The most precious thing is a Russian folk tale. The most expensive. Russian folktale

Russian folk tale "The Most Dearest"

Genre: folk fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale “The Most Dearest” and their characteristics

  1. Old man. Hard-working, smart, confident, determined.
  2. Old woman. Reasonable, judicious, powerful.
  3. Forest grandfather, goblin. Kind, nature defender.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale “The Most Dearest”
  1. Old man and old woman
  2. Broken inventory.
  3. Into the forest behind a tree
  4. The devil's request
  5. An Old Man's Reflections
  6. Money
  7. Herd of cows
  8. A thousand chickens
  9. Serviceable inventory
  10. Happy life
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “The Most Dearest” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. There lived an old man and an old woman who worked all their lives.
  2. The old woman's spinning wheel broke, and the grandfather's knife broke, and the grandfather went into the forest behind a tree.
  3. The goblin asked not to cut down the tree, and promised to fulfill the old man’s wishes.
  4. The old man offered to ask for money, cows, chickens, but the old woman refused.
  5. The old man asked that the spinning wheel and knife not break, and that his hands would not hurt.
  6. So the old man and the old woman work and live happily.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Most Dearest”
Happiness is not in wealth, but in harmony.

What does the fairy tale “The Most Dearest” teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to be hardworking, rely only on your own strengths, and try to achieve everything yourself. Teaches you to live a simple life, not to dream about the impossible. Teaches the delights of family life, teaches love and respect for each other. Teaches not to destroy forests, to protect nature.

Review of the fairy tale “The Most Dearest”
I liked this fairy tale, in which old people understand that excess wealth only brings troubles and worries, but what they do with their own hands brings peace and happiness. And the most important thing in our life is happiness. When there is a person nearby who understands and supports you.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The most precious thing"
Don't rejoice if you find it, don't cry if you lose it.
To whom happiness serves, he does not worry about anything.
In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the way.
Family harmony is the most valuable thing.
Happiness is no wonder there, where people do not work lazily.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale “The Most Dearest”
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman in a dilapidated hut. The old man wove willow baskets, the old woman wove flax, and that’s how they fed.
And then one day the old man’s knife handle broke, and the old woman’s spinning wheel broke, and the old man decided to go into the forest to cut down a tree for a handle and a spinning wheel.
An old man came to the forest, picked up a good tree, just to cut it down, and then the forest grandfather came out, covered in cones and pine needles. And the grandfather of the forest asks the old man not to cut down the tree, but in return he promises to fulfill his wish.
The old man agreed and went to the old woman for advice.
He asks the old woman if he can ask the devil for money. And the old woman replies that they don’t need money, they have nowhere to store it, and they’re afraid.
Then the old man asks if he can ask for a herd of cows and sheep. And the old woman replies that they cannot manage the herd - and so there is a cow, and six sheep.
Then the old man asks if he can ask for a thousand chickens. And the old woman says that they don’t need so many chickens, they don’t live in a poultry farm.
And then the old man realized what to ask the devil. I went into the forest and asked the forest grandfather to ensure that the spinning wheel never breaks, that the knife is always sharp, and that my hands never hurt.
Since then, the old man weaves baskets, and the old woman weaves flax, and they live happily.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Most Dearest"

The most precious thing is a fairy tale about an old man and an old woman, who, out of all the gifts offered, chose the opportunity to work and earn their own living...

The most expensive thing to read

Once upon a time there lived an old man and his old woman in an old hut. The old man cuts willow twigs, weaves baskets, and the old woman weaves flax. That's what they feed on.

Here they sit and work:

Oh, grandfather, it’s become difficult for us to work: my spinning wheel is broken!

Yes, yes, and look, the handle of my knife is cracked and can barely hold on.

Go into the forest, old man, cut down a tree, we’ll make a new spinning wheel and a handle for a knife.

And that’s right, I’ll go.

The old man went into the forest. He spotted a good tree. He just swung his ax, and the Forest Grandfather comes out of the thicket. He is dressed in shaggy branches, has fir cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, a gray mustache hangs to the ground, his eyes glow with green lights.

“Don’t touch,” he says, “my trees: after all, they are all alive, they also want to live.” It’s better to ask me what you need, I’ll give you everything.

The old man was surprised and delighted. I went home to consult with the old woman. They sat down next to each other on a bench in front of the hut.
The old man asks:

Well, old woman, what are we going to ask the Forest Grandfather? Do you want us to ask for a lot, a lot of money? He will give.

What do we need, old man? We have nowhere to hide them. No, old man, we don't need money!

Well, do you want us to ask for a large, large herd of cows and sheep?

What do we need, old man? We won't be able to cope with him. We have a cow - it gives milk, we have six sheep - they give wool. What more do we need? No need!

Or maybe, old woman, we’ll ask the Forest Grandfather for a thousand chickens?

What did you come up with, old man? What are we going to feed them? What are we going to do with them? We have three crested hens, we have Petya the cockerel - that’s enough for us.

The old man and the old woman thought and thought, but they couldn’t come up with anything: they had everything they needed, and what they didn’t have, they could always earn money with their own efforts. The old man stood up from the bench and said:

I, the old woman, figured out what to ask the Forest Grandfather!

He went into the forest. And towards him is the Forest Grandfather, dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, a gray mustache hanging to the ground, his eyes shining with green lights.

Well, little man, have you thought of what you want?

“I thought of it,” the old man says. - Make sure that our spinning wheel and knife never break and that our hands are always healthy. Then we will earn everything we need for ourselves.

“Be it your way,” the Forest Grandfather answers.

And the old man and the old woman have lived and lived ever since. The old man cuts willow twigs, weaves baskets, the old woman spins wool, knits mittens.

That's what they feed on.

And they live well, happily!

(Illustrated by G. Koptelova)

Published by: Mishka 26.10.2017 18:06 10.04.2018

(4,67 /5 - 15 ratings)

Read 2798 times

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Behind the spruce forest. under the cheerful sun in a small village there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man was cutting willow twigs. he wove baskets, the old woman spun wool, knitted stockings and mittens.

One day a misfortune happened: the old woman’s spinning wheel broke, and the knife with which the old man cut the rods had a cracked handle. So the old woman says:
- Go, grandfather, to the forest, cut down a tree. Let's make a new spinning wheel and a handle for the knife.

“Okay, grandma, I’ll go,” the old man answered.
I got ready and went into the forest.
An old man comes to the forest. I chose a suitable tree. But as soon as he swung the ax, he froze in place: fathers, who is this?!

Forest Grandfather emerges from the thicket. It was Grandfather dressed in shaggy branches, spruce cones in his hair, pine cones in his beard, a gray mustache hanging to the ground, his eyes shining with green lights.
“Don’t touch my trees, old man,” says the Forest Grandfather, “after all, they are all alive, they also want to live.” Better ask me what you need, I’ll give you everything.

Our old man was surprised. Doesn't know what to say. but did not argue. He thought and said:
- Okay, just wait, I have to go home and consult with the old woman.
“Okay,” answers the Forest Grandfather, “go, get some advice, and come back to this place tomorrow.”

- Why did you go into the forest, old man? You didn’t even cut down a tree?
And the old man laughs:
- Don't be angry, grandma! Let's go to the hut. Listen to what happened to me!

They entered the hut, sat down on a bench, the old man began to tell how the Forest Grandfather came out to him from the thicket and what happened next.
“Now we’ll think about what we’ll ask the Forest Grandfather,” the old man says. - Do you want, grandma, to ask him for a lot, a lot of money? He will give. He is a forest owner, he knows all the treasures buried in the forest.

- What are you doing, old man! Why do we need lots and lots of money? We have nowhere to hide them. And we will be afraid that thieves will steal them away at night. No, grandfather, we don’t need other people’s money. We have enough of our own.
“Well, do you want,” the old man says, “let’s ask for a large, large herd of cows and sheep?” We will graze them in the meadow.

- Come to your senses, grandfather! What good do we need a big, big herd? We won't be able to deal with him. After all, we have a little cow, Burenushka, who gives milk, and we have six sheep who give us wool. What do we need big for?

- Or maybe ask the Forest Grandfather for a thousand chickens? - the old man asks.
- Well, what do we need with you and a thousand chickens? What are we going to feed them? What are we going to do with them? We have three crested hens, we have Petya the cockerel, and that’s enough for us.

Russian folk tale “The Most Dearest”

Target: to introduce students to the Russian folk tale “The Most Dearest”, to deepen and expand knowledge about the types of folk tales.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: contribute to the formation in students of a holistic idea of ​​the main idea of ​​the fairy tale;

developing: to promote the formation of educational and information skills of junior schoolchildren: read fluently, consciously and correctly, develop speech, replenish vocabulary and vocabulary; maintain interest in reading both as a process and as a subject.

raising: contribute to the moral education of students, instill interest in oral folk art, help students realize the value of joint activities, promote unity of the class team, and develop a culture of speech.

Forms of work: frontal and group

Planned results:


– self-determination,

Meaning formation is the result between learning and activity - raising the question of personal attitude to the situation and respect for the choice of elders, as well as love for nature.

Regulatory controls

Goal setting (mastering educational material based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown;

Forecasting - determining the sequence of goals, drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

Self-regulation is the mobilization of strength and energy for volitional effort and overcoming obstacles.

-grade And correction your opinions and statements.

Cognitive UD

Statement and solution of the problem:

Searching for information on a given question;

Conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance;

Semantic reading to understand the purpose of reading and: extracting information from the genre of fairy tales.;

Setting and formulating a problem and solving it in a creative and exploratory manner.

Sign-symbolic actions

Working with information (analysis, comparison, proof);

Communication (expanded statement);

Collaboration when working in a team

Communicative UD

Expressive, meaningful reading of text;

Work according to plan;

Working with words and their meaning

Equipment: computer and multimedia console, textbook,

Textbook: Literary reading by O.V. Kubasova 2nd grade (UMK “Harmony”).

Lesson type: lesson on studying and initially consolidating new material.

During the classes

  1. Organizational stage
“I hasten to greet you,

My cheerful friends!

We gathered in class today!

Or rather, not in the classroom, but in the forest.

Did you happen to see a wolf?

Or maybe you met a fox?

All this is a saying, not a fairy tale,

After all, the fairy tale will be ahead.

But there is little time left.

Are you ready to come with me?

2. Homework comprehensive review stage

Vocabulary work

News- news,

calmed down– calmed down

treat- treat,

annoyance- resentment.

Woke up- just woke up,

Boast - boast

Scold- swear,

Friendship apart– they quarreled, they are no longer friends,

Work isn't going well- does not work

Bird catcher – the man who caught birds

What literary genre did the words come from?

Speech warm-up

OK, OK, OK - we continue the lesson.

IM, IM, IM all the tasks - we repeat,

AT, AT, AT - must be repeated clearly,

EU, EU, EU - we are going to the forest,

OV, OV, OV - met a bird catcher

III Stage of comprehensive verification of ZUN

1.- Let’s remember what work we worked with in the last lesson.

(Indian fairy tale “Quarrel of Birds”)

How did the birds get caught in the bird catcher's net?

What birds took the bait? (crows, starlings, pigeons, etc.)

What did the starlings offer?

What did the pigeons come up with to free themselves?

What and how were the other birds happy?

How did the bird catcher behave, what did he hope for?

Why didn't the birds manage to fly away from the bird catcher?

What did the crows caw about?

What did the pigeons answer?

How did the starlings behave?

What did you learn from this fairy tale?

How would you change the fairy tale to have a happy ending?

III . The stage of preparing students for active and conscious learning of the material

1. Let's remember other fairy tales we have read. What kind of fairy tales are there in the world?

We got acquainted with an Indian fairy tale, but what other fairy tales are there? –

We have already become acquainted with many Russian folk tales. Fairy tales ask:

“And now you, friends, recognize us!”

Now I’ll check if you can distinguish an author’s fairy tale from a folk tale. And your friends will help me with this (a group of trained children reads riddles).

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

Instantly she became beautiful and comely.

(The princess is a frog. Folk tale.)

Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter,” says the mother, “we’ll go to work, take care of your brother.” Don't leave the yard

be smart - we'll buy it

a handkerchief for you...(Geese - swans)

A girl appeared, a little bigger than a marigold.

And that girl lived in a flower cup.

That girl slept in a nutshell

And she saved a little swallow from the cold.

Blacksmith, blacksmith, quickly give the owner a good scythe. The owner will give the cow grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will lubricate the cockerel’s neck: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.

(The Cockerel and the Bean Seed. Russian folk tale)

The next day the Fox comes to the Crane, and he prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and said:

Eat, gossip! Really, there’s nothing else to regale you with (The Fox and the Crane. R.N.S.)

- Well done! I made sure that you know fairy tales well and can distinguish them

  1. COLLECT WORDS AND GUESS WHAT THE TALE IS ABOUT; STA-RIK, STA-RU-HA, weaving, spinning, weaving. Forest Grandfather
-And now the most difficult task: read the text of the fairy tale and think about what fairy tale this excerpt is from.

This fairy tale is not yet familiar to you; it is called “The Most Dearest Thing.”

And before us for a moment

The wonderful forest spread its branches

And, holding back the excitement slightly,

Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.

On level ground, away from all roads, in a remote village, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man cut willow twigs and wove baskets. The old woman spun and wove flax. That's what they fed on

IV Stage of acquiring new knowledge

1. Preparatory work before reading the text.

What do you think the fairy tale will be about?

2. Before reading the text, vocabulary work

We will come across words whose meaning may not be clear to you.

Feed- earn a living

Rod(many twigs) thin branch without leaves,

Willow twig- a willow twig,

spinning wheel- a device for manually twisting wool thread.

3. Installation on the perception of a fairy tale.

Think about what the main idea of ​​the fairy tale is?

4. Combined text reading. Reading "Tug"

Reading a fairy tale by the teacher and prepared children.

5. Primary conversation on content.

Did you like the fairy tale? With what?

What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?

6. Physical education minute.

A fairy tale will give us a rest.

Let's take a rest and hit the road again!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become an aspen,

If we bend over

Left - right five times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

So that your back is straight,

Get up on your toes

It's like you're reaching for flowers.

One two three four five,

Say it again:

Little Red Riding Hood's advice:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five!

Repeat again:

One two three four five.

The fairy tale gave us a rest!

Have you rested? On the road again!

What type of fairy tale is this? (Household)

6. Repeated reading of the fairy tale in a “chain”.

V Stage of students understanding new material

7.Conversation on content. Game "Attentive Reader".

Where did the old man and the old woman live? Support your answer by reading a passage from the text?

What did the old man do?

What was the old woman doing?

Why did the old man go into the forest? Who did he meet there?

What did Forest Grandfather look like?

What was the most important wealth that the Forest Grandfather guarded? Why?

VI Stage of consolidation of new material

8.What fairy tale is similar in content to the fairy tale “The Most Expensive”? (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

How are fairy tales different? What is the main reason? (Old woman)

Who wrote this fairy tale and what type does it belong to?

9.Work on proverbs.)

Fairy tales have a main idea, which is wisdom, and proverbs also have wisdom.

Find a proverb that relates to the fairy tale you read

How do you explain their meaning?

VII Reflection.

What fairy tale did we meet?

Who are the heroes of the fairy tale?

What is the main idea of ​​this fairy tale?

What is the most precious thing in life? (health, work, happiness)

VIII Summarizing

The most precious thing is health, you need to take care of it, take care of yourself and your loved ones; By working to create what you need for yourself, then you will become happy.

IX The stage of informing students about homework and instructing them on how to complete it.

My young friend!

Take it with you on the road

Your favorite fairy tale friends

They will help you at the right time

Find your dream and make your life brighter.

Forest Grandfather will fulfill your wishes. On the cone, write the most important thing for your family and attach it to Grandfather.

And for your active work, Lesnoy Grandfather brought you pine cones - complicated, magical pine cones. They will be like a talisman for your successful studies.

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales,

Adults and children love

They love to listen and watch.

Fairy tales can warm the soul.

Miracles happen in them

People find a way to happiness,

And, of course, good

Lie and evil win.

That's the end of the lesson.

The time has come for everyone to say goodbye.

And I give you a task,

But for tomorrow's lesson.

P. 75, task No. 1.

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