The oldest dog in the world. How long do dogs live? Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds Long-living dogs

A dog almost always becomes an almost full-fledged member of the family. And the owners in this case are always interested in the life expectancy of the dogs. After all, losing a pet, for whom you become the center of the Universe, is very painful. Today we’ll talk about how long animals live and what their life expectancy depends on.

Choosing a puppy

If you decide to have a dog in your home, then choose not a puppy, but a breeder. Remember that babies are funny and affectionate, but not everyone is able to boast good health. But precisely from this factor depends on how long the dog will be your most loyal friend.

A properly selected diet also plays a big role. Quality feed having balanced composition, will add a couple of years of happy life to your pet.

It is not only the individual who must lead. The dog is no exception in this regard. Long walks and good nutrition increase the lifespan of your pet. Veterinary examinations will help prevent the development of many fatal diseases for the animal.

What is the life expectancy of a homeless mongrel?

Street dogs, unfortunately, die before reaching old age. Many factors contribute to this. And this, first of all, is poor nutrition, since animals obtain food by rummaging in garbage containers.

homeless dog all year round is under open air regardless of the time of year, and this also does not add health to the dog.

Dogs leading a street lifestyle get sick very often. Especially many animals die due to plague infection. This dangerous disease, which is the cause of death of many, are vaccinated against it.

A stray dog, as a rule, or it would be more correct to say, is a mixed breed obtained from crossing various breeds. And the average number of years lived by a mestizo depends on the breed of his parents.

Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

When choosing a future furry family member, you need to remember that appearance is not the most important thing. Purebred dogs, having an appearance closest to natural anatomy, live longer than their externally non-standard relatives.

But there are exceptions to all rules. So, Chuhuahua babies are real long-livers. Their life expectancy reaches 15 years. Of course, it all depends on the owner and the conditions he creates for the dog.

A dog of the Akina Inu breed (the role of Hachiko was played by a dog of this particular breed) will delight the owner from 10 to 14 years.

Miniature toy terriers, which girls love to dress beautifully and carry with them everywhere, like a beautiful handbag, can live up to 15 years. But with proper care and good heredity, they sometimes set records, living up to 25 years.

Purebred husky dogs remain in excellent health even at 14 years of age. physical fitness, and can live for a full quarter of a century. But boxers have quite short life- only 10 years.

Note to future owners

When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to the breeds that are closest to natural look. So, a flat muzzle, huge eyes or crooked paws will add unusualness to the animal, but will shorten its life.

Life expectancy can also depend on such little things as eye color. Dogs with beautiful blue eyes They may turn out to be completely deaf, and during a walk the dog will not be able to hear a car approaching him. The result is death.

How to extend the life of your pet

The lifespan of dogs depends primarily on the animal's diet. It is necessary to feed the dog correctly, and for this it is necessary to take into account the weight, age, and also the rhythm of his life.

As for the feed itself ( natural food and dry food), then you need to consult a veterinarian. If this is not possible, then we must remember that abrupt transition from one type of feed to another is unacceptable.

Sweets, fatty and fried foods are completely prohibited for dogs.

Long walks will also help extend the life of dogs. After all, movement is life. In addition, the animal will always be in good shape.

For a dog, the family in which it lives automatically becomes its pack. It is important that the animal does not feel like an outcast. Let your pet take part in your life: play with it, take it with you on vacation. Psychological condition the animal also plays no less important role than good nutrition.

And, of course, a loving owner needs to monitor the health of his pet. The dog must be taken for preventive examinations veterinary clinic, get vaccinations, etc.

Remember that representatives of large breeds already become real old people by the age of 7-8 years. But even at this age they love you no less than when they were puppies. Therefore, be just as attentive to them.

In general, you just need to love an animal - and then it will live a long and happy life.

Dogs, unfortunately, live much less than their owners.

When we take a small puppy into our home, we understand that after about 10-12 years we will have to part with our friend forever.

10-12 years is a very average figure. In practice, the life expectancy of domestic dogs ranges from 8 to 18, and sometimes 20 (!) years.

Plays a big role in increasing the life expectancy of a dog. proper feeding and care, as well as the breed of your pet.
Some dog breeds are considered real long-livers in the dog world, that is, with other equal conditions a lapdog, for example, will live longer than, say, a Dogue de Bordeaux.

If you have not yet decided on a dog breed, and really want your future pet to live with you as long as possible, we recommend choosing the following dog breeds.

Large or Royal Poodle

Dogs of this breed live on average 15-17 years. Poodle is different good health, relatively unpretentious and very convenient for keeping in a city apartment, because it does not shed at all.

Bolonki (French, Maltese, Russian color)

The coat of lapdogs requires regular care, but even a novice dog breeder can handle it.


These crumbs, despite their fragility, are also distinguished by their longevity. At proper care Chihuahuas can live 15-17 years. But care must be really correct - Chihuahuas are quite demanding in feeding, prone to digestive problems and allergic reactions.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkie, which is very popular today, can also be classified as a long-living dog. It is not uncommon for people to live comfortably up to 12-15 years in perfect health.

But this is not a very simple breed. Firstly, caring for your Yorkie's coat will require a lot of time and money from you. And secondly, Yorkies, for all their decorativeness, still remain terriers with all that it entails: they are active, energetic, very temperamental dogs, which require walking and training.

Miniature Pinscher

Another baby who can please his owners for at least 13-15 years.
Quite easy to maintain, but only in an apartment. They can be incredibly stubborn, so you should pay attention to your pet's training.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Staffs live on average up to 12-14 years. But they cannot be called problem-free from the point of view of health and maintenance. Staffordshires are quite often predisposed to being confident and a strong character These dogs require a firm hand when training.

We have listed dog breeds, the number of long-livers among which is greater than among other breeds. But that doesn't mean that French Bulldog or German Shepherd cannot live for 15 years - a lot depends on you, their owners.

Every owner can do the following: healthy eating, correct mode feeding, regular physical and mental exercise. And, of course, your love and care.

The illness of a beloved dog always brings frustration and many problems. In order not to suffer along with your pet, it is better to initially choose a healthy breed that will have as few reasons as possible to visit the veterinarian. Who to get, and how to check if the dog is healthy? We will talk about this in the article.

The lifespan of dogs is several times less than that of humans. But it is difficult for the owner to come to terms with the death of a pet, whom he himself raised. To ensure that the sad moment of farewell comes as late as possible, it is worth asking about life expectancy different breeds and choose a potential long-liver.

Which ones are in good health?

A healthy dog ​​is, first of all, a dog that is well looked after and cared for, fed healthy food, regularly take him for walks and to the veterinarian. But heredity is also important: there are breeds that, according to veterinarians, rarely get sick and do not have congenital pathologies.

Which dogs get sick the least?

Important: According to statistics, the best health will be in a breed from the primitive group - that is, those in the process of formation of which man practically did not interfere.

When looking for a healthy pet, you should not chase beauty and a fantastic pedigree; it is better to prefer an active and happy life with your pet.

There is no specific classification of dog breeds with the best health. But, thanks to the observations of veterinarians, it is possible to identify breeds that have longer duration life and are less likely to have health problems. Who is one of them?


Small for apartment

Which small dogs in good health are least likely to get sick?

Bichon Frize

This small white and fluffy cloud weighing 5 kg boasts not only a charming appearance, but also excellent health. With proper care, a dog of this breed can live up to 25 years, which is considered incredible longevity among dogs!

A bit overgrown :)

A Bichon Frize would also work well inexperienced owners, she is affectionate and playful. The animal will take root in the apartment, but will need to be walked with a lot. The main challenge associated with the Bichon Frize is caring for its thick white coat - it needs to be brushed, washed and trimmed regularly.

Shih Tzu or miniature lion

A tiny creature with funny hair growing on its face, making the dog look like a chrysanthemum. This breed was once very popular at the courts of Chinese emperors, but today the Shih Tzu will decorate any apartment.

A small animal can live up to 14 years, while rarely suffering from disease. The exceptions are skin diseases. To prevent this, you need to regularly care for your dog's coat.

When getting a Shih Tzu, it is important to know that this is a very sociable and sociable breed. She will suffer from lack of attention.

Miniature Schnauzer

A restless and funny animal, the tiniest (up to 30 cm in height) in the schnauzer family. This breed is ideal for a family with a baby - schnauzers love children, do not shed and are easy to train. Plus, they are healthy and can live up to 12-14 years, so early death the pet will not be a trauma for the child.

There is one thing: Schnauzers love to eat (almost as much as children), so if you overfed the dog, it will suffer from pancreatitis.


Looking at this tiny, intelligent dog with long hair, it is difficult to imagine that it was once used to hunt rats. However, this is true - in Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece Maltese was bred in order to protect her home from rodents.

Like other ancient breeds, the Maltese has excellent health and can live 15-18 years. True, all these 18 years the owner will have to tirelessly care for the pet’s fur, making sure that it is white and silky. In addition, Maltese are quite capricious and do not like children, so when getting a lapdog, you should think a hundred times.

Yorkshire Terrier

Good news for lovers of these smart and cute dogs: an animal of this breed lives 14-16 years, and with careful care - even longer. This breed was also used in the past for hunting rats, but today the Yorkie is more likely to take a nap on his lap than to actively run and play.

Yorkies hardly shed, are considered hypoallergenic and are easy to litter train, making them ideal apartment pets. At the same time Yorkshire Terrier very curious and requires constant attention from the owner.


This miniature dog also made the list, because she can easily live to be 18 years old. It is widely believed that Chihuahuas have poor health, but this is not entirely true. It’s just that the homeland of these kids is sultry Mexico, where it’s warm all the time. It is not surprising that dogs do not tolerate cold well and catch colds easily.

If you dress your pet according to the weather and make sure that he doesn’t freeze in the apartment, then you won’t have to expect any other health problems. In addition to good health, the Chihuahua has high intelligence. So in a sense it's - perfect pet, albeit the smallest among dogs.

Continental Toy Spaniel or Papillon

Small and very beautiful dog, which lives about 15 years. In the past, it mainly lived at the courts of French kings, but today it can easily take root in every apartment. The animal is different excellent health(although there may be problems with tartar) and activity, and is also one of the ten most intelligent companion dogs.

By the way, Papillon translated from French means “butterfly” - this name was given to the breed for its beauty and long luxurious ears.

Average with good health


The dream dog of almost every child – as it turned out, is also a long-liver. Miniature toy poodle will live 12-14 years, but a large one will delight with its presence for at least 15. Poodles are very smart (in the ranking of the most smart breeds, compiled by Dr. Stanley Coren, they take second place), have good health and the ability to adapt to almost any climate.

Poodles are unpretentious in terms of nutrition, but you need to pay attention to the fat content of food: The liver of this breed is a vulnerable spot.

This charming and funny “sausage” lives 12-14 years, during which time he hardly visits the veterinarian. The only reason the dachshund's health is weakening can be the owner himself: if the dog is not trained or fed correctly.

In the first case, there is a risk of damaging the spine and intervertebral discs(danger of paralysis), and in the second - get an obese dog. Full taxes are a common problem, but when proper diet and active walks everything will be fine.

Australian Cattle Dog or Blue Heeler

Representatives of this breed stand out for their unusual color and perky disposition. The Blue Heeler is energetic and active dog, who until her death (at 13-14 years old) will remain cheerful and fast.

It's just space!

The breed does have excellent health, but in middle age it can develop hip dysplasia and retinal atrophy. The Australian Cattle Dog is valued for its affectionate disposition and devotion to its owner, which makes it an indispensable companion.

A very nice and inquisitive medium-sized dog, which may seem too active and noisy to some. But, if the beagle matches its owner in character, then there is no need to worry: they are not in danger of imminent separation.

Beagles live 14-15 years and do not complain of illness. The only caveat: A dog of this breed loves to eat, but you should not fatten it. Overweight will not add health.

Shiba (shiba)-inu

Popular Japanese dog, famous for her bright red color, courage and intelligence. Lives 16-18 years, unpretentious in nutrition. Serious genetic abnormalities The Shiba does not, it is an almost completely healthy breed.

In addition, individuals of this breed age late and remain active and cheerful for a long time. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the independent character of the Shiba Inu: You cannot dominate such an animal. Instead, you will need to gain the dog's respect, negotiate and compromise.

The big ones that get sick the least

This is an ancient, rare and difficult breed to maintain, which to some extent ensured its good health. Not everyone will decide to get a Central Asian Shepherd, but having decided to take such a step, they will carefully take care of the pet, which allows them to preserve an excellent gene pool.

In addition, Alabai are not the result of artificial selection, they are an indigenous breed. The Central Asian Shepherd lives up to 15 years. However, this is a difficult animal, prone to aggression and dominance over its owner.

To build a normal relationship with an Alabai, it will take time, patience and experience, so you should not get this breed solely because of longevity.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Another low-maintenance giant with naturally excellent health. A shepherd dog of this breed (by the way, one of the oldest) will live about 12-14 years and will guard its owner until his last days. Caucasians are unpretentious in food and care, but will require considerable skill in terms of training.

And like all large breeds, they can suffer from dysplasia elbow joint. To prevent this disease from undermining the dog’s otherwise good health, you need to visit the veterinarian regularly.

Yes, this one is extremely popular in Lately The breed is also included in the list of long-livers! Husky, like its northern relative the husky, can live up to 13 years without special problems. This is not surprising: the climate in the North is harsh and to endure it calmly, you will need excellent health.

The husky has a great one digestive system.However natural strength this animal can be damaged by improper care: with a husky you will need to walk a lot, play so that he has somewhere to throw out his activity, and make sure that the pet does not suffer from the heat.


Another one of ancient breeds, a greyhound dog native to the Middle East. The Arabs considered the Saluki or Persian greyhound to be a gift from Allah. Indeed, this is an unassuming and very affectionate animal that will delight its owner for about 15 years.

Salukis were bred as a result natural selection, which rewarded them with excellent health - this large breed even suffers from hip dysplasia less often than others.

The animal often looks very thin, even emaciated, but this is a normal condition. Thanks to this build, the Saluki can reach enormous speeds (up to 69 km/h), so this breed will need long walks.

When bringing them into the house, it is worth considering that this hunting dog, and will not get along with any other living creature, not even a cat - sooner or later it will end in tragedy.


Another one of the oldest centenarians, this time from Africa, with more than 5,000 years of history. The breed had to follow their owners across the unkind African continent, and as a result they developed excellent health.

Dogs of this breed live up to 16 years, are distinguished by stupid energy, excellent appetite and rarely visit the veterinarian.

Basenjis have other advantages: for their natural silence they are called the “African non-barking dog.” It's also a breed.

The healthiest in the world

It is difficult to say unequivocally which breed can boast of the best health. Most veterinarians believe that this is terriers, and of any variety. This belief was formed on the basis that terriers rarely get sick, and when they do get sick, they recover relatively easily.

If a dog does everything preventive vaccinations, then health problems may not occur - none at all. Impressive and average duration life of terriers: about 18 years!

There is another belief according to which the healthiest dog in the world is basset hound. This breed with long beautiful ears, with proper care and good nutrition may even outlive the terrier, living up to 20 years.

But such long-livers are rare among basset dogs, and their usual life expectancy is up to 15 years. However, the Basset Hound can be a great dog because he is friendly, good with children, and loves to play. Among the disadvantages of the breed are constant drooling and a love of howling, especially when the beloved owner is not around.

How do you know if you are healthy?

And yet, even the healthiest breed can get sick. In this case, the animal’s recovery will no longer depend on genetics, but on the competent actions of its owner and a timely visit to the veterinarian. In order for everything to be okay with the dog, you need to track the disease on early stage. How can you tell if your pet is healthy or sick? To do this, you need to look for these 10 signs:

  1. Wet cold nose. This is the first indicator of your pet's health. Sometimes it's unpleasant when a dog pokes you in the palm of your hand wet nose, but this should make you happy, because it means that everything is fine with her. But if the nose is dry and hot, this at least signals that the animal is dehydrated.
  2. Eyes. They must be clean, free of smudges, and clear. Ideally, the dog's owner can see his reflection in the dog's eyes. If they do, it’s time to sound the alarm.
  3. . Clean, without black lumps of sulfur and unpleasant odor Ears are the key to your pet’s health. An unpleasant odor may indicate not only improper care, but also about nutrition problems.
  4. Oral mucosa. In a healthy dog ​​it is pale pink, but in a sick dog it can be yellow, white or even blue.
  5. The smell and condition of the coat. Almost every dog ​​smells like a dog and that's normal. But this indicates problems. A healthy dog's coat should be shiny and not fall out or become excessively tangled.
  6. Temperature. The norm is from 38 to 39.2 degrees.
  7. Breath. The norm is up to 20 exhalations per minute. This indicator may increase in hot weather or after active physical activity. But in general, if a dog is breathing heavily and unevenly, he is most likely in pain and needs help.
  8. Mood. If the animal is lethargic, reluctant to walk, is capricious and refuses to follow commands, it is most likely a health issue. Sick dogs may show aggression that is unusual for them, so if a usually affectionate dog begins to snap, this is a reason to immediately visit a veterinarian.
  9. Appetite. U healthy dog he is always excellent, refusal to eat is a sign of serious problems.
  10. Urination and bowel movements. In healthy dogs, these processes occur painlessly and regularly.

You can tell if a dog is healthy by first glance at the pet. If he is active, affectionate, with shiny fur and sparkling eyes- everything is in order, and the owner can praise himself for the excellent care of the animal!

How to choose?

So how to choose healthy dog? Many pet health problems can be identified at the stage of choosing a puppy. A wise choice will save a lot of nerves, effort and money. So, if your goal is not to constantly visit the veterinarian, then you will have to work a little and not spontaneously and thoughtlessly take the first animal you come across. Instead you need:

  1. Do not pick up a puppy from your own hands, from an unverified breeder or from a poultry market.. In this case, the chances of finding out what breed your pet really is, and how the health of its parents were, are zero. The first step to a healthy pet is to buy it from a nursery or a good breeder. If the seller is nervous, refuses to show documents, offers to carry out the transaction quickly and is not interested in what conditions the dog will live in, there is no need to buy a puppy.
  2. Find out about the health of the puppy’s parents, what illnesses they had, what type of mating it was, and whether they are close relatives. Puppies from the first mating are rarely healthy, the same applies to an already elderly and exhausted bitch. Taking a pet from a mating between relatives is definitely a bad idea; it may develop a genetic disease.
  3. Meet the puppy's mother. It is clear that immediately after giving birth she will not look good, but she is too exhausted and nervous dog should be alarming.
  4. Look at the puppy itself. A healthy puppy looks plump, its fur shines and smells of milk. He is trusting and active, and can often crawl up and start sniffing his future owner. You can gently stroke the baby. If he's not scared, everything's fine.
  5. Check the eyes, ears, nose - there should be no purulent or mucous discharge. You should not be disdainful and look under the tail - if there are areas stuck together from feces, a very unpleasant smell - then something is wrong. Belly healthy puppy pink, without rashes or scratches.



So, choosing a healthy dog ​​is not difficult. To do this you need:

  1. Choose a suitable breed for yourself from the list of healthy ones. Terriers and basset dogs live the longest, but in general, if a dog was not bred through artificial selection, then it will most likely be healthy.
  2. Be careful when purchasing a puppy: take it from a trusted place and check if everything is in good health at the acquisition stage.

It is worth remembering that any dog ​​needs care, attention and regular checks from a veterinarian. In this case, your pet will reach old age without any problems!

How is your dog's health? If everything is fine, your nose is wet, and your pet is affectionate, then brag about his photo and tips on how to care for the animal in the comments. And be healthy!

Despite the fact that the lifespan of our pets, unfortunately, is much shorter than that of humans, some dogs manage to live to very “advanced” years. The latest record recorded in the Guinness Book of twenty-six years and eight months belongs to Pusuke, a pet from Japan (1985 - 2011). The period is not so long by human standards, but for a dog it is so long life- rarity. Most of the other pets included in the Guinness Book lived about 20 - 25 years; the absolute record - twenty-nine years and five months - belongs to the Australian cattle dog Bluey, born in 1910 and died in 1939. Which dogs are famous for their longevity, and is there a relationship between lifespan, breed, nutrition and living conditions?

Record holders are exceptions to the rules

As for Pusuke, he was not purebred, although he had an admixture of Shiba Inu blood, and also did not receive any special care - and yet until his last days he could boast good condition health. At the age of 23, Pusuke was hit by a car and suffered serious injury, however, he was able to fully recover from it and live for another three years - the only cause of his death was old age. Despite the fact that there is no “official” and generally accepted method for correlating the ages of a person and a dog, the approximate age of Pusuke, according to human calculations, was 125 years, according to the calculations of Japanese dog handlers, or 182 years (if we count “a year in seven”, as is customary in Russia).

In the Guinness Book of Records, the list of longest-living dogs includes Labradors, dachshunds, poodles, several mongrel dogs, border collie, greyhound, terrier and even shih tzu. As for Bluey, his breed - the Australian Cattle Dog, also known as the Australian Heeler - was awarded separate study. However, the assumption that longevity is a property of this breed has not been confirmed. On average, Australian Heelers live about 13.5 years - not short, but not that long.

Factors influencing life expectancy

The question of which dog breeds live the longest worries all dog breeders, and especially beginners. Those who are just planning to get a dog sometimes try to choose a pet from among potential long-livers - and scientists, dog handlers and just dog lovers collect statistics and draw conclusions.

Based on a number of studies, it can be stated with reasonable confidence that, on average, representatives of small and medium-sized breeds (poodles, lapdogs) live longer than large dogs(12-17 years old versus 6 - 12). Breeds with a long muzzle live longer than brachycephalic dogs (such as pugs, sharpeis, boxers). Gender also matters: on average, females (especially those who have been spayed and have never given birth to puppies) live slightly longer than males. Mixed breed dogs often live longer than purebred dogs because they do not have the inherited health problems associated with a particular breed. Some breeds are also included in various “risk groups”: for example, Bernese Mountain Dogs are more susceptible than others oncological diseases.

However, even taking into account all these factors, there is and cannot be any guarantee as to how long a particular dog will live. Therefore, all that remains is to simply choose a pet to your liking, properly care for it - and enjoy every day spent with your four-legged friend.

Ekaterina 04.05.2013

How often when we get a dog, we don’t think about how long it can live, but our pet’s life is so fleeting. For most, the death of their dog means the loss of a beloved family member who was a source of love and joy. For many of us, such an animal was the only source of support, remaining a stable basis and hope in our lives full of many changes and stresses.

Unfortunately, dogs, our beloved pets, live much shorter lives than we humans do. Their death brings real grief to our family, which is hard to come to terms with. The lifespan of a dog depends not only on what breed it belongs to, but also on how it is treated, in what conditions it is kept, how often it walks and naturally what it eats.

Our four-legged friends grow quite quickly. We don’t have time to notice how a small puppy grows into adult dog, to which maturity comes over time, lasting several years. And then comes old age, which we did not expect at all and did not expect that it would come so quickly.

Here we cannot change anything, but we are able to make our life four-legged pet happier and longer lasting. And for this we have to take care of them from the very first day, when little puppy will only appear in our house.

It is worth noting that at the age of 3-5 years dogs reach full development. During this period, the development of the body is completed, and the animal reaches its peak of energy. Around the age of 7-8 years, the dog gradually begins to age. If these are large breed dogs and guard dogs, they become less active and show less zeal for service. Decorative dogs They begin to appreciate peace and quiet, trying to sleep more, and may look for warmer and more comfortable places.

One of the important and even main conditions for a dog’s life expectancy is its safety. This mainly concerns the conditions of keeping her at home and walking. Care should be taken to ensure that no dangerous, harmful objects or medications are within the reach of the animal, especially a small puppy.

Teach your pet everything necessary commands, preventing accidents, especially when walking on the street. From puppyhood, make sure that the dog does not pick up food from the ground, teach it discipline. In crowded places and areas with heavy traffic, try to keep your dog on a leash.

Try to vaccinate your pet on time and have your pet examined by a veterinarian, clean his body of helminths from time to time, and make sure that there are no fleas and ticks in his fur. Keep an eye on his teeth to prevent other diseases. As the animal ages, introduce it into the animal’s diet. nutritional supplements, vitamins, and, if necessary, medications, preventing joint diseases.

The dog must have natural balanced diet. Under no circumstances should she eat from your table. In any case, her diet should always include vegetables and grains. In addition, your pet should always have fresh water - this is very important!

Don’t forget that dogs need active walks just like air. fresh air: she should run around as much as she can, especially for animals living in apartments, and here it doesn’t matter what kind of dog it is - big or small. Movement is life! And this is especially true when it comes to the health and longevity of the animal.

But the most important thing for a dog is communication, since the animal suffers greatly if it is not given proper attention. In order to live long, a dog must always feel your care and love. However, do not forget that the life expectancy of a dog largely depends on its breed and size.

So let's talk about how long a dog can live depending on its breed.

Dogs of small and decorative breeds can live up to 14 years without much effort, but a 10-year-old dog large breed can be considered long-lived. In addition, even among dogs of the same breed, life expectancy can vary. According to the stories of veterinarians, in their practice they often encountered dogs of medium and small breeds who lived to be 18 years old, and sometimes even 20 years old.

According to statistics, the fewest live Dogue de Bordeaux– average life expectancy is 5.2 years. Irish wolfhounds, bloodhounds, bull terriers and bulldogs live a little longer - from 6 to 7 years. Boxers, King Charles Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, and others can live from 9 to 11.5 years. english cocker spaniels, english setters, Scottish Setters, Bobtails, Elder Terriers, etc.

But Afghan hounds, basset hounds, beagles, border collies, border terriers, chow chows, and Tibetan terriers can live from 12 to 13.5 years or more. If you want your pet to please you, try to choose a dog of a medium-sized or decorative breed for as long as possible. However, always remember that your pet's lifespan depends on you and how you care for it. And his health in old age largely depends on the kind of life he lived in his youth.

Breed Average life expectancy (years)
Bullmastiff 8,6
Rhodesian Ridgeback 9,1
Deerhound 9,5
Flat coated retriever 9,5
Weimaraner 10
Norfolk Terrier 10
King Charles Spaniel 10,1
King Charles Spaniel 10,7
English Setter 11,2
Scottish Setter 11,3
Welsh Springer Spaniel 11,5
Bobtail 11,8
Scottish Terrier 12
American Staffordshire Terrier 12,3
Bearded Collie 12,3

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