Cancer monkey in love. Monkey and love. Full characteristics of a Cancer child born in the year of the Monkey

The Cancer man, born in the year of the Monkey, is a sociable person who is naturally gifted with all sorts of talents. He grasps any information on the fly, which allows him to express himself in any field. A representative of what zodiac sign can be a mate to such a man?

general information

The characteristics of the Cancer-Monkey horoscope indicate that this person is endowed with natural charm and magnetism. Thanks to this, a man at any age is in the center of attention. Since his youth, such a guy has been basking in attention from the opposite sex.

The Monkey endowed him with unpredictability, and Cancer with sensitivity. For this reason, such a guy often changes his mood; he often takes many situations too close to his heart.

Cancer, born in the year of the Monkey, is an interesting conversationalist, with whom there is never a dull moment. There are always a lot of interesting ideas and plans in his head, which the man tries to implement in life. Thanks to his energy and ability to find a common language with everyone, such a man easily achieves great heights in any field of activity. Often such men choose creative professions, because that’s where they can show their talents to the fullest.

This man has it all necessary qualities that are needed in order to achieve your goal. Cancer-Monkey is an enterprising and very creative person. Such a man has an easy character and is ready to change in order to find a common language with new people, in order to find an approach to any person. In addition, Cancer, born in the year of the Monkey, is distinguished by its determination.

The guy easily takes on a new task, clearly plans his actions and always brings what he starts to the end. From the outside it seems that there is no job that Cancer-Monkey cannot cope with. And in fact this is true.

Cancer-Monkey excels as an organizer. In childhood, such boys quickly gather a company around them, and as they grow older, they easily organize their own business, attracting like-minded people. Such a man is able to easily organize the work process, it is pleasant and comfortable to work with him. For this reason, most Cancers born in the year of the Monkey start their own business.

In love and marriage

Thanks to his natural charm, this man is never alone. He easily meets girls, flirts, has affairs and often breaks hearts. Despite the ease and ease in communication, this man is in no hurry to let his chosen one get close to him.

What is going on in the Cancer-Monkey’s soul, what feelings a man actually experiences, only he himself knows.

Only after Monkey-Cancer is confident in his feelings and in the feelings of his soulmate, will he be able to reveal his soul and his mysterious inner world. When starting a relationship, this man always hopes that it will last a lifetime.

Even when a relationship begins to fail, a man tries to make every effort to maintain it. Cancer-Monkey experiences breakups very hard.

For such a man, it is very important that there is a woman next to him who loves everything that he does. It is important that they have fun together, that they have common topics of conversation, common hobbies. If a woman is exactly like this, then Cancer-Monkey will be ready to give her all his tenderness and love. In love, Cancer, born in the year of the Monkey, manifests itself as a caring and gentle partner.

It is very important for him to know what his woman feels and thinks about. Such a man is unlikely to be capable of betrayal and deception.

In a relationship, Cancer-Monkey will require special attention. It is very important for him that the chosen one openly shows her feelings, her tenderness and love. A man should feel loved every minute. The Cancer man himself is also ready to openly show his feelings. He is never embarrassed to openly compliment his beloved, is not afraid to show feelings and emotions in public, and is not afraid to speak openly about his love. Of course, many women like this character trait.

In bed, such a man shows all his tenderness. Monkey-Cancer will always listen to the wishes of his woman and is always ready to fantasize and try something new. Cancer-Monkey does not show persistence and does not pretend to be a leader in intimate relationships; on the contrary, this man will be very happy to give the initiative to his soulmate.

The Cancer-Monkey man chooses his future wife, relying on feelings. He will never marry for profit. For him, love and sincere relationships are much more important. Such a man takes marriage very seriously and will never propose to someone whose feelings he is not sure of.

In marriage, such a man reveals all his positive traits. Cancer-Monkey is a caring and loving father, a faithful spouse and a hospitable host. For the sake of his family, he is ready to make any sacrifice. It is very important for him that children grow up in love and do not need anything. And such a father is able to provide his children with a happy childhood and a bright future.


Before winning the heart of the wayward Cancer, born in the year of the Monkey, it is worth finding out about his compatibility in love with other signs of the Zodiac. Combining horoscopes is important. This helps create a perfect match.

A Cancer man is ideally compatible with a woman born in the year of the Rat. Such a union can be considered ideal. They are united by common interests and hobbies, and this is very important for the Monkey-Cancer.

In addition, they are both purposeful and strong individuals who feel at ease in new society and who love to be the center of attention. The Rat woman will feel her man and predict his desires. And the Cancer-Monkey man will treat his partner with all tenderness and love.

He can have a happy relationship with a woman born in the year of the Rabbit. Both will complement each other perfectly. Such a woman will not abandon the Cancer-Monkey in a difficult situation; she will always support him in all his endeavors. It is very important for a man to feel such support from a woman, so he will be ready to do anything for her.

An active and enterprising Dragon woman can become an ideal partner for him. This will be a bright couple in which everyone will be able to show their best qualities. Even though both are strong personalities, neither will dominate the relationship.

This man can have a stable and equal relationship with a woman born in the year of the Horse. Common interests and views on life will help this couple live happily next to each other. The Horse woman is very practical and independent - this is what the Cancer man really likes. Their personal relationships will also include friendship, which is very important for both. They will never be bored next to each other.

You can learn more about this person in this video.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Cancer

Cancer gives the Monkey sensitivity. Such people easily change their mood, and they are even more unpredictable than other Monkeys. They also have slightly increased levels of concern about their safety.

The monkey is considered a symbol that has the gift of the rich and creative imagination. The combination of a Cancer-Monkey man or woman creates artistic and enterprising people. These people have all the necessary abilities to achieve success wherever they want it. These people have a mixture of talents that can be used very well in commerce, but they are equally valuable in other areas. Cancer-Monkey can be of great benefit with its kind and caring traits.

In personal relationships, these people are extremely affectionate and attentive. They direct their efforts to maintaining relationships and value their freshness. Personal relationships with these people are fun and interesting, especially because of their endlessly new ideas.

At work, such people enjoy activities that challenge their abilities and make them feel like they have achieved something every day. They are strong at organization, solve problems quickly, and have high concentration. They are sociable, but sometimes need time for contemplation. Living with them in the same house is very easy if you accept their freedom and give them time out from time to time.
These people are creative and easily adaptable. Easy to come up with great ideas for business, but may require a lot of support and encouragement.

Unpredictability is a major weakness in the personality of these people. As a result, their demeanor is slightly eccentric. This weakness is harmless and those who know these people well easily get used to them and do not consider it as a problem.

At first glance, the monkey of the Cancer zodiac sign seems quiet and incapable of anything serious outside of its territory. In reality, this is nothing more than a disguise. Cancer the monkey does not like excessive publicity, especially when it comes to business and plans. And they can be very ambitious.

The Cancer Monkey man is an excellent strategist with a very developed imagination. This sign is not as reclusive as it seems. When he needs to, he is able to get along with everyone, while showing a quality that is not the most familiar to him - charm.

The Cancer monkey woman, as a true representative of her year of the eastern horoscope, loves money, preferring, however, not only to spend it uncontrollably, but also to earn it with the same passion. Possessing sufficient intelligence, she knows how to demonstrate it, where necessary, as well as the natural artistry given to her.

When dealing with monkeys of the Cancer zodiac sign, you should behave carefully. It is best to overload them with work and not give them the opportunity to take on their own and alone. important decisions.

In their personal lives, neither Cancer Monkey men nor women are unpredictable. The combination of the qualities of a monkey and cancer gives these people such an unexpected temperament that it is better to take a closer look at it first, and then decide whether or not to enter into a permanent union.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign cancer monkey man is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Cancer-Monkey man suggests that such people are accustomed to always achieving their goals.

To do this, they have all the necessary skills and talents.


Men born under the signs of Cancer and Monkey are unique individuals. They are comprehensively developed, which means they are able to achieve success in almost any field. This far from timid and shy person has a bright character, but this does not at all prevent him from establishing good relationships with others. Representatives of this type have incredible will; they skillfully manipulate people. External gloss, the ability to create a good impression in society and dexterity in Cancer-Monkey men are combined with a vulnerable and sentimental soul. He is often willing to take risks, but in most cases the risk is not backed up by anything. It would be much more correct for him to listen to the voice of his own intuition, which can suggest the right decision.

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One cannot help but notice another feature in the characteristics of the Cancer-Monkey man - changeability. Each time they behave differently: impulsively or calmly, eccentric or serious, predictable or extraordinary. Men whose horoscope includes a combination of the sign of Cancer and Monkey appear to be very ambiguous personalities. They strive for leadership, wanting to earn authority in society, they try to be cold-blooded and unshakable, but, meanwhile, every time they take everything too close to their hearts and react violently to what is happening. Impressive and touchy Cancer-Monkeys tend to become depressed. But they manage to quickly regain strength and rebuild in a positive way. Don't underestimate such a man.

If necessary, he is able to find a common language with everyone with whom he needs, using incredible charm, which is not at all characteristic of him. The combination of the qualities of Monkey and Cancer in such a man results in an extraordinary temperament. Therefore, before building a relationship with such a person, you should take a good look at him. Cancer-Monkey is very concerned about the safety of both themselves and loved ones. In relation to others, a representative of this type shows politeness, attentiveness and kindness. Being with him is always fun and exciting, because he is comprehensively developed and always full of fresh ideas. Self-control and control over one’s own emotions helps such a man achieve many successes in life.

Compatibility in love

Men born in the commonwealth of Cancer and Monkey are very romantic natures. In addition, they take marriage and the issue of starting a family seriously, so they usually marry only for Great love. A man is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones. He is ready to share household responsibilities with his wife and actively help her in raising children, while surrounding her with his attention and care. A Cancer-Monkey man can find compatibility in love with a woman who will calmly relate to the unpredictable behavior of her partner and at the same time be sympathetic to the periodic changes in his mood.

It is not difficult for a representative of this type to find a suitable partner for himself; he is always surrounded by a large crowd of fans. At the same time, in relations with his beloved, he will always be in the lead, which is due to the strong spirit of the man. Many of the Cancer-Monkey love affairs end unsuccessfully because they cannot suppress their despotic nature in time. However, in this case they are not in danger of disappointment: they quickly find a new lover.

Cancer-Monkey in a career

Men of this iconic combination have well-developed business skills, which allow them to become excellent entrepreneurs. Communication skills allow them to make useful connections and find like-minded people. Cancer-Monkey is a real careerist. But he won't just build a career for the sake of big money, but also for the sake of mental satisfaction. Having found something he likes, he will definitely achieve great heights in it. The Cancer-Monkey man's finances are always in perfect order. He manages his income and expenses perfectly. As a rule, it has several sources of financial income. But money does not occupy his entire mind: the translation of ideas into reality is much more important for a man.

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Cancer – Monkey: Characteristics

People born under the sign of Cancer are characterized by some stiffness and unsociability, which can hardly be applied to Cancer-Monkey.

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Monkey-Cancer Man

The Monkey-Cancer man is a born entrepreneur and the owner, if not the pioneer, of his own personal business. These people are characterized by the ability to quickly read and analyze information on the market for goods and services, in order to then choose the most profitable and least costly production for themselves.

In his personal life, the Cancer-Monkey man shows the duality of his combination of signs completely. During courtship, this is the tenderness, sensitivity and sociability of the Monkey. But after the stamp in the passport, this means increased demands on your companion, endless scenes of jealousy and an oppressive atmosphere of family tyranny from Cancer.

Monkey-Cancer Woman

The Monkey-Cancer woman also demonstrates the dual nature of her sign combination. This is manifested in frequent and sharp mood swings: a minute ago the Monkey-Cancer woman was a sociable laugher, and now in her place sits a melancholy and withdrawn person who, more than anything else, wants to go home from the party.

In relation to his partner, he is sweet and caring, of course, provided that the man fully meets her requirements. But these requirements are high and not everyone can withstand them.

Monkey-Cancer is a cocktail of contradictions and sudden changes in mood. But this person is fun and easy to communicate with, although it is difficult to live together.

Monkey-Cancer: character traits, compatibility

The monkey is the life of the party. Of all the other signs, she is endowed with the most energetic, cheerful and eccentric character. The combination Monkey - Cancer produces cheerful, creative and active people. They have many features that are unusual for other representatives of this constellation. It is believed that by the will of fate they were given all the necessary abilities to achieve success.

Personality Features

These people have many contradictory qualities. They can manifest themselves from different sides: be emotionally depressed or cheerful, active or apathetic, unpredictable or withdrawn. They have incredible intelligence and good memory. Their main feature is their excellent business acumen. The talents of such people often find application in commerce. Monkey - Cancer strives for self-development and has a pronounced desire for leadership. At the same time, he acts tactfully and deliberately. In general, the Monkey, under the influence of Cancer, becomes more balanced, calm, and mysterious.

The character flaws of these people include unpredictability. Sometimes their actions simply shock others.

Cancer Man in the Year of the Monkey

He exhibits all the qualities of the Monkey, but secretly. He prefers to nurture his brilliant, ambitious plans alone, without consulting anyone. She has excellent communication and strategic skills, knows how to quickly solve problems, and easily makes acquaintances. Emotional and vulnerable, very touchy, prone to depression. However, he is endowed with the ability to pull himself together and switch to positive notes.

In a love relationship, the Monkey-Cancer man values ​​honesty. He is able to find happiness with a woman who can treat him with understanding. frequent shifts moods, unpredictability. This is a wonderful husband, willing to share household responsibilities with his wife, caring and attentive.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Monkey

She is a talented, intelligent and self-confident person. She actively seeks out areas in which she can apply her skills. She, like a man, finds it difficult to be stable. She also has a changeable character, capable of spontaneous, impulsive actions. Her emotional condition often fluctuates: sometimes she wants to be alone, sometimes she strives for communication, she is either sad or happy. The Monkey – Cancer woman is endowed with inner strength, she often gets leadership roles. Able to organize people effectively.

In personal relationships, she is caring and gentle. She values ​​her man and strives to bring innovation to all areas. life together. It's never boring with her. Living with such a woman is easy, the main thing is to give her time for privacy. Ladies with this combination of signs need peace and solitude, this gives them strength and energy.

Monkey-Cancer in love

What is the compatibility of such people in love and marriage? Monkey-Cancer has one main drawback - unpredictability, eccentricity; with these people it can be difficult not only to find a common language, but also to understand what they want. The combination of the qualities of Cancer and Monkey gives such an unexpected character that astrologers advise before starting a serious relationship with them, it’s good to think about it.

They like to turn everything upside down and look at it from a different perspective. They always have their own opinion, sometimes other people’s ideas and views are not important to them. They can be cunning and two-faced. At the same time, they easily adapt to different situations and are very flexible.

In order for compatibility with a man of this sign to be successful, a woman should support him in his views, in any endeavors, and give him the reins of power in family relationships.

For successful compatibility with a woman, you need to have the most similar and at the same time flexible character. The man’s material success is also important to her.

Monkey-Cancer is an interesting combination. Despite the contradictions in character, these people are pleasant and positive.

Cancer Monkey - Horoscope Combination: Chinese & Zodiac

Cancer gives the Monkey sensitivity. Such people easily change their mood, and they are even more unpredictable than other Monkeys. They also have slightly increased levels of concern about their safety. The monkey is considered a symbol that has the gift of a rich and creative imagination. The combination of a Cancer-Monkey man or woman creates artistic and enterprising people. These people have all the necessary abilities to achieve success wherever they want it. These people have a mixture of talents that can be used very well in commerce, but they are equally valuable in other areas. Cancer-Monkey can be of great benefit with its kind and caring traits.

In personal relationships, these people are extremely affectionate and attentive. They direct their efforts to maintaining relationships and value their freshness. Personal relationships with these people are fun and interesting, especially because of their endlessly new ideas. At work, such people enjoy activities that challenge their abilities and make them feel like they have achieved something every day. They are strong at organization, solve problems quickly, and have high concentration. They are sociable, but sometimes need time for contemplation. Living with them in the same house is very easy if you accept their freedom and give them time out from time to time.

These people are creative and easily adaptable. They come up with great business ideas easily, but may require a lot of support and encouragement. Unpredictability is a major weakness in the personality of these people. As a result, their demeanor is slightly eccentric. This weakness is harmless and those who know these people well easily get used to them and do not consider it as a problem.

At first glance, the monkey of the Cancer zodiac sign seems quiet and incapable of anything serious outside of its territory. In reality, this is nothing more than a disguise. Cancer the monkey does not like excessive publicity, especially when it comes to business and plans. And they can be very ambitious.

The Cancer Monkey man is an excellent strategist with a very developed imagination. This sign is not as reclusive as it seems. When he needs to, he is able to get along with everyone, while showing a quality that is not the most familiar to him - charm.

The Cancer monkey woman, as a true representative of her year of the eastern horoscope, loves money, preferring, however, not only to spend it uncontrollably, but also to earn it with the same passion. Possessing sufficient intelligence, she knows how to demonstrate it, where necessary, as well as the natural artistry given to her.

When dealing with monkeys of the Cancer zodiac sign, you should behave carefully. It is best to overload them with work and not give them the opportunity to make important decisions independently and individually. In their personal lives, neither Cancer Monkey men nor women are unpredictable. The combination of the qualities of a monkey and cancer gives these people such an unexpected temperament that it is better to take a closer look at it first, and then decide whether or not to enter into a permanent union.

Monkey Combination

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of Monkey - Cancer men: These men are distinguished by their remarkable willpower. They know how and how to manage people. At the same time, they are capable of coordinating projects of any complexity. At the same time, they are always accompanied by success; they can reach the most daring heights. This skill often attracts weak individuals to them, whom they also skillfully manage with a degree of despotism. These are fighters against formalities and established systems.

Possessing erudition and a flexible mind, they can become bright leaders. Self-realization is important to them, so they actively seek their own path, and usually they are lucky in this. They are power-hungry and can achieve excellent positions in all areas of life, except personal ones. Patience and scrupulousness allow them to bring things to their logical conclusion decently, not over the heads of their opponents.

Monkey men - Cancers in love and relationships: Love relationships are extremely important to them. They can find partners for themselves and are often surrounded by fans. At the same time, they will always dominate, because they are too strong in spirit. Often love relationships end in failure because they cannot help but show their oppressive nature. But they do not feel disappointed, but simply go looking for a new partner.

Monkey men - Cancers in finance and career: These are real careerists. However, they are not just making a career, but are looking for their own business, which will bring not only money, but also satisfaction. Having found their way, they will definitely reach excellent heights. The financial affairs of these men are always in order, as they know how to coordinate their finances. They often have several sources of income, making good profits. But money doesn’t mean much to them; they are more interested in the embodiment of ideas.

Monkey men - Cancers in family and marriage: Family relationships are rarely prosperous, since their devotion to ideas and the desire to find something else to do besides family responsibilities cannot but affect the relationship. They are despotic and power-hungry, they can control every movement of their partner, which puts him in a completely dependent position. And this leads to the fact that the partner simply leaves, not wanting to obey.

Advice to Monkey - Cancer men: These men are advised to be softer towards loved ones. You need to remember your responsibilities and try to fulfill them, otherwise everything in life will go wrong. You need to learn tact, as this is the key to construction good relations. Personal freedom should not be so dear that everything else is trampled upon by them. Other men should become their value, whose interests and opinions cannot be trampled upon. Concentrating on one thing will be the key to success for them.

Cancer-Monkey Man

Why people are different and not everyone can get along with each other, astrologers will answer. According to the horoscope, each person was born under a certain sign. The date and year of birth directly affect the character and compatibility in love with a particular person.

Characteristics of a Cancer – Monkey man

Cancer Man - Monkey is very strong man. He is characterized by remarkable willpower, which helps him cope with the most intractable tasks. He is able to coordinate any project and get an excellent result. For this, the representative of this sign is especially valued in his work. He always succeeds.

The Cancer-Monkey man attracts weaker personalities. They always follow him as a leader. They are attracted to him by his determination, confidence, enormous strength will and luck. The Cancer-Monkey man is very flattered by all this. Sometimes he doesn't notice how he becomes a hypocrite. He starts to look down on his fans. They often show despotism towards them.

Cancer Man - Monkey does not like formalities. He always fights against established rules. He is an innovator by nature. He tries in every possible way to introduce new principles into life.

The Monkey – Cancer man has a flexible mind. He always skillfully manages the people around him. They don't notice it. Everything looks natural. Everyone thinks that they made the decision on their own.

The representative of this sign needs self-realization. Throughout their lives they search for their path. Most of these guys catch their luck already in early age. They make a career early, reaching the pinnacle of success. Cancer Man - Monkey loves power. It helps them feel important. However, they often act as a leader at their work, but not in their personal lives. Things are different here.

The Cancer-Monkey man is very scrupulous. He will never give up the business he has taken on. He will always reach the logical end. At the same time, he does not lose his humanity. He will always find a way to solve a problem that will not harm anyone. He never goes over other people's heads.

A career for a Cancer-Monkey man is the main area of ​​his life. But at the same time they want to earn a lot of money. A representative of this sign will never engage in a profession that will not allow him to earn good wealth. First they must find their way professional growth, and then make sure that it will bring them big earnings. Only after this will he begin to move up the career ladder.

The Cancer-Monkey man knows how to spin. He always has several sources of income. A representative of this sign will always provide his family with prosperity. He also knows how to distribute funds. There are always enough of them for everything and there is even a reserve for a rainy day.

Compatibility in love between Cancer and Monkey men

Cancer Man - Monkey strives to create strong union with a representative of the fair half of humanity. There are always a lot of fans around them. Choose suitable girl it's easy for them. But it’s no longer so easy to keep her. The Cancer-Monkey man loves to dominate in relationships. Not every girl will like this. Therefore, their relationships often end in breakup. If a representative of this sign wants to maintain an intimate relationship with his chosen one, he must learn to be more gentle about everything.

Unfortunately, the marriage of a Monkey - Cancer man often ends in separation. Such guys are more focused on implementing their ideas than on establishing family relations. They are constantly missing at work. The wife is simply tired of such a life, and this is causing a crack in their marriage.

If a Cancer-Monkey man decides to infiltrate family affairs, then he chooses the role of boss. Moreover, this is not a kind and fair director, but a despotic dictator. He wants his will to be carried out in everything, so that everything will always be according to his wishes. He will be very offended if his opinion is ignored or something is done in his own way. Close people simply get tired of such a “slave” life in a sense. This is how the Cancer-Monkey man destroys his family. If he does not want to reach such a critical limit, he must learn to behave differently.

According to his zodiac signs, he is suitable for representatives of the opposite sex who were born in the year of the Dragon, Rat and Monkey. But with ladies born in the year of the Dog, Horse and Tiger, they are unlikely to start relationships at all. As they say, these are people from different planets.

Cancer born in the year of the Monkey

A Monkey born under the sign of Cancer is more sensitive than other Cancers. In addition, she is even more prone to mood swings and spontaneous actions. This creative person with a diverse inner world. At the same time, both men and women born under the signs of Cancer and Monkey are enterprising and have a remarkable ability to achieve success in everything and everywhere. The combination of creativity and practicality allows them to become excellent businessmen. Cancer-Monkey can safely try himself in any field he wants. In the process of work, Monkeys are attracted to overcoming obstacles, during which they can show all their abilities and be sure to achieve positive results.

The Monkey is an excellent organizer, capable of solving any problems. She comes up with different ideas and business projects almost on the fly. The main thing for the Monkey is constant support and good evaluation from management and colleagues. Making major decisions The Monkey should not be trusted. But she will tackle local issues with great pleasure and enthusiasm. It is important to load this person with new tasks in a timely manner so that he does not get bored from inactivity.

The monkey sometimes pretends to be a quiet and inconspicuous creature. In reality this is not the case. This is a very ambitious person who can make far-reaching plans and dream about a lot. Monkey-Cancer does not always like publicity and therefore often hides under the mask of a quiet person.

People around them, as a rule, really enjoy communicating with Monkeys who were born under the sign of Cancer. It's interesting and fun to be with such people.

Monkey-Cancer is a kind and caring person, attentive to both close friends and his partner. Constantly developing personal relationships are important to him. Maintaining such relationships is quite simple due to the fact that the Monkey is a fountain of new ideas.

All Monkeys are sociable, but Monkeys under the sign of Cancer sometimes need solitude and strive to remain face-to-face with their thoughts and plans. Considering this feature of the Cancer zodiac sign, coexistence under the same roof with such Monkeys becomes comfortable and pleasant. These people have an easy-going character and are able to adapt to anything. Perhaps the Monkey has only one weakness. It lies in the fact that Cancer-Monkey is unpredictable, she loves shocking behavior and behaves very artistically and even slightly defiantly. This weakness does no harm to others, and those who have known the Monkey for a long time love its quirks. It’s definitely worth taking a good look at the Monkey before concluding a work contract with him or formalizing a personal relationship. Cooperation with a Monkey can be both easy and full of various interesting surprises.

Men born under the signs of Cancer and Monkey are good strategists with the ability to fantasize. They should not be equated with all Cancers who prefer loneliness. Such a man is very charming and loves communication, especially if this communication can be useful in his work.

If a woman is Monkey-Cancer according to her horoscope, she will love money, and this love extends not so much to spending money as to actively earning it.

Characteristics of Cancer-Monkey Man

People born during this period combine contradictory qualities. They can behave in different ways: eccentric or serious, emotional or calm, predictable or unusual. Cancer-Monkeys are active, cheerful, and inventive.

Personality Traits of Cancer Year of the Monkey

Such men love to attract attention and show originality. They have a strong temperament, but their mood often changes depending on the circumstances. Cancer-Monkeys can become successful entrepreneurs because they have well-developed business skills. Representatives of this type have excellent communication skills and easily find friends and like-minded people.

Character of the Monkey-Men of the Cancer sign

People whose horoscopes include this combination are ambiguous natures. They strive for leadership and authoritarianism, they want to be cold-blooded, but at the same time they are sensitive to what is happening and take many things to heart. Cancer Monkeys are touchy and impressionable. Such men are prone to depression, but they know how to quickly restore their strength and switch to a positive attitude.

Personal life of Cancer-Monkey Men

Representatives of this type are romantic, they take marriage seriously and marry out of great love. Cancer-Monkey is ready to do a lot for the sake of loved ones. He can share household responsibilities with his wife, actively help her, and surround her with care and attention. Cancer-Monkey can find true happiness with a woman who will calmly accept his unpredictable behavior and be sympathetic to his mood swings.

Of course, every child is unique and inimitable, and no horoscope will tell you about your baby better than his family and friends. And yet the location of the stars often influences our lives. This horoscope is dedicated to children who will be born in 2016, the year of the Red Fire Monkey.

It will help you figure out what to expect from your child, what will positively affect his development, and what to be careful of. After all, each zodiac sign has its own character traits, abilities and talents. And it is important to know in advance what you should pay special attention to.

Children born in 2016 require a special approach!

Aries born in the year of the Monkey

These babies have very fast reactions. They are constantly on the move, jumping from place to place and changing their point of view at lightning speed. Little ones get carried away quickly and are just as quickly disappointed. They strive for leadership and love to rule, but can occasionally be withdrawn and calm.

Capable of deep feelings and attachments. They love praise very much and are not shy about performing and being the center of attention. They are stubborn and rarely give up on their goals; they try to achieve their goal in any way. If it is beneficial for them, they will be honest and frank, but they can become flexible and disingenuous in order to ultimately achieve what they want. They know how to prove they are right and defend themselves.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63
Gems Diamond
Lucky colors Orange, pink, white, blue, dark yellow
Patron planet Mars
Lucky months January, February, March, April, May, July, October
Bad months June, August, September, November, December
Most compatible signs Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius
Most incompatible signs Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Innate Skills Enterprise
Positive traits Independence, generosity, optimism, courage
Negative qualities Boring, monotony
Scientific activities, politics, coaching activities
Energy sign Ian
Problem organs Brain, central nervous system

Aries boys

This is a “storm in a teacup” - they involve active games parents and other children are not afraid of bruises and bumps. Born ringleaders and leaders, Aries know how to endure pain and are known as daredevils. Failures do not disappoint them, but only add excitement. Aries boys must learn not to test their courage, but to be reasonable.

Explain to little Aries that giving up stupid goals is not a sign of weakness. He must learn to control his irrepressible energy and enthusiasm. Such boys grow up to be efficient leaders and pioneers in any business. Parents need to teach them to listen to others and take other people's opinions into account.

Aries girls

These are far from obedient good boys. Impulsive, persistent and courageous, they are reminiscent of Pippi Longstocking. It is very important for such a girl that her parents do not “extinguish” her energy, but accept and praise her - otherwise she will withdraw and begin to hide behind a mask of integrity and humility, being alone at home, and a completely different girl on the street.

Aries babies demand adventures, trips and an eternal kaleidoscope of impressions from their parents. For quiet and calm parents, such a girl is a natural disaster. They run before they walk, they break something all the time, take it apart and taste it. However, Aries girls quickly grow up and become independent. They have a sense of responsibility and usually achieve their goals.

Taurus born in the year of the Monkey

Completely devoid of aggression, harmless and naive, they sincerely love and want to be loved. They are lazy and clumsy, but, nevertheless, they have great brains and ingenuity. They can sit still for hours, creating or composing something. Caregivers and teachers love them - they are the calmest and most reasonable children, obedient and understanding.

A flexible mind, sociability and a great sense of humor make them favorites in any team. True, parents should prepare for the amazing stubbornness and touchiness of their little Taurus. Although ambition, determination and consistency ultimately allow them to make a good career, the ability to find compromises in any situation will help them achieve a high position in society and family.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 6, 24, 33, 42, 51
Gems Agate
Lucky colors Blue, white, yellow
Patron planet Venus
Lucky months January, February, March, June, September
Bad months April, October, December
Most Compatible Signs Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus
Innate Skills Thoughtfulness
Positive traits Reliability, loyalty, generosity, patience
Negative qualities Secretiveness, laziness, materialism
Preferred specialty Engineering, banking
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Neck, gastrointestinal tract

Taurus boys

Smart and inquisitive, from early childhood they will disassemble all mechanisms in order to find out their structure. The Taurus boy does not like empty running around, but can freeze for several hours in one position, dismantling a vacuum cleaner or mobile phone. Taurus very quickly learn to do things with their own hands.

This is what “golden hands” say about them, because already in school age they can fix everything from a computer to a car. Usually everything is completed. Slowly and confidently they move towards the goal and do not turn anywhere. For Taurus boys, the authority of the father is very important, although the son treats his mother with great feeling - she will always be main woman in his life.

For these children, tactile contact is important, so they should be hugged and kissed often, otherwise they will think that they are not loved. Taurus born in the year of the Monkey adore books and smart educational games. Prudent and sensible, they often become the support of the family and the real leaders of the family clan.

Taurus girls

Sensual, curious and very affectionate - they are perhaps the most practical and “earthly” of all the signs. They must touch everything that surrounds them with their little fingers - tactility is very important for children born in 2016. But they do it gently and carefully, without disturbing the harmony. They sincerely enjoy life and make their parents happy without causing problems.

Having such a child is not a hassle - you can take time for yourself. What they value most in life is the beauty of nature, the sincerity of relationships and Tasty food. Therefore, from the very beginning, monitor your baby’s weight and do not let her overeat. Taurus girls are real girls, feminine and charming. They love beautiful, but comfortable clothes - they will never wear anything that restricts movement.

Their love for all living things makes them drag stray animals and wounded birds into the house. Taurus girls do not like cruel fairy tales and cartoons. In all stories they wait for a “happy ending”. They are prone to playing music, drawing and any other aesthetic activities. From early childhood they can write good poetry and prose, so their creativity should be developed, but do not forget about sports.

Gemini born in the year of the Monkey

Inventive, dexterous and quick-witted kids, they often infuriate their parents with rash actions. Their head is filled with new ideas for committing petty mischief and exploring the world. But it’s hard to be angry with them for a long time - they know how to charm and have many talents, and their ideas are often truly brilliant.

Gemini children born in the year of the Monkey need constant monitoring - it is important to make sure that they do not go too far in their experiments. Sometimes doubting and unsure of themselves, and sometimes on the contrary - self-confident and looking condescendingly at others, Geminis need advice on how to live correctly in society.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Gems Pearl
Lucky colors Black, blue, dark brown, dark green
Patron planet Mercury
Lucky months January, March, April, June, August, November
Bad months February, May, July, September
Most Compatible Signs Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Innate Skills Intelligence, diplomacy
Positive traits Creativity, energy, wit
Negative qualities Superficiality, spontaneity
Preferred specialty PR, working with people, journalism
Energy sign Ian
Problem organs Blood, central nervous system, shoulder joints

Gemini boys

Unbridled imagination and a brilliant mind from early childhood set Gemini apart from the crowd. These are pranksters who know how to simultaneously evoke rage and admiration. They are very fast, and are especially happy when the whole house is trying to catch and stop them. However, Geminis have the ability to sensitively detect any changes in the mood of their parents, and can suddenly stop and become obedient and calm. True, not for long.

They are skilled imitators, they learn a lot of poems and songs early, thanks to which they are able to entertain the public all day long. Witty and original, they are interested in everything and are often considered “smart guys” in children's team. They are constantly in search of new knowledge and try to achieve perfection in everything.

Usually, they grow into excellent, competent specialists who are valued “worth their weight in gold,” although they hate the role of subordinates. Geminis either lead themselves or work alone. They do not tolerate routine and monotony, so parents should always captivate them with something, otherwise, from boredom, they can become depressed and become boring.

Gemini girls

They're just little fairies! Girls born in 2016 are charming and smart. They constantly ask questions and tell their own fascinating stories, but are good at noticing what is happening around them. They are interested in the whole world and all the events that are happening, so parents need to be prepared to answer a hundred thousand “whys” a day.

Like all double signs, Geminis suffer from mood swings - jumping from laughter to tears is normal for them. Girls are very active and love active pastime, but with the same success they will be captivated by games that develop thinking. They are not cowardly, and will go anywhere to gain life experience.

There is no need to constantly pull back and protect them - they will still convince themselves that the fire is hot and the knife is sharp. It’s just that parents should not let them out of sight and constantly create the ground for learning new things. Otherwise, out of boredom, cute charmers can turn into evil, harmful and grumpy creatures.

Cancers born in the year of the Monkey

Cancer children are highly intelligent and quick-witted, and their rich imagination and artistry make them sweet and attractive. They love to do everything at the same time - play ball, watch cartoons, eat and tell their fantasies. They really dream of growing up quickly, and maybe good nannies to your little brothers and sisters.

Responsible and talented people need constant confirmation of this, so parents are encouraged to celebrate all their achievements and emphasize how proud they are of them. Sensual and gentle children born in the year of the Monkey react sharply to injustice and insult. Babies need hugs and kisses, even if they look stern and unapproachable.

Brief characteristics of the sign Cancer
Lucky numbers 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61
Gems Ruby, Onyx
Lucky colors Orange, pink, bright red, white
Patron planet Moon
Lucky months March, May, June, August
Bad months February, September, July, December
Most Compatible Signs Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo
Most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini
Innate Skills Understanding
Positive traits Reliability, flexibility, responsibility
Negative qualities Egocentrism, sensitivity, meticulousness
Preferred specialty Real estate industry
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Stomach, reproductive system

Cancer Boys

Cancer boys should not be raised in strictness - their high sensuality should be welcomed by their parents, otherwise they will withdraw into themselves and become gloomy. The boy is especially attached to his mother, so it is she who must raise him to be a real man and protector of the family. Cancers are very family children, they love and appreciate all their relatives, they adore delicious home-cooked food and comfort.

They gladly bring their friends into the house in droves, generously treat them and share toys. Perhaps the Cancer boy lacks pressure and aggressiveness, but he knows how to pacify opponents and avoid conflicts. In the future, these are the favorites of groups; even if they become bosses, their subordinates dote on them. Cancers are excellent loyal friends and good specialists. They are commonly called "light heads".

Cancer girls

Girls born in 2016 are gentle, caring and affectionate. Cancer babies sincerely love their family and friends. A calm and cozy home atmosphere is very important for them; scandals and rudeness can make them physically ill. They intuitively feel any tension in the family and react very sensitively to it. They are capable of being healers of souls - they protect everyone who needs it.

They love nature and animals very much, they can even grow a luxurious garden on a windowsill. Parents should encourage and praise their daughters, developing their self-confidence. From a random unfair remark, Cancer girls become confused and despondent. Talented and smart, because of their uncertainty, they sometimes do not dare to enroll in a prestigious university.

They are afraid to apply for a high position, although they can fully qualify for it. The tendency to “make mountains out of molehills” often creates unnecessary problems for Cancer girls - which is why it is so important for close people to reassure them and dispel doubts.

Leos born in the year of the Monkey

Gambling, brave, sometimes even eccentric children. They are ready to take risks for the sake of the effectiveness and beauty of the action. They can be authoritative and reliable, but they like to show off and show off. Good and generous friends, but prefer to be in charge. They never cheat - they are open and honest, they easily forgive insults and make peace.

Those born in the year of the Monkey are very energetic and sweet, but often go beyond what is permitted and do not know how to stop in time. It is recommended to keep the Lion Cubs strict, but not to put pressure on them with authority - these children are smart and quick-witted, it is quite logical for them to explain why this should not be done, and they will not do this again. However, they will play pranks no less selflessly.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 51, 71
Gems Peridot
Lucky colors Yellow, green, dark brown, blue
Patron planet Sun
Lucky months April, August, September, December
Bad months February, March, October, November
Most Compatible Signs Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius
Most incompatible signs Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Innate Skills Inspiration
Positive traits Kindness, responsibility, determination
Negative qualities Aggressiveness, pickiness
Preferred specialty Organizational activities
Energy sign Ian
Problem organs Hearts, lower back, circulatory system

Lion Boys

Leo boys especially need a man's hand and strict upbringing, but without violence. They need to be guided on the right path and kept from doing stupid things. They are energetic, quick-tempered, great inventors of various pranks, but mothers cannot be angry with them - their pranks only bring smiles. The parents of the Lion cubs do not expect a quiet life - the kids constantly demand attention and admiration.

They will do everything to keep your eyes on them day and night. They need an arena and spectators - and they provide them for themselves. It is best to put Leo’s energy into sports and creativity at the same time - they are quite capable of attending school and a couple more sections. Their unbridled thirst for adventure must be channeled in the right direction, otherwise they themselves will use it, and often unsafely.

Leo girls

Lioness daughters usually make the whole family theirs service personnel, but with such charm and love that adults don’t even notice how they become loyal subjects of the little tyrant. She demands attention and respect, admiration and satisfaction. She does not order, but graciously allows herself to be looked after. But if you indulge all her whims, she will soon turn into a capricious and spoiled creature.

Lionesses have a lot of talent, dignity and pride. Parents should try to open them up - self-realization is very important for babies born in the year of the Monkey. This will give the girl the opportunity to blossom, and then she herself will begin to take care of those around her. It is very important for her to be appreciated. Lionesses are generous and immensely kind to those in whose hearts they occupy an honorable place.

Virgos born in the year of the Monkey

These are resourceful and inventive children, smart and selfish, but kind and generous to those they truly love. Excellent memory, dynamic mind, consistency and methodfulness make them beloved students and role models. They lack intuition, which they more than replace with logic and reflection.

They do not have deep feelings, but they always remain loyal to family and relatives. They can boast of good administrative talents, although most often they do not shine in the sciences. Good taste and love for life in abundance helps you always look great.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 5, 14, 23, 32
Gems Sapphire
Lucky colors White, yellow, green
Patron planet Mercury
Lucky months April, July, November, December
Bad months February, March, May
Most Compatible Signs , Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries
Innate Skills Passion for continuous learning
Positive traits Logic, accuracy, reliability
Negative qualities Grumbling, tightness
Preferred specialty Teaching
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Gastrointestinal tract, diaphragm

Virgo Boys

These are thinkers who prefer quiet games and mental activity. They don’t like to exert themselves physically so much that they almost never play sports, swim or hike. Reflection and comfort are more important for them than any competition in speed and agility.

Intelligent, prudent and logical, such boys rarely get into fights and do not show belligerence. They have everything neatly laid out on shelves, they are always ready for lessons and exams. Virgo boys are very observant and picky towards others, but also demanding of themselves. They will be good students in the future excellent workers and “correct” fathers of families.

Virgo girls

From early childhood, these kids know what they want, understand more than others and reason like adults. They know how to communicate with people of any age, listen carefully and analyze what is happening around them. Methodicality and accuracy make them the best students. Even without great talent, they perfectly express their thoughts and know how to present material in such a way that there is no doubt about their knowledge.

Virgo girls are very demanding of themselves - they strive for perfection, so parents should teach them not to panic over mistakes and explain that making mistakes is normal. Sometimes they drive themselves into “rigid boundaries”, so they need to be taught to be naughty and not always be exemplary girls.

Libra born in the year of the Monkey

They begin to be active in infancy. Constant movement and the desire to impress others is the whole essence of Libra babies. Polite and attentive, they can take unnecessary risks just to get attention. If they want something, they will make every effort to achieve the goal.

They can deceive and deceive, they can flatter and beg, acting under the motto “the end justifies the means.” Being carried away by something or someone, they are ready to sacrifice everything. But, having lost interest in someone (or something), they leave without looking back. Parents should teach such kids to follow through with everything.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 6, 15, 24, 33, 51, 60
Gems Opal, tourmaline
Lucky colors Yellow (lemon), coffee, purple
Patron planet Venus
Lucky months January, February, March, July, September, November, December
Bad months May, June, October
Most Compatible Signs Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo,
Most incompatible signs Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Innate Skills Artistry
Positive traits Diplomacy, friendliness, tact
Negative qualities Superficiality, laziness, unreliability
Preferred specialty Creation
Energy sign Ian
Problem organs Kidneys, back

Libra boys

Non-conflict, calm and flexible, Libra boys can adapt to any situation. They cannot stand loneliness, so they will be in any company, even if they don’t really like it. Such boys need to be taught to say the word “no”, because they are easily pushed into bad actions - in order to remain in the team, Libra agrees to do whatever is asked of them.

Charming, sweet and independent, Libras become the favorites of mothers, grandmothers and sisters. They are educated and pleasant to talk to, and are also happy to obey, receiving affection and love in return. Libra boys need solid male upbringing - dad should teach them to make choices and not pay attention to the opinions of others.

Libra girls

While still in the stroller, the Libra girl flirts with others, smiles sweetly and does everything to evoke reciprocal love. The thirst for attention can teach her to please and be nice to everyone. She will sacrifice her interests in order to belong to some community. That is why parents should teach their daughter to be able to defend her point of view and not be afraid of loneliness.

An obedient and feminine Libra girl does not cause any trouble to her parents or teachers. She never plays pranks, is insolent, or does anything for which she might be judged. She is smart, well-read and intelligent, but if those around her are below her level, then she too will pretend to be a stupid simpleton. Libra girls make excellent housewives, wives and mothers, but often girls put all their talents and abilities on the altar of the family.

Scorpios born in the year of the Monkey

This is not a child - this is a cunning little devil with the mobility of mercury. Unpredictable and uncontrollable, he is able to overcome any obstacles and prohibitions. He never compromises and deftly avoids all obstacles. Most of all in life, these children love to play; they are selfish and stubborn.

Parents need to constantly pacify them and teach them obedience, but not by force, but by conviction and love. Scorpio always keeps everyone under control, so it is difficult to control them. A complex, but very interesting and extraordinary Scorpio child will not let his parents get bored for the rest of his life.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 72
Gems Topaz
Lucky colors Orange, pink, white
Patron planet Mars
Lucky months January, February, April, September, October
Bad months March, August
Most Compatible Signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces
Most incompatible signs Leo, Gemini, Virgo
Innate Skills Passionarity
Positive traits Energy, attentiveness
Negative qualities Laziness, jealousy
Preferred specialty Science-oriented
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Reproductive system

Scorpio boys

Boys born in 2016 diligently hide their emotions, so parents should first of all study all the nuances of their little Scorpio's behavior. They perceive criticism painfully, are sensitive to the point of tears, but outwardly behave rudely and harshly, hiding their true vulnerability. The boy always wants to look like a strong and invincible superhero.

Parents should explain to their child that tears and emotions are not weakness, and superheroes also have failures. Scorpios express love and hostility towards others immediately and without embellishment. Their straightforwardness often leads to unpleasant consequences. These are very passionate people; it is difficult for them to do what they are not passionate about.

That is why they often have problems at school - no bad grades will force them to study a subject that they do not like. True to the themes who they truly love, Scorpios will protect their family and friends from all adversity. You can rely on them.

Scorpio girls

These are real women. They learn the science of seduction and deception while still in the carriage. Smart, efficient and talented, they always know exactly what they want and achieve it. Girls are very friendly with their mothers, making them their spiritual mentors. If the mother listens sensitively to all revelations and takes her daughter’s side, then better friend she won't have it.

They subtly feel the attitude towards themselves and their relatives, therefore in the presence unpleasant people become suspicious and withdrawn. Most of all, Scorpio girls need strong love and faith in their strength - this will help them achieve a lot in life.

Sagittarius born in the year of the Monkey

Calm, strong-willed, with enormous organizational talent, Sagittarius children can achieve a lot if they do not behave arrogantly with others. They have a clear head and excellent intuition, which helps them study well. And the ability to get along with teachers and everyone who is higher in rank will help you make a career easily and quickly.

Sagittarians absorb information like a sponge and always make the right conclusions, so they seem to know much more than their peers. They have great authority and value their unblemished reputation very much. Honest, incapable of cunning and dodging, faithful and generous Sagittarius are usually successful in life.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 3, 12, 21, 30, 33, 42
Gems Turquoise
Lucky colors Dark red, dark blue, dark green
Patron planet Jupiter
Lucky months January, February, May, August, November, December
Bad months July, September, October
Most Compatible Signs Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius
Most incompatible signs Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Taurus
Innate Skills Sociality, intelligence
Positive traits Optimism, friendliness, honesty
Negative qualities Callousness, anxiety
Preferred specialty Dynamic non-routine work
Energy sign Ian
Problem organs Back, knees

Sagittarius boys

Boys resemble playful and cheerful puppies - they love life and energetic games. Baby Monkeys behave like Mowgli - feeling their unity with nature, they climb trees, swim in all bodies of water, enjoy hiking and live in tents. The greatest happiness for little Sagittarius is making mud pies and launching boats in a puddle with impunity.

You should not try to calm the baby down, dress him smartly and sit him down at the table. He can’t stay clean and tidy, and old shorts and torn sandals are his favorite clothes, because they are comfortable and allow the baby to be himself. Sagittarians are very active in taking on new things, but quickly cool down and give up what they started. Parents should teach Sagittarius to see things through to the end - only then will the child achieve good results.

Sagittarius girls

These girls are enjoying family life. They are very domestic, although far from flexible. The energy of Sagittarius babies can energize the whole family. They tend to be excellent students and have no problems. They are fearless and know how to take risks - failures do not upset them, because they believe that life is a fun and interesting thing. In addition, Sagittarians have a great sense of humor and love to laugh.

They are loved at home and in company and are considered easy-going, pleasant people. But sometimes the Sagittarius girl begins to engage in “soul-searching” and is in a gloomy mood, which makes everyone feel bad. True, this passes quickly - after an hour she is again full of enthusiasm and ready to laugh. Usually the Sagittarius girl is lucky in life, and she achieves her goals without any problems. She becomes independent early, but never forgets her parents.

Capricorns born in the year of the Monkey

This is a persistent, hard-working and purposeful child - someday in the future, when he grows up a little. In the meantime, he is a prankster, a lover of outrages and fun. Clever and cunning Capricorn children manage to get everything done and have a blast. Diligent and responsible, they can control their environment. They never conflict and try to resolve all disputes peacefully.

In the event of a fight, they will not flee, but will be able to stand up for themselves and their comrades. They have indestructible logic and make the right conclusions. Usually they mature early and are able to solve any super-tasks. Despite the apparent inaccessibility and restraint, they desperately need love and recognition, so parents should often emphasize how proud they are of their little Capricorns.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Gems Pomegranate
Lucky colors White, dark brown, green
Patron planet Saturn
Lucky months February, March, April, June, July, November
Bad months January, May, September, October
Most Compatible Signs Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Capricorn
Most incompatible signs Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra
Innate Skills Hard work
Positive traits Independence, patience, loyalty
Negative qualities Autocracy, jealousy, suspicion
Preferred specialty Working with people, consulting
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Knees, bones, skin

Capricorn boys

Quietly and calmly they go to the goal, without making a fuss about it. They like the company of adults more than being surrounded by their peers, so a Capricorn boy will be happy to sit with his father’s friends. He has many talents and develops them independently. He often decides for himself which sections to go to and who to be friends with. A very mature and reasonable Capricorn loves order and values ​​discipline.

He likes to plan everything in advance and then stick to the plan. With all this, Capricorn boys are quite timid, so their father must teach them to boldly and openly declare themselves to the world. They value stability and peace in the family most of all. They never come forward with their opinions - they wait until they are asked. In any society they behave appropriately.

Capricorn girls

Capricorn girls value fortitude, independence and self-control. You can never call them weak sissies. They will not yield to a man in their rights, but will take an equal place next to him. Possessing firmness and endurance, they are able to lead a team already from kindergarten. Usually they become the support in the family and at work. The Capricorn girl will perform the most difficult and responsible work in order to become useful and gain recognition.

You can always count on her - they don’t let you down. They are very demanding of themselves and others, study well and always lead by example. But with all these qualities, Capricorn babies born in 2016 will need recognition and praise. It is important for them to know that their work is appreciated and that they are doing everything right. Parents must reassure their daughter that she is loved regardless of her achievements, grades, or good behavior.

Aquarius born in the year of the Monkey

Extraordinarily wise Aquarius children amaze everyone with their abilities - they dance equally well, play many instruments, draw, write poetry and prose, and quickly and easily master foreign languages and technical sciences. Generous and kind to family and friends, they have a keen intuition and are very sociable.

Dynamic and extremely curious, they saturate their brains with a lot of knowledge and are known as very smart and erudite children. With such data, they are capable of any heights, but often they need parental love and care more than in conquering peaks. It is very difficult for them to experience separation from someone they truly love, and they may even get sick.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 5, 6, 8, 11, 19, 22
Gems Amethyst
Lucky colors Blue, light green, yellow
Patron planet Saturn
Lucky months March, April, May, July, August, October, November
Bad months January, February, June, September
Most Compatible Signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Most incompatible signs Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer
Innate Skills Creativity
Positive traits Honesty, intelligence, wit
Negative qualities Stubbornness, callousness
Preferred specialty Marketing
Energy sign Ian
Problem organs Ankle

Aquarius boys

Aquarius boys will never listen to advice - they will find out everything and decide for themselves. An inquisitive mind and solid logic allow them to correctly understand the events and actions of other people. They love to experiment in order to learn more about life. Aquarians look at the world from a completely different angle, which is why they are often inventors and discoverers.

Boys are constantly in search of something interesting, and parents have no time to be bored with such sons. Strong will and perseverance distinguish these kids from their peers. Having a vulnerable and delicate soul, boys express their emotions sparingly, so the main task of parents is not to hide their love and tenderness, and also to teach this to their son.

Aquarius girls

Little Aquarians are deeply individual personalities from birth. They can act contrary to everyone, but not out of harm, but only to break the rules. Tenacious and rebellious, they simply go their own way. Natural charm and ability to communicate with people make them desirable in any team. They quickly get acquainted and make friends.

Calm and balanced Aquarius girls know how to take care of others. Family plays a huge role for girls born in the year of the Monkey, so family ties will always come first for them. They have a subtle aesthetic taste and know how to create beauty and comfort around themselves. Very emotional and friendly, they value family and friends above all else.

Pisces born in the year of the Monkey

These children have very high intelligence and a whole list of abilities. There is practically no area in which little Pisces could not show themselves with the best side. They value family ties very much and unite all their relatives around them. They have amazing acting talent, excellent memory and subtle irony.

It is very important for Pisces to get along with everyone, so they resolve any conflicts easily and simply. Perhaps these children lack depth of feelings, but they have an excess of charm and charm. Parents need to teach these children to take people and things seriously, because they easily take on the most difficult task and just as easily give it up as soon as something more interesting appears.

Brief characteristics of the sign
Lucky numbers 3, 7, 12, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52
Gems Aquamarine
Lucky colors Yellow, green, white, pink
Patron planet Jupiter
Lucky months January, February, March, April, June
Bad months May, July, September, October
Most Compatible Signs Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn
Most incompatible signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo
Innate Skills know-it-all
Positive traits Tolerance, flexibility, creativity, dedication
Negative qualities Escapism, irrationality, laziness
Preferred specialty Medicine
Energy sign Yin
Problem organs Feet, fingers, liver

Pisces Boys

Gentle and conscientious, they never dictate their terms and do not demand their fulfillment. They understand others and do not tolerate violence - neither physical nor mental. It is easier for Pisces to reconcile with others than to prove what is right by force. Parents must teach their son to assert his needs and develop self-confidence.

Vivid imagination and endless imagination allow them to live in their own world. They may have imaginary friends and heroes, they boldly mix reality with fiction and quite sincerely confuse where the truth is and where the fiction is. They can only learn what interests them. They will never do routine things - they are always full of ideas on how to spend their time more excitingly.


Their main features are sensitivity, compassion and rich imagination. They are talented in all types of art, so parents should develop this gift in them. As a child, the Pisces girl changes her goals every day - yesterday she wanted to be a doctor, today a ballerina, and tomorrow you will see a strict tiger tamer. She chooses sections and circles in the same way. There is no need to stop her and demand that she attend one thing.

A person is born with his own destiny, which is predicted by the stars. A horoscope will help you predict future events in life; the Cancer-Monkey woman, for example, is successful in her career and all creative endeavors, but is often very unhappy in love.

Character traits

The Cancer-Monkey woman is the most contradictory combination, since two fundamentally opposite characters predominate in one person. Cancer, by nature, is very slow, unhurried and thoughtful; whereas the Monkey is fussy, emotional and short-sighted. A woman with such difficult temperament It’s not easy, so very often she remains misunderstood in the team, secludes herself with her thoughts, and remains in her own interests.

Such women do not control themselves in behavior; moreover, they quite often commit the most rash acts. It’s difficult for them to impose someone else’s opinion, so they learn on their own from other people’s mistakes. It is difficult for those around them to get along with them, and some even try to limit close communication. An eccentric character accompanies one throughout life, and it is generally difficult for such individuals to grow up. However, this does not mean at all that you can put an end to the future of the Cancer-Monkey woman.

Representatives of this combination are witty, cunning and calculating, and they skillfully turn some life situations to their advantage. They easily get close to new people, skillfully disguising themselves behind a mask of naivety, and then manipulate useful acquaintances and achieve their goals. It's not always the right approach, therefore, it is sometimes very difficult for the Cancer-Monkey woman to find herself in modern society.

At work

A woman born in this zodiac combination always achieves dizzying success at work. She clearly sees the goal and does not notice obstacles at all, but does not always act the right methods, thinks biasedly.

The team treats such an employee very warily, since it is unknown what to expect from her in the next minute. She has excellent imagination and common sense, which she boldly uses at work and in communication with management. Progress through the trade union ladder is rapid and all-consuming, and one day work suddenly becomes the center of the universe. Such obsession noticeably interferes with personal life, limits the circle of acquaintances and friends, and sometimes takes up all the free time.

The Cancer-Monkey woman works hard to achieve the desired result, and she succeeds very well.

Representatives of this zodiac combination do not have a clear future, although the potential is enormous. Their character contains the properties of an ideal housewife, but one can also talk about decent business and a successful career.

In love

It is difficult to call such a woman amorous, since she never suffers from a lack of male attention. She is always surrounded by men who are ready for heroic deeds and the most extraordinary actions for the sake of their beloved. However, the Cancer-Monkey woman is in no particular hurry to give a final answer, believing that she will always have time to tie the knot.

It is difficult for her to find a worthy man, since the evaluation criteria are very high. She strictly judges the stronger sex, which destroys all hopes for a future together. The man of her dreams is strong, self-confident, self-sufficient, a leader in all endeavors, but an ardent romantic at heart. It’s not easy to find someone like that, which is why such picky young ladies get married late.

A man will be lucky if he attracts attention, because with such a chosen one there will never be a dull moment. She will be able to cheer and support in difficult times, will always keep company and will not provide high blood pressure. So, the compatibility of Monkey and Dragon is ideal, since they are two halves of one heart that will always go shoulder to shoulder. Such people are truly brought together by fate, and thoughts of another choice will never creep into the minds of two eternally in love.

In family

The Cancer-Monkey woman is always a leader, but when she meets a worthy man, she will certainly yield to him a leading position. She is very demanding and capricious, but the man understands that next to him is a faithful life partner in both joy and sorrow.

A representative of this zodiac combination does not tolerate limited space in marriage and at home, and periodically needs that very “breath of freedom.” She needs a systematic change of environment to feel happiness and emotional balance, otherwise conflict situations simply cannot be avoided.

He treats children with special care and reverence, and carefully monitors the younger generation. It’s difficult to argue with her, but there will always be approaches. Problems start at adolescence, when children try to resist their oppressive parent. It is possible to reach mutual understanding with the new generation only at a conscious age, when children begin to understand their mother’s behavior and act in a similar way in life.

Representatives of this zodiac combination are very unpredictable people who change their point of view every hour. Moreover, their mood is also changeable, but the most important thing is not to fall under " hot hand" to the grumpy and always dissatisfied Monkey.

Since the character of Cancer suppresses the hectic Monkey, it is always beneficial to deal with such personalities. They treat new ideas judiciously, and implement only well-developed projects that are doomed to success and material gain.

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