Abstract: Environmental factor in the formation of personality. Social environment as a factor

The environment is considered as a set of conditions for the existence of living organisms and humans. The concept "environment" has many meanings.

The human environment covers a set of natural (physical, chemical, biological) and social factors that can influence directly or indirectly, instantly or long-term, on the life and activities of people.

For a person, the environment is the world that exists in his communication, interaction, interconnection, communication and other processes.

A person’s environment is his natural and social environment, which has a complex of influences, conditions and opportunities.

Let us consider the macroenvironment (natural), social, home environment as part of the social and macroenvironment, since at each unit of time a person is exposed to their influence.

Macroenvironment - refers to the outer space surrounding us. Numerous observations, facts, and experiments have confirmed the influence of space, the special arrangement of stars, comets, the effects of magnetic storms on the sun, changes in the phases of the moon, lunar and solar eclipses, and the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth on intrauterine development, not to mention the born person.

Social environment is the totality of social relations that develop in society (way of life, traditions surrounding a person, social and living conditions, environment, as well as the totality of people connected by the commonality of these conditions), dominant social ideas and values. A favorable social environment is one where the dominant ideas and values ​​are aimed at developing a creative, proactive personality.

The home environment is the cradle of the beginning of life, the environment of loved ones, material conditions; it's a whole world. The development of a child is ensured by friendship and love in parental relationships and relationships with loved ones. Communication with parents and adults is of particular importance in enriching knowledge and life experience. The child develops a need to communicate with others, which becomes the most important source of his diversified development.

The home and social environment can also have a negative impact: drinking and swearing in families, rudeness and ignorance, blatant humiliation of children, the negative influence of comrades and friends, especially older people and adults, everything negative that happens around us.

The microenvironment is the characteristics of an apartment or work space, microwaves and magnetic influences, vibrations, etc.

The psychological position is to study environmental influences on the development of a child with the aim of forming his anatomical and physiological structures, and with the aim of forming spiritual foundations; in the conscious understanding of parents, adults, and teachers of the problems of forming a full-fledged personality.

The reality in which human development occurs is called the environment. The formation of personality is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographic, social, school, and family. Based on the intensity of contrasts, the near and far environments are distinguished. When psychologists talk about the influence of the environment, they mean, first of all, the social and home environment. The first is attributed to the distant environment, the second to the immediate environment.

Social environment is a broad concept. This is the society in which the child grows up, its cultural traditions, the prevailing ideology, the level of development of science and art, and the main religious movements. The system adopted in it for raising and educating children depends on the characteristics of the social and cultural development of a society, starting with public and private educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, creative centers, etc.) and ending with the specifics of family education.

The social environment is also the immediate social environment that directly influences the development of the child’s psyche: parents and other family members, later kindergarten and school teachers. It should be noted that with age, the social environment expands.

Outside the social environment, a child cannot develop - he cannot become a full-fledged personality. There are known cases when children were found in the forests, lost very young and raised among animals. These “Mowgli” ran on all fours and made the same sounds as their adoptive parents.

The social environment is everything that surrounds us in social life and, above all, the people with whom each individual has specific relationships. The social environment has a complex structure, which is a multi-level formation, including numerous social groups that have a joint impact on the mental development and behavior of the individual.

The more and more fully a person uses the capabilities of the environment, the more successfully his free and active development occurs: “A person is at the same time a product and creator of his environment, which gives him a physical basis for life and makes intellectual, moral, social and spiritual development possible.”

In the process of development of a child’s personality from birth to three years, the family dominates, and his main personal developments are primarily associated with it. In preschool childhood, family influences are supplemented by the influence of communication with peers, other adults, and access to accessible media. Upon entering school, a new powerful channel of educational influence on the child’s personality opens through peers, teachers, school subjects and activities.

In infancy, the primary influence on the child is exerted by the mother or the person who replaces her, who directly cares for the child and constantly communicates with him. In general, the family begins to actively influence the child from an early age, when he masters speech and upright walking. In the early years, family educational influence mainly comes down to various influences on the emotional sphere of the child, as well as on his external behavior: submission to elementary disciplinary and hygienic norms and rules. In preschool age, to the described family influences are added influences aimed at nurturing in the child curiosity, perseverance, adequate self-esteem, desire for responsiveness, sociability, kindness, as well as moral qualities of the individual, which are primarily manifested in relationships with people: decency, honesty, etc. Here, not only adults, but also peers with whom he plays a lot and in a variety of ways begin to take part in raising a child, and this happens in role-playing games with rules typical for preschool children.

The development and complication of gaming activities confronts children with the need to come to an agreement and plan their activities in advance. The main need for communication is the desire to cooperate with comrades, which acquires an extra-situational character. The leading motive of communication changes. A stable image of a peer is formed. Therefore, affection and friendship arise.

The emotional-practical form of communication encourages children to take initiative and influences the expansion of the range of emotional experiences. The situational business environment creates favorable conditions for the development of personality, self-awareness, curiosity, courage, optimism, and creativity. And non-situational business develops the ability to see a communication partner as a valuable personality in itself, to understand his thoughts and experiences.

A teacher who knows about the role of the social environment as a factor in the formation of personality attaches the greatest importance to the organization of the educational environment.

The educational environment is a set of circumstances surrounding the child, socially valuable, influencing his personal development and facilitating his entry into modern culture. The content of the environment as a factor in the social development of the individual is the subject-spatial environment, the socio-behavioral environment, the event environment and the information environment - their totality unfolds against the background of the child’s natural environment. A teacher who professionally uses the objective influence of these social agents gives this influence a target orientation, transforming the social situation of development into a pedagogical one - thereby being aware of the educational environment.

A teacher who does not take into account the influence of the environment, who closes his eyes or rejects even the possibility of such influence, or who passively states the random nature of factorial environmental influences on the child, leaves chance, the elements, and circumstances to determine the development of personality - thereby inevitably abandoning education.

So, education is an environment organized by the teacher, which acts as a factor in the social development of the child due to the fact that it unfolds before him a way of life at the level of high culture, allowing him to master all the achievements of culture and naturally enter into the context of the child’s contemporary culture.

The professional purpose of a teacher is to organize the process of personality formation - as they said, to organize the child’s life as a constant journey to culture, so that in the course of such interaction maximum personal development occurs, and at the level of this development he enters into the context of social life.

social emotional personality preschooler

General characteristics of the concept of “educational environment”.

The term “educational environment” became firmly established among Russian psychologists at the end of the 20th century. influenced by the ideas of ecological psychology. In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly clear that the education of an individual should not be identified with the development of special educational programs under the guidance of teachers; education is the result of a wide range of heterogeneous factors. Nowadays, education is no longer associated only with the activities of special social institutions: kindergartens, schools, colleges or universities. The very concept of educational environment emphasizes the fact of the multiplicity of influences on the individual and embraces a wide range of factors that determine the upbringing, training and development of the individual.

The educational environment is not an element of the psyche, but the development of the human psyche cannot be considered without connection with the environment. This position was defended by L. S. Vygodsky, who noted the important role of the social environment surrounding the child (the term “educational environment” was not yet used). According to him: “... the social environment is the source of the emergence of all specifically human personality traits gradually acquired by the child, or the source of the child’s social development, which occurs in the process of real interaction between ideal and existing forms.” From the point of view of educational psychology, studying the educational environment is extremely important; without this, many fundamental problems of mental development associated with the acquisition of new experience cannot be adequately understood.

Observed in the early 1990s. A surge of interest in the educational environment as a complex of factors that determine learning and personal development is associated with the active work of a number of Russian psychologists (S. D. Deryabo, V. P. Lebedeva, V. A. Orlov, V. I. Panov, V. V. Rubtsov, V. I. Slobodchikov, V. A. Yasvin, etc.). Naturally, different specialists do not have a common position in defining the concept of “educational environment”, in understanding its structure, functions, in relation to the methods of its design and examination. However, using the concept of “educational environment,” most experts emphasize that learning, upbringing and development occur not only under the influence of the directed efforts of the teacher and depend not only on the individual psychological characteristics of the child. They are significantly determined by sociocultural conditions, subject-spatial environment, the nature of interpersonal interaction and other environmental factors.

The initial basis for understanding the meaning of the term “educational environment” is the idea that the mental development of a person during his education should be considered in the context of “person - environment”. According to this approach, the educational environment is understood as a system of pedagogical and psychological conditions and influences that create the opportunity for the disclosure of both existing abilities and personal characteristics of students, and not yet manifested interests and abilities.

The environment is the reality in which human development occurs. The formation of personality is influenced by the geographical, national, school, family, and social environment. The concept of “social environment” includes such characteristics as the social system, the system of production relations, material living conditions, the nature of production and social processes, etc.

The question of whether environment or heredity has a greater influence on human development remains debatable.

French philosopher K.A. Helvetius believed that all people from birth have the same potential for mental and moral development, and differences in mental characteristics are explained solely by the influence of the environment and educational influences. The environment is understood in this case metaphysically; it fatally predetermines the fate of a person. A person is considered as a passive object of environmental influence.

Thus, all scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of a person. Only their views on assessing the degree of influence of the environment on the formation of personality do not coincide. This is due to the fact that there is no abstract medium. There is a specific social system, a person’s specific immediate and distant surroundings, specific living conditions. It is clear that a person achieves a higher level of development in an environment where favorable conditions are created.

An important factor influencing human development is communication.

Communication is one of the universal forms of personal activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships.

A person becomes a person only through communication and interaction with other people. Outside human society, spiritual, social, and mental development cannot occur. The interaction of a person with society, as is known, is called socialization.

Personal development is possible only through activity.

In the course of life, a person constantly participates in a wide variety of activities: gaming, educational, cognitive, labor, social, political, artistic, creative, sports, etc.

Acting as a form of being and a way of human existence, activity:

1) ensures the creation of material conditions for human life;

2) contributes to the satisfaction of natural human needs;

3) promotes knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world;

4) is a factor in the development of a person’s spiritual world, a form and condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

5) enables a person to realize his personal potential and achieve life goals;

6) creates conditions for human self-realization in the system of social relations.

It should be borne in mind that the development of an individual under the same external conditions largely depends on her own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that she displays in various types of activities.

Personal development is greatly influenced by collective activity. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the collective neutralizes the individual, and on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the collective. Collective activity contributes to the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual; the role of the team is irreplaceable in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, his civic position, and emotional development.

The nature of the development of each individual, the breadth and depth of this development under the same conditions of training and upbringing depend mainly on her own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that she displays in various types of activities, of course, with appropriate adjustments for natural inclinations. This is precisely what in many cases explains the differences in the development of individual people, including schoolchildren, who live and are brought up in the same environmental conditions and experience approximately the same educational influences.

Domestic pedagogy is based on the recognition that free and harmonious development of the individual is possible in conditions of collective activity. One cannot but agree that, under certain conditions, the collective neutralizes the individual. However, on the other hand, individuality can be developed and find its manifestation only in a team. The organization of various forms of collective activity (educational and cognitive, labor, artistic and aesthetic, etc.) contributes to the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual. The role of the collective in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual and his social civic position is irreplaceable. In a team, in conditions of empathy and awareness of the personal involvement of interacting people, emotional development occurs. The team with its public opinion, traditions, and customs is indispensable as a factor in the formation of generalized positive experience, as well as socially significant skills and habits of social behavior.

An important role in the development of personality self-education.

Self-education begins with awareness and acceptance of an objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one’s activity. The subjective setting of a specific goal of behavior or activity generates a conscious effort of will, the determination of a plan of activity. The implementation of this goal ensures personal development.

Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by various factors - both biological and social.

Factors of development and personality formation do not act in isolation, but in combination. Under different circumstances, different factors may have a greater or lesser influence on personality development. According to most authors, in the system of factors, if not the decisive, then the leading role belongs to education.

Malysheva I.V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 1

ART15110UDK 37.061

Malysheva Irina Vladimirovna,

Senior Lecturer, Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology, Tolyatti State University, Tolyatti [email protected]

Environment as a factor in child development

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of a child’s living space in terms of its influence on overall mental development. The physical and social components of the environment are highlighted. An analysis is made of the child's behavioral characteristics in the environment, the types of buildings he creates and various types of play interaction with the surrounding space are described. A generalization of the principles of organizing the environment for children is given. Key words: living space, age development, environmental factors, play, activity, psychomotor sphere. Section: (01) pedagogy; history of pedagogy and education; theory and methods of teaching and education (by subject areas).

Usually, when they talk about environmental conditions, they primarily mean the social situation of the child’s development, the characteristics of the social environment, inclusion in the system of relationships, the quality and content of communication. But the concept of environment is also living space, which includes a much larger number of variables that influence the specifics of ontogenesis and the formation of personal characteristics. According to H.E. Steinbach and V.I. Elensky, one should distinguish between the concepts of “environment” and “environmental factor”; environment is everything that is around us, including objects, phenomena, people, space, events that fill it, including the system of relationships we have built with what surrounds us. Of course, in ontogenesis, the primary interaction will be with the physical world, which appears to a small child in a huge number of variables, properties, qualities, and relationships. The objective world “leads” and directs development in the first years of life; it mediates interaction with adults; the object and the action with it fill the content side of speech and form visually effective thinking. Then, the expansion of practical experience allows one to accumulate impressions from interaction with the objective world, which serves as the basis for generalized ideas and creates the basis for a new development. The fact that at some stage relationships with other people come to the fore does not reduce the importance of the impact of the material world. The socialization zone does not eliminate the variety of complex connections between a person and his living space, which continue to play a huge role in his development. The living environment surrounding a child and his activity are inextricably linked. Space is not only a condition and activator of a child’s activity; we can also talk about interaction and their mutual influence on each other. The child’s relationship with the environment was studied in most detail by M.V. Osorina, who considered the child’s mastery of the surrounding world in the triad “adult–space–child” as the formation of the latter’s vital functions. All this has its own specifics and is determined by quite important things. The child builds his relationship with space according to Malysheva I.V. Environment as a factor in the development of the child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 2

different principles from adults, therefore the perception of her and the needs in relation to her will be different. The main focus of a child’s active activity is to penetrate, explore, and master. The child enters into a complex system of emotional experiences associated with different places, this allows him to realize a number of very important needs related to the formation of his self-awareness. The basis for personality formation is laid in children's communication, which develops through joint activities in the living environment and manifests itself in territorial behavior. Joint event activities stand out. A. Aksenova as the basis of the worldview and image of the world, born from the child’s individual picture of the world, which is built in the coordinate system of experience gained in interaction with the surrounding world. Having analyzed the most important aspects of environmental factors, we will highlight the most significant, in our opinion, variables associated with life the human environment: environmental influences, its properties, qualities and metric parameters; movements in the environment associated with tonically activating impulses, such as the intra-effect; expansive impact on the environment as an extra-effect; spatial movements associated with awareness of one’s “I”, in particular the “Body” ;interaction with the environment, establishing affective connections with the world; movement as a resource training of the functional systems of the body; the activity component of movement, in particular, for example, productive activity, when movements acquire the character of influence; acts of communication and social behavior; cultural understanding of the environment; existential and semantic experiences and living the environment. Proponents of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental research believe that only a serious scientific understanding of the interaction of a person with his environment leads to the creation of optimal environmental conditions. The perception of the environment is “built-in” into our experience, therefore it is necessary to consider the experience acquired by a person in the environment from two different angles: the first is activity, when the environment is the object of directed activity, the second is behavior, and here we can also highlight different aspects of existence in the environment . M. Chernoushek reduces the problem of human behavior in the environment to three main points: the relationship of behavior with cognitive structures, the selectivity of the human perceptive system, the encouraging or hindering role of the environment in the interaction between people. Our interaction with the environment is accompanied by various contacts with other people and is associated with social activity, therefore the interests of environmental psychology lie closer to social psychology than to the psychology of perception. The surrounding space very often determines a person’s role behavior through the meaning and attributes of the place, cultural regulations and instructions. It sets the tone of the mood, generates meanings and scenarios for living a moment in time. Reactions to environmental influences consist of affective impulses generated by the material texture of objects, their organization and symbolic context. Thus, a reflection of space in consciousness is a map of space, that is, a system of figurative ideas about its structure, an emotional response to the quality and characteristics of the environment and the content of behavioral scenarios associated with a specific place. Malysheva I. V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept . –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 3

When talking about the tasks, forms and methods of teaching, we often mention the child’s activity both as the ultimate goal and as a necessary condition for development. Activity is always determined by the presence of its own goal. When considering activity in relation to the environment, we consider two large groups of types of activity: adaptive behavior and the activity of the subject. Adaptive behavior, by definition, is similar to passive response, but it can also be expressed in intensive actions, however, they are always limited by the situation. We can consider adaptive behavior as a variant of adaptation to the environment, but we believe that here it is necessary to dwell on the following point: adaptation can take the form of active activity to change the environment itself; in fact, everything that is created by human culture can be considered as a variant of adaptation to living conditions. In other words, in this context, adaptive behavior can be defined as reactivity in response to environmental stimuli, determining the most optimal position in relation to the latter. The structure of the subject’s activity in relation to the environment is characterized by the presence of its own goal, taken beyond the existing situation. Trans-situationalism is often a sign of activity and involves going beyond the initial goals, the desire to set goals that are redundant from the point of view of a given situation; it presupposes the ability to overcome the set, limitation and barriers of a given activity. So, in contrast to reactivity, when a person’s actions are determined by the previous situation, activity is expressed in the actions performed, determined by the internal states of the subject. Activity is always determined by the presence of its own goal. Adaptive behavior is also expressed in intense actions, but they are always initiated by external demands. A good example is search activity. Search activity is expressed in behavior aimed at changing the situation or one’s attitude towards it, which occurs in conditions of a lack of information and the impossibility of predicting the results of activities while constantly taking into account the degree of its effectiveness. Considering a person as a subject of activity, it is necessary to highlight the special need for the creative transformation of the environment, which often does not have utilitarian goals and is essentially a purely human feature. Starting from primitive communities, when a person left traces of his presence in the form of images on the walls of a cave, he showed himself as an active creator who, through his own efforts and the organization of social labor, created a new reality. Active interaction with the surrounding space lies in the very nature of people. Returning to the special relationship of the child with the environment, let us highlight some of its important points. When interacting with environmental objects, the child shows, first of all, an interest in something new that requires penetration and understanding. He must realize his own position and goal, organize his activities, including actions to coordinate and overcome, since the environment sets a huge number of conditions, ignoring which does not allow obtaining the expected result. The exception is situations in which the child experiments with spatial objects and relationships; in this case, any effect obtained or its absence can be considered as an achieved goal. By studying through observation the active interaction of children with objects of space in free activity unregulated by adults, aimed at its transformation, we were able to establish the following. Purpose of artMalysheva I.V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 4

natural environmental objects – to satisfy the utilitarian needs of a person aimed at his life support. In the case of children, we are faced with a special situation: the child transforms the environment with needs and the nature of perception of the situation that are different from those of the adult. Even if, for example, a children's building mirrors the world of adults, it acts either as a playful role modeling or performs a function that does not correspond to it. Types of buildings, ways of organizing unformed or reorganizing formal space were studied during observations. The study was conducted in the city of Togliatti on the basis of municipal budgetary institutions No. 192 and No. 116 for five years, from 2005 to 2009 and in 2013, the total sample was more than two hundred people. Observations were carried out on peer groups of preschool children from 4 to 7 years old. The unregulated environmental behavior of children was studied in the following conditions: a familiar everyday environment with a stereotypically organized environment, a familiar environment with free multifunctional objects, an experimental room, which is a free, unfilled space with a set of basic objects that do not have a fixed purpose. During the observations, we were able to identify the following types of children's buildings: Shelter buildings. Traditional objects created by children over many generations. They represent a closed space, isolated from the outside world, which makes it possible to feel outside the social environment and create boundaries that ensure safety. The buildings are observation points. Usually these are buildings that have elevations above the plane of habitual life activities; they can serve as observation points, but in the right version they are also equipped with a horizontal platform, where the child can remain motionless for some time and observe what is happening around. Buildings that stimulate various types of movement. These include all traditional elements that set either the movement itself, for example, a swing, or are aimed at setting a motor task, for example, climbing devices, targets, etc. Often such buildings can be supplemented with dynamic rather than stationary ones elements that come into motion and, by their effect, stimulate the child to repeat the movement, on the one hand, and on the other, make it possible to evaluate the applied effort in relation to the strength of the structure. Buildings are a field of experimentation. These are any buildings that “reveal” the properties of objects, and the objects can be natural, for example the creation of a dam and a stream bed. In addition to the information side, the child establishes a large number of cause-and-effect relationships and improves the system of his own ideas about the world. Constructions and plots. They are aimed at recreating game models of the space of adult life, but not as an attribute for a role-playing game, but as an independent completed action, resulting in a prototype of a man-made object. “Hologram” buildings. Their purpose is to master the three-dimensionality of space. Usually we move linearly, no matter horizontally or vertically. The possibility of three-dimensional movement is provided, for example, by a trampoline or swimming, but in normal conditions we are deprived of this. An important difference between such constructions and constructions of ex-stimuli and constructions of experiments is that they are aimed not at studying the properties of external objects or setting and searching for a solution to a motor problem, but at studying one’s own body and its biomechanics. Malysheva I. V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 5

Buildings for contemplation. A special type of buildings that have a specific function of establishing non-active and non-utilitarian connections with the world. Sometimes you need to step away from the need to act and move, so children love to find and create beautiful aesthetic objects to admire. Buildings are sensory effects. Sensory impressions are important not only at an early age, but also in adulthood and old age, not to mention preschool childhood. Sensory stimulation promotes overall toning of the body. This is the type of building, sometimes of very primitive construction, that allows the child to simply get enough of the impressions associated with the sensations of one or more sensory modalities. A natural continuation of the child’s activity in the environment is the play activity of children following the completion of the building. After the building is created and has fulfilled its primary functional purpose, it begins to be played out, that is, to be included in some imaginary situation that is different from the real one and is accompanied by a number of conditional actions. The main advantage of the game can be considered that it is a point of application of the child’s own efforts at his own discretion. This makes it a valuable development tool, since the desire to act is determined by internal motivation. The intensity of such interaction with the environment and its volume are determined by the constantly realized need to “go beyond” the boundaries of what has already been achieved, the need to constantly modify reality. The inclusion of space in a game situation creates an additional round of activity, since the condition of internal correspondence to the situation is accepted, and avoiding it makes it impossible for the game to proceed at all, and this ensures a greater degree of involvement in the process. Joint communication during the game in free space allows you to assimilate the experience of others, processes are included spontaneous learning and mutual education of children. The child’s field of activity in the world around him is always connected with the world of people, even if it is an individual activity, since it is, in essence, a sociocultural exploration of the world. Usually, a partner is required, a subject of interaction, which, along with space, has an independent value, which causes the development of the rules of communication. First of all, you need to learn to navigate social situations through identifying external conditions and determining your position in them. The basis is the typology of situations, which is acquired as the individual masters various communication systems in various types of activities. The child needs to correctly determine the personal characteristics and emotional states of other people, which is a form of information processing of specific material. A special role in this is played by the breadth of practical experience acquired, the personal characteristics of the individual, and the ability to put oneself in the place of another person. You need to learn to choose adequate ways of dealing with other people and implement them in the process of interaction. Such skills are realized in activities occurring in the external plane, including its organization, forecasting the results of one’s own behavior and the chosen position, analysis and consideration of initial conditions and intermediate assessment of the emerging situation. They also include mastery of interaction building mechanisms. Actions with objects in the course of object-tool activity in the early stages have already made it possible to learn to coordinate with the properties of a thing and take into account its features, restructuring one’s behavior. But to master the environment, Malysheva I.V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 6

Roma also need to master the space of joint communication. An adult can very effectively use the resource of space both in order to shape the child’s personality and in order to successfully develop it. Games and other types of activities used in working with children can be very diverse in form, function and solve various problems. The development of the cognitive sphere of children, traditionally including the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the development of thinking and memory, is clear and obvious. We want to draw attention to a number of other tasks that should also be solved by adults. At the same time, within the framework of the analysis of the living space and its influence on the development of the child, bearing in mind that the child’s relationship with space is determined by his movements and activities, we highlight the following, the most significant, in our opinion, tasks. Development of psychomotor qualities. The most significant here is the identification of opportunities acquiring a variety of motor experience with a wide range of variability and sufficient load regimes to increase the overall endurance of the body. There are two key points here: first, the motor sphere is integrative in the formation of higher mental functions, therefore the development of complex coordination of movements is important, second, adaptability directly depends on the functional state, therefore increasing endurance through motor activity in space is an expansion of adaptive resources. In addition, adaptation to the world also occurs through coordination of movements and actions with the features of the surrounding space. Tonic stimulation. Tonic stimulation is especially important in early and early preschool age. Physical contact with objects in the surrounding world creates an internal picture of well-being; there is even a special type of need for touch that stimulates organic and psychological health. Sensory impressions. There is a whole group of actions and games that seem to an adult to be completely useless for the development of a child: digging in puddles and sand, walking in the dark, with eyes closed or backwards, hanging upside down, crawling in a duvet cover, twirling in curtains, etc. Required understanding in order to penetrate into the essence of this process: the child “accumulates” such impressions so that they put his sensory perception in order, it is, as it were, refined and polished. Studying the body diagram. By the age of 3–4 years, the study of one’s own body and its motor capabilities becomes the object of a child’s independent research activity. By the age of 5, the first ideas about this have already taken shape. An adult can use this natural need of a child to develop his primary system of spatial representations and orientation in the coordinate system. It is important to teach him to use his body as a guide along the axes: self-center, top-bottom, left-right, forward-backward - and connect these ideas with the corresponding speech concepts. At the same time, the focus of attention also falls on the child’s self-awareness, the starting point in the formation of which is the perception of his own body. Studying the properties and parameters of the surrounding space. This task does not require special work, since up to the age of 12 a child “lives” with a special need to study an unfamiliar space and its properties. As a rule, it occurs in the natural and spontaneous movements of the child. It is especially difficult to study the quality of three-dimensional space - here every adult must find the optimal balance of safety for himself and his child. Exclude Malysheva I.V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 7

vertical movement is impossible in one way or another, so it is better to give the child this experience of movement and an understanding of height and its features. Development of plasticity and expressiveness of movements. The main obstacle to harmonious movement is stiffness. If there are no organic disorders, then the main cause of stiffness is the lack of varied motor experience. As a rule, “clumsy” children are those who move little. The best way to diversify a child’s movements is to move away from the monotonous running, riding on swings and carousels, etc., and give tasks on coordination and balance. They contain a complex motor task that will best develop the child’s body. Mastery of actions with objects. An object can be used as an object of influence and as a tool, in both cases it significantly rearranges the child’s actions and his conceptual sphere. It is not just a stimulus or a “partner”; it rather acts as a motor task, which complicates the requirements for performing a movement, forcing one to constantly take into account the properties of the object and adapt to it. Household instrumental actions (using a spoon, opening a tap, sweeping, etc.) are also good for this purpose, but they quickly become automatic. It develops movements that require constant adjustment, for example, a ball - it is round, elastic, slippery, it moves along complex trajectories, is unpredictable when rebounding and is dynamically active, unlike other objects. A changing, dynamic environment and its objects are the ideal conditions for solving this problem. Development of fine motor skills of the hands. In psychology there is a special term - “manual skill”, which determines the level of development of fine coordination of movements and the degree of mastery of instrumental actions; the concept of “manual intelligence” is correlated with visual thinking. It is also well known that the development of speech centers is closely related to fine motor skills of the hands, therefore the development of manual motor skills is a separate task. Small environmental objects are part of the surrounding space. They form their own segment, a kind of closed system. Focusing on the small and close transfers consciousness into the world of subtle differentiations, teaches the dosage of effort and precision. Mastery of one’s own behavior. It should be remembered that by organizing the activities of children in the environmental space, we have the opportunity to solve a difficult task - the formation of behavior regulation. The child manifests the first elements of self-regulation in actions with objects, when the child restrains affective outbursts in order to achieve a goal. Then - in outdoor play, when contradictions arise between desires and necessity, and the child makes a choice towards the latter. The same applies to any joint activity, a game with pre-agreed rules, when behavior requires the child to regulate his states, limit actions, accept the position and rights of another. Based on the above and speaking about the optimal organization of a child’s living space, several basic principles can be identified. The environment must have optimal stimulus intensity so as not to deprivate or oversaturate with impressions. It should, on the one hand, create a feeling of security, be familiar and stable, but on the other, new, arouse cognitive interests, and encourage behavioral and emotional reactions. In the environment, a certain temporal sequence of events that are significant for the child should always unfold, that is, the environment should be lived. Basic age and individual needs should be realized through the activities of Malysheva I.V. Environment as a factor in the development of a child // Concept. –2015. –№04 (April).–ART15110. –0.6p. l. –URL: http://ekoncept.ru/2015/15110.htm. -Government reg. ElNo.FS7749965.–ISSN 2304120X. 8

in the form of gaining practical environmental experience. It is important to establish a correspondence between processes and environment. The presence of multifunctional environmental objects without narrowly defined functions is required, allowing not only to reorganize the material-spatial structure, but also to rebuild the tasks being solved when new needs arise. Polyphony as a characteristic of the environment encourages creativity and activity. At the same time, it must be remembered that the surrounding physical space is only a place where human communication unfolds, and the space should be shaped so that it contributes to the development of children's relationships.

Links to sources 1. Steinbach Kh.E., Elensky V.I. Psychology of living space. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. –239 pp. 2. Osorina S. B. The secret world of children in the space of the world of adults. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Peter”, 1999. –288 pp. 3. Aksenova Yu. A. Symbols of the world order in the minds of children. – Ekaterinburg: Business book, 2000. – 272 pp. 4. Chernoushek M. Psychology of the living environment / trans. I. I. Popa. – M.: Mysl, 1989. – 174 p.

Irina Malysheva, Senior lecturer at the chair of Theoretical and Applied Psychology, Togliatti State University, Togliatti [email protected] as the factor of child evolution Abstract. The paper deals with the study of the child living space in terms of its effect on mental development. The author singles out physicalsocial environmental elements and analyzes behavioral peculiaritiesin a certain environment and types of interactions with environment. The principles of the child environment organization are described. Key words: living space, developmental age, environmental factors, play, activity, psychomotor sphere.References1.Shtejnbah,H. Je. & Elenskij, V. I. (2004) Psihologija zhiznennogo prostranstva, Rech", St. Petersburg, 239 p. (in Russian). 2. Osorina, S. V. (1999) Sekretnyj mir detej v prostranstve mira vzroslyh, Izdvo “Piter”, St. Petersburg, 288p .(in Russian).3.Aksenova, Ju. A. (2000) Simvoly miroustrojstva v soznanii detej, Delovaja kniga, Ekaterinburg, 272 p.(in Russian).4.Chernoushek, M. (1989) Psihologija zhiznennoj sredy/ per . I. I. Popa, Mysl", Moscow, 174 p. (in Russian).

Denisova E. A., candidate of psychological sciences; Gorev P. M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Concept”

Received by the editors Received 04/09/15 Positive review received Received a positive review 04/10/15 Accepted for publication 04/10/15 PublishedPublished 04/11/15

© Concept, scientific and methodological electronic journal, 2015© Malysheva I. V., 2015www.ekoncept.ru

The environment is the reality in which human development occurs. Human development is a very complex process. It occurs under the influence of both external influences and internal forces that are characteristic of man, as of any living and growing organism. External factors include, first of all, the natural and social environment surrounding a person, as well as special purposeful activities to form certain personality qualities.

A person becomes a person only in the process of socialization, that is, interaction with other people. Outside human society, spiritual, social, and mental development cannot occur. Science knows of 15 cases of human cubs being fed by wolves, 5 by bears, 1 by baboons, other breeds of monkeys - at least 10 cases, 1 child was fed by a leopard, 1 by a sheep. In 1920 in India, Dr. Singh discovered two girls - 2 years old and 5-7 years old - in a wolf den: the children taken from the jungle walked and ran on all fours, and only at night, and during the day they slept, huddled in a corner; the youngest girl, Amala, soon died without learning anything, the eldest, Kamala, lived until she was 17 years old. It took two years to teach her to stand; after 10 years of training, the girl’s vocabulary amounted to one hundred words - language progress did not go further, the girl learned to eat with her hands, drink from a glass, at the age of 17, Kamala’s level of development corresponded to a 4-year-old child.

The concept of “environment” includes a complex system of external circumstances necessary for the life and development of a human individual. These circumstances include both natural and social conditions of his life. A child from birth is not just a biological being. By nature, he is capable of social development - he has a need for communication, mastering speech, etc. In this case, in the interaction between the individual and the environment, two decisive points must be taken into account:

1) the nature of the impact of life circumstances reflected by the individual;

2) the activity of the individual, influencing circumstances in order to subordinate them to his needs and interests.

The child develops as a person under the influence of the environment. The environment is an important factor in the development of a child's personality. Leontyev A.N. noted that development is determined by internal and external conditions. Environmental influences and upbringing refer to external factors of development, while natural inclinations and inclinations, as well as the entire set of feelings and experiences of a person that arise under the influence of external influences (environment and upbringing), refer to internal factors. Environmental influences are the stimuli a person receives from conception to death, including food, cultural information, social experiences, and more.

Special attention should be paid to one of the main factors in the development of a child’s personality – the social environment. It contributes to the formation of a child’s system of moral norms and moral values. In addition, the environment largely determines the child’s level of self-esteem. The formation of personality is influenced by the child’s cognitive activity, which includes the development of innate motor reflexes, speech and thinking. It is important that the child can acquire social experience and learn the basics and norms of behavior in society. As the child grows up, factors in the development of the child’s personality may also change, since at different ages a person occupies a certain place in the system of social relations existing around him, he learns to perform responsibilities and individual functions. Factors in the development of a child’s personality determine his attitude to reality and his worldview.

Studying the literature on this topic, I found out that there are three types of models that explain the influence of the social microenvironment on the intelligence and mental development of children). In the first group of models, the decisive role of communication between parents and children on the development of the latter’s intelligence is played. It is believed that the longer the communication between parent and child, the greater the intellectual influence of the parent. Data from psychological studies do not support this model: according to it, studies should obtain greater correlations between the levels of intelligence of children and the intelligence of mothers than of fathers, which is not observed. The main fallacy of this model: ignoring the emotional attitude of the child to the parent - the influence is exerted by a subjectively significant other, more that is the one with whom the child identifies himself. Closer to this position is the identification model. It assumes that in the course of socialization the child masters new roles, and when the child identifies with a parent of the same sex, the former masters the methods of behavior characteristic of the parent. Unfortunately, despite the attractiveness of this model, it is not confirmed in research. It is not clear why the “significant other” should be the parent with whose gender role the child identifies. Finally, the third model, authored by R. Zajonc, predicts the dependence of the child’s intelligence on the number of children in the family. This is the only model that has received empirical support.

Both theoretically and practically, the following question is of interest: what has a greater influence on a person’s mental development - environment or heredity? Experts' opinions were divided. Adherents of the so-called biogenic (biogenetic) direction in pedagogy certainly give preference to heredity, and the sociogenic (sociogenetic, sociologizing) direction - to the environment. Many researchers have tried to establish exact quantitative proportions of the influence of environment and heredity on human development. Very contradictory results were obtained, reliably indicating only one thing: the share of participation of the studied factors in the development of different people is not the same. The influence of the environment, according to representatives of the sociogenic movement, can reach 90%; The influence of heredity, according to supporters of the biogenic direction, is by no means less significant - 80-90%. Of course, science strives for accuracy; that is its goal. But it is unlikely that even the most scrupulous calculations will fully correspond to reality. But we can definitely say that the external environment is of great importance for the mental development of an individual.

Thus, the reality in which the child’s intellect and personality develops is called environment. Personality formation is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographic and social, school and family. And the external environment, which provides an active, systematic, purposeful influence on mental and physical development, is crucial for the mental development of children.


In the course of the work, it was possible to determine the influence of physical education on the mental development of children, namely, to determine the role of physical exercise on the mental activity of the brain. Physical exercises have a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of children: cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated, the functional state of the central nervous system improves, and a person’s mental performance increases. The concepts of “physical development” and “physical education” of children were also revealed. In this work, I considered the issue of the influence of the external environment on personality development. A child develops as a personality under the influence of the environment, which means that the environment is an important factor in the development of the child’s personality. The home environment has a huge impact on human development, especially in childhood. In a family, the first years of a person’s life usually pass, which are decisive for the formation, development and formation. I would like to quote G. Itard’s statement: “Appearing on the globe physically weak and not possessing innate ideas, being unable to obey the basic laws of his existence that determined him a dominant position in the Universe, man can only achieve in society that exceptional position to which nature itself destined him. Without civilization, he would have turned out to be one of the most insignificant and unreasonable animals... a person is always only what society makes of him..."

Thus, the mental development of a child depends on a complex of social and biological factors, including physical development and environmental conditions in which the child is raised.


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