Sanatorium for the treatment of psoriasis. Sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis. The best health resorts

Quite often you can find proposals for complex inpatient treatment of psoriasis in large medical institutions. Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow is the best option due to the large selection of medical centers specializing in dermatological diseases.

Psoriasis is a complex chronic disease, the problem of which is being addressed by the best scientists, doctors and pharmacists in the world. The peculiarity of the disease is the wide variability of forms, clinical manifestations and symptoms. Even in the same person, the severity of symptoms can change from time to time.

Treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive, combining medication and physiotherapy. There is no universal prescription or treatment regimen; therapy is selected individually for each patient. In this regard, the best option for treating psoriasis is hospitalization in specialized medical centers that deal with the problem of this particular disease. In small cities, finding such a center is problematic, so more and more patients are choosing treatment for psoriasis in Moscow, since in the capital they can choose the optimal center for undergoing a therapeutic course.

Advantages of Moscow clinics for the treatment of skin diseases:

  • narrow focus of institutions;
  • equipping with the necessary equipment;
  • highly qualified medical personnel;
  • individual approach in drawing up a treatment regimen.

A highly specialized clinic is the best option

The well-known axiom - the best specialists are in Moscow - is fully justified in matters of skin diseases. It is Moscow centers that occupy first place in terms of effectiveness among all dermatological clinics in the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the narrow focus of such institutions, everyone can be confident in the effectiveness of the treatment provided. Dermatological centers and clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment, since the emphasis is on the problems of the epidermis, in contrast to general institutions. Specialists are constantly improving their own knowledge and skills, and therefore dermatological centers use the most innovative treatment regimens, improving and supplementing them based on the experience gained.

There are many clinics that treat psoriasis. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of these institutions will allow you to choose the best option.

Psoriasis Institute

The Institute of Psoriasis or the Center for Dermatology and Cosmetology is one of the most popular institutions in Moscow, offering solutions to various problems of the epidermis, including psoriasis. The appointment is conducted by a doctor of medical sciences.

The center offers:

  • drug treatment of psoriasis;
  • various types of phototherapy;
  • individual preparation of a treatment plan.

The center practices a traditional approach to drug treatment - prescribing medications with glucocorticosteroids, emollient and anti-inflammatory ointments, and retinoids.

The institution is equipped with the necessary equipment for phototherapy of psoriasis - PUVA therapy, selective and narrow-wave phototherapy. The choice of the method used for treating skin with ultraviolet light depends on the severity of symptoms and the clinical form of the disease.

The center offers treatment for all forms of psoriasis, including psoriatic arthritis.

The clinic uses PUVA therapy - the most effective method to date.

Psoriasis center

Another metropolitan clinic specializing in the problem of inflammation of the epidermis is the Psoriasis Center. The institution offers:

  • photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy);
  • herbal medicine;
  • radon baths;
  • mud baths;
  • traditional drug therapy.

The effectiveness of treatment in this center is due to an integrated approach and multi-stage effects on the affected epidermis. The simultaneous use of drugs that are selected individually for the patient, photo exposure, herbal preparations, mineral baths and wraps show high effectiveness in the treatment of various forms of skin inflammation.

Patients respond favorably to treatment at this center. As practice shows, after a course of treatment there is a stable remission. The center practices both treatment of psoriasis in the acute stage, as well as measures to reduce the progression of the disease and achieve a sustainable reduction in the frequency of exacerbations.

After this treatment, the disease begins to decline. Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely cure psoriasis, remission after a therapeutic course at the center lasts from 9 months or more.

After treatment in the clinic, long-term remission occurs

PsorMak Institute

The PsorMak healthy skin clinic specializes in the problems of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, eczema and other pathologies of the epidermis.

The chief physician of the institute is an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Unlike other medical institutions, this clinic practices its own method of treatment. To relieve inflammation of the epidermis, drugs prepared according to a special recipe are used, the analogues of which do not exist.

The main idea of ​​the institute is the abandonment of glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of psoriasis. According to the chief physician, these drugs bring quick results, but weaken the body, as a result, with each subsequent exacerbation, psoriasis quickly progresses. Refusal of these drugs in favor of proprietary ointments allows you to achieve a visible effect and not cause harm to the entire body.

The effectiveness of treatment is based on stimulation of epidermal restoration processes by the body, and not by third-party substances included in popular ointments and medications for the treatment of psoriasis. However, the medications used in the clinic are not homeopathy or dietary supplements; their effectiveness has been clinically proven through many years of research.

Treatment of psoriasis in the clinic is aimed at relieving inflammation, normalizing metabolic processes in epidermal cells and improving skin regeneration. All this is achieved through the use of medications developed at the center. At the same time, detoxification therapy is carried out to remove waste and toxins, reduce the load on the liver and speed up the restoration of the epidermis.

The clinic offers to treat psoriasis using psychocorrection. This is one of the main features of the center - in addition to medicinal effects on inflammation, measures are taken to normalize the activity of the nervous system. It has long been proven that psoriasis is not so much an inflammatory as a psychosomatic disease, so a combination of medication and psychotherapy shows the best results.

The specialty of the clinic is the use of psychotherapy in the treatment of psoriasis

Cost of treatment

It is possible to accurately determine the cost of treatment in Moscow clinics only after consulting a doctor. An initial appointment usually costs 1,500-4,000 rubles, depending on the clinic’s pricing policy and the qualifications of the specialist conducting the appointment.

The cost of the course of treatment is calculated depending on the duration of treatment, including the cost of medications and the number of phototherapy sessions. The average price of PUVA therapy is about 800 rubles, usually 20-35 procedures are prescribed for treatment.

On average, a course of treatment in Moscow clinics costs 40 thousand rubles and more.

What to expect from treatment?

Quite a lot of methods for treating psoriasis have been developed, but they all repeat each other to one degree or another. The principle of treating the disease in all clinics is the same and involves a combination of drug therapy and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Against this background, medical institutions that practice proprietary methods stand out. However, there is no remedy that would get rid of the disease forever.

The most effective today is not inpatient treatment in clinics, but therapy with drugs based on monoclonal antibodies, but even they do not bring sustainable results, and exacerbation of the disease occurs again several months or years after the course of treatment.

Thus, we can conclude that all clinics and various methods are only a way to alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the frequency of exacerbations, but not to get rid of the disease forever. Moreover, Moscow clinics guarantee visible results and the absence of exacerbations for a long period, but not a complete cure.

A course of treatment at a dermatological center allows you to:

  • relieve aggravation;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • stop the progression of the disease;
  • improve the appearance of the skin.

When choosing a clinic for the treatment of psoriasis, you should be prepared for the fact that after some time you will need to undergo a course of therapy again.

There are several types of them:

  • Lakes of volcanic origin. They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. For the purpose of treatment, you can visit Lake Saki or Sivash in Crimea, Tambukan in the Stavropol Territory, Bear Lake in the Kurgan Region.
  • Marine with a high content of salt and algae. Resorts with such biomass are located in the Krasnodar Territory on the Azov and Black Seas and the Dead Sea.
  • Healing clays that can be bought at a pharmacy and used independently at home.

Treatment in Russia

The price of the tour includes accommodation in a sanatorium, meals several times a day, including individual dietary meals, and the treatment of psoriasis itself. Prices significantly depend on the time of year, as well as on the professional level of the medical staff, and the comfort of the living space.

And the price of staying in sanatoriums by the sea does not necessarily exceed the prices of similar medical institutions in the middle zone.

Sanatoriums in the Moscow region are often able to provide a range of high-quality services using the latest equipment, and treatment is carried out by specialists who have undergone training abroad. The average cost of a trip to a sanatorium will range from 12 thousand rubles to 42.5 thousand rubles, the big difference depends on the type of sanatorium and the features listed above.

Experts involved in the treatment of psoriasis and the elimination of its consequences assure that the optimal period of sanatorium-resort treatment for this disease is at least 21 days. But if the patient has a mild degree of illness, then the duration can be reduced to two weeks. During this period, you can achieve visible results and consolidate them for many years.

Peloid therapy (peloids are therapeutic mud) has the following positive effect on a person:

  • immunity increases;
  • cellular metabolism is enhanced;
  • blood supply to the epidermis improves;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • cellular microcirculation and nutrition are enhanced;
  • wounds are disinfected;
  • crusts peel off;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

If you are treated in specialized sanatoriums, then, in most cases, mineral water is used together with mud, due to which the skin and body are saturated with useful microelements.

Almost in the city itself there is a small lake, Chemburka, which still welcomes those who like to plunge into natural clay. Extensive reserves of hydrogen sulfide peloids have also been discovered in Lake Solenoe, Kiziltashsky and Vityazevsky estuaries.

If you have the opportunity to go to Israel, then do not refuse such a trip. All year round, sanatoriums are ready to receive thousands of tourists with various health problems.

There is no need to skimp on the treatment of psoriasis. This is especially true when it comes to time. It will take at least 3 weeks for the disease to go into remission.

In Israel, you can undergo a course of treatment for 1.5-6 thousand dollars. In Sochi, treatment will cost 30-90 thousand rubles. In Cuba and some Eastern European countries, a full course of treatment will cost about 2 times less.

In Russia, psoriasis is treated using a variety of techniques.

External and internal means, methods of physiotherapy, phototherapy, and laser techniques are used.

The most popular treatment is at Resorts in Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik.

There is a lot of sun, salty sea air, the sea itself, many sanatoriums offer treatment with healing mud.

  • Hydrogen sulfide and sulfide waters: Goryachiy Klyuch, Yeysk, Pyatigorsk, Sergievskie mineral waters, Sernovodsk, Sochi, Matsesta, Khosta.
  • Siliceous waters: Goryachinsk, Talaya.
  • Radon waters: Belokurikha, Molokovka, Pyatigorsk, Tskaltubo, Belaya Tserkov.
  • Iodine-bromine waters: Nalchik, Khodyzhensk, Ust-Kachka.
  • Therapeutic mud: Yeisk, Evpatoria.
  • Naftalan oil - Naftalan.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: Peripheral neuritis and polyneuritis
  • Inflammatory lesions of nerve roots and plexuses in the subacute or chronic stage.
  • Polyneuropathy in the stage of incomplete remission in the absence of pronounced motor disorders
  • Compression of nerve roots and plexuses caused by osteochondrosis in the subacute period.
  • Condition after removal of a disc herniation (after surgery after 6 months).
  • Diseases of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system (consequences of previous encephalitis, arachnoiditis, myelitis) with the ability to move independently.
  • Consequences of brain and spinal cord injury (5-6 months after injury, without seizures, mental disorders and significant motor impairments).
  • Functional diseases of the nervous system (neuroses, somatoform disorders).
  • Skin diseases: Psoriasis, neurodermatitis, various forms of eczema, urticaria, allergic conditions, dermatitis.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: Radiculitis, consequences of brain injuries, cerebral atherosclerosis,
  • consequences of cerebral circulatory disorders, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebral palsy,
  • radiculoneuritis, consequences of spinal cord injuries, consequences of poliomyelitis.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis,
  • gout, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, traumatic spondylopathy,
  • myositis, myalgia, systemic connective tissue damage,
  • polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease).

Course of treatment in the Velikovechnoye hydropathic clinic: From 10-12 baths.

Have the following documents with you: Passport, health resort card, copy of the medical policy.

Types of services:

  • Mineral baths
  • Shared shower
  • Individual
  • mud applications
  • underwater massage
  • bubble baths
  • herbal teas

Full name of the water: low-mineralized - slightly alkaline - chloride-bicarbonate sodium - boric - siliceous mineral water.

There are quite a few sanatoriums in Russia where psoriasis is treated. They are scattered in different parts of the country. The patient can choose the resort that suits him according to his budget and regional location.

Sanatorium Victoria"

This health resort is located in Essentuki. The main difference between this resort and all the others is that doctors directly connect the patient’s psychological and emotional state with the severity of the disease, and pay close attention to this. Victoria offers the following types of procedures:

  • healing mud therapy;
  • climatotherapy;
  • mineral water;
  • medicinal baths;
  • electrophoresis;
  • health path

The cost of living per day ranges from 1500 to 2500 rubles. The voucher can be purchased for a period of two to three weeks.

Sanatorium "Siberia"

A boarding house located near Lake Tulubaevo is ideal for the treatment of psoriasis. The resort is known for its healing mud and its two wells, the mineral water of which has a different composition.

It is used for internal and external use. The health resort offers the following treatment methods:

  • Finnish sauna;
  • hydromassage;
  • carbon baths;
  • cryotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phototherapy.

A standard room will cost from 1,750 to 4,100 rubles per day, and a luxury room will cost the patient up to 7,000 rubles.

Sanatorium "Elton"

The boarding house is located in the Volgograd region near the lake of the same name. This place has proven itself to be good for the treatment of dermatological ailments. There is a club and a gym on the premises of the building. The health resort offers the following therapy methods:

  • impulse therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • healing baths;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal solutions;
  • darsonvalization;
  • diagnostic currents.

The cost of a trip for 12 days is 9,900 rubles, for 18 days – 13,800 rubles. The price also includes three full meals a day.

Sanatorium "Goryachiy Klyuch"

The resort is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. This place is especially popular due to its ecologically clean area. Therapy to get rid of the disease includes the following procedures:

  • intake of sodium waters;
  • homeopathy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • thermal baths;
  • local laser therapy;
  • apitherapy.

The minimum course of treatment is 12 days. The cost of one day of accommodation starts from 2000 rubles. This also includes physiotherapy and specialist consultation.

Sanatorium in the village Great

The health resort is also located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. To treat illness, mineral waters that have no analogues throughout the Russian Federation are used here. The therapy option is prescribed by a qualified doctor and carried out under his strict supervision. Treatment includes the following procedures:

  • various herbal teas;
  • underwater massage;
  • water procedures with mineral water;
  • mud therapy;
  • pearl baths.

The price of the tour, depending on the severity of the illness, varies from 6,200 to 12,500 rubles.

“Sanatorium-resort treatment gives stable long-term remission. To avoid relapses of the disease, treatment of psoriasis in Russian sanatoriums is recommended.”

Treatment of psoriasis in the Moscow region is carried out as actively as in Moscow. For example, in the Victoria sanatorium, an original method has been developed using mineral waters, mud therapy, diet therapy, darsonvalization, and hydrogen sulfide baths.

In China, many medical institutions offer treatment for psoriasis. This country is known for the fact that, along with modern methods of treatment, alternative medicine is used here, which gives very tangible and lasting results.

Psoriasis is effectively treated not only abroad, but also in Russia. Lasers, phototherapy, herbal medicine, and many other external and internal remedies are used here.

However, in Russia, treatment for psoriasis is more concentrated in resorts and sanatoriums, for example, in Gelendzhik, Sochi, Anapa.

An abundance of sun, salty water and air, and therapeutic mud help to cope with the disease and achieve overall health of the body.

In Israel, you can undergo a course of treatment for 1.5-6 thousand dollars. In Sochi, treatment will cost 30-90 thousand rubles. In Cuba and some Eastern European countries, a full course of treatment will cost about 2 times less.

How is psoriasis treated and is it generally carried out in sanatoriums in Russia? Domestic specialists have accumulated extensive experience in the fight against psoriasis and do it no worse than their foreign colleagues.

Many patients, comparing the provision of services in Germany, Israel and Russia, note that the results are almost the same.

There are more comfortable living conditions abroad, but the procedures are very expensive. Consultation with a dermatologist and dermatoscopy in Germany costs from 500 euros, treatment (14 days) – 5.5 – 6 thousand euros.

Sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis in Russia are more accessible. In the Russian Federation, consultation and examination cost from 500 to 2000 rubles. A trip to a sanatorium for 10-12 days will cost an average of about 45 thousand rubles.

Doctors recommend treatment of psoriasis in a sanatorium for every patient. Sanatoriums, as a rule, are located in picturesque, environmentally friendly places. Treatment is combined with rest, which allows you to quickly get a lasting positive result.

Sanatoriums where psoriasis is treated usually use local natural mud and mineral waters.

  1. Mud applications (silt-sulfide, sapropel, mud) - destroy bacteria, cleanse the affected areas of dead cells, and reduce the inflammatory process.
  2. Baths with mineral (sulfide) water relieve inflammation, heal plaques (hydrogen sulfide), promote the formation of new cells (silicon), stimulate collagen production, and improve metabolic processes (iodine-bromine).

In addition, for the treatment of psoriasis, the sanatorium has physiotherapy rooms for PUVA therapy, laser treatment, ultrasound and other treatment methods.

Moscow and Moscow region

Sanatoriums in Moscow and the Moscow region offer various psoriasis treatment programs, comfortable rooms, and developed infrastructure.

Domestic sanatoriums, in terms of their level of treatment of psoriasis, are in no way inferior to foreign ones. The latter, for most people, is unaffordable. There are quite a few Russian sanatoriums that provide treatment for psoriasis. Therefore, several places should be considered so that each person can choose the most optimal option for themselves.

Here is a list of the most popular sanatoriums and health resorts:

  • Sanatorium on the shore of Lake Saki, called “Saki”;
  • Krasnodar sanatorium "Hot Keys";
  • Sanatorium in Yesentuki called “Victoria”;
  • Boarding houses in the city of Adler “Dolphin” and “Coral”;
  • Sanatorium "Siberia" in the Tyumen region;
  • Sanatorium "Elton" in the Volgograd region;
  • Sanatorium "Sergiev Mineral Waters";
  • Sanatorium "Poltava-Crimea";
  • Resort "Belokurikha";
  • KGBUZ "Regional Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" in Altai.

Sanatorium on Lake Saki. To treat psoriasis, balneological procedures are used that have a pain-relieving effect on the patient’s body. Plus, he takes mineral baths and does physical therapy. Phytoionotherapy, physiotherapy and halo-chamber are used.

The main method used in the sanatorium is mud therapy. Of course, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. In case of acute inflammatory processes of the skin or the active phase of the disease, treatment with mud may be contraindicated. Therefore, experienced specialists select methods individually.

"Hot Key" is located in Krasnodar. Famous for its sulfides. The sanatorium has its own innovative developments. A type of salt cave called a Climate Chamber is used. The procedure has a general strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect.

The treatment course provides herbal medicine, halotherapy, apitherapy, homeopathy, laser therapy and much more. The water in Goryachiy Klyuch is mostly alkaline. This distinguishes it from other sanatoriums. The area around the sanatorium is extremely picturesque.

Sanatorium "Victoria" is located in Essentuki. He achieved great success in the field of spa treatment of psoriasis. Here they deal not only with the physical condition of a person, but also with the psychological one, because They believe that this is directly related to the disease. The basic methods are not much different. An additional procedure – health path – is strictly dosed therapeutic walking.

Contraindications to spa procedures

Sanatoriums in Russia offer a wide range of procedures aimed at getting rid of psoriasis. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics, various methods of therapy may be offered.

Mud therapy

Almost all sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis offer peloidotherapy - treatment with mineral mud. The effective action of the procedure is due to the rich composition of peloids containing all the necessary microelements that are beneficial for the skin. The therapy has the following results:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • inflammatory processes are stopped;
  • regeneration of the epidermis is activated;
  • the itching stops;
  • peeling is reduced.

The procedure is carried out in the form of wraps or applications. Some centers also offer mud baths.

Therapeutic baths

Mud is a good healing component that can heal many diseases. But getting dirt on an open wound can lead to inflammation. This factor must be taken into account first of all, since mud therapy is provided in all sanatoriums. This type of therapy is not suitable for every patient.

Contraindications for other procedures:

  • any pathology in acute stages, including psoriasis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cachexia;
  • contagious venereal diseases.

Skin sanatoriums provide for mandatory medical examination of each client. After arriving at the health center, a person immediately goes to the therapist’s office, and then goes for further examinations.

Possible contraindications

One of the key missions of a doctor is to warn the patient about possible contraindications.

Psoriasis should not be treated with mud for people with:

  • infectious and other acute inflammations of the skin;
  • allergy to peloid components;
  • during exacerbation of psoriasis (active stage). In this case, the development of pathology may intensify;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins.

If you have the opportunity to go to a resort at least once a year and undergo a course of mud therapy, then you will forget about the symptoms of psoriasis for a long time. This is a truly useful and safe method of treatment, unlike various medications, which often do not lead to the desired effect. Be healthy!

Psoriasis or scaly lichen is not contagious, but a very unpleasant, genetically determined disease. External symptoms of this disease appear on the skin. Perhaps this is the first time you have encountered the appearance of redness and various plaques on the skin with sloppy edges, a loose and raised surface. They accumulate in favorite places - skin folds, elbow bends and on the scalp. The palms and soles may be affected. The nails acquire a characteristic striation or lunar surface in the form of small depressions, thicken and bend upward. Significant articular syndrome up to complete limitation of movements. If you are familiar with the listed symptoms, this is nothing more than psoriasis - not contagious, but an unpleasant genetically determined disease.

Treatment in Moscow for psoriasis is now possible in several ways: under a compulsory health insurance policy, various VHI policies - voluntary health insurance and for cash payment, or, as it is now fashionable to say, under an individual contract.

Psoriasis is treated free of charge by district dermatologists, skin and venereal disease clinics in districts, federal centers and some hospitals. If you are an employee of any department, a military personnel or the happy owner of a voluntary health insurance policy, the list of institutions for you expands significantly. There are a number of departmental central clinical hospitals, centers, military hospitals and sanatoriums where you can undergo a course of therapy or rehabilitation.

And, of course, recently there are a large number of paid clinics specializing in psoriasis. You should approach the choice of such an institution very carefully, especially if experimental methods are used there.

The range of inpatient and outpatient treatment methods is quite extensive and may differ depending on the hospital’s equipment: you can be offered both standard basic therapy, supported by local therapy with hormonal ointments and maintenance injections, and more modern techniques. The most interesting are those institutions where physiotherapy is developed and scientific development of new non-drug methods is underway:

  • Laser therapy uses an excimer laser that acts on plaques without damaging healthy skin. Suitable mainly for mild forms of psoriasis with a small affected area;
  • Phototherapy and light therapy are classic treatment methods;
  • Cryotherapy or cold treatment. Not every medical center has specialized installations for cryotherapy. The technique is quite effective when used skillfully and is available to patients of paid clinics;
  • Treatment of psoriasis with sea salt, clays, peat and medical mud. This is a semblance of climatological treatment with delivery to Moscow, to the patient’s place of residence. It has been proven that the Mediterranean climate and sea baths can practically eliminate many skin manifestations;
  • Acupuncture or acupuncture. This option has been proven to work for many diseases, including psoriasis. It is advisable to use an individual set of needles. The service is not included in the compulsory medical insurance program, even if provided in a public clinic, you will have to pay separately.

Clinics for the treatment of psoriasis

For starters, here are the main government institutions where various methods of medicinal and non-medicinal treatment are practiced.

  1. Federal State Budgetary Institution State Scientific Center of Dermatology and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

If we take institutions at the federal level, this is one of the large entities subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Here they provide assistance under the compulsory medical insurance policy, according to quotas (at the expense of budgetary funds) and on a paid basis.

For consultation, as in any Federal State Budgetary Institution, you must, in addition to your policy and passport, have with you the direction of form 057u. The referral can be obtained from your local clinic. If your goal is to be hospitalized, be prepared to provide a referral for hospitalization 057u, passport, insurance policy, SNILS, copies of the last three documents, an extract from the outpatient card, fluorography, cardiogram, hospital complex of tests: tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, general blood test and biochemical, urine analysis. Hospitalization must be agreed upon with the acting head of the department.

Among the procedures at the center, you will be offered PUVA therapy in the form of baths, using the photosensitizer Ammifurin. The effect is achieved both orally and in a combined manner, in which oral tablets are combined with local application of the drug in the form of an ointment. The list of procedures includes ultraphonophoresis, mid-wave ultraviolet therapy, phototherapy and low-intensity laser therapy.

The department is equipped with two devices for medical plasmapheresis: the domestic Hemofenix and the Apheresis model produced by the BAXTER Corporation. According to the latest standards, plasmapheresis is classified as high-tech medical care; in order to provide procedures under compulsory medical insurance, it is necessary to obtain a quota. The procedure can also be obtained in cash, the prices are relatively affordable - from 5,000 rubles to 7,500 rubles.

  1. Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases named after. Rakhmanov at the Institute named after. Sechenov.

The clinic offers hospitalization or day care. Mainly classical hormonal treatment methods, infusion therapy, and injections are used. Good diagnostic base. The clinic building is an architectural monument and has its own history. Sechenov dermatology is essentially a practice for a huge number of students at one of the leading universities in the capital. There are obvious pros and cons to being so close to science. Pros - if you have doubts about the diagnosis, here you can get competent professorial advice. For residents of Moscow and the region, services are fully paid for under the compulsory medical insurance policy. The main disadvantages are the large number of resident students, interns and other trainees who examine and treat patients together with the attending physician. However, the waiting list for hospitalization is usually about two months.

  1. Moscow Regional Clinical Dermatovenerological Dispensary.

It is conditionally a structural subdivision of MONIKI (Moscow Regional Research Institute named after Vladimirsky).

Located in Moscow on the street. Shchepkina. Accepts patients from the Moscow region under compulsory medical insurance programs. The dispensary's arsenal includes standard treatment, vitamin therapy, and hormonal ointments. The training center based at the institute regularly supplies students. Here you can undergo an examination and confirm the diagnosis. The main disadvantages, besides students, are that the facilities in the hospital are only on the floor; only paid wards are equipped with separate toilets.

Private clinics in Moscow are increasingly using proprietary methods for treating psoriasis.

For example - Ognevoy Clinic. The main difference between the clinic is its founder, Dr. Svetlana Mikhailovna Ogneva, who has been treating psoriasis in children and adults for 40 years. She is the developer of a unique method of treating psoriasis and regularly gives scientific presentations at forums and symposiums on psoriasis. Medicinal herbs, non-hormonal ointments, a special diet - it would seem that everything is simple. Several of the doctor's books are very popular among patients. The advantages of natural therapy: the absence of significant side effects and in many cases, herbs allow you to achieve long-term remission. Cons: If you want to be treated with this method, self-discipline is extremely important - infusions are prepared according to the recipe yourself, healing baths are scheduled in minutes. All procedures take considerable time.

PsorMak Institute for Healthy Skin quite well promoted on the Internet. He has a beautiful and clear website, and there are a lot of flattering reviews on the forums. In fact, many of them do not stand up to criticism. What is really valuable in this clinic is acupuncture sessions, which is a rather interesting non-drug method. In addition, you will be offered two homemade ointments, for a rather expensive price. The composition of the ointments is not disclosed; this is the author’s technique. The disadvantage of the clinic is the lack of any diagnostic and treatment equipment. PsorMac doctors do not provide comprehensive treatment for psoriasis, for example, they do not treat psoriatic arthritis, which, to put it mildly, is not entirely clear. In addition to psoriasis, the clinic is ready to treat other skin diseases from seborrhea to diathesis. The main advantages of the clinic are that hormonal drugs are not used in treatment. The head doctor of the clinic is a fairly experienced dermatologist, Vladimir Fedorovich Mak.

Psoriasis center on the street Novolesnaya focuses mainly on PUVA therapy. What is noteworthy is that this clinic does not treat the entire range of skin diseases, but only psoriasis. Phototherapy units use Philips lamps; doctors use both domestic Ammifurin and Austrian-made Oksoralen capsules as a photosensitizer. For complex therapy, therapeutic mud, clay and peat are used. Special Altai tea complements the individual treatment regimen. Dermatologists conduct health resort consultations on climatotherapy; the clinic’s website provides a detailed overview of the resorts that are optimal for the rehabilitation of patients with psoriasis.

President of medical on Gogol Boulevard in Moscow. A presentable clinic with high-class service and prices. It works in three areas – dermatology, trichology and cosmetology. The main emphasis is on hardware methods for treating psoriasis. Hormonal drugs and ointments are not used here. Ultraviolet radiation is selected individually according to wavelength. The most effective wavelength range used here for the treatment of psoriasis is from 300 to 310 nm. The main disadvantage of the best-equipped private clinic in Moscow is the slightly increased price level. On the plus side, this is the only place that uses cold plasma to treat psoriasis. And only here in Moscow you can meet five doctors of medical sciences, three of whom are professors. Professorial consultation from 6,000 rubles.

Aloderm Clinic uses popular non-hormonal treatment methods when treating patients. Hardware-based techniques include laser therapy, light therapy, phototherapy. The clinic cooperates with Israeli centers for the treatment of psoriasis; it is possible to organize consultations and hospitalization in Israeli clinics. The clinic’s website is replete with various offers and it is quite difficult to find the information of interest. In addition to psoriasis, the clinic’s specialists deal with a variety of skin diseases, plastic surgery and dentistry.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, the treatment of which can be carried out in sanatoriums in Russia. Which resort is better to choose and what treatments can be offered? How long will it take to achieve remission, and will treatment be expensive?

Which sanatoriums in the Russian Federation specialize in the treatment of psoriasis?

There are quite a few sanatoriums in Russia where psoriasis is treated. They are scattered in different parts of the country. The patient can choose the resort that suits him according to his budget and regional location.

Sanatorium Victoria"

This health resort is located in Essentuki. The main difference between this resort and all the others is that doctors directly connect the patient’s psychological and emotional state with the severity of the disease, and pay close attention to this. Victoria offers the following types of procedures:

  • healing mud therapy;
  • climatotherapy;
  • mineral water;
  • medicinal baths;
  • electrophoresis;
  • health path

The cost of living per day ranges from 1500 to 2500 rubles. The voucher can be purchased for a period of two to three weeks.

Sanatorium "Siberia"

A boarding house located near Lake Tulubaevo is ideal for the treatment of psoriasis. The resort is known for its healing mud and its two wells, the mineral water of which has a different composition. It is used for internal and external use. The health resort offers the following treatment methods:

  • Finnish sauna;
  • hydromassage;
  • carbon baths;
  • cryotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phototherapy.

A standard room will cost from 1,750 to 4,100 rubles per day, and a luxury room will cost the patient up to 7,000 rubles.

Sanatorium "Elton"

The boarding house is located in the Volgograd region near the lake of the same name. This place has proven itself to be good for the treatment of dermatological ailments. There is a club and a gym on the premises of the building. The health resort offers the following therapy methods:

  • impulse therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • healing baths;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal solutions;
  • darsonvalization;
  • diagnostic currents.

The cost of a trip for 12 days is 9,900 rubles, for 18 days – 13,800 rubles. The price also includes three full meals a day.

Sanatorium "Goryachiy Klyuch"

The resort is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. This place is especially popular due to its ecologically clean area. Therapy to get rid of the disease includes the following procedures:

  • intake of sodium waters;
  • homeopathy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • thermal baths;
  • local laser therapy;
  • apitherapy.

The minimum course of treatment is 12 days. The cost of one day of accommodation starts from 2000 rubles. This also includes physiotherapy and specialist consultation.

Sanatorium in the village Great

The health resort is also located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. To treat illness, mineral waters that have no analogues throughout the Russian Federation are used here. The therapy option is prescribed by a qualified doctor and carried out under his strict supervision. Treatment includes the following procedures:

  • various herbal teas;
  • underwater massage;
  • water procedures with mineral water;
  • mud therapy;
  • pearl baths.

The price of the tour, depending on the severity of the illness, varies from 6,200 to 12,500 rubles.

The benefits of physiotherapy

Sanatoriums in Russia offer a wide range of procedures aimed at getting rid of psoriasis. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics, various methods of therapy may be offered.

Mud therapy

Almost all sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis offer peloidotherapy - treatment with mineral mud. The effective action of the procedure is due to the rich composition of peloids containing all the necessary microelements that are beneficial for the skin. The therapy has the following results:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • inflammatory processes are stopped;
  • regeneration of the epidermis is activated;
  • the itching stops;
  • peeling is reduced.

The procedure is carried out in the form of wraps or applications. Some centers also offer mud baths.

Therapeutic baths

For dermatological diseases, the use of healing baths is widely used. Moreover, physical procedures do not always assume the presence of mineral waters. The sanatoriums offer the following therapeutic baths:

  1. Radon. Radon is a rare gas produced by the decay of radium. The gas penetrates deeply into the layers of the skin and spreads throughout the body. Minimum doses of this substance improve metabolism in tissues, which contributes to faster restoration of the skin.
  2. Mineral. Health resorts use water with a high content of salts and microelements. This procedure helps cleanse the body and improve blood circulation. In addition, bath sessions promote relaxation and stress relief.
  3. Pearl. The peculiarity of the bath is that no substances are added to the water, but simply air is pumped under high pressure, as a result of which bubbles form. This procedure is suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to treating psoriasis, baths can be used to relieve cosmetic problems. Regular therapy sessions eliminate peeling and help reduce plaques.

Important! Before the procedures, you need to find out about possible contraindications.


This physiotherapy involves the creation of an artificial microclimate similar to the conditions of a salt cave. Such sessions are suitable for both treating the disease and preventing its occurrence. Inhaling a dry saline solution in a halochamber allows one to achieve good results in the fight against the disease. The full course of therapy gives the following results:

  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • increases immunity;
  • the structure of the epidermis is restored.

The procedure has virtually no contraindications.


Treatment of an illness with climatotherapy involves influencing the body with the following natural sources:

  • sunbathing;
  • bathing in mineral springs;
  • inhalation of sea coastal air.

All this has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the health of the body as a whole. Climatotherapy is most popular in Israel, but in Russia, on the coast of the Azov Sea, you can be treated thanks to the sea air.

Treatment of psoriasis in Russian sanatoriums is effective therapy and relaxation at the same time. Let's find out what sanitary resort complexes exist today in the Russian Federation, the full range of services and prices for the procedures provided.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatorium-resort complexes is one of the working methods of therapy

Sanatoriums in Russia for the treatment of psoriasis

Where to treat? Not all health resorts provide procedures that can overcome skin diseases. Some people even treat dermatosis abroad because they cannot find a suitable health center in the Russian Federation. But in our country there are many excellent complexes for the treatment of psoriasis and other skin pathologies.


SK (sanatorium complex) "Saki" is considered one of the most popular. Patients of the health resort have access to mineral water (about 10 types), which has a beneficial effect on the body. This place is also famous for its mud and balneotherapy. After such procedures, 98 out of 100 patients partially recover. So, the percentage of remission among clients of this IC is really high.

"Saki" is located on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. The health complex is located on Kurortnaya Street. Its clients can undergo the following procedures:

  • mud therapy;
  • (near SK there is a mineral spring);
  • physiotherapy;
  • halotherapy;
  • phytotherapy.

Prices: approximate cost of accommodation for 20 days: 26,000 rubles; economy class single room: 2600 rubles; the most expensive deluxe room costs about 6,000 rubles (price is per day). This price also includes meals, parking and internet.

Therapeutic mud contains many beneficial elements for your skin

Blue Lagoon

The large sanatorium and resort complex "Blue Lagoon" is located in the city of Gelendzhik (Krasnodar Territory). Nearby is the sea, as well as the most famous resorts in this area. Upon arrival at the health resort, each client can be examined by a therapist and dermatologist. Specialists individually draw up a treatment plan and select the necessary procedures. The price of the tour does not include SPA and dental services, as well as ozone therapy.

The list of medical services that every visitor to the UK can receive free of charge:

  • physiotherapy;
  • consultation and functional diagnostics;
  • group physical therapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • mud treatment.

In addition, clients of the sanatorium have access to a cultural and entertainment center and Wi-Fi. There are two halls on the territory of the complex: buffet and “increased comfort”. In the first, visitors to all rooms are served, in the second - only the suite.

Minimum price for a 20-day stay: 22,000 rubles. Cost of a double room: from 2160 rubles per day.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will help improve your health

Red clay

The sanatorium is located in Samara (Yuzhny village) on the banks of the Volga. Clients are provided with services such as:

  • mineral water therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • inhalation;
  • physiotherapy;
  • carbon dioxide baths.
You can use the swimming pool, gym, solarium, tennis court and billiards. The price of the tour includes three meals a day, as well as dental services.

Cost of living in a standard double room: 1800 rubles per day. Luxury premises will cost 2,300 rubles per day.

Carbon dioxide bath is considered an effective treatment for psoriasis

Hot key

IC "Goryachiy Klyuch" is located in the Krasnodar region. The sanatorium provides the following services:

  • treatment with mineralized sulfide mud;
  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • psychotherapy;
  • balneotherapy.
The price of the tour includes meals, access to the swimming pool, billiards, and gym. Free Internet (Wi-Fi) is provided for all clients of the health resort.

Minimum cost of living: 3000 rubles per day. On the territory of the complex there are cottages that can also be rented.

The list of methods for treating psoriasis also includes manual therapy.


The sanatorium is included in the list of the best health complexes in the Altai Territory. For clients of the health resort there is an all-inclusive system. Among the staff of the sanatorium there are highly qualified doctors with extensive experience.

The following services are provided at Belokurikha:

  • healing souls;
  • application mud therapy;
  • mineral water therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy.

There are several types of meals available: buffet (standard and luxury), diet table.

A sanatorium-resort voucher costs 3,600 per day. Accommodation in a luxury apartment will cost 7,000 rubles per day.

Therapeutic shower together with other procedures helps in the treatment process

Contraindications to spa procedures

Mud is a good healing component that can heal many diseases. But getting dirt on an open wound can lead to inflammation. This factor must be taken into account first of all, since mud therapy is provided in all sanatoriums. This type of therapy is not suitable for every patient.

Contraindications for other procedures:

  • any pathology in acute stages, including psoriasis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cachexia;
  • contagious venereal diseases.

Skin sanatoriums provide for mandatory medical examination of each client. After arriving at the health center, a person immediately goes to the therapist’s office, and then goes for further examinations.

More than one employee of the medical complex cannot claim 100% healing of psoriasis, as well as most other autoimmune diseases. But specialists can improve the condition of the skin, alleviate the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and relieve discomfort.

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