The child cries in his sleep. Why does a child cry in his sleep? Add your price to the database Comment Why does a 1 year old baby cry in his sleep?

Sometimes parents are surprised to note that their newborn baby can cry even in his sleep. Without waking up, babies whine and scream, shudder, wake up and fall asleep again. Fearing the worst, parents begin to look for an answer to the question of such behavior in medical reference books and ask for the opinion of children's doctors. However, there is no reason to worry. We will talk about why a child cries in his sleep in this article.

Causes of night crying

Spontaneous crying of babies during sleep is called physiological night crying. It rarely indicates illness. Typically, this behavior of a child is associated with an abundance of new impressions received during the day. Newborns and infants do not know how to express their emotions in any other way; they cannot tell, complain, or ask for help. The only means of communication available to them is loud crying.

Nervous system and motor functions The baby is not yet sufficiently developed. Any change in impulses passing through complex system nerve plexuses, can cause crying. Night screaming in a dream most often has precisely these reasons - the peculiarities of the baby’s nervous organization. There is nothing dangerous, scary or alarming about this.

As the baby grows, he nervous system will grow stronger, perception will develop. He will learn to express his emotions - with a smile, facial expressions, gestures, and then words. The attacks of sudden night crying will stop. Another one probable cause physiological crying in sleep - transfer from fast phase sleep to slow. Even in adults, such a transition can be accompanied by the appearance of vivid dreams and involuntary awakening, let alone infants!

Yes, they also have dreams, and, according to children’s doctors, babies dream dreams while still in the mother’s womb. Anxious and restless sleep the baby may become after the day's impressions.

If there were a lot of guests in the house, if the child was given a lot of attention, if he was tired before bed, then with a high degree of probability his sleep will be very restless.

Psychologists point to another possible reason night roar in a dream - to the child’s psychological need for protection. Over the nine months spent in the mother’s womb, the baby got used to feeling protected and surrounded by his mother. After being born this feeling reliable protection things have shaken somewhat, because mom is no longer always around, and sometimes you have to call her loudly.

Short-term night crying and sobbing can be a kind of “check” of the parents to see if they are there or nearby. If the mother runs to hear the squeak, the baby can calmly continue to fall asleep. That is why it is most convenient to place the crib in the adult bedroom in the first months. Sometimes it is enough to stroke the baby’s back while he sleeps, and he calms down and calmly falls asleep again.

Normal physiological night crying is not long, heart-rending, loud, or persistent. It is more spontaneous in nature and does not repeat itself at the same time. In use sedatives and he does not need examination. If a child wakes up and begins to demand or cry sharply in his sleep, then it is worth considering other reasons for this behavior.

When does a child need help?

A baby can whine and scream in his sleep not only because age characteristics nervous system, but also for a number of others external and internal reasons who definitely need parental intervention.


Newborns and infants up to about 6 months experience physiological need in night feeding, or even more than one. Therefore, waking up and persistently demanding food is quite normal until a certain age. This kind of crying is persistent.

A child who wakes up hungry will not calm down and will not fall asleep again until he gets what he needs. The solution is simple - feed him and put him to bed again.


An uncomfortable bed, tight swaddling, irritating clothes - all these are reasons for waking up at night and demanding changes in circumstances. In this case, the awakening will be unsharp, gradual. First, the baby will begin to whine in his sleep, push, and “fidget.” Gradually the crying will become more persistent.

The baby will not calm down on its own. It is necessary to check whether the seams of his clothes are rubbing, whether his hands are numb in the diaper that was wrapped tightly, whether there are protrusions, holes, or uncomfortable folds on the mattress.

The issue of swaddling is a matter of family choice. But clothes must be seamless and made from natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin. Ideally, a child should sleep on a hard mattress without a pillow.

Unsuitable temperature and humidity

A gradual and smooth awakening with a transition from a sleepy whimper to a loud cry may indicate that the child is hot or cold. It’s easy to check - if the back of the baby’s head is sweaty, it means the parents have overdid it in heating the room; if the hands and nose are cold, it means the little one is cold.

In order for the baby to sleep comfortably, a certain temperature should be maintained - no higher than 20-21 degrees Celsius and a certain air humidity - 50-70%. 20 degrees on a room thermometer may seem too cool for adults. Children have different thermoregulation; they feel very comfortable at this temperature.

And too dry air leads to drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, as a result of which it not only becomes more difficult for the baby to breathe, but also increases the risk of respiratory diseases.

Wet diaper

The key to a good night's sleep is a good, high-quality diaper that will “withstand” at least 8 hours. However, the excretory abilities of babies are different, and the baby can go to the toilet when absolutely necessary.

Waking up and crying with a wet or dirty diaper usually happens no more than once a night. Make sure that the diaper is not only dry, but also comfortable, does not pinch the sides and folds of the skin, does not hang loose and does not rub the baby’s skin.


Crying when feeling pain is difficult to confuse with anything else. Pain in children is associated with screaming at the reflex level. In case of acute pain, the baby begins to scream heart-rendingly and sharply, wakes up immediately, and is difficult to calm him down. This happens, for example, with otitis media, with intestinal colic.

If the pain is aching or dull in nature, the child generally sleeps poorly, wakes up almost every hour, cries pitifully, protractedly, sometimes monotonously, sometimes without waking up completely. This happens when the first teeth erupt, with increased intracranial pressure which causes headaches.

How to improve your child's sleep?

Physiological night crying usually disappears on its own when infant grows up to 4 months. The nervous system of five-month-old babies is already more stable, although severe fatigue can cause sleep disturbances in them too.

To improve the sleep of a baby from 1 month and older, you should remember that The daily routine for a baby is very important. During the day, the baby should spend enough time on fresh air. All new impressions, games and acquaintances should be shifted to the first half of the day. In the evening, the child should not communicate with a large number of strangers. Dimmed light, quiet voices, restorative massage before swimming.

If the baby does not sleep well, parents can try bathing in cool water according to the method of Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky.

Don't overfeed your baby because this is also a common reason restless sleep at night. In the penultimate evening feeding, it is better so that the child does not eat his fill, but in the last, which completes all evening procedures, you need to feed the child enough, but not excessively. In a ventilated room with humidified air, a clean and fed child will sleep much more soundly.

Another reason why your baby may not sleep well at night is excessive daytime sleep. A newborn normally sleeps up to 20 hours a day. It is necessary to create a regime in such a way that night sleep it took at least 12-13 hours. The rest of the time can be divided fractionally day rest. If you cannot establish a routine, you should not let your child sleep during the day. Usually 2-3 days of such decisive and tough behavior from adults is enough for the regime to fall into place and the baby to start sleeping at night.

Other causes of night crying are also quite easily eliminated - a hungry baby needs to be fed, a damp baby needs to be changed. The most difficult thing to help a baby with is a painful cry at night, since it is difficult to understand what exactly is hurting him. A small cheat sheet will help parents with this:

  • The child screams and constantly pushes, draws in his legs, has a swollen and hard stomach - it's about colic. You can put a warm diaper ironed on your tummy and make light massage around the navel clockwise, give dill water or any drug based on simethicone - “Espumizan” or “Bobotik”. Typically, colic is a physiological “trouble” that goes away on its own when the child is 3-4 months old.

  • A child sobs in his sleep, and then wakes up and screams sharply, “gets upset” - the reason may lie in inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis media happens to infants often. This is easy to check - by pressing on the tragus (the protruding cartilage at the very entrance to the auricle) the pain intensifies, and the child begins to cry even more. If there is no pus, blood or other fluid coming out of the ear, you can drip Otipax or Otinum, wait until morning and call a doctor.

If there is discharge, nothing should be dripped; you should not wait until the morning and call an ambulance.

  • The child whines in his sleep, worries, but does not wake up, and if he wakes up, he does not stop crying. Perhaps the reason for this behavior lies in teething. You should check the baby’s gums with a clean finger; if there are bumps that are painful to the touch, then you should use one of dental gels, approved by age - “Kalgel”, “Metrogil Denta”. They will alleviate the child’s condition somewhat, and he will be able to fall asleep.

  • Sluggish crying in a dream, similar to whining, which continues for a long time and is repeated several times a night, should alert parents. If at the same time the child’s “fontanelle” looks swollen and tense, it is quite possible that we are talking about about increased intracranial pressure. You definitely need to show your child to a doctor.

  • The child falls asleep well, but often starts in his sleep, cries in episodes 5-7 times a night, and wakes himself up. The reason for this behavior may lie in psychological discomfort. This is usually observed in families where there is a lot of rowing, quarreling, shouting, and conflict. Babies feel everything, they just can’t say anything yet, in addition, they receive cortisone from their mother’s milk - a stress hormone if the mother is very nervous and worried. Cortisone stimulates nervous activity. Parents will be able to notice certain nervous manifestations in their baby not only at night, but also after sleep. These are flinching, fearfulness, restlessness and moodiness. There is only one way out - stop making mom nervous.

And some more useful tips:

  • Night crying attacks always have a reason. But if a newborn usually cries only due to physiological needs - hunger, thirst, cold, then a two-month-old baby is already emotionally developed enough to cry in the middle of the night about bad dream, a frightening feeling of loneliness, defenselessness. Parents should approach each specific case taking into account the individuality and age of the child.
  • The true motives for whining and screaming in dark time days will not immediately become clear to parents. During the first weeks, the baby gets used to the new environment, to the world around him, and his parents get used to the baby and get to know him. Gradually, by the nature of the crying, by the duration, intonation of the cry and other signals understandable only to mom and dad, they unmistakably guess what exactly the baby needs at one time or another. You just need to be patient.

  • Physiological night crying is a short-lived phenomenon. If it drags on for six months, it is worth showing the child to a pediatrician and neurologist. It is possible that there are other reasons that prevent your baby from sleeping well at night, and they may require medication.
  • Quite often, prolonged night crying and whims in babies are a consequence pedagogical mistakes of parents. If at first they taught the child to fall asleep in their arms, they rocked them, and then they began to try to make the baby fall asleep on his own. It is worth preparing for the fact that the baby will protest quite violently and behave badly and restlessly at night. But if parents show calm persistence, they will be able to overcome such difficulties.

Everyone knows that he is strong healthy sleep- This the best remedy to relieve fatigue and stress. A person who sleeps soundly is said to sleep like a baby. But not all children sleep peacefully. Most young mothers know firsthand what it is a sleepless night with a baby, when the child cries in his sleep. To solve this problem, you first need to understand why an infant cries in his sleep.

Why does a child cry in his sleep?

Health problems

It is not uncommon for newborn babies to cry in their sleep due to health problems. When a baby is in pain, he definitely won’t be able to sleep.

A sore throat may keep your child from sleeping. Another reason why a child cries in his sleep is Ear ache. For example, in the case of otitis. After all, it is in the supine state that the fluid accumulated in the middle ear area puts pressure on the membrane, causing sharp pain and the child screams in his sleep. A runny nose is also most bothersome at night. The baby has difficulty breathing, so he constantly wakes up and cries loudly. Coughing- another reason why a child cries at night.

Often baby crying in his sleep because he is being tormented colic in the stomach. In this case, simple and well-known remedies that are known to most caring mothers can help: dill water, warm diaper on the tummy, tea with fennel, stroking the baby's tummy clockwise.

The baby is uncomfortable

Your baby may be hot, cold, or wet. He may have just pooped and is feeling uncomfortable. Often an infant cries in his sleep when he wants to drink or eat. Don't try to cover your baby too warmly, but don't allow him to overheat. Sheets and diapers should always be dry, and the back under the clothes should be warm and never damp.


Fear is another common reason why children cry in their sleep. Usually babies want to fall asleep with their mother. If a mother puts her baby down with her and then puts her in a crib, the baby may get scared. As he fell asleep, he looked at his mother, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, he found himself in a new place, where he was completely alone. This frightens the baby and so he starts crying. But here a difficult dilemma arises: should the child be put to sleep next to his mother or is it better to teach the baby to sleep in his own crib?

Every mother needs to decide for herself what to do if her child cries in his sleep because of fear. The first decision is to go to bed with the child. Co-sleeping remarkably restores and preserves the lactation process in a nursing woman. In addition, the child is happy that both his beloved mother and baby are always nearby. A defenseless baby gets used to falling asleep seeing his mother or even right in her arms.

However, it often happens that it is very uncomfortable for parents to sleep with their baby, and it is unsafe for the baby himself. If the mother teaches the baby to fall asleep on her own, she will gradually be able to completely cope with the child’s crying caused by night terrors. Learning process falling asleep independently This is not easy for many mothers. After all, its essence is that even when a baby cries in his sleep, the mother does not approach him, or she approaches him, but very quickly calms him down and immediately leaves. Each time the mother should approach the baby at night less and less often, gradually stopping doing this completely. Over time, the child will understand that mother will not come and will get used to falling asleep on his own. Of course, if the baby learns to fall asleep on his own, it will be much easier for parents, and therefore the advantages of the second method are obvious. Mom and dad of the baby will be able to get better sleep and perform their household duties better. Accordingly, it will be easier for them to take care of their child.


It is no secret that children who are overexcited in the evening cry especially loudly and for a long time in their sleep. To prevent crying at night, parents should try not to overstimulate their child in the evening with active games. It is best that evening time is always associated with the quietest and most peaceful environment and the most peaceful activities. By falling asleep in a calm state, the baby will sleep peacefully all night to the delight of the whole family.

Psychological reasons

Babies react very sensitively to changes in the state and mood of their parents. Children of parents who do not have close relationships with each other often cry at night. Sometimes a child's crying indicates a lack of love and care from loved ones.

Particular attention should be paid to increased nervous excitability in the child. Such an infant should be regularly monitored by an experienced pediatric neurologist. After all, the early struggle with increased excitability will avoid more serious illnesses nervous system in the future.

“All babies cry” - a well-known Eastern proverb contains a similar meaning. For a baby who cannot speak, crying is the only way to communicate his needs and desires to others. Therefore, in most cases, it would be wrong to leave a child’s crying without any attention. But not in all cases you need to react the same way; you should find out why the child cries in his sleep. A caring mother will always understand what to do if a child cries in his sleep. Sometimes he may need feeding, treatment or games, and sometimes just a kind word in his ear is enough. Don't skimp on showing love to your children, then they simply won't have to cry.

“Sleeps like a baby,” they say about a person sleeping soundly. However, not all babies sleep peacefully. Many mothers experience nighttime crying and often cannot determine its cause. Today we will talk about why children cry at night and what a mother can do in this situation.

Crying children are a difficult test for every parent. It's no secret that for small child Healthy sleep is very important, since it is during these hours that it accumulates strength for development. However, his mother also needs proper rest; only after resting, she will be able to give the baby her love and good mood. How to react to nighttime tears and what does the baby want to say with them?

The child cries at night - the main reasons

Babies interact with their parents through crying - they talk about their needs and problems: hunger, thirst, pain or the desire to communicate.

Older children relieve stress through tears and try to restore a comfortable state.

Therefore, in each specific case, the age of the baby and his psychological characteristics should be taken into account.

Why does a newborn cry?

Very young children scream in their sleep due to any inconvenience. Parents should not ignore such emotional manifestations.

You definitely need to approach the little man, pick him up, examine him, and check if he is cold. What can cause night tears?

  1. A whining baby wants to tell you that he is hungry. If you look at the clock, you will immediately understand from the demanding cries that it is time for the next feeding. Usually, a newborn falls asleep quickly as soon as he has had his fill of milk.
  2. Newborns often suffer from intestinal colic, since their digestive system is not yet able to fully cope with her responsibilities. It is the hardest for artificially fed children, although breast-fed children are not immune from this scourge. Try giving your baby special drops and take them in your arms, warming them with their warmth.
  3. If you are sure that the baby is not hungry or colicky, he has probably just relieved himself and is communicating that he is uncomfortable and wants you to change his diaper or diaper.
  4. Why does the baby cry in his sleep? He just misses his mom. He is already accustomed to falling asleep in his mother’s arms, and when he stops feeling her presence, he begins to whine. In this situation, you can simply take the baby in your arms and wait until he closes his eyes again.
  5. The room temperature that is comfortable for you is not always ideal for a baby. If he cries, throws out his arms and legs, and his skin is covered with sweat, then the room is too hot. A baby with goose bumps and cold extremities is cold; you need to wrap him up warmer or turn on the heater.
  6. If one month old baby cries all day and night and you cannot calm him down, perhaps the problem lies in the excessive sensitivity of the nervous system. Show the newborn to a neurologist and try to find a way out of this situation together.
  7. If the baby wakes up at night crying and does not calm down for a long time, it means he is sick. Clear signs ailments are high fever, wet or dry cough, runny nose.

The following diseases can also cause night tears:

  • abdominal pain;
  • stomatitis;
  • discomfort when urinating and bowel movements;
  • inflammation of the middle ear.

In this case, you cannot hesitate or hesitate, but you must urgently contact a pediatrician.

Why does a one-year-old baby cry at night?

The reasons why children aged one year and older cry are, in most cases, related to psychological characteristics this age. Two-year-olds experience nightmares caused by disruption of their daily routine or excessive activity before bed.

  1. Having a heavy or late dinner can cause sleep problems. You need to make sure that your last meal is about a couple of hours before bedtime. And, of course, the food should be simple and light.
  2. Often the prerequisite for restless sleep, interrupted by crying, is overexcitation. This is caused by overly active games and excessive impressions throughout the day. To avoid such situations, practice soothing evening procedures - a warm bath, light massage, gentle stroking.
  3. Uncontrolled TV watching and early computer use can also lead to night crying. Young children do not need to see scenes of violence and cruelty; harmless cartoons in large quantities. You should reduce exposure to blue screens, especially in the evening.
  4. Overly excitable children react sharply to family scandals, conflicts with peers, fears, and resentments, which results in sleep disturbances. Try to support, encourage, and speak kind words to the child.
  5. Another reason for crying at night is fear of the dark. Let your baby fall asleep with a night light if he is afraid to be alone in a dark room. This way you will help your child feel safe and avoid the occurrence of childhood neuroses.

Baby cries at night - what to do?

If you encounter similar situation When an infant sobs in his sleep, it is imperative to find out why this is happening. And in order to night rest your child becomes calm and lasts as long as possible, follow a few simple tips:

  1. Be sure to ventilate the nursery before going to bed.
  2. Remember that the preferred air temperature in the room where children sleep is from 18 to 22 degrees.
  3. Make sure that your baby is not disturbed by sharp and loud sounds(reduce the TV volume, install soundproof windows).
  4. Particular attention should be paid to lighting - night lights, lamps.
  5. Many children sleep more peacefully if their favorite soft toy is in the crib. Maybe you should buy a plush friend for your child too?

Try to respond to every call of your child. The baby needs to understand that you are always there and will certainly come to his aid.

If he whines but doesn't wake up, don't wake him up. Carefully check if he is cold, if anything is bothering him, pat him on the head and calm him down.

Reasons why your baby or one year old child cries at night, a lot actually. Your main task is to take a closer look at it, identify the traumatic factor in order to react to it correctly.

One baby needs the help of a pediatrician, while another only needs your presence. However, all children, without exception, need their mother’s love and care.

Other information on the topic

  • Notes for parents of an anxious child

  • At what months does a baby begin to crawl? Pediatrician's opinion

  • How to become independent when you are still very young?

  • Growing confident!

Motherhood - best time in a woman's life. When your baby is nearby, time stops, you forget about everything, you just want to see his smile and hear his happy laughter. Any mother is happy when her child is happy. Many problems in childhood They decide by simply hugging their mother. The topic of this article is children crying in their sleep. Why do children cry when they sleep, how to deal with it.

Why does a child cry in his sleep?

Probably every child has screamed in their sleep at some point. Why is this happening? What scares a child during sleep?

Everyone knows that children under one year old have their own sleep patterns. And during the first year of life, this regime will change regularly. Getting smaller. Until the sleep pattern becomes stable, the child will not learn to distinguish between day and night; whining in sleep, without waking up, will be a constant night companion. But if the cry is loud, constant and without interruption from sleep, then this is a reason to pay attention to the baby’s health.

The main causes of night crying in children:

  • Physiological - wet diaper, numb leg, dry nose, want to eat.
  • Overexcitation, you should not deliberately try to exhaust the child before bedtime, the nervous system is quickly excited, but calms down slowly. And instead of a tired child, you can get overexcited and refuse to sleep at all.
  • A lot of information. For example, during the day the baby visited a new place for him, saw a bunch of strangers, and at night his brain tries to sort out the information received.
  • Instincts. All children subconsciously want to be near their mother, to have a close skin-to-skin contact. Even in their sleep they notice that their mother is gone.
  • Bad dream. Yes, babies dream too.
  • . Pain in the stomach or head, annoying diaper rash on the butt, etc.

Be sure to consult your pediatrician to rule out possible problems with the baby's health.

The child wakes up and cries

If you suddenly wake up at night from a loud and prolonged cry of a child, you need to calm him down immediately. To do this, pick it up, rock it, kiss it. Let him know that mom is nearby and there is nothing more to be afraid of. As a rule, children immediately calm down when they feel their mother’s warmth. Provided that there are no problems in the form of a sore tummy.

If the child does not calm down, does not recognize his parents, arches and pushes away his mother’s hands, then the phenomenon of night terror may be occurring. This process is natural, associated with age-related changes in the child's brain. This is how the baby’s consciousness matures. This will go away on its own as soon as the child’s brain is strong enough.

The essence of this phenomenon is that the child experiences a sudden awakening at night. The baby is no longer sleeping so soundly, but has not woken up yet. And the fragile brain reacts to such stress with emissions of negative emotions. A mixture of rage and panic.

At such moments, older children may talk and even walk around the room. But there is no adequate reaction to parents or their words. And the best thing you can do is do nothing. Strange as it may sound, it is impossible to help here, but it is easy to scare him more.

As soon as the baby can coherently answer what scared him, or the next morning, help him cope with his fear. The words “it was just a dream” have no effect on him yet. He needs to open the door and drive away what scared him so much.

A child cries in his sleep - what to do?

  1. Spend everything necessary examinations and make sure your baby is not in pain.
  2. Set a clear schedule, put your baby to bed and wake you up at the same time.
  3. Be sure to do it before bed water treatments using relaxants. For example, lavender.
  4. Provide normal temperature regime there is a child in the bedroom. If the air is too dry and the temperature is too low or high, you will not be comfortable sleeping there.
  5. An hour before bedtime, switch to calm ones that induce sleep. Read a book, sing a song.
  6. Do not sort things out in the family in front of the baby. They feel everything and suffer.
  7. Make sure your baby is fed and not overfed.
  8. Children sleep best next to their mother. If it is not possible to take your baby with you, place the crib next to yours. sleeping place tightly and remove the grill from 1 side.
  9. Try not turning off the lights in the bedroom completely. Leave a small, dim night light.

The best thing a mother can do for her child is to love him with endless maternal love. But remember that everything is good in moderation.

baby crying- the ability to convey information to parents about the lack of any need or the occurrence of discomfort.
A baby cries in his sleep for a number of different reasons. Every family goes through the test of crying. Let's look at the reasons for children's tears at night and how the whole family can live with them.

Newborn babies

Newborns need constant care from the outside. Tears are an alarm signal and should not be ignored.

An infant cries in his sleep.

  1. . Internal organs The baby gets used to mother's milk or an adapted milk formula. This process is often accompanied by colic in the intestinal area.
  2. Pain. Symptoms such as: runny nose, (otitis media - inflammation in ear canal), cough. It is in a dream, when the body is in horizontal position, the exacerbation of diseases begins.
  3. Mom isn't around. Children very quickly get used to their mother's presence: body warmth, calm heartbeat and breathing, quiet voice.
  4. Teeth. Discomfort during teething accompanies every baby, starting from 5-6 months.
  5. Hunger. A growing body needs regular feeding. The choice of each family remains with it, whether feeding will be on demand or by the hour.
  6. Thirst. The body loses fluid and needs to be replenished.
  7. The atmosphere in the room. Dry air in an unventilated room with high temperature create discomfort during sleep.

In children's tears there is positive sides. It is through sobbing that the lungs develop. There is nothing more effective than this method. 15 minutes of crying a day is preventative. The tears that we see on our cheeks still flow down our nasolacrimal duct. They contain lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme), which contributes to a kind of antibacterial therapy.


  • The baby pulls his legs towards his stomach, clenches his fists tightly, and shows activity. The crying is even and incessant. Taking the breast into his mouth, he falls asleep, but immediately wakes up with another cry. These are signs of colic in the intestines;
  • The baby was sweating, his clothes were wet, and the hair on the back of his head was matted. When you take him in your arms, the crying intensifies. These are signs of overheating. The temperature in the room where the child sleeps exceeds 18-20 degrees. In newborns, heat exchange is not yet developed, and it can regulate body temperature through breathing. It is easier to do this by inhaling cool air;
  • At first the baby cries quietly, then louder. Taking him in his arms, he shakes his head in search of a breast or a bottle. If he is not understood, the tears turn into a hysterical scream. It is also called hungry crying;
  • The baby begins to scream loudly and heart-rendingly and rub his hands on his face, eyes and ears. When pressing on the gums, the scream becomes stronger. This is teething, the baby cries in his sleep, because at night the pain always intensifies;
  • Intermittent sobbing (whines for 7 seconds, silence for 20, screams for 10 seconds, remains silent for another 20). This cry is a call. If you take a baby in your arms, he immediately calms down and becomes quiet;
  • . For such first-years, a cry can mean her loss. As soon as the pacifier is put in the mouth, the baby begins to suck on it and calms down.

Children over one year old

Children over one year of age are also susceptible to nighttime tears. They grow and there are more reasons to cry.

Reasons for crying at night in children over one year old

  1. Binge eating. A child who overeats at night is subjected to heavy sleep with awakenings.
  2. Failure to adhere to a routine during the day creates difficulties for child's body when falling asleep and throughout sleep.
  3. Gadgets. and passion computer games leads to the creation of frightening images during sleep.
  4. Increased emotionality. Tears can be caused by an unhealthy atmosphere in the family, negative experiences during the day.
  5. Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). There are children who various reasons afraid of the dark.
  6. Overexcitement. Active games in the evening and fun leads to the same night.


  • The child was offered to eat his favorite sandwich for dinner. He will be pleased, but fatty food may cause night screams;
  • Today the little one fell asleep at 21.00 (without nap), tomorrow at 23.00 (I was watching my favorite movie), the day after tomorrow at 01.00 (I couldn’t sleep). In this mode it is difficult to fall asleep, and even more difficult to sleep through the night;
  • The kid asked to play a little on the computer in the evening before going to bed or watch a cartoon. By allowing a little fun, you expose the child to memorizing unnecessary information that will haunt him in his sleep, causing terrible dreams;
  • Children over one year old become active even at night, and crying can mean inconvenience: an arm or leg gets stuck, tangled in a sheet, opens up or covers itself with a blanket and pillow;
  • During the day, the little one witnessed a quarrel between his parents, lost his favorite toy, and did not learn a poem. These experiences can cause sleep disturbance;
  • Cheerful music or fun in the evening can overstimulate a child. It will be difficult to calm him down to sleep and throughout the night.

Anxieties and fears

Anxiety is a stable state of anxiety, characterized by frequent repetitions in different situations.
Fear is an emotional reaction to an external stimulus.

Children prone to fears and anxiety behave restlessly both during the day and at night. Such children don't sleep well, cry and scream a lot in their sleep. It is difficult to wake them up during an attack. They have increased heart rate, increased heart rate and breathing, increased sweating, increased blood pressure.

Types of fears:

  1. Visual. The baby sees non-existent objects or images;
  2. Impermanent images. The child dreams of simple pictures. Such fears arise in cases of serious illness;
  3. Same. Such a dream always follows one scenario. Accompanied by movements, incoherent speech, urination;
  4. Emotional. At the moment of emotional shock, the child experiences everything again in a dream. Accompanied by crying and screaming.

For children who show anxiety, a quiet, favorable environment should be created in the home. Parents should pay more attention, especially before bedtime. Read, talk, put you to bed, hold your hand. The main thing is that he feels your protection.

What to do if a child cries in his sleep

you need to pick him up and talk to him calmly. Crying? We try to feed, check the diaper, give a pacifier. We check the temperature, uncomfortable clothes, bed. Does the crying continue? The last option remains - pain. The cause may be bloating, ear inflammation, etc. Your pediatrician will help you with diagnosis and treatment.

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