Use protection during menstruation. Calendar of conception and days of safe sex

Every woman who is sexually active should ask the question: “On what days of the menstrual cycle is it possible to get pregnant?” For some, this is necessary to avoid an interesting situation, while for others, on the contrary, to achieve a much-desired pregnancy. In order to make the most accurate calculations, many schemes and methods have been invented, so let’s take a look at some of them.

The answer to this question is quite simple and may disappoint those women who are looking for a way to avoid various methods of contraception. There are no reliable days of the menstrual cycle in nature. It’s just that on some days the probability of being in an interesting situation increases, and on others it decreases, but there cannot be a completely safe period.

When using a calendar for protection, it is customary to consider the most “reliable” days to be a couple of days on the eve of critical days, and a couple after their end. This method of contraception should be used only if the menstrual cycle is stable. Determine the length of your cycle. On average, it is 28-32 days; accordingly, the possibility of getting pregnant increases during the ovulation period on days 12-16 of the cycle.

This calculation is quite relative, because the processes in the female body are directly dependent on many reasons. This could be stress, illness, hormonal fluctuations, climate change, taking medications, etc.

Calendar of safe days of the menstrual cycle: learning to calculate

This is not an easy task. This requires advance preparation; try to study the nature of your menstrual cycle over several months, or even a year. During this period, methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy using hormonal therapy are excluded. Mark the passage of menstruation and any changes in the cycle in a special menstrual calendar.

If the course of your critical days is irregular, then the likelihood of calculating “safe” days for conception is reduced to zero. It is possible to choose another type of contraceptives.

For those whose menstrual cycle has only minor fluctuations, the calculation is as follows:

  • Over the observed period of time (at least 6 months), identify the two menstrual cycles with the longest and shortest duration.
  • Subtract the number 18 from the short cycle. This will give you the value from which the “dangerous” period will be calculated. Example: 26-18=8.
  • Subtract 11 from the longest cycle. This gives you the upper limit of numbers when you should be careful when making love. Example: 32-11=21.

Based on the example, we see that from days 8 to 21 of the menstrual cycle there is a high probability of pregnancy.

Dangerous days for conception: is it possible to get pregnant on the eve of menstruation?

The vast majority of cases indicate that the percentage of permissible conception of a fetus before menstruation is extremely insignificant. Here's why: when menstruation occurs, along with a layer of uterine tissue cells formed for the successful course of a possible pregnancy, an egg is released along with bloody discharge.

It is during this period of time that difficulties arise in the processes of attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. The hormones of a woman’s reproductive system are preparing for the next cycle, even if ovulation has occurred again, it is unlikely to become pregnant.

But still, in some cases, before the onset of menstruation, some women become pregnant, why is this?

If a woman’s health is fine, but she is not constantly sexually active, then the chance of getting pregnant increases many times over every time she has sex.

Thus, the body responds to an infrequent event, and “unplanned” ovulation occurs. By the time sperm pass through the fallopian tubes, a fully formed egg may be waiting for them.

A similar situation can occur if a woman is constantly sexually active, but her partner ejaculates not in the vagina, but through interrupted sexual intercourse. Substances that make up male lubricant can cause emergency ovulation. This can be avoided if sexual partners have a fairly active sex life over a long period.

Dangerous days for conception: is pregnancy real right after menstruation?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant immediately after the end of menstruation, but statistics and medical practice say otherwise.

This is possible for several reasons:

  • Sperm do not lose their viability and are ready to fertilize the egg within a week after penetration into the woman’s genitals.
  • It is often observed that during one menstrual cycle, not one, but several eggs are formed.
  • Not all women of childbearing age can boast of uninterrupted functioning of their body, especially considering the polluted environment and poor lifestyle. From this it turns out that ovulation does not occur strictly in the middle of the cycle; even in healthy women it can shift.
  • Because of this, the safe time period becomes shorter by several days before and after the expected date of ovulation.
  • In young girls, this is due to irregular menstrual cycles. In older women, there is a hormonal imbalance, for example, due to stress.

One thing is certain: contraception using the calendar method is unreliable.

Can menstruation serve as reliable protection against unplanned pregnancy?

It can be assumed that the risk of pregnancy in the early days of menstruation is minimal. At this time, unfavorable conditions are formed for sperm to achieve their goal, as well as for the connection of the egg with the walls of the uterus after its fertilization. The reason for this is sufficient blood secretion.

However, every rule has exceptions. Conditions that provoke “flying up” during critical days:

  • Menstruation lasts for a long time, less than seven days remain before ovulation, then the sperm can remain active in the woman’s genital tract and wait for the arrival of the egg.
  • If the cycle is irregular, and therefore the days for safe sexual intercourse are incorrectly calculated.
  • When a healthy girl’s menstrual cycle is suddenly disrupted due to a number of reasons.

Dangerous days for conception: counting the days with the greatest chance of getting pregnant

In order to accurately determine the days surrounding the conception of a child, some methods are used, tested by medical practice and women's experience.

We measure basal temperature

To do this, starting from the first day of menstrual bleeding, we measure the basal temperature. This is done in the morning at approximately the same hours, immediately after waking up. The most accurate information is provided by measuring basal temperature in the anus rather than in the mouth or vagina.

Some deviations may occur for the following reasons:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Excessive drinking the night before.
  • Sleep duration is less than six hours.
  • Less than six hours passed between having sex and the measurement process.
  • Taking medications, etc.

Keep a calendar where you will enter the graph and temperature values, filling it out daily. In the first half of the cycle, the temperature generally ranges from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees, and after ovulation it rises to 37 or more. If you carefully study the schedule, you can find out in advance about the onset of your ovulation.

When in the middle of the cycle, somewhere on days 12-16, the temperature drops, this foreshadows the release of an egg from the epididymis, ready for “fusion”.

This is a signal to have sex for women planning a pregnancy and to take care of barrier protection for those who do not want it.

Doing an ovulation test

This method gives a more accurate result and has moved with the times. The algorithm for using an ovulation test is similar to a pregnancy test. The only difference is that the first tests react to a different type of hormone - luteinizing hormone - LH. This hormone is secreted by the female body one or one and a half days before ovulation. Therefore, in order not to miss this event, it is worth doing tests every day at the same time. When ovulation passes, LH levels drop rapidly and the test will show a negative result.

Let's resort to ultrasound examination

The indication to resort to this method is the assumption of possible infertility. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound starting from the 10th day from the start of the menstrual cycle. The growth of the predominant follicle in the ovary is monitored. Having reached the required size, the follicle opens and releases a ready egg for possible fertilization.

It happens that this process does not lead to ovulation for a number of reasons; it may rupture or worsen.

When the doctor diagnoses the onset of a suitable period for conception, it is up to the sperm, which is necessary to inseminate the egg, and the successful implantation of the embryo.

The nature of the inner layer of the uterus plays an important role so that it acquires the necessary characteristics at the time of ovulation.

This technique is suitable for young ladies who have been wanting to, but cannot, become pregnant for a long time.

Method of individual sensations

Many women experience certain sensations and desires that are unique to them every menstrual cycle. By carefully observing yourself, you can accurately determine your own ovulation. Of course, this method will not provide high guarantees, but the receptivity of a certain number of women allows you to correctly mark the days for future pregnancy.

Here are some of the signs:

  • Mild pain in the area of ​​one ovary or uterus.
  • A sharp jump in sexual desire.
  • Mucous vaginal discharge, more abundant than usual. They do not look like discharge in the presence of infection, are odorless, have a transparent color, and also go away on their own after a few days.

It is worth noting that if any girl has critical days, at least once or twice a year so-called “reboots” occur when she cannot get pregnant. In scientific practice they are called anovulatory cycles. But we hasten to console those who are planning a pregnancy, such periods of rest for the female body occur no more than twice a year.

Know that getting pregnant is an incredibly difficult, but at the same time very simple process, and with effort you can always achieve what you want. And those who want to refrain from its onset should carefully select a contraceptive method and keep a calendar of safe days of the menstrual cycle.

How to calculate safe days of the cycle so as not to get pregnant, what methods are there for this? This issue is very relevant for women who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to use contraceptives approved by official medicine. Indeed, safe days of the cycle exist, there are more than 20 of them. But, unfortunately, women often make mistakes in counting them, which leads to the onset of an unwanted pregnancy and abortion. And we would not recommend using a natural and calendar method of contraception on an ongoing basis. You are risking your health. Nevertheless, these are the very methods.

1. Determination of ovulation according to the calendar. The period when conception is possible is approximately the middle of the menstrual cycle. And its duration is counted from the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the next one. For example, if the cycle is 30 days, then ovulation will most likely occur on the 15th day. Let’s add to this three days on one side and the other, because sperm can also live in a woman’s genital tract for three days. And we get the most dangerous days of the cycle - from 12 to 18. It should be taken into account that these calculations are unreliable for women with an irregular menstrual cycle, and there are many of them. It is best to use not the duration of the last cycle to calculate, but remember how long it lasted for the last 3-4 months. And then, if necessary, add more dangerous days to your menstrual cycle calendar on one side and the other.

2. Ovulation tests. This method is more reliable, however, it will require some material costs. But this way you will be able to determine exactly the day of ovulation. And 2 days after it, safe days for unprotected sex will begin. They will continue until the onset of menstruation and even during it.
To save a little money, you can order ovulation tests in bulk on the websites of various pharmaceutical companies or even in Chinese online stores, where they are much cheaper.

3. Measuring basal temperature. The task is the same - detecting ovulation. Every day, approximately from the 10th day of the cycle, you need to measure your temperature in your rectum in the morning, in bed, and record the data. Before ovulation, the temperature will fluctuate around 36.8-36.9. A few hours before ovulation it can drop to around 36.6. Well, immediately after ovulation it will increase to 37 degrees and above. We count a couple of days from this moment, then the dangerous period will end.

4. Calculation using the program. On our website, a calculator will help you calculate the safe days of your cycle. All you have to do is remember the exact first day of your last menstrual period. This will be the start of your menstrual cycle. And also indicate the duration of the cycle, how many days it will last until the next menstruation. The safe days of the menstrual cycle that the calculator will indicate are determined quite accurately, just as you would do yourself, without a program. After entering the data and very quickly processing the data, you will see a calculation for three months. Moreover, there will be 9 dangerous days, for example, with a 28-day cycle. With a reserve so as not to make a mistake. With us, safe days in a cycle can be calculated online absolutely free.

There are other ways to figure out when you'll be ovulating. Usually during this period, libido increases, profuse vaginal discharge appears, and the stomach may tug a little. Some women report spotting vaginal discharge.

An ultrasound will very accurately determine whether ovulation is possible this month (it does not happen every month even in healthy women) and will indicate when with a very small error, if you come for examination in the middle of the cycle. But this method of detecting ovulation for the purpose of simply preventing pregnancy is, of course, very complicated. It’s easier to choose a good contraceptive and avoid going to medical institutions again.

Responsible couples think about how to protect themselves from untimely or unwanted pregnancy.

The modern pharmacological market offers a wide selection of contraceptives for both women and men. There are a number of reasons why using such products on a regular basis is undesirable or impossible. These include the high cost of contraceptives, personal prejudices against a particular drug, and medical contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives. In these situations, pregnancy can be avoided using methods for calculating safe days on which sex does not lead to conception.

What days are considered “dangerous”?

The menstrual cycle is a natural change in the body of a woman of reproductive age. The average cycle length is a period of 28 days. The cycle can last from 21 to 35 days. Conventionally, the cycle is divided into 4 phases:

  • menstrual phase - the time of bleeding itself, lasting 3 - 6 days;
  • follicular phase - the time of maturation of the follicle (the place where the next egg is formed), lasts 14 days, the beginning coincides with the menstrual phase;
  • ovulatory phase - the time of follicle rupture, when the egg is ready for fertilization, lasts about 3 days;
  • The luteal phase is the period when the body produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are necessary for conception and gestation, lasting from 11 to 16 days. High levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood during the luteal phase are the cause of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women.

The essence of all methods for calculating days that are safe for unprotected sex is based on calculating the time of ovulation, when the egg ready for fertilization leaves the follicle. The risk of conception before and after ovulation is considered minimal.

Calculation methods and examples of calendars

Women should keep a cycle calendar. This is very convenient and will allow you not to constantly keep in mind the dates of the first days of menstruation. Methods for determining the time of ovulation:

  1. Calendar or rhythmic method.
  2. Measuring basal temperature.
  3. Ovulation tests.

For an accurate calculation, it is necessary to observe the last 3-4 cycles and record the results in the calendar. Based on the observation data, it will be possible to begin constructing an ovulation table.

Calendar method

The calendar or rhythmic method is the simplest and does not require tricky calculations. You can calculate the required days without pen and paper. The accuracy of this method is low; it is not worth using as a method of contraception.

In most cases, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to divide the number of days of the cycle by 2, count from the resulting number 4 days before (period of sperm viability) and 2 days after (ovulation time). The resulting period of time is considered the most favorable for conception.

For example, with a 28-day menstrual cycle, expected ovulation should occur on the 14th day. Days of the cycle from 9 to 17 will be favorable for conception, all others before and after menstruation will be safe.

Basal temperature measurement method

Basal temperature is body temperature when measured in the rectum. Its changes in women are caused by quantitative changes in hormones in the body, in particular the hormone progesterone.

This method requires daily measurements at the same time of day for 3–4 cycles. All results must be entered into the measurement table.

During the luteal phase, the amount of progesterone increases and reaches its highest concentration at the time of follicle rupture. During this period, the basal temperature fluctuates from 36.3◦ to 36.8◦. Before ovulation, there is a sharp jump to 37°C; this temperature remains until the start of the menstrual phase. The difference between the average temperature of the period before ovulation and the average temperature after should be at least 0.4◦-0.5◦.

For example, based on the results of observations for 3 months, the earliest ovulation occurred on the 15th day of the cycle, and the latest on the 18th, three days before 15 are considered dangerous, as well as 2 days after 18, we get a period favorable for conception - from 12 to 20. All the remaining days are considered safe.

The reliability of basal temperature measurements is greater than the calendar calculation, but is not sufficient to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy:

  • Based on this method, it is impossible to build a long-term forecast of ovulation dates. Women's bodies are subject to age-related changes and the cycle can change its duration;
  • Body temperature also rises for other reasons not related to hormones.

Using Ovulation Tests

This method is the most reliable way to determine the date of ovulation at home. All you need to do is buy a package of test strips and read the instructions for use; there is no need to calculate and record the results.

The tests themselves, both externally and in principle of operation, are no different from pregnancy tests and react to hormone levels. If the concentration of hormones is high, a second line will appear in the result field, which means a high probability of conception.

It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for the tests, as they may differ in sensitivity level. The manufacturer indicates the time at which the test must be performed - a period from 8 to 12 hours before sexual intercourse.

Risks and possible causes of errors in calculations

As when calculating safe days, there is a certain risk of conception when using hormonal contraception.

There is no method of contraception that guarantees 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

A woman’s body is constantly changing, age-related changes occur, environmental factors, lifestyle and habits change. All this, to one degree or another, can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Causes of changes in the menstrual cycle:

  1. Physiological - sudden changes in weight, stress conditions, changes in diet, change in climatic zone of residence, increase/decrease in physical activity.
  2. Pathological - associated with the presence of gynecological diseases.
  3. Medicinal - associated with the prescription or withdrawal of various drugs.

Only women with a regular menstrual cycle should calculate safe days. Such days are called “safe” only because the risk of conception is lower than immediately before and during ovulation.

A woman is capable of conceiving only 1-4 days a month. The lifespan of an egg, like that of a butterfly, is short, and in order for conception to occur, sperm must have time to meet it alive. Therefore, if you correctly determine the period of ovulation (it usually falls somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle), the risk of unwanted pregnancy can be minimized by being careful on fertile days and unlimitedly enjoying unclouded sex on all other days.

Not just mechanical counting

“We know, we know,” some will grin, “we tried to calculate all these days according to the calendar, and nothing good came of it.” And they will be right. You cannot rely on the so-called calendar method, which previous generations tried to resort to. If only because there are many women with an irregular menstrual cycle, and its fluctuations due to certain circumstances can occur in everyone. We will talk about a method based on signs of fertility. It is often also called symptothermal because it involves observing some external symptoms and measuring temperature. There is no need to abandon the calendar method, it’s just that its role will be rather auxiliary.

How to use?

The purpose of the method is to determine the beginning and end of a woman’s fertile period. To do this you need:

Observation of discharge. Shortly after the end of menstruation, women begin to experience mucous discharge. Their traces can be seen on underwear or on a paper napkin when visiting the toilet. If a woman feels wetness at the entrance to the vagina, it’s time to take precautions - although ovulation has not yet begun, the vaginal environment is already suitable for the survival of sperm (and in suitable conditions they can live for 3-5, or even 7 days). The closer to ovulation, the more clearly the character of the cervical mucus appears: at the most fertile time it is abundant, transparent and stretchable (similar to raw egg white). Extensibility can be checked by taking a small amount of mucus between your thumb and forefinger. Conception is possible until 4 days have passed after the peak of these symptoms. Then the discharge becomes dry or stops altogether, which means absolute safety.

Monitoring the condition of the cervix. This is not difficult to learn, especially for those women who are accustomed to using sanitary tampons. It is best to check the condition of the cervix with your middle finger (it is the longest). On fertile days, the cervix is ​​high and feels soft, like lips, and wet. On the day of ovulation, these signs reach their peak. After ovulation, the cervix drops down and becomes hard. 3 days after this, we can consider that the fertile period is over.

Measuring basal body temperature. Every morning, before getting out of bed, a woman should measure her basal body temperature during the cycle in the same way (in the rectum or vagina) and with the same thermometer. During ovulation, a woman's body temperature rises by 0.2-0.5 degrees. If the temperature has remained at an elevated level for 3 days, you can allow yourself to relax.

Additional signs of ovulation. Specific sensations in the abdomen, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, sudden changes in mood.

How to behave in “dangerous” times?

There is no need to explain what to do when “you can”, because everything is possible. When it’s “not possible,” you’ll have to change your sexual behavior. Each couple does this in accordance with their preferences. Strict advocates of naturalness can:

  • abstain from vaginal intercourse, temporarily switching to other forms of sexual intercourse;
  • resort to the technique of interrupting sexual intercourse;
  • take a break from your sex life.

Others can use condoms, diaphragms and/or spermicides.

Errors are possible

According to the American Johns Hopkins University, the probability of error with this method of protection varies greatly: from 20 to 99%, depending on the correct application. Unfortunately, mistakes are possible here due to inattention, especially in the first year of using the method, when the woman has not yet learned to observe herself.


  • No side effects.
  • Inexpensive or even free.
  • The method has no medical contraindications.
  • Sometimes this is the only possible method of family planning for those who, for religious reasons, do not allow other methods of contraception.
  • Instant restoration of fertility.
  • The method can be used not only to prevent, but also to plan conception.
  • The couple gains an understanding of the female reproductive system.
  • Men are involved in the family planning process.


  • The effectiveness of the method directly depends on the correct determination of the cycle phase.
  • It will take 2 or 3 menstrual cycles to master, and during this time it is necessary to use other means to be on the safe side.
  • Interferences such as high fever, vaginal infection, recovery from childbirth, breastfeeding and other conditions that affect discharge and body temperature can complicate the determination of signs of fertility, making the method unreliable or difficult to perform.
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.


Do some math. The calendar (or rhythmic) method is a mathematical calculation of the fertile phase.

Record the number of days of each menstrual cycle for at least six months. The first day is always the day the period begins.

From all the recorded cycles, select the shortest and longest. Subtract 18 from the number of the shortest cycle. The resulting number is the first day of the fertile phase. Subtract 11 from the longest number. The resulting number is the day it ends.

That is, if the shortest cycle is, for example, 26 days, and the longest is 32, it will look like this: 26-18=8; 32-11=21. This means that unprotected sex is safe before the 8th and after the 21st day of the cycle.

Despite the fact that calculations are made “with a reserve”, the calendar method is more helpful in determining the beginning rather than the end of the fertile period.


Are you afraid to take risks? Some consider menstruation to be a natural form of birth control. In fact, it does not always serve as a barrier to conception. Although unprotected sex is considered safe in the first 5-6 days of the cycle, sometimes the fertile period begins earlier. During menstruation, the appearance of cervical mucus is difficult to notice, so if you do not want to risk it, start protecting yourself from the first day.

Choosing a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is the most important issue that every woman decides for herself. There are many methods of contraception (prevention of pregnancy).

The physiological method involves counting the days of the menstrual cycle that are favorable and unfavorable for conception.

All specialists in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine agree on one thing: there are practically no absolutely safe days from pregnancy. During all days of the cycle, a woman retains the ability to conceive a child to a certain extent. On some days the chance of pregnancy is the highest, and on some days it is very low, but not zero.

According to doctors, one cannot be absolutely sure that fertilization cannot occur on the so-called safe days.

According to medical data, a woman’s body is susceptible to hormonal disruptions for a number of reasons:

Hormonal disruptions in the female body can cause a shift in menstruation, and, therefore, conception can occur on days that are safe, according to the woman’s calculations.

According to experts, days safe from pregnancy can be determined with confidence by having extremely regular periods that do not shift by a single day. Such cases are extremely rare, because a woman’s hormonal levels can change even depending on her emotional state.

In addition, according to the latest medical research, sperm contains a number of hormonal substances that can accelerate ovulation (the release of an egg ripe for fertilization from the ovary), which increases the chance of conception even on the safest days, according to a woman’s calculations.

It should be remembered that the risk of becoming pregnant to a greater or lesser extent exists on any day.

Methods for calculating days safe from pregnancy

Medicine has developed certain techniques for determining the days on which fertilization is least likely to occur. However, a woman needs to understand the fact that these can only be used to make approximate calculations, without one hundred percent certainty.

Calendar counting

The counting algorithm depends on its duration. Using this algorithm, you can determine the days of ovulation, that is, days on which the risk of conception is very high, as well as those days on which there should be practically no fertilization.

Algorithm for determining days safe from pregnancy in a long cycle

So how to calculate? The long menstrual cycle is thirty-five days. Its second phase takes approximately twelve to sixteen days. To determine the ovulation phase from thirty-five, it is necessary to subtract the number of days of the second phase. That works out to about twenty-three.

This means that approximately on this day after the start of menstruation, a mature egg will be released from the follicle (a kind of bubble in the ovary in which the egg is located and matures).

Within two days, the egg is able to merge with the sperm. To twenty three you need to add two.

Therefore, safe days in a long cycle will be approximately from the first to the fourteenth and from the twenty-sixth to the thirty-fifth day after the start of menstruation.

Algorithm for determining days safe from pregnancy in the middle cycle

The average length of the menstrual period is twenty-eight days. The follicle releases the egg on the fourteenth day.

You need to add two days to fourteen. As a result, it turns out that from the seventeenth to the twenty-eighth day, conception is unlikely to occur. And in the first part, the safe days will be from the first to the seventh day.

Algorithm for determining days safe from pregnancy in a short cycle

The short menstrual cycle is a period of twenty-one days. Therefore, the second part of the period is approximately twelve days. The egg leaves the follicle on the ninth day.

Therefore, safe days last from the twelfth to the twenty-first day.

Since the first phase in a cycle of this type lasts only nine days, and sperm in the female organs, as a rule, is viable for ten days, fertilization in the first part can take place at any time.

Anovular cycles

Doctors say that women experience anovular cycles (menstrual periods consisting of only one phase, menstrual bleeding is present, but the egg does not leave the follicle).

The anovular cycle is absolutely safe from pregnancy, since the female organs restore their functions during this period.

Anovular periods occur twice a year, but it is impossible to predict exactly when they occur.

The table below shows the relationship between the types of menstrual periods and the number of days of the first and second phases, as well as the periods with the lowest probability of conception.

Determination of basal temperature

A much more reliable way to determine days with high and low risk of conception is the method of determining basal temperature. This method involves measuring the temperature in the rectum. A woman should take measurements in the morning, while still lying in bed.

This technique requires attention and thoroughness. The results obtained must be carefully recorded and then entered into a table. Based on the data in the table, a graph is constructed.

At the very beginning of the period, the temperature is less than 37 degrees. During ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, and on the next day, on the contrary, it rises above 37 degrees until the end of bleeding.

Five days before ovulation and two days after it have the highest chance of fertilizing the egg.

Probability of fertilization during menstruation

During menstruation, the chances of getting pregnant are extremely low. Bleeding represents unfavorable conditions for conception. During this period, it is extremely difficult for the embryo to attach to the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus).

Pregnancy is only possible if a woman’s cycle is disrupted or if her menstruation is abnormally long.

In addition, women who have a short menstrual period have an increased chance of getting pregnant during their period.

Probability of fertilization during lactation

Previously, there was an opinion that fertilization is impossible during breastfeeding, since during this period the woman does not ovulate. But, according to recent research, follicles are able to mature even at this time. Therefore, fertilization is quite likely during lactation.

Since during lactation a woman has extremely irregular cycles, it is almost impossible to determine the days likely for pregnancy to occur at this time.


The physiological method of preventing pregnancy makes sense and is theoretically justified.

There are two methods for calculating days safe from pregnancy - the calendar method and the method of measuring basal temperature, the second of which is more reliable.

During the periods of lactation and menstruation there is also some chance of conception. It should be remembered that this method has a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is that it does not provide absolute certainty and guarantee.

For more information about the days when you are most likely to get pregnant, see the following video.

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