At what temperature should you call an ambulance for a child? How to call an ambulance for a child. Quincke's edema in children

At what temperature should an ambulance be called in a child?

    I call an ambulance for my daughter only when the temperature is above 38.8. You are doing the right thing, the ambulance will not be able to diagnose the child with any inflammation, but will simply give an injection of analgin with diphenhydramine and no-shpa.

    At this temperature and in the absence of other suspicious symptoms, I definitely don’t call an ambulance, since there is no point in it, you can just call a pediatrician at home. But if a one-and-a-half-year-old child’s temperature is 39 and above and continues to rise, and he reacts poorly to medications, then I will definitely call, it’s better to have them come and carefully examine him. IN as a last resort They will give you an injection that will reduce the temperature that is dangerous for such a baby.

    Yes, three years old children need to call an ambulance if the temperature is 39 and does not go down.

    Children under one year old need to call an ambulance if the temperature is 38 to find out the causes of the temperature. At this age, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Therefore, do not self-medicate.

    I think that you should start worrying at a temperature of 38.5. In this case, an antipyretic should be given at 38. But it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition child's breath, stomach, sleep, appetite, skin. You did everything right, but monitor the child’s condition at night; if you have the slightest doubt, call a doctor. If the night will pass Calmly, check your child’s skin in the morning; many viruses cause a rash, and this is a reason to consult a doctor. In any case, temperature is a protective reaction of the body and should not be ignored.

    For children under three months of age, an ambulance should be called at a temperature of 38 degrees or higher.

    For children under one year of age, we call an ambulance at a temperature of 38.5 degrees.

    Children under three years old will need an ambulance at a temperature approaching 39 degrees (38.7 and above).

    For all children older than 39 degrees, we immediately call an ambulance.

    I personally call an ambulance only if I can’t bring down the temperature on my own - this has already happened three times; with a purulent sore throat, it rose to 40 in my eldest son and did not fall.

    and of course, if the child does not have a suffocating cough - laryngitis, for example, rash, repeated diarrhea with pungent odor and signs of dehydration, poisoning and other things that cannot be cured at home according to the scheme of the local doctor, whom I always call the next day.

    Up to 39, if it’s viral or normal sore throat, I lower the temperature and don’t worry, since this is the body’s natural reaction to the disease.

    The first thing you need to look at is the age of the child. In general, it is not recommended to lower the temperature to 38.5 degrees. But if the child is very small, then a temperature above 38.5 should still be alarming. And for your peace of mind, of course, it’s better to call an ambulance.

    For example, I called an ambulance twice. Both times, against the background of a sore throat, the child’s temperature rose from 38.5 to above 39 degrees in just half an hour. And there was no way to bring it down with antipyretic drugs. That’s exactly what happened to us, then we definitely couldn’t do without an ambulance. Since, against the background of a high temperature, the child may begin to vomit and even have convulsions.

    Now, for example, I no longer wait for the temperature to begin to rise and begin to bring it down for the child, starting at 38 degrees.

    A temperature above 39 is dangerous for a child - there is a risk of developing so-called febrile convulsions, especially if the child is prone to them. Since babies still have imperfect thermoregulation centers, it is very important to use at high temperatures above 38 physical methods reduction temperature - enema with COLD water, maximum removal of clothing (DO NOT BUGGLE!), wiping the baby’s entire body with vinegar half and half with water or alcohol in a ratio of 1/3. If the temperature does not decrease within 30 minutes 1 hour, you must call an ambulance

    If the temperature does not drop by 3-4 divisions after taking antipyretics. And it lasts for half an hour, and then it starts to rise, you need to call an ambulance. Because you may not be able to control the high temperature and there will be a jump and it will rise a few more notches, and while the ambulance is traveling it may rise even more. Children have different bodies and each reacts differently. When I had small children, I also used antipyretics. But now there are grandchildren, I worry about them differently, because I have seen and learned a lot. But my granddaughter’s candles don’t help. And wiping with vinegar when the temperature is high is not effective. Tested more than once on many family members.

    I'll just write it correctly:

    1 -- An ambulance for a child under 3 years old should be called when the temperature rises above 39 degrees in armpit or above 40 degrees - rectal, if the child is under 2 months - above 38 degrees.

    BUT: In any case, call an ambulance if

    a) vomiting is observed 2 or more times along with the temperature (risk of dehydration)

    b) at a temperature with a rash, especially if the rash is bright or in the form of large spots, as this can be a symptom of a very dangerous infection- meningococcemia or meningococcal sepsis

    c) at a temperature with convulsions (convulsions do not necessarily occur at a high temperature, a rapid rise from normal to 38 degrees or even lower is sufficient)

    d) the presence of meningeal symptoms (triad: fever-vomiting-headache). Those who are trained can also determine the stiffness of the neck muscles.

An increase in temperature indicates that there is an inflammatory process in the body. But their meanings are varied: some indicate a struggle immune system with germs, and others about urgent care medical care. This begs the question, at what temperature should we call an ambulance?

An increase in temperature is considered to be a protective reaction of the body when any disease occurs. During this process, interferons and antibodies begin to be actively produced, but at the same time bacteria, fungi and viruses are destroyed.

High temperature is a threat to the body, as all internal organs are under great strain.
To measure temperature indicators, mercury or electronic thermometer. IN morning hours values ​​are usually lower by about one degree. This process is also observed during fasting and sleep.

U healthy person the temperature is usually kept between 36.2-36.8 degrees. If the thermometer readings rise above 38 degrees, then it is customary to talk about the development of an inflammatory process. In this case, the body can no longer cope with the infection on its own, since the limit for activating antibodies and interferons does not exceed this value.

An increase in temperature values ​​may indicate:

  • on the development of colds;
  • for the occurrence of intestinal infections;
  • for influenza infection;
  • for bacterial damage;
  • to intoxication of the body.

When the temperature rises, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the body.

First aid for fever

Many patients are interested in the fact that the first step is to find out her testimony. If the values ​​remain at 38-38.5 degrees, then you should not take medications with antipyretic effects.

In these cases, it is better to use some recommendations.

  1. Provide bed rest and rest.
  2. Maintain drinking regime. This process will remove all harmful microorganisms from the body and prevent dehydration from occurring. As medicine You can take Regidron. It contains salt, which allows you to retain useful material and water and remove all toxins.
    But you can do without it. It is enough to drink warm water, lingonberry and currant fruit drinks, raisin compotes.
  3. Wipe the body warm water or weak solution vinegar.

If the patient has a fever, everything must be done to cool the body. To do this, you need to remove the blanket and undress the patient.

It is strictly forbidden to use any warming procedures in the form of mustard plasters, cupping, or hot baths. This process increases blood circulation, which leads to the spread of microbes throughout the body.

Calling an ambulance to your home if you have a high temperature

At what temperature should you call emergency help at home? In medicine, it is customary to highlight several reasons when it is worth calling a doctor. These include:

  • acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • the presence of blood impurities in vomit or feces;
  • severe dehydration of the body;
  • violation respiratory function;
  • severe disorder in human behavior as a result of injury, inflammation or the use of chemical and psychotropic substances;
  • high body temperature, which is stable for three to five days.

An ambulance for adults should be called when temperatures exceed 39 degrees. In this case, it is worth considering the factor when an antipyretic drug is taken, but it does not help at all or the temperature rises again after thirty to forty minutes.

In addition to all this, the patient needs to pay attention to the presence of symptoms in the form of rashes on skin, painful feeling in the abdominal area; dehydration of the body.
When calling specialists, the following factors are taken into account:

  • duration of symptoms;
  • the presence or absence of a reaction to medications with antipyretic effects;
  • availability additional signs, their nature and severity.

If the patient has doubts about calling a doctor, then it is enough to call the nearest district clinic and find out everything from the registrar.

Calling a doctor for children

The worst thing is when the temperature rises in children. Their body is much weaker than an adult, and therefore it is more difficult to cope with the infection. Wherein elevated temperature They can have it for any reason, from teething to severe intoxication of the body.

A febrile state poses a danger to the baby’s life, since childhood There is a failure of many protective functions.
This begs the question, at what temperature do they call an ambulance for a child? This process is very important, since refusal to call a specialist and self-medication can lead to dire consequences.

Parents should remember when to call ambulance for the child.

  • When the temperature rises above 37.7 degrees in babies under three months.
  • When the temperature rises above 38 degrees in children from three months to six years.
  • When the temperature rises above 39-40 degrees in children over six years of age.

If your parents have already called a doctor, but the temperature has not dropped, you should go to an ambulance. For such situations, experts provide several recommendations.
As fast as possible ambulance must be called:

  1. when readings are above 39.5 degrees;
  2. with prolonged fever with a temperature above 38 degrees in infants;
  3. during development convulsive state, blueness of the face, deterioration of respiratory function, the occurrence of a painful feeling in the abdomen, the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  4. with the development of white fever, which is characterized by cold hands and feet at high temperatures;
  5. when refusing to drink.

Helping a child with a high temperature before doctors arrive

While the parents called an ambulance, several measures need to be taken to alleviate the baby’s condition. The first step is to free the child from clothes. It is better not to use diapers at all during high temperatures, as they lead to even greater overheating of the body.

Then you need to lay it on oilcloth covered with a sheet. After this, cover the baby with a light diaper and wipe with warm water. Cool water It is strictly prohibited to use it for wiping a child, as this process leads to vasoconstriction.

It is also prohibited to use vodka or vinegar, especially to lower the temperature in children under two years of age. Such activities lead to the development of intoxication as a result of evaporation of vapors.

If parents use antipyretic drugs to lower temperature values, then they should follow a strict dosage. The best medicines for kids will be Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in suppositories and syrup.

It is strictly forbidden to give Aspirin or Analgin to a child under five years of age without consulting a doctor. These medications are intended for children over twelve years of age and often cause disturbances in the process of hematopoiesis.

Don't forget about drinking regime. The baby should be offered to drink one teaspoon every five to fifteen minutes. If the baby refuses, then offer not only water, but, for example, mixed clarified Apple juice with water.

Upon arrival of the ambulance, doctors can give the baby an injection with lytic mixture. It usually contains Diphenhydramine and Papaverine. This remedy not only has an antipyretic effect, but also eliminates vascular spasm and an allergic reaction. It is prohibited to use this composition independently.

Many doctors say that you need to call an ambulance at a temperature above 39 degrees, and give an antipyretic when the temperature is not lower than 38.5 degrees. But this process applies to completely healthy children.

If u develops convulsive syndrome or there are pathologies with the heart, kidneys or liver, then it is worth giving an antipyretic drug already at values ​​of 37.5-38 degrees.

On average, the temperature lasts two days in adults, and from three to five in children. Therefore, if the baby does not improve on the third or fourth day, do not hesitate to call an ambulance or a doctor.

High body temperature and its causes

Elevated body temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body, which is a symptom of many diseases. During such a reaction, interferons begin to be actively synthesized in the human body, antibodies, foreign cells are absorbed and destroyed by leukocytes, and the protective functions of the liver are activated.

High body temperature poses a threat to the body as organs suffer of cardio-vascular system person, central nervous system etc.

To measure body temperature, you can use both mercury and mercury-free thermometers. In the morning it is usually slightly lower than in the evening. Indicators may also be slightly lower during sleep or fasting. It should be remembered that the normal temperature for different parts of the body is different.

The ideal thermometer reading for a healthy person is 36.6° C (however, it may change slightly during the day), but if it is above 38° C, then this may indicate a number of diseases: colds, infectious, inflammatory processes in the body .

First of all, it is necessary to fight the disease that causes the fever. The symptom may indicate problems in any human organ system.

Fever in a person can most often be triggered by the following factors:

What to do when a patient has a fever

If you have the first signs of any disease, you need to go to the clinic yourself or call your local therapist at home (the receptionist will tell you in what case and at what temperature to call a doctor).

When the thermometer readings are up to 38° C, there is no need to take any medicines, relieving fever. All that needs to be done is to provide the patient with a large amount of oxygen in the room, necessary to speed up metabolism, and drink plenty of fluids, because the patient loses a lot of fluid in this condition.

Drinking plenty of fluids also helps eliminate toxins and infections from the body. Special rehydration solutions (“Regidron”) help very well.

When a person has a high body temperature (above 38° C), taking antipyretic drugs (except aspirin, which negatively affects the health of organs of other systems) can improve his condition.

You can also use physical methods to combat fever:

  • wiping with water;
  • rubbing with a vodka solution;
  • cooling compresses.

A person who has a fever should not be overheated, so it is better to remove the blanket to cool the body a little.

In no case should you use mustard plasters and cups that accelerate blood flow. They can lead to serious consequences such as pulmonary edema. The same applies to various inhalations.

Calling an ambulance

People often have the question: “At what temperature should we call an ambulance?”

The answer is simple: if the thermometer reading in an adult is 39° C and does not decrease after using antipyretic drugs for 30 minutes or more.

In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms: rash on the body, dehydration, pain in the abdominal area. Therefore, it is not as important at what temperature to call a doctor as at what general temperature clinical picture. It is worth paying attention to the following factors:

  • how long the symptom lasts;
  • is there a reaction to taking antipyretic medications;
  • the presence of accompanying symptoms, their nature and severity.

Fever in children

As a rule, infants local manifestations diseases are not as pronounced as general symptoms. Therefore, high body temperature may be a manifestation large quantity diseases: colds, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes(for example, the appearance of baby teeth is accompanied by fever).

Sometimes it can appear due to a change in environment or strong emotional experiences of the child.

Fever poses a threat to the child's life, because... In children, there is a failure of some protective functions of the body, generalization of reactions (when problems in the functioning of one organ can cause a response in other systems of the body).

Parents should remember at what temperature to call a doctor for their child. The reason to call a doctor is the thermometer reading:

  • for children under three months of age 37.7° C;
  • from three months to six years - 38° C;
  • from six years and older - 39° C.

To the question: “At what temperature should you call an ambulance for a child?”, the answers are as follows:

  • when the thermometer reaches 39.5 - 40° C;
  • when in infants up to two months the thermometer does not fall below 38° C;
  • in cases where serious accompanying symptoms occur: convulsions, rash, pain;
  • with “pale” fever (if the child has disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular or central nervous system, problems with metabolism), characterized by chills, pale skin with a “marble” pattern, cold extremities.

There is no single exact answer at what temperature to call an ambulance for an adult or child. It is important to correctly assess the situation and competently provide necessary help to the patient.

A child's body, which has not yet become stronger, requires constant supervision from adults. Any change in the child’s condition for the worse – high fever, rash, fainting, injury, etc. – requires immediate consultation and assistance from a specialist. Calling a children's ambulance will allow you to receive emergency measures and avoid serious complications and other troubles. If you are concerned about the condition of a small family member, call the Doctor 03 children's ambulance service. A team of our pediatricians will quickly arrive at any time of the day and provide first aid to the child.

Features of the work of the children's paid ambulance "Doctor 03"

  • Pediatricians included in pediatric ambulance teams are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience. Thanks to this, they quickly and accurately diagnose and provide appropriate assistance. Specialists of paid children's ambulance in Moscow "Doctor 03" work effectively in the most difficult situations when it comes to saving the life of a small patient.
  • Our children's ambulances are equipped with a full set of medical equipment: a defibrillator, a ventilator, equipment for immobilization of injured body parts, etc. Each team has at its disposal a set of medications designed to help children from 0 to 16 years old.
  • When working with young patients, doctors of the paid children's ambulance "Doctor 03" take into account age and physical state child, a diagnosis is made based on symptoms and anamnesis. Pediatricians not only provide first aid, but also begin treatment if necessary. If there are indications, the ambulance for children in Moscow “Doctor 03” hospitalizes the child in the hospital chosen by the parents.

When should you call an ambulance for your child?

Emergency medical care for children is necessary for any conditions that threaten their life and health, including:

  • at body temperature above 39.5 C;
  • with difficulty breathing, sudden cough;
  • when allergic reactions– redness, rash, swelling of the face, limbs and other parts of the body;
  • if you have symptoms of dehydration (rare urination, refusal to drink fluids, smell of vinegar on your breath);
  • after any fall, to exclude traumatic brain injury, damage internal organs;
  • with sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • with convulsions;
  • in the case of food or chemical poisoning;
  • for burns, etc.

Every parent should know the children's ambulance number in order to urgently call specialists in these or other serious cases.

Advantages of children's paid ambulance "Doctor 03"

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