Pink discharge in early pregnancy. How dangerous is pink discharge during pregnancy? Causes and consequences of pink discharge during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes various changes. Still would! A new life is born in it! And in order for it to develop normally, the production of a special hormone, progesterone, is activated, which naturally affects the functioning of the entire body as a whole. This can manifest itself in various symptoms - irritability, tearfulness and even changes in taste habits. But more often, against the background of hormonal and psycho-emotional changes, women notice pink discharge during pregnancy.

In most cases, they are completely natural and do not require any treatment. But we should not forget that their occurrence is also typical for various diseases that can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, when discharge appears, you must definitely visit a doctor, undergo an examination and make sure that nothing threatens you and your future child.

General information

Pregnancy is a wonderful period of life for every woman. As a rule, when it occurs, menstruation stops and occurs only after childbirth. Therefore, the appearance of discharge is perceived by the expectant mother as a threat to her child. But is it? To understand this, it is necessary to understand how the birth of a new life occurs in the female body.

There are certain phases in the menstrual cycle that are accompanied by certain processes in the body. So, during the onset of ovulation (it occurs approximately on days 12–16 of the cycle), the dominant follicle located on the surface of the ovary reaches its peak of maturation and an egg is released from it, which immediately penetrates into the abdominal cavity. Here the cell “meets” the sperm, is fertilized and passes into the fallopian tube, through which it continues its movement towards the uterus.

Under the influence of progesterone, the walls of the uterus become loose, so that the fertilized egg penetrates into the organ without any obstacles, where its implantation begins. And since the walls of the uterus are penetrated by small capillaries, during the transport of the egg they are damaged, as a result of which a small amount of blood enters the vaginal mucus and the discharge changes its character after conception.

As a rule, this process occurs completely painlessly for the expectant mother. However, in addition to the fact that she may notice discharge, she also experiences swelling of the mammary glands and unpleasant painful sensations when touching the nipples. Such changes also occur against the background of hormonal changes and allow the body to prepare for the upcoming lactation.

For the same reason, psycho-emotional disorders occur. A woman loses her resistance to stress, worries about trifles, becomes depressed, etc. And this can also provoke a change in the nature of the vaginal secretion and its color. Therefore, many women, even at 9 weeks of pregnancy, begin to secrete pink mucus.

And taking into account all of the above, we can say that spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is a completely natural process. But there is a fine line between physiological and pathological conditions that are important to be aware of.

So, discharge in the absence of pathological processes:

  • They come in small quantities.
  • They have a light shade.
  • Does not release unpleasant aroma.
  • Not accompanied by painful sensations.

If a woman becomes pregnant and notices that the discharge has begun to intensify and acquire a rich scarlet or darkish tint, it is imperative to visit a doctor as quickly as possible. Such vaginal secretion often indicates the development of pathological conditions that require immediate treatment.

Other reasons

Discharge at the beginning of pregnancy (approximately in the fourth or fifth week) can also signal the development of pathological conditions. More often in the first trimester, the appearance of such discharge indicates placental abruption and can cause spontaneous miscarriage.

Important! If you begin to notice discharge, which is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, immediately visit a doctor. If the process of placental abruption is confirmed by ultrasound, you will need urgent hospitalization to maintain the pregnancy.

Often women notice their periods, or rather, at the moment when they should begin. In this case, their appearance is caused by a decline in the production of progesterone in the body and partial rejection of the upper epithelium of the uterus. And if the appearance of light pink discharge is not accompanied by pain and the tone of the organ is preserved, there is no need to worry about this.

It should be noted that doctors qualify discharge before menstruation as the first sign of pregnancy. As a rule, they occur during the period of delayed menstruation and by the thirteenth week they almost completely stop. If this does not happen, you must tell your doctor everything, since discharge at 10–14 weeks may also indicate the presence of bleeding microcracks in the vagina.

Important! The danger of microcracks is not that they can bleed, but that they are small wounds that are an excellent “home” for various bacteria and infections. And if they are not eliminated, a bacterial infection may subsequently develop, the treatment of which involves taking antibacterial drugs. And their use during pregnancy is undesirable, as they negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Mucous discharge can also occur as a result of mechanical damage to the vaginal walls during a gynecological examination. As a rule, such mucus is secreted for no more than 2 days. If a pregnant woman continues to smear from the vagina on the 3rd and 4th day after visiting the gynecologist, then you should go to the doctor again and report it.

It is worth noting that vaginal secretions may turn pinkish in color due to an increase in the content of red blood cells in it. The reason for this is the same microtrauma of the vagina, hormonal fluctuations and inflammatory processes affecting the uterus. In the latter case, women may also experience discharge on the 20th day of the cycle, when the body is preparing for menstruation.

It must be said that vaginal secretion that occurs against the background of inflammation of the uterus is dangerous, as it can cause premature birth. Therefore, this cannot be ignored.

Symptoms such as nagging pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and a slight increase in body temperature help to suspect that the discharge appears against the background of inflammation.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the most dangerous for a woman, since it is during this period that immunity decreases and the risk of developing infectious diseases increases. And this can also cause vaginal secretion. A distinctive feature of infectious discharge is the presence of a specific odor and the appearance of irritation in the intimate area.

The 11th week of pregnancy is also often accompanied by an exacerbation of chronic thrush. And the reason for this is a decrease in the body’s defenses. And this disease is manifested not only by the appearance of curdled discharge, but also by the occurrence of severe itching in the vagina, as well as hyperemia of the labia. You can recognize thrush by the smell of the discharge - as it develops, it becomes sour.

But it should be noted that not only the 11th week is accompanied by an exacerbation of thrush. Often women notice curd discharge even at 40 weeks.

As a rule, thrush begins to worsen at approximately 36–38 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it manifests itself simply as discharge similar to cottage cheese. But as it develops, it begins to greatly irritate the vaginal mucosa, which is completely penetrated by small capillaries. Naturally, they become damaged, resulting in discharge.

Important! Unfortunately, thrush cannot be completely cured. Therefore, if its exacerbation occurred in the second month of pregnancy or before childbirth (at 36–38 weeks), only symptomatic therapy is carried out to help suppress the growth of fungi in the vagina. If treatment is not carried out, the risk of infection of the child during childbirth increases several times.

Discharge in the second and third trimester may also appear as a result of coagulated blood clots. The reason for this is often hematomas located in the birth canal.

When the nature of vaginal secretion changes, it is necessary to accurately identify the reason why this happens. After all, if the provocateurs of the discharge are pathologies, then it is necessary to immediately undergo a course of treatment. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Before birth

As already mentioned, discharge is the main sign of the onset of gestation. But what can vaginal secretions indicate at 35 weeks and later? At this time, it most often signals the release of the mucous plug that formed in the cervical canal immediately after conception.

The removal of the plug can be observed several weeks before the birth, and it also happens that it comes out in just a day. And after its complete departure, labor begins almost immediately, so in this case you cannot delay. You need to go to the maternity hospital immediately.

If the secreted vaginal secretion has acquired a bloody tint, you should immediately call an ambulance. Their appearance indicates the opening of bleeding and requires urgent medical intervention.

Those women who carry a child to term may notice brownish discharge, which indicates the rejection of dead placental cells. She is already “old” and is not able to perform her functions. Therefore, if labor does not occur on time and a woman develops dark vaginal discharge, she must be urgently hospitalized and measures taken to stimulate labor.

To summarize, it should be said that the occurrence of discharge can occur for both physiological and pathological reasons. Therefore, there is no need to panic ahead of time. To make sure there are no diseases, you just need to visit a doctor and take all the necessary tests. If they confirm a threat to pregnancy, treatment should under no circumstances be postponed.

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences serious hormonal and psychological changes. Sometimes pregnant women observe symptoms that are uncharacteristic of the usual condition and begin to worry about it. One of these symptoms is the presence of pinkish discharge during pregnancy. Discharge can be of different shades - brown, scarlet, pink, white, colorless - and have a different reason for its appearance.

In this article we will try to consider the most frequently encountered questions. Is it dangerous? What is the cause of these symptoms? What do we have to do?

Don't panic prematurely. Pale pink discharge during pregnancy does not always indicate the presence of any pathology. Hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, as a result of which an increase in the release of certain hormones is observed. They change the structure of the pelvic organs, making their walls more loose and susceptible to damage.

The presence of a developing fetus increases blood supply to the pelvic organs. Therefore, any microcracks in the mucous membrane of the vagina or uterus can change the color of the discharge. Depending on the content of red blood cells in the discharge, their color also changes.

As a rule, light pink discharge during pregnancy does not pose any danger and indicates a small amount of blood in the mucus. This is a normal physiological process that indicates a restructuring of a woman’s body. In this way, preparation for prolonged gestation occurs.

However, more intense coloration of the secretion may indicate serious pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman. In cases where the discharge becomes more abundant, intense and its color becomes darker, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. In such cases, the risk increases sharply. Or this indicates severe infectious processes that have arisen in the female body. There is a risk of developing oncological processes, for example. In any case, if symptoms that bother you occur, you should immediately contact a medical facility.


What are the causes of these symptoms?

  • Light pink discharge may occur due to the presence of a microcrack in the mucous membrane of the birth canal.
  • Pink discharge during pregnancy is caused by a slightly larger number of red blood cells in the mucus.
  • Brown discharge during pregnancy indicates the presence of coagulated blood clots, which the body itself gradually gets rid of. This may be a hematoma located in the cavity of the birth canal.
  • Sometimes the causes of discharge can be injuries. A visit to a specialist may cause a small amount of secretion. It occurs due to the traumatic impact that occurs as a result of taking a smear. The damaged vaginal mucosa bleeds; subsequently, this blood gets into the mucus taken for analysis.
  • Sexual intercourse can provoke bleeding due to the same damaging effects.
  • Light discharge may appear in the background.
  • Infectious processes are the most common cause of unpleasant discharge.

Pink discharge in the early stages

If pregnancy occurs at the moment when your period should have arrived, specific discharge appears. Pink discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with insufficient amounts of the hormone. This is observed in approximately a ninth of all pregnant women - the frequency of occurrence of such a symptom.

Pink discharge from the uterus

A lack of the hormone progesterone triggers the mechanism of partial rejection of the upper epithelium of the uterus - the endometrium. A similar thing occurs when menstruation occurs. The difference is that in the second case, endometrial detachment occurs completely, and during pregnancy this process is partial. If there is no pain in the lower abdomen and the tone of the uterus is preserved, then there is no need to worry about such discharge. However, it is still worth contacting a specialist.

Some doctors classify pale discharge as a sign of a successful pregnancy. As a rule, they appear against the background of an ongoing delay in the menstrual cycle. Such discharge no longer occurs at 9 weeks of pregnancy. To confirm conception, it is necessary to conduct a test, a positive result of which is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge with a pinkish tint may appear as a result of the formation of a hematoma and detachment of the ovum. Such a symptom carries a high risk of miscarriage and requires immediate medical attention.

A woman experiences abdominal pain, often of a girdling nature, malaise, weakness, fainting, frequent dizziness, and the spots turn scarlet. These symptoms may indicate development, possibly with the presence of rupture of the fallopian tubes. In this state, every minute has a high degree of importance. Possible consequences for a woman’s body depend on the speed of medical care. Therefore, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Late discharge

The presence of different shades of discharge, from and until the end of pregnancy (including the period of childbirth), in all cases indicates the presence of severe pathological processes. Normally they shouldn't exist. Even pinkish discharge in a small volume may indicate the processes of placental abruption.

White-pink discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse during pregnancy indicates the possible presence of erosive lesions of the cervix.

What symptoms indicate late miscarriage?

  • Discharge of clear or faint pink mucus.
  • Sharp, unbearable pain that is observed in the lower abdomen. Often it extends to the lumbar region.
  • Elevated.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, numbness in the pubic area.

The same symptoms may indicate. In any case, you need to consult a doctor.

Discharge before childbirth

The presence of pink discharge before childbirth is most often a variant of the norm. There is such a thing as . This is a lump of mucus that closes the cervical canal throughout pregnancy. Before birth, it becomes soft, decreases in size and moves away. The mucus plug can have a different color range, but most often it is pink, sometimes brown.

From 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, pink discharge is stretchy, thick mucus, which indicates the imminent onset of labor. As a rule, another week passes, after which contractions begin. Thus, this kind of discharge should not scare you. If you notice such a secret, then tell your doctor who you are seeing about it. Most likely, he will tell you to prepare for childbirth.

It’s another matter when the discharge has brighter colors and is highly intense. A similar secretion can be released during placental abruption, which we discussed above. In this case, call an ambulance without delay.

White-pink discharge

White-pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy may be of a nature. It occurs as a result of the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. In this case, the epithelial layer of the organ, the endometrium, is damaged. Bleeding occurs, which determines the color of the secreted mucus. As a rule, such discharge is characterized by a dirty pink or cream color, a one-time occurrence, and lasts about several hours. After them, a delay in menstruation occurs, which indicates the beginning of pregnancy.

What to do?

The first thing to do is call an ambulance. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. You only need highly qualified assistance, which can only be provided in a medical institution. You can take a painkiller to ease the woman's condition. And remember, you cannot ignore the symptoms you observe. You should immediately contact a gynecologist who will advise you on all sorts of issues.

Use panty liners with a surface made of cotton or plain white fabric. This will help you control the discharge itself and differentiate between certain conditions, the symptoms of which you already know.

Pink discharge during pregnancy is a common physiological process that occurs in the body of the expectant mother due to hormonal changes. Constant monitoring of secretions is a fundamental measure to prevent the development of pathology. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to changes in the body of a pregnant woman and immediately talk about them to the leading gynecologist. This will help you save both your own life and the life of your child.

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The first obvious sign of an interesting situation is a delay in menstruation. However, in some cases, a woman may confuse pink discharge during pregnancy with scanty periods. Such discharge may appear in later stages. But unusual discharge is not always a cause for concern. Let's take a closer look at why such a symptom may appear during pregnancy, whether you should worry about this in each case, and when medical help is needed.

Causes of pink discharge

Doctors say that in 98.5% of cases, such a symptom does not affect the course of pregnancy in any way, is not a threat to the mother or baby, and does not interfere with bearing and giving birth to a healthy heir. This is a fairly common occurrence, but it wouldn’t hurt to be extra careful while expecting a baby. It is better to visit a gynecologist if you are worried.

Pale pink discharge during pregnancy (especially in the early stages) can be due to various reasons. Among them it is worth listing:

  • active blood circulation in the genital area;
  • increased sensitivity of the female genital organs;
  • conducting a gynecological examination;
  • implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus;
  • use of a vaginal sensor for ultrasound;
  • active sexual intercourse (not only during pregnancy);
  • detachment of small areas of the placenta;
  • cervical cancer;
  • frozen or ectopic pregnancy, other pathologies;
  • discharge on the days of expected menstruation (hormonal in nature);
  • threat of spontaneous abortion, miscarriage;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • presence of infection, active inflammatory process.

Not all pink discharge during pregnancy is dangerous, but in some cases this condition threatens miscarriage. That is why a pregnant woman needs to monitor her condition and, in case of the slightest concern, consult a doctor.

Atypical discharge in the first trimester

Most often, pale pink discharge appears in the early stages of pregnancy. In most cases, this does not pose a threat to either mother or baby. In the first trimester, the causes of this symptom may be:

  1. Imbalance of microflora in thrush. With candidiasis, the mucous membrane becomes fragile, small vessels may burst. A small amount of blood mixed with natural secretions is the cause of concern.
  2. STI. Hidden venereological diseases during the restructuring of the body associated with pregnancy can enter the active stage.
  3. Mechanical damage. As a rule, it happens during active sexual intercourse. It goes away on its own, but in some cases the gynecologist may prescribe an antiseptic. This cause of atypical discharge mixed with blood is typical not only in the early stages of pregnancy, but also during the entire period of gestation, as well as without pregnancy.
  4. Polyp. The doctor will prescribe antimicrobial therapy, but if it is determined that the formation is malignant, surgical removal of the tumor before delivery may be indicated.
  5. Insufficient amount of progesterone. This problem occurs in approximately 1/9 of pregnant women. In this case, so-called conservation therapy is prescribed. Sometimes a woman may be advised to lie down in order to be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

If pink discharge appears during pregnancy, the gynecologist will do a PAP test and take microflora. It is possible to perform an ultrasound in the early stages with a vaginal sensor.

Discharge as a sign of successful conception

Light pink discharge during pregnancy may be its first sign, by which some women determine their interesting position even before the delay. Discharge may accompany the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus. Implantation bleeding continues for a couple of hours, rarely it lasts for several days. The color of spotting is usually pink or red, but not saturated. This bleeding begins about a week before the expected period, on the sixth to twelfth day after fertilization. Implantation bleeding occurs in approximately 20-30% of women. This does not pose any danger; moreover, some doctors consider pink discharge as a sign of a healthy and successful pregnancy.

Menstrual-like discharge

Sometimes implantation bleeding coincides with menstruation, but in some cases, women during pregnancy notice pink discharge during their supposed period, which is even more confusing. Scanty periods can be a sign of an interesting situation. Such pale brown discharge appears during pregnancy for hormonal reasons. Old tissue or stagnant blood that remained in the uterus during previous critical days comes out. The consistency of such secretions is viscous, there is a small amount of them, the color is usually brown, brownish-pink. If your periods are not going as usual (the color of the discharge has changed, the amount of discharge has changed), then this is a serious reason to do a test.

As a sign of ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a pathology that threatens with serious consequences for the female body. It is very important to identify this condition in the early stages, which is where knowledge about discharge during VD will help. The first symptoms of the pathology are also toxicosis, loss of consciousness and dizziness, low blood pressure, weak pulse, pale skin, pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg. As for discharge, it can be of a different nature. It all depends on the VB pit and the stage of embryo development. Pink discharge may appear during early pregnancy, having a spotting nature. In advanced cases, bleeding may occur (including internal bleeding, in which blood enters the abdominal cavity). If there is at least one symptom, a woman must contact a gynecologist for an examination and ultrasound. In addition, it is worth knowing that with VD, symptoms may not be very pronounced or even be absent. For this reason, it is important to visit a gynecologist immediately after two lines appear on the test.

Brown discharge with a pinkish tint

Brown color discharge may appear with complete or partial detachment. This syndrome carries a very high risk of spontaneous abortion and requires medical attention. During detachment, the woman experiences weakness, abdominal pain, fainting and dizziness. The discharge usually becomes bright and profuse. The symptoms are similar in many ways to an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, every minute is important, so you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Discharge in the last trimester

Pale pink discharge during pregnancy from the second trimester until its end, as a rule, is unfavorable and indicates the presence of pathology. Normally, there should not be any vaginal discharge that has an unusual color (opaque). The appearance of blood most likely indicates a late miscarriage. Other symptoms of spontaneous abortion are:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • color highlighting;
  • unbearable pain in the lower abdomen that spreads to the lower back;
  • numbness of the pubic area;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

The same may indicate premature birth. In both cases, urgent help is needed.

Atypical discharge before delivery

Pink discharge during late pregnancy is a variant of the norm if it appears immediately before childbirth. This may indicate the release of a plug - a lump of mucus that has been closing the cervical canal for the entire period. The cork is usually pink, but sometimes it is brown. There is usually about a week between the plug coming out and giving birth. If the discharge has a bright color and differs in intensity, it is necessary to call an ambulance. This condition can cause placental abruption.

Discharge as a sign of disease

Based on the discharge, you can guess the presence of certain diseases and problems in the intimate area. If pink discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, this may indicate the presence of vaginosis, a gynecological disease in which the normal microflora of the vagina is disrupted. With watery discharge, we can talk about endometriosis, and if pink and white discharge appears, then it could be thrush. Only a gynecologist can accurately determine the cause of pink discharge after pregnancy, in a woman with or without pregnancy, and prescribe effective treatment.

When should you consult a doctor?

Such symptoms should never be ignored. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, who constantly monitors the pregnant woman. The ambulance team must be called immediately in the following cases:

  • the discharge is bright red;
  • bleeding began, there was copious discharge;
  • there were sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • The pulse decreased significantly, blood pressure dropped;
  • fainting, dizziness, numbness of the pubic area.

Pale pink discharge without pregnancy

Discharge that is light pink in color may appear without pregnancy. In this case, the reasons for their appearance may be:

  1. Mechanical damage during a gynecological examination or active sexual contact. Sometimes discharge can occur after intense training, gymnastics, active masturbation, horseback riding or cycling. This indicates microdamage to the mucous membrane.
  2. The presence of any gynecological diseases. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by other symptoms (for example, dryness, itching or burning in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen). If you have alarming symptoms, you should urgently visit a gynecologist.
  3. Ovulation is sometimes accompanied by pale pink discharge. The symptom is also typical when the hormonal balance is shifted, appears against the background of hormonal birth control pills, in case of an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear, medications or hygiene products.

Pathology should be suspected if there is prolonged menstruation, a bursting feeling in the lower abdomen, discharge of whitish fluid from the urethra, painful sensations, excessive or unusual discharge.

If you have pink discharge, could you be pregnant? Yes, it could be implantation bleeding or menstrual-like bleeding. It is worth taking a test if you have recently had unprotected sexual intercourse or made any mistakes in using contraception.

If a woman has once noticed atypical discharge on her underwear or has a history of miscarriage, doctors recommend using panty liners with a cotton or white fabric surface. This will help control discharge and distinguish between certain conditions, as well as seek medical help in time if any threat arises.

So, pink (pink-brown) discharge during pregnancy can appear both normally and in pathology. The specific case depends on many other factors, including the presence or absence of any associated symptoms and the intensity of the discharge. In any case, it is advisable to visit your gynecologist.

Everything changes with the onset of the best period in every woman’s life - pregnancy. The state of the soul changes, a trembling feeling of anticipation for the birth of a real miracle appears. Of course, the physical condition of a woman also changes.

Often such changes are very unusual - many of them can not only surprise the expectant mother, but also frighten her. This, of course, includes unexpected pink discharge that appears for no reason.

However, there is no need to panic: in the first trimester, this is a common occurrence in pregnant women. And 80% of women with such symptoms carry their miracle to term completely safely.

Such discharge may appear due to the sensitivity of the internal genital organs and their active blood supply, for example, after an ultrasound with a vaginal probe or a gynecologist using a speculum for examination, or even after making love. Such pinkish discharge can also cause minor placental abruptions, when blood accumulates under them and is then released out. In addition, pink discharge is a signal that the fertilized egg is implanting into the wall of the uterus.

There may be slight discharge on those days when the woman had her period before pregnancy. This is hormonal in nature, and therefore completely harmless. Often such discharge is also accompanied by lingering pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region - it breaks slightly - exactly.

In all of the above cases, pink discharge most likely will not cause any trouble. They will disappear quickly, except perhaps by staining your underwear a little.

You should be concerned if the discharge has become so abundant that the pad has to be changed hourly. Such a symptom most likely indicates a serious threat of miscarriage, and therefore you just need to urgently visit your doctor. There may also be a sexually transmitted infection - then it’s worth doing a smear. If the discharge is dark pinkish and even with a brown tint, consult a doctor immediately. signals clotted blood, which the body gradually gets rid of. Often the reason for this is a small one. A doctor will help you cope with it: most likely, he will prescribe hormonal medications.

Most women experience pink discharge during pregnancy. They are explained by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. Of course, it is not at all necessary to see a doctor if there are no apparent reasons for this, but it is still better to be safe than to treat your pregnancy negligently.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

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