Recommendations for maintaining good vision. Vitamins for vision

The eyes are the instrument with which we see our world, accumulate information, comprehend and become aware of our surroundings. Vision is a gift from nature that must be protected. However, in the age of computers, people began to spend more and more time in front of the screen. People's eyes began to water due to tension and fatigue in their eyes, and in some cases some began to notice that their vision had become worse. So what to do in such a situation? How to preserve your vision and prevent serious illnesses eye. Here are some simple tips on how to preserve your vision.

Quit smoking

If you have this bad habit, then it affects not only the lungs, but also affects the quality of your vision. Smoking increases intraocular pressure, which causes various diseases.

Eat blueberries

Blueberries increase visual acuity, reduce eye fatigue and help prevent some eye diseases. Blueberries can be frozen and eaten all year round. This is much better than blueberry tablets.

Take a multivitamin

Statistics show that people who take vitamins are less susceptible to eye diseases.

Correct monitor position

When working with a computer, the monitor should be placed slightly below eye level. So yours upper eyelid will be omitted, which will reduce the evaporation of fluid in the eye and reduce the likelihood of developing dry eye syndrome.

Walk more often

Walking on fresh air have a beneficial effect on the entire body, including vision. After all, in nature we relax and relax our eyes.

Protect your eyes from bright sunlight

In sunny weather, always wear quality sun protection protective glasses. Don’t save on your vision by buying cheap glasses that not only do not protect your eyes from solar radiation, but are also harmful.

Eat more greens

Green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce, celery, etc. Greens are very good for vision. Also include beets and dishes made from them in your diet - they contain zinc, which is necessary to maintain visual acuity, and iron, which promotes the formation of red blood cells, what is needed for vision and the body as a whole.

Give your eyes a rest

If your work involves a computer or reading books, give your eyes a rest at least once an hour. Focus your gaze on one point for 30 seconds.

Monitor your blood pressure levels

Many eye diseases are directly related to increased blood pressure.

Safety glasses when working

If you swim in a chlorinated pool, work with welding, or simply clean the area outside, be sure to wear special safety glasses so as not to damage the cornea of ​​your eye.

Follow these simple tips and you will save your vision for long years. After all, our vision, like our health in general, is the most important treasure in the world, which depends, first of all, on how we take care of it.

A modern person, on average, looks at a computer, smartphone, TV or tablet screen twelve hours a day. This is really very, very much. It is for this reason that it is important to know how computers and other electronic devices affect vision, how to protect your eyes and prevent loss of vision. It is necessary not only to lead healthy image life in general, give up bad habits as early as possible, undergo routine medical examinations, but also follow medical recommendations developed specifically for those who work a lot at the computer.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Many people begin to think about how to preserve their vision when working at a computer only when they already experience overexertion, frequent headaches, dryness and blurred vision. These are the main symptoms of the so-called computer vision syndrome.

IN medical practice A syndrome is not a disease, but a set of symptoms that is characteristic of a particular condition. Computer syndrome is stress that occurs when working at a computer or with other people for long periods of time. electronic devices, for example, a smartphone or tablet. The main symptoms of this condition are:

  • which occurs in approximately 65% ​​of patients;
  • eye fatigue, which is typical for half of those who think about how to preserve their vision while constantly working with technology;
  • a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, a pronounced feeling of discomfort;
  • headache, which appears in almost 50% of cases;
  • neck pain in the shoulders, wrists and arms, which affects approximately 45% of patients;
  • eye irritation, itching and burning in the eyes, dryness;
  • back pain, which is typical for 40% of patients with computer syndrome;
  • general fatigue, tension, stress;
  • blurriness and decreased vision sharpness occur in a third of patients.

The degree of stress that the body experiences when working at a computer for a long time is determined by a number of factors, including the degree of illumination, the distance to the monitor, the position in which you are, the angle of your head, and so on. Vision problems also have an impact. How can you preserve your eyesight when working at a computer? It is necessary to reduce the adverse effects of these factors. Computer vision syndrome does not require special drug therapy, however, you can use drops to additionally moisturize your eyes, and also enrich your diet with foods that are good for vision.

Workplace organization

How to protect your eyesight when working at a computer? You cannot bring your eyes closer to the monitor (smartphone or tablet screen) than thirty centimeters, and the top edge of the monitor should be located ten centimeters below eye level. It is best to keep the distance between the eyes and top part the screen was about 50-75 centimeters.

When working at a computer, you need to blink more often to moisten your eyes; if necessary, you can use eye drops for extra hydration.

The monitor should be approximately arm's length away, and when working on the keyboard, you should ensure that your hands have a minimal bend in your wrist. You need to sit straight, and choose a chair for working at the computer that will support bottom part backs. In addition, the edge of the chair should not put pressure on the lower part of the knees.

For maximum comfort and to avoid any adverse effects on your vision, keep your computer screen away from any reflections from ceiling lights or sunlight.

Image quality and brightness

How to preserve your eyesight while constantly working at a computer? In relation to the lighting in the office or room, the monitor should not be too bright or too dim. You also need to monitor the contrast of the image. The higher the brightness and contrast in dim lighting, the faster your eyes will get tired when working at a computer. How to preserve your eyesight when working at a computer? You can use anti-glare filters to reduce the glare from your monitor screen.

Relax your eyes throughout the day

How to preserve your eyesight when working on a computer? During the day, be sure to give your eyes a break from the PC. This is very important in a set of measures that answer the question of how to preserve vision if you work a lot at the computer. Every hour you need to get away from the computer for at least a few minutes. During this time, you can drink a cup of coffee, run some work errands, or go to the printer. Lunch should also not be spent sitting at the computer. It's better to go for a short walk.

The “20-20-20” rule will also provide rest for your eyes. Every twenty minutes, you need to take your eyes off the screen and look at distant objects twenty feet away (that's about six meters) for twenty minutes.

While working at the computer, you should try to blink more often to moisturize your eyes.

Special gymnastics for the eyes

How to preserve your eyesight while working at a computer? It is useful to do special gymnastics, which will not only preserve your vision, but also improve the indicators that you have now. You need to do this exercise in the morning (in natural light) and in the evening (in artificial light). You need to keep your head straight, moving only your eyes, and with maximum amplitude. The set of eye exercises is as follows:

  1. Move your eyes up and down vertically.
  2. Right-left horizontally.
  3. From right to left and back diagonally.
  4. Vertical figure eight.
  5. Horizontal figure eight.
  6. Large circle (dial), first you need to stop at each number, then at six and twelve o’clock.

Each movement must be repeated eight to ten times. After each movement, you need to give your eyes a rest, blinking frequently. After finishing the gymnastics, you should cover your eyes with your palms and sit there for a few minutes, this will allow your eyes to relax. You can perform a set of exercises with eyes closed, this additionally massages the lens of the eye.

Additional eye hydration

Sold in pharmacies different drops, which moisturize the eyes when working at the computer. You can choose moisturizing drops yourself, without the help of a doctor, if there are no eye diseases. You can purchase such products as “Natural Tear”, “Oftagel”, “Vidisik”, “Systane-Ultra” and others. Contact lens liquid is also suitable. When choosing drops, you need to focus on the duration of the positive effect and the feeling of comfort. The frequency of instillation can vary from 2-3 times a day or more.

Special glasses

How to preserve your eyesight at the computer? Methods include wearing special computer glasses. These glasses are recommended both for people with 100% vision and for patients with myopia or farsightedness who often work at a computer. You can buy glasses for long-term computer work at an optician.

Contact lens users

Those who wear contact lenses (by the way, there are also special “computer” lenses without diopters) need to take special care of them. Always wash your hands before handling lenses, contact lenses You cannot sleep, it is undesirable to take a bath or in a swimming pool or natural bodies of water.

Contact lenses should be stored in a container. Before putting the lens into the container, it must be washed with a special solution. Water or saliva should not be used for these purposes. If there is no solution, it can be replaced at one time with saline solution, purchased in a pharmacy in an ampoule or prepared at home.

You need to replace your lenses with new ones as often as prescribed by your ophthalmologist, at least once every three months.

Nutrition for good vision

How to preserve your eyesight when working at a computer? It is necessary to enrich your diet with foods that will help prevent dry eyes and protect against diseases such as cataracts or macular degeneration. It is important to include vitamins C, A and E, B, zinc, Omega-3, fatty acid, lutein and beta-carotene. These substances are found in foods such as butter and vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables (especially those in bright orange or green colors, such as cabbage, green pea, carrots, tomatoes), berries (especially blueberries), seafood.

Prevention of visual impairment

The symptoms of computer syndrome listed above may be signs not only of eye strain, but also of various ophthalmological diseases. Then how to preserve your eyesight when working at a computer? It is necessary to undergo regular medical examinations (twice a year) in order to detect the disease in time and begin adequate treatment. This is especially important for those over forty years of age who have diabetes or hereditary predisposition to him.

To maintain normal vision, as a rule, it is enough to follow the recommendations when working at a computer and try not to abuse technology, as well as generally lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to eat right, give the body all it can physical exercise, give up bad habits as early as possible, monitor your health (especially after 40-45 years).

Ability to see clearly the world people take it for granted. But what happens when health is lost, and how can you influence it? In this article we will look at some recommendations for saving and a number of useful

What does eye health depend on?

Good vision is the key to a comfortable life without any restrictions. A person perceives 90% of information visually, and this is a powerful argument when it comes to eye care.

In order not to lose the ability to see “everything as it is,” you should follow some recommendations for maintaining good vision:

  • usage sunglasses especially solar time is a necessary component of eye hygiene. Ultraviolet light can accelerate the development of pathologies such as cataracts and premature tissue degeneration. In addition, excessive sunlight causes damage to the cornea;
  • bad habits(for example, smoking) increase the risk of damage to the cornea of ​​the eye and similar ultraviolet radiation can cause degenerative processes. People who have nicotine in their blood are not able to fully absorb all the beneficial substances, and restoration of vision becomes almost impossible;
  • giving up alcohol is the right step on the path to caring for your eyes. People who drink alcohol are susceptible to developing large amounts of alcohol leading to toxic embolism and damage to the optic nerve;

  • It is necessary to monitor your blood sugar levels. A person will have better vision when he minimizes the consumption of sweets and rich in carbohydrates food, as well as when refusing drinks that contain dyes. Fluctuations in sugar can provoke pathological changes in the lens of the eye, therefore regular examination by a specialist can prevent certain diseases;
  • You should eat foods rich in antioxidants and zinc every day. Ophthalmologists also advise including vitamins for vision in your diet. The best products of this kind are vitamins A and Omega-3 fatty acids.

The above tips will help in preventing eye defects. Recommendations for maintaining good vision are suitable for anyone, regardless of gender.

What else is needed for eye health?

In addition to a healthy lifestyle and regular examination by a specialist, a vitamin diet should be used to prevent pathologies. What does it mean?

Each human organ needs specific microelements and substances that contribute to normal development. The eyes, in turn, will benefit from vitamins for vision. The best drugs can be divided into several groups according to the nature of the impact and restorative function.

Groups of vitamins for maintaining vision

The right combination of foods consumed by a person during the day has a beneficial effect on tissue development, improves the body's defense reactions and stimulates the immune system.

Restoring vision is necessary when there is a lack of certain vitamin preparations. To avoid this, experts recommend including in your diet during the day foods that contain the following components:

  • vitamin A: can prevent multiple degenerative processes in eye tissues, and also significantly improves visual acuity;
  • vitamin C: this necessary component for almost every structure of the body, and the eyes are no exception. The presented vitamin accelerates metabolic processes, prevents fluid stagnation in the body and, therefore, increases the microcirculatory capacity of the tissues of the eyeball;
  • vitamin E: can prevent pathologies such as myopia and blurred vision;
  • Vitamin D: significantly improves performance optic nerve and slows down the aging of eye tissue.

Vitamin complex with useful microelements is the first step towards healthy eyes.

Microelements necessary for good vision

Potassium ranks first among the essential elements that are needed to maintain good vision, as well as to balance the acid-base balance.

And a microelement such as calcium creates an anti-inflammatory effect, and is also included in the cellular composition and fluid of the eye tissues.

Zinc and selenium are equally necessary for oxygenation. These microelements support the normal functioning of the eyes and structures nearby.

Set of exercises

When working at a computer for a long time or reading for a long time, your eyes need rest. Effective way The following exercises will relieve eye fatigue:

  • vigorous blinking for one minute;
  • fixation of vision now on a close object, now on a distant one;
  • turning the apple clockwise and back;
  • strong squinting of the eyes followed by relaxation.

These exercises are very useful, and their regular implementation can prevent many pathologies associated with eyeball and nerve.

Healthy foods

The rules for good vision are not complete without a list of foods that best affect eye health:

  • carrots can improve and support metabolic processes. This is due to the presence of a large amount of carotene in it;
  • spinach is very useful if any vision problems begin, as it contains lutein - a microelement necessary to prevent destruction and dehydration of the eyeball;
  • rosehip is famous high content vitamin C and is necessary for regular use;

apricot contains vitamins A, which are an integral part of good vision.

Proper diet, exercise and correct mode work will help you maintain not only your vision, but also your health and youth.

The human visual organs have been formed over centuries in the course of evolution. However, as it turns out, at the moment they are poorly adapted to the load to which we expose them every day. As a result, more than 300 million people on our planet complain about problems associated with poor eyesight. One of the reasons for this is long work at the computer, watching TV for a long time, poor nutrition and many other factors. Good vision is necessary for a person to be comfortable and full life. Therefore, try to follow our recommendations; it won’t take you much time.

One of the main reasons for the development of eye diseases in humans is prolonged viewing of television programs and series. At the same time, to maintain good vision, it is recommended to take into account following rules:

  • the distance to the screen should be 5 times its diagonal;
  • When watching TV during the day, you should close the curtains, and in the evening, turn on dim lights;
  • allow your eyes to rest every half hour - take 5-minute breaks;
  • watch TV no more than 3 hours a day.

Often, a computer is used not only for work; we also use it to communicate with friends and relatives, make purchases and organize our leisure time. Accordingly, we spend a large number of time for it, sometimes forgetting that it is harmful. To maintain eye health and good vision, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the distance from the computer screen to the eyes should be at least 30 cm;
  • the top edge of the monitor should be 10 cm below eye level;
  • blink more often or use moisturizing eye drops;
  • if you wear glasses, wear them when working at the computer;
  • take 15-minute breaks after every hour of work;
  • regularly remove dust from the surface of the monitor;
  • Do eye exercises or a simple warm-up.

Ophthalmologists recommend spending a maximum of 4 hours a day at the computer. If you have to work on it longer, install a program that will remind you of vision exercises at certain intervals (for example, every hour).

If you cannot imagine your day without a good book, you should remember that reading can cause increased stress on the visual organs. To prevent your eyes from getting tired, follow these recommendations:

  • don't read in supine position;
  • keep the book at least 30 cm away from your eyes;
  • the light on the open page should fall from above on the left side;
  • don't read when poor lighting;
  • Take a break from your book every 60 minutes and look into the distance for a few minutes.

To maintain good vision, you should choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. They will help you maintain eye health and provide them with the necessary substances for normal functioning.

Vitamin A. It is found in carrots, onions, liver, green peas, tomatoes, cottage cheese and lettuce. The antioxidant beta-carotene found in vitamin A helps maintain visual acuity. With its deficiency, hemeralopia or “night blindness” can develop.

Vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits, sauerkraut, currants and rose hips. This vitamin for vision ensures blood flow to the vessels and capillaries of the eye. In addition, it is necessary for protection against short-wave rays that are harmful to vision.

Vitamin E It is found in large quantities in creamy and vegetable oil, potatoes, nuts, spinach, cereals and legumes. It is a powerful natural antioxidant. Vitamin E helps prevent the development of age-related vision problems such as cataracts.

Lutein and zeaxanthin. These microelements are found in almost all vegetables and fruits dark green, as well as grain bread and eggs. They are also antioxidants. Lutein and zeaxanthin are essential for preventing breakdown macular spot retina and normal functioning of the visual analyzer.

Most useful species Tennis and badminton are considered sports for good eyesight. Thanks to them eye muscles They train because their eyes constantly follow the movements of the shuttlecock or ball during the game. Swimming is also effective because it helps maintain normal blood circulation in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae, and maintaining vision without this is impossible.

Use quality lighting. When starting to work at the computer or start reading, pay attention to the location of the light source. If possible, sit with your back to a window or lamp. In this case, it is recommended to use diffused light that falls from the left side.

Take breaks. It is no coincidence that recess is provided at school. The organs of vision need rest, especially during hard work. Make it a rule to take a break for at least 5 minutes every half hour.

Protect your eyes from the sun. Most people mistakenly believe that ultraviolet radiation is only dangerous in the summer. However, it is not. Eyes should be protected from sun rays throughout the year.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to see life 100%!

U ordinary person five sense organs are developed. And each of these organs is vital. And if there is some kind of disturbance in one of these organs, a person immediately experiences discomfort, and sometimes he has to adapt to a new life. And to prevent this from happening, you need to listen to your body.

Human eyes allow you to see everything around, receive information and help avoid various collisions. Many people believe that with the development of new technologies, people are damaging their eyesight more. After all, many people now spend a lot of time on computers, due to the fact that everything is now computerized.

Spending so much time in front of a screen can cause your eyes to become tired and watery. This is partly true, but this is not the only thing that affects vision deterioration. After all, even back when there were no televisions and computers, many suffered from visual impairment.

Reasons why vision deteriorates

1. Watching TV is one of the most common causes of visual impairment. Due to the fact that people have more free time and are also interested in obtaining information, they sit in front of TV screens for a long time. Such a pastime leads to poor vision.

Why is this happening:

- often sit very close in front of the TV, which leads to severe fatigue eyes;
- TV is often watched in poor lighting;
- when a person spends long time in front of the TV screen;
- continuous viewing of TV programs and films.

What should you do in this case?:

— you need to sit in front of the TV at a distance of 4-5 meters;
- during the day you need to watch TV in a dimmer light, in the evening - with a light that should be behind the viewer;
- watching TV should not exceed three hours during the day;
— while watching, you should take breaks for a few minutes so that your eyes can rest and take your mind off quick change paints

2. During computerization, many people began to switch to working on a computer. In general, many people cannot imagine their life without a computer. And often a person spends more of his day at the computer. Therefore, there is a risk of vision impairment.

Causes of visual impairment:

— the computer is at the wrong eye level;
— a person sits very close at the computer;
- continuous sitting at the monitor;
— dirty monitor screen;
- Safety glasses are not used.

Precautionary measures:

- the computer monitor should be 10 centimeters below eye level;
— you can sit at a computer monitor at a distance of at least thirty centimeters;
- it is worth taking short breaks, and also doing special exercises for eyes;
— the computer monitor must be clean;
— in the case when the doctor prescribed glasses, then you should put them on on time while sitting at the computer.

3. Often people find time to read a book in the evening, when unnatural lighting spoils their eyesight. And also, after a long day of work, the eyes are already tired, and book lovers strain them even more.

So how can reading ruin your eyesight?

— already being at home, you want to lie down and read a book in a calm atmosphere;
- hold the book close in front of their eyes;
- the direction of the light is incorrect;
- do not adhere to the rules for reading an e-book;
- continuous reading of books.

— you should read books while sitting, under no circumstances lying down;
- the book must be held at a distance of thirty centimeters;
e-book you should read only in a well-lit room;
- While reading, you need to take short breaks.

4. Poor nutrition leads to deterioration of vision, but also to the appearance of many problems throughout the body. From harmful products Toxins enter the body, which can impair the functioning of the entire body, but also vision. For good vision you need to eat well and properly.

What foods does the body need to improve or maintain vision?

1. In order for your eyesight to be sharp and never fail, you need to eat fish three times a week. Fish contains those minerals and acids, especially omega 3, that help maintain or even improve vision.

2. A busy life gives the eyes a lot of information every day, which makes them overworked. To reduce eye fatigue, you need to eat one spoonful of blueberries every day. It can be frozen, in the form of jam or fresh berries. Blueberries contain a complex of vitamins that are necessary to improve eye function. Anthocyanins, which are found in large quantities in blueberries, help relieve eye fatigue. This substance supports the functioning of capillaries, with the help of which the muscles and nerve endings nutrients get in. Blueberries also contain vitamins A and C. All these minerals and vitamins help improve the functioning of blood vessels and transfer the required amount of blood to them and reduce bad influence to the eyes from the outside.

3. The retina of the eye is very sensitive and needs proper nutrition. In order to feed it, you need to include pistachios in your diet. The minerals contained in nuts are important for humans. And nuts that contain more of those nutrients that are needed to the human body are situated in walnut and almonds. But still, almonds come first. Useful material, which are contained in almonds, help relax the eye muscles, which prevents fatigue and aging. Studies show that you need to take about 30 grams of nuts daily to saturate your body with the necessary antioxidants.

4. When a person has red eyes, and this can be due to fatigue or even under the influence of irritants, cabbage will help. Cabbage can be eaten in any form - in salads, stewed, in borscht. Cabbage contains many vitamins that will help improve or maintain vision. Especially important substance, which is contained in cabbage, is choline, it is very beneficial for vision. More interesting fact about cabbage is that sauerkraut contains more vitamin C than lemon. Vitamin C helps normalize blood circulation in the blood vessels of the eyes and relieve fatigue.

5. For sharp and good vision, you need to eat a salad with carrots several times a week, to which you add sour cream or butter. This is a must-have combination that will help in the absorption of all vitamins in the body. In order to improve vision, even in the dark, you should eat more carrots, which contain vitamin A.

6. For the lenses of the eye it is very healthy grapefruit. If you consume this citrus once a day or every other day, it will benefit not only the eyes, but the entire body. This citrus contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that prevent aging of the retina. But few people know that the very film that contains the grainy part of the grapefruit is actually useful. These films give a bitter taste, but they are what give health to the eyes.

7. You can also add juice from carrots and parsley to this list. This juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

8. Also, those who smoke urgently need to get rid of this addiction. After all, smoking increases eye pressure, which negatively affects the eyes.

9. You should use red onion in your food - it contains antioxidants that will prevent the formation of cataracts.

10. It is necessary to take a complex of vitamins that will support the body during the winter-spring period, when the body is exhausted. It is known that those who take vitamins have fewer eye problems.

11. Nowadays many women are on diets, and this can reduce glycemic index. In order to increase it, you need to include whole grains in your diet, which contain a lot of fiber and will not harm those who are on a diet.

12. To maintain good eyesight or to improve it, you need to include red beans in your diet. Beans contain a lot of minerals that have a positive effect on the eyes, and also help vitamin A get into the fiber of the eye. Vitamin A stimulates the production of pigment in the retina, which protects the eye from sunlight.

Experts recommend including daily diet all products that were listed above. All of these products will reduce the risk of eye disease and vision impairment. You should not consume only one of these products, as it will not bring the expected result. All these products are very useful and will not harm your figure, which is very important for every person.

Nowadays, many products that a person eats clog him. Waste and toxins clog the body and damage blood vessels and impair vision. In order to avoid such problems, you need to regularly cleanse your body. You need to cleanse the entire body, starting with the liver, which filters the blood. It is also necessary to cleanse the intestines, where many toxic substances accumulate. Cleansing the entire body improves the functioning of all organs and vision too.

To maintain good vision, you should spend more time in the fresh air during the day. For those who work at home or are unable to be outside, their vision is impaired due to starvation. This kind of fasting is called color or light fasting. In the summer, it is better to go without glasses, because the eyes are saturated with ultraviolet radiation and the pupils begin to narrow.

Another very important rule- get enough sleep. Everyone is familiar with the feeling when, after lack of sleep, they feel like sand in their eyes. This indicates that the eyes did not have time to rest and the surface of the eye dried out. Therefore it is important healthy sleep to maintain good vision.

Vision can decrease for a number of reasons. These reasons include both eye disease and other diseases.

The main reasons why people can lose their sight are eye diseases such as myopia or farsightedness, the formation of cataracts in the eye, glaucoma, and diabetes mellitus. In order to avoid such problems, you need to contact your ophthalmologist twice a year. If glaucoma develops in the eye after forty years, it is necessary to undergo an annual medical examination and measure eye pressure. It is also worth remembering that people who have crossed the 45-year-old barrier must control their blood sugar. Since at this age people are more susceptible to developing diabetes mellitus, which, in turn, affects vision impairment.

Another reason why vision may decline is bad habits. Smoking was mentioned above, but such habits also include drinking alcohol and drugs. Such habits negatively affect the blood vessels, which are also located in the retina. In order to maintain good vision, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and get enough sleep.

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