A 3-year-old child has trouble falling asleep in the evening. Why do preschool children often wake up? Conditions for a baby to fall asleep better

Parents are well aware of the benefits of the regime. Especially about the point that a child should fall asleep somewhere around nine o’clock in the evening. But what to do if your child takes a long time to fall asleep? How to teach a child to fall asleep at the right time?

Parents are well aware of the benefits of the regime. Especially about the point that a child should fall asleep somewhere around nine o’clock in the evening. This is good for the child. And it’s beneficial for parents too. If the baby falls asleep at this time, then adults can still fully communicate.

But how can you teach your child to fall asleep at the right time? So that the cherished moment comes, and the daughter or son snores contentedly in bed with their eyes closed. In practice, parents first push the baby into bed, then they hear whining for a long time, bring him some water and take him to pee. The child falls asleep for a long time; it seems that this process can last forever. Maybe these are the way kids are these days?

Would you be able to stop watching your favorite series for real? interesting place or stop playing computer game, when victory is already close, and sleep peacefully? So it’s difficult for a child to move from games to sleep. So let's learn how to put children to bed correctly.

1. Organize a sleep ritual

You should have a consistent bedtime routine. For example:
quiet game;
teeth cleaning;
changing clothes;
book reading;
going to bed;
falling asleep.

This algorithm must contain moments that the baby really likes. These could be games with water while bathing, special fairy tales, or light massage, maybe just the opportunity to lie down with your mother in an embrace. The point is that going to bed should be pleasant and the baby would like to bring this time closer.

2. Prepare the right decorations

A separate bedroom for a child is ideal, but for many it is simply a fantastic option. However, even in limited space It is possible to create a “special sleep zone”. To do this, you can use a “sleeping” toy, a night light, or a screen that appears only before bed. The baby should associate these details only with sleep and nothing more. You can also play lullabies at this time to create the right atmosphere.

3. Create a reminder reminder

As we have already said, a ritual can make it easier for a child to go to sleep and then fall asleep. A visual aid to falling asleep will teach the baby to perform all the actions independently over time. The reminder can be made in different versions.

- Paste pictures with pictures onto a piece of whatman paper necessary actions(wash your face, brush your teeth, etc.). The sheet can be hung on a magnetic board and the completed actions can be marked with chips.
— Make this schedule in the form of a picture book, read it with your child and perform the necessary actions.

This will help you make bedtime fun and expected. It will also help inattentive children concentrate on the task.

4. Create an activity for yourself

An overly energetic child takes a long time to fall asleep, because even after getting into bed, he cannot stop acting. You have to stay close to him until he falls asleep, otherwise he can easily run away to do his own thing.

You can lie next to such a baby in silence. You can sit and write plans for the next day, make a menu, read a book. You can do some routine quiet work like ironing clothes. In this case, you can sing lullabies or turn on a recording of these songs for greater effect. You can find them on the website http://dreamsong.ru. There are many lullaby songs in Russian, as well as beautiful lullaby videos. The latter may come in handy if your bedtime ritual includes watching a cartoon.

5. Adjust your daily schedule

Actually, it would be worth starting from this point. Often it is difficult for a child to fall asleep in the evening simply because he really does not want to sleep yet. This happens if nap was too long. Therefore, if you want to fall asleep peacefully in the evening, do not let your baby sleep extra time during the day.
Try to ensure that your child spends the last two hours before bed in quiet activities. Ideal if you can organize an evening walk. And in any case, ventilate the room before going to bed.

6. Good word baby it's nice

To prevent falling asleep from taking too long, the child should receive maximum positive emotions during the process of going to bed. Therefore, praise him for all small achievements. For brushing his teeth well, for listening attentively to a fairy tale, for singing along to a lullaby, for closing his eyes tightly.

Great prizes can be awarded for great achievements. For example, buying your favorite cake on Saturday, or taking you to the trampoline on Sunday.

7. A little bit of magic

Even our great-great-grandmothers faced the problem of falling asleep for a long time. But they solved it in their own way, magically. Before putting the child to bed, they talked him out of insomnia with the following words: “It’s not me who rocks, it’s mother, the night’s delight, who rocks him to sleep, to calm down, to God’s mercy. Sleep at night and grow by the hour!” These are just words, but you can test their effectiveness if you wish.

Let your baby feel like the center of your universe when he falls asleep, but don’t forget that there are other people in the family besides the child. The scenario for putting the baby to bed should be acceptable to all family members. A calm and friendly atmosphere in the house helps the child to fall asleep peacefully and grow up more confident.

Situations when a beloved child does not fall asleep well are far from uncommon in parental practice. Moreover, in equally This is what mothers and fathers of both newborns and preschoolers face. If the baby is completely healthy and is not under the supervision of a pediatric neurologist, parents are even more wary. Because poor sleep usually occurs suddenly - like a bolt from the blue, or rather, among good evening. In order to understand the reasons why children have trouble falling asleep, you need to be patient and act consistently.

Before looking for an answer to the question of why a child has trouble falling asleep at night and sleeps restlessly, it is important to clarify the age of your beloved child. The fact is that the reasons for trouble falling asleep may be common to everyone age period, and fundamentally different. For example, a preschooler is unlikely to have trouble falling asleep due to the same factors as baby and vice versa. Therefore, it would be logical to identify the main reasons, based on the age of the baby.

So, why does a child have difficulty falling asleep in the evening under the age of three:

  1. Discomfort associated with bodily sensations: colic, teething, need to change a diaper.
  2. Discomfort associated with external factors: too hot, dry microclimate in the bedroom, bright light, extraneous noises, uncomfortable bed, non-compliance with the daily routine.
  3. Psychological factors: overstimulation of the nervous system by active games and excessive activity in the afternoon, disruption of close contact with the mother (significant adult), tense situation in the family.

You should not panic if your baby suddenly begins to have trouble falling asleep. Usually, analyzing previous events, the current daily routine and taking into account even the most insignificant little things (punishing a child, a conflict on the playground, or even buying a new toy) is enough to eliminate the problem.

IN preschool age, if a child has difficulty falling asleep at night, and before that everything was fine, it is somewhat easier to establish the cause. As a rule, you can already talk to the children, so it will be much easier for parents to navigate, one way or another.

Possible causes of poor sleep in children under 7 years old include:

Moreover, psychological problems at this age are more quickly reflected in how easily the child goes to sleep and on the quality of sleep in general.

TO common factors, affecting falling asleep, which are applicable to children of any age include:

  1. Unsuitable conditions for comfortable sleep in the sleeping area.
  2. Health problems.
  3. Violation of the regime.
  4. A leap in child development, a crisis stage.
  5. Overexcitement due to active evening time.
  6. Perception of sleep as a moment of separation from a loved one, compensation for lack of communication with a parent by extending bedtime.

In any case, when a child has trouble falling asleep, what is categorically not recommended to do is punish and scold the baby. This problem can only be considered comprehensively and always in the context of recent significant events both in the child’s usual way of life and in the life of the family.

If the reason why your child does not sleep well has been found, but it cannot be eliminated on your own, do not postpone a visit to a specialist. A consultation with a competent pediatrician will be very helpful if falling asleep is disrupted due to colic, teething or an incipient cold.

A visit to a qualified psychologist will help restore broken contact with your baby and overcome existing fears. There is always a way out!

So, possible reasons Problems that caused the child to fall asleep poorly were found and successfully resolved. And in order for the positive effect not to be long in coming, you should follow the recommendations that have a beneficial effect on falling asleep.

So, before going to bed it will be useful:

Experts have proven that a rich diet has a beneficial effect on falling asleep quickly and sound sleep. physical activity day. It is the child’s opportunity to throw out energy during the day that will help him fall asleep as soon as he “touches the pillow.”

In conclusion, we note that the positive and friendly attitude of the parent will be more important than the above recommendations. And only such an attitude will help to understand why the child began to have trouble falling asleep. No reproaches, irritation or anger - the baby does not need negative associations with sleep. Only love and the desire to help the baby will be the key to quickly returning to sleep.

Sleep is very important for small child, because it helps the growing body to rest. However, parents are often faced with a situation where the baby has difficulty falling asleep, is capricious, and cries in the crib.

As a result, we have sleep-deprived children and tired mothers. What to do if your baby tosses and turns for a long time before going to bed, and how to help him fall asleep?

Even if the baby is tired during the day, his eyes stick together, he still stubbornly fights drowsiness and refuses to “go into rest mode.”

Some children, on the contrary, become even more active and begin to rush around the apartment. To calm down, they need the help of their parents.

However, first you need to find out the exact reason. The sources of such insomnia are individual for each child, but we will name the most typical ones.

Why does a child fall asleep with whims?

It must be remembered that difficulties falling asleep do not arise out of nowhere. They signal the presence of any diseases, violations of the baby’s routine and lifestyle.

That is, if the baby has not slept since birth, it may be due to poor health.

But if children always fall asleep quickly, and then, for no apparent reason, refuse to go to bed, the problem is most likely a change in the daily routine.

This is why it is so important to find the reason why your child has difficulty falling asleep at night.

  1. If the baby gets playful before going to bed, shows high motor activity, then with a high degree of probability its imperfect nervous system"will overload." Of course, in such a state about the long and sound sleep out of the question.
  2. Pay close attention to how long it lasts and when it starts. day rest at your child. If the baby goes to bed, for example, at 15.00, and not at 13.00, sleeps a lot during the day, then there is too little time left before bedtime, which is why there are difficulties falling asleep.
  3. Eating and going to bed quickly are closely related to each other. If a baby is put to bed on an empty stomach, he will not be able to sleep due to the feeling of hunger. And if he falls asleep hungry, he wakes up in the middle of the night and starts crying.
  4. If, on the contrary, the baby overeats at dinner, the feeling of heaviness will not allow him to fall asleep. Babies will suffer from colic, and older children will experience nightmares.
  5. Another reason for difficulty falling asleep is malaise - heat, stomach pain, headache. The baby may also be teething.
  6. Little children acutely feel the emotional state of their mother. Frequent scandals in the family, quarrels and shouting lead to emotional excitability, one of the manifestations of which is difficulty falling asleep.
  7. High or low temperature air in the children's room and insufficient humidity are often the reason why the baby has difficulty falling asleep in the evening.
  8. An overly bright light from a night lamp or, on the contrary, pitch darkness prevents children from falling asleep and is another common reason for waking up at night.
  9. The baby is not busy during waking hours active work or his physical activity is minimal. Agree, a one and a half year old baby who has walked a certain distance with his legs on an evening walk will fall asleep much faster than a baby who has been sitting in a stroller all the time.
  10. After all, children can take a very long time to fall asleep if they have an interesting toy that they haven’t played enough with and don’t want to part with even at night.

Baby has trouble falling asleep at night - what to do?

It is important to remember that when breastfeeding For the baby to fall asleep, the mother herself needs calmness and patience.

The connection is obvious: the mother is excited or upset - the child also begins to worry. What kind of deep dream! So, the first step to falling asleep quickly– positive emotional attitude of parents.

  1. In addition, take a closer look at organizing your child’s leisure time. While awake, try to keep him busy with some kind of active activity. Don't forget age appropriate physical activity– exercise, perhaps swimming in the bathroom.
  2. But don’t overdo it - you shouldn’t burden your baby with excessive impressions in the evening or offer him outdoor games. It seems that you are physically tired, but your overloaded nervous system does not allow you to fall asleep peacefully.
  3. Try to spend more time outdoors with your child. Such walks have positive influence on the psyche, help harmonious development and significantly improve children's sleep.
  4. If your child has difficulty falling asleep due to colic, urgently review your own menu and get rid of foods that cause increased gas formation. Yes, mother's use cow's milk often leads to tummy problems in a newborn. Give preference to fermented milk products.
  5. If it's teething, try removing painful sensations massage the gums or purchase special pain-relieving gels.
  6. Create your own bedtime ritual. For example, put you to bed after swimming in cool bath. If you are not allergic, add a few drops to the water lavender oil, which has a calming effect.
  7. Don't underestimate the environment in which you put your children to sleep. Eliminate loud sounds, bright light and other irritating influences. Ventilate and, if possible, humidify the room in which the baby sleeps. Remember that carpets and bedside canopies are not desirable in children's interiors, as they are dust collectors.

We help children aged one year and older fall asleep at night

As you grow older, some problems are replaced by others. Thus, in children from three to six years old, the most common cause of sleep disturbances is fears and nightmares.

Thus, it is the emotional preconditions for difficulty falling asleep that come first.

  1. Before falling asleep, eliminate any factors that lead to overexcitation of the nervous system. Noisy entertainment, watching TV, visiting places large cluster people - this can agitate the baby and prevent him from falling asleep.
  2. Resolve all conflicts long before bedtime. Do not scold your child, and especially do not use disciplinary measures exposure before bedtime. Put off unpleasant conversations and showdowns until the morning, or better yet, forget about them. The fewer irritating factors, the easier it is for children to fall asleep.
  3. If your child has a fear of the dark, explain that the baby is safe. Install a night lamp in the room, get rid of unnecessary noise, buy thick curtains, in general, create a calm atmosphere. Sit next to your baby while he falls asleep.
  4. Also try offering your baby a soft toy that he can put in his crib. Explain that the plush friend will protect the baby from bad dreams.

If your child has trouble falling asleep at night, remember that your main goal is to remain calm, patient, and loving to your little fussy baby.

Only in this case good dream guaranteed for the whole family!

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  • Helping your child overcome shyness

Sleep is very important for a growing body. If children have difficulty falling asleep, toss and turn restlessly at night, cry and cannot cope without their mother, then in reality there are problems with normal sleep, which, in turn, affects the baby’s health. Proper organization rest is extremely important, especially if the baby attends school and gets additionally tired.

How long does a 6 year old child sleep? Let us immediately note that children have a much higher need for sleep than adults. The smaller the baby, the more time he sleeps. A child of 6 years old, as a rule, needs 11-12 hours of rest. Although everything is individual here. Easily excitable children need longer rest than calm children.
If your child does not get enough sleep, this can lead to a number of disturbances in the activity of the nervous system, decreased level of performance, nervousness and fatigue, as well as increased arousal.
Restless sleep a child aged 6 years may experience various reasons, For example:

  • disruption of the daily routine. At this age, especially if the baby is already going to school, a strict regime is necessary. If this is absent, the child becomes overtired, which affects sleep;
  • excessive load on children's body. Many parents make a common mistake when they enroll their first-grader in all possible clubs. As a result, he is emotionally unable to cope with the affairs that have fallen on him, which is reflected in emotional state and health;
  • nutrition. Nowadays, mothers and fathers often, due to their own busyness, do not always keep an eye on proper diet your child. Pay attention to what your baby eats. Don’t forget about vitamins and avoid fatty, heavy foods before bed;
  • health. Restless sleep may result from various diseases. Talk to him, maybe something is bothering him. If the situation becomes systematic, consult a doctor;
  • night terrors and bad dreams. Children of this age are prone to fears. Most often they are afraid of the dark. This leads to the fact that the baby simply refuses to go to bed;
  • frequent quarrels and showdowns in the family, which negatively affects the child’s psyche.

A 7-year-old child has trouble falling asleep at night, what to do?

We looked at the main causes of sleep disorders. Now let's talk about how to deal with them. To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  • If your child gets tired at school and comes home emotionally depressed, let him rest for 1.5-2 hours during the day. Don't worry that this will cause him to go to bed later in the evening. On the contrary, there will be no overexcited state, and going to bed will be much easier;
  • give the first grader the opportunity to adapt to school life, additional sections will wait;
  • keep a clear daily routine. No lessons at night; computers and active games. Give your baby a relaxing bath, drink warm milk and read a fairy tale. Do not forget to ventilate the room where he sleeps before going to bed;
  • monitor the calm emotional environment in the family;
  • If your baby is afraid of the dark, leave the night light on or the TV on low.

By following the above rules, you will create a comfortable environment for good sleep. If the problem remains, visit a specialist with your baby; there may be diseases of the nervous system.

A six-year-old child is afraid to sleep alone

Another problem in many families is the fear of children to sleep alone. There are quite a few cases when a girl or boy of 6 years old sleeps with his mother. Is this the same situation in your family? Then our tips will be interesting to you:

  • talk to the baby, find out about his fears and under no circumstances laugh at them, show that you understand him;
  • explain that all family members sleep in their own beds;
  • stay with him until he falls asleep;
  • Invite your baby to sleep with his favorite toy, it will have a calming effect;
  • If a child comes to your bed at night or calls you, don’t be nervous, calm him down and put him back in bed, sit next to him until he falls asleep. Give your child confidence that you hear everything and if something happens you will come immediately;
  • During the day, spend all your free time with him so that he does not feel the lack of your attention. Then at night he will let you go more easily;
  • do not forget about kisses and hugs, which are so important to all children;
  • Pay attention to the room in which the baby sleeps. It should be cozy, not cluttered, in calm colors and conducive to harmony.

The most important thing is to always talk to your child. To help him, you need to know everything about him: what he is afraid of, what excites him, worries him, and then you can easily cope with all the difficulties together.

With the arrival of a baby in the family, parents have many questions and situations that they do not know how to cope with. The first months pass quietly. Most of the time the baby sleeps and eats. Many psychologists call this period the “golden time” for young mothers and fathers. Time is running, and children need to learn the world, develop. It takes no more than 5-6 hours a day to sleep during the day. And at an older age, 2-hour rest is enough for children.

For many parents, the issue of a child having trouble falling asleep at night is so acute that it leads to huge scandals in the family. How to do it right similar situation, we find out in the article.

A few words about babies' sleep

It is worth noting that a newborn is able to sleep almost 24 hours. This is natural and due physiological needs body. The process of childbirth for babies is quite a difficult job, after which a well-deserved rest is required. Also, the brain must process and cope with information that comes to it in huge streams. As a rule, at this time parents do not have problems with rocking the baby. All you have to do is give him a bottle of formula or a breast, and he will fall asleep instantly.

Do not be alarmed if you see that in a dream a child shudders and waves his arms and legs. is considered active (and not passive, as is common in adults). There is no need to immediately consult a doctor and do an ultrasound of the fontanel; just wait a little and everything will return to normal.

If so early age The child has trouble falling asleep at night, which means the parents are doing something wrong. Perhaps the baby is malnourished, he lacks breast milk. If it turns out that the reason is not food, try changing the brand of diapers. There is a possibility that the baby feels discomfort. Remember: a baby who is 1 week old needs Fresh air. Daytime walks are a must; they not only help strengthen the immune system, stimulate appetite, but also improve sleep.

Why did the baby stop sleeping?

Many parents do not understand why they have difficulty falling asleep at night. At the same time, as a rule, there are no complaints about daytime sleep. Leading pediatricians say that during this period the baby should fall asleep quite well, since he spends most of the time in this state. The following are situations that may affect this process:

    Perhaps one of the most popular reasons at this age is that the child confused night and day. Such situations occur all the time. To prevent this from happening, try to develop a certain routine from the first days of your baby’s life. It is also important to let your child understand the difference between the times of day. Let the day pass actively, during feedings let him listen to calm music, talk affectionately to the baby. You shouldn’t turn on the lights at night, tell stories, and so on. From the cradle, the baby should understand that at night he should behave quietly and calmly and sleep.

    Another mistake is not to swaddle the baby when falling asleep. During the day, the child receives a lot of information, the nervous system cannot yet cope with it in full, so the baby can move its arms and legs chaotically, thereby waking itself up.

    If a child (3 months) has difficulty falling asleep at night, the reason may be colic, which can torment babies during this period. Massages and a warm diaper will help cope with the problem.

It is worth paying attention if your child has trouble falling asleep for a long time. At the same time, his condition is restless, accompanied by crying and hysterics. In this case, there may be neurological health problems; you should consult a pediatrician.

How to help your child cope with the problem?

Many parents are so tired during the day that they wait for the night as their salvation. But there are situations when the baby screams and does not fall asleep. What to do in this situation? How to deal with the problem correctly? A pediatrician can answer these questions or First of all, you need to consider age characteristics crumbs.

    Why does my child have difficulty falling asleep at night? 4 months is the time when a number of things happen in the baby’s body physiological changes. Colic recedes and dental problems take their place. Gums become swollen, itchy, oral cavity preparing to welcome the first guests. Of course, this causes trouble for the baby, he becomes irritable and cries. In this case, special ointments for gums and chewing gums can help. They will calm the child down for a while.

    Does your 5 month old baby have trouble falling asleep at night? There can be many reasons, ranging from wet diaper and ending with a lullaby that he doesn't like. But it is worth considering the fact that this time period is accompanied by active physical capabilities baby. He learns to crawl, roll over, and sit. Nerve endings They simply cannot cope with the accumulated information, so in the evening an overexcited child does not think about sleep. To help in this situation, it is enough to give him a light massage in the evening and bathe him in a warm bath with the addition of soothing herbs (mint, chamomile, lemon balm and others).

    “The child is 1 year old and has trouble falling asleep at night, what should I do?” - the main question of parents. Perhaps they are defining his mode incorrectly. At this age, children are able to hear and understand the words of adults. They are already consciously doing certain actions. If a one-year-old child has trouble falling asleep at night, try to exhaust the baby during the day, play active games, watch books, sing songs, visit playgrounds, so that by the evening he has no energy left to scream and cry. Don't forget about the evening water procedures to remove from the baby nervous tension. In this case healthy sleep both the child and the parents will be provided with.

    If you listen to the advice outlined above, you can forever forget about the question: “Why does my child have trouble falling asleep at night?”

    Your child is 1.5 years old and has trouble falling asleep? We are looking for ways to solve the problem

    After a baby appears in the family, the life of the parents changes dramatically. At first he sleeps almost the whole day, then his routine seems to return to normal, and then the problems begin again. Often mothers at a pediatrician’s appointment ask the question: “Why does a child (1.5 years old) have difficulty falling asleep at night?” The main reason is that the baby may be bothered by teeth. Itchy, swollen gums make themselves felt.

    It is also worth noting the developmental features of children during this period. They begin to understand that the world is so interesting and entertaining that there is no time to sleep. Of course this is not true. After all, a sleep-deprived baby behaves simply disgustingly: he is nervous, capricious, and does not obey.

    If a child (1.5 years old) has difficulty falling asleep at night, the most important thing is to explain to him that sleep is mandatory. Try not to fall for the tricks and shouting that your baby is used to resorting to. With the help of affection and love, calm the baby down, sing a song, give a relaxing massage, and such a problem will disappear once and for all.

    Children 2-3 years old. A few words about them

    Many mothers often have a question: “What to do if a child (2 years old) has trouble falling asleep at night?” Doctors assure that if before this time there were no problems with sleep, then there is no need to sound the alarm. The main explanation for this problem is the age characteristics of the baby, or, as psychologists say differently, the crisis of 2-3 years.

    During this period, children become independent and clearly realize that they can manipulate the situation and their parents. The main thing is to prevent the problem from growing and put the child in his place in time, pointing out who is in charge in the family.

    Many parents, faced with the fact that their child (2 years old) does not sleep well at night, make a huge mistake, scolding the baby and humiliating him in every possible way. There is no need to do this, thereby you instill self-doubt in the child and provoke him to even greater hysterics.

    The main reasons why sleep may be disrupted

    You can often hear the question from parents: “Why does my child have difficulty falling asleep at night?” 3 years is a period when coping with children is much more difficult than at an earlier age. It would seem that the baby has grown up, he can already do a lot on his own, but the problems are not getting smaller. In this case, you need to find out the reasons why the baby is up at night:

    Active evening games.

    Watching cartoons.

    Late afternoon nap.

    Child psychology and physiology. Many guys experience an additional surge of emotions after overwork. And instead of relaxing and falling asleep, they, on the contrary, want to have fun, run, jump.

    The child has a lot of energy that he does not spend during the day, so he has problems falling asleep.

    Daytime naps last too long. If your baby falls asleep and can’t wake up, you definitely need to wake him up.

    Evening quarrel, showdown. After scandals, it is very difficult for children to recover.

    If a child has difficulty falling asleep both day and night, makes constant scandals, and does not respond to parents, it is better to contact a pediatric neurologist.

    It's time to sleep

    Before scolding children, you need to figure out whether the parents are behaving correctly. Indeed, in many cases when a child does not fall asleep well at night, mom and dad are to blame. They need to learn the basic rules for putting their baby to bed:

      Avoid active games at night. This will only agitate the child and make it very difficult for him to fall asleep.

      Situations often happen when dad brings a new book or toy from work in the evening. Of course, the baby will react to this with a sea of ​​emotions, which will not be easy to calm down.

      Develop rules for getting ready for bed. To begin with, you can read a non-scary fairy tale, then take a bath in warm water with aromatic foam or herbs.

      If your child is a schoolchild, you should not find out the reason for bad grades or other negative situations in the evening.

      Don't let children watch cartoons after they've gone to bed.

      If your child has trouble falling asleep at night, you can try a folk sedative: a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of honey. This option is only suitable for those children who can control their urination well.

    Using the above tips, you can eliminate the problem of your child having trouble falling asleep at night from your life.

    Never repeat other people's mistakes

    There are wrong things and actions that parents do when putting their children to bed. If your child has trouble falling asleep at night, read carefully to see if you are making the following mistakes:

    You go to bed quite late. Optimal time for rocking a child - nine ten o'clock in the evening. Remember: if your baby is overtired, he will have trouble falling asleep. Many doctors even advise keeping a sleep diary.

    Remember: sleeping while moving is not the norm. Having become accustomed to this method of motion sickness since childhood, the child will seek and demand it in the future.

    Sleeping with light and music is unacceptable.

    There is no single ritual before going to bed.

Try to correct these mistakes, and the child will fall asleep without problems.

What to do if your child has trouble falling asleep at night? Komarovsky suggests the following:

    The most important thing is to set the right priorities in life. Certainly, healthy baby- this is very important, but also cheerful, happy parents- the key to success and proper development crumbs.

    A regime that would suit all family members. There is no need to completely adapt to the little toddler; show who is in charge in the family.

    Children should sleep in a playpen.

    No extra naps during the day.

    After the baby is 6 months old, he does not need night feedings.

    An active day is the key not only to health, but also to good sleep.

    Optimal temperature regime in the room where the child sleeps - 16 -19 degrees.

    Properly equipped sleeping area. There should be no soft beds or feather pillows. An orthopedic mattress is a must.

    Using proven diapers to keep your baby from getting wet at night.

If you adhere to these rules, you can forever forget about the problem of your baby’s nighttime motion sickness.

Briefly about the main thing

If your baby has trouble falling asleep at night, there is no need to immediately run to the doctor. It is important to find out the reason for what happened yourself. Perhaps he is worried about colic and teething. In this case, a tummy massage and a special gel for the gums will help. If the child has grown up and there cannot be such problems, it is worth thinking about and analyzing the daily routine. Perhaps it needs adjustments. Pediatricians recommend making a schedule and finding out where you made a mistake. In most cases, daytime naps are to blame. The baby goes to bed late, sleeps for a long time and, of course, does not want to go to bed in the evening.

Create comfortable conditions for the child. The first point is the temperature regime. The room should not be stuffy or too hot. Many pediatricians claim that the maximum permissible level is 22 degrees. Don’t forget to ventilate the room, 5 minutes is enough.

“Why does my child have trouble falling asleep at night?” - perhaps this is a question that has worried every parent at least once in their life. In fact, there can be many reasons, ranging from age-related changes, occurring in the body, and ending with nervous disorders.

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