacity, i.e. that part of the product supply that can be sold in exchange for means of payment of the population at a given price level, volumes and physical structure of production and consumption of goods. Market capacity can be determined by the formula

Ep = QH + Def + I - E + Sp - Up - Ek + Ik,

where Ep is market capacity; QH is the national production of a given product in the country; OPR - the balance of inventory in the warehouses of manufacturing enterprises; I, E - import, export; Ik, Ek - indirect (the product is used in another product) import and export, respectively; Sp, Up - decrease, increase in inventories of goods from consumers (sellers), respectively.

Market capacity is calculated both in monetary and physical terms. Knowing the market capacity and trends in its changes, the manufacturer has the opportunity to assess the prospects of a particular market for itself. Market capacity changes depending on changes in effective demand, product supply and retail prices. This is important

Price Offer

Rice. 13. Connection with the element of the mechanism

an indicator for assessing the volume of trade turnover, the size of the necessary commodity resources, the level and ratio of prices for goods. As the monetary income of the population increases, effective demand and the market capacity determined by it increase.

In order to make decisions on market management, it is necessary to study its conditions.

Market conditions are a set of specific economic, social, political, organizational and other conditions that determine the relationship between supply and demand at any given moment. In the economic sense, the situation characterizes the economic situation on the market under the influence of existing processes and phenomena.

When studying market conditions, the task is not only to determine its state at one time or another, but also to predict how it will develop further. Forecasting market conditions makes it possible to timely develop measures to develop positive trends.

The consumer market is a flexible system of direct and reverse connections between production and consumption. Its problems are related to relations that arise in the sphere of production and manifest themselves in the sphere of circulation. The most important characteristic of the efficiency of market functioning is the degree of balance between structural-volume and quality-assortment demand and supply.

It should be noted that for the second half of the 40s - the end of the 80s, the characteristic trends were a decrease in the share of food products and an increase in the share of non-food products in the volume of trade turnover. Similar trends are observed in developed foreign countries. However, since the beginning of the 90s in the CIS countries there has been a sharp increase in the share of food products in the volume of trade turnover.

The functioning of the consumer market, like other spheres of the economy, during the transition period is carried out under the influence of the state. Managing supply and demand requires multivariate forecasting developments. 13.2.

The consumer market is a set of relationships that arise between sellers and buyers of works, services, goods, on the one hand, and their consumers, on the other; These are relations regarding the demand, supply and sale of goods and services for individual consumption, developing in trade, public catering, and in the field of paid services. The consumer market, its functioning, is determined by a system of socio-economic and organizational relations regarding the production and sale of consumer goods, socio-economic support for the livelihoods of individual social groups and segments of the population of a particular territory. The consumer market is one of the most important areas of the market economy, being an indicator the level of social development of society, since the economic and social components of the national economy directly intersect here.
Consumer market - a market of buyers formed by individuals and households who buy or otherwise acquire goods and services for personal consumption. It includes retail stores, catering establishments, and retail markets.

The consumer market is a significant area of ​​economic activity, where socially necessary labor costs for the production of goods are identified and established, and the final product is sold. This sphere connects the consumer with products and goods, without which it is impossible to maintain his life activity or satisfy his needs and interests. The importance of the consumer market is evidenced, for example, by the fact that its expansion is traditionally viewed as an indicator of the growth in the well-being of the population. In our opinion, the success of socio-economic reforms should consist not only in increasing the monetary income of the population, in developing and strengthening the social sphere, but also in providing citizens with the opportunity to use the income received to purchase high-quality and safe goods, works and services.
The very concept of “consumer market” has long been included in the legal and economic vocabulary. The works of legal scholars in this area raise the following questions:
- complexity of the mechanism of the consumer market of the Russian Federation;
- socio-economic significance of the consumer market in a market economy;
- definition of the term, i.e. the concept of “consumer market”.
The term “consumer market” is primarily associated with the legislative codification in the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on
protection of consumer rights) of a new subject of the considered area of ​​legal relations - the consumer. In this case, it is necessary, in our opinion, to turn to the very concept of “consumer”, presented by the legislator in the preamble (introductory part) of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.
Consumer - a citizen who intends to order or purchase, or who orders, purchases or uses goods (work, services) solely for needs not related to business activities.
It is immediately necessary to stipulate the special powers of state bodies in the legal regulation of relations in the field of consumer rights protection. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 1 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, “relations in the field of consumer rights protection are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and this Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them.”
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 1 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights The Government of the Russian Federation does not have the right to instruct federal executive authorities to adopt acts containing norms aimed at protecting consumer rights. Thus, the legislator narrows the scope
publication of legal acts by certain entities and eliminates duplication of regulations in the field of consumer protection.
Having studied the works devoted to the problem under consideration, we can state that some authors consider the concept of “consumer market” as administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market; at the same time, concepts are refracted and analyzed through the prism of administrative and legal regulation and market functioning. Other authors associate the concept of “consumer market” with the concept of “consumer”, which is presented by the legislator in the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. The authors believe that the consumer market itself is limited to the sphere of trade, performance of work, and provision of services.
Lawyer N.N. Taskaev, analyzing this problem, understands the consumer market as the area of ​​activity associated with the sale of goods (services), orders, execution, acquisition and use of work (services) purchased by the consumer exclusively for household (personal) needs not related to making a profit. Lawyer V.N. Ulyanova interprets the issue more broadly, arguing that the consumer market is a set of relations for the sale of goods, production and provision of services and works, as well as for the implementation of rules related to their sale, established, controlled and protected by the state, i.e. rules of trade and provision of services.
So, in order to realize, evaluate and correctly understand the significance of such a concept as “consumer market”, and then give its clear and unambiguous definition, it is necessary to consider in a generalized form such concepts as “consumption”, “needs”, “consumer market" and simply "market", as well as "consumer law", which modern legal scholars are increasingly talking about.
The etymology of the words consumer and market should also be considered. What is consumption? This is the use of a social product in the process of satisfying needs, the final phase of the reproduction process. Consumption is divided into industrial consumption and non-productive consumption. Depending on the type of goods consumed, the consumption of material goods in material form and the consumption of services differ.
According to the method of satisfying needs, consumption can be individual or collective. Consumption is organically linked to production, distribution and exchange.
Production is carried out for consumption and determines its level and structure. In turn, consumption actively influences production, stimulating its development. In the context of linking various types of consumption to the definition of the consumer market, this is a system of various relations between the seller and the consumer, between them and the state represented by its executive bodies (officials), arising regarding the sale (realization) of goods, the performance of work and the provision of services, and their quality , compliance with the requirements for the sales process, as well as connection with the activities of sellers (manufacturers, performers) in connection with the sale of goods, works and services. Let's move on to the concept of the market. In general, it is a system of economic relations that develop in the process of production, circulation and distribution of goods, as well as the movement of funds. More generally speaking, the market is a sphere of exchange (circulation), in which the connection between agents of social production in the form of purchase and sale occurs, that is, the connection between producers and consumers, production and consumption.
Speaking about consumer law, we can characterize it as an independent branch of law in the Russian Federation, which arose in the early 1990s. Consumer law is a complex branch consisting of norms of various branches of law (civil, administrative, criminal) regulating relations to meet the material, cultural and other needs of citizens.
To summarize, we can say that the consumer market is the social and legal relations that arise between the state, the manufacturer (manufacturer), the performer, the seller and the consumer in the process of manufacturing, execution, sale, operation, disposal and other stages of the life cycle of goods, works and provision of services.
1.3 General characteristics of buyers

Characteristics of buyers - determination of the distinctive qualities and properties of the buyer. A buyer or a group of buyers can be characterized by many characteristics, properties and qualities - from personal and psychological, to geographical and social. For example, the buyer is characterized in terms of his creditworthiness, the concept of which includes his additional characteristics according to a number of other characteristics. What matters here, in each individual case, is the presence of established characteristics in a particular buyer or group, and all cases of determination are individual. The characteristics of the buyer are used in sociological research in order to unite them into groups according to characteristic characteristics - social class, education, age, gender, marital status, geographical and demographic indicators, while normative, statistical, scoring, expert and other methods can be used in the assessment .

The inhabitants of the territory can be represented from two points of view. On the one hand, residents are one of the resources of the territory, on the other hand, residents are the main consumers of all other resources of the territory and public benefits of the territory. In a general sense, to consume is to use or spend something to satisfy one’s needs. Consumption is the receipt and use of something, for example, products (services, ideas) in order to satisfy a person’s needs and desires. The consumption process involves making a certain choice in terms of the significance and primacy of one’s needs and desires. Consumption is not just getting something, but it is also a certain purposeful activity, search, comparison, choice. In this sense, consumption as a decision-making process comes close to finding the best, the need for an inquisitive search, which corresponds to the expression “seek and ye shall find.” Consumption is rather the acquisition (active activity of the person himself to search and receive) something. Only the consumer can evaluate how satisfied or dissatisfied he is. The best possible satisfaction of the consumer's needs and desires determines his preference in favor of a particular product (service, idea). Residents of a territory are the end users of the resources and public benefits of the given territory. Analysis of the needs, desires and expectations of the inhabitants of the territory, recognition of their right to choose and protection of their rights, the desire to maximally satisfy their needs (needs, desires, expectations), and stimulate consumer preference should form the basis of modern theory and practice of territorial management. You should study consumer behavior, try to predict and, if possible, influence consumer behavior.

Consumer behavior is influenced by various factors:

1. Individual differences that depend on individual capabilities, knowledge, attitudes, motivation and interest, personality, values, lifestyle.

2. Environmental factors: culture, social status, personal influence, family, situation; psychological processes.

3. Psychological processes: information processing, learning, attitude change and behavior.

Knowledge and correct use of these factors influencing consumer behavior makes it possible to achieve a highly effective impact on a person in order to form a certain attitude and influence a person’s behavior when choosing a territory as a place to live, visit, or do business.

Typically, the market is understood as the totality of all potential consumers who have a need and have the opportunity to satisfy it in goods of a certain industry.

Consumer goods markets are characterized by mass consumers, diverse competition, and a decentralized structure.

The functioning of the consumer market is a complex mechanism of interaction between social, economic, legal, administrative, political and other elements.

Target principles

Target principles of the consumer market include:

  1. The principle of consistency of state interests with the interests of other market participants.
  2. The principle of priority of the social component in the system of goals and objectives of market regulation, meaning, first of all, the primacy of demand over product supply.
  3. The principle of subordinating local interests to general ones, meaning the correspondence of the system of goals of each market participant with the strategic and current goals of the state, as well as each individual element of any market subsystem with the nature of the entire subsystem;
  4. The principle of necessity and sufficiency.
  5. The principle of priority of goals, which does not accept the dissipation of efforts on solving momentary, non-essential tasks.
  6. The principle of commensurability of the goal and the means of achieving it, necessary as one of the conditions for the effectiveness of market regulation.

Government regulation

The main goal of state regulation of the consumer market is to optimize the needs, interests and goals of all its participants, united for the necessary achievement of socially significant and acceptable goals. Solving the problems of regulating the consumer market is aimed at providing conditions for the harmonious development of individual, collective and public needs for goods and services, which can be considered as a guarantee of sustainable development of society. The mechanism of state regulation of the consumer goods market is also based on certain principles, the observance of which allows one to effectively achieve the designated goals.

Market segmentation


see also

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See what “Consumer market” is in other dictionaries:

    A buyer's market formed by individuals and households purchasing or otherwise acquiring goods and services for personal consumption. See also: Buyers' markets Consumption Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

    - (consumer market) The market for consumer goods (consumer goods), in contrast to the sectoral market for industrial goods, the buyers of which are not final consumers. Business. Dictionary. M.: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. Graham... ... Dictionary of business terms

    Consumer market- see Consumer market...

    Individuals and households purchasing goods and services for personal consumption...

    Consumer market/CONSUMER MARKET- market segment covering the population of a country or region; The capacity of this market segment is determined by effective demand (consumer spending) of various age, social and other groups of the population... Explanatory dictionary on the information society and the new economy

    market of goods and services- consumer market The sphere of exchange of goods or groups of goods and services between commodity owners, service providers and buyers, formed on the basis of the division of labor. [GOST R 51303 99] Topics trade Synonyms consumer market ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Market Flea market in Lianozovo, Moscow, 05/30/2009 ... Wikipedia

    In marketing, a set of existing and potential buyers of a product. There are five types of buyer markets: consumer market, producer market, government market, intermediate seller market and international market... Financial Dictionary

    Market- An economic category of commodity production and circulation associated with a system of economic relations, which is determined by the method of material production. R. is a form of communication between commodity producers. The sphere of commodity... ... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    - (see CONSUMER MARKET) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law


  • , O. N. Svechkin. The consumer market as a sales process is based on three pillars --- these are annual sales of products, the “lifetime” of sold products and the volume of sold products in operation...
  • To the dealer about modeling the consumer market. Three pillars and the spontaneous memory of the market, O. N. Svechkin. The consumer market as a sales process is based on three pillars - these are annual sales of products, the “lifetime” of sold products and the volume of sold products in operation...

Each of us often has to go to the store for groceries, clothes and other goods. It is also common for a person to visit a hairdresser, fitness club, cafe, or use the services of a travel agency. Therefore, each of us is part of market relationships.

What is the consumer market

This is a set of relationships that arise between buyers and sellers of various goods, services, and works. People buy various goods for personal consumption. The main goal of the consumer market is to satisfy the needs and serve the user.

Consumer market classifications

Markets can be divided into types according to different criteria.

There is a classification according to the object that is offered to the consumer:

  • consumer services market;
  • consumer goods market.

The latter can be divided into food and non-food markets.

The market is quite wide, as manufacturers and traders offer more and more new This segment is divided into types according to different types of food products. We can distinguish such main types as the market for meat and fish, dairy, bakery, confectionery goods, the market for cereals and pasta, etc.

Naturally, the market is much larger. This is due to the wide variety of these products. The main types of non-food markets are furniture, clothing and footwear, cars, household and computer equipment, dishes, carpets, plastic products, medicines, automobile fuel and much more.

The market for consumer services can be classified according to their type:

  • medical;
  • insurance;
  • hairdressing, manicure;
  • fitness, sports;
  • baths, saunas;
  • assistance in finding something, such as rental housing, work, etc.

But the most important thing for every person is the division of the consumer market on a territorial basis. For example, market:

  • Moscow;
  • Stupino;
  • Ivanovo;
  • Obninsk, etc.

After all, much of what you find at every step in Moscow will not be so accessible to a resident of Stupino.

Market structure

The structure of markets in different regions may be different for certain reasons:

  • the presence of specific enterprises and organizations in a given territory;
  • level of solvency of the population of a given region.

For example, in a large city, on the same street there may be a beauty salon, a fitness club, a hypermarket, and a gas station. Whereas in a small regional center there may not be a beauty salon, a fitness club, or a hypermarket. This is understandable, because who would visit them in a small town? These establishments are designed for people with a certain income level, and there are more such people in large cities.

And, perhaps, the most important question for the ordinary person is, can he get everything he wants at his place of residence?

The consumer market infrastructure is a combination of all types of retail facilities, as well as service facilities.

What influences market changes

The development of the consumer market is reflected in the functioning of the trade and services sector. Growing incomes of the population causes structural changes in markets. This is reflected mainly in the shift in consumer demand from food to non-food products. They began to buy more construction goods, phones, tablets, household appliances, shoes and clothing, furniture, jewelry, etc.

Retail chains are expanding and developing in the following areas:


In the Moscow region, the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services regulates the activities of trade, services and public catering. His area of ​​control also includes the provision of funeral services, alcohol trade, lottery sales, wholesale trade, and consumer services.

This management body sets itself the goal of increasing the level of trade turnover, promoting healthy competition, saturating the market with goods, stabilizing prices, etc.

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