Causes and methods of treating thrush before menstruation. Why does thrush worsen every time before menstruation? Persistent thrush before menstruation, what to do?


Women who suffer from chronic thrush know very well that it can worsen before menstruation. This condition is typical for women who have weak immunity.

In addition, its appearance is influenced by changes in hormonal levels. If you are experiencing the same problem, seek advice from a specialist.

Only an experienced doctor will help find out and eliminate the cause of a constant relapse.

Thrush before menstruation can appear for the following reasons:

  • During this period, the level of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body decreases.
  • The amount of mucus secreted increases, which is a favorable environment for fungal infection.
  • If relapses occur several times a month, this indicates a chronic course of the disease.

Signs of candidiasis

All the signs that indicate the onset of the disease are simply impossible not to notice, because they are clearly expressed, these are:

  • Severe itching in the labia area.
  • Burning.
  • Dryness.
  • Discomfort.

These symptoms indicate an exacerbation of the disease. The disease manifests itself because the level of sex hormones decreases. An exacerbation of thrush before menstruation indicates a physiological norm that occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

By consulting a doctor, you can determine the cause; it may not be related to thrush. Perhaps the following factors came together:

  • Due to frequent colds, my immunity dropped sharply.
  • The microflora of the body was disrupted due to the use of antibiotics.
  • Increased production of secretions, despite the fact that they may be normal, still creates excellent conditions for the proliferation of Candida fungi. Therefore, the issue of personal hygiene remains important.
  • A lot of sweet or starchy foods can cause the disease.
  • Diabetes. Due to the increased level of carbohydrates in the blood, the fungus multiplies quickly.
  • The partner has a disease. If a woman’s sexual partner is sick or a carrier of a disease, then all the woman’s attempts (proper nutrition and personal hygiene) will not help avoid infection.
  • Dirty water in a pond or swimming pool can also cause illness.

All these signs are the causes of thrush before the menstrual period.

Many women think that the onset of menstruation affects the appearance of thrush, but this is not so. Most often, thrush at the beginning of the cycle indicates pregnancy, although this fact should also be checked with a doctor.

The appearance of thrush at the beginning of menstruation

At the beginning of menstruation, there is an imbalance of hormones, which is why thrush appears. In addition, its appearance can be influenced by stressful situations experienced by a woman, as well as severe fatigue.

Thrush before menstruation may completely go away after it, because after cessation, estrogen levels are restored and the vaginal microflora returns to normal. This environment is destructive for a fungal infection, and it cannot multiply in it.

Symptoms at the end of menstruation may not disappear, because in some women hormonal imbalance occurs precisely in the period after menstruation.

If thrush appears at the beginning of your period, it has slightly different symptoms. For example, a characteristic sour smell appears (due to hormonal imbalance). If symptoms do not go away at the beginning of your period, then pads and tampons will only worsen the situation. Because there is an accumulation of wet microflora with many microbes. Try to change hygiene products more often, or even replace them with natural fabric.

What are the dangers of thrush?

The appearance of thrush can cause pathologies:

  • The appearance of erosions. Thrush can affect the vaginal mucosa and then spread to the cervix.
  • The birth canal and vulva become rough.
  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs appears.
  • Adhesions form.
  • Infertility appears.
  • Chronic diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis occur.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to consult a doctor for help when the first symptoms appear.

Treatment for thrush before menstruation

In fact, the signs of thrush are especially noticeable just before the onset of menstruation. And if effective treatment is started at this time, then the woman can be relieved of discomfort. The main thing is not to interrupt therapy just because the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. The entire course of treatment should be completed.

Today, pharmacologists have developed many different medications that will help get rid of the disease. The most common are: clotrimazole, pimafucin, Diflucan, Polygynax.

If these medications were prescribed by a doctor and indicated the required dosage, then following his recommendations, they will help in treatment.

In addition, pay attention to your diet; it should contain more fresh vegetables and fruits. Also remove fatty foods and eat lean fish and meat. Add eggs and cereal dishes.

You should not consume alcohol, sweets, flour, smoked, spicy or canned foods.

An excellent choice would be herbal tea that contains chamomile. It strengthens the body and kills germs. Garlic is considered a good remedy, so it can be included in your daily diet.

To then restore the vaginal microflora, experts recommend drinking kefir and yogurt, which contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Linex and lactofiltrum can be prescribed as medications.

Some experts are confident that treatment for thrush during menstruation can be postponed if the symptoms are not too severe and do not cause much discomfort to the woman. However, this should only be decided at an appointment with a doctor, because this is a purely individual decision.

Self-medication is not recommended, many will ask why. It’s very simple, because there are many different types of Candida fungi in the human body. They all only respond to certain medications. And only a doctor can find out which one struck this or that woman. If everything is done correctly and the right treatment is prescribed, then the woman will get rid of the disease very quickly.

  • Medications that have a local effect and eliminate all discomfort. These can be vaginal suppositories, ointments, creams, solutions.
  • Medicines for internal use to destroy the fungus inside the body. These include tablets and capsules.
  • Various immune boosters to further protect the body.

If symptoms of thrush appear, not necessarily before menstruation, you should seek help from a specialist and not self-medicate. The doctor will tell you why this happened and what to do now.


If a woman suspects that she may have thrush before her period, she should start consuming dairy products with probiotic supplements about a week before her period.

A woman who is at risk should not wear thongs or tight underwear, especially if it is made of synthetic material.

There is no need to wear panty liners, especially those with fragrances. Do not use soap when washing. Do not douche if there is no medical indication for it, because it washes away beneficial bacteria and disrupts the balance of microflora.

Be that as it may, you should not self-medicate, especially when the disease occurs before or during menstruation. Because if not treated correctly, the infection can enter the uterus. If this happens, then treatment may take a long time, and complications may arise.

Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, immediately go to the clinic for advice. Only in this situation will treatment be quick and easy.

Thrush before menstruation occurs very often for no apparent reason. This situation seriously worries women, causes inconvenience, discomfort, and threatens their health. Despite the fact that thrush is not an STD disease, it is also possible to infect a sexual partner with it. Why does thrush appear before menstruation, how to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon?

The official name of the disease is candidiasis. The causative agent is a fungus of the genus Candida, which is constantly present in a woman’s body. The fungus is considered opportunistic and with a small amount it is absolutely not noticeable. The growth of pathogenic microorganisms begins for two main reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Just before your period, both happen. But in the absence of other pathological processes in the body, the number of fungi increases insignificantly, and there are no signs of thrush. Immediately after the end of menstruation, the body again increases its protective functions. Otherwise, the vaginal microflora is disrupted. The composition of the discharge changes, and along with it symptoms of itching, burning and other signs of the disease appear. Thrush before menstruation is a signal that you should pay special attention to. It is in the last week before menstruation that all hidden diseases worsen and pathological processes reveal themselves.

Provoking factors for thrush - banal reasons

Many factors can provoke the growth of pathogenic fungi and cause disruption of the vaginal microflora. The main ones are the following:

  1. Weak immunity. An exhausted body is not able to resist infection or pathogens. In this case, one disease replaces another in a woman. appears constantly before menstruation.
  2. Avitaminosis. The reason is similar to the previous one. Because the lack of sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the body disrupts the functioning of internal organs and weakens the immune system.

  3. Hypothermia
    . If a woman is very cold on the eve of menstruation, there is a high probability that thrush will appear. Especially if your legs are injured.
  4. Overheat. The opposite reason, but also causes a change in the vaginal microflora. Heat and diaper rash of the genitals in the absence of personal hygiene provoke the development of harmful microorganisms, among which may be Candida fungus.
  5. Hormonal contraception. Taking pills changes a woman's hormonal levels. Against this background, various processes occur in a woman’s body and are not always useful. Hormonal imbalance is precisely the main cause of thrush, not only before menstruation, but in general.
  6. External contraceptives. This includes various tablets, pastes, creams, gels, suppositories that must be placed in the vagina before sexual intercourse. With the constant use of such contraceptives, the microflora of the genital organ is disrupted. Then thrush appears before menstruation.

  7. Intestinal dysbiosis
    . A persistent violation of the intestinal microflora passes into the neighboring organ - the vagina. Then, along with the manifestations of a gynecological disease, there are symptoms of a gastrointestinal tract disease.
  8. Antibiotics. The worst enemy of all life in the body. Antibiotics first destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and then all others. A decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria causes vaginal dysbiosis and changes in its microflora. With a course of more than 3 days, especially if the antibiotic is administered as an injection, an exacerbation of thrush before menstruation is guaranteed.
  9. Personal hygiene. Neglecting personal hygiene rules allows fungus to develop. Initially, itching appears on the external genital organs, then the microflora of the genital organ changes. Before menstruation, the situation becomes especially aggravated, and the full development of thrush begins. A banal cause becomes a consequence of an unpleasant illness. However, excessive use of hygiene products also causes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Soap detergent dries the skin, washes away beneficial bacteria, and provokes allergies of varying severity. If on normal days of the cycle the body is strong, hormones inhibit the growth of pathogens, then before menstruation the situation changes. It is recommended to carry out the washing procedure with clean water these days. If desired, you can add potassium permanganate or a little soda.

  10. Infection of the sexual partner.
    Some PPP diseases behave hidden in the male body. The sexual partner does not suspect the presence of infection, but constantly transmits it to the woman. If on other days of the cycle the female body tries to resist infection, there are no significant signs of illness; before menstruation, weak immunity, changes in the balance of hormones allow the infection to manifest itself in full force. If the diagnosis is confirmed by a doctor, the cause should be eliminated by joint treatment of sexual partners.
  11. Diseases of the systems and organs responsible for the production of hormones. This cause of thrush is the most difficult to deal with. Since it is eliminated only by restoring the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. The cause of hormone failure may lie in pathologies of the endocrine system, diseases of the adrenal glands, nervous system, and liver.
  12. Stress. The central nervous system regulates the amount of hormones produced. Under severe stress, processes begin in the body that contribute to a decrease in immunity. Against the background of all this, an imbalance of hormones occurs, a violation of the vaginal microflora, as a result of thrush before menstruation.

  13. Chronic candidiasis.
    The constant appearance of thrush on the eve of menstruation may indicate the presence of infection in a woman’s body. If not properly treated, thrush becomes chronic. It manifests itself every time the immune system is weakened.
  14. Pregnancy. If thrush is present along with a prolonged delay, a pregnancy test should be performed. In some women, thrush appears due to pregnancy for no apparent reason. This happens against the background of hormonal changes.
  15. Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of sweets, flour products, and alcoholic beverages provokes the development of thrush. It is a common cause of an unpleasant disease.

A hidden infection in a woman’s body always manifests itself on the eve of menstruation; in order to avoid such a situation, it is recommended not to treat the disease yourself, but to seek help from specialists. If thrush is caused by a natural hormonal imbalance, symptoms will disappear when menstruation occurs. In another case, menstruation contributes to the progression of the disease.

Treatment of thrush that occurs before menstruation

If thrush constantly manifests itself before menstruation, you need to seek help from a doctor. In the absence of obvious pathologies or diseases of the reproductive system, attention should be paid to immunity and nutrition.

First aid for thrush

You need to prepare a medicine. To do this you will need 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon each of soda, salt, 15 drops of iodine. Add salt and soda to boiling water and mix well. Boil over low heat for 3 minutes. Remove, wait until it cools a little, add iodine. This medicine washes away the discharge inside the vagina and on the external genitalia. The procedure is carried out daily in the morning, before bedtime. Soda reduces the growth of pathogens, salt relieves swelling, iodine relieves irritation. When menstrual bleeding appears, treatment is stopped.

Basic Rule

Nervous stress is an insidious enemy of women's health. The main cause of all troubles. Try to avoid nervous tension and stress. Valerian, motherwort, herbal preparations, and tea from medicinal plants are taken as sedatives.


Before menstruation, a special diet must be followed. You need to consume more fermented milk products. Avoid sweets, flour products, chocolate, coffee. You should not drink alcohol. Food is also a cause of thrush.

Following these simple rules can relieve the unpleasant manifestations of thrush and save a woman from suffering. And also prevent other, more serious diseases of the reproductive system.

From this article you will learn: what are the causes of thrush before menstruation, what it may indicate, whether it is normal or not. Do I need to do something about this?

Article publication date: 11/02/2017

Article updated date: November 28, 2018

Thrush, or vulvovaginal candidiasis, in women is a pathology caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Mushrooms of the genus Candida under an electron microscope

A fungal infection is a kind of signal that changes are occurring in the body that negatively affect local or general immunity, because under other circumstances, an opportunistic microorganism peacefully coexists with the beneficial microflora of the mucous membranes.

Hormonal changes in the body before menstruation are just such a case. Since fertilization has not occurred, the level of estrogen and progesterone (hormones that are responsible for preparing for fertilization and the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall) temporarily decreases. This shift leads to a chain of hormonal, mutually dependent changes, which result in local immunity disorders, premenstrual stress (PMS) and cravings for sweets.

In an absolutely healthy body, none of these natural processes can lead to the development of thrush. But the combination of a long-term chronic or latent disease, allergies and hormonal changes on the eve of menstruation pushes the fungus to actively reproduce and develop.

Thrush that worsens during this period may indicate the presence of:

  • chronic gynecological diseases and infections;
  • dysbiosis of the vagina and intestines;
  • diseases of the urinary organs;
  • endocrinopathies (latent diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, disturbances in the production of sex hormones);
  • common diseases.

Exacerbation of vulvovaginal candidiasis before menstruation is not the norm, but a pathology. In a healthy body, the Candida fungus is not able to reproduce - it is restrained by various protective factors.

Thrush always signals any hidden, unknown pathology, diseases that must be identified and treated, even if the fungal infection goes away on its own after the start of menstruation. Otherwise, the result may be chronic candidiasis of the genital tract and its complications (urethritis, vaginitis, vulvitis, cystitis, etc.).

The doctor who is consulted about is a gynecologist.

Causes of thrush before menstruation

What other changes in the body, besides the natural process of reducing progesterone and estrogen levels, create conditions for the appearance of candidiasis before menstruation?

1. Violation of local immunity

Healthy mucous membranes with good local immunity quickly suppress this growth of fungal colonies, but the play of hormones before menstruation leads to a change in the optimal pH level (acidity) of the internal environment of the vagina.

Normally, it ranges from 3.8 to 4.5; these are optimal conditions for a balance between beneficial and opportunistic microflora. A decrease in estrogen provokes the death of some of the lactobacilli, for which unfavorable conditions are created (temperature fluctuations and insufficient production of natural lubrication).

The lack of lactobacilli, which waste products (lactic acid) maintain the level of normal acidity, leads to a shift in the reaction (vaginal pH above 5).

Thrush before menstruation appears when:

  • the population of beneficial microorganisms has decreased, a kind of niche has formed, a place that the fungus seeks to capture;
  • the acidity of the vagina has changed (the protective mechanisms that inhibit the growth of colonies have weakened);
  • the amount of natural lubrication has decreased (mucus has protective properties and does not allow the fungus to settle and penetrate the surface of the epidermis).

In the presence of hidden pathologies (from chronic inflammation of the reproductive system to hypovitaminosis and anemia), the process of natural restoration of local immunity is slightly delayed, and thrush makes itself felt with pronounced symptoms (itching, cheesy discharge, burning sensation when urinating).

With the onset of menstruation, this imbalance is restored, and candidiasis usually goes away on its own - the growth of the fungus is restrained by normalized hormonal levels and immunity.

2. Changes in diet

A temporary decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone before menstruation provokes not only a weakening of the local immunity of the vagina, it also causes a chain of interconnected processes leading to:

    Lack of good mood hormones - norepinephrine, endorphins, serotonin and the development of premenstrual depression (PMS).

    An increase in the stress hormone cortisol (produced by the adrenal cortex), it increases the level of glucose in the blood and inhibits the mechanisms of its breakdown and utilization into cells (can influence the amount of insulin responsible for normal carbohydrate metabolism).

In response to a lack of “happiness” hormones, the body launches complex mechanisms to compensate for stress, which causes a craving for desserts, sweets, candies (fast carbohydrates) and foods with a high content of starch (when it is broken down, polysaccharides and glucose are formed).

As a result of a forced diet violation:

  • blood and plasma glucose levels increase;
  • at the same time, rising cortisol maintains its excess and inhibits insulin production;
  • Hormonal imbalance prevents the utilization of glucose into cellular glycogen.

An increase in free glucose in the body serves as a kind of signal flag for the pathogenic activity of cells - the microorganism reacts very sensitively to sweets, carbohydrates are a nutrient medium for it.

3. Accelerated metabolism

Among the factors that create optimal conditions for thrush is accelerated metabolism from the moment of ovulation until the start of the menstrual cycle. During this period, sex hormones prepare the woman’s body for pregnancy and gestation, intensively increasing the inner layer of the endometrium of the uterus. This requires a huge amount of nutrients.

Accelerating metabolism stimulates appetite, so a few days before menstruation, women eat more and more often than usual. In combination with a hormonally based craving for sweets, the result is excess weight, saturation of mucous tissue with glycogen, excess free glucose in the intercellular fluid and optimal conditions for the growth of Candida albicans.


The symptoms of thrush before the onset of menstruation are not too different from the manifestations of the disease during other periods, but there are still differences:

General symptoms of thrush Characteristic, before menstruation

Plaque on the external genitalia

Painful dryness and increased sensitivity of mucous membranes

Copious or scanty curd-like vaginal discharge with a whitish, grayish or yellowish tint

The appearance of thrush 3 or 7 days before the start of menstruation

Itching, burning, discomfort when urinating

Swelling and redness

Irritation of the mucous membranes and skin in the form of small rashes

Weak or pronounced sour odor

One of the main reasons why thrush appears before menstruation is temporary hypoestrogenism (decrease in the amount of estrogen), which is manifested by insufficient production of natural lubrication and dry mucous membranes.

At this point, any physical contact or substance (soap, condom lubricant, lubricant) can cause microcracks, scratches and small bleeding ulcers. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes is one of the factors weakening local immunity, against the background of which the fungus Candida albicans becomes active and pathogenic.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

Or maybe it's not thrush?

Unpleasant symptoms similar to an exacerbation of thrush can be caused not only by a fungus. A sharp decline in estrogen before menstruation manifests itself more or less pronounced:

  • itching and burning;
  • dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes and skin around the external genitalia;
  • unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort when urinating.

The symptoms begin with the onset of menstruation; they are in no way related to thrush and are caused by normal physiological processes.

Changes in a woman’s body depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle


In the first days of menstruation, the symptoms of thrush may “fade away” on their own; this is due to the restoration of hormonal levels and local immunity. In this case, after the end of menstruation, be sure to consult a gynecologist in order to prevent complications and the process becoming chronic.

If it is necessary to continue treatment during menstruation, in addition to antifungal tablets (Fluconazole, Fucis, Diflucan), vaginal suppositories are prescribed, which are not washed away by secretions and remain effective during menstruation:

    Zalain (sertaconazole) is a very fast-acting and effective drug; the symptoms of acute thrush disappear within 24 hours after administration of the suppository. For the treatment of chronic candidiasis, the course is repeated every other week.

    Polygynax (a combined drug containing antifungal and antibacterial substances) is prescribed if you need to quickly relieve the disturbing symptoms of thrush when candidiasis is combined with a bacterial infection, the course of treatment is 2 weeks (1 suppository daily).

    Terzhinan (a complex drug containing antifungal and antibacterial substances) is prescribed for a combination of candidiasis and bacterial infection, the course of treatment continues (1 suppository per day) for up to 20 days.

    Betadine (povidone-iodine) - does not have a targeted antifungal effect, but suppresses the activity of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, promotes healing of the mucous membrane and restoration of local immunity, the course of treatment is 2 times a day, from 7 to 14 days.

The drug is selected based on the sensitivity culture results (the analysis allows you to determine how effectively the drug destroys the fungus).


Acute thrush can be completely cured in 4–5 days (including prevention of chronic infection). Chronic, often recurrent forms are longer and more difficult to get rid of; this can take from 4 to 12 months.

With proper and systematic treatment, the prognosis for recovery is 98–99%. Do not forget that the fungus is part of the body’s microflora and is constantly ingested through food, air, water and other means, so the disease can recur.

The appearance of thrush before menstruation cannot be called the norm; there is no place for fungus in a healthy body. However, this happens quite often. The reason is a temporary change in hormonal levels (decrease in estrogen and progesterone) and weakened immunity.

Against the background of complete well-being, immunity is quickly restored, but in the presence of hidden and chronic diseases, any pathological conditions (hypovitaminosis, lack of protein in the diet) before menstruation, ideal conditions appear for the development of Candida albicans and exacerbation of fungal infection.

Therefore, when you contact a gynecologist about frequent exacerbations (4 or more per year) and treatment of thrush, you can receive a long list of referrals for tests and spend a long time looking for the reason for the weakening of general immunity.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Many women notice that their thrush worsens before menstruation; the reason for this phenomenon is related to the characteristics of the body. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease appears several times a year and in most cases it occurs before menstruation. Why does thrush appear a few days or a week before menstruation? We need to figure it out.

Why does thrush develop?

In a healthy female body, the microflora is balanced. It consists of both beneficial and opportunistic bacteria. The causative agent of thrush, as is known, is the Candida fungus, which is an opportunistic microorganism. All bacteria can coexist with each other according to the following principles:

If the number of one type of bacteria changes, then the balance between microorganisms, i.e., the environment itself, is disrupted. For example, if the number of lactobacilli decreases, the acidity will change and favorable conditions will arise for the proliferation of fungal flora. When there are a lot of fungi, thrush begins.

Causes of thrush before menstruation

The reasons why thrush appears on the eve of menstruation are as follows:

  1. Every month before the onset of menstruation, the level of progesterone and estrogen in the female body decreases.
  2. The amount of mucus in the vagina increases, and these are favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of a fungal infection.
  3. Thrush during menstruation occurs as a result of hormonal changes, which are completely natural these days. The body's protective functions are reduced.

In addition, thrush can occur as a result of:

  1. Excess blood sugar. At the same time, the body cannot fully fight pathogens. In the absence of diseases that can increase blood sugar, this phenomenon is observed under stress, when following diets, and in the period after surgery.
  2. Taking antibacterial agents. Antibiotics disrupt the microflora; as a result of using drugs from this group, there are fewer beneficial bacteria. The fungus does not suffer from antibiotics, and accordingly, thrush worsens.
  3. Use of hormonal medications. This leads to a hormonal imbalance in the body, which also plays into the hands of a fungal infection.
  4. Banal non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Symptoms of thrush before menstruation

The causes of thrush before menstrual bleeding are clear, and as for the symptoms, they are practically no different from those on other days of the month. Among them:

Some people think that candidiasis and menstruation always go hand in hand. This is an erroneous opinion, and if symptoms of thrush are constantly observed before menstruation, then you should definitely consult a doctor, since the chronic form of the disease leads to very unpleasant consequences.

Why simultaneously with the onset of menstruation? Because after menstruation, a woman’s hormonal levels level out, the immune system begins to work normally and the beneficial microflora in the vagina is restored. In this regard, the balance of microflora is normalized, which occurs due to a decrease in the number of fungi.

Thrush after menstruation

Why does thrush worsen after menstruation? Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that during menstruation the female body is very susceptible to various external influences. Since local and general immunity decreases, the female genital area becomes extremely vulnerable to various factors, including:

To ensure that unfavorable factors during menstruation do not have a negative impact on the female body, it is necessary to increase local and general immunity.

What medications to take or in this case, it is better to ask a gynecologist, he will be able to prescribe treatment after diagnosis.

Complications of thrush

In its chronic form, the disease can cause a number of complications:

The combination of pathologies that are sexually transmitted and thrush is very dangerous; this can lead to dangerous inflammation and infertility.

In addition, it is important to get diagnosed because thrush can be the first sign of serious diseases, such as diabetes. If you have completely cured thrush, but its symptoms bother you again, then this is a signal to conduct a full examination of the body - there may be serious disturbances in hormonal levels or metabolic processes.

Treatment of the disease

Currently, the pharmacological market has a wide variety of drugs to eliminate candidiasis. It is possible to cure thrush, but simply getting rid of the symptoms does not mean defeating the disease.

A Flucostat tablet will relieve unpleasant symptoms literally immediately, but thrush will not go away. Therefore, the disease must be treated closely and until complete recovery. This is a long process, but hidden candidiasis can lead to inflammation of the appendages and other unpleasant diseases.

Treatment of thrush during menstruation is a little more complicated. During this period, it is better not to douche or use topical ointments. It is also not recommended to use candles during menstruation. But suppositories for thrush are considered a very effective treatment. But all of the listed remedies can be started to be used after menstruation, and during it the optimal treatment option is pills. It can be:

For the treatment of candidiasis to be successful and effective, it is necessary to eliminate all existing chronic diseases. If candidiasis periodically appears in your life, you need to undergo a full examination of the body.

If the occurrence of thrush is influenced by the use of antibacterial agents, then it is necessary to restore the microflora. To do this, it is recommended to take Linex, Laktofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin. However, a doctor can best select the appropriate remedy; self-medication can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Exacerbation of chronic thrush occurs at any time, but the body is especially vulnerable when immunity decreases, hormonal imbalance, or relapses of other diseases. The completed treatment gives only a temporary effect, until a provoking factor appears.

Many women notice that they get thrush before or immediately after their period. Therefore, the approach of a new menstrual cycle is considered a tragedy, and due to the worsening infection, pregnancy becomes impossible, since the disease takes over the days of ovulation. What is the reason for the exacerbation of candidiasis and is there a connection between fungal infection and menstruation?

Causes of exacerbation of candidiasis

To understand why there may be thrush before menstruation, it is worth considering the main causes of exacerbation of the disease:

  • weakened immunity, as a result of which the body is not able to suppress pathogenic microorganisms;
  • antibiotic therapy leads to changes in the intestinal microflora and, as a result, the vagina, which contributes to the development of dysbiosis and candidiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus, which increases blood sugar, which the fungus likes to feed on for rapid reproduction;
  • protection or treatment with hormonal contraceptives, which increase the level of progesterone in the body, which causes thrush;
  • hormonal disorders leading to changes in microflora. They are caused by pregnancy and menstruation.

If thrush worsens every time before the onset of menstruation, or immediately after it, then this indicates that the disease has become chronic. And it is important to find the reason causing disruptions in the body.

Exacerbation of candidiasis before the menstrual cycle

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding. If the first symptoms of candidiasis appear consistently a week or several days before this event, this indicates disturbances in the functioning of the immune or endocrine system.

There is no direct connection between menstruation and candidiasis, but there may be a strange pattern. The idea that hormones are to blame is wrong. Before the onset of menstruation, progesterone levels increase, but in a healthy woman it remains within normal limits and does not cause hormonal imbalance.

Decreased immunity is also not suitable as a cause. A week before the expected period, the body is not exposed to stress. During menstruation, the immune system may be suppressed, but only with heavy bleeding and poor health, preventing normal rest and nutrition.

But the onset of pregnancy can cause the development of thrush a week before the expected period. Hormonal levels change sharply, and the body's protective functions often decrease. Therefore, pregnancy as a cause of thrush cannot be canceled.

Candidiasis after the end of menstruation

If thrush appears immediately after the end of menstruation, this is explained by a change in the pH of the vaginal mucosa. This happens for two main reasons:

  • high humidity;
  • excessive hygiene.

Heavy menstruation creates not only discomfort, but also contributes to changes in microflora. This is especially true for women with long periods.

The situation is aggravated by the use of pads and tampons, which not every woman has the opportunity to change every 3 hours. As a result, a greenhouse effect is created, the blood stagnates and becomes a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

And after using pads with a fragrance and a synthetic surface, the delicate skin of intimate places can be covered with rashes and blisters, which, when injured, become an open wound for infection.

Excessive hygiene also leads to the development of candidiasis after menstruation.

You can’t wash yourself every day using toilet soap and, especially, laundry soap!

Grandmother's advice that these products should be used to cleanse the skin during menstruation does not have medical confirmation. But excessive dryness of the mucous membranes is guaranteed, which contributes to the development of thrush.

Candidiasis and delay: are they related?

  1. Delayed menstruation in women with a regular cycle and not planning a pregnancy is alarming.
  2. Violation of a stable rhythm indicates a malfunction in the body. Many women believe that the delay may occur after thrush, or against its background. Candidiasis itself cannot cause menstrual irregularities.
  3. In the initial stage, the disease affects only the mucous membranes; the development of the disease begins later, which is why doctors do not connect the delay with a fungal infection.
  4. If pregnancy is impossible, a woman has thrush and delay, then the reason lies in disturbances in the functioning of the body.

These factors are a consequence of exacerbation of a chronic disease, hormonal imbalance, and inflammatory process. Why exactly the delay occurred is diagnosed by the doctor after the examination.

Treatment of candidiasis at different periods of the menstrual cycle

Thrush that occurs immediately before or during your period makes treatment more difficult. During the period of bleeding, vaginal products cannot be used, therapy must be postponed, or oral medications must be taken.

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