Five reasons why pets shouldn't sleep with you. Behavioral problems of pets in old age What kind of animal should an elderly person get?

By an evil but natural irony, old age comes along with children leaving to earn their living, leaving the house, at times, ringing silence and the rare laughter of grandchildren on weekends. We often don’t understand the all-knowing grandmothers sitting on the bench and the grandfathers discussing politics, and we wonder why they need these experiences?..

The everyday life of an elderly person is very monotonous, especially if he lives alone. A forced Groundhog Day, where every “yesterday” is like “today” and will definitely be like “tomorrow.” But it can fill everyday life with meaning a pet! These are always positive emotions and the constant presence of a sweet and living creature. This is a feeling of self-worth, because someone needs you. However, not every pet is able to brighten up the life of an elderly person without creating problems for him.

Golden mean

Choosing a pet for an elderly person is a responsible matter if we do not want him to be tired of the care and temperament of the animal. In this matter, little can be said unambiguously.



  • gives a lot of positive emotions and complete aesthetic pleasure;
  • Monitoring the life of fish is a proven way to lower blood pressure;
  • An effective remedy in the fight against insomnia and bad mood;
  • Unpretentiousness of feeding.

Weak sides:

  • The inhabitants cannot be picked up and experienced tactile sensations;
  • A large aquarium can become a big problem to maintain and a source of high humidity in the apartment.

If you decide to give a fish

Be sure to think about the issue of caring for the aquarium or take on this work yourself. It is best to have viviparous fish, since their care and feeding will not become tiresome. Funny catfish, angelfish, bright barbs, etc. are perfect. Today you can always buy special, balanced food for them.



  • This friend will relieve any stress only with his appearance, boundless love and devotion to the owner;
  • - a reason to be outdoors at least 2 times a day;
  • The dog can be hugged and caressed;
  • Caring for a dog is not as troublesome as many other pets;
  • Specially trained dogs can be excellent helpers when going to the store or other places that older people usually visit;
  • A dog gives you the opportunity to make new acquaintances and communicate with similar “dog people.”

Weak sides:

  • Not every breed is suitable for an older person. Hunting, service, and even more so, fighting breeds dogs, as well as large breeds that are difficult to keep on a walk;
  • Sometimes walking may become impossible due to feeling unwell. And when it’s icy outside, long, risky walks may be contraindicated for older people due to the fragility of their bones;
  • Some dog breeds are extremely noisy and love to bark loudly and loudly, even when there is no reason. Of course, you can use it, but not for sure old man won't want this.

If you decide to give a dog

The ideal option is a dog that has a similar temperament to its owner. A small dog is most suitable. For example, Chihuahuas, toy poodles, maltese dogs, Chinese Crested and similar dogs can even make do with a cat litter box if the owner is suddenly unwell and cannot walk the pet outside. Also ideal breeds can be french bulldogs, Pugs and Pekingese.



  • These amazing animals can be not only good friends, but also healers. No one is surprised anymore by the fact that a cat can amazingly determine sore spot and lay on top;
  • Cats do not need to be taken outside;
  • less troublesome than taking care of a dog. It is easier to bathe and comb her;
  • Being carried away by play, a cat can cheer up any person;
  • It is always pleasant to pet a cat, while receiving soothing tactile sensations. Moreover, in most cases, the cat likes it.

Weak sides:

  • As you know, a cat does not become as attached to its owner as a dog. They love independence, although they also respond to affection in return;
  • It often happens on cat fur allergic reaction. You can get around this by getting a Sphynx cat, but not everyone likes their appearance.

If you decide to give a cat

The best cat breeds for seniors would be Persians as they are quite calm. Less affectionate and very demanding of kind treatment, but also loving constant care - Siamese cats. More exotic, but perfectly suitable for an elderly person, is the Ragdoll cat breed.



  • this pet cannot help but make you smile, so this pet always brings positive emotions;
    He doesn't need to be walked;
  • The rabbit is easy to pick up proper nutrition, which will not be costly;
  • These pets live from 8 to 12 years;
  • They do not like noise and feel good when the house is calm and there is no fuss, as well as strangers.

Weak sides:

  • Rabbits can smell unpleasant, which may not be pleasant;
  • They often throw debris out of the cage, which creates the need for frequent cleaning;
  • It is very rare, but rabbits can bite.

Pets you should avoid

These include decorative rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots. The latter produce a lot of garbage, so caring for them will be too troublesome for an elderly person. And rodents, as a rule, live very little, causing lonely people who become attached to them to suffer greatly.

The right animal for an elderly lonely person means constant positive emotions and prolongation of life!

The life expectancy of domestic cats is significantly higher than that of living cats. natural conditions. If wild cats live about 5–7 years, then domestic cats reach an average age of 14 years. At different conditions maintenance, their lifespan can vary from 8 to 25 years. How long your cat will live depends on various factors and largely on you.

There is an opinion that purebred cats live much longer. As a rule, this is not the case. It is necessary to take into account the influence of selection: sometimes it can cause diseases. Therefore choose pet It is worth buying from experienced breeders and it is advisable to study its pedigree to determine life expectancy, as well as the period of activity and the risk of possible diseases.

It is believed that cats British breed can reach the age of 15 years, Persian cats live on average up to 20, and Siamese - up to 30. But do not forget that each case is individual: sometimes outbred pets can live happily ever after.

What can I do to extend my pet's life?

1. Monitor your pet’s well-being

If you notice a lack of appetite, lethargy, discharge from the eyes or flaking, contact your veterinarian immediately. Any disease robs a cat of strength and vitality.

Sometimes a visit to the cat doctor is worth making without a specific reason. This way you can detect the hidden course of the disease in time and prevent its development by getting vaccinated. The veterinarian will help you choose the right food age appropriate physical features and the cat's health.

2. Ensure your cat is able to lead an active lifestyle

Come up with games for her, make her move. Pets who spend time on the couch have a significantly reduced life expectancy. Support good shape cats will benefit from special toys or walks in the fresh air.

A domestic cat on the street can fall into the paws of dogs, fall under the wheels of a car, or become infected with something from street cats or even get poisoned. Getting to know the street can be very stressful for your pet, which will also negatively affect its health.

4. Neuter your pet

Neutered cats live on average 2-3 years longer than their counterparts. Pregnancy and childbirth for a cat - huge pressure, so cats often live longer long life. In addition, sterilization protects against many diseases and stress, and helps normalize hormonal levels.

5. Choose the right diet

A balanced diet will prolong the life of your pet and protect against colitis, renal failure, allergies, obesity and other diseases. You need to feed your pet three times a day, making sure that the animal does not overeat.

Should not be combined natural products With industrial feed. High-quality dry food is usually balanced enough to provide the cat with all the necessary substances.

6. Give attention and love

Cats that their owners spend time with and care for feel much better. Lack of attention, indifference or regular punishment can cause neuroses and shorten the animal's life. Excessive noise and bustle can lead to cardiac arrest.

Remember that your pet's lifespan is in your hands. Give him love and care, and he will delight you for many years!

How old is your cat? Tell us in the comments.

Experts recommend starting pets in the house when your baby
It's already three years old. At this age, he understands a lot, is responsible for his actions and is ready for a stranger to appear on the territory. But before you bring an animal into your home, weigh the pros and cons. Let's look at the pros:

The more a little man sees people in front of him, the more he develops. mental capacity. Observing parents, other children, animals, he analyzes and often copies their behavior, which leads to increased brain activity.

3. Sense of responsibility

From an early age, a child begins to understand that a four-legged friend is not only games, but also responsibility. You need to clean up after him, feed him, take him for a walk in certain time, scratch, iron. The presence of these responsibilities instills in the child a sense of duty, responsibility and kindness.

4. No fear

All children experience fear of an unfamiliar animal. But if you have a furry animal at home, the number of animals it will be afraid of will significantly decrease. The developed communication skills when communicating with animals will help him in later life.

And now, sadly, let’s consider the “cons”:

1. Allergies

This sign is fundamental, since other shortcomings can be reconciled. The number of children suffering from allergies is growing every year and the list of allergens four-legged friends at the first place.

2. Dirt

Be prepared for the fact that with the advent of an animal you will have more worries around the house. Fluff, wool, dirt after a walk, food all over the house - be prepared for it. And if the child is still small, make it a rule to do it twice a day.

3. Jealousy

Let's imagine the situation in reverse. They decided not to have an animal in the house, but a child. Here the situation is complicated by the fact that animals can be extremely jealous. Seeing how the owners' attitude towards him has changed - they pay more attention to the squeaking bundle than to him, pets become aggressive. They may scratch or bite your child.

Overall, the benefits pets more than harm. In them you can acquire a sincere friend, and positive emotions from communicating with them will give you vitality, which is what yours wishes for you!

Unlike a static toy, the animal breathes, runs, and plays actively, taking away some of the anxiety and stress from children. Children need the opportunity to talk, complain, and cuddle with pets, especially when adults pay little attention to them. For closed, timid, indecisive children, a hamster, cat or dog often replaces a friend: they are trusted with secrets, sorrows and joys. By existing next to the child, animals smooth out his loneliness, especially when parents are busy with their lives.

Scientists at the University of Warwick have confirmed for the first time that children have a strong attachment to pets. Using survey data, they proved that animals can become most important partners children. They interviewed a group of children aged 7-8 years. 90% of children ranked pets in their top 10 list important components their lives, and for some of them a dog or cat was more important than relatives or teachers! However, mothers still come first on this list, and fathers come second.

Children assess the role of animals in their lives very realistically. For example, not a single child expected help from his animal in case of illness. But at the same time, first of all, the dog was named the most favorite interlocutor, giving consolation in grief or the keeper of secrets. In general, according to the children, their attitude towards animals was determined by affection, trust and the absence of conflicts.

Many opponents of animals may object: some babies will not only fail to learn love and compassion, but will torture the kitten or puppy itself. Firstly, it is not so easy to torture an animal - even little kitty able to stand up for himself or, in as a last resort, just hide. And secondly, it all depends on the attitude of adults towards the animal - the baby will copy their behavior. If parents accept a puppy or kitten as a new member of the family, then it will become a friend for the child, but if the animal exists as a piece of furniture, then the child will quickly learn indifference and cruelty towards any living creature.

Another question that arises for parents who have decided to have livestock in the house is who is more suitable for the baby. Some experts advise focusing on the child’s temperament and personality type. For example, an introverted, phlegmatic person needs an animal with whom they can communicate using sounds and touches: Guinea pigs, hamsters, mice. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the claims of the representatives of the fauna themselves. As you know, cheerful and active people get along better with birds: in a depressing, dull atmosphere, birds quickly get sick and may even die from constant stress.

Kids are bored with turtles: It’s not interesting to watch them, it’s impossible to communicate, and therefore very quickly the owners stop paying attention to them altogether.

An aquarium with fish is more suitable for children who are rational, prone to collecting, who know what they want from life, as well as restless and excitable - prolonged contemplation of leisurely swimming fish will calm any nervous system.

The influence of animals on the full development of a child’s personality

Intellectual development

* Animals are the source of the first knowledge about nature. A child sees an animal - he is drawn to it, recognizes its names, notes differences, and learns its behavior.

* Animals are the source of sensory development. No educational toy can compare to nature. The child directly through the senses perceives an object: shape, size, color, smell, spatial arrangement, movement, softness, texture of fur, etc.

* Animals are the source of development logical thinking. Based on ideas about animals, children learn to see connections and dependencies: a kitty meows at a bowl - hungry, a ferret jumps high, gurgles - wants to play, hides - it hunts.

*Animal source for various types activities - observation, play, work, creativity, etc. As a result, curiosity and observation are formed, and imagination develops.

Animals are a source of moral education

* Source of first experiences and joy. The child experiences positive emotions in communication with the animal. IN modern society This is exactly what is missing most of all – positive experiences.

* In the process of communication, the child develops a sense of beauty. They learn to see natural beauty.

* In the process of activity, the child learns to show a careful (passive) and caring (active) attitude towards the animal world as a whole. In this way, the child develops the foundations of an ecological culture, which is integral part spiritual culture.

Animals are a source of aesthetic education and development

* Natural and natural beauty encourages children to be creative. Children love to reflect their experiences with animals in children's poems, stories of their own composition and, of course, in art activities.

Source of labor education

During the observation process, the child becomes familiar with simple labor operations. Under the guidance of adults, he develops basic skills in caring for animals. Are being purchased additional information about living conditions in nature and at home.

Source of physical development

Animals are a source of health promotion, mental development: in the process of walking with a dog, ferret, rabbit, etc., in the process of work, children also improve physically.

Who and when

Child 3-4 years old

At 3-4 years old, the child actively learns the world. Psychologists believe that it is at this stage of development that the formation of personality is completed. You can already get your child’s first pet, but adults will have to take care of it for now. Animals suitable for children of this age: aquarium fish, birds, guinea pig or rabbit. First you need to show the animal to the child, talk about its habits, characteristic features. At first, the child will simply watch how adults care for the living creatures, then gradually he should be involved in the care.

We must remember that children’s interest sometimes manifests itself in the most unexpected forms: the baby really likes the fish, and he puts his hand into the aquarium to hold it in his hand; wants to pet the bird, as a result of which it is left without a tail. Therefore, you should always be on guard and stop such actions of children in time, explaining to them that this is not possible, as the fish or bird may get sick.

Child 5-6 years old

At this age, children can already be systematically involved in caring for animals. Parents should strive to develop certain animal care skills in their children. Children are given greater independence, and their responsibilities are expanded: they can, for example, be taught how to wipe the outer walls of an aquarium, wash drinking bowls and feeders. But the child must carry out all nursing procedures under the supervision of adults. When involving children in caring, parents should pay their attention to the animals the children are caring for and their behavior: if the children maintain an interest in animals, they are more willing to respond to the offer to care for their pets.

Animals suitable for this age period: aquarium fish, birds, guinea pig, rabbit, hamster, rat.

Child 7-8 years old

At this age, a child can care for his pet almost independently. Let children read stories about animals; in addition, there is still a wonderful magazine published, on which more than one generation has grown up, “Young Naturalist”.

Adults should lead children to understand that conditions that are close to natural must be created for animals; animals must be fed with what they eat in nature.

It’s great if you can get not one, but several different animals for your child, for example, aquarium fish And budgerigar. This way the child will receive comparative observations of behavior and skills in caring for different animals.

At this age, you can give your child the same animals as for earlier age periods. You can get a cat or a dog, but you shouldn’t completely delegate the care of such a “serious” pet to a child.

Things to think about before getting a pet

First of all, you need to understand that in any case you are getting an animal not only for your child, but also for yourself, and that if the child is still small, most of the worries and responsibilities for caring for the animal will fall on your shoulders. Even if the child himself assures you otherwise. Therefore, ask yourself whether you are ready to have an animal at home that requires a lot of attention, time for care and communication, as well as financial costs, and whether all members of your family are ready for this. After all, the animal will actually become its new member. You also need to think about who will care for the animal when the whole family is on vacation.

Important role Housing conditions also play a role in resolving this issue. if you have own house, then you can get any animal, and you probably already have more than one. You shouldn't have dogs in a small apartment large breeds, and if your living conditions are too cramped, then even a hamster may turn out to be “superfluous” in your family.

If you are not ready to keep an animal, it is better not to get one at all. Otherwise, when you realize that you have to part with him, this can become a great tragedy for both the child and the animal itself.

Dangers to children associated with animals

Animals can also be dangerous for children. First of all, it's an allergy. If your child or you have allergic manifestations, you shouldn’t have an animal. In addition, cats, dogs, rodents are carriers various infections. And the baby, as a rule, can pick it up very easily. There is also physical danger if a large or large dog appears in your home. aggressive breed. Of course, when making the right choice pet, its responsible upbringing and careful care, all these dangers can be minimized.

Weigh the pros and cons and choose the pet that best suits your child. Believe me, for him it will be incomparable happiness! Good luck!

Older people can benefit from interacting with pets

Elderly people who are struggling to make ends meet have high risk diseases and emotional disorders. These consequences will be greatly reduced if they have pets. Pets not only provide companionship, but their owners also provide increased emotional support and increased physical activity. The results of the study were published in scientific journal Activities, Adaptation & Aging.

Relevance of the problem

However, seniors face numerous barriers: They may be concerned about the cost of the pet and worry that they will not be able to care for and care for the pet.

Materials and research methods

In their paper, to illustrate some of these barriers, the researchers tell the story of Janet, a 75-year-old widow who is obese. diabetes mellitus and arthritis. Janet lives independently and she loves cats very much. She had many cats in the past. A woman heard about an animal shelter on the local news and wanted to adopt a cat, but she was worried about financial problems and what would happen to the cat if it got sick or died.

Results of scientific work

Researchers note that Janet's situation is very common.

“There are a lot of older people who want to adopt a pet. But there are obstacles that can prevent them and often exclude this process,” the study authors note.

The result of this situation is that older people are deprived of the joy of being with a pet, and animals remain in the shelter longer and are at greater risk of euthanasia.

Researchers decided to discuss what could help older people become pet owners. The authors note that chronic diseases diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and obesity are on the rise, but they do not necessarily lead to disability. They also believe that older people often doubt their ability to care for an animal. What they need is confidence and support to help them adopt a pet.

In addition, they can choose a friend who is less demanding - dogs must be groomed regularly, but cats do not, guinea pigs and rabbits require little care. You can consider other options that are more compatible with your needs and capabilities.

Researchers suggest that medical workers and shelter officials could work together to encourage older adults to adopt animals. Animal shelters can also set up test programs so that seniors can adopt animals on a trial basis.

“Future research should continue to explore the bond between humans and animals, especially if the older person has cognitive, physical and financial limitations. After all, communication between the animal and the owner will bring many benefits to both,” the study authors conclude.

“I have always been interested in finding creative and economic effective ways to improve the lives and well-being of older adults,” says Keith Anderson of the University of Montana.


Anderson, Keith A.; Lord, Linda K.; Hill, Lawrence N.; McCune, Sandra (2015) Fostering the Human-Animal Bond for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities // Activities, Adaptation & Aging

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