Psoriasis of internal organs symptoms. Causes of psoriasis: know to get rid of it. Important conclusions and what to do: smoking

Psoriasis, or scaly lichen is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of inflammatory rashes and peeling. Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases, and about 4% of the world's population of any age suffers from this disease.

The first signs of psoriasis can appear from 4 months to old age, but psoriasis most often affects people aged 21 to 42 years. It has been established that the earlier the disease began, the more severe it is, with more frequent relapses. In old age, psoriasis is often combined with diseases of the aging body: hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, neurosis, etc., which in turn affect the development of lichen planus.

Psoriasis: causes of the disease

The causes of psoriasis have not yet been fully studied and it remains one of the most mysterious diseases of mankind.

The disease can occur at any time and from anything, it can be treated until the end of days without achieving complete recovery, or it can go away on its own without any treatment.

Over many years of research, it was possible to learn some of the patterns of this disease, the features of its course, and draw the most important conclusion - in many ways, the development and course of psoriasis depends on the patient himself.

Psoriasis is a complex chronic disease of unknown origin with many different manifestations and a relapsing course.

When you have psoriasis, the process of death of the top layer of skin occurs much faster than in healthy people. In normal skin conditions, the cell maturation cycle lasts from 25 to 30 days, but in psoriasis, the skin dies within five days. Psoriasis has summer and winter uniforms, and mainly affects limited areas of the body: the scalp, the bends of the elbow and knee joints, the sacral area, but it can also appear in other places of the body.

Psoriasis begins acutely: small papules of bright pink or red color appear, covered with whitish scales with edges clearly demarcated from healthy skin. The scales that appear can be scraped off quite easily. Then the papules enlarge and turn into plaques of various sizes, which can merge with each other, forming more extensive foci of affected skin. Almost all psoriasis rashes are accompanied by peeling. In summer, the symptoms of psoriasis, especially under the influence of sunlight, weaken, and in some patients disappear without a trace. But this is a rather arbitrary division into summer and autumn-winter forms of the disease. The most frequent exacerbations and relapses occur in colder and more uncomfortable times of the year, but summer is not always an exception for the development of the disease.

Even the most minor injuries in the form of scratches, it can appear and disappear on its own, but most often psoriasis is permanent and is not completely cured.

Psoriasis often affects not only the skin, but also the joints, and in this process the so-called psoriatic arthritis develops.

The opinions of most scientists agree that the occurrence of the disease is influenced by genetic factor , that is, the ability to be inherited. Scientific research in recent years has shown that psoriasis is based on many interacting factors, and among them the most indisputable is the fact of hereditary predisposition. Observations have shown that if both parents have psoriasis, then the risk of developing the disease in the child reaches 70%. If the disease is observed in only one parent, then the risk for the child is reduced to 25%.

Currently, there are many theories regarding the causes and mechanisms of development of psoriasis. Among the causes of psoriasis, much attention is paid to the trigger factors that provoke the onset of the disease.

This injuries - any damage to the skin, infectious diseases - flu, sore throat, unhealthy diet, stress, reaction to medications, climate change, alcohol consumption and etc.

But so far no theory of the development of psoriasis is generally accepted.

One of the old theories of the origin of psoriasis is infectious . According to it, the cause of the disease lies in damage by various microorganisms and fungi. But during clinical tests this was not confirmed, and not a single similar pathogen was identified. However, based on the results of long-term observations, certain conclusions have been drawn about the influence of infectious diseases on the occurrence and development of psoriasis, especially in the autumn-winter and spring periods, when incidence rates increase several times. Some researchers looked for a connection between the appearance of the first psoriasis rashes and an infectious disease, but this pattern was also not confirmed.

There is also infectious-allergic the theory of the occurrence of psoriasis, the followers of which suggest that the disease occurs as an allergic reaction of the body to the complex structure of viruses or to their metabolic products.

Viral origin psoriasis has not yet been proven, but scientists are developing this hypothesis as related to the genetic theory. This theory is one of the main ones among many other theories about the occurrence of psoriasis and is based on cases of familial manifestations of this disease. At the current level of science, psoriasis can be classified as a chronic systemic disease that develops mainly in individuals who are genetically predisposed to it.

It has been proven that violations metabolic processes in the blood and track of patients are stable, occur quite early and precede the first manifestations of the disease in the form of rashes. All these signs and other changes are inherited and create a predisposition of the body to the disease. An infectious disease, social factors, or physical stress can accelerate the onset of psoriasis. And at the same time, scientists suggest that psoriasis cannot be called a purely hereditary disease; one can only point to a predisposition to it based on many genes. That is, it is not psoriasis itself that is inherited, but changes in metabolism, structural features of the skin and other mechanisms of the body.

The metabolic theory of psoriasis has been put forward based on numerous observations, according to which various metabolic disorders in the body directly lead to the disease. In the first, progressive stage, patients experience a significant slowdown in the metabolic process, which leads to a slight decrease in body temperature. Vitamin metabolism is also disrupted, especially vitamin C metabolism, which reduces the body's defenses. Its content decreases in the blood, but increases in the skin. Similar disturbances are observed in other types of vitamins and microelements, but as recovery progresses, this imbalance levels out and returns to normal.

According to statistics, up to 27% of patients with psoriasis suffer from diabetes mellitus .

Another generally accepted theory of the occurrence of psoriasis is immune theory . If there are foci of infection in the body, for example, chronic tonsillitis, the body's genetic predisposition to psoriasis manifests itself, since such foci are provoking factors and disrupt immune processes. In recent years, scientists have been able to establish that decreased immunity leads to the development of psoriasis. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the influence of all other factors, of which there are many and the role of their impact on the patient’s body is very significant.

Endocrine theory presents a large amount of factual material on the connection between the appearance of psoriasis and its development with hormones or glands, but all this exists at the level of hypotheses, and it is not possible to single out the influence of any gland or hormone as the main source of relapse of the disease or the onset of remission. Once again, it is worth emphasizing that it is necessary to take into account various metabolic disorders, the activity of the central nervous system, etc., in order to get closer to unraveling the mechanism of development of psoriasis.

Many researchers emphasize that psoriasis manifests itself or worsens when stressful situations or mental trauma . After a thorough examination of patients with psoriasis, scientists were able to establish that in the progressive stage of the disease, the condition of the patients themselves is characterized as nervous and depressive, which continues during remission of the disease. Some researchers consider the appearance of psoriasis to be a consequence of neuroses, while the opinion of others is exactly the opposite - that is, that the development of the disease disrupts the psycho-emotional state of the patient. So there is no consensus yet, but one thing is indisputable: people with psoriasis develop disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and this affects the course of the disease, and especially the frequency of its relapses.

Exists intoxication theory . The human body constantly communicates with the external environment that surrounds it, and food is the most important representative of this environment and is in constant interaction with the immune system. Disturbances in the intestines occur primarily as a result of poor nutrition and the use of certain medications. In addition, past viral infections, excessive alcohol consumption and a decrease in blood supply, inevitable with atherosclerosis, act.

Some researchers believe that the cause of psoriasis is the accumulation of toxic products in the body. When the intestines become diseased or their activity is disrupted, the walls become thinner, and the liver and kidneys at a certain point do not fully cope with their cleansing functions, which allows toxic substances to leak into the body through the intestines into the circulatory system. The immune system tries to get rid of internal toxins through the skin, resulting in psoriatic plaques appearing as a consequence of this intoxication. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are thought to be the results of this process.

There are a number of factors that provoke the disease. One of the main mechanisms of psoriasis is mental trauma or stressful situations, as well as prolonged nervous tension. And at the same time, there are observations that show the opposite effect of negative emotions. That is, the disease begins to sharply recede and not even traces of psoriatic rashes remain on the skin, but such cases occur very rarely.

Presence in the body foci of infection also plays an important role in the disease of psoriasis and its exacerbation. These include: sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis, caries, chlamydia. Scarlet fever, erysipelas, etc. also often provoke the appearance and exacerbation of psoriasis.

Other risk factors:

- skin trauma - bites, cuts,

- prolonged hypothermia,

- hormonal changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding,

- menopause and adolescence.

- the development of psoriasis is very rarely observed with the abuse of chocolate or citrus fruits,

- due to alcohol abuse or antibiotic overdose,

- with prolonged exposure to the sun.

All these factors are rare, but, nevertheless, they should not be forgotten.

The provoking factor for the exacerbation or appearance of psoriasis is medicines .

Medicines that aggravate psoriasis:

Antibiotics - 30%: tetracycline, penicillin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, etc.;

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - 18%: butadione, ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc.;

B vitamins - 17%: thiamine bromide (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12);

Beta blockers - 15%;

Delagil, various cytostatics, vaccines, serums, etc.

Promotes the occurrence and exacerbation of psoriasis alcohol consumption and significantly shortens periods of remission. In such patients, the most severe forms of the disease are more common. Among people who do not abuse alcohol, psoriasis develops seven times less often than among drinkers.

Also, one of the provoking factors is the influence climatic conditions - some researchers emphasize the connection between the disease and high humidity with increased solar radiation, others associate temperature and humidity with the incidence, etc.

Psoriasis: classification

There are the following forms of psoriasis:


Psoriasis of the scalp,


Nail psoriasis,

Psoriasis of the palms and soles,

Psoriatic erythroderma,

Arthropathic psoriasis, exudative psoriasis.

The most common form of psoriasis is plaque, or vulgar, psoriasis. It appears as scattered and scaly papules that rise slightly above the surface of the skin and coalesce into plaques. These plaques are located on the elbows, knees and scalp.

Psoriasis scalp characterized by rashes in the hair growth area, which are often accompanied by itching. Severe peeling often appears, which patients perceive as the appearance of severe dandruff.

Guttate psoriasis It is characterized by numerous small rashes scattered throughout the skin, also covered with scales, and often develops in young people and children. Often its appearance is a consequence of an infectious disease.

Nail psoriasis may not be accompanied by skin rashes, but this form of the disease is quite common. Multiple pinpoint depressions appear on the nails, or the so-called “thimble” symptom. There is a slight thickening of the free edge of the nail plate, and in some cases, papules characteristic of psoriasis with a yellowish tint, similar to oil stains, appear under the nails. Such signs occur in approximately 10% of patients with severe psoriasis, but may be the only sign of the disease.

Skinfold psoriasis affects the inguinal folds, armpits and genitals.

Psoriasis of the palms and soles manifests itself as symmetrical damage to the soles and palms. First, papules and pustular elements appear, which, when dry, turn into crusts.

If psoriasis is not treated, there is a risk of developing severe complications, such as:

  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • psoriatic erythroderma;
  • pustular psoriasis.

Psoriatic erythroderma - this is the most severe form of psoriasis, in which the rashes merge into large bright red lesions, and they occupy almost the entire skin. The skin becomes tight, rough, purplish-red in color and with abundant peeling on the surface. With this form of psoriasis, the lymph nodes are greatly enlarged, the temperature rises, and changes in blood composition are observed, sometimes sleep is disturbed and hair loss may begin. The development of this form of psoriasis is facilitated by incorrectly selected medications taken in the initial stage of psoriasis, and at the same time, the most typical signs of psoriasis appear rather weakly.

Arthropathic psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, sometimes without skin manifestations. The small joints of the hands and feet are often affected, but skin symptoms of psoriasis occur before the disease manifests itself in the joints, although often in patients with psoriasis the joints are affected first. Arthropathic psoriasis leads to joint deformation, limitation of movements, swelling of the feet and hands. Changes in the joints are varied and occur three to four years after the first psoriasis rash. Men are most susceptible to this disease, and it requires treatment not only from a dermatologist, but also from a rheumatologist, since arthropathic psoriasis is very similar in its symptoms to rheumatoid arthritis.

Exudative psoriasis develops more often in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, children and the elderly. The provoking factor for the development of the disease is allergies and the cold season for those who work outdoors. This type of disease is accompanied by severe swelling and particularly bright papules, covered with a scaly yellowish crust, accompanied by burning and itching.

According to external manifestations they distinguish types of psoriasis:

Follicular psoriasis,

Rupioid psoriasis,

Seborrheic psoriasis.

Characterized by follicular psoriasis the formation of very small cone-shaped papules with a small depression in the center. They are located at the base of the hairline, most often on the thighs and lower legs, and have a whitish color.

At rupoid psoriasis massive layered crust-like scales of a dirty brown color appear on existing rashes.

At psoriasis seborrheic foci of pink-red color with a yellowish tint are formed, covered with fatty, fine-plate scales.

When you easily remove the scales from the papules, you can find three characteristic differences between their surfaces.

The appearance of a stearin stain, when the surface of the papule becomes white, stearic in color,

The appearance of a terminal film, while after removing the scales a reddish shiny surface is revealed,

A type of pinpoint bleeding that opens after the film is removed.

Diagnosis of psoriasis

The diagnosis of psoriasis is usually straightforward and is based on the characteristic appearance of the skin. There are no diagnostic procedures or blood tests specific to psoriasis. However, with active, progressive psoriasis or its severe course, deviations in blood tests, confirming the presence of an active inflammatory, autoimmune, rheumatic process (increased titers of rheumatoid factor, acute phase proteins, leukocytosis, increased ESR, etc.), as well as endocrine and biochemical disorders.

Sometimes it is necessary biopsy skin to exclude other skin diseases and histological confirmation (verification) of the diagnosis of psoriasis. A skin biopsy of a patient with psoriasis reveals accumulations of so-called Rethe bodies, thickening of the keratinocyte layer, their histological immaturity, massive infiltration of the skin with T-lymphocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, signs of increased proliferation of keratinocytes and immunocompetent cells, accelerated angiogenesis in the layer of skin under the plaques. Another characteristic sign of psoriasis is pinpoint hemorrhages and the ease of bleeding from the skin under the plaque when it is scraped, which is associated both with the acceleration of angiogenesis and with pathologically increased permeability and fragility of skin vessels in the affected areas (Auschpitz symptom).

Psoriasis stages

There are three stages of psoriasis:

The first is progressive.

The second is stationary.

The third is regressive.

On first, progressive stage Dotted or droplet-sized rashes appear, there are many of them, they are bright red in color, and they are characterized by peripheral growth.

If at this stage of the disease even a slight injury to the skin occurs, regardless of the degree of damage - a bite, cut, burn, etc., then in the absence of treatment or its insufficiency, after two to three weeks the development of trauma-induced psoriasis begins, that is, caused by injury. Psoriatic elements often appear on the damaged area of ​​the body, and a reaction begins, which is called the Koebner phenomenon. This relationship has not yet been fully explored and remains unclear.

On the second, stationary stage , there are no new rashes, the growth of existing ones stops, many large plaques, no larger than a coin, and extensive united foci consisting of them, pale pink in color, remain on the skin.

On third, regressive stage , the elements of the rash turn pale, shrink and resolve, and the peeling stops. If this process begins from the center, then the plaques acquire a ring shape. When the resorption of plaques occurs from the edge, a pale strip of skin appears, similar to a rim, which remains on the skin for some time even after the plaques themselves disappear. However, even at this stage there are still plaques that remain on the knees and elbows.

Quality of life of patients with psoriasis

It has been shown that psoriasis can impair the quality of life of patients to the same extent as other severe chronic diseases, such as depression, previous myocardial infarction, hypertension, heart failure or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Depending on the severity and location of psoriatic lesions, patients with psoriasis may experience significant physical and/or psychological discomfort, difficulties with social and professional adaptation, and even require disability. Severe skin itching or pain may interfere with basic life activities such as self-care, walking, and sleeping. Psoriatic plaques on exposed parts of the arms or legs may prevent the patient from working certain jobs, playing certain sports, or caring for family members, pets, or the home. Psoriatic plaques on the scalp often pose a special psychological problem for patients and give rise to significant distress and even social phobia, since pale plaques on the scalp can be mistaken by others for dandruff or the result of lice. An even greater psychological problem is caused by the presence of psoriatic rashes on the skin of the face and earlobes. Treatment of psoriasis can be expensive and take a lot of time and effort from the patient, interfering with work and/or study, the patient’s socialization, and personal life.

Patients with psoriasis can also be (and often are) overly concerned with their appearance, attach too much importance to it (sometimes to the point of obsessive fixation on this, almost dysmorphophobia), suffer from low self-esteem, which is associated with fear of social rejection and rejection, or with fears unable to find a sexual partner due to appearance problems. Psychological distress in combination with pain, itching and immunopathological disorders (increased production of inflammatory cytokines) can lead to the development of severe depression, anxiety or social phobia, to significant social isolation and maladjustment of the patient. It should also be noted that comorbidity (combination) of psoriasis and depression, as well as psoriasis and social phobia, occurs with increased frequency even in those patients who do not experience subjective psychological discomfort from the presence of psoriasis. It seems likely that the genetic factors influencing susceptibility to psoriasis and susceptibility to depression, anxiety, and social phobia largely overlap. It is also possible that common immunopathological and/or endocrine factors play a role in the pathogenesis of both psoriasis and depression (for example, in depression, increased levels of inflammatory cytokines and increased cytotoxic activity of neuroglia are also found).

In a 2008 National Psoriasis Foundation of America survey of 426 psoriasis patients, 71 percent of patients reported that the disease was a major problem in their daily lives. More than half of the patients noted a significant fixation on their appearance (63 percent), a fear of looking bad or being rejected by others due to the presence of psoriasis, and a feeling of awkwardness, shame or embarrassment in social situations (58 percent). More than one third of patients reported that with the onset or progression of the disease, they began to avoid social activities and communication with people or limited their search for partners and intimate relationships due to the disease.

There are many tools to objectively measure the quality of life of patients with psoriasis and other dermatological diseases. Clinical studies show that patients with psoriasis often experience a subjective decrease in quality of life. A 2009 study on the impact of psoriasis on quality of life used interviews with dermatologists and patient surveys to explore the issue. In this study, it was found that in both cases of mild and severe psoriasis, the most bothersome symptom for patients, the one that most caused subjective deterioration in quality of life, was skin itching, followed by joint pain in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Less itchy rashes or rashes without itching had less impact on the well-being of patients and their subjective assessment of quality of life

Psoriasis: treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic disease. Treatment of psoriasis initially involves the use of more gentle medications and methods, and later, based on observations of the development of the disease in the patient, it is possible to change the prescription. The goal of treatment is positive results so that skin rashes disappear and do not appear for as long as possible. In some cases, psoriasis does not require any treatment.

The main treatment for psoriasis is based on the fact that the disease is chronic in nature with constant relapses. Therefore, an individual approach to each specific patient is necessary, taking into account the patterns in the development of the disease and its relapses. The medical history helps the doctor identify a pattern in the occurrence of relapses associated with one or another provoking factor: infection, time of year, nervous strain and other reasons.

Prescribing treatment the doctor needs to take into account a lot of data about the patient :

1. complexity of the disease development,

2. function of the digestive organs,

3. metabolic disorders

4. concomitant diseases,

5. the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems are studied,

6. environmental influences,

7. heredity, etc.

When choosing one or another treatment method, the doctor takes into account the stage of the disease, the general condition of the patient, his age and onset of the disease, the prevalence of skin rashes of psoriasis, changes in climatic conditions (moving, traveling) and much more .

In many patients, psoriasis occurs almost unnoticed, and the lesions are observed in the form of limited lesions. These are the so-called duty plaques, which are always located in the same places. Such patients do not need intensive treatment; it is enough for them to follow a diet, work and rest, not abuse alcohol, and be patient. In this case, there is a high probability that the body itself will defeat the disease.

When prescribing medications the effectiveness of previous treatment and contraindications for any medications and treatment methods are taken into account . The doctor gives recommendations on choosing a diet, treatment at the resort and maintaining a reasonable regime at work and at home. Strict implementation of this entire complex of treatment, work and rest provides a significant improvement in the health of patients. Currently, none of the available remedies provides a guarantee against relapse of the disease. But timely initiation of comprehensive treatment for recurrent psoriasis allows for rapid clearing of the skin from the rash and long-term prevention of its reappearance.

Most often, treatment of psoriasis begins with the prescription of external remedies. Most external treatments, although they are intended for external use, penetrate through the skin and the active ingredients of the drugs enter the blood through a system of tiny blood vessels, and with it to other organs and parts of the body, and have an overall positive effect on the body. In addition, itching, burning and pain on the skin are reduced. In the most acute, progressive stage, the treatment method should be as gentle as possible.

External dosage forms that act only on the surface of the skin: powders, mash and lotions. Ointments, patches, pastes, etc. have a deeper effect.

Treatment of psoriasis - ointments

Most often used in the treatment of psoriasis fat-based ointments. Of these, many are used without taking into account various changes in the skin in psoriasis, but at the same time they are prescribed taking into account the stage of the disease, its shape and the extent of the prevalence of rash lesions.

Ointments are divided into exfoliating, itching, softening, absorbable, anti-inflammatory etc. Any ointment is made on a fat basis, which can be: petroleum jelly, vegetable fats, lard, lanolin, etc. Therefore, a lubricated area of ​​​​the skin significantly reduces heat transfer, the skin warms up and a slight inflammation appears. The fatty base of the ointment does not allow moisture to evaporate, the top layer of the skin becomes wet, which enhances the absorption of medicinal substances included in the ointment.

For the therapeutic effect of the ointment, its composition is of no small importance, which includes various medicinal components depending on the indications: ichthyol, menthol, various salts and alkalis, tar and sulfur preparations, boric acid, and some ointment bases are also used as a remedy. These are solid oil and naftalan.

When treated with ointments, some patients may experience an allergic reaction. Then the doctor should stop prescribing this ointment and replace it with another, or completely stop using external agents. If it is impossible to cancel the use of ointments, it is necessary to combine them with antiallergic drugs.

For the progressive stage of psoriasis, they are prescribed ointments based on lard or lanolin with the addition of boric or salicylic acid, naphthalan in small quantities. The effect of such ointments is very soft and gentle, does not bring discomfort to the patient and at the same time soothes skin itching.

Popular in the treatment of psoriasis tar . To treat psoriasis, juniper and sometimes pine tar are used, but refined preparations of coal tar are mainly used. Tar and its preparations are very widely used in the treatment of various dermatoses, including psoriasis, as it has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Treatment with this drug begins with small concentrations and in small areas. If the tolerance of ointments with tar is good, the doctor prescribes a higher concentration, up to 10%, and for certain areas of the body up to 20% tar content in the ointment. A good therapeutic effect is achieved by tar baths, which use a 1:1 mixture of birch tar and alcohol in an amount of 150 ml per bath. First, apply this mixture to the affected areas of the skin, then take a bath for 40-50 minutes. It is not recommended to use tar on open areas of the body, especially on the face, neck, hands and before going out into the sun, as this can lead to skin burns. All drugs containing tar are contraindicated for kidney disease and exudative psoriasis. After some time, some patients may experience nausea and vomiting. If the body reacts in this way, the doctor immediately stops ointments containing tar for a while or completely.

Ointments should be used on the recommendation of a doctor who, knowing all the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, will prescribe the optimal type of ointment. This may be anthrasulfone ointment, the use of which is contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system, bladder and cancer. While using this ointment, you should not be in the sun or undergo ultraviolet irradiation courses.

Also often used are ointments such as antipsorin, colloidin, anthramine ointment containing a small percentage of tar.

No less effective grease-based ointments, since fatty or synthetic solid oil in its pure form has a healing effect. Depending on the set of active ingredients included in them, the medicinal properties of such ointments are significantly enhanced. It is important to note that solid oil as a fatty base of the ointment has no restrictions on its use and is popular among doctors and patients. These ointments are used without fear for the deepest skin lesions.

They do not have side effects even with the longest use of grease-based ointments; they are used to treat psoriasis of any form and at any stage. There are many of them and there is no point in listing the names and compositions of the developed ointments, since the attending physician will give the necessary recommendation.

Currently, the effectiveness of treatment has become higher, which is confirmed by clinical trials conducted on the following drugs: Kartalin ointment based on solid oil with the addition of herbs, vitamins A and B, eucalyptus and lavender oils and salicylic acid. Most patients using this ointment experienced a long and stable remission. Another new development - picladol cream containing tar, herbs, grease, lanolin and much more.

Used to treat psoriasis and oil preparations, in particular naftalan, which in its composition has anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, absorbable, antipruritic and mild analgesic properties. The treatment results are quite impressive: improvement was observed in 83% of patients.

Despite the high effectiveness of treatment with naftalan oil, there are some contraindications for patients. This applies to patients with hypersensitivity, anemia, high blood pressure and advanced stages of psoriasis.

A number of ointments have been developed based on naphthalan oil with the addition of other components. Naphthalene ointment with tar has a resolving and softening effect, ichthyol-naphthalan ointment is used to limit the disease on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. A very popular ointment for emergency plaques, which consists of equal parts of solid oil, ichthyol and naphthalan ointment. It is applied under a tight bandage at night.

Currently, few drugs containing mustard gas, since the mechanism of its action is still unclear. Mustard gas itself is very toxic and is used in limited quantities. Ointments with mustard gas include psoriasin - Vaseline-based ointment. Recommended for patients with chronic psoriasis in stationary and regressing stages of the disease. This ointment should be used with caution, as if it gets on the mucous membranes, especially the eyes, it can cause severe damage. Ointments containing mustard gas should not be used by patients with psoriasis in an advanced stage, in the presence of weeping lesions on the skin and allergies, or in cases of kidney and liver disease.

Hormonal drugs are used only in the progressive stage of psoriasis and provide a temporary and often only cosmetic effect. It should be noted that long-term use of hormonal drugs is dangerous to health, leads to addiction and various complications - skin atrophy, the appearance of white spots, etc.

In recent years, many new drugs have emerged to treat it, including ointments containing antiviral agents. These ointments have no side effects and are well tolerated by patients. Many other topical products are produced for the treatment of various forms of psoriasis with different components of synthetic and herbal origin. All of them are created with the sole purpose: to alleviate the condition of patients and achieve good therapeutic results. However, any ointment can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis - internal remedies

In addition to external medications, internal remedies for the treatment of psoriasis are used.

Studies have shown that in most patients with psoriasis, the balance of microelements in the body is disturbed, and a deficiency of some of them begins, which negatively affects the patient’s health. After all, microelements play an important biological function in the human body, in which there is nothing superfluous that can be lost. To restore metabolic balance, doctors recommend for any form of psoriasis vitamin preparations , containing natural vitamins or their synthetic analogues. Taking such drugs has a positive effect, replenishing the loss of microelements and preventing various disorders in the patient’s body. They directly affect carbohydrate and protein metabolism, namely: copper, iron and manganese are involved in redox processes and tissue respiration, copper, cobalt and iron stimulate the process of blood formation, and zinc is associated with pituitary hormones.

Taking vitamin supplements is necessary for all patients with psoriasis. The advantage of vitamin preparations is that they do not cause side effects and can be used together with drugs from other groups.

Manganese chloride taken orally in the form of an aqueous solution, lactic iron added to food, like zinc supplement "Oligozole" (gluconate), and cobalt is administered subcutaneously in the form of a 1% solution koamida . This list can be continued for a long time, but only the attending physician can choose the most suitable drugs from the entire variety of vitamin complexes.

The effect of vitamin preparations is significantly enhanced when several types are taken at the same time, and multivitamins are indispensable in the autumn-winter period as an anti-relapse agent. If patients have disorders or diseases of the digestive system, it is better to take vitamins in the form of injections, which will ensure complete absorption of all microelements into the body.

It is worth paying special attention to ascorbic acid , or vitamin C . He takes an active part in many vital processes, which is especially valuable in psoriasis. Its therapeutic effect lies not only in the ability to regulate metabolic processes, but also in the restoration of affected tissues and the formation of steroid hormones. It can be taken orally after meals, intramuscularly or intravenously.

Many have been created drugs that affect the nervous system . These include sedatives of plant origin: preparations of valerian, motherwort, common hop . They significantly reduce nervous excitement, have a calming effect and are often used along with sleeping pills.

Bromides - these are salts of hydrobromic acid that regulate the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex, often disturbed in chronic diseases, in particular in psoriasis. Available in the form of powders, tablets or ampoules. Thissodium bromide, potassium bromide and ammonium bromide . They are prescribed in the progressive stage of psoriasis, for sleep disorders and increased irritability.

Tranquilizers or neuroleptics , are substances that bring the human body into a calm state, reduce motor activity and metabolic processes, relax muscles, under their influence the general condition of a person resembles the effect of anesthesia. Such medications are used for insomnia, increased irritability, excitability and increased itching of the skin. These include elenium, phenazepam, seduxen, tizercin etc. The duration of taking such drugs is determined by the doctor individually and depends on the degree and form of the disease and averages three weeks.

Less commonly used sleeping pills , depressing the central nervous system and prolonging human physiological sleep. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor as a method of treating medicated sleep.

With the development of psoriasis, patients often experience depression, anxiety, or hypochondria. To stabilize this condition, they are prescribed antidepressants . Medicines containing these substances improve mood and cause an influx of energy, but have side effects. Dry mouth, palpitations, slight dizziness and dilated pupils may occur.

There are natural tonic preparations that are used on the recommendation of a doctor only during the daytime. They significantly alleviate the depressive state that accompanies patients with psoriasis during the long course of the disease. At the same time, these drugs are means of anti-relapse therapy. It should be borne in mind that they also have contraindications and you should not take anything without a doctor’s recommendation.

Based on the assumption that this disease is associated with lipid metabolism disorder , a group of drugs has been developed that are recommended for the treatment of psoriasis. Based on clinical observations of effectiveness in treatment, the following drugs were identified: lipocaine, glycyram, lecithin, essentiale etc. The doctor chooses the optimal one for a particular patient, since there are contraindications. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed by a doctor most often for the arthropathic form of psoriasis. These include: analgin, amidopyrine, ortofen, butadione, befungin and etc.

Befungin - This is an extract of the birch chaga mushroom and is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, and also has an analgesic effect. Based on the hypothesis that psoriasis develops as a consequence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, befungin is a drug that normalizes impaired functions and has a fairly effective anti-relapse effect.

Quite often, psoriasis leads to metabolic disorders in patients and changes in the functional state of the endocrine glands.

Therefore, to treat these disorders, drugs are used affecting metabolism . Basically, these are drugs of the hormonal group, where the active ingredients are hormones or their synthetic analogues. From the variety of such drugs, the doctor will choose the drug necessary for a given patient, taking into account the form of the disease and its stage.

For neutralization of allergic reactions doctor prescribes medications calcium inside, sodium and magnesium intravenously , as well as antihistamines: suprastin, pipolfen, tavegil etc., based on the clinical picture of the disease. In the development of psoriasis, the presence of allergies in the patient is of no small importance.

Antibacterial (antiviral) drugs are used in the treatment of psoriasis, based on the assumption of its viral or bacterial origin. These drugs are indispensable for complications caused by secondary infection. The most popular remedies include: tincture or powders rivanol, ichthyol intramuscularly, white streptocide and sulfasalosin . The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are: bicillin-3, griseofulvin etc. Currently, considerable experience has been accumulated in the treatment of psoriasis with antiviral drugs, and this list is becoming longer. But all medications are prescribed by a doctor, and independence in choosing antibacterial agents can harm the patient’s health.

Psoriasis leads to a general weakening of the body's resistance, decreased immunity and a slowdown in metabolism. To support these weakened functions, non-specific drugs are available, stimulating metabolism and thereby increasing the resistance of the entire organism. These agents include pyrogens - antiviral and antibacterial substances, such as pyrogenal, inerferonogen, neobenzinol and etc.

Drugs in this group are used in the complex treatment of psoriasis prescribed by a doctor.

Organic preparations and biostimulants enhance metabolism, especially in the stationary and regressing stages of psoriasis, and also have an anti-relapse effect. This aloe extract liquid , which is administered orally or subcutaneously, Bogomolets serum, humisol subcutaneously, apilak in tablets, etc. Usually the doctor prescribes these drugs in combination with other medications and taking into account the patient’s health condition.

The doctor provides for the correction of disorders in the immune system in the complex treatment of patients with psoriasis. In this case, a strict individual approach is required in choosing immunopharmacological agents , since their uncontrolled and unjustified use can complicate the course of the disease.

There are drugs that have dehydrating and analgesic effect at the same time, so-called diuretic drugs, which involve removing the causative agent of psoriasis from the patient’s body. This dichlothiazide, theophylline, veroshpiron and etc.

Used to fight disease nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs (calcium chloride or gluconate intramuscularly, intravenously ), hepatoprotectors (essentiale, carsil, methionine )

When suffering from psoriasis, especially in severe forms, cleansing the body of waste and toxins, or detoxification therapy (sodium thiosulfate) , is periodically prescribed by the attending physician. This treatment allows you to cleanse the body in a short period of time, especially when administering drugs intravenously through a drip, enhance metabolic processes and significantly alleviate painful disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, which is of paramount importance for the treatment of psoriasis.

In severe cases of the disease, it is necessary to resort to cytostatics (methotrexate ), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine ), retinoids (tigazon ). All these drugs, along with their high effectiveness, have serious side effects, so they are used only under the supervision of a doctor.

Non-drug treatment of psoriasis

In the treatment of psoriasis, physiotherapeutic procedures occupy a significant place, among which the majority belongs to ultraviolet irradiation, or UVR.

Application Ural Federal District within a certain range is indicated for patients in stationary and regressing stages of psoriasis. In addition to ultraviolet radiation, treatment is carried out with electromagnetic waves of various ranges, laser therapy, tele-x-ray therapy and much more are also used.

Also applies laser therapy using laser radiation with different powers and wavelengths to treat psoriasis. The clinical effect of combined treatment with blue and red light reaches 80% or more. But for patients with a common form of psoriasis, laser therapy does not provide a good therapeutic effect, since instead of healed papules, others immediately appear. Thus, only complex treatment prescribed by a doctor can give the desired effect of treatment.

Methods have now been developed for solar radiation, but they should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, since you cannot take sunbathing with the summer form of psoriasis, with its exacerbations, etc. Therefore, only a doctor can determine the benefits or harms of this procedure. For the treatment and prevention of psoriasis, you should not use a solarium, as it is not intended for this and is used only for cosmetic effect.

Selective phototherapy(SFT), brings a positive clinical effect. Remission of the disease after SFT lasts from six months to several years. Repeating a course of SFT during relapses, especially in the initial stage, significantly shortens the entire course of treatment for psoriasis and is well tolerated by patients.

Used to treat affected skin X-ray therapy. This method has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces itching and accelerates the healing process of psoriatic rashes. X-ray therapy of the thymus gland is also used for psoriasis as prescribed by a doctor.

PUVA therapy is the therapeutic effect of long-wave ultraviolet radiation in combination with special medications, which is used for the most severe forms of psoriasis that are difficult to respond to other treatment methods. The effectiveness of this method of treating psoriasis is enhanced by oral administration of drugs 2 hours before irradiation: psoralen, ammifurin or methoxypsoragen, which is the least toxic of this group of drugs. The final choice remains with the attending physician. The peculiarity of PUVA therapy as a treatment method is that after recovery, that is, cleansing of the skin, constant maintenance treatment is necessary to maintain a period of remission. Thus, the treatment period lasts from 350 to 700 days. Due to its simplicity and low probability of complications, this treatment method is popular all over the world and gives good results for a long time.

An average of up to 25 irradiations are prescribed in a gentle mode. This regime includes a summer break, up to two courses are carried out in the first year, etc. on the recommendation of a doctor. Relapses can occur after influenza, ARVI or tonsillitis, and in rare cases - after nervous shock.

Under the influence of PUVA therapy, side effects may develop: dry skin, nausea, myositis, gastritis, etc. The use of PUVA therapy is contraindicated for patients with concomitant diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus, and pregnant women. If patients are sensitive to sunlight or have previously taken arsenic preparations, the doctor will also not prescribe this treatment, since if there are contraindications, the disease can go from a recurrent form to a permanent and even summer form of psoriasis. This means that such patients cannot even go to resorts in the summer.

Currently, laser radiation in combination with exposure to a constant magnetic field has been used to treat arthropathic, the most severe form of psoriasis. This treatment does not produce side effects, has no contraindications and is one of the most promising areas in the treatment of not only psoriasis, but also other skin diseases.

Ultrasound therapy used in the treatment of psoriasis as an analgesic, absorbable, antipruritic and antiallergic agent. A small area of ​​the body is exposed to ultrasound and the procedure lasts up to 15 minutes. Most often, the doctor prescribes from 7 to 14 procedures with or without the use of medications.

Electrotherapy includes the impact on the patient’s body of pulsed currents, electromagnetic waves and impulsive alternating current. The attending physician decides which type of electrotherapy to prescribe to the patient, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s illness and the condition of his body. The right procedure helps to quickly relieve itching and inflammation, reduce swelling and restore body thermoregulation. In addition, almost all physiotherapeutic procedures calm the nervous system and improve sleep, which is especially important for patients with psoriasis.

Magnetotherapy is based on the therapeutic effect of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field and responses in various organs and tissues of the body to electromagnetic vibrations. This treatment has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, improves sleep, ‘relieves emotional stress, and accelerates recovery from a depressive state.

In terms of physical recovery, blood flow begins to accelerate, itching decreases and the affected skin heals faster. The usual course of treatment recommended by a doctor is up to 12 procedures of 10 minutes each.

Tissue replanting also refers to non-drug treatments, despite the fact that the mechanism of action of such treatment has not been established to date and is quite complex. For the treatment of psoriasis, preserved skin from the human umbilical cord, fetal membranes and skin from various organs of cattle were used. At the same time, complications were observed in the form of suppuration, exacerbations of psoriasis, and only a small percentage of positive results were obtained with this method of treating psoriasis. Therefore, tissue grafting is not widely used as a treatment method.

Hyperthermia- treatment with high temperatures involves an effect not only on the skin, but also on the immune system, but the mechanism of action itself has not yet been fully studied. Using exothermic pillows containing a thermal mixture, heating up to 40 ° C is achieved, and the entire procedure lasts 2 hours. The number of procedures and their frequency are prescribed by the doctor. This method of treatment gives good results, as does visiting a sauna for some patients.

Cryogenic - low temperature therapy To date, all the side effects and contraindications for this method of treating psoriasis have not been studied. In addition, the method is quite expensive and time-consuming, requires supportive treatment, and the positive feedback from researchers and patients has not been clinically confirmed. So far, such treatment is at the research stage and is almost never used in practice.

Widely used bee venom, or apitoxin, in the treatment of psoriasis as an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regulating carbohydrate and lipid metabolism agent. Ointments, solutions for inhalation and preparations for injections are made on its basis. Many techniques have been developed using apitoxin, including the introduction of bee venom with electric current (electrophoresis) or ultrasound (ultrophonophoresis), which has recently been used more often. All these procedures are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account an allergic reaction to bee venom in a patient with psoriasis. Treatment with apitoxin gives good results in the chronic course of the disease and the exudative form of psoriasis. Despite the therapeutic effectiveness of apitoxin in the treatment of passive forms of psoriasis, the full mechanism of its therapeutic effect has not yet been revealed, but research by scientists continues, since bee venom has a wide range of effects on the human body.

Hyperbaric oxygenation It is mainly used for arthropathic psoriasis, but is also used in the treatment of other forms of psoriasis as prescribed by a doctor. The patient is in a pressure chamber with oxygen for 45 minutes at a temperature of 20 °C and optimal humidity. The pressure in the pressure chamber reaches 2 atmospheres and gradually decreases towards the end of the session. During the treatment, the functional state of the liver, acid-base balance indicators are normalized, pain in the joints due to arthritis, etc. goes away. Clinical observations have revealed a number of side effects and contraindications for the use of this method of treatment. The doctor will not prescribe this treatment if the patient has arterial hypertension, lung disease, heart failure and auditory obstruction. During treatment in a pressure chamber, the following may appear: headache, weakness, dizziness and drowsiness. The appearance of such deviations requires immediate cessation of treatment in the pressure chamber, after which these phenomena disappear.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

Folk remedies have confirmed their effectiveness and safety with long-term use. Herbal medicines, like chemical medicines, are also divided into external and internal. External ones include ointments, mixtures for compresses and lotions, baths, internal ones include infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.

Medicinal mixtures, mixtures used in baths, ointments or orally, have a complex effect, allowing you to accelerate the disappearance of plaques, improve immunity, and relieve symptoms such as itching, peeling, and soreness of the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: external remedies

External remedies include ointments and mixtures that are easy to prepare yourself at home. All remedies are an excellent addition to drug treatment, and sometimes replace it. It is important to consult with your doctor before using any of these remedies. Some ingredients can cause allergies, you should carefully monitor the condition of the skin and at the slightest change - redness, increased pain and itching, irritation, stop using the ointment and consult a doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 1

Fresh pumpkin pulp - 500 g. Grind the pulp until smooth, put on gauze and apply to the affected areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes every 2 hours.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 2

Kalanchoe juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, eucalyptus oil - 3 tbsp. spoons. Mix everything, leave for 3 days and treat sore spots. Store the ointment in a dark glass container.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 3

White of one fresh chicken egg, flower honey - 3 tbsp. spoons, regular baby cream - 1/3 tube, sulfur powder - 1 teaspoon, onion juice - 1 teaspoon, garlic juice - 1 teaspoon, rose hip ash - 2 teaspoons. Mix the mixture thoroughly, add black fatty acid, grade “F” to the mixture. Rub the resulting ointment daily morning and evening into the affected areas for 2 months. Then take a break for 2-3 months.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 4

Celandine - 3 tbsp. spoons, horse sorrel -3 tbsp. spoons. Grind the herbs and pour in birch tar. Apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin and cover with a bandage for 30-40 minutes, 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 5

Scales of any sea fish - 100 g, fish oil - 0.3 cups. Dry the scales, grind them into flour in a coffee grinder, mix with fish oil and apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 6

Trifid succession grass - 3 tbsp. spoons, medical alcohol - 3 tbsp. spoons. Fill the row with alcohol and leave for 3 days. Squeeze out the herb, add 1 bottle of lanolin and 1 bottle of Vaseline to the liquid. Apply to affected areas of skin 2 times a day.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 7

It is advisable to use melt water to wipe the affected areas. To do this, you need to freeze regular tap water in a flat tray in the freezer, or use ice obtained by defrosting the refrigerator. In this case, only the transparent parts of the ice obtained during freezing should be used for thawing, since the cloudy parts contain various impurities.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 8

Oak bark ash - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, ash of rosehip branches - 1 tbsp. spoon, celandine - 1 tsp. spoon, fresh egg white - 1 pc., grease - 0.5 cups. Mix everything thoroughly, close the lid and leave at room temperature for 15 days. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 9

Kalanchoe juice - 1 tsp. spoon, eucalyptus oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, honey - 1 tsp. spoon. Mix thoroughly and leave for 3 days. Apply to affected areas of skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 10

Solid oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, celandine - 1 teaspoon, honey - 0.5 teaspoons, ash of rosehip branches - 1 tbsp. spoon. Stir and leave for 3 days at room temperature. Apply to affected areas of skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 11

Birch tar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons, honey 1 teaspoon, ash of rosehip branches - 1 tbsp. spoon, castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, fresh egg white - 1 pc. Stir and leave for 3 days. Apply to affected areas of skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 12

Celandine roots - 4 tbsp. spoons. Pour 0.5 liters of medical 70% alcohol over the roots and leave for several days. Apply to affected areas of the skin, then lubricate with fish oil.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 13

Ammonia, iodine, vinegar, liquid petroleum jelly - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped celandine herb. Leave for 10 days in a dark place. Apply to affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day (there may be a tingling sensation in the affected areas). Continue treatment until dark spots appear at the site of the plaques.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 14

Birch tar - 1 tbsp. spoon, butter - 1 tsp. spoon, fish oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, copper sulfate - 0.5 teaspoon. Mix everything and boil, stirring constantly, over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, apply to affected skin areas once a day. Store only in the refrigerator.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 15

Dissolve 2-3 tablets of ascorbic acid in water, wet the mustard plaster and apply to the affected areas of the skin. If psoriasis affects the scalp, lubricate it with diluted mustard, wrap your head warmly and hold it there as long as you can bear it.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 16

5% zinc ointment - 1 tbsp. spoon, fraction ASD-3 - 3 tbsp. spoons. Mix everything and apply to the affected areas of the rut 3 times a day. Do not rinse with water, but wash with a gauze cloth.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 17

Licorice roots - 100 g. Grind the roots into powder, pour in 0.5 liters of lard. Boil the container with lard in a water bath for 1 hour. Cool and apply to affected areas of the skin. Store the ointment only in the refrigerator.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 18

Fresh cocklebur - 100 g. Pass the cocklebur through a meat grinder and pour in 0.5 liters of lard. Heat the container in a water bath for 1 hour. Cool and apply to affected areas of the skin. Store the ointment only in the refrigerator.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 19

Tar 2 tbsp. spoons, purified sulfur 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 0.5 tbsp. spoons, ground copper sulfate - 1 tbsp. spoon, vinegar essence -1 tbsp. spoon, sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. spoons. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and heat over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly, then cool. Apply first to a small affected area of ​​skin. If the burning sensation is tolerable, apply to all affected areas for a few minutes.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 20

Soapwort herb - 3 tbsp. spoons, 70% alcohol - 0.5 cups. Pour alcohol into the herb and leave for 2 weeks. Apply lotions to the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 21

Butter - 200 g, propolis - 1 tsp. spoon. Melt the butter and propolis cut into small pieces in an enamel bowl and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Strain through several layers of gauze. Apply to affected areas of the skin, rubbing. Store the ointment only in the refrigerator.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 22

Kirkazon flowers - 100 g. Finely chop the Kirkazon, pour in 0.5 liters of melted lard. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool and apply to affected areas of the skin. Store the ointment only in the refrigerator.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 23

Chicken fat - 1 cup, birch tar - 2 tbsp. spoons, chopped dried chaga mushroom - 0.5 cups, grated laundry soap 2 tbsp. spoons, soda ash - 1 tsp. spoon, egg yolks - 3 pcs. Melt the fat, boil for 10 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and cool. Add chaga, stir thoroughly until smooth. Then add tar and stir again, add soap and stir again. Then pour in 3 yolks, add and thoroughly grind the soda. Apply to affected areas of skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 24

Purslane seeds - 3 tbsp. spoons. Pour boiling water over the seeds, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. Apply in the form of compresses or lotions in a hot, but not scalding form.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 25

Burnt copper sulfate - 1 tbsp. spoon, yellow sulfur powder - 1 tbsp. spoon, greater celandine grass - 0.5 tablespoon, fresh lamb, goose or pork fat - 3 tbsp. spoons. Boil the mixture for 5-10 minutes in a water bath, stirring thoroughly, then cool. Apply to affected areas of skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 26

Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 7-9 pcs. Yolks are best taken from fertilized eggs. Cut the yolks in half, place in a clean frying pan and heat over low heat until the so-called egg oil (reddish oily liquid) is released. Apply this oil to the affected areas of the skin once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 27

Trifid succession grass - 2 tbsp. spoons. Grind the herb, pour boiling water and leave, covered, for 10 hours. Apply to affected areas of skin.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 28

Butter - 500 g, crushed propolis - 2.5 tbsp. spoons. Melt the butter in an enamel pan and bring to a boil, then remove from heat and add propolis. Stir everything until the mixture cools completely. Before using the ointment, wipe the affected area with a 35% solution of hydrogen peroxide, dry it and apply a napkin soaked in ointment. Keep for 1-2 days.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 29

Pine or spruce resin - 0.5 cups, lamb fat - 2.5 tbsp. spoons. Bring the resin and lard to a boil separately and strain, then mix and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Apply to affected areas of the skin once a day.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 30

Tar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons, ash of rosehip branches - 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 1 teaspoon, castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, raw white of one chicken egg. Mix and leave for 3 days. Apply to affected areas of the skin once a day.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 31

Celandine - 4 tbsp. spoons, steel - 1 tbsp. spoon, walnut - 2 tbsp. spoons. Grind the raw materials into powder, mix with ichthyol or tar and lubricate itchy areas.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 32

Crushed rose hips - 1 tbsp. spoon, steelhead roots - 1 tbsp. spoon, celandine - 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, close, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain, mix with the same amount of egg white. Lubricate sore spots.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 33

Solid oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, crushed celandine grass - 1 teaspoon, honey - 0.5 teaspoons, ash of rosehip branches - 1 teaspoon. spoon, talc or baby powder - 0.5 teaspoon. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 1 day in a dark place. Apply to affected areas of the skin once a day for a week.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 34

Sea salt (unflavored) - 50 g, celandine herb - 1 tbsp. spoon, string grass - 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour a glass of water over the celandine and string and boil, covered, for 5 minutes. Leave for 3-4 hours, then strain. Then heat the broth to 40 °C, add sea salt to it and stir until it dissolves. Soak a swab in the solution and soak the affected areas of the skin with it. Do this every day, but under no circumstances wash or wet the affected areas with water, but treat them with the mixture until the scales begin to fall off. Sometimes ulcers may appear in areas of severe skin damage - this should not scare you if they do not cause severe pain. With continued use of the product, the ulcers will heal.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 35

To relieve inflammation in psoriasis and to reduce the proliferation of bacteria, bandages using young sunflower baskets. Prepare 1/3 glass of white wine, 2 baskets of sunflowers. Finely chop young sunflower baskets and pour wine over them. Let it brew for 2 days. Then strain and squeeze out the juice. Soak a small piece of cloth, preferably linen, in the infusion, apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin and bandage it well. Keep the bandage on for 2.5 hours. If your face is affected by psoriasis, keep the medicine on for 30 minutes, then wash your face. Repeat the procedure for 5-6 weeks

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 36

Cranberry juice lotions. Soak a cloth in the juice and apply to the affected area.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 37

For psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema: 100 g of juice from sunberry leaves should be mixed with 2 chicken egg whites, add 2 tbsp. spoons of juice from ripe sunberries and apply lotions to the affected skin for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 38

500 g of rendered pork fat, 10 bottles of penicillin and streptomycin powder, 18 streptocide powders, 2 vials of iodine and camphor oil, 200 g of fish oil, 20 g of fuel sulfur and rosin each, 1 bottle of glycerin mixed, leave for a day to dissolve and lubricate the sore spots with the composition at night. Wrap in cellophane and tie with a warm scarf. In the morning, wash off the ointment with St. John's wort infusion.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 39

An effective remedy for psoriasis . Pour the white of one fresh chicken egg (bought at the market, not in a store) into a porcelain cup, add 2.5 tbsp. spoons of flower honey, squeeze out 1/3 tube of baby cream, add 1 teaspoon of sulfur (sold in pharmacies), one dessert spoon of garlic juice, 1 teaspoon of onion juice, 2 teaspoons of ash (ash contains many trace elements) and rose hips. Mix the mixture using a mixer. And then add 1/2 liter of solid oil to the resulting mass and mix again. The ointment should have the consistency of sour cream. The juices of garlic and onion, which are part of the ointment, are necessary for its preservation, which ensures storage in the refrigerator for up to two years or more. The basis of the ointment is solid oil of fatty grade “Zh” of dark color. The use of this ointment ensures complete cure of psoriasis in a short time (duration no more than 3-4 months). Treatment method: the ointment should be lightly rubbed into the affected areas of the skin once a day at night before bed. There is no need to bandage or cover the body with cellophane films; the skin must breathe. After applying the ointment, put on a clean cotton shirt. Once a day, lubricate areas of the skin with small and moderate rashes. The method of daily treatment with ointment provides a slower cure for psoriasis without overdose and without possible exacerbation of the disease

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 40

This recipe for psoriasis is simple and affordable. You need to lubricate the sore spots with cabbage brine at night, let it dry and not wash it off for several days. There is no harm from this treatment, and your skin will become like a baby’s. Continue the procedure until complete healing.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 41

For psoriasis, it is very important to steam in a Russian bathhouse with a birch broom 2 times a week, having previously coated the entire body with fish oil. Within a month, with persistent treatment, a noticeable effect will be achieved. Well, with an advanced disease, it may take more time. In any case, the result will be positive

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 42

50 g of pharmaceutical grease, 100 g of honey, 40 g of boric acid powder, 3-5 egg whites, 1 glass of celandine juice. Combine boric acid with proteins, add honey, then celandine. Mix everything thoroughly. Lastly, add grease. Gently lubricate problem areas. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. With this treatment, it is recommended to drink tincture of Eleutherococcus.

Treatment of psoriasis: Recipe No. 43

Ghee (cow) butter - 1 part, vegetable oil (lamp) - 1 part, propolis - 1 part, rosin - 0.5 parts. Cook all this, stirring, in a water bath until it melts to a homogeneous mass, strain, pour into a dark glass jar or clay crust, and store in the refrigerator. Application: psoriasis, any eczema, dermatitis, burns, bedsores, purulent wounds, herpes, cracks in the skin.

You can also achieve the greatest effect as a result of a combination of psychological and physical effects on the body by adding various medicinal plants, natural oils and extracts to the bath. For psoriasis, therapeutic baths help relieve external manifestations, help strengthen the nervous system, improve the general condition of the body and serve as an excellent addition to the main treatment. Water itself has a beneficial effect on the body. Water procedures allow you to remove toxins and other waste from the body and help cleanse the skin. Cold water procedures help strengthen and normalize blood circulation, tone the body, and improve mood. Pouring cold water, which is one of the most important hardening procedures, instantly increases the tone of all organs, allows you to mobilize the body's defenses, and with regular use strengthens the immune system. And increasing immunity can significantly prolong periods of remission in psoriasis, reduce the duration of periods of exacerbations and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Water also has a mechanical effect on the skin, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. When taking a shower or bath, it is recommended to use a soft sponge or a piece of cotton fabric, such as a terry towel. It is not advisable to use soaps and shower gels that dry out the skin; it is best to use oil or some other high-fat shower product to soften the skin. After washing, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with cream or oil to prevent drying. This will help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis: compositions for medicinal baths

1. Pour 50-75 ml of tincture or liquid extract of valerian into the bath. The water temperature should be 35-37 °C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 baths.

2. Dilute 50 ml of pine extract and 50-75 ml of valerian tincture in warm water, carefully move and pour into the bath. The course of treatment is 10-15 baths.

3. Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of gorse herb 1 liter of hot water, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes over medium heat. Then cool, strain and pour the broth into a warm bath. You need to take a bath for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Baths should be taken every other day.

4. St. John's wort herb - 3 tbsp. spoons, rhizome with roots of valerian officinalis - 2 tbsp. spoons, goat willow bark - 3 tbsp. spoons, meadow clover flowers - 4 tbsp. spoons, calendula flowers -2 tbsp. spoons, creeping thyme herb - 2 parts, tripartite herb - 2 tbsp. spoons. Pour the mixture into an enamel bowl, pour 5 liters of boiling water and boil over low heat with the lid closed for 5 minutes, then cool, strain and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 31-35 ° C. The course of treatment is 4-5 baths.

5. Pour 1 cup of water into 1/2 cup of liquid pine extract, or 2.5 tbsp. spoons of dry, and mix thoroughly (the dry extract must be dissolved in hot water). Pour into a bath with water temperature 35-37 °C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. You can take baths daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 15-20 baths.

6. Pour 3 tbsp. spoons of sage herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers, 4 tbsp. spoons of string, 2 tbsp. spoons of celandine 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After this, leave, covered, for 2-3 hours. Pour the mixture into the bath and take for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-10 baths.

7. Pour 200 g of comfrey roots, 100 g of soapwort roots, 100 g of stinging nettle leaves into 2 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, then strain. Pour the broth into the bath. The bath should be taken once a day for 20 minutes at a water temperature of 32-34 °C. The course of treatment is 12-15 baths.

8. Pour 200 g of oak bark into 2.5 liters of water and boil for 20-30 minutes, strain and pour the broth into the bath.

9. Pour boiling water over 5-6 young, freshly cut pine branches and hold until cool. Pour into a half-full bath and soak your arms and legs (where psoriasis plaques are most often located) for 30 minutes. After this, lie down in a warm bed for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out every 2 days. The course of treatment is 5-7 baths.

10. Dissolve 100-200 g of dry mustard in warm water until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Pour the mixture into the prepared bath and mix thoroughly. If the bath is a general one, the procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes; for local baths, the duration can be increased to 15 minutes. After the bath, you need to rinse with warm water and go to bed for 1-1.5 hours, covering yourself warmly. Take every other day. The course of treatment is 8-10 baths.

11. Pour 100 g of dry crushed sage herb into 1 liter of cold water and boil for 1 hour. Leave the resulting mixture for 24 hours and strain through cheesecloth. Pour the broth into a warm bath. Sage baths have a beneficial effect on the most severe forms of psoriasis.

12. Pour 2 cups of flaxseed into 3 liters of water, bring to a boil, cool slightly and strain through cheesecloth. Pour the resulting broth into the bath. This recipe is recommended for exacerbations of psoriasis, severe itching and peeling.

13. Prepare a mixture: lemon balm herb, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, calamus rhizomes - 1 tbsp. spoon; mint herb - 3 tbsp. spoons; birch buds - 2 tbsp. spoons. Mix everything, add 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and pour into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the water temperature should not exceed 37 °C. Should be taken every other day in the stationary stage of the disease.

14. Baths with fir oil. Fir oil is sold in pharmacies.

Pour 550 ml of clean water into an enamel bowl. When it boils, add 30 g of grated baby soap and simmer over low heat until it is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and, stirring, gradually pour in 0.5 liters of fir oil. Stir the mixture until smooth and pour into bottles.

Directions for use: fill the bath with hot water (within 38-39 degrees), add 15 g of emulsion, stir and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. The heart area should not be covered with water. With each new bath, the amount of emulsion must be increased by 5 g, bringing it to the maximum norm of 85 g. The emulsion is enough for 20 baths.

15. Take a three-bucket container (saucepan, boiling pot), fill it halfway with burdock with roots and leaves, add one or two celandine bushes and put in a good bunch of knotweed. It is advisable to prepare the medicine during the flowering period of these plants. The container is filled with water to the top and placed on fire. After boiling, remove from heat and leave. The hot broth is poured into the bathtub and steamed, covered with a blanket (the head is left uncovered). The temperature of the decoction should be tolerable for the patient. You need to steam until the water cools down. After the procedure, do not dry yourself. When brewing plants, do not wash them, just shake off the soil from the roots. The decoction can be used several times, while heating to a boil. Procedures are carried out daily. Prepare the herb for future use, dry it and store it in the attic or other dry place. This treatment method is available to everyone, it has no side effects, and the result is always positive.

Treatment of psoriasis: internal remedies

Internal remedies - infusions, decoctions from plants and their preparations, recommended for psoriasis, are used as general tonics, enhance immunity, stabilize the state of the nervous system, and also directly improve the condition of the skin. Below are some recipes.

Recipe No. 1

4 tbsp. spoons of burdock grass, 6 tbsp. spoons of strawberry leaves, 4 tbsp. spoons of stinging nettle, 4 tablespoons of black currant leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of yarrow herb 3 tbsp. spoons of tricolor violet, 6 tbsp. spoons of grass of a series of tripartite. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2

Mix in equal parts: St. John's wort herb, horsetail herb, oregano herb, lingonberry leaves, strawberry leaves, calamus root. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup in the morning an hour after meals, for 3-4 weeks; Then take a break for 1 week and repeat the course.

Recipe No. 3

3 tbsp. spoons of calamus rhizomes, 2 tbsp. spoons of licorice rhizome, 4 tbsp. spoons of corn silk, 4 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort, 2 tbsp. spoons of toadflax herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of tricolor or field violet, 3 tbsp. spoons of horsetail grass, 5 tbsp. spoons of three-part series, 1 tbsp. spoon of great celandine, 2 tbsp. spoons of medicinal marigolds. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours, strain. Take 1 glass of freshly prepared infusion in the morning and evening an hour after meals.

Recipe No. 4

1 hour a spoonful of tricolor violet herb, 1 teaspoon of celandine herb. Leave the mixture for 1-2 hours, pour 1 glass of boiling water, take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 5

1 1/2 g. spoons of tripartite herb, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of black elderberry, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort herb, 1 teaspoon of greater celandine herb, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of elecampane rhizomes, 1 tbsp. spoon of calamus rhizomes, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of corn columns with silks, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of lingonberry leaves. Pour 1 glass of collection with 1 glass of boiled water, close the lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes (the infusion should not boil), then cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup of infusion in the morning and evening after meals.

Recipe No. 6

4 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort herb, 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula officinalis flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of toadflax flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of licorice herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of horsetail grass, 5 tbsp. spoons of grass of a series of tripartite. Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. spoon of herbal mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 4-6 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup of infusion in the morning and evening 1 hour after meals.

Recipe No. 7

4 tbsp. spoons of celandine herb pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Take 1/2 cup warm 3-5 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 8

1 1/2 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over spoons of bay leaf and leave for 1.5 hours. Strain, add water to 1 glass. Take 1/2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day after meals for 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 9

1 tbsp. spoon of string grass, 1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort herb, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of celandine grass, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of mordovnik grass. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture with 1 1/5 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave, strain, take 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 10

Walnut leaves - 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons, celandine herb - 2 tbsp. spoons, motherwort herb -3 tbsp. spoons, mint herb - 2 tbsp. spoons, blackberry leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, steelhead roots -1 1/2 tbsp. spoons. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, close, put in a water bath for 3 minutes, leave for 40 minutes. Drink in equal doses throughout the day. The collection has a calming effect and reduces blood pressure, improves metabolism.

Recipe No. 11

Japanese sophora - 1 glass, rowan - 1 glass, alcohol - 2 glasses. Crush the mixture well, add alcohol and leave in a dark place for 14 days. Without expressing, drink 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals. Take it for 1 month, take a week break and take it again for a month.

Recipe No. 12

Walnut leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons, celandine herb - 1 tbsp. spoon, mint herb - 1 tbsp. spoon, blackberries - 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, close, leave for 40 minutes. Drink in equal doses throughout the day.

Recipe No. 13

3 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort herb, 1 teaspoon of stinging nettle leaves, 1 teaspoon of corn columns with stigmas, 1 teaspoon of common juniper fruits, 1 teaspoon of plantain leaves, 1 teaspoon of wormwood herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of yarrow herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of horsetail grass, 3 tbsp. pour spoons of the mixture, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 4-5 hours. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 14

Chaga extract is recommended for patients with psoriasis. This is how you should do it. 1 tbsp. Heat a spoonful of chaga extract in a water bath and dilute it in 1 glass of boiled water at room temperature. The resulting solution should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals every day for 3 months. In the second and third months, the areas of the body affected by psoriasis normalize.

At the same time, it is advisable to take drugs that have an adaptogenic effect, for example, alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus: 20-40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month.

Recipe No. 15

Regular use of slippery elm powder is an essential and absolutely necessary part of the treatment of psoriasis (contraindicated during pregnancy). Making slippery elm bark tea: Stir 1/4 teaspoon of powder in a glass of warm water, steep for 5 minutes and drink an hour before breakfast. For the first 10 days, drink this tea daily, and then every other day until the skin is completely cleansed.

Recipe No. 16

Mix 10 g oak bark, 30 g willow bark, 40 g meadowsweet, 20 g smokeweed, 20 g walnut shells, 30 g celandine, 50 g nettle, 30 g veronica, 30 g calendula, 20 g yarrow. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture of herbs, brew with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 minutes. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of infusion per day.

Treatment of psoriasis: spa therapy

In regressing stages of psoriasis, spa therapy is prescribed.

Heliotherapy is most effective in stationary and regressing stages of psoriasis. This type of treatment is contraindicated in the summer form of psoriasis, when the skin is very sensitive to sunlight. Heliotherapy is a treatment using sunlight, among which ultraviolet rays are the most effective.

Climatotherapy- is the use of climatic factors, natural biostimulants of the body for medicinal purposes.

Aerotherapy- this is a stay prescribed and regulated by a doctor, sleeping in the fresh air, air baths.

Thalassotherapy- one of the most popular treatment methods in recent years, often used for purely cosmetic purposes. Thalassotherapy, in contrast to the generally accepted view, includes a whole range of procedures - sea bathing, rubbing with sea water, seaweed wraps

Hydrotherapy, or hydrotherapy, may include both hydrotherapy itself (fresh water treatment) and balneotherapy. With this technique, water is used either externally or internally. External hydrotherapy involves various baths, internal hydrotherapy involves maintaining a special drinking regimen. Hydrotherapy is not prescribed to everyone; contraindications to general baths are: malignant neoplasms, pulmonary tuberculosis, cardiovascular failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension, severe forms of angina, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, second half of pregnancy, etc.

Treatment of psoriasis - hydrotherapy

Balneotherapy is a spa treatment method using natural or artificial mineral waters. Patients with psoriasis are prescribed mainly gas baths: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, pearl, and mineral baths themselves: sulfide, radon, chloride, sodium, siliceous, iodine-bromine, brine, etc.

Treatment of psoriasis - Balneotherapy

Recommended mineral baths. Carbon dioxide baths are recommended for psoriasis in combination with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Oxygen baths stabilize redox processes and normalize blood pressure. Sulfide (or hydrogen sulfide) have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable, and trophic effect. Contraindications to them are kidney disease, hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Radon baths have a sedative effect and also provide an anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindications: pregnancy, benign tumors, systemic blood diseases. Brine baths are baths using brine - highly concentrated mineral water from lakes and estuaries with the addition of biologically active substances and microorganisms. These baths improve the condition of the nervous system, skin, and increase immunity.

Thermotherapy- methods of resort therapy, including mud, paraffin, ozokerito and clay therapy, psammo- and naphthalene therapy and other methods.

Mud therapy(peloidotherapy) is one of the most effective methods, the essence of which is to carry out external procedures using various healing mud, peat, and sapropels. The active substances of mud are gases, trace elements, acids and much more. Therapeutic mud helps cleanse the body from acids, alkalis, salts, and metabolic products. Mud therapy for psoriasis has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic effect; Healing mud is applied in the form of local warm or hot applications to the affected areas of the skin for 10-30 minutes.

Treatment of psoriasis - peloidotherapy

For psoriasis in the stationary stage without manifestations of erythroderma and spring-summer with sulfide waters; radon waters; thermal siliceous waters; treatment with brine; healing mud.

Recently, they have become extremely popular among patients with psoriasis. resorts on the Dead Sea.

Nutrition for psoriasis

When suffering from psoriasis, nutrition plays a special role.

Nutrition should be varied, rich in vitamins and at the same time simple.

Eat vegetables, fruits and berries every day and as much as possible, except red ones (raspberries, red currants, etc.). As for meat products, you should consume lean veal or beef, boiled or stewed turkey and rabbit meat, no more than 200 g per day. In the summer, strive to have greens, fresh young vegetables, fruits and watermelons on the table every day.

Psoriasis is accompanied by metabolic disorders in the body and diet therapy is prescribed to maintain the desired balance. It is based on limiting animal fats, salt, spices, etc., but long-term observations have led to the conclusion that the most appropriate is individual diet therapy, which takes into account the characteristics of the course of psoriasis and its complications, concomitant diseases, time of year and medications taken.

In the progressive stage of psoriasis, a diet is prescribed for 3 weeks, which allows you to rest the liver, digestive organs and intestines. That is, there are no special changes in the diet, but the fat content is limited to 50 g per day. The diet is enriched with complete protein products (cottage cheese, cheese, etc.) and vitamins (vegetables, fruits, juices). It is recommended to slightly limit the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates - these are sugar, honey, jam and other sweets. During this period, it is recommended to do fasting days 2 times a week, which is useful not only for the gastrointestinal tract, but also gives a break to the pancreatic apparatus.

Products that are useful at any time and for any type of psoriasis:

Pumpkin (in any form, porridge with millet and steamed pumpkin are especially useful);

Dandelion (egg salad, flower buds);

Radish (in any form in winter and spring);

Watermelons, blackberries;

Carrots, sea buckthorn, watercress, rowan, apricot;

Cabbage in any form, currants, rose hips;

Beets, potatoes, nuts, chestnuts.

Can alleviate the condition at the beginning of an exacerbation fasting days.

Meat day consists of 400 g of boiled unsalted beef, divided into 5 servings, with the addition of 100 g of raw white cabbage, divided into two portions. Instead of cabbage, you can give grated carrots or cucumbers. From liquids, you can drink 2 glasses of rosehip decoction or unsweetened and weak tea, but only one of the two.

Kefir fasting day consists of 1.5 liters of kefir for the whole day without sugar.

Curd-kefir The fasting day consists of 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 0.5 liters of kefir and all this is divided into 5 parts.

Apple fasting day: 1.5 kg of unsweetened apples are divided throughout the day without taking any liquid.

Vegetable fasting day involves consuming 1.5 kg of vegetables, except potatoes, prepared at your discretion and divided into 5 servings. Liquids include rosehip decoction or weak tea without sugar.

Very useful to include in your diet seaweed, squid, products containing wheat bran.

It is very popular for psoriasis. fruit and vegetable diet . It is good because the patient does not feel hungry, while receiving a lot of vitamins, which brings undoubted health benefits. Food should be taken in five meals.

For the first breakfast, drink 200 g of rosehip decoction, hot and without sugar, pour 10 g of vegetable oil over a salad of carrots, cabbage and apples. 2nd breakfast consists of vegetable puree and 100 ml of fruit juice.

Lunch - 250 g of vegetarian soup, vegetable salad, topped with 10 g of sour cream, and 10 g of nuts.

For an afternoon snack, prepare grated carrots or beets and rosehip infusion.

Dinner - 200 g of vinaigrette with 10 g of vegetable oil and 200 g of juice or dried fruit compote.

This diet involves consuming sugar or xylitol at the rate of 30 g per day and wholemeal bread - 100 g for the whole day.

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs It is better to completely switch to vegetarian food in the first days, then gradually include low-fat broth, steamed cutlets, and boiled river fish. Now there are a lot of recipes from vegetables and fruits, so if desired, they will help you give up meat dishes for a long time.

Patients with psoriasis should not indulge in tea and coffee. It is better to replace them with juices, light compotes, and freeze boiled water and let it melt gradually at room temperature and drink it without fear. While following a diet, it will be natural to remember the dangers of alcoholic beverages and wines during an exacerbation, and even after it. Further, a small dose of alcohol weakens liver function and negatively affects the nervous system, which immediately negatively affects the patient’s health as a whole.

When bitterness in the mouth in the morning and minor pain in the right side under the ribs, more vegetables, fruits and vegetable oil are introduced into the diet, but sugar consumption is reduced to a minimum.

If, when suffering from psoriasis, changes in joints with acute manifestations, then first of all, diet therapy is prescribed taking into account the medications taken. In such a diet, the amount of carbohydrates is significantly reduced - up to 250 g, proteins - up to 80 g, liquid content - up to 1 liter per day. All food is prepared without salt, but sometimes no more than 5 g of it is allowed, and the diet is enriched with vitamins through decoctions of sea buckthorn, rose hips, vegetable and fruit juices. Meat and fish are boiled, but broths are not consumed. The body's need for calcium is met by consuming low-fat dairy products. With any diet, you should adhere to fractional meals, that is, eat little by little and 6 times a day.

If psoriatic arthritis develops without acute symptoms, it is necessary to do fasting days as often as possible, consisting of raw vegetables and fruits, observing 5-6 meals a day. If psoriasis develops quietly, the doctor recommends a fairly varied diet, but with strict adherence to the diet. You should not overeat; it is better to eat carrots, which reduce appetite, turnips, cabbage, and apples between main courses. Completely exclude spicy, fatty and smoked foods, rich and puff pastry. It is worth recalling once again that you need to eat in small portions and at least 6 times a day.

Psoriasis is a multifaceted disease. There are cases when forbidden food does not cause aggravation, and even vice versa: when eating dietary products, health deviations begin.

In old age Patients with psoriasis who have other diseases characteristic of this period of life should especially strictly adhere to the diet recommended by their doctor. Try to consume more foods that are sources of vitamins and fiber, introduce only vegetable oil into your diet, and do not get carried away with strong tea and coffee. If your body weight exceeds the norm, it is better not to eat wheat bread and sugar and not to overeat. You should not overuse spicy and fatty foods; eat a lot of tomatoes, onions and garlic, as well as sour foods. It is necessary to completely exclude citrus fruits, honey, eggs, chocolate and cocoa from your menu, and do not drink full-fat milk.

Quite often psoriasis accompanied by chronic gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, during exacerbation of gastritis, it is necessary to eat semi-liquid and mushy foods so as not to overload the stomach, reduce the secretion of gastric juice and not cause pain in it. Everything is boiled or steamed: meat in the form of cutlets, meatballs or soufflés with the addition of boiled pureed vegetables, boiled fish, or in pieces, and eggs in the form of steamed or soft-boiled omelettes. You can eat dishes made from dairy products: milk soup with noodles, cottage cheese and dishes made from it, fresh cream and sour cream.

Recommended to cook semi-liquid porridges and puddings from various cereals, boiled vegetables and pasta with butter. There is only yesterday's bread and slightly dried, drink tea is not strong and preferably with milk. And of course, keep your meals divided: eat little and often.

Exclude and forget for a while about fried, smoked and baked dishes made from meat, fish and mushrooms. Do not consume or think about pickled, pickled and salty snacks and spices. The same goes for sodas, coffee and ice cream.

After a few months, stomach function returns to normal and you can gradually move on to more solid foods. Vegetables are not pureed, porridge is made crumbly, weak meat and fish broths and boiled meat in pieces can be consumed.

Dietary nutrition of patients with psoriasis at home requires certain skills and compliance with cooking technology individual dishes and decoctions so that they do not lose their value as sources of vitamins. For decoctions and infusions, dried rose hips and blueberries are used. They are washed, poured with boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes. Then infuse for 4-5 hours, filter, add sugar and some juice. The juice is prepared at home. In this case, it will be more useful and fresh. To prepare juices, juicy grapes, sea buckthorn, currants, cranberries and others are taken, they are used together with the pulp, adding honey, sugar or xylitol for taste. Vegetable juices are made from carrots, cabbage, beets, tomatoes and potatoes. Mixing them well enhances the healing properties of juices: carrot and grape, beet and apple, etc.

Treatment of psoriasis is not complete without use of drinking mineral water- “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya” waters contain a lot of iron and are prescribed for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, “Arzni” has a good effect on metabolic disorders, like “Essentuki” No. 17 and 4. These mineral waters should be taken as prescribed doctor, “Vatalinskaya” water is prescribed for chronic constipation, liver disease and flatulence, 1-2 glasses before meals or on an empty stomach. If you have anemia, it is good to drink Polustrovo water 1/2 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Menu for a week for psoriasis

Let's look at a sample menu for a week, which is recommended for exacerbations, relapses and for prevention during dangerous periods.

1st day

Breakfast: fresh cabbage salad, a slice of whole grain bread, green tea.

Second breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, toast, dried fruit compote.

Lunch: cauliflower soup, whole grain bread, for the main course - buckwheat porridge with mushrooms or vegetables, green tea.

Dinner: a little unsweetened cottage cheese with sour cream, kefir.

2nd day

Breakfast: cucumber and tomato salad, apple, green tea.

Second breakfast: a piece of black bread with butter, 1

hard-boiled egg, green tea.

Lunch: cabbage soup without meat, a piece of black bread, green tea. Dinner: apple, glass of fermented baked milk.

3rd day

Breakfast: fruit salad dressed with yogurt, gooseberry compote.

Second breakfast: vegetable salad, a slice of whole grain bread, green tea.

Lunch: boiled fish (pike perch, catfish) with a minimum amount of salt, a slice of whole grain bread, gooseberry compote.

Dinner: yesterday's bun, gooseberry compote.

4th day

Breakfast: cucumber and egg salad with sour cream, whole grain toast, apple juice.

Second breakfast: 2 bananas, 1 glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Lunch: a cup of broth, a piece of boiled meat, a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Dinner: a slice of whole grain bread with butter, a glass of kefir.

5th day

Breakfast: carrot salad, whole grain toast, green tea.

Second breakfast: boiled fish (not red).

Lunch: river fish soup, a slice of whole grain bread, green tea.

Dinner: yesterday's bun, a glass of kefir.

6th day

Breakfast: oatmeal with water, a piece of bread with bran, green tea.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with fruits (bananas, apples, apricots), kefir.

Lunch: pea soup without meat, a piece of bread (any kind), an apple.

Dinner: a glass of kefir.

7th day

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, kefir. Second breakfast: a sandwich with butter and a piece of boiled meat, apple juice.

Lunch: soup with meatballs, green tea. Dinner: 2 apples.

Treatment of psoriasis: cleansing the body

With psoriasis, cleansing the body is very important. Frequent relapses, prolonged exacerbations, severe course of the disease, ineffective use of even potent drugs - all this is associated with slagging in the body, with metabolic disorders, in which drugs become a dead weight and cannot have a targeted effect on the disease. According to one hypothesis, the cause of psoriasis is the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

There is an exchange theory of the occurrence of this disease, and others - they all agree that one of the causes of psoriasis is a violation of metabolic processes, the accumulation of toxins and other harmful substances in the body.

Research and observations indicate that cleansing the body can significantly improve the Situation, quite often relieves the symptoms of exacerbations, and regularly carried out cleansing can significantly prolong periods of remission, reduce medication intake during exacerbations, and sometimes eliminate them altogether.

The vast majority of psoriasis sufferers have serious problems with the liver and gall bladder, as well as all sorts of dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent constipation, dysbacteriosis, and digestive disorders. Complex cleansing is an excellent means of prevention and treatment, one might even say it is necessary

The main procedure in the treatment of psoriasis is cleansing the liver, but cleansing the intestines, kidneys and blood is also of great importance. The condition of the intestines also plays a huge role in the development and course of psoriasis. A clogged, poorly functioning intestine is the cause, or, in any case, a provoking factor for the occurrence of many diseases, including psoriasis. If the intestines are not in order, food cannot be properly digested and rots, therefore, toxins accumulate and spread throughout the body through the circulatory system. Together with food and water, a large amount of harmful substances enters the body every day. These include industrial poisons, salts of heavy metals, nitrites, pesticides, carcinogens and much more. To avoid the entry of these substances into the body, it is not enough just to consume environmentally friendly products. Although this can significantly reduce the amount of harmful substances, it does not eliminate them completely. In addition, it is very difficult to find truly pure, healthy, natural products and they are sometimes unreasonably expensive.

During the life of the human body, waste is constantly formed in the cells and tissues of the body - harmful substances that the body does not need.

Ideally, all waste substances should be completely removed from the body naturally, but there are few people with an ideal working excretion system. A healthy body, for the most part, successfully copes with self-purification and removes (most of the waste substances without outside help, but still, over time, toxins begin to accumulate in tissues and internal organs.

And if the diet is incorrect, unbalanced, the regime is disrupted, there is constant stress and tension, immunity is reduced, colds occur frequently and strong medications are consumed uncontrollably - then the normal course of metabolic processes is changed, disrupted, and toxins accumulate in large quantities.

The intestines, liver, kidneys, circulatory and lymphatic systems are especially affected by pollution. Huge amounts of waste are deposited in them, which prevent these organs from functioning normally, causing exacerbations of psoriasis.

One of the most important parts of the digestive tract is the large intestine, which is responsible for removing waste. Its length is about 2 m, diameter is about 5 cm. Almost all nutrients are absorbed and penetrate into the blood here: carbohydrates, proteins, water, salt solutions, vitamins. The intestinal microflora includes up to 500 species of different bacteria that help absorb various substances. And the composition of this intestinal microflora depends on the quality and quantity of food. The large intestine, which plays such an important role in the body's activities, is most susceptible to contamination. Bacteria living in the intestines can not only contribute to its functioning, but also have a negative effect.

It is known that bacteria that multiply on plant foods produce amino acids, vitamins, maintain the acid-base balance in the cavity of the large intestine, suppress putrefactive processes and the fermentation process, and increase immunity. Due to improper nutrition, the composition of the microflora in the large intestine is often disrupted, which causes the appearance of dysbiosis, which leads to intoxication of the body and the formation of fecal stones.

The liver, like the large intestine, simultaneously performs a number of functions. Oma is involved in the processes of digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, in addition, it also performs a barrier function.

Blood from the intestines, along with nutrients and waste, enters the portal vein, which is sent to the liver, where the blood is cleansed of harmful substances and only then is distributed throughout the body. If the liver does not work, the body will die within a few hours from waste poisoning.

Most often, the liver is clogged by stones formed in it, which arise due to poor nutrition and other factors. Stones are hardened bile that forms in both the liver and gallbladder. Stones can be cholesterol, salt, pigment and can have different sizes - from a small grain to a quail egg. The main harm from them is that they block the bile ducts and prevent the normal outflow of bile, causing it to stagnate. Because of this, harmful microorganisms multiply in the bile, which can lead to inflammation of the liver.

In the body, the kidneys carry out a number of functions: excretory (removing waste substances from the body), maintaining the required concentration of individual substances in the blood, regulating the acid-base balance and the amount of water in the body. The cause of pollution, which manifests itself in the form of mucus, sand and stones, is usually poor nutrition, poor-quality water, overeating and hereditary predisposition. Kidney problems are indicated by swelling, salt deposits, and inflammation.

The accumulation of waste at the cellular level also occurs as a result of the fact that during the life of the body, waste constantly accumulates inside the cells, as well as a number of other substances that inhibit the normal functioning of the cell. As a result of this, cells die and, decomposing, also poison the body.

The large intestine is most susceptible to contamination, therefore, cleansing procedures should begin there. Then you need to cleanse the liver, which is a natural filter and where all the intestinal blood goes. Then it is necessary to cleanse the kidneys. And only after this can you begin to cleanse blood cells, lymph and other body fluids.

In most cases, preparation is required before cleaning procedures. That is, in order to speed up and improve the quality of the cleaning process, it is necessary to remove deposits and toxins from a dormant state and prepare the organs for their removal. This is usually done by drinking warm water, warming up the body, which speeds up the circulation of fluids in the tissues.

Also, 2-3 weeks before a comprehensive cleansing of the body, it is advisable to start doing gymnastics, both breathing and regular physical exercises.

It is very important to consult with your doctor before starting any cleanse.

A mixture of citrus juices is used to cleanse the intestines, but it should not be used directly during periods of exacerbation of psoriasis.

You will need 4-6 grapefruits, 2-3 lemons and 2 kg of oranges. On the day of cleansing, do not do heavy work, you need to be in relative peace. In the morning, it is advisable to take a mild natural laxative based on senna leaves or buckthorn bark.

Squeeze juice from citrus fruits, mix it with an equal amount of water and take during the day in the following order: the first glass - 30 minutes after taking the laxative infusion; the second - 20-30 minutes after the first; then after 20-30 minutes a third glass until the juice runs out.

Towards evening, the juice will begin to have a laxative effect, and intensive cleansing of the body through the intestines will begin. Before going to bed, it is advisable to do an enema of 2 liters of warm water with the addition of lemon juice.

The next day you can only eat pureed vegetables and fruits.

To cleanse the liver for 10 days, take honey 30 minutes before breakfast, diluting 2-3 teaspoons of honey with 1 glass of warm boiled water.

On the day of cleaning, do not have breakfast. At 9-10 o'clock in the morning, place heating pads with hot water on the front and back of the liver area and hold for 1.5 hours, while lying down.

After 1.5 hours, drink 200 ml of premium quality olive oil heated to 40 °C in a water bath in slow sips.

Then continue warming the liver. After 15 minutes, drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink juice at intervals of 15 minutes 7 times. Then lie on your right side for another 30 minutes, warming up the liver. After this you can get up.

After about 1-1.5 hours, you need to drink 25 g of magnesium sulfate or Carlsbad salt, diluted in a glass of boiled water. After this there will be a strong urge to defecate.

The second and third time, gallstones and liver stones will begin to pass away; their color can vary from light yellow to dark green, almost black.

To cleanse the kidneys, you need to take any diuretic of plant origin, for example, a diuretic, lingonberry leaf, etc. You need to drink the diuretic for one week, then add 5 drops of 2.5% fir oil to it and take 3 times a day. day 30 minutes before meals.

On the 3-4th day of taking the oil, the urine usually becomes cloudy - this is sediment coming out of the kidneys.

In order for kidney cleansing to be more successful, it is useful to take long walks or bike rides or do light exercises at home. After this, sand should appear in the urine.

If pain is felt in the kidney area, most likely this indicates that a fairly large stone has begun to move along the ureters. In this case, it is useful to take a hot bath, which will help dilate the urinary tract.

Another cleansing option is to take 20-25 g of fir oil, 50 g each of oregano, sage, lemon balm and knotweed. Grind the herbs.

For a week, avoid eating meat and dairy products and take a herbal decoction with honey 3-4 times a day. On the seventh day, 30 minutes before meals, add 5 drops of fir oil to 100-150 ml of herbal decoction, stir and drink through a straw so as not to damage your teeth.

Take a decoction with fir oil 3 times a day for 5 days. The results of kidney cleansing will appear in a few days and will last for a month or more. Oily stones with the smell of fir oil will come out along with the urine.

To cleanse the blood and lymph, start with preliminary cleansing - take 1.5 glasses of village milk mixed with strong tea leaves, taken in the same quantity. Take 2-4 times a day.

Before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, add a pinch of salt to the mixture, and after 3 o'clock - 2 teaspoons of honey. After a week of taking this mixture, all toxins are removed from the blood. It is necessary to do enemas daily to cleanse the body of toxins.

Another variant. Make tea from dandelion roots collected in early spring or late fall. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of dry crushed root with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a thermos. Take g/glass 30 minutes before meals for a week.

Melt water is often used to cleanse blood and lymph. To prepare it, you need to freeze cold boiled water and then let it thaw. You need to add 900 g of grapefruit juice and 200 g of orange and lemon juice. Before cleaning, dissolve 1 tbsp in 100 g of melt water. spoon of Glauber's salt and drink. After this, take a hot bath. Drink 100 g of the mixture every 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 3 days, each time preparing a fresh mixture of melt water and juices.

To cleanse blood vessels, you can prepare a mixture of 1 cup dill seed, 2 tbsp. spoons of ground valerian root and 2 glasses of honey.

Transfer this mixture to a thermos and add boiling water to 2 liters, leave for 24 hours. Take but 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals.

To prevent psoriasis, fasting is used as a method of cleansing. Therapeutic fasting for psoriasis is not only and not so much a cleansing method. It is rather a way to maintain normal all these indicators, which patients use to prevent relapses and eliminate them.

There are cases where regularly carried out therapeutic fasting for psoriasis contributed to the complete disappearance of external manifestations and long-term periods of remission. Fasting noticeably, sometimes very, very significantly reduces exacerbations, weakens the manifestations of psoriasis.

Fasting is recognized by many leading experts in the treatment of psoriasis and is considered one of the most useful non-drug treatment methods.

Researchers in the field of fasting as a means of cleansing the body state that the most important feature of fasting for chronic diseases is the acceleration of the process of eliminating waste, quickly ridding the body of accumulated toxins. When a patient fasts, the disappearance of symptoms of mental illness, often persistent for a number of years, is simply amazing. Abstaining from food gives the body freedom to take action to heal, which is usually impossible in conditions of overeating. Overeating interferes with the cleansing of fluids and internal organs during physiological cleansing of the body. Correctly carried out fasting helps a patient with chronic diseases to get rid of toxins - the causes of illness, and a correct lifestyle in the future helps to restore energy and health (Herbert Shelton).

Fasting for psoriasis, as with other diseases, has an effect in several directions at once. Herbert Shelton especially emphasized the need for fasting in psoriasis: with psoriasis, quite large areas of the skin surface can be affected. So, for example, it can cover the entire leg. In some cases, dry scales fall off even with a light touch. Psoriasis is a very stubborn disease, and patients suffer from it for years. It may appear only on the forearms or near the elbows, or even cover the entire body. Usually the disease subsides in the summer and intensifies in the winter. Psoriasis tends to return after the skin has become completely clear. Psoriasis seems to take a long time to completely heal. A little carelessness in eating and drinking can cause a relapse. Excessive eating seems to affect the patient's condition much more seriously than any other, so it is especially important to pay attention to eating habits. Even a short fast that is not planned in advance is often necessary as soon as there is a threat of the rash returning.

The first direction of fasting is its effect on the state of the immune system. Each of the patients with psoriasis knows that most often periods of remission occur during periods of rest, when sleep is good, during times of positive emotions, during times when nutrition is correct and balanced. All these factors in combination stimulate the immune system and increase immunity. And these internal resources of the body are often enough to prevent exacerbations from occurring.

After all, one of the theories, the most popular, says that the appearance of psoriasis and its exacerbation is a consequence of a dysfunction of the immune system. After all, it is known that exacerbations occur precisely in late autumn and early spring - that is, when the human body is most weakened and susceptible to disease.

Another problem that arises during an exacerbation caused by a decrease in immunity is an increase in the level of pathogenic microflora on the skin. Psoriatic plaques and papules become a favorable habitat for such microorganisms, in turn, the waste products of these microbes poison the body, contributing to a decrease in immunity. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Improving the functioning of the immune system is precisely achieved through therapeutic fasting, since it directs the body’s resources not to digesting food, but to strengthening itself. As a result, the resulting effect is similar to the effect of long rest and relaxation and gives the same results.

The second direction of fasting in the treatment of psoriasis is the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. In patients with psoriasis, it is not uncommon for liver problems to be thought to be the cause of flare-ups. This is both true and not true at the same time. It happens that some kind of liver disease provokes psoriasis, but more often the connection is mutual, two-way.

Psoriatic rashes affect the liver, since the skin is one of the most important organs for removing metabolic products. If most of the skin is covered with psoriatic plaques and other rashes, then naturally they are not able to fully cope with this task. And the liver has to take on part of the functions of the skin, removing metabolic products, which, although not an unbearable load, is still not beneficial for the liver.

Greater damage to the liver is caused by toxic substances - products of the body's processing of medications, often consumed in huge quantities by patients. These substances accumulate in the body for years and can cause significant damage to the condition of this important organ, which in turn leads to new skin rashes.

The only way out of this vicious circle is therapeutic fasting, during which a huge amount of harmful and ballast substances are removed and the liver begins to work at full capacity.

Another important advantage of therapeutic fasting is the correction of food preferences. That is, during a complete refusal of food, bad eating habits, cravings for unhealthy eating, and overeating go away. This serves as an additional factor in the prevention and treatment of exacerbations of psoriasis.

Fasting also gives the body the opportunity to cope with allergies, relieve allergic manifestations and remove allergens, which are also provoking factors for the development of exacerbations of psoriasis.

Before you start fasting, you should consult your doctor.

Preparation for fasting includes the need to follow a diet for a week - eat only cereals with water, raw fruits and vegetables, drink natural fresh juices. This will help alleviate discomfort during fasting.

Usually fasting is difficult only in the first one or two days, then the desire to eat disappears.

There are contraindications to fasting, as to any therapeutic method, and there are many of them. This includes diabetes, cancer, and much more. Therefore, before you decide to fast, you need to be examined not only for psoriasis, but also for other diseases, and also consult with your doctor to see if you have individual contraindications.

The frequency of cleansing fasting should be determined individually.

Fasting too often will not bring any benefit, it can only cause harm. Rare fasting will also not give real results. Therefore, it is best to fast according to the church fasting calendar, of course not as long as, for example, Lent lasts.

The duration of fasting necessary for healing the body can be easily determined independently. In the very first days of fasting, a coating appears on the tongue, and a faint acetone smell begins to emanate from the mouth, indicating that the body is being cleansed of harmful products. As soon as this smell disappears, and your tongue is cleared, and you feel real hunger, then the fast is over.

Prevention of psoriasis

The issue of preventive anti-relapse treatment is one of the most pressing. The treatment of patients with psoriasis often does not relieve them of the likelihood of further exacerbations of the disease. In the complex of rehabilitation measures for psoriasis, a significant place is occupied by the prevention of repeated relapses of dermatosis, increasing the intervals between relapses. Depending on the severity of the condition, localization and prevalence of psoriatic manifestations, there is a need for targeted restoration of impaired body functions.

Anti-relapse measures should be carried out in the following areas:

Elimination of side effects of the main therapy;

Correction of remaining disorders (mainly carbohydrate and lipid metabolism);

Treatment of concomitant diseases;

Increasing the body's resistance to factors that provoke exacerbation.

Clinical recovery, assessed as the resolution of psoriatic elements, in fact, is not such. As studies of skin taken from lesions that have regressed after treatment have shown, when the damaged structure of the epidermis is restored, pathological changes in the dermis are preserved. Obviously, it is necessary to continue treatment for some time after the rash has disappeared. The duration of such treatment and the correct selection of funds require study. Thus, for some external drugs, prevention of relapse may be limited to their use for another 1-3 weeks after the disappearance of plaques.

Any type of skin injury should be avoided, so proper professional guidance for patients with psoriasis is of great importance. They should not be recommended professions associated with constant trauma to the skin, neuropsychic overload, or exposure to allergenic factors (for example, working in conditions where the skin is exposed to irritating chemicals). Patients are contraindicated from working in dusty conditions, in rooms with high air temperatures, in an atmosphere of fumes from varnishes, paints, etc.

Irrational use of medications should be avoided, especially by persons prone to allergic reactions. Many of the medications prescribed for common diseases can aggravate psoriasis and contribute to the development of the most severe forms of erythroderma, arthropathic and pustular psoriasis.

Normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract impaired by psoriasis - Befungin (chaga extract). Skillful continuous use of it allows in many cases to keep patients in a state of complete or almost complete remission for months and years. For a number of years, befungin was used by patients with psoriasis with concomitant diseases of the digestive tract without a single complication. In some people taking this drug under the influence of acute respiratory infections, alcohol consumption, or severe dietary disorders, remission may be replaced by abortive relapses, but in general, befungin can be recommended as an effective anti-relapse agent. In cases of regular overeating or food intoxication, the use of activated carbon for an extended period (several weeks) is indicated.

A good way to prevent psoriasis is to regularly take dietary supplements, one of the most useful is lecithin. It refers to fats that are essential for the cells of the human body. Cell membranes that regulate the penetration of nutrients into and out of the cell are composed of lecithin, as are the protective membranes of the brain, muscle and nerve cells. Lecithin is taken in granule form as an additive to cereals, soups or juices. Lecithin in capsule form is taken before meals, which promotes the digestion of fats and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Unfortunately, even with the current high level of medical care, diseases remain that forever change a person’s lifestyle. This is not always easy, but it leads to an improvement in the general condition, relief of the main syndromes, and improvements in the quality of life. These are the diseases that belong to and psoriasis.

These diseases are in many ways similar to each other; both are based on allergies, as a result of which the treatment is of the same nature, since it is based on removing the allergen not only from the patient’s body, but also from his habitat.

Officially in medicine there is no concept of internal psoriasis. But it has been established that with dermatosis, damage can occur not only to the epidermis, but also to internal organs.

Functional disorders are most often observed in the heart, kidneys, liver, nervous and gastrointestinal systems. Despite the fact that the causes of their occurrence have not yet been clinically established, all these problems can be treated at any age if medical instructions are strictly followed.

At the same time, medical studies have shown that, as a rule, when the external signs of psoriasis are cured, the internal symptoms also disappear.

Prerequisites for psoriasis of internal organs

According to experts, psoriasis of internal organs is associated with changes in biochemical processes in the body. It can be triggered by diseases, radiation, stress, polluted surrounding atmosphere, characteristic features of water, etc.

There are cases when dermatosis begins to appear during pregnancy or after it, as well as those when, on the contrary, it became less pronounced and even disappeared completely, after which it reappeared 6-7 months after birth. It has also been established that the disease manifests itself more intensely in older people, and patients under 40 years of age experience it much easier.

It is believed that any circumstance can cause a disease such as psoriasis, and damage to internal organs is a concomitant factor in this disease. One of the reasons for this may be a change in blood composition, for example, a sharp increase in cholesterol, when the cardiovascular system is especially affected. Then the patient begins to complain of heaviness in the chest and shortness of breath, and during the initial examination the doctor detects muffled organ sounds, rhythmic contraction of the myocardium, and can even diagnose the development of heart failure.


Symptoms of internal psoriasis appear depending on the affected organ:

  1. Cardiovascular system: shortness of breath, increased heart rate, muffled heartbeat, heaviness in the chest.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract: sensations of heartburn and/or nausea, possible vomiting, stool disturbances, loss of appetite; during diagnosis, thickening of the mucous membrane and the appearance of atrophic areas on it, changes in the secretion of gastric juice are revealed.
  3. Liver: often asymptomatic and only after the development of the disease, yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes, hair loss, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, development of varicose veins, gastrointestinal disorders, minor hemorrhages on the skin, redness of the feet, pigmentation on the skin, in a blood test are observed an increase in bilirubin is detected, an ultrasound shows an increase in the size of the organ.
  4. Joints: Reduced mobility caused by inflammation in the phalanges of the fingers, as in arthritis, the connective tissue of the spine may suffer.
  5. Kidneys: psoriasis in the second or third stages of development increases the risk of developing renal failure.
  6. Nervous system: general muscle weakness, sudden weight loss, social phobia and depression, part of the brain may be affected, epilepsy attacks may occur, and delirium may appear.

And these are not the only symptoms of psoriasis of the internal organs. There is also a decrease in immunity and sexual activity in both sexes. Women may have menstrual irregularities. Metabolism changes greatly as a result of energy imbalance. In approximately 40% of cases, the thyroid gland is affected.

Treatment of psoriasis of internal organs is possible only by contacting a specialist and conducting a thorough diagnosis. You may need to visit more than one doctor (dermatologist), but several, depending on the severity of your symptoms. So, if there is heaviness in the chest, you should additionally contact a cardiologist, and if you have problems with stool, nausea or vomiting, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

So, when asked whether psoriasis affects internal organs, medical experts answer in the affirmative and link this together with various factors. As such, there is no single risk group - both a young person and a pensioner can get psoriasis, which will cause complications on the internal systems of the body. In any case, the disease is effectively treated with medications.

The higher the degree of inflammation of the skin, the greater the risk of developing kidney failure and other serious conditions. How to suspect? Sometimes patients with psoriasis complain of problems with urination.

In addition, there may be: a constant feeling of fatigue, loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and eyeballs, a feeling of heaviness after eating. In rare cases, psoriatic nephropathy (pathological growth of kidney tissue) is diagnosed.


In severe cases of psoriasis, the liver is almost always affected - this is due to the fact that it is this organ that is responsible for removing toxins and other waste products. Liver damage may remain latent for a long time.

Over time, the patient notices the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of small hemorrhages on the skin;
  • disturbances in intestinal function;
  • increased hair loss;
  • redness of the palms and feet;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • subtle body temperature;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities (in rare cases).

The examination reveals an increased level of bilirubin, as well as an increase in the size of the liver.

Gastrointestinal tract

Diagnosis of this type of complications is difficult, since a person with psoriasis rarely associates existing dyspeptic disorders with lichen. In addition, for a long time, damage to the gastrointestinal tract may go unnoticed due to the absence of pronounced symptoms.

Signs of damage to the gastrointestinal tract:

  • loss of appetite;
  • problems with stool;
  • heartburn, nausea, vomiting;
  • increased secretion of gastric juice;

The examination reveals thickening of the mucosal walls, as well as the appearance of areas of atrophy. A gastroenterologist treats pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including psoriasis.


Impaired metabolism, liver dysfunction, as well as increased cholesterol levels, which are observed in almost all psoriatic patients, have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

You can notice problems in the latter’s operation by the following signs:

  • weight gain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • regularly occurring shortness of breath;
  • chest pain;
  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • the heart beats muffled.

During the examination, disturbances in the rhythmic contraction of the myocardium, as well as coronary insufficiency, are revealed.

It is possible to restore the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system with a timely visit to a cardiologist.


The therapy is long-term and complex, but it avoids disability and death. We remind you once again: the doctor you should visit if you suspect psoriasis is a dermatologist.

Psoriasis is an annoying disease with unpleasant symptoms and an unsightly appearance that can begin to progress at any time in the presence of provoking factors. Appearing not only from the outside, but also from the inside, the disease is quite multifaceted, it can affect, occurring differently in everyone, and has several stages of progression.

Particularly dangerous is psoriasis of internal organs, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, affects bone tissue and negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. The symptoms do not indicate the beginning of a series of internal disorders, unless a full examination is carried out to obtain more detailed data about the patient.

Features of development and symptoms of internal psoriasis

Because psoriasis can last for decades, and it is not easy to notice the connection between diseases developing against its background, it can lead to a whole chain of pathologies. Symptoms can differ radically; a systemic illness affects the functioning of internal organs and systems, manifesting itself in this way:

  • the patient has a metabolic disorder;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system are noticeable;
  • the composition of the blood changes, microcirculation is disrupted;
  • the functionality of the liver and kidneys decreases;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract organs is deteriorating;
  • psoriatic myopathy may develop;
  • are seriously damaged

Internal psoriasis especially threatens consequences in adulthood. The disease develops gradually and leads to serious complications, so it is best to treat it at an early stage, without pushing it into an irreparable situation. If the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

The effect of psoriasis on internal organs

Despite the fact that the disease has not been fully studied, experts agree that advanced forms of psoriasis directly affect the organs and systems of the body. If their internal functioning is disrupted, treating psoriasis becomes even more difficult.

With psoriasis, there is an increase in blood pressure, and the patient may experience rapid weight gain. The disease reveals itself by some signs:

  • the sounds of the heart muscle are not expressed;
  • a patient with psoriasis notices frequent shortness of breath;
  • discomfort behind the sternum;
  • the myocardium contracts irregularly, this is due to poor blood circulation;
  • there is a risk of developing coronary insufficiency associated with insufficient venous blood flow;
  • changes in the osteoarticular system in elderly people, which provokes myocarditis and heart disease.

Timely intervention preceding disruptions to normal functionality will help restore the cardiovascular system.


Despite the possible absence of symptoms, liver function and its antitoxic function are often impaired under the influence of a long course of psoriasis. As a result, the organ may enlarge or liver failure may develop. Symptoms of psoriasis affecting the liver may include the following:

  • the patient's palms and feet acquire a reddish tint;
  • small hemorrhages are noticeable on the skin as a result of a blood clotting disorder;
  • pigmentation of the skin, which is ensured by increased bilirubin;
  • hair loss;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • high body temperature;
  • the consequences of psoriasis can manifest themselves through varicose veins.

If you start treatment in the early stages, liver function can be restored without causing serious changes that later affect other organs and systems. Often, a violation of the outflow of bile leads to pathologies of the gallbladder.


Kidney failure may occur as a consequence of psoriasis. With skin lesions, the risk of developing chronic kidney pathologies in patients is approximately four times higher. Psoriasis covering more than 3% of the skin already requires urgent action.

The stomach and intestines are the first to take the hit, reacting to the development of the disease. Antibiotics have a detrimental effect on the flora of the gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane undergoes changes under their influence:

  • the gastric mucosa thickens, some parts of it may undergo atrophy;
  • the patient's appetite decreases;
  • the secretion of gastric juice changes;
  • heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders are observed.

The appearance of gastritis, colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases significantly complicates the treatment of psoriasis. The situation is aggravated in the case of severe forms of disease. Symptoms are not always pronounced at the initial stage of development, but at the first signs of gastrointestinal problems, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Nervous system

The disease causes the patient to experience a depressed state of depression, psychological discomfort associated with the deterioration of his own health and appearance. The patient withdraws into himself, finds it difficult to adapt and avoids company, which entails personal problems.

Due to vascular dysfunction, encephalopathy may develop, affecting the brain. The patient may experience delirium, epileptic seizures, and muscle atrophy.

Other internal disorders

The effect of any disease, especially one that lasts for years, has always affected other organs that are not related to a specific disease, and psoriasis is no exception. If the integrity of the body is violated, a process of internal changes is launched, which along the chain affects the work of interconnected systems. Internal violations also include:

  1. Incorrect functioning of the bladder. Psoriasis also has a detrimental effect on the bladder, disrupting urination and increasing the risk of stone formation.
  2. Development characterized by joint damage. Most often, the disease affects the fingers of the limbs, modifying them. If arthritis develops further, affecting the knee, elbow joints, and spine, the patient’s movements become constrained. The disease leads to disability.
  3. Psoriasis disrupts metabolic processes and the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems.
  4. The patient's hormonal levels change and libido disappears. Women suffer from ovarian diseases, and there may be interruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  5. The thyroid gland is also often affected by psoriasis.

When the disease is prolonged and severe, it negatively affects almost all systems, slowly destroying the body. To avoid serious irreversible changes, psoriasis of the internal organs should be diagnosed and treated promptly.

Internal psoriasis is a term that means that in addition to damage to the skin and inflammation in the joints, the disease affects the internal organs of a person. When this period begins, which areas are affected more often than a person is at risk for?

What is internal psoriasis

Psoriasis affects 7% of the world's population; the disease has several varieties, occurs with different intensities, and affects various areas of the skin. For some people, relapses disappear quickly, for others they last for years. There are seasonal exacerbations, and it happens that they are provoked by various factors.

But the disease affects not only the skin and bones, the concept of psoriatic disease is much broader, its systemic nature cannot but affect the functioning of the entire body, it provokes the development of many serious ailments, aggravates current problems, and internal organs also suffer. This is especially true with age, when psoriasis is severe and affects large areas of the body. Due to changes in biochemical processes in the human body during illness, in the United States psoriasis is already classified as an internal disease.

Symptoms of internal psoriasis vary depending on which area is most affected. Most often the ones that come under attack are:

  • metabolic disorders affect the cardiovascular system;
  • the liver reduces its functions;
  • the composition of the blood changes, microcirculation is disrupted;
  • the excretory system suffers;
  • the endocrine system responds to the development of diseases;
  • Almost all patients experience changes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cases of psoriatic myopathy are known;
  • Psoriasis has a negative effect on vision, the development of lens sclerosis, and inflammation of the eye mucosa.

If psoriatic disease is not treated, complications will develop, which for the patient is fraught with loss of ability to work, and sometimes even life.

Effect of psoriasis

And although the data have not yet been studied enough, no one doubts that the long course of the disease affects the condition of the internal organs.

Heart and psoriasis

High cholesterol levels contribute to the development of vascular problems, high blood pressure becomes common, weight increases, and this affects the condition of the heart:

  • the patient feels discomfort behind the sternum;
  • organ tones are muted;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • due to lack of blood circulation, the myocardium stops contracting rhythmically;
  • lack of blood in the coronary vein threatens the development of coronary insufficiency.

Older people have a particularly difficult time experiencing symptoms. In the heart, psoriasis provokes myocarditis, and sometimes defects develop.

Gastrointestinal tract

The stomach and intestines are the first to react to psoriasis:

  • the mucous membrane thickens;
  • atrophic areas appear on it;
  • the secretion of gastric juice changes;
  • a person has a bowel disorder;
  • heartburn appears, sometimes nausea and vomiting bother you;
  • decreased appetite.

The clinical picture is not always pronounced, but in any case, when diagnosing and treating psoriasis, a mandatory examination by a gastroenterologist is indicated.

Liver and psoriasis

When the disease lasts for a long time, a thorough examination of the liver almost always reveals clinical disorders of its antitoxic and other functions. Often the changes are asymptomatic, but become more pronounced over time:

  • on the palms and soles of the feet the skin takes on a reddish tint;
  • the liver partially affects blood clotting; if the mechanism is disrupted, small hemorrhages can be found on the skin;
  • bilirubin in the blood increases, this is reflected in increased skin pigmentation;
  • intestinal disorders appear;
  • sometimes varicose veins develop;
  • temperature rises;
  • hair fall out.

The organ increases in size, liver failure occurs in particularly severe cases.

Inflammatory processes disrupt the flow of bile, the gallbladder suffers, a tendency to form stones appears, the patient complains:

  • for rapid fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • a feeling of heaviness appears after eating;
  • as the problem worsens, the sclera of the eyeball turns yellow;
  • the skin becomes jaundiced.


With psoriatic joint damage, it is often accompanied by arthritic inflammation, which also affects the connective tissue. The main location is the phalanges of the fingers, but other large joints may also be involved, and the spine suffers. As the disease progresses, a person's physical activity is significantly limited.


Moderate and severe forms (stages 3-5) of psoriasis double the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. The danger that the complication will continue to progress to the level of chronic failure increases 4 times, and the risks increase over time. Particular attention should be paid to people who have affected more than 3% of the body surface in order to identify pathology at an early stage.

Neuropsychic reactions

Psoriasis does not ignore the nervous system; due to vascular problems, the patient may develop encephalopathy, which affects part of the brain. He suffers from epileptic attacks and becomes delirious. Muscles weaken, atrophy causes severe weight loss.

Psoriatic manifestations affect a person’s mental state; the appearance of plaques is not aesthetic; cosmetic difficulties cause embarrassment and anxiety in patients. Some people avoid those with psoriasis symptoms, causing them to suffer even more about it. Difficulties arise with self-esteem, depression develops, social adaptation is difficult, and social phobia is possible.

Other violations

Almost all systems undergo changes, the body is slowly destroyed, and is increasingly susceptible to the effects of psoriasis:

  • The immune system suffers, the disease is long and complex, weakens the human body, B-lymphocytes responsible for immunity lose activity. People in this situation easily become infected, since the body is not able to fight pathogenic microflora.
  • The metamorphosis with the composition of the peripheral blood is considered a mystery; with a long course of psoriasis, complications in the lungs and lymphatic system are diagnosed.
  • Metabolic disorders are the result of energy imbalance. The organs cannot tolerate stress, for example, excess sweet or fatty foods, then the liver, pancreas, and endocrine system are attacked.
  • During periods of exacerbation, changes in hormonal levels are observed in both sexes and a decrease in sexual desire. In women, malfunctions of the ovaries occur and menstrual cycle disturbances are observed.
  • The thyroid gland is affected in 40% of cases.
  • Sometimes psoriasis is associated with the formation of cancer, since the mechanism of disease development has some parallels.

If psoriasis appeared in childhood, you need to more carefully monitor the condition of the body, control the course of the disease in order to maintain health as much as possible and prolong life.

To avoid serious complications, psoriasis of the internal organs must be contained and diagnosed at the very beginning. When visiting a dermatologist, you will need to consult many specialists; you cannot neglect the doctor’s prescription, sometimes the changes become irreversible and it will become impossible to cure them.

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