Dental prosthetics: time after removal, addiction, care for dentures. How long after removal can an implant be placed on a tooth: features of simultaneous implantation and contraindications

People have to lose their teeth at the most various reasons, and such losses always need to be replenished so as not to disrupt the normal digestion process and the aesthetics of the dentition. When can prosthetics be done after tooth extraction? There is no clear answer to this question, since the clinical situation, the chosen type of prosthetics, and the condition of the tissues after the operation play a role here.

Prosthetic techniques

In cases where it is possible to do prosthetics after tooth extraction - if the condition of the remaining teeth, gums and bone tissue allows you to perform the procedure immediately, and also if there are no infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the following methods are used:

  • Single-stage implantation. The implant is inserted into the bone tissue immediately after the tooth is removed from the socket under local anesthesia. The procedure requires preliminary preparation of the oral cavity, examination of the patient and selection of the most suitable design. All preparatory stages are performed before removal, then the operation and implantation are performed. The installed implant is left to heal, after which the patient is fitted with a healing abutment, an abutment and then a permanent crown.
  • Basal implantation. Implants are installed and secured in the deeper layers of the bone without trauma to the gums and bone tissue - through a small puncture. They can be installed immediately after removal in the absence of contraindications and in the presence of the required minimum volume of bone tissue.
  • Clasp and bridge prostheses. Modern technologies in dental orthopedics, they allow the installation of fixed and partially removable permanent dentures (bridges and clasps) immediately after the tooth extraction procedure. Of course, such prostheses are made according to individual casts in advance, and their installation is carried out after examining the patient - if no contraindications are identified.
  • Immediate dentures. Temporary removable structures allow the patient to lead a normal lifestyle and not experience psychological discomfort while waiting for the installation of a permanent prosthesis.

In some cases, the dentist, after examining the patient’s oral cavity and detailed diagnostics to the question: when can prosthetics be done after tooth extraction? - answers that he will have to wait a few weeks for the tissue to heal and create favorable conditions. If the doctor believes that quick prosthetics is not suitable for the patient, it is better to listen to his opinion.

Why shouldn't you postpone prosthetics?

The loss of even one tooth leads to a number of problems with the dental system: chewing loads are redistributed incorrectly, its “neighbors” gradually shift towards the missing tooth, the jaw is deformed, and the bite is disturbed. In addition, the person experiences physical and psychological discomfort: the quality of chewing food deteriorates, diction may suffer, and communication problems arise due to the fact that the person is embarrassed by the aesthetic defect.

The longer prosthetics are delayed, the more the problems worsen and the more difficult it will ultimately be to solve them. Moreover, in case of prolonged absence orthopedic treatment As a result, several more teeth in the vicinity of the defect will need to be removed.

Today, prosthetics on implants after tooth extraction is the best solution in case of complete absence of roots. Like any other available solution from various areas of medicine, it has a number of contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary to use removable dentures.

It is worth mentioning prosthetics, which are often performed using crowns. After removing the entire tooth, another problem appears - there is no support for attaching the prosthesis. This is what the roots are, and now they have been removed...

At the same moment, a solution called implantation comes to mind. The patient has a titanium rod implanted inside the jaw bone. This the most durable way reconstruction of the dentition even in the most severe cases.

Prosthetics after tooth extraction: timing and features

For each patient, the time frame for solving the problem is individual. After approximately 2-3 months, prosthetics can begin. After tooth extraction, various additional stages of treatment are carried out. This is done to avoid unnecessary loss of recovery time after the loss of teeth.

The mentioned time frames for prosthetics should not be confused with the restoration process - when, with the help of veneers and crowns, a natural and beautiful appearance dentition.

Implantation differs markedly from restoration of the masticatory organ:

  1. Stages and sequence. Produced in three or more stages;
  2. Strict individuality. The need for the patient to contact specialists in several areas of dentistry;
  3. Long procces. From root loss to the final stage of prosthetics - the time period reaches 6 months;
  4. Price. The cost of the operation is much higher than that of restoration;
  5. Durability. Lifetime product life;
  6. Intolerance. Many contraindications for the presence possible complications.

Many people believe that it is easier to restore a tooth than to remove it and subsequently replace it with a prosthesis. However, doctors think the opposite.

On average, the service life of a crown or veneer is approximately 8-10 years. Then they will definitely have to change, considering that externally they look quite good. After this replacement, walking without a bridge will not be possible and the need arises new production prosthesis. Sooner or later, there will be almost nothing left of the bone and you will still have to resort to the implantation procedure. It turns out that this is just wasted extra money and effort.

Temporary placement of the prosthesis

Let's imagine that you have decided to undergo implantation, but before the operation will take place There is still a lot of time, and throughout this period there will be a lot of empty space in the mouth. How should you be all this time? There is a way out - for quite reasonable price a temporary bridge can be installed. This option is less durable than permanent.

For the patient, this is the best solution during this period, as it temporarily protects the prepared tooth from external influences and maintains aesthetics.

Temporary prosthetics after tooth extraction are possible in several options:

  • Removable bridge for one root. The main advantage is the ability to remove and install it whenever necessary. This is convenient when cleaning chewing organs or eating food. It is secured with clasps (locks) that encircle the supporting teeth on both sides and match the color of the teeth.
  • Plastic crowns. They are placed in cases where installing a conventional crown is not yet possible. The plastic product is lightweight, so it does not in any way affect the healing process. The placement is done using temporary cement, which will last well for several months.

If you do not want to experience before implantation discomfort in the mouth and feel discomfort in society due to lack of dentition, best solution for you this is temporary prosthetics after removal.

In the process of preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics, patients usually ask about the timing of possible prosthetics after removal of roots or teeth. In this regard, it should be noted that they depend on the location of the damage, the extent surgical intervention and others individual characteristics. Dental defects are most often compensated 3-4 weeks after the roots or teeth are removed. During this time, wound healing occurs and a stable base for plate prostheses is formed, and favorable conditions for wearing bridges. However, during the formation of the bone base during the healing process of wounds during this period, a convenient form of the alveolar process is not always created, which facilitates the fixation of lamellar prostheses. Sometimes you have to wait 1.5-2 months. This is explained by the fact that the alveolar process in the area of ​​healing wounds is formed without the influence of pressure created during chewing and is a powerful stimulator of bone formation. Taking this into account, the method of direct prosthetics began to be used, in which plate prostheses are made before the roots or teeth are removed. They are introduced into the oral cavity immediately or a few days after surgery. This method promotes fast healing wounds and correct formation alveolar process. Its height under the prosthesis is set depending on the reason for the removal of roots or teeth.

After tooth extraction due to caries, the alveolar process is more pronounced than when they are removed due to periodontal disease. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that caries affects the teeth, and periodontal disease affects the periodontal tissues. Teeth with periodontal disease remain intact, and the destruction of the walls of the alveoli is accompanied by a decrease in the alveolar process. Some patients are afraid of simultaneous removal of several roots or teeth and are opposed to the introduction of a prosthesis into the oral cavity immediately after surgery. They are afraid of possible complications and pain. You should know that inserting a prosthesis into the oral cavity if there are wounds in it is harmless and painless, since it is performed after anesthesia. Direct prosthetics with immediate or early introduction prosthesis in the oral cavity prevents secondary deformations of the dentition, and also facilitates the patient’s adaptation to dentures. In addition, this type of prosthetics has a number of other advantages. It ensures early adaptation to the prosthesis and restoration of speech clarity, and provides for the elimination of aesthetic defects immediately after the removal of the front teeth. This avoids injury nervous system, which occurs in patients with a long wait for wound healing and possible prosthetics.

An immediate and imperceptible transition from natural teeth to artificial teeth prevents the emergence of negative emotions, allows the patient to short term start working in your profession and lead a full life.

With direct prosthetics of toothless jaws, the tone of the masticatory muscles is ensured, the correct contours of the lower part of the face are preserved, and no changes occur in the temporomandibular joint. Direct dentures are especially recommended in cases where multiple root or tooth extractions are indicated.

Getting used to dentures

Being a foreign body, a denture has a certain effect on the organs of the oral cavity. It changes their usual relationship, reduces the volume of the oral cavity, and disrupts the location of speech formation points. Dentures can also change the nature of the relationships between teeth and create new conditions for the activity of the masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joint. Particularly dramatic changes are observed when using a removable lamellar prosthesis.

Due to its roughness inner surface, adjacent to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and also due to poor elasticity of the plate, insufficient fixation of dentures on the jaws, and transferring pressure to soft fabrics, it is a mechanical irritant. A removable denture also disrupts heat exchange processes in the mucous membrane. Under its base, in an isolated space, favorable conditions are created for the accelerated reproduction of microflora, as well as the penetration of microbes and their metabolic products into the underlying tissues. The body reacts to the presence of a prosthesis in the oral cavity. No matter how well a removable prosthesis is made, its mastery primarily depends on the patient’s reaction to its presence, that is, on getting used to the prosthesis. A person does not immediately get used to the prosthesis; functions are impaired. masticatory apparatus are restored gradually. As an unusual irritant, it causes excitation of certain centers in the cerebral cortex, resulting in salivation, sensation foreign body, urge to vomit.

If the irritation is not further reinforced, inhibition phenomena develop, as a result of which the secretion of saliva decreases, the sensation of the prosthesis as a foreign body disappears, and the urge to vomit stops. A person gets used to the prosthesis. The presence of a prosthesis as a foreign body in the oral cavity is most acutely felt during the first 3 days of using it. At this time, difficulty also arises when speaking; the pronunciation of certain sounds often changes. This is explained by the disappearance of the usual points of sound formation due to the prosthesis covering part of the teeth of the mucous membrane of the hard palate and alveolar processes. In the process of habituation, new points of sound formation are created on the basis of a removable denture, the surface of artificial crowns, bridges, and speech becomes normal again. The speed of restoration of speech clarity depends on the type of prosthesis, the thickness and size of the base of the removable denture, the shape of the created arch, as well as the individual characteristics of the person. Speech is usually restored within 1-3 days. At fixed prosthetics such difficulties are minor and pass quickly. In all cases, speech restoration is helped by training. After receiving dentures, you need to read aloud, talk, without being embarrassed by the distortion of sounds and remembering that this is a temporary phenomenon. Some speech changes can be eliminated only after correcting mistakes made in the construction of dental arches on dentures or after changing the thickness and boundaries of the removable denture plate. Defects of prostheses, causing disturbances speech, are identified through examination and eliminated. In the first days, to make chewing food easier, it is recommended not to bite off a large piece, but to cut off pieces of non-solid food. Meat, fruits, and vegetables must be thoroughly boiled before eating. A person completely gets used to the prosthesis within 3 weeks on average. The duration of adaptation to prostheses depends on general condition body, time from the moment of tooth loss, individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the design of the dentures. A person gets used to a prosthesis best during direct prosthetics, that is, when the prosthesis is placed immediately after tooth extraction. Long-term absence of teeth significantly lengthens this process. With repeated prosthetics, the period of adaptation to the prosthesis is also reduced. Patients get used to fixed dentures much faster than to removable dentures, since they are almost no different in size and shape from natural teeth and are firmly attached to them.

Getting used to dentures is difficult when various diseases, especially in cases of nervous system disorders, as well as in the presence of painful changes in the oral cavity. Very important point in the patient's reaction to the presence of a denture are his psychological mood. It depends on how much he trusts his doctor, knows about the restorative capabilities of the prosthesis and the difficulties of getting used to it. They adapt to removable dentures faster if they do not cause pain. That's why great importance has prosthetic correction, which is carried out by a doctor after 1-2

days after their application. When making a prosthesis, new relationships between teeth often arise, which leads to disruption of habitual chewing movements. lower jaw and decreased chewing efficiency. If the chewing surfaces of the teeth are not very changed, over time, new rational movements of the lower jaw are aligned and chewing efficiency is gradually restored, and then increases.

Thus, getting used to the prosthesis is complex process, including the phenomena of irritation and inhibition. During the period of getting used to the dentures, new relationships between the teeth are formed, the masticatory muscles and joint adapt to the new bite height, and new, most appropriate movements of the lower jaw are developed. Only after the end of the habituation process can one judge the value of the prosthesis.

Rules for using dentures and caring for them

To prevent complications, as well as to fully use dentures, it is necessary to follow certain rules and carefully care for them.

Caring for dentures depends on their design. Fixed dentures are cared for in the same way as natural teeth. But plastic inlays, crowns, post teeth, bridges with plastic lining are less common than teeth. Therefore, such dentures must be used very carefully; do not chew crackers or eat sticky sweets such as toffee, as they stick to the surface of the dentures and can lead to disruption of their stability. With dentures, especially, the hygienic condition of the oral cavity worsens, creating favorable conditions for the life of microbes. The hygienic condition of the oral cavity deteriorates especially sharply in people who abuse sugar, alcohol, and smoke. A lot of stones and soft plaque are deposited on their teeth. Smokers appear brown coating due to nicotine buildup. In addition, if abused alcoholic drinks Blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the tooth is impaired, which leads to early tooth loss.

To prevent complications caused by the influence of microorganisms and their poisons, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor the hygienic condition of the oral cavity, remaining teeth and dentures. To remove food residues after eating, you need to rinse your mouth warm water, weak solutions potassium permanganate, sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda), sodium chloride (kitchen salt) with decoctions of sage, St. John's wort, chamomile. Fixed dentures, like natural teeth, are cleaned with tooth powder or paste. You should use a soft toothbrush made from natural bristles and change it after 6-8 months.

The movement of the brush when brushing teeth and fixed dentures should be mainly in vertical direction: when brushing your teeth upper jaw from top to bottom, and when brushing the teeth of the lower jaw from bottom to top.

You should also make several horizontal movements along the outer, inner and chewing surfaces of teeth and dentures to completely remove plaque and food debris. After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water or disinfectant solution. In the crevices between the alveolar ridge and intermediate part The bridge may retain food. It cannot be removed using sharp objects, as this can injure the mucous membrane and cause inflammation. It is best to thoroughly clean dentures with a toothbrush and rinse your mouth after eating.

Removable dentures are somewhat more difficult to care for. When receiving a removable denture (especially a partial one), the first thing you need to do is learn how to use it. If inserted and removed incorrectly, the denture can break and injure the oral mucosa. Sometimes, due to the pressure of a sharp or long edge, the presence of roughness, sharp protrusions on the surface of the prosthesis adjacent to the mucous membrane, painful sensations. The cause of pain is not always easy to identify and eliminate. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Many people are faced with the need for dentures after tooth extraction. This is especially true for those who have suffered complications after some serious illnesses in the form of problems with oral cavity. In order to install a high-quality denture, you must have all the information about this dental service. After all, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Today, dentures are usually classified into two types: removable and non-removable (placed for a certain period of time). Each of these methods is good in its own way. Especially if you consider anatomical features each patient and his wishes.

Removable dentures

This type of prosthetics is mainly suitable for older people and is not used for prosthetics after tooth extraction. Removable dentures It is recommended to place it when the patient has lost more teeth. Using this method, tooth loss is restored or tooth decay is prevented.

Lamellar dentures

This method has long been outdated. However, it was considered one of the best due to a number of advantages - the prosthesis is easy to care for.


This modern type dental prosthetics. Such a prosthesis is secured using special medical glue, or with special hooks made in the laboratory. The only downside to this method is the regular cleaning after every meal. For some patients, such actions cause a lot of trouble.

Such dentures are mainly attached with a special plate that follows the shape of each patient’s jaw. They are made from the following materials - polymer, porcelain, silicone, soft materials;

Advantages of removable dental prosthetics

Prosthetics after tooth extraction is great way recovery and restoration of lost teeth. Unlike the procedure for building up artificial teeth, installing dentures will cost the patient much less. In addition, using this method it is possible to restore the entire jaw row.

Removable dentures are easy to remove, easy to care for, and practically no different from natural ones. This is why the patient is able to smile and talk freely without worrying that others will notice artificial teeth. The service life depends entirely on proper and regular care, at least 2-3 times a day. If necessary, the prosthesis can always be replaced with a new one. The only drawback of such prosthetics is the need for daily removal for hygiene procedures.

Implantology has become a very popular branch of dentistry. She installs implants in place of extracted teeth. Patients who do not have molars or incisors no longer have to worry that the chewing process will worsen or the beauty of their smile will suffer, since today an implant can be placed immediately.

How long after tooth extraction can an implant be placed?

The main technology of implantation is the classical method of prosthetics. It takes on average from 1 to 3 months and is based on waiting for the gums to heal after tooth extraction. Sometimes there is a need to build up bone tissue, then the procedure is carried out after five months. Classic method– the most proven, therefore it is often recommended by dentists. It can be one-stage or stage-by-stage, depending on the patient’s individual indications.

Compared to conventional prosthetics, the implantation of titanium structures with a complex structure is more reliable, durable and much more convenient. When can an implant be placed after tooth extraction:

  1. A single defect in the upper or lower dentition (anterior and chewing teeth). The absence of one unit can be compensated for without turning two adjacent ones.
  2. Absence of 2-3 premolars in a row. Easily replaced with implants.
  3. Absence of last molars. End defects can be easily eliminated.
  4. No closure. Implants correct functional occlusion.

Step-by-step implant installation

Before the operation to install dental implants, the patient is prescribed a series of tests, the results of which will be valid for 2 weeks. If necessary, the doctor can send you for a consultation to various specialists and for additional laboratory examinations, which are determined on a case-by-case basis. If there are no contraindications, then surgical intervention is carried out in stages:

  1. Preliminary. Consultation, examination, examination, elimination of infections and treatment of diseased teeth are carried out.
  2. Surgical intervention. It lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, during which the surgeon, using cutters under anesthesia, forms a bone bed and places an artificial titanium root. The implant is screwed into the bone and then firmly fixed. The incision on the mucous membrane is sutured.
  3. Micro operation. 1-2 weeks after surgery, an incision is made into the mucosa to expose the surface of the implant. A special plug is removed, and the titanium abutment is fixed.
  4. Orthopedic. After healing, the dentist takes impressions of the dentition to make dentures. After fitting, the finished crown is fixed in the oral cavity. The permanent structure is installed only 3-6 months after the titanium root is implanted into the gums.

One-stage dental implantation

Express implantation is carried out within no more than one week after removal. With this method, there is no need to cut the gum and then wait for it to heal. The main condition for the operation is a sufficient amount of bone tissue and the presence of a wide socket. This technique is painless, but it is not suitable for everyone, since it requires complete absence contraindications. Benefits of immediate titanium root implantation:

  • carrying out the procedure in one go;
  • absence of necessity additional examination;
  • reducing trauma to a minimum;
  • gums heal faster;
  • volume reduction surgical operation;
  • absence of facial swelling after implantation;
  • lower cost compared to the phased method;
  • the survival rate is more than 90%.

When it is impossible to insert a tooth in place of a removed one

Why is a seemingly healing titanium root sometimes rejected? There are absolute and relative contraindications, in which prosthetic teeth using this method is not recommended. You cannot insert an implant root if you are sick.

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