Having a child after 50 years. What about the risk of Down syndrome in “late” children?

Previously, in the Soviet years, women who gave birth to a child after 27 years of age were called old-timers. In our time age restrictions have moved significantly upward, so the birth of the first child after 35 years is not considered something supernatural, but still female body not unlimited. The fertility of a woman of late age begins to rapidly fade, and, in addition, the risk of having a child with birth defects increases several times. genetic abnormalities. Speaking in simple language, after 50 years, women are more likely to have disabled children.

Childbirth after 50 years can significantly affect the quality of life of a woman and her physical and emotional condition. The right to decide whether or not to give birth at this age remains with the woman or couple. Late childbirth after 50 years is a personal matter for each family; it will be difficult for the body to cope with such a load, but it still has its advantages.

The advantages of late childbirth include:

  1. The joy of motherhood. Pregnancy at this age is a thoughtful and conscious step, which means that a woman will carefully monitor her health and follow all doctors’ recommendations so that the risks of complications and harm to the child’s health are minimized.
  2. A pregnancy that goes without problems or complications brings a woman a hormonal surge, as a result of which she becomes younger and prettier.
  3. The birth of a long-awaited and desired child gives great happiness to parents; the positive emotions received can even prolong life.
  4. The birth of a baby to a couple who have not had children together can bring the spouses even closer together.
  5. According to scientific research, children whose parents decided to conceive after 50 years old grow up smarter and more talented than others.
  6. An older couple already has rich life experience and family wealth, which means that they are calmer, wiser and less likely to make mistakes in raising a child.
  7. Childbirth after 50 can renew vital energy, so the spouses will not have time to get sick and grow old.
  8. Menopause in women who gave birth in late age, passes easier, the onset of menopause is delayed, which means that the lady will remain young even longer.

Important. Do not forget that late childbirth, in addition to positive and favorable aspects, can have a negative impact on the female body, since late pregnancy is a great stress and burden for the body.

Late pregnancy has its disadvantages:

  1. One of the main disadvantages of late childbirth is the health problems that may arise during the process of bearing a child. Almost every woman by this age has some kind of chronic disease that can worsen, which means that a problem-free pregnancy will not work.
  2. Women at this age experience hormonal changes, the eggs begin to “age”, which is why the chance of the child getting chromosomal pathologies, such as Down syndrome, increases.
  3. At a later age, the likelihood ectopic pregnancy also increases. In addition, there is a risk of gestosis, weak labor, and the possibility of injury during childbirth.
  4. Premature birth or, conversely, post-term pregnancy is also typical for women at this age. Often, during pregnancy, they experience uterine hypertonicity, which results in fetal hypoxia. Typically, such pregnancies are supported with medication, which gives the woman the opportunity to carry to term and give birth at a safe period.
  5. Difficulties with breastfeeding are also common problem late birth.

Despite all the difficulties of late pregnancy, the majority of women who gave birth were able to carry and give birth to absolutely healthy children without pathologies or complications.

Doctors' opinions on late pregnancy and childbirth

Many experts note that during pregnancy, women undergo a powerful restructuring of their entire body. Such tests are not always possible for twenty-year-old girls, but there are still exceptions in which mothers at 50 can tolerate pregnancy more easily than at 20. At this age, existing problems are more likely to worsen. chronic diseases, the risk of developing diabetes increases, and hypertension also occurs.

Important. The formation of fetal bone tissue requires large reserves of calcium from the body of the expectant mother, therefore, to prevent the woman’s musculoskeletal system from suffering, the use of vitamin complexes is recommended.

According to doctors, this is only a small part of all negative consequences that late pregnancy brings: the risk of developing defects in the fetus increases, the chance of having a baby with Down syndrome or some other chromosomal pathology increases. This is why doctors recommend at this age to forget about unprotected sexual intercourse until menopause, and most doctors generally do not recommend giving birth after 50 years.

While giving birth at the age of 50 is a rare occurrence, so if a woman’s body is ready to bear a child, no one can prohibit married couple plan pregnancy. Everyone’s body is different, so the issue of conception should be approached individually.

If a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she should not rush to have an abortion. First, you need to consult with your gynecologist, and also undergo examination by a therapist and endocrinologist. If the doctor gives a conclusion that the expectant mother is healthy and her body is ready to bear a child, the baby must be saved.

Every woman who decides to have a child at a late age should know how to prepare for pregnancy. The main problem of late childbirth is the health of the expectant mother, which is why at the time of conception a woman should be as healthy as possible. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, undergo an examination of the whole body and cure all chronic diseases.
  2. Normalize weight, start exercising physical exercise, give up all bad habits.
  3. You should find a doctor who will monitor your pregnancy.
  4. Start taking vitamins, including calcium supplements.
  5. Go to balanced diet taking into account age.
  6. Maintain sleep and wake patterns.
  7. Try to avoid stress whenever possible.
  8. In order to exclude pathologies of fetal development on early stages pregnancy must go through full examination.
  9. Follow all recommendations and advice from your doctor.

Attention. Late pregnancy should be carried out under careful regular monitoring by specialists; it is necessary to take all tests on time and follow the doctor’s instructions.

If a woman is over 50 and has decided to have a baby, she should remember that the sooner she contacts a gynecologist, the better. During the entire pregnancy you will have to take necessary tests and visit the gynecologist more often. Starting from the second trimester, visits to the doctor must be made at least once every two weeks. Ultrasound and perinatal examinations must be carried out regularly - they are precautionary measures.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to maintain intimate hygiene more carefully to eliminate the risk of infection various diseases against the background of weakened immunity and age.

If the expectant mother continues to work, then it is necessary to take a longer maternity leave, you also need to shift household responsibilities to loved ones as much as possible and not overexert yourself with physical activity.

Recovery after childbirth

After the baby is born through the birth canal, it takes a certain amount of time for the cervix to close. Activity should be limited to reduce the risk of infection. After giving birth, it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 months. Childbirth after 50 years is more difficult, which means it will take more time for the body to recover.

For many women, sutures dissolve within 2-3 weeks after giving birth, and pain in the area is also possible. different parts bodies, because childbirth is huge pressure and stress for the body.

After a caesarean section, heavy physical activity is contraindicated; this is necessary so that the suture heals without complications.


Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that birth is absolutely healthy child after 50 years it is possible. But, in any case, having decided to take such a responsible step, you need to remember that there is a high risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Therefore, in order to reduce the risks of an unfavorable outcome, it is necessary to begin preparing for planning the baby in advance. Do not forget that pregnancy and childbirth at this age require careful monitoring by doctors.

Give birth at 50

A resident of Matveev Kurgan, Tatyana Fedorova, became a happy mother at fifty years old.

Our newspaper talked about Tatyana in one of the issues of Delovoy Mius, dedicated to Tatyana’s Day. A woman, who was left with a small daughter in her arms after the death of her husband, married a man who had lost his wife and also had two young sons. The Fedorovs for great life Between them they raised and raised three children. We lived to see our gray hairs and had grandchildren. And this year we learned that in the lives of even “aged” parents sometimes real miracles happen when Great love The sequel is born. We met with Tatyana and asked her to tell about this story.

This spring, my husband and I turned fifty years old. Adult children, grandchildren are growing up, old age looms ahead. And suddenly we both find out that we are having a child. We didn’t even think that such a miracle was still possible in our family.

There was a huge surprise. Imagine, my husband and I find out that I’m pregnant, I’m already 22 weeks pregnant, and it’s going to be a boy. Therefore, the decision to give birth or not was not even discussed.

The husband said: “We will have this child - special. Look, other parents wait several years for their children, and after conception - another 9 months. And God pleased us - he appointed us to wait only three months. We must really appreciate and love this gift, this grace.”

The pregnancy proceeded normally. But then the heat took its toll, and my blood pressure rose. I had to go to the hospital on the recommendation of doctors. I registered for maternity and childbirth at the clinic of the Neklinovskaya Central District Hospital, and I also registered for preservation in Pokrovsky.

So you ask, didn’t the doctors scare me with complications? No one was afraid of anything. On the contrary, they surrounded us with care and attention. My attending physician - obstetrician-gynecologist and ultrasound specialist Valery Yuryevich Olgeizer - is a real specialist in his field, especially since I was an “extraordinary” patient of his, “aged”, so to speak. Therefore, perhaps my only inconvenience: I constantly had to undergo tests, including some of the most modern studies, so that everything was definitely normal.

And in this hospital they told me: “Well, age, of course. But you’ve given birth at this age before, you’re not the first. And everyone has complications - even the youngest and healthiest. Everyone gives birth, and you will give birth!”

After the course of treatment, I was sent straight from the hospital to the Veshensky sanatorium, where my husband took me. The sanatorium is located in the beautiful Sholokhov Cossack places, where there are beautiful streets and squares, where the world-famous sculptural Gregory and Aksinya stand. Just during my stay at the sanatorium, a rally of Russian Cossacks was taking place there. It was very interesting: concerts, horse riding, exhibitions.

After returning from the sanatorium, the doctors again ordered me to go to the maternity hospital, where I was again surrounded by doctors, nurses, orderlies - all people with Capital letters who devote their whole soul to work. They called me, inquiring about my well-being, even to the sanatorium. And now the head nurse from the maternity hospital still calls me and asks how I’m doing. Very good, sympathetic people work at the maternity hospital in Neklinovka.

I was sent for examination to Rostov, to the Second regional hospital. But at that time the maternity hospital there was closed for planned prevention. And I simply had nowhere to lie down. And only Neklinovka, “aged”, took me back.

I was scheduled for 38 weeks C-section. But at the same time, I began to have severe bleeding, I lost two liters of blood in half an hour, and the operation turned out to be unscheduled. They urgently assembled a team of 12 people, led by the head of the department, Gennady Nikolaevich Tishchenko, and my attending physician, Olgeizer, who operated on me for three hours.

It could, of course, have all ended tragically, but it ended very well. And it is thanks to our doctors and their professionalism. Born on August 21, 2015 new person, a boy, 3400 weight, who was named Arseny.

Why - Arseny? On Christmastide they looked up when to give birth, and it turned out that Arseny was the most suitable name. I was still talking to him in my stomach, as if I were talking to Arseny. And he, as seen on the ultrasound, was lying in his stomach, sucking his finger and smiling.

Now he is 3 months old, I have already recovered a little, came to my senses, and today I want to say a huge thank you to the doctors of the Neklinovskaya hospital, the entire team of the operating unit, intensive care unit, maternity ward, for giving Arseny and me life. They are all great guys, thank you very much to all of them!

How did your husband react to the birth of his son? Positive, very positive! My husband was very happy, very happy! Now he is constantly “rushing” with our baby. My son is already cooing with all his might, and a few days ago he started teething. Yes, teeth! Arseny's temperature suddenly rose sharply. We got scared and called the pediatrician. And he looked and said: “The child’s gums are swollen, drooling and his teeth are starting to cut!” That’s why the temperature rose.” We bought a gel, applied it to the gums, and it felt better.

And in general, I look: what a wonderful child we have! I breastfeed him and supplement him with formula. He easily turns over on his side, grabs his fingers and also easily, without effort, rises. Plays with rattles with all his might. “Thermonuclear” child, modern! We took him to Taganrog and completely examined him. We went through all the studies, passed all the tests. The doctors took a look and said that everything was fine with us, there were no abnormalities or pathologies. And it even seems to me that he is growing and developing better than it was many years ago with my daughter.

My adult daughter I’m also very happy about my brother: he goes around and babysits. “Hamster” - he calls him. And my granddaughter wouldn’t even go to school if she were allowed to sit with Arseny. She reads her books to him, the tasks that are assigned in class. He listens and “answers”, “croaks”. The granddaughter says: “Grandma! Look, he already understands everything I’m telling him!” I answer: “Of course he understands! Look, he’ll soon speak to you in English!” So it turned out that the uncle and niece are friends, and the uncle is 8 years younger than the niece...

They say that after childbirth a woman “blooms” and becomes younger. This is true. I arrived at the hospital two months after the operation, all the nurses said: “You look very young!” I felt some kind of cheerfulness and lightness. Well, what a small child! You need to get up to him at night, and feed him, and swaddle him, and wrap him up, and bathe him. Arseny loves to swim very much. We put him on his stomach, and he kicks his legs, “swims”, and just behold, he’ll actually swim.

My husband and I had to forget about age, forget about everything. This feeling is as if I was born again. And to be close to your child, to smell him, is absolutely pleasure, satisfaction, great parental happiness. “Cooning”, looking at you, and his eyes are huge, blue, his hair is long. You look and think: “This is happiness!” - and my heart skips a beat.

Someone might say: “I’m crazy to give birth at 50 years old!” The child needs to be raised, and he’s already so old! Well, how long can you live!” And I will answer: “You don’t need to think about age. You need to think about the present day and live, truly live, for your child, and not “for yourself.” And age will recede immediately. And God will add life. In our family, even my grandmother has become younger, my mother. And she is 70 years old. She takes Arseny in her arms, nurses him, and her wrinkles are smoothed out and her hands don’t shake.

This is a very great happiness and great God's gift- a child, no matter what age he comes to the family of his parents.

And also, a child has completely different brains from his parents. You begin to perceive everything differently, much more meaningfully, and love life much more. After all, a child with “adult” parents is not because it is “necessary”, it is precisely a gift from God, the joy of the soul!

Elena Motyzheva

Pros and cons of late pregnancy and childbirth

Of course, with all the joy from upcoming motherhood, no matter at what age it happened, any woman should always be aware of the responsibility that lies with her. And always evaluate your health status and your capabilities. If there are any problems with it, it is best if the pregnancy is monitored by an experienced, good doctor. Well, and accordingly, you need to be prepared for the fact that in order to give birth to a healthy child, the expectant mother will have to become very disciplined, sacrifice a lot, including spending a lot of time in the hospital, where she will be able to receive timely help if the need arises.

Risks for mom: Miscarriage (the risk of such consequences after 30 years is 17 percent, and after 40 - already 33 percent of all pregnancies. Moreover, with age, a woman’s ability to conceive naturally decreases). Problems with the placenta (premature abruption, incorrect location, chronic placental insufficiency). Exacerbation of any chronic diseases. The risk of developing gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnancy: swelling, protein in the urine, increased blood pressure). The risk of developing diabetes in pregnancy and arterial hypertension(increased blood pressure). Bleeding and other complications during childbirth are possible, and a caesarean section is often necessary.

Risks for the baby: Possible lack of weight. Risk of hypoxia (suffocation) during childbirth. Risk premature birth. The risk of having chromosomal abnormalities.

At the same time, the main thing that a woman who decides to have a baby at “age” needs to remember is: despite all the information about the complications of late pregnancy, statistics say that the majority of women who decide to have a late pregnancy still give birth to absolutely healthy babies .

According to an article published on the Nezavisimaya Gazeta website, there are now three times more Russian mothers who gave birth to their first child between the ages of 30 and 40 than 20 years ago, and average age Only first-time mothers in Russia are approaching 30 years of age.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta also cites the results of research by Professor Wayne Cutfield from the University of Auckland, published in Daily Mail. “Scientists, based on a study of 70 men aged 46 years old, born to elderly parents, came to the conclusion that children of elderly parents have better health. It turned out that they were less likely to have diabetes mellitus, increased level cholesterol and arterial hypertension, even if they were overweight.

Researchers from Birkbeck University of London and University College London also looked at children born to women over 40 and compared them with those born to mothers in their 20s. Children, born of women over 40 years old, they turned out to be healthier. The study found that children of older mothers were 22% less likely to be injured and almost 30% less likely to be hospitalized before the age of three. The offspring of older women are also more emotionally well, since the likelihood of conflict between parents and child is much less. And speech development between the ages of three and four years is much better in children of older mothers than in young ones.”

The page was prepared by Elena Motyzheva

Can a woman get pregnant at 50? Why not! The woman’s body is so unique that it is unlikely that in the near future it will be possible to unravel all its secrets and possibilities. Surely you have heard about seemingly mythical cases when a woman became a happy mother even after fifty healthy baby? Indeed, such stories are not fiction or tales, and not even the canards of sensation-hungry journalists of the “yellow” press. Today we will once again confirm the possibility of pregnancy at 50 years old, by clearly and simply explaining facts that are complex at first glance. Ready to get enlightened? Then let's begin!

Physiology of a woman during menopause

Let's figure out why the news of pregnancy after 50 years causes such stormy and controversial reviews.

Everything in our life has its own stages and periods of development. The female body also functions according to certain laws and rules. Immediately after birth, there are about 400 thousand eggs in the girl’s body. Their number gradually decreases in direct proportion to age. Thus, by the notorious fifty years, only a thousand eggs remain, which, of course, is negligible compared to the initial supply. However, a woman still has a chance of becoming pregnant.

Throughout life cycle the eggs are ready for potential fertilization and the formation of new life. We know that the menstrual cycle, which directly depends on hormonal changes, is responsible for such processes in a woman’s body. Approximately by the age of 45-50, the hormone estrogen reduces its turnover, which leads to a decrease in ovarian function, which means that the chances of getting pregnant at 50 also decrease. A woman enters menopause or menopause. Formally, several stages of its onset can be distinguished.

The first stage is premenopause, which lasts about 4-7 years before the actual onset of menopause. During this period, the woman notes that the menstrual cycle becomes extremely irregular, the intervals between menstruation are increasingly longer, and the periods themselves are short and scanty. In addition, a woman may experience hot flashes, emotional instability, aversion to certain smells and tastes, and morning sickness. As you can see, at the age of 50, many of the manifestations of the onset of menopause can be confused with the first signs of pregnancy. In fact, it's completely different processes, the only thing they have in common is that in both the first and second cases, the indicated changes are a consequence of serious hormonal changes.

After premenopause comes menopause or menopause. Her arrival marks the complete end of menstruation. In most cases, menopause occurs after the age of 50, so pregnancy at this age is extremely rare.

After about a year, the period of menopause passes into postmenopause. It means a complete cessation of menstruation, but despite this, the ovaries can still perform their direct function.

Pregnancy during menopause: pros and cons

For pregnancy to occur, a number of mandatory factors are required:

  • estrogen production and its effect on the egg;
  • maturation of the egg in the follicles;
  • ovulation process;
  • direct fertilization of the egg.

During menopause, the chances of all these factors coming together are extremely small. Mainly due to a decrease in the synthesis of female sex hormones. However, we remember that there is still a supply of thousands of eggs and one of them may well “shoot”. It increases the possibility of pregnancy after 50 years and the confidence of many women that during menopause they can safely practice sexual intercourse without protection. Sometimes such carelessness can play a cruel joke.

That is why most gynecologists strongly recommend using contraception for another 3-5 years after the cessation of menstruation. Now you know for sure whether you can get pregnant after 50 and why it is important to continue using contraceptives.

But what to do if the birth of a new life has already occurred contrary to your wishes? Of course, this issue cannot be considered without regard to the moral and ethical side. Despite this, it is quite natural that the decision to have an abortion seems to be the most optimal, since the risks of such a pregnancy are extremely high, both for the woman herself and for the fetus.

Let's start with the fact that the most powerful changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are not always possible for a girl aged 25-27 to withstand safely, and what can we say about a woman after 50 years. All chronic diseases that lay dormant until menopause, are now beginning to actively declare themselves. The chance of developing diabetes mellitus and hypertension increases, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system worsen. It is important to remember that to build the baby’s bone tissue, sufficient calcium reserves are needed in the mother’s body, and after 50 years, the woman herself is forced to take calcium supplements. Kidney function also weakens, and the pelvic organs drop. Is it possible for normal healthy pregnancy after 50 years with such a bouquet associated factors? In 90% of cases the answer will be “no”.

This is only a small part of all the troubles that can accompany such a late pregnancy. However, in addition to the risks to maternal health, there is a very high pathological development and the little one himself. Imagine how many negative influence a woman has received from the outside throughout her life: stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, diseases of various etiologies. Naturally, all this affects the quality of eggs and not in the most better side. For this and a number of other reasons, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome and other general developmental disorders increases greatly.

And one more “against” the birth of a baby by women over fifty is the banal impossibility of fully raising and raising their child. It’s sad, but life expectancy in our country is very low. If a woman becomes pregnant and becomes a mother at age 50, she most likely will not live long enough to see her adult child. This is very sad, but, unfortunately, this is the truth of life.

How to determine pregnancy after 50 years?

At the very beginning of our article, we mentioned that the signs interesting situation after fifty years it is extremely difficult to distinguish from the manifestations of menopause. Yes, the most common symptoms of pregnancy are quite similar to the onset of menopause. Especially if we are talking about its early onset, which is most often due to genetic predisposition. Early menopause is also influenced by a long history of smoking, frequent and sometimes chronic stress, diseases of the female genital area with an emphasis on hormonal disorders. Thus, if you are active sex life During menopause, listen carefully to your body. You should be wary:

  • morning sickness;
  • absence of menstruation for a long time;
  • changes in taste preferences and intolerance to a number of aromas;
  • emotional lability;
  • swelling, sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • irritability, high fatigue;
  • sleep disorders.

You may be experiencing all the signs of pregnancy after age 50. By the way, available and accurate tests to determine pregnancy at such an adult age are completely uninformative. By by and large, due to the incredible variability of hormonal levels during menopause. This means that there is only one conclusion - you need to urgently go to see a gynecologist. Only he will be able to understand the current situation and establish or deny the fact of pregnancy. To be fair, we note that doctors do not always detect pregnancy in women after 50 years of age. They diagnose tumors, neoplasms, send for a biopsy, and only when the fetus begins to actively grow does everything become obvious.

Therefore, most doctors strongly recommend forgetting about unprotected sexual intercourse, even during menopause, and at the same time, they categorically do not recommend giving birth to women after fifty years of age. Deciding to terminate a pregnancy, especially after 50 years, when life values ​​are much deeper and broader than at 20 years old, is incredibly difficult. Therefore, dear women, be wise and prudent. Love is beautiful at any age, but only when it is safe.

In this article:

IN modern world More and more traditionally male responsibilities are being shifted onto women: receiving good education, providing for yourself and loved ones, building a successful career. Wanting to keep up with the accelerated pace of life, women are forced to forget about their natural mission: to give birth and raise children. The birth of a child is tirelessly postponed until later. “Later,” as a rule, comes after 40, 45, or even after 50 years. If earlier late births were considered nonsense, now expectant mothers of “over” age visit maternity hospitals no less often than young girls.

Is this right or wrong? Isn’t a woman postponing the opportunity to become a mother until late date, against nature? Are there any risks when giving birth after 40, 45 or after 50 years? Neither doctors nor psychologists have yet come to a definite answer. Let's figure out why.

Is it possible - will there be a burden?

As you know, the body does not get younger over the years: after 40 years, chronic diseases worsen, out of nowhere, new ones appear - the body feels unwell. What if pregnancy occurs? While expecting a child, a woman may experience worsening diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and musculoskeletal system. Often ladies of “Balzac’s age” suffer diabetes mellitus. Carrying a child to term with such a set of problems is quite difficult!..

Experiences very serious overloads during pregnancy musculoskeletal system. Average resident large city leads a passive lifestyle - that's a fact. Yes, many people visit fitness clubs, but more to gain aesthetic effect than for the actual healing of the body. Exercising on simulators brings little benefit to the joints and spine, which is why diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthrosis, lordosis, scoliosis and pelvic deformation have long become companions of modern man.

From the cardiovascular system main problem of the present time has become hypertension. This scourge has long ceased to be a disease of pensioners. Increasingly, it affects women and middle-aged men.

Hypertension has a strong negative impact on pregnancy, it is the root cause of provoking gestosis and late toxicosis. Vascular spasms, poor blood microcirculation leads to deterioration of oxygen metabolism, decreased intake nutrients through the placenta to the fetus - the development of the embryo may be delayed. Also, in women over 40 years of age, blood clotting noticeably increases, which leads to umbilical cord thrombosis, causes placental insufficiency, which leads to fetal hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation or even fetal death^; increased coagulability blood in 25% of cases is the cause of miscarriage and premature birth.

Folk wisdom

Of course, it is impossible to equate a woman of 45 or 50 years old with the category of sick old women! Especially now, when the standard of medicine and life has increased significantly! Ecology and stress do not add to our health, but hypertension is also no longer a terrible problem during pregnancy and childbirth.

As for pregnancy and its effect on the female body, Western doctors believe that in terms of health, a pregnant woman at 45 and 50, or one who has recently given birth, can be compared with a young girl, and all because the period of pregnancy and childbirth has a healing effect on the female body! Cholesterol levels are reduced, the risk of stroke is reduced, problems with genitourinary system, menopause occurs later, and menopause is easier.

Remember that saying about 45 and a berry? In fact, this is not a joke: a woman remains young as long as she can give birth to a child, and the female body is genetically predisposed to preserve reproductive function up to 45, and in fact, up to 50 years. To say that only older pregnant women experience worsening kidney problems, crumbling teeth due to lack of calcium, varicose veins and hair loss (which is generally natural process for pregnant women) is simply funny. Such " side effects» accompany ladies preparing for motherhood at any age. Whether at 50 or 18, pregnancy can have complications.

Some doctors believe that after 35, and even more so after 45 or 50, it is more difficult for a woman to become pregnant and give birth - the reproductive system ages: eggs, unlike sperm, are not able to renew themselves, ovarian function is inhibited, the uterus becomes less susceptible to hormones, menstrual cycles are disrupted cycle, ovulation does not occur regularly. However, if everything were really so sad, then these statistics would not exist: over the past 5 years, the number of cases of births of babies by women 40-50 years old has doubled.

"Young" mother is really young

While some doctors are skeptical about late childbirth, others not only do not see anything terrible in it, but also consider childbirth at this age to be beneficial.

For example, Galina Fillipova (Rector of the Institute of Perinatal Psychology) believes that childbirth in adulthood gives an additional 15 years of life to parents, prolonging their psychological youth, as they gain a goal in life - to educate and then put their child on his feet.

Returning to health, it is worth noting that, despite sound arguments about accumulated problems, during pregnancy the body is mobilized, all systems begin to work with a vengeance, thereby compensating for their weaknesses.

In addition to health improvement during pregnancy and after childbirth, rejuvenation occurs due to the same hormonal changes. The placenta, which is formed by the second month of pregnancy, begins to produce a large number of hormones: estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, placental lactogen (similar to growth hormone) and others. Hormones have an excellent effect: cortisol helps a pregnant woman to be calmer, less nervous, and adapt to everything new faster^; removes estrogen excess water from the body, relieves swelling^; progesterone improves metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and joints, and generally strengthens the immune system. A lady at 50 will look 15 years younger!

Mom is young again, but not stupid

Such a pun can be made to describe a mother after 40-45 years. It is believed that pregnancy has a detrimental effect on the female brain, they say, a woman becomes stupid, becomes forgetful, and can only carry on a conversation about childbirth and raising a child.

In fact, it's not like that. Yes, during pregnancy, hormones can make a woman more emotional. But such behavioral outbursts do not affect thinking. On the contrary, according to scientists from the United States, late pregnancy and late childbirth push the female brain to develop. A pregnant woman thinks much more intuitively, sees problems more broadly, in connection with the development creative thinking, often its solutions have a non-standard approach.

Postpartum depression...

Often after childbirth a woman develops postpartum depression. However, this has nothing to do with age, since the occurrence of a depressed state after childbirth is associated with a predisposition: frequent depression of a woman (and it does not matter whether she is 45 or 25), stress during pregnancy, bright pronounced PMS. After childbirth, such a reaction occurs in every 10, and it is caused primarily by physiological and hormonal changes in the body, fatigue and a dramatically changed lifestyle with the birth of a child.

Psychologists believe that such a mental reaction after childbirth is associated with the young mother’s unpreparedness for motherhood and incomplete acceptance of the child. In this case, mature women after 40-45 years even have advantages: as a rule, they approach pregnancy consciously when they are older; a child is always desired^; Such mothers approach all issues related to childbirth and raising a child much more responsibly.

Doctors say: ideally, the first birth should be between 20 and 25 years old, and psychological age comes just closer to 40. Many young girls give birth to a child while still being children themselves (in figuratively) - that's how it's supposed to be. And women after 40, 45, and even closer to 50 are a priori psychologically ready to raise a child.
In general, late births even benefit from this point of view.


However, it is wrong to say that childbirth at 20 and 50 is absolutely the same. This is wrong. Pregnancy and childbirth in adulthood, of course, are accompanied by certain risks, which include:

  1. Frequent pathologies of pregnancy (if pregnant women under 30 need medical care due to gestosis in 10% of cases, then after 40 every 7 people turn to doctors with such a problem);
  2. Frequent cases of premature pregnancy (pregnancy up to 38 weeks) or post-term pregnancy (pregnancy more than 40 weeks);
  3. Exacerbation of diabetes, proliferation of uterine fibroids (noted in 20% of cases late pregnancies), the latter can greatly interfere with the flow of nutrients to the fetus;
  4. Increased likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome (statistics are that in mothers under 30, such a fetal malformation is diagnosed in 1 case out of 1000, and in women over 45 in 1 out of 10);
  5. Weak labor activity, inability to natural childbirth(often women who decide to give birth to a child around 40–50 years old have to undergo a caesarean section due to poor tissue elasticity and severe divergence of the pelvic bones);
  6. High probability of ruptures in late labor birth canal(with age, tissue elasticity decreases).
    True, considering modern level medicine, all these problems can be solved.

To avoid problems...

In order for pregnancy to proceed safely and childbirth to be successful at any age, it is necessary to be observed by doctors, and also to carry out timely necessary examinations.

To timely determine intrauterine developmental defects, it is necessary to conduct the following studies:

  1. Ultrasound at 11 and 18 weeks - it is at these times that the presence of Down syndrome in the fetus is determined;
  2. Fetometry, or a method of determining the size of a fetus by ultrasound;
  3. Dopplerography, a mandatory study that allows you to check the sufficiency of the funds supplied to the child in the womb, to determine whether he is experiencing hypoxia; carried out in two modes: duplex and triplex (has a color image);
  4. The triple test is one of the most important screening studies; consists of analyzing the level of three hormones: alpha-fetoprotein, hCG and estriol. It is carried out at approximately 16 weeks and allows us to determine the presence of Down syndrome in the fetus in 60% of cases, and neural tube pathology in 80% of cases.

Sometimes the triple test results are not enough, or the test showed positive result. Then the pregnant woman may be prescribed amniocentesis, or a test of amniotic fluid and cordocentesis, or a test of fetal blood taken from the placenta. Such studies are quite dangerous, but if a child is suspected of having Down syndrome, the risk is completely justified.
Of course, giving birth at 40, 45 or 50 years old imposes additional responsibilities on women: under no circumstances should you avoid visiting doctors!

Late children, what are they like?

Late parents take a much calmer, more responsible and wiser approach to raising their children - this is not discussed, but skeptics even find disadvantages in this!

For example, pediatrician Barry Walters believes that giving birth to a child after 40 is nothing more than female selfishness. His arguments, let’s say, are interesting: they say that if a lady gives birth at 40, 45 or 50 years old, then she condemns her baby in advance to take care of her sick aging mother. And all because by this age she acquires a bunch of sores and will also pass them on to her child...

But scientists from University College and Birkbeck College in London, in the course of research, found that children born of late births are much smarter, more savvy than their peers, get sick less often (contrary to the words of a world-famous pediatrician), and adapt and socialize more easily. The most talented among the subjects were also among children born to mothers after 40 years of age.

Scientists attribute this to the fact that mothers after 40 are much better prepared for their role: they are calmer, more balanced, less impulsive, but more attentive to their children, do a lot with them and devote themselves entirely to caring for them.

To give birth or not to give birth? That is the question!

Of course, give birth! And at 40, and at 45, and at least at 50 years old, if a woman is healthy or at least relatively healthy, and takes care of herself, feels strength and vital energy, and also has a great desire to give life, educate and put a new one on her feet little man, then there is nothing wrong with late childbirth!

In order for late labor to occur without complications, you need to:

  1. Monitor your health: walk more often, eat right, engage in passive sports, such as yoga or swimming, do gymnastics for pregnant women (that is, physically actively prepare for childbirth), eliminate stress and always be in touch with your doctor;
  2. Complete the necessary examinations on time, do not refuse tests for fetal chromosomal disorders and others. various pathologies- many problems can be solved through intrauterine treatment;
  3. Don't give up inpatient treatment if any complications arise;
  4. Charge yourself with positivity, don’t be afraid of childbirth, don’t pay attention to those who react negatively and endlessly love your unborn child!

Video about late childbirth in the program “Let Them Talk”

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