Antihelminthic drugs for animals - names of drugs. Review of the best anthelmintics for cats. Cheap drugs for cats

Symptoms of helminth infection

Symptoms of helminthic infestations in cats include:

  • decreased or, conversely, increased appetite;
  • frequent constipation followed by diarrhea;
  • deterioration of the coat condition;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • allergic reactions, dermatoses;
  • shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • anemia, yellowness of mucous membranes;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • profuse salivation;
  • nausea, vomiting, especially after eating food.

Important! Helminths pose a danger not only to the health, but also to the life of cats.

Cat owners should be wary if there is mucus, blood clots, or inclusions in feces and vomit. Coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, a sharp decrease in body weight with a good appetite can also indicate a cat is infected with worms. Small kittens are developmentally delayed, inactive, refuse outdoor games, and get tired quickly.

To prevent the risk of infecting your furry pet with helminths, cat owners should not neglect preventive deworming.


The pharmacological industry produces many effective anthelmintic drugs for cats, which are used to combat helminths, as well as for preventive purposes.

As a rule, most anthelmintic agents for animals have a complex effect, simultaneously affecting most types (classes) of worms. Some drugs are effective against certain types of worms.

Anthelmintics for cats are produced in:

  • tablets;
  • suspensions;
  • pastas;
  • in injection solutions for subcutaneous, intramuscular administration.

Important! The form of anthelmintic drugs does not affect their effectiveness, but still, before choosing an anthelmintic for your beloved pet, you should first consult with a veterinarian.

Antihelminthic tablets are absorbed in the digestive tract. the time of partial removal from the body of animals is 10-12 hours. The drugs are excreted in the form of various metabolites with feces through the urinary system.

Tablet anthelmintic drugs, suspensions, pastes against worms are intended for internal use. To make it easier to administer, many oral anthelmintics for cats are flavored as meat or fish.

For the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis in small kittens, it is preferable to use suspensions that can be purchased at a veterinary hospital, pet stores or veterinary pharmacy. You should not deworm children with products that are used for adult animals. Buy anthelmintic drugs marked “For kittens from three weeks of age.” The suspension can be poured into the cheek using a syringe pipette or mixed with treats.

How and when to give anthelmintic drugs?

It is best to give cats an anthelmintic in the morning on an empty stomach, about 40-60 minutes before the main meal. The medicine, regardless of the form of release, can be mixed with food, your favorite food. For kittens, it is permissible to dissolve the anthelmintic in milk.

Anti-worm tablets are placed on the root of the tongue, with the pet's mouth wide open, or crushed into powder, which can be dissolved in water, and then poured into the cheek using a syringe without playing. You can also mix the medicine with the main food. The cat’s conditioned swallowing reflex will work, and it will quickly swallow the “medicinal treat.”

Before giving your cat an anthelmintic, be sure to read the instructions, strictly adhering to the dosage indicated in the instructions. This will help avoid side effects. It’s worth making sure that the anthelmintic you choose is appropriate for your pet’s age. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animals.

If a pregnant cat is diagnosed with helminthic infestation, antihelminthic drugs are given in a minimum concentration 15-20 days before the expected date of birth. Anthelmintics should be used, the instructions for which indicate that they can be given to animals bearing offspring, as well as lactating cats. For example, Milbemax, Bicheldon.

After deworming, carefully monitor the condition of your pet for two to three days. After deworming, kittens should be given any sorbent (activated carbon, Enterosgel) five to six days later.

The best anthelmintic drugs

There is a large selection of domestic and foreign veterinary anthelmintic drugs that are used for the treatment and prevention of helminthiases in cats. The most popular, effective anthelmintics for cats are:

  1. Piperazine.
  2. Profender.
  3. Milbenmicin oxy.
  4. Vacation.
  5. Naftamon.
  6. Cestal Ket.
  7. Polyverkan.
  8. Prazitel.
  9. Fenbendazole.
  10. Febtal.
  11. Milbemax.
  12. Suspension Dirafen.

Polyvercan is a complex anthelmintic drug for cats in the form of light yellow “sugar cubes” that quickly dissolve in water. One cube is designed for 10 kg of animal body weight. For preventive purposes, Polyvercan is given to cats separately. In case of severe helminthic infestation, it is worth repeating the drug after ten days.

Prazitel is a universal non-toxic product that can be purchased in tablet form or in suspension. The drug has a complex effect and is effective against trematodes, cestodes, and nematodes. It is completely eliminated from the body after 24 hours.

Cestal Ket is a modern Hungarian complex anthelmintic drug for cats. The dosage is calculated as follows: one tablet per four kilograms of animal body weight. For preventive purposes, the drug is given to cats every three to five months. For helminthic infestation - one tablet twice with an interval of two weeks.

Profender is available in the form of a solution, which is applied dropwise (topically) to the pet’s skin between the shoulder blades (on the withers) or in the neck area, since in these places the cat cannot lick the drug. The package contains two pipettes of 0.35, 0.7, 1.12 ml. Can be used for small kittens from eight weeks of age. Active ingredients: praziquantel, emodepside. Do not use for deworming emaciated, weakened animals, or if the cat is suffering from infectious or viral diseases.

Kanikvantel is an anthelmintic drug in tablet form. It is enough to give cats ½ tablet at a time.

Milbemax is a complex anthelmintic that is produced separately for adult cats and small kittens. The French drug is similar in mechanism of action and effectiveness to the domestic Drontal. It is not recommended to give the anthelmintic to kittens under six weeks of age.

Febtal is a Russian tableted anthelmintic drug with a pleasant taste and smell for cats. Dosage: one tablet per three kilograms of animal body weight. It is recommended to grind the tablets into powder and mix them with food or your favorite treat an hour before morning feeding. Febtal is not toxic to animals and has virtually no side effects. For kittens, you can purchase an anthelmintic in suspension (Febtal-combo"). Calculation: 1 ml per kg of weight. Before use, the drug must be shaken well.

Naftamon is an anthelmintic tablet drug that has proven itself in the fight against toxocara, nematodes, and cestodes. Kills helminths at all stages of their development. The only thing worth noting is that the drug is not recommended for use in animals with chronic liver pathologies.

Dirafen suspension is an effective, absolutely non-toxic remedy for the prevention and treatment of helminthiases in small kittens. An anthelmintic can be given to babies from three weeks of age.

The frequency of preventive deworming depends on the age of the cat. Kittens and young animals up to one year old should be given anthelmintic drugs once every three to four months for prevention purposes. For older cats – once every six months.

In addition, you need to take into account the pet’s diet. If the cat is kept on a natural diet, eats raw sea and river fish, meat, and offal, anthelmintics should be given once every four months. If the pet is kept on ready-made industrial dry, concentrated food, preventive deworming can be carried out every six to seven months.

Side effects

Despite the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs for cats, in case of overdose, anthelmintics can cause side effects, including:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • refusal to feed, disruption of digestive processes;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • manifestation of allergic reactions (dermatoses, dermatitis);
  • profuse diarrhea;
  • temperature increase.

Side effects depend on the level of toxicity of the anthelmintic drug, age, general physiological condition of the animals, and the degree of helminthic infestation. It should not be ruled out that cats, especially high-breed cats, may develop individual intolerance to the active components of anthelmintic drugs. Therefore, when choosing an anthelmintic for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

As a rule, side effects after deworming in cats disappear spontaneously on the second or third day. If side symptoms appear for more than two days, immediately contact a veterinarian and take the cat to a veterinary hospital. Washing the stomach and intestines, administering physiological solutions (droppers), and sorbents will help neutralize intoxication after taking anthelmintic drugs.

Contraindications for use

Deworming for therapeutic and preventive purposes, despite the large selection of anthelmintic drugs, is not recommended for sick, weakened animals, cats that have been diagnosed with chronic viral and bacterial infections.

As already noted, you should not give anthelmintic drugs to cats in the early stages of pregnancy, kittens under three weeks of age, or animals weighing less than a kilogram.

The choice of anthelmintic drugs should be approached with special attention if animals have increased hypersensitivity to drugs, functional disorders of the liver, or genitourinary tract.

Even if your cat never leaves the house, this does not mean that he cannot get helminths. Today, pharmacies sell a variety of anthelmintic drugs for cats. Which product is suitable for your pet? Let's study together the range of such drugs and understand the schemes for their use.

Most often, nematoses, cestodes and trimatoses settle in the body of cats. Flatworms and roundworms can be treated with anthelmintics. Fluke worms (trimatoses) do not respond to this treatment. To expel them from the body, serious treatment is necessary.

  • Drontal for cats. The instructions for use contain the following recommendations: treatment with this drug is allowed only if the animal has reached 3 months of age. One tablet is designed for a cat that weighs 4 kg;
  • Febtal. It should be given according to the following scheme: per 3 kg of animal weight - one tablet. It must be fed three days in a row during the morning meal. The advantage of this medicine is that cats eat it with pleasure, as they like its taste;
  • Dirofen Plus - deworming tablets for cats and dogs. Reviews show that this is not only quite popular, but also an effective remedy. It contains two active ingredients - fenbendazole and pyrantel. The medicine is effective at any stage of infection. The standard dosage depends on weight: 1 tablet. (250 mg/g) per 5 kg for adult animals and 1 table. (50 mg/g) per 1 kg - kittens;

  • Prazitel. The product is suitable even for kittens. 1 tablet is calculated per 1 kg of body weight;
  • Prazicide. For cats, they are produced in a dosage of 200 mg, each pill contains 15 mg of praziquel and 50 mg of pyrantel. The tablet is given along with food in a dose of 1 tablet. by 3 kg of weight;
  • Polyverkan. For its production, an original dosage form is used - sugar cubes. The active ingredients are oxybendazole and niclosamide. The drug is effective against 7 types of helminths. It can be given directly from your hand or dissolved in a small portion of water and introduced into the cat’s mouth using a syringe. For prevention, it is used once every 90 days. The dose is calculated using the formula 1 cube per 10 kg of weight (that is, for cats weighing up to 5 kg, ½ cube will be enough). If infection has already occurred, then the medicine is used 2 times. per day with an interval of 10 days in the same dosage. Polyvercan should not be given to kittens under 4 weeks of age or to pregnant cats;
  • Holiday plus. Composition: praziquantene, fenbendazole. Fast-acting remedy. When treating ascaris, the course of treatment is repeated every two weeks. Usually half a tablet per day is enough for a cat.

Such medications should not be given to animals suffering from kidney or liver diseases, in case of exhaustion or individual intolerance to the components. It is better not to use them if the cat is carrying kittens.

It would be correct if the dosage is determined by a doctor, since all these drugs are quite toxic.

Antihelminthic suspensions and drops: how are they better than tablets?

One of the main problems in the treatment of helminthic infestation that cat owners face is that the animals flatly refuse tasteless pills. Not all purrs have an easy-going nature - they may spit out the medicine or simply will not eat it. Preparations in the form of pastes or liquid solutions will come to the rescue.

The list of the most popular suspensions includes:

If the cat does not want to swallow the suspension, then the only alternative is to use drops that are applied to the withers. They are absorbed through the skin and destroy worms. Stronghold has the best reputation. The medicine is sold in polymer pipettes. Another drug that has earned a lot of praise is Profendor.

It is best not to start anthelmintic treatment without consulting a veterinarian. Of course, the owner of the animal may suspect that the pet’s poor health is due precisely to the presence of helminths in its body. This will be indicated by sudden weight loss, periodic vomiting or diarrhea, red spots on the skin, rashes on the ears and purulent discharge from the eyes. But some other diseases also have such symptoms. Therefore, you can independently perform anthelmintic treatment of an animal’s body only for preventive purposes, using gentle doses.

Prevention tablets are given once. If the animal has helminths, the drug will have to be repeated after two weeks. To avoid side effects while taking it, you must strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Well-known broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs are:
— Kanikquantel;
— Drontal;
- Milbemax, etc.

There are contraindications for which deworming tablets cannot be given: pregnancy, exhaustion of the animal, age under 6 weeks, individual intolerance.

Anthelmintic drugs for cats in injections and drops, injections, list of the most effective, price and where to buy the medicine

— Profender (cost from 400 to 1000 rubles) – drops on the animal’s withers, suitable for kittens from 8 weeks from birth, the active ingredients are emodepside and praziquantel;
- Stronghold (costs about 300 rubles) - also drops on the withers, which help against helminths, the active ingredient is selamectin.
- Novomek (1 ampoule - about 50 rubles), Ivermek (50 ml - 220 rubles), Baymek (200 ml - 702 rubles) - injections that must be given subcutaneously once a week. Injections are given three times per course: on the 1st, 8th, 15th day of treatment.

You can buy medications in veterinary pharmacies or online stores selling pet supplies.

Anthelmintic drugs for cats against tapeworms and with long-term protection rating, reviews from veterinarians

There are different types of tapeworms that infect cats. The following drugs are suitable for their treatment:
— Praziquantel;
— Azinox;
— Fenasal;
— Skoloban;
— Cetovex;
- Filixan, etc.

It is advisable for your veterinarian to prescribe the most appropriate drug and dosage. According to veterinarians, owners can harm their pets by choosing the wrong drug.

Anthelmintic drugs for cats azinox, alben, helminthal, dirofen, drontal, kanikvantel how it works and a brief description

Dirofen - suspension or tablets. The active ingredients of the drug are pyrantel and fenbendazole. Used for the prevention and treatment of round and flat helminths. Can be given to kittens from three weeks of age.

Alben is available in tablet form. The active ingredient in the drug is albendazole. The medicine has a wide spectrum of action, destroying nematodes, cestodes and trematodes, and is well tolerated by animals in recommended doses.

Helminthal is a drop on the withers against helminths. The drug is effective against different types of helminths – round and tapeworms. Suitable for cats with sensitive digestion that do not tolerate deworming tablets well. Can be used for kittens from 3 weeks of age. The active ingredients of the drug are pyrantel and praziquantel.

Azinox is available in tablets. It is suitable for treating cats against tapeworms (cestodes). The active substance is praziquantel. The medicine is given to the pet as prescribed by the doctor.

Broad-spectrum anthelmintics for cats and for prevention

For prevention, you can use drops on the withers - Stronghold, Profender, Prazicide. Promptly remove fleas from the animal, which can be carriers of helminths. You can give tablets for prevention once every 4 or 6 months. It is advisable to do this before vaccination and mating. Popular drugs include:
- Milbemax;
— Kanikquantel;
— Drontal;
— Dirofen;
- Prazitel, etc.

The medicine may not work right away. It is better to choose a drug that the cat will tolerate easily, without side effects.

Antihelminthic drugs for cats before vaccination: method of use and main list, contraindications

Two weeks before vaccination, the cat is given anthelmintic drugs. It is not advisable to do this immediately before vaccination. Commonly used medications for cats:
- Dironet;
— Drontal;
- Milbemax;
— Prazicide;
- Kanikvantel, etc.

Contraindications for the use of the drugs are: infectious diseases of cats, age under 3 weeks, pregnancy, severe exhaustion and individual intolerance to the components.

Painkillers for cats

Cats are very sensitive to pain medications. Many human painkillers can simply kill them, such as aspirin and parcetamol. But if the animal is in severe pain, the owner is faced with the question of how to help the pet. You can give your cat Ketonal.

To relieve spastic attacks, use No-Shpu or Papaverine. As a last resort, you can give your cat Analgin; it is best administered intramuscularly at a dosage of 0.15-0.3 ml per animal.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used: Prednisolone or Meloxicam. But long-term treatment with these drugs can lead to failure of the animal’s kidneys and liver.

You probably know about the need for regular protective measures for your pets, but you may have some questions: what is this for, how to use anthelmintic tablets?

The thing is that there are diseases that are transmitted from animals to animals, from animals to humans, and even vice versa - from humans to animals. So, in order to protect yourself and your pet from some of the most common diseases, regular preventive treatments are necessary.

In this article we will look at deworming.

The danger of helminthiases in domestic animals lies not only in the fact that they cause great harm to the body of the animal itself, but can also very easily be transmitted to the owner.

Also, helminths in the process of existence injure organs and tissues (for example, causing mechanical damage to the intestinal mucous layer, which can be manifested by stool with mucus and blood). Helminths can spread pathogenic bacteria, which cause various diseases and, accordingly, weaken the body. And since the body is weakened, it becomes susceptible to many viral infections.

Types of worms in dogs and cats

In dogs, as in cats, there are three groups of worms:

  1. Nematodes (roundworms).
  2. Trematodes (flukes).
  3. Cestodes (tapeworms).

Worms in cats: symptoms and treatment

How to get rid of worms without risk to your pet

To protect yourself and your pet, you need to remember the following:

  1. Only clinically healthy animals are anthelmintic (if there is a digestive disorder - vomiting, loose stools, refusal to feed, then giving an anthelmintic is prohibited until an appointment or consultation with a veterinarian);
  2. Prevention of worms in dogs and cats is carried out once every 3 months;
  3. Preventive treatment of puppies and kittens is carried out for the first time at 3 weeks or 1 month, then before the first vaccination it is mandatory (vaccination is carried out from 2 months, respectively, the anthelmintic should be given 10 days before it), if there are no worms after deworming, it is carried out vaccination, if any, requires repeated treatment at intervals and only then, the first vaccine in life. Next, before revaccination at 3 months (again, the drug is given 10 days before), if the first vaccine was given earlier than prescribed, and at the time of revaccination the puppy/kitten is not yet 3 months old, then we revaccinate without rabies and without deworming, and then, when 3 months arrive, we vaccinate purely against rabies (give an anthelmintic 10 days before). Subsequently, anthelmintic is administered once every 3 months and 10 days before the annual vaccination;
  4. All animals in the house are dewormed at the same time;
  5. It is not recommended to anthelmintize pregnant and lactating females unless absolutely necessary, so giving an anthelmintic should be done 10-14 days before mating;
  6. After your pet comes into contact with animals infected or potentially infected with helminthic infestation, preventive deworming is required;
  7. If you notice eggs in the stool that look like grains of rice, small worms or something similar, carry out preventive deworming;
  8. The administration of drugs is carried out strictly by weight: if you give a smaller amount of the drug, it will not have a full effect, and an overdose can harm the animal’s body;
  9. Try to use only high-quality imported drugs. Since imported products undergo more degrees of control and testing, they produce fewer side effects, are tolerated more gently by the body, but at the same time retain their high effectiveness.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that helminthiases belong to anthropozoonoses - a group of infectious and invasive diseases common to animals and humans.

For this reason, there is a danger of infection of the animal owner and all family members. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of helminthic infestation, it is necessary to protect your body prophylactically.

The best deworming tablets for humans

Products used for deworming animals exist in the form of tablets, suspensions, treatments on the withers (Spot-on pipettes), and injections.

Injections for worms

Treatment on the withers Spot-on

Some medications only have an anthelmintic effect, while others, in addition to the anthelmintic effect, also provide protection against fleas and ticks.

These funds have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the fact that these drugs are extremely easy to use. This is due to the fact that not all animals tolerate taking medications orally (through the oral cavity). This is due either to the aggressiveness of the animals, or to the fact that when trying to give any drugs by mouth, very strong salivation begins. Because of this, for some owners, applying the product to the withers is the only way to treat the animal.

The disadvantages are that these drugs do not have the same wide range of effects on worms as, for example, tablets or suspensions. Therefore, these drugs are not suitable for the treatment of helminthic infestations; their use is recommended only for the prevention of helminthiasis. Also, these products are more expensive than their analogues. The most common Spot-on products are: Profender for cats, Stronghold, Lawyer, Inspector.

Anti-worm suspension

The liquid form of the suspension is convenient for many owners, but has its drawbacks. One of them is that when drinking the drug, part of it may be spat out by the animal, which leads to a violation of the dosage. Also, most suspensions are broad-spectrum drugs: their use may cause side effects in the form of digestive upset and lack of effectiveness. The most common drugs in this group are Prazicide, Dirofen.

Deworming tablets for dogs and cats

This is the most effective and broad-spectrum remedy in the fight against helminthic infestation. The only drawback is that not all owners can give the tablet to the animal. The drug must be given to the pet's tongue (the deeper, the more likely it is that the pet will swallow the drug) or fed with food, but this method is effective mainly in dogs.

Remember: when using this or that product, you must carefully read the instructions for use. Purchase products only from specialized veterinary pharmacies and stores. Pay attention to expiration dates.

Do not hesitate to contact our clinic for a consultation. We are always happy to help with the choice of a particular means of protection and tell you about new products and the latest developments in this area, and give all the necessary recommendations.

Veterinary pharmacies always stock a variety of anthelmintic drugs for kittens and cats. Among the great variety of tablets, capsules, suspensions, even a specialist and, especially, ordinary cat owners may have difficulty choosing a drug. Now we will try to understand which deworming tablets are best to give to cats and whether it is possible to detect the difference between them.


Features of the drugs

If there is no veterinarian, you can give your cat broad-spectrum tablets yourself. For preventive reasons, treatment is carried out every 90 days, as well as 15 days before mating and on the eve of vaccination. The medicine is given if there are worms or larvae in the stool.

There is no need to give anthelmintics on your own to small kittens up to three weeks old, pregnant females at the beginning of their term, or lactating females within 20 days after lambing. Do not use deworming tablets for cats when treating adult cats whose weight does not reach 500 grams. You should not give the medicine to kidney or liver diseases, or to an emaciated cat.

Not all cats are amenable to various procedures, and certainly not all will be willing to take medications. It is important not only to use the appropriate medicine, but also to give it to the cat correctly. There are two options here:

  1. Option using physical force. You need to secure the cat by wrapping it in a towel. Then press the corners of your mouth with the fingers of your left hand, achieving the opening of the jaws. With the other hand, place the tablet on the base of the tongue and close the pet's mouth. After this, slightly lift the animal’s head up and stroke its throat, causing swallowing movements.
  2. Deceptive way. You can wrap the tablet in meat or fish and give it to your cat. A large tablet must be crushed beforehand. You can also make a suspension from the tablet, stir it in milk, and pour it into the kitten’s mouth. It is convenient to use a syringe without a needle or a spoon for this.

All medications should be given in the morning, before meals. After administration, the cat should not be given food for an hour. Most anthelmintics are given once. If the infection of the animal is severe, then the product is given in small doses, or the treatment is repeated after two weeks.

Rating of the best drugs

  • Polyverkan;
  • Dirofen;
  • Prazitel;
  • Febtal;
  • Pratel;
  • Kanikquantel plus;
  • Profender;
  • Milbemax;
  • Trontsil-K;
  • Drontal.

We will not provide instructions on how and when to give deworming medications to cats, due to the fact that they have different doses, packaging and active substances. To avoid a fatal mistake, given that medications in large doses are toxins, it is better to give them according to instructions.

Preparation Prazitel

This safe drug effectively protects cats from all types of helminths at any stage of development. The medicine is used when it is necessary to exterminate nematodes and cestodes. Sold in the form of a suspension. 1 ml of the drug contains: praziquantel - 3 mg and pyrantel pamoate - 30 mg. The product cannot be used for:

  • cats and kittens when they are malnourished or have infectious diseases;
  • kittens less than 20 days old;
  • in relation to pregnant and lactating cats;
  • together with anthelmintics that contain piperazine;
  • when there is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The product can be given to pregnant females from the second half of their term and to lactating cats 22 days after lambing. It must be used by animals on the eve of vaccination. Sold in 15 ml bottles. The kit includes a dosing syringe.

Peparat Dirofen

A complex anthelmintic drug for kittens and adults, sold in the form of tablets. The active ingredients are pyrantel and fenbendazole. Dirofen has a very wide range of applications and can give a quick effect. It can be used to kill roundworms and tapeworms.

Preparation Polyvercan (Sugar cubes)

It is an anthelmintic drug with a wide spectrum of effects for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes against nematodes and cestodes in adult cats and kittens. Polyvercane is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of a soluble yellow sugar cube weighing 8 grams. It contains: 40 mg oxybendazole, 200 mg niclosamide.

For cats whose body weight does not exceed 5 kilograms, the dose is half a cube. To do this, the product is dissolved in water and then administered through the mouth with a syringe. For treatment, the medicine is given twice, with an interval of twelve days, and for preventive purposes, it can be given once every 90 days. For kittens, sugar cubes can be used from the age of one month. It is prohibited for pregnant females.

The drug "Kaniquantel plus"

It is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic intended for cats. It contains: praziquanten - 50 mg, fenbendazole - 500 mg. It destroys round and flatworms. can give quick results. When treating, check the dosage in the instructions. Half a tablet is enough for cats. When treating roundworms, the remedy should be repeated two to three times, every two weeks. The drug is not recommended to be given when treating pregnant animals.

Medicines for kittens

When treating kittens for helminths, not all medications are suitable for use. The pharmaceutical industry has developed special drugs to treat small kittens. These include sweet for kittens and Dirofen for kittens. All other medications can be given when the kitten reaches the age of one month, and certain names - from the age of two months.

It is better to use the medicine once, in the morning, when the animals are fed. Give the kitten medicine with food or forcefully using a syringe without a needle. Before use, the bottle of suspension should be shaken well. Kittens that have reached 2, 6, 12 weeks of age are dewormed, and then again when they reach 4 months and six months of age. The dosage is indicated on the packaging.

Video “Worms in cats - treatment”

This video explains how to give the tablet, when and how to treat cats and kittens with anthelmintics.

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