Self-training dogs at home. How to train a dog at home without a trainer How to train an adult dog

, whom (what). Accustom (animals) to perform certain tasks. actions, develop necessary for a person skills. D. dog. Trained animals.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “TRAIN” is in other dictionaries:

    Give training, teach. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TRAIN, teach animals tricks and different things, useful for humans; for example, trained Saint Gotthard dogs rescue... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - [you], I’m training, you’re training, I’m not perfect. (to train), someone what (French dresser). Train (animals) to perform certain actions. Train dogs. || trans. To school, to teach someone something (colloquial fam.). Dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    train- dresser, German dressieren. 1. Teach something. animals, from dressage dogs to hunting to bears dancing and dogs playing the piano. Pavlenkov 1911. In the 6th part of the 1st block at No. 45, at the Peter’s Gate, a yard man who knows how is for sale... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (training) foreigner to teach one to do something without internal understanding (an allusion to animal training). Wed. Ich finde nicht die Spur Von einem Geist, und alles ist Dressur. Gothe. Faust. Vor dem Thor. Faust. Wed. Dressiren (German), dress… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    I'm ruining, I'm ruining; trained; van, a, o; nsv. [French dresser] (St. to train). who what. 1. Train animals, developing certain skills in them, accustoming them to perform certain tasks. actions. D. dog, bear. 2. Unwind Accustom to strict... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    train- ru/yu, ru/eat; trained; van, a, o; nsv. (French dresser) (holy you/train) see also. to train, training someone what 1) Train animals, developing certain skills in them, accustoming them to perform certain tasks. actions... Dictionary of many expressions

    Through him. dressieren or straight from French. dresser from it. dirizzare, lat. *directiāre… Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    - (training) foreign language: to teach to do something without internal understanding (a hint of animal training) Wed. Ich finde nicht die Spur Von einem Geist, und alles ist Dressur. Gothe. Faust. Vor dem Thor. Faust. Wed. Dressiren (German), dress (English) ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Nesov. trans. 1. Teach animals certain actions, systematically reinforcing the skills they have acquired. 2. transfer decomposition Accustom a person to strict discipline and unquestioning obedience; drill. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

If you are planning to start training your puppy, then best age to master the basics it takes 4 months. Success depends on the following factors:

1. Motivation. In order for the dog to be involved in the training process with pleasure, it is necessary to interest it in it. Therefore, every correct execution of a command should be rewarded with treats, praise and petting.

Timing - it is important to give encouragement in the form of a treat or praise with stroking - only after the command has been fully completed, but at the same time IMMEDIATELY. If you delay with the treat, the dog will not associate it with the action performed, and the effect of consolidating the command will not work. If the dog does not complete the command and receives a reward before this moment, it will also not learn to carry out the commands correctly.

Negative motivation or negative reinforcement is used only to suppress unwanted (wrong or even dangerous) dog behavior. However, if the dog complied with the command, even if not immediately, being distracted during the process or after several repetitions, but still carried it out to the end, many scold the dog, which should never be done. For example, if you gave the command “Come to me!”, the dog was stubborn for a long time, but after 5 minutes it still came - you cannot scold the dog, otherwise it will understand this as stopping unwanted behavior and will stop coming at all. You will achieve the opposite effect, which will be difficult to correct.

2. The animal’s readiness to work. In order for classes to be productive, the following factors must be taken into account:
the puppy should feel slightly hungry. This will make him try to win the treat and actively complete tasks. A well-fed pet has much lower motivation, and besides, after eating, you cannot load the puppy, because... active games, running and jumping can cause volvulus;
Before class, you need to take your pet for a walk so that he can go to the toilet. Natural urges distract dogs from the training process.
3. Favorable weather. If the weather outside is too hot, you should move your dog's training to early morning, when there is no scorching sun. Otherwise, the animal will become lethargic, and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on completing the tasks assigned to him. Also, you should not exercise with your pet in the rain, because... he will be distracted by the abundance of new smells.

4. External stimuli. They must be introduced gradually as the command is learned. It is better to carry out the first training of a dog in a quiet place away from people, roads, and places where other animals are walked, so that the pet is not distracted by anything. To begin with, you can try giving commands at home.

5. The owner's mood. When training a dog, it is necessary to have a calm and friendly tone, even if the animal fails at something over and over again. Yours negative reaction may discourage your pet from wanting to continue exercising. The more angry you are at him while executing the command, the more confused he becomes. Reconsider your methodology, perhaps you are making a mistake in something that prompts him to act incorrectly. For example, when teaching the “down” command, inexperienced trainers hold a piece of treat far from the dog’s muzzle, which causes the dog to crawl towards it.

How to train a dog at home?
What commands are useful to learn at home?

If you intend to pass the standards for OKD or ZKS, then all necessary information the rules for testing can be found on the website of the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation).

If you are conducting dog training classes simply to make the animal manageable and make it easier to live with in society (walk calmly on the streets so that it responds adequately to all external stimuli, etc.), then you should teach it the following commands :

"to me";

These commands are easy to learn - you can conduct training yourself, successfully teaching them to your dog. But under no circumstances should you try to master the ZKS course on your own with your pet. Its study should only take place under the guidance of a professional dog handler and after passing the OKD. Otherwise, you can damage the dog’s psyche with such training, making it cowardly or overly aggressive. Only a specialist can correctly “put” the animal on the sleeve, teach it to react to a swing, etc. Those who neglect these rules and carry out similar training at home most often then euthanize the pet, because it becomes dangerous, and its behavior cannot be controlled. No self-respecting dog handler will undertake to train a ZKS dog without first completing a full OKD course. This is comparable to giving a five-year-old child a loaded machine gun.

It doesn’t matter that the puppy appeared in the house not so long ago, but just the sight of it causes tenderness. Emotions should not distract from the main thing - raising a pet from the first moments of meeting him. Not all inexperienced dog breeders know how to train a dog at home correctly. The dog handlers' recommendations offered below will help you understand the basics of a broad issue.

Dog training carried out by owners usually pursues several goals. When starting a lesson, the owner must set himself a specific goal that he intends to achieve in the end. IN general view any training of a four-legged friend is based on the following “pillars” of training:

During the learning process, motivational means are used, playing the role of a kind of gratitude for work. The maximum return from a four-legged animal is achieved if it is immediately rewarded following the action performed as ordered. Since training a dog correctly means not making excessive delays in actions, all attributes involved in training are prepared in advance.

Deterrent methods are objects that attract attention. What are things used for that make a sharp sound - whistles, rattles from tin cans with stones, a bunch of keys. If the pet does not follow the owner's orders, it is excluded from deserved attention - praise, stroking. They send him to his place, pronouncing the order in a stern voice.

When punishing a puppy, it is better to use the ignoring method, which is recognized as more effective than punishing with physical force. Spanking is regarded by the dog as a play signal.

Since training a dog is considered a rather labor-intensive task, the owner can also motivate himself to the training process. It is important to realize that teaching a dog to behave properly is always easier than correcting behavioral deviations in the future.

Preparing for training

For the first lesson, prepare a collar with a leash and the four-legged dog’s favorite treat. In no case can food from the master's plate be considered as such. It may be appropriate for this. For picky eaters, you can purchase “sweets” at pet stores that are intended for training classes.

At first, it is advisable to conduct classes in an area that is thoroughly familiar to the pet. But there should be no objects that distract attention. In unfamiliar territory, the puppy is given time to get comfortable.

An important principle of training is the absence of strangers and animals during training lessons. This makes the task easier and allows the puppy to concentrate better.

Commands for initial familiarization

Training from the first minutes of mutual residence between the puppy and the owner is extremely necessary.

WITH well-mannered puppy It’s easier to organize walks and you don’t have to be upset by his pet pranks. First of all, it is important to teach your pet to know and respond to its name, to respond not to the order “Come to me!”, to know the place.

Before accustoming a dog to a nickname, they try to pronounce the name of the four-legged dog out loud more often in a tone in which favorable emotions can be heard. Regularly naming a nickname should serve as an incentive to develop a response to one’s own name. After the appearance of such a reflex, the pet must be thanked in the initial stages.

Primary orders for training

"Near". Since teaching a dog to walk next to you on a leash is just as important as the previous command, this is trained systematically, conducting 4-5 sessions.

"Ugh". Means an order given to a dog when it needs to be distracted from picking up garbage. Implementation of the formulation allows you to protect the four-legged health and weight nerve cells to the owner.

They begin to train endurance from the age of four months. This quality It will be useful at all training events with your pet and helps control the dog and develop its obedience.

In addition, important commands in the first training lessons are the following, which they always try to get from the puppy: give, sit and lie down, stand, fetch, place, face.

"Give". The command turns out to be useful for anyone trained dog. This technique is of particular importance for service guards, whose purpose in life is solely to protect their master.

This team achieves not so much the ability to neutralize the attacker, but to release him upon arrest.

"Place". The dog must know about the existence of its own corner in the home. And on the orders of the dog breeder, the obedient dog must immediately go there. The puppy can fall asleep anywhere, but he must know his own.

"Aport." Using the wording, the service pets are sent to search the area. This allows them to make their walk more active.

"Fas." This is a dangerous formulation; teaching it to a disobedient animal is strictly not recommended. Before you train adult dog through this command, she must diligently execute the commands noted before.

These orders reflect the list of commands of the basic training course four-legged pet.

Introduction to the elements of ammunition

Since it is recommended to accustom a dog to a leash and collar when it reaches 1.5-2 months of life, taking the puppy home immediately starts the educational process. It is much easier for the pet to adapt to unusual objects of ammunition at this time. They are put on the baby after initial familiarization and after interest in them wanes.

First, the ammunition is left on the small pet for a few minutes. At the same time, they try to distract the baby with a playful maneuver. Teaching moments are kept short but regular.

Before you train your dog to use a leash, the animal should already be familiar with the collar. When the baby gets used to the idea of ​​wearing the first one, you can move on to attaching another element - a leash. It is necessary to ensure that it hangs freely, trying to distract the four-legged one.

Introducing to the place and booth

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to train an adult dog and how to do it correctly. You can teach something, but not everything. But you will have to stock up on a lot of time and remarkable patience. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce your pet to the place from an early age. The main thing is to constantly keep the puppy’s behavior under control and not allow him to be in the house wherever he likes.

The owner’s task in this situation is to organize the place. You can place anything you like here - a pillow, rug, blanket or a special soft house. The puppy is familiarized with the place in advance. After falling asleep, the baby is transferred there every time. In this place, it is prohibited to perform manipulations that provoke and leave unpleasant memories in the pet’s memory - cleaning ears, combing, for example, if he is not a fan of these actions. After games, all toys are returned back to this corner. We must try to inspire four-legged friend that this space is the most comfortable and safe of all in the apartment, belonging to him alone.

If you plan to keep it outdoors, you need to know how to train your dog to use a kennel in the yard.

You should not immediately put the dog on a chain. It is necessary to provide him with the opportunity to experience new living conditions himself and get used to them.

You cannot immediately lock a puppy or an adult dog inside the kennel. This is how the animal may develop a phobia of dark spaces.

It is necessary to select suitable weather conditions before accustoming an adult dog to a kennel or crate near the entrance to the home. For example, pouring rain will help teach your dog to go inside on his own.
Whereas in the heat nothing will force the animal to do this.

Almost all dogs need training. Even for indoor ornamental breeds, there are the basics of training, which pets simply need to be introduced to, not to mention representatives of serious breeds, and primarily shepherd dogs.

Need for dog training

The dog training system primarily depends on the character pet. – the breed is universal, and most importantly, the dog loves the learning process, no matter what role the owner prepares her for - a security guard, watchman or assistant in the search business. But it should be taken into account that German Shepherd It is impossible to teach all dog wisdom at the same time, since a dog is only capable of performing one specific type of work.

The majestic and graceful animal is trained literally from the cradle. Her intellectual development happens quickly. The owner simply needs to meet the puppy’s age from 6 to 10 weeks in order to lay those primary foundations for the formation of the dog’s behavior in society, which the German Shepherd will use throughout its life.

So at what age is a German Shepherd trained and taught basic commands? Immediately when the puppy got into new house– from the first walk, designating the place—Ken for a German Shepherd—, from getting to know the leash and the neighbor’s dogs.

Did you know? From two to five months of life, German Shepherd puppies require maximum attention from their owner.

As soon as the puppy completely switches to self-catering, and this is about four to six weeks old, he is taught the first lessons of obedience. This is exactly the moment when starting to train your German Shepherd puppy becomes a necessity.

To prevent an adult dog from conflicting with representatives of other breeds, during this period the shepherd puppy is taught to communicate with other dogs. The process of perception and identification of a person in the “friend or foe” category is complex for an amateur owner, and it is dealt with exclusively by professional dog handlers as soon as the dog reaches a certain age criterion.

Basic principles of training a German Shepherd

Before you start training a German Shepherd, you should remember that a dog grows up in several stages:

  1. Newborn period– stage of the first two weeks of life. A puppy's physiological needs are only warmth, sleep and food. The main indicator of development is the baby’s biotonus - the speed at which the nipple is located, the suction force and the speed of milk absorption. It is these qualities that determine a dog’s life potential.
  2. Transition stage– the third week of a puppy’s life, when the puppy is separated from mother’s milk and switches to another type of food. During this period, personality begins to form.
  3. Imprinting period. Lasts from four to seven weeks of age. At this stage, the puppy develops skills that are based on obedience and the execution of primitive commands. It is at this stage that the puppy adapts to the outside world and establishes contact with the owner.
  4. Socialization stage. It lasts until the puppy is 10 weeks old. It begins as soon as the baby moves to a new home. It is advisable that the dog’s age at this stage corresponds to 8 weeks, since the owner has only two weeks left to socialize the dog as much as possible - teach him to walk on a leash, teach the simplest and necessary commands, practice obedience.

    Important! At the age of 8 to 10 weeks, dog handlers note the most high level learning ability. At this age, the basics of training are laid in the dog without special effort. The basic commands - “Voice”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Place”, “Fu” - begin to teach the puppy no earlier than when he reaches 8 weeks of age.

  5. Stage of dog's hierarchy determination. The German Shepherd goes through a period when it tries to build its hierarchical ladder and lead it. The beginning of this period falls on the 13th week, regardless of gender identity dogs. The orderliness of relationships occurs by the age of five months.
  6. From the age of six months it begins teenage years in a dog’s life, and it can be assigned to a training group with a canine specialist. At this stage, the dog should have a fully formed psyche, character and behavioral type.

By the age of six months, the owner must have fully mastered and reinforced the basic dog control commands. The teenager must unquestioningly shut up or raise his voice on command, stick to the indicated place, be able to wait, stop or continue moving, and respond well to diarrhea.

Voice command training

This command does not belong to the main exercises, but, nevertheless, is quite important. Training is carried out at the moment of intense barking at an object by praising and drawing the pet’s attention to the barking with the command “Voice! Well done, /nickname/, Voice!”

Teaching the “Sit” command

Refers to the basic dog training commands. It is best to start practicing the command when the puppy is feeding.

You should sit the dog down and achieve obedience while placing the food bowl on the tripod, so that the puppy additionally learns to wait until he is allowed to start. You can start teaching the “Sit” command as early as eight weeks of age, handling the puppy gently but persistently. Use treats on walks, forcibly sitting the dog down, issuing a command. A trained animal is shown with a gesture that it needs to sit, after which encouragement follows for following the command.

Teaching the “Down” command

With a puppy, all commands are practiced with the help of treats.. Start training at early age, reinforcing the material covered daily.

First, the treat is brought to the dog’s nose and, without allowing him to take it, he lowers his hand to the floor, pronouncing the command. As soon as the dog lies down, place your hand on the withers. Holding her in this position, praise her, give her a treat, but do not let her go, forcing her to lie down until the “Stand” command. Then reward again for good performance.

Training the command "Nearby"

Before you start practicing the “Near” command, the dog is accustomed to a collar and leash.. When practicing the “Nearby” command, the puppy is not allowed to move more than a third of the body in front of the owner. The dog should walk on the left side at his owner's pace, his shoulder should be level with his knee. The leash should not be taut, but hang freely. The dog should not stray from the intended course, not get ahead, not lag behind and not go away from the owner.

Did you know? For a puppy, the duration of such a promenade should not exceed 10 minutes, since the dog gets tired much more on a leash than in free movement.

Final processing of commands

Basic commands accompany any dog ​​throughout its life. But the German Shepherd is a universal breed service dogs, carrying out guard, guard, search, and protective services. In addition, dogs do an excellent job as guide dogs, rescue dogs, and even sled dogs. That's why for German Shepherds there is a whole range of special training with specific commands, defining the functional range of responsibilities of the dog.

The end of the training of commands is considered to be the moment when the dog independently begins to make the only correct decision in the current situation. German shepherds participating in operations to neutralize terrorist groups do not need teams. They independently assess the situation and act according to the situation, working without human accompaniment.

Home protection teams

The German Shepherd training system includes OKD and ZKS norms. There are a number of methods for training service dogs, depending on the character, temperament and performance of the animal. For independent execution of commands protective service necessary:

  • achieve impeccable obedience of the pet;
  • teach the dog to follow the scent;
  • learn how to properly lead a dog on a leash;
  • practice a neutral reaction to a shot;
  • practice landing and positioning in motion, as well as approaching the owner from any position.

In addition, it is necessary to practice fetching objects, unsupported jumping over obstacles with and without objects, and also not reacting to various stimuli - cats, provocations of people, shots.

In what cases should you contact a professional instructor?

If the basics general course German Shepherd owners can practice training on their own, then Dog owners turn to the help of professional dog handlers to train and practice the standards of protective guard service:

  • identifying a suspect by barking;
  • search of the suspect;
  • detention of a fugitive;
  • escort;
  • attack on the enemy;
  • testing the dog's courage;
  • gaining trail work skills.

Video about training a German Shepherd

A series of methods on how to train a German Shepherd - video from the training ground of professional dog handlers of the K-9 Club. Practicing basic commands with dogs:

Our site is dedicated to breeds of dogs - indoor and decorative and service, rescuers and companions, small and large. Here you can ask questions to professionals general development, education and training of pets. Professional dog handlers work with us. They will be happy to answer your questions and help resolve current situations. We welcome your comments at the bottom of the article. Tell us about your successes in training smart and loyal pets.

WITHself-training dogs at home not such a simple matter, but if you love your four-legged pet it’s worth a try.

Training our younger brothers becomes a necessity if a pet appears in the house. Absolutely anyone can raise a puppy, and subsequently train a dog on their own, without the help of a specialist, following the exact recommendations. The owner needs patience and hard work, which, together with the correct requirement to follow commands, will effectively and quickly allow him to train the dog independently.

IN Important questions such as training, training, commands, treats for puppies and dogs are provided on our website.

Commands for general training

All of the commands listed below are required, so it is impossible to exclude any of them. More Full description All commands can be read by following the links.
The basis of training is “control”, which deserves your attention. Without it there will be no successful training.
1. is a command that is used most often and is necessary to create contact between the owner and the pet.
2. — this command is used often, after mastering it you can move on to other commands.
3. - rest for a change from other activities.
4. - It is equally important to train the dog to walk at the owner’s left foot.
5. - learns easily, but after the command “sit”.
6. - used more often than the command to lie down, it will be more difficult to teach, because it is not easy for the pet to stand still in place.
7. - the necessary command so that the pet knows its place in the house or apartment.
8. - a very important and necessary command prohibiting taking objects, pronounced with strict intonation.
9. - it is necessary for the pet to give back the thrown toy or stick. But it is undesirable to practice the command “give me your paw”, because every time the pet will give you its paw as soon as you bend down towards it.
10. — it is necessary to teach from a young age, it will help an active animal to walk and explore the area, which will be useful in the future.
11. “voice” - will help scare intruders.
12. - catches a thrown piece on the fly.
13. “ ” - follows in front of the owner, conveniently when boarding a vehicle, on a narrow path.
14. - you can teach this command to the defender only after the dog begins to follow all commands and obey you unquestioningly.
These are the most basic and necessary commands that need to be taught to your pet. To learn more about each team, follow the links.

How many and how to conduct classes

You can train the dog at home with such commands as “come”, “fu”, “lie down”, “place”, “sit”, but this will not be a full-fledged training of the dog, since it will not do much on the street. So put on a collar, fasten a leash, grab some treats and toys and go outside to train your pet. It is advisable to conduct the first classes in uncrowded places to avoid many irritants.

Teams need to study three days a week. If this is not possible, then at least twice. The first classes last 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the training to 1.5 hours.
In the first lesson, learn simple commands “come to me”, “next to me”, “lie down”, “sit”. The “come to me” command is trained by calling the animal to you from time to time.
In the second lesson, train in the same way as in the first.
In the third lesson, repeat the same, but enter the command “stand”, also increase the time to 1 hour.
In the fourth lesson, you work with the same commands, getting precise execution from the animal.
In the fifth lesson and all subsequent ones, continue to practice the same tasks. Require the dog to follow one command, achieve stable performance, and do not make concessions for incomplete execution of commands.

When working with commands, it is necessary to change their order. You can start practicing with the command “near”, and after 10 minutes with the commands “lie down”, “stand”, “sit”. After this, return to the “near” command and hold for another 10 minutes, after which you can practice the “give” and “fetch” commands.
At the next lesson, be sure to change the order, this will have an effective effect on the training process.

The main points in training a dog on your own

1. To simplify training, walk the animal longer; when it is tired, it will not be distracted by other stimuli, which will make training three times easier.
2. Take breaks after each command for up to 10 seconds; from frequent commands in a row, the dog will not have time to react with lightning speed.
3. The command should be given only once; if you repeat it, the pet will carry it out the second or third time.
4. Swap commands; she should not know exactly what task the owner will give her.
5. Do not overdo it when training your dog on your own; your pet may also get tired. Through certain time She will follow commands much better, and subsequently listen perfectly to her owner.
6. If during the first lessons your pet performs the given tasks with uncertainty and apprehension, perhaps you were very strict, or huge pressure. Then force her to carry out the simplest command, then reward her generously. Moreover, the praise should be more than usual. Then the animal will understand that it is approved and will work better. It's also a good idea to take a break from classes, you can play or just take her for a walk.
7. If the dog gets after someone, such as a cat or dog, during training, then it is necessary to practice restraint. For this you need a long leash, and you can quickly catch up with the animal.
8. Gradually teach your dog according to plan so that it obeys your commands in any situation. Start with basic commands, requiring instant execution in normal conditions. When all commands are carried out perfectly, complicate the training in an artificially created situation and achieve complete obedience of the animals.
9. The dog must follow commands from all family members, but it is not necessary for everyone to be present at the training site; it is enough to know how to require the pet to follow basic commands.

Only a small part has been written about independent training dogs. In the following reviews you will find more detailed articles about training puppies, about each team separately, and much more interesting information.

I bring to your attention a video about dog training

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