Scenario and presentation of the holiday "New Year's fairy tale "Snow Daughter"". Scenario for a New Year's party based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Script for the play "Snow Tale"

for the regional theater competition

Mytishchi 2016.

(based on the film script of the same name by Viktor Vitkovich and Grigory Yagfeld)





Old year;

Black soul;

Selling Soul;

Paper Soul;


Winter. An ordinary city courtyard... A sad farewell melody sounds.
1. An ACTOR appears playing the OLD YEAR. The actor looks around the courtyard, sighs sadly

ACTOR. 31th of December. The length of the day is 7 hours 6 minutes. The sun rises at nine o'clock and sets at sixteen...(Pause. Beautiful farewell music sounds .) A thousand years ago, the famous medieval master Antonio Szegedi died...And I was left...ehe-he.... 13 o'clock uh..(The old man walks by and sits down on his bench.

Mitya comes out, makes a snow girl, his mother calls him, he leaves and takes away the snowman.

    The music changes dramatically. Sounds like a modern popular hit. A cheerful crowd of boys and girls rushes in, singing and dancing. Mitya runs in.)

Mitya. Guys, look what my mom bought me!(Shows a children's toy watch.)

SASHA (took the watch and put it to his ear ). Toy. Five minutes to twelve?! They're in a bit of a hurry!(The children laughed.)

MITYA (snatched out his watch). Give it back!(Children laugh.)

SASHA. Why are you laughing? This watch is a super watch!(Speaks mockingly.) They show the exact time twice a day!(General laughter .)

Mitya. You understand a lot! Do you know what watch this is?!
SASHA. We know, we know! Since yours means they are the most important (Children laugh.) .
Mitya. Yes, if you stop this clock, all the clocks in the world will stop!

(The guys became quiet. The old man on the bench looked interestedly in their direction. )

SASHA. Will they stop?.. How - will they stop?!
Mitya. And just like that!..All the alarm clocks will stop, and all the walkers, and the school clock...
SASHA (whistled ). Yah?? (General laughter. Mitya conjures the clock.)

MITYA Watch, and watch, make yourself magical...Please make yourself magical! Well, what is it worth to you?!
A watch, and a watch...(Sashka takes Mitya’s watch and teases Mitya.)

SASHA. “Watch, watch, please make it magical!.. Well, what does it cost you?”

Mitya tries to take away the watch. Sashka throws the watch to the children. The “dog game” begins. The children pass watches to each other and tease Mitya.

CHILDREN: - And Uncle Vasya’s stopwatch will stop?
- And the clocks at the stations?
- And the Kremlin chimes?
- And the clock of the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures? (The watch ends up with Sashka).
SASHA. Oh, what a fool! Well, what a fool!(Mitya tries to take his watch away .)

Mitya. But I’ll stop time!.. And... and... and... The old year will remain forever!
SASHA (to all children ). Okay, until he stops time -let's sculpt snowmen .
Mitya. Give me my watch! (
SASHA teases Mitya and, unnoticed by him, throws away his watch .)

SASHA. Search! Who seeks will always find!(Music sounds. The children are making snow women. The old man walks through the courtyard, looking carefully at Mitya. Then he hides around the corner. Mitya, not finding a watch, makes his snow woman.)

SASHA.Let's run ! ( The children ran away. And Mitya began looking for the watch again. IN THE SHADOWS – SNOWBALL PLAY)

3. And suddenly, the snow woman he sculpted turned into a girl and went on stage .)
GIRL. What are you looking for, boy?..(
Mitya is shocked .) I ask, what are you looking for, boy?
Mitya. Watch...
GIRL. They are here.(
The girl put her hand on her heart .) Do you hear? (The magical beating of the Magic Heart is heard. )

Mitya. And who are you?
GIRL. Don't know...
Mitya. How you do not know? Oh!..(Peers at the Girl and at the place where she stands .) It was I who blinded you... What’s your name?
GIRL. I don’t know... Lelya... My name is Lelya
Mitya. What about the last name?
Mitya. Why not?..Listen, come with me to decorate the Christmas tree.

4. (The children run in. When they see Lelya, they stop. ) Well, I came to visit. Call me Lelya...
LELYA. Hello...
SASHA. Hello.
GUYS. Hello.
SASHA. Come with us and get ready for the carnival! We know what kind of carnival it will be!

( Shows - thumbs up gesture .) Whoa! Let's run!
LELYA. Let's run!
(Lelya and the children ran .)

Mitya. Lelya!(Lelya stopped. Sashka also stopped .) And what do I have!
approaches Mitya ). What?
Mitya. A piece of coal from the pipe of Koshchei the Immortal! And another magical penny! Buy whatever you want with it, and it’s back in your pocket! And I also have a magic wax seal...
SASHA. Only he hasn’t figured it out yet - from which wizard! Unlucky dreamer!
LELYA. Where do you have them?
Mitya. I will bring it now! (
Ran away .)

SASHA (sarcastically ). He will bring it. Something, and he has a lot of this stuff. (For children. ) Let's run, otherwise all the costumes will be taken apart . (The children and Lelya ran away.

5. An old man comes out from around the corner. Mitya immediately runs out and runs into the old man. A tin box falls from Mitya's hands .)

Mitya. Hello!
OLD MAN. Give me the magic watch!
Mitya. Which ones are magical?
OLD MAN. Not tricky! The same ones... Well, from which the alarm clocks will stop... Come on, come on!
Mitya. I can not. They accidentally fell into a snow woman, and she became a girl.
OLD MAN. This was not enough yet! Didn't you know that this watch was made by Antonio Szegedi himself? What should I do?
Mitya. And who are you? Is it really Old Year?
OLD YEAR. And then who? I thought I’d come, take your watch, stop it, time will stop, and everything will be fine. And now?.. What a problem! Ay-ay-ay...We'll have to stop the heart of a living girl...

6. ( A cheerful carnival bursts in. Mitya rushes to her. Blocks Lelya with himself .)

Mitya (Lele ). Don't be afraid!
Lele ). I'm after you.
Lele ). Who is this? Your grandfather?
LELYA. Don't know.
Old Year ). Who are you?
OLD YEAR. Old year.
GUYS. What did he say? What did you say? Who is he?

SASHA. Why do you need a girl?
OLD YEAR. I need to stop her heart.
GUYS. Crazy...
SASHA. Why stop the heart?
OLD YEAR. To stop time.
SASHA. Time cannot be stopped.
OLD YEAR. I know better what is possible and what is not!

Mitya. We won't give it up! (The guys stood up as a wall, blocking Lelya.)

OLD YEAR. This is my girl, not good!
SASHA. That's what! Whether your girl is yours or not, we don’t know.(For children .) Call the police. (One child ran away .) Now let's figure it out. (Old God looked at Sasha and left .)

7. SASHA. Some kind of psycho! But nothing - quiet. (The children laughed .)

Mitya. This is not crazy, guys! It's Old Year! I sculpted Lelya out of snow, and then my magic watch hit her, and she came to life. But the Old Year doesn’t want to leave, and decided to stop time, and in order to stop time, he needs to stop Lelin’s heart! He's not lying!

SASHA. But you're lying. Telling fairy tales again!
Mitya. I'm not a fairy tale...

SASHA. Guys! The holiday is coming, but the tree is not ready yet …( The children ran away. Sashka dragged Lelya along with him. Mitya was the last to leave.)

8. OLD YEAR (appeared and shouted after the children ). I said - I won’t leave! And I won't leave! I do not want to leave! (I saw the SNOW WOMEN left behind by the children. Called them .) Oh, snow women. Hey... (The women did not answer. Old Year looked around. ) Yeah...(I noticed Mitya's tin box in the snow .) Oooh, box! Yes….(I opened the box. Reviews the content .) It seems that a coal is from the pipe of Koshchei the Immortal... And a penny... Oh, the same one, irredeemable?.. And also an ancient seal...(Is reading .) “Wolsh. Office. Art. P. Vr."?.. (I was happy .) Yeah! Magic Office! Table of Lost Time!..(Thought about it .) If I put these objects in place of women’s hearts, they will help me!..(He approached the women and pressed magical objects into their chests one by one. You will be a corrupt soul! You will be a Paper soul! And you will be the Black Soul! (There is a dance of women and the OLD YEAR. )

OLD YEAR. Well, and faces!
WOMEN (indignantly ). What?
OLD YEAR. Nothing!..(
He walked in front of them - like a general in front of a line of soldiers. .) That's it, women. We must stop time!
WOMEN. Order! And we will stop him.
OLD YEAR. They are hiding a girl there from me. Her name is Lelya. There is a clock in her heart. Magic... If you stop her heart, all the clocks in the world will stop! And then time will stop!
WOMEN. Clear! We need to stop her heart!

SALE SOUL. The easiest way to kill the heart is with money!
PAPER SOUL. No! The most convenient way to stop a heart is with “magic ink”!
BLACK SOUL. This is all not for sure... Lies are what kill the heart outright!
OLD YEAR. You are bad women, but we can’t do without you... Okay, go ahead! (Leaves. )

9. BLACK SOUL. Girls, you just wait here for now, and I’ll go and lure Lelya out.
PAPER SOUL. Why do you?
SALE SOUL. Let's count! (Conducts a counting game.)

Aty-baty, the soldiers were coming.
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar?
Aty-baty, how much did they give?
Aty-baty, three rubles!..
I'm the first to go!(The women freeze. Mitya runs out. He is looking for something in the snow .)

PAPER SOUL. And I’m second.

SOUL SALE. Mitya. (Mitya looks at the women.) We have to talk.
Mitya. Which?
gave him money ). On the. Deposit.
Mitya. For what?
SALE SOUL. For the girl. If you bring her to me, you'll get a million times more.
Mitya. For which girl?
SALE SOUL. As if you don't know...

PAPER SOUL (holds out paper and pen ). And sign here...Don't you recognize me?
Mitya. No, no.
PAPER SOUL. I'm from the Magic Office. Table of Lost Time.
Mitya. Where is it?
PAPER SOUL. As where?! On your wax seal.(
Gives an order .) Read!
Mitya (
is reading ). “Order No. 13/13. To a 5th grade student at school No. 27, Dmitry Konkov. Upon receipt, immediately deliver the girl to Lelya. For evading this order..."(Screams .)
Guys! Guys! (
The snow women instantly freeze. Children run out .)

SASHA. What's happened?

Mitya. Snow women are talking!!!
SASHA. Have you gone crazy????

Mitya Am I crazy???! Look!.. Money and order No. 13/13! (Mitya has melting snow in his hands .)

SASHA. Guys, screw it!Let's run down the hill !

ALL. Hurray! (They ran away. Sashka drags Lelya along with him. Mitya looks after them. Snow women come to life .)

BLACK SOUL (silently approached Mitya ). Mitya...
Mitya. What do you want from me?
BLACK SOUL. Don't be afraid of me... I'm your friend. These vile souls...(
Gesture to other snowmen )...they want to drag Lelya away and stop her heart. You don't have to believe me. But if we don’t hide Lelya now, there will be trouble.
Mitya. Trouble?
BLACK SOUL. This nasty old man Old Year persuaded the school principal. Now they will come for Lelya with the police.
Mitya. Aren't you deceiving me?
eyes bulging ). Look me in the eyes! Does it look like I'm lying?
Mitya. What to do?
BLACK SOUL. Hide the girl.
Mitya. Where?
BLACK SOUL. Yours is the best.
Mitya. Exactly! I ran after Lelya. (
Black Soul whimpered .) What happened to you?
BLACK SOUL. The Old Year will kill me for telling you everything!
Mitya. How can I help you?
BLACK SOUL. Hide me and Lelya too.
Mitya. OK. Stay here. I'll bring her now.

10. ( A crowd of children immediately ran by. Mitya snatched Lelya from the crowd. ) Let's run... We must save ourselves... .Mitya and Lelya ran up to the Black Soul e.) Meet this lady.
LELYA. Lelya.
BLACK SOUL. Varvara Petrovna.
Mitya. Run there. Me now. (
Black Soul and Lelya ran away. The First Girl ran out .)

FIRST GIRL. Mitya, where is Lelya?
Mitya. He'll come now!.. Listen, has no one come to the school principal just now?
FIRST GIRL. Which director? Mitya, what are you doing? It's vacation now!(The girl ran away. )

Mitya. Le-la... Le-e-e-e! Leeeee!? (Runs away.

11. Snow women and Lelya appear. Snow women, playing snowballs, lure Lelya. )

LELYA (out of breath ). Ah, heart...
SALE SOUL. Will you sell?.. Okay, I’ll give it.
LELYA. For what?
SALE SOUL. I buy your heart.
LELYA. Heart? What will I do without a heart?
SALE SOUL. So what?.. There will be another girl in the world without a heart. There are as many of them as you like! (
Handed out the money .) Do you take it? (Lelya hid her hands behind her back .) I won’t deceive you! I bought a heart from one boy. He even said thank you. His dad and mom started paying him for his lessons: if you learn a lesson, pay, if you learn another lesson, pay again!.. Take three thousand!
SALE SOUL. Okay!..Then let's change: you give me a toy watch, and I give you a wind-up watch, with music?!
LELYA. With music?
SALE SOUL. Well, yes - I saw one like this - gold, the numbers light up and play a song... Do you want a watch like this?
LELYA. Want!
SALE SOUL. I’ll immediately fly to the store and bring it! (
She ran away. )

BLACK SOUL. Let's girls play hide and seek. C'mon, I don't drive!
PAPER SOUL. C'mon, I don't drive! C'mon, I don't drive!
BLACK SOUL (Lele ). You should drive.
closing his eyes, he counts ). One two three four...
Paper) . While she is running after the clock, we ourselves will stop the heart.
PAPER. Now I will stop him with the help of magic ink.
BLACK SOUL. Just hang on with your ink! Better watch me kill your heart with slander!
PAPER SOUL. So she believed you...
BLACK SOUL. So what?! He won’t believe everything, but a little bit of slander will remain. Drop by drop, the heart is slower and slower... You look and it has stopped. Do not be offended! Your ink will come in handy. You will write...(
She whispered in my ear.) ( Lele. ) A-a-o-o! It's possible!

LELYA. I'm coming! (I saw snow women .)One two Three! I caught everyone! Well, now you drive, and I’ll hide.
BLACK SOUL. No! Lelya... You are a good girl, but they treated you meanly.
LELYA. Mitya? With me? (
Laughed .)

BLACK SOUL. He sold us your heart for three thousand rubles. Of course, you don’t believe it... You probably think that your Mitya is a prince who rides the Gray Wolf...
LELYA (nodded ). Tsarevich.
BLACK SOUL. But in fact he is the Gray Wolf! Yes, yes, why are you looking at me like that?
LELYA. Thank you for joking with me.
BLACK SOUL. I am not kidding. Mitya is the same wolf who ate Little Red Riding Hood... Yes, yes, He ate first the grandmother, then Little Red Riding Hood, then the three little pigs...
LELYA. Then seven kids?..
BLACK SOUL. You see, girl, you already believe a little...
LELYA. No! No! Do not believe! Do not believe! He's not a wolf! It seemed to you!
BLACK SOUL. We all thought before that he was not a wolf, but one day...(
A terrible melody sounds.
The Black Soul is lying to Lela about something very scary. The Paper Soul vigorously assents. Lelya retreats from them. So they go backstage. A terrible melody and the knocking melody of the Magic Heart sounds. IN THE SHADOWS – PEOPLE WALK TO THE RHYTHM OF MUSIC – FIRST FAST, THEN SLOW

LELYA. Where is Mitya now?
BLACK SOUL. Probably sitting somewhere and eating someone!
(Lelya clutches her heart. The slow melody of the Magic Heart sounds. It's like time is slowing down.

BLACK SOUL (listens to Lelya's heart ).Now he will sign and his heart will stop... Sign...
is reading ). “I believe that the boy Mitya is not a boy, but a Gray Wolf.”

14. ( Mitya appears. He snatches the receipt and tears it up. )

PAPER SOUL Stop! Stop!
BLACK SOUL. What have you done?
Mitya. You stop time!
BLACK SOUL. What do you want?
Mitya. Like what? Time will stop - the larks will not arrive! There will be no apples! There will be no place to swim! I will never advance to the next grade! Let me in! (Snow women grab Mitya .)

BLACK SOUL. Into the hole!
LELYA. Do not touch him! Leave him!
BLACK SOUL. Into the hole!
LELYA. No need! No need! Don't kill him! Do you want me to give you my heart?
Mitya. Lelya, don’t give them your heart!
BLACK SOUL. Your heart or his life!
LELYA. Take it! (She took the watch out of her chest and immediately died .)

BLACK SOUL (listens to the clock ). For some reason they are coming!
holds Mitya ). What are you talking about?
BLACK SOUL. They're coming.
PAPER SOUL. It's all you. It was necessary to first stop the heart with magic ink

BLACK SOUL. Okay, the old man will stop it himself! Let's run! (They ran away. )

Mitya. Lelya! Lelya, say something!? (Frozen Lelya stands motionless and silent .)

I swear!.. I will bring you your heart! (Runs after the snowmen .)

Ekaterina Kovalchuk
Scenario of the New Year's party "Snow Tale"

Progress of the holiday.

Children in carnival costumes enter the hall.

On stage The presenter comes out with the girl.


We all feel very good

Have fun today

Because he came to us

Holiday New Year.

Presenter: Hello, dear guys and guests! We congratulate everyone on the most long-awaited holiday! Happy New Year!


Dear viewers!

A fairy tale Would you like to listen?

Music is playing. The girl sits down, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear.

Presenter: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman! And what did they not have! And a TV, and a refrigerator, and a washing machine, but they didn’t have an au pair to clean up and prepare food!

Baba Yaga: Grandfather, turn off this TV, you watch it all day and do nothing!

Koschey: Shut up, old one! You better clean up the house! The dirt has spread!

Baba Yaga: Yes, I can’t! I'm getting really old, I need an assistant! But where can I find it?

Koschey: And we’ll sculpt it out of snow! And what! She doesn't freeze, doesn't eat, doesn't get tired!

Yaga: Persuaded, let's go sculpt!

They go backstage. Sounds of a snowstorm.

Baba Yaga from behind the scenes:

Wow! How much snow has fallen!

On stage snowmen appear.

Snowman dance.

Baba Yaga from behind the scenes screams:

Oh, it doesn’t stick at all!

Maybe the guys can help us?

Presenter: Guys, let's help Baba Yaga make a Worker for herself! Together we will clap, stamp and slam on top. So they sculpted the Snow Maiden!

Children repeat after the leader.

On stage The Snow Maiden comes out with a broom, sweeps near the Christmas tree, begins to wipe the Christmas tree decorations and falls, pricking itself on a needle, and falls asleep.

In the old fairy tale, in Russian fairy tale

There is a snow tower, and in it

The Snow Maiden princess is sleeping

Uninterrupted sound sleep.

Elegant Snow Maiden

We are all waiting for the holiday,

Beautiful Snow Maiden

We will save you from an evil dream!

Presenter: What happened to our Snow Maiden?

Children: She pricked herself on the Christmas tree!


Children, let's quietly call the Snow Maiden so as not to scare her, she will hear us and wake up!

The children call for the Snow Maiden in a whisper, but she does not wake up.

Presenter: Probably the Christmas tree was enchanted, so the Snow Maiden does not wake up, let's sing a song about the Christmas tree, and then the witchcraft will lose its power!

Song "Christmas tree"

After the song, the children call Snow Maiden again, she wakes up. Already cheerful and happy.

Snow Maiden:

Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

I’m in a hurry to visit you here!

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday,

Everyone calls her Snegurochka!

Thank you guys for breaking the spell on me! Various miracles happen on New Year's Day! So you guys have created a real miracle!

Presenter: Where is Grandfather Frost? Everyone is waiting for him!

Snow Maiden: Father Frost? And who is it? I live with Grandfather Koshcheyushka and Grandmother Yaga! They are so evil! They always force me to clean, but they themselves do nothing! They just scold me all the time!

The Snow Maiden began to cry, and the presenter felt sorry for her.

Presenter: Guys, our Snow Maiden is completely sad, let’s cheer her up with a merry dance!

Dance "If you like it".

The Snow Maiden became happier.

Snow Maiden: But who is Santa Claus anyway!

Presenter: And now we’ll tell you!

Guys, I will ask you questions about Santa Claus, and you will answer!

Ready? (Yes)

Is Santa Claus a good old man? (Yes)

Does he wear a hat and galoshes? (No)

Does he come to our Christmas tree? (Yes)

Does he come with the gray wolf? (No)

Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? (No)

Is he friendly with everyone? (Yes)

Now you, Snow Maiden, know everything about Grandfather Frost!

Snow Maiden: Yes! I have remembered! And I have star girlfriends! Let's send them after Santa Claus!

Dance, stars, spin around,

Come back to us with Santa Claus!

Dance of the Stars

Presenter: Hello, stars! Didn't you meet Santa Claus when you were dancing in flight?


We were looking for Santa Claus,

But they didn’t meet him anywhere!

Presenter: Then let's all call him loudly together! Then he will hear us and will definitely come!

The children call Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost:

Hello, dear guests!

Hello guys!

There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn

But the best holiday in the world

This is, of course, New Year!

He gives us faith in a good chance

On a New Day and a New Turn,

Helps you become better

Happy New Year to everyone in the world!

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz! It's so good that you came! We need to save the holiday!

Baba Yaga and Koschey run in, waving their fists, shouting: “Tear, destroy, break!”, run up to the Christmas tree, Santa Claus touches them with his staff and they "freeze"

Father Frost: Not in order! There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

So that the Christmas tree lights up -

You use the words:

“We were surprised by the beauty

Christmas tree, turn on the lights!

Children and Santa Claus say words in chorus, the lights come on.

Father Frost:

It was not in vain that we tried with you,

The Christmas tree lit up!

Santa Claus is calling you all

IN New Year's round dance!

And let Baba Yaga and Koshchei dance with us! This will be a punishment for them.

Round dance song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Baba Yaga and Koschey run away after the dance.

Frosts don't matter to us!

We are not afraid of the cold!

We dance and sing

We have a lot of fun!

Song "About Santa Claus"!

A game “I’ll freeze it!”

Children sit on chairs.


Grandfather is tired, tired,

How he danced merrily.

Let him rest by the Christmas tree,

Who will read poetry to him?

Children read poems for Santa Claus.

Father Frost: thank you guys, you gave me so many poems told! Well, Snow Maiden, is order now in our domain?

Snow Maiden: Father Frost! So what is the order? There is no snow, no icicles, no blizzard either, I wish I could sprinkle at least a little snow for the kids to have fun!

Father Frost: And I'll blow mine snowy breathing and spinning snowflakes.

Girls run out - snowflakes.

Dance snowflakes.

Snow Maiden: How much snow has fallen, let's play snowballs!

Children throw to the music snowballs, then collected in a basket.

The Snow Maiden comes out, holding a Christmas tree toy in her hands.

Snow Maiden:

There are a lot of toys on our Christmas tree!

Various balls, paper crackers!

Bunnies, bears and even hedgehogs...

The fancy toys are so good!

Well, I'll surprise the guys

And I’ll bring the toys to life!

Dance of Christmas tree decorations.

While everyone is applauding, Baba Yaga and Koschey take the bag of gifts.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, while the toys were dancing, Baba Yaga and Koshchei stole our gifts! How can we catch up with them now?

Father Frost:

And there’s no need to catch up with them! Let the guys tell me more poems, and I’ll return the gifts to them!

Children recite poems.

Father Frost: Oh, and you made me happy with your poems! Well, it's time to return our gifts! I have an invisible rope, if we all pull it together, then we will pull out Baba Yaga and Koshchei, and our gifts! You are ready?

Children: Yes!

Everyone improvises a tug-of-war, and Baba Yaga and Koschey with a sack appear on stage, they pretend to resist.

Baba Yaga:We give up!

Koschey: Take your gifts!

Baba Yaga: Eh! We want some treats!

We ask for your forgiveness!

Koschey: We will improve, believe me!

We will start a new life!

We will be kinder, better,

Every hour, every day!

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, shall we forgive them?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost:

To have in your life

And fun and laughter.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

They give out gifts.

Presenter: And our holiday has come to an end! Happy New Year!

In this post I post our script.

Scenario for Ulyana's Birthday.

1. Welcome. Guests gather in the nursery. Winter music is playing.

Dear guests! Welcome!

A winter's tale is all about miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,

It seems that if you touch the branches
The wizards will all respond immediately...
No one knows what will happen to us,
But everything is interesting, everything is interesting!
One two three four five -
Let's congratulate Ulya!

I suggest you take a photo and go to the table.

We take pictures in the photo zone.

2. At the table.

Our dears! Today we have a magical holiday - exactly a year ago, on one wonderful winter evening, our Snowflake was born! And today we have gathered you, our loved ones, to properly celebrate this event! We will have fun from the heart, let everyone today be a child for a while and plunge into the atmosphere of a magical Fairy Tale!

We fill the glasses.

I want to raise my first glass to our Ulyana. I have a difficult task to put into a few sentences everything that I feel at this moment, that I want to wish her. It's hard to describe all my emotions in words, so I wrote a poem:

White Snow Angel

sprinkled the earth

And one Snowflake

It hit me in the heart.

My heart fluttered

Like a piece of ice in spring,

And now it knocks

For you, Snowflake.

From the cold blizzard

I'll cover you

From any wind

I'll shield you with myself.

With a Snowflake in the Heart

I live now.

I am my Snowflake

I call you daughter!

Our toast. We raise our glasses. The guests eat and drink.

One more toast. Music.

Third toast. If they raise you for your parents, that’s just the preface to the video.

(Slide show) Dear guests! Our Ulyana is now one year old. It was sometimes difficult for us parents, sometimes we got tired, forgot to eat and sleep, re-remembered children's poems and songs, played the role of a horse, personal driver, buffoon, opera singer, etc. We laughed and cried together, rejoiced at new achievements and overcame difficulties. And I can say one thing: being a parent is the greatest, unearthly happiness! It was a magical year. And it flew by unusually quickly, leaving us with many photographs to remember this time. Let's get a look.

Small break. Music. Dancing.

(Letter to the Future) . Dear friends! Please pay attention for a minute! There is such a wonderful tradition: on the baby’s first birthday, write a letter to him in the future. I want to invite you to write a letter to Ulyana in the future, write how you see her at 18 years old, what profession, in your opinion, she will choose, where she will live, etc. We will seal them in an envelope, and at the age of 18 she will read all your wishes. (Place in a box along with the tag from the maternity hospital, the first hats, etc.)

Toast. Break.

(A game). "Ice Snowflake"

I'm a winter sorceress!
I am building a miracle tower,
I sprinkle snow silver
I'm sweeping everything around!!!

All guests play the game, and to the music you pass a snowflake to each other. Whoever holds the snowflake when the music stops must answer the question:

What time was Ulyana born? (19.25)

Sing a song about a bear that Ulyana loves (“Why do all bears love honey?...”)

The word that Ulyana most often says (YES!)

In what city was Ulyana born? (Dubna)

Name as many diminutive names of Ulyana as possible

Dancing, break.

(Contest). Snowman. Dear guests! What winter fun do you know? (Skis, sleds, skates...). One of the most favorite winter activities is building a snowman! I suggest you build a snowman here at home. But we won’t bring snow, but we’ll take these balloons. (Two pairs of people are invited, the main player (child) and an assistant; they are given balls, a marker, a carrot nose, and props). Please give free rein to your imagination and sculpt your masterpiece, and then we will appreciate it! (After the snowmen have been made, the audience applauds, friendship wins, and prizes are awarded).

Toast. Break.

(A game.) Puzzles.

Racing along the river
in winter they run... (skates)

There is an excellent sign:
It snowed - welcome... (summer)

Iron frame,
Wooden planks, -
From the mountain many times
They'll take us for a ride... (sleigh)

The land of snow, frost, blizzards,
Let's call it... south (north)

Top - wide, sharp bottom -
Wasn't it the hare that was gnawing on it?
I'll call my friend Vovka,
To knock down... a carrot (icicle) from the ledge

On the windows at blue night
Lays patterns... (frost)

Even though the frost crackles in winter,
Roses (Christmas trees) are turning green in the park

Toast. Break.

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light chain down...

Is the winter sun shining
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty.

(A game). "I will".

Dear guests! Let's play a little more, now each of you will take out a piece of paper with a promise, say “I will...”, and read what is written on the piece of paper. I am the first.

I will…:

Teach Ulyana to skate;

Go to discos with Ulyana;

Love and care for Ulyana;

Conduct interviews with Ulyana's gentlemen;

Do homework with Ulyana;

Take Ulyana to the zoo;

Stand for Ulyana in the corner;

- the bike for a long time,

In the remote meadows I will stop him,

I'll bring you flowers and give you a bouquet

To the girl I love (Joke. Pulls it out again).

Braid Ulyana's hair;

Blow bubbles with Ulyana;

Watch cartoons with Ulyana.

Break. Cake. Northern lights.

Quietly humming a fairy tale,
Winter floats by at dusk
Covering with a warm blanket
Land and trees and houses.

Light snow swirls over the fields,
Like stars are falling from the sky.
Lowering his furry eyelashes,
A dense forest slumbers in silence.

Golden owls sleep on Christmas trees
In the fabulous glow of the moon.
Snowdrifts sleep at the edge of the forest
Like big white elephants.

Everything changes shape and color
The windows of sleepy houses are turned off,
And winter, telling a fairy tale,
Slowly falls asleep on her own...
And winter, telling a fairy tale,
She slowly falls asleep on her own.

I thank you, our dear ones, for coming and we shared this Holiday together. It's time for us to go to bed. So our Ulyana was born, exactly a year ago. Let's once again wish her good health, the happiest childhood and new successes every day! We all love her very much! Hooray!!!

The whole scenario is designed for approximately 4 hours, including breaks and dancing. The guests demanded more competitions, and I was afraid that there would be a lot of these. I also had some competitions in store:

"Snow Bowling"

Take disposable cups and draw the eyes and noses of snowmen on them. The cups are lined up bottom up, in the form of a pyramid, the children try to knock down as many cups as possible with a “snowball” (can be made from a sock, or from crumpled paper, etc.)


Two teams of two people are called. One puts on mittens (the thicker they are, the better) and tries to unwrap the candy in them and feed it to his teammate. The one who does it faster wins.

"Turn back the snowman's nose"

A snowman without a nose is drawn on a piece of whatman paper. A blindfolded child tries to find where to attach his nose (the nose is cut out of paper, and double-sided tape is attached to one end).

The phonogram of the variation “Snow” from A. Glazunov’s ballet “The Seasons” is playing.

The slides “Winter in the works of Russian artists” are shown.


The blue-eyed mistress came,
She raised her sable eyebrow.
From her wide sleeve
The silver mist is dusty.

She commands the blizzards.
It's not good for her to argue.
Bunnies are hiding under the spruce trees,
The bear became silent in the dense forest.

She is one month old with golden tusks
In snowstorms he makes a way.
It's morning, sunny showers
Shining, falls on the chest.

Expanse is heard in its winds,
In habits - youth itself.
How freely I can breathe with you,
Dear Russian Winter!
G. Milova “Winter”

Winter can be very different - cold, with a thaw, blizzard, with dripping, snowy and with sun. Winter for poets is beautiful, sometimes playful, sometimes quiet, like a dream, cold.


Snowdrifts glisten in the sun.
The frosty air rings with silence.
The aspens dressed themselves in delicate shawls,
And the tree stands like a queen!

Scarlet beads were hung on rowan trees.
And in a strict tailcoat the oak went out on patrol.
The pine tree hid all its old cones,
She put on her majestic attire.

The hazel tree arched its long branches,
The rain in them glows like diamonds.
Birch trees, wearing vintage earrings,
Dress up in a wonderful holiday outfit!

And pearls from the sparkling rain
He hung a crystal forest on the branches.
And lace made of silver snow
Winter beauty scattered from the sky.
T. Lavrova “Winter's Tale”

Presenter: Nature the sorceress has prepared many miracles. One of them is the change of seasons. And every season is beautiful and interesting in its own way. Everyone has their own secrets, riddles, miracles and fairy tales. But the most magical fairy tales are winter ones.

Yes! Winter time itself seems to be waiting for a fairy tale to appear. A fairy tale comes to people's homes from the darkness of a distant forest, from the mysterious light of the moon and the unexpected, loud cracking of branches in the frozen silence of the night air. Apparently, all winter tales were composed and told by people on long, mysterious and thoughtful evenings.


The wind is blowing outside the window,
Snow is swept away from the roof,
In the late sky there is a baby month
The asterisk shakes.

The baby is sleeping, she is dreaming,
She's a feather in it
Everything flies, everything spins
A tiny snowflake.

And all around there are tops in the snow,
The spruce trees turned white,
They were decorated by girlfriends
Blizzards and blizzards.
T. Marshalova “The wind is blowing outside the window”

Presenter: Winter has come, snow has fallen. The Russian people love Zimushka-winter. You can ride a sleigh, play in the snow, and build a snow woman...

And on long winter evenings, with the howling of a blizzard, it’s good to listen to fairy tales...


Winter covered everything with silver,
The snow glistens, the candles are lit,
And my heart is light and warm
On a quiet, good and fabulous evening...

Winter's Tale
White, white.
This fairy tale
Blizzard did.
She swept the fluffy snow -
And the earth became
Bright, clean.

The wind echoes through a winter fairy tale,
And, like a granddaughter,
Snowflake is cradled.
Winter's Tale -
White, white.
This fairy tale
Blizzard did.
G. Novitskaya

Held slide quiz "Winter's Tale".

Presenter: Let's remember our favorite winter fairy tales, guys. Today I have an assistant - a magic light. Be careful when answering questions. If you make a mistake, the light will not light up, and fairy tales will leave us for their mysterious winter forest...

Winds, storms, hurricanes,
Blow as hard as you can.
Whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards,
Get ready for the night!
Trumpet loudly in the clouds,
Hover over the earth
Let the drifting snow run in the fields
A white snake.
(S.Ya.Marshak “Twelve Months”)

It was a frosty winter.
In the hole by the lake
Gray tailed fox
The wolf got frostbitten.
(Russian folk tale “Little Fox and the Gray Wolf”)

The snow was falling, the clouds were swirling,
The pine trees bent to the ground.
Angry people in the dense forest
The orphan was brought in.
Left to freeze.
(Russian folk tale "Morozko")

I am the queen from the country
Where there is neither summer nor spring,
Where the blizzard blows all year round,
Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.
Silence, I love peace,
I can't stand noise and fun!
(H.H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”)

Nothing is given to us freely, without labor, -
It’s not for nothing that the proverb has been around since ancient times.
So he rewarded the Needlewoman for her work,
He treated the sloth to an icicle!
(V.F. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”)

One girl, shaking the feather bed,
She brought wealth and success to the house.
The other, not wanting to bend her back like that,
I washed my face with tar, people laughed at me.
(Brothers Grimm "Mistress Blizzard")

Only a kind heart is capable of love,
Break the ugly guise,
Fight the troops of treacherous mice,
And conquer everyone with your love.
(E.T.A. Hoffman “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”)

To forget your melancholy,
They began to sculpt the snow beauty.
They filled in their eyebrows with black charcoal,
They rubbed their cheeks red with snow.
White braids from gray feathers,
And the eyes are made of light blue ice floes...
(M. Lisyansky “Snow Maiden”)

An excerpt from the cartoon “The Snow Maiden” is shown (old people make a Snow Maiden).

Presenter: “Mother” - this is how in the old days Russian people called winter with its cold weather, snow, blizzards and blizzards. Maybe because winter, like its own mother, covers the entire earth with a snow “blanket”, protecting it from severe frosts?
In Europe, various fables and tales have been invented about the Russian winter for hundreds of years. And about the biting frosts, when the streets of the capital had to be heated with fires, and about the Siberian blizzards, covering with a thick snow cover an area equal to several Frances... And the residents of Russia simply rejoiced in winter - both the snow creaking under the sleigh runners and the strong frost.


Great in the morning
The kids worked hard
And it came out of snow
Yard decoration.

His nose is a bunny's dream,
Tastier than the stalk,
And the bucket is almost like a hat.
He became respectable, like dad.

Who tell me, friends,
Appeared in the middle of the yard?

An excerpt from the cartoon “The Postman Snowman” is shown (children make a snowman).

Presenter: They have been making snowmen in Rus' for a long time. They are born during a thaw, when the snow becomes soft and sticky and rolls perfectly into large balls. This is an old winter fun.

Regardless of gender, a Snowman always looks like this: three snow globes placed on top of each other. The two largest ones are the torso, the third, the top one, is the head with eyes (cones, acorns or just black coals), a nose (carrot), and also “a mouth to the ears, even sewn strings.” Hands are dry branches. The snowman must have an old bucket on his head.

The snowman is the closest relative of the Snow Maiden, which means Father Frost himself! That is why he is always given special honor. In the old days, villages often sculpted three snow women at once. One of them always held a broom in her hands - “to disperse the snow.” At the feet of another, armed with a rake, lay a sheaf of rye, and grains were scattered. This is the patroness of the future harvest. The smallest snow woman was called “Kryshnya”. Sometimes the snow woman was dressed up as the Winter Boyar: they put an old skirt and apron on her, and put a hat on her head. A fence was placed around such a woman and the area was covered with hay and straw - so that “the walk would be soft.”

Why look for it in the mountains?
You will find it in the courtyards.
From year to year, from century to century
Bigfoot lives here.
He's in the yard
Stands holding a broom in his hand.
He amuses the kids all day long
I pulled the bucket on one side...
A. Shlygin

In modern fairy tales and cartoons, snowmen have very different professions. But tell me what they are now.

Attention! Video quiz!

An excerpt from the cartoon “The Snowman Postman” is shown (the snowman guards the Christmas tree).

  • (Watchman)

D An excerpt from the cartoon “Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf” is shown (a snowman driving a truck).

  • What is the profession of this snowman? (Chauffeur)

An excerpt from the cartoon “Snowman the Postman” is shown (the snowman carries a letter to Santa Claus).

  • What is the profession of this snowman? (Postman)

An excerpt from the cartoon “New Year's Tale” is shown (the snowman paints the name of the fairy tale).

  • What is the profession of this snowman? (Artist)

An excerpt from the cartoon “When the Christmas Trees Light Up” is shown (the snowman dances with the children).

  • What is the profession of this snowman? (Dancer)


To see the carrot nose,
The moon rose above him.
There's a bucket on his head
In his hand is a broom.
They ring my doorbell quietly,
And he stands there, not breathing,
Button-eyes don’t tremble...
Can't he hear?
But at midnight the cock crows
Has grown to the very stars,
And at that very moment my snowman
He rubbed his nose with his palm.
He waved his broom and stepped onto the ice.
And now he dances and sings,
And he follows on his heels
Cheerful Santa Claus.
Walter De La Mare (translation by V. Lunin)

But what is a real fairy tale? Santa Claus, himself a great lover and collector of fairy tales, answered briefly and simply: “In a real fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil.”

Our humble winter storyteller has collected many fairy tales: both Russian and foreign, and works of modern writers. And all of them are Father Frost’s favorite fairy tales, because winter is present in them, Father Frost himself is present, and good always triumphs over evil.
Listen to one of them!

Children retell the fairy tale “The Snowman” by H.H. Andersen.

Presenter :

The ponds are closed until March,
But how warm the houses are!
The gardens are covered in snowdrifts
Winter is caring.

Snow is falling from the birches
In drowsy silence.
Pictures of summer frost
Draws on the window.
E. Rusakov “Winter”

The presenter reads the fairy tale “The Sly Chick” by V. Zotov.


Crystal on the windows, because winter has come,
Flows through the transparency of the curtains
And boldly enters quiet houses,
Carrying in them the clear air of the copses.

"Forget summer!" - the crystals whisper,
Spreading its quiet ringing throughout the house.
The frosty ground has already cracked,
And the light of fairy tales is seen at the breaking point.

And the sweetness of sleep is in the air
Under a silver winter blanket.
We dream of a forgotten spring,
And thin sprouts of new leaves.

But that will come later, but for now
The crystal melody plays
And the clouds cast silver,
And Winter walks through it.
Radomira Vesennyaya

A calm melody sounds.


  1. A. Usachev. "The Big Book of Santa Claus." Moscow. "ONYX". 2007.
  2. M.I. Salimova. "Ecology classes." A manual for kindergarten teachers. "Winter-winter." Minsk. "Amalthea" 2004.
  3. G. H. Andersen. "Fairy tales". Moscow. Detgiz. 1955.
  4. V.Zotov. "Evening Tale". (fairy tale “Sly Chick”). Moscow "PANORAMA". 1991.

Children wearing hats and scarves, holding ski poles and clubs, enter to the accompaniment of sad music.
1 child (sad):
Eh! no ride again!
As you can see, we can’t wait for winter!
2nd child:
No way to play hockey!
How tired of waiting and waiting!
3rd child:
Friends, let's not be discouraged,
Perhaps we should shout?!
He shouts, looking at the sky: Snow, snow, hurry up, cover everything up!
He sighed: No, it doesn’t work out again, but maybe we should shout together?
All together:
Snow, snow, hurry up, cover everything around!
And trees, and bushes, and rivers, and bridges!
Light music sounds
Children (joyfully): Look, the hostess herself is flying towards us - Winter!
To the music, Winter appears with Snowflakes, dancing, they cover everything with snow.
Music presenter:
She waved her puffy sleeve
And sparkled with silver
snowflake fringe.
And the first snow
it is white, clean,
Whirling like butterflies, fluttering.

White and fluffy blanket
He quietly covered the earth!
Covered with soft snow
Bushes, trees and houses,
Like snow-white scarves
They are all wrapped up in Winter!
Musical moment
1 child. (enthusiastically):
The very first, the cleanest!
The whitest snowfall
Throwing snow for the kids!
2 child. (joyfully):
Finally we have waited
Winter's birthday!
3 child. (mischievously): I can’t resist - I’ll roll in the snow!
1 child. (bragging): And now I’m making a snowman out of white snow!
Child 2: And I want to make him, but where can I get a hat?
Child 3: I roll the bun deftly (shows), and here is my nose, carrot nose!
To the sound of magical music, snowmen appear, waddling funny.
1 child. (funny):
Oh, what is it, oh-oh-oh!
The snowman shakes his head!
2 child. (hands on belt): Oh, what a snowman, such a funny fat fellow!
Snowmen to music:
1 snowman. (in a thin voice): Ha ha ha!
2nd (bass): Hee-hee-hee!
3rd (mimics): Ha-ha-ha, yes hee-hee-hee -
It's us, snowmen!
Merry song of snowmen:
Naughty snowmen,
Naughty fatties!
Tomboys love it very much
Lollipops made from icicles!
Every fat guy loves it.
Snowy, tender pie
And when night comes,
We'll throw the broom away
Let's run down the mountain,
Have fun, tumble!
We're running straight away - OP!
Let's jump into the snowdrift together! (together)
All snowmen love
It's fun to play snowballs.
Here he took aim and bang -
You find yourself in a snowy forehead.
We don’t get bored and don’t worry,
We are all very friendly! - 2 times.
Mistress Winter (affectionately):
Naughty snowmen,
Do you want to play in the snow?
The snowmen nod cheerfully
- Come on, my snowy people,
Follow the guys - go ahead!
Snowmen attack children with snowballs
1 child:
Ah well?! Friends are all gathered here!
Well, now hold on! Hold on! (throws a snowball in response)
2nd child: Hurray! Hurray! More fun kids, the game begins.
There is a snowball fight accompanied by cheerful music, and at the end everyone runs away except the hostess, Winter.
Soft music. Winter carefully examines everything around and sprinkles it with “snow.” Suddenly he notices a girl who is sculpting something out of snow.
Winter (surprised):
Are you playing alone?
Why, open up to me?
I sculpt a snow princess from snow,
My hands are cold, let them freeze, I’ll be patient!
Winter (affectionately):
There's no need to be sad, girl!
Mom will be very happy
Now to meet you
Run home, honey!
Girl: What about your snowy friend?
North wind and blizzard
Heading here
And the cold will come!
Don't be bored, princess,
White Prince flowers for you
On a quiet night he will bring it.
Goodbye! Mom is waiting for me!
The girl hugs the princess and runs away.
Calm music sounds
The Snow Princess approaches Winter, who is sitting on a bench and puts her head on her knees.
Snow Princess:
Tell me, mistress Winter,
Have you seen the prince yourself?
Yes! The White Prince is my assistant.
He is the lord of all snows,
A swarm of snowflakes will fly,
Will fly from the clouds
White snow will cover
And the forest, and the meadow, and the banks,
Then under the snow layer they
The cold will not be scary.
Cosmic music sounds and the White Prince appears.
Winter (joyfully):
Look, right to us,
The White Prince has come down himself!
The White Prince approaches Winter and gallantly bows.
White Prince:
Hello, Zimushka-Winter,
Are you meeting me yourself?
I put in a lot of effort
I covered everything with a snow coat,
All the trees and bushes
Snow will save them from frozen ground.
Well done! I'm so happy.
I will be calm now
And the princess is waiting for you (shows)
Invite her to fly!
I'll go and check everything myself.
White Prince:
See you, Zimushka-Winter! (turns to the princess)
Princess, do you want to come with me?
Rush quickly above the ground?
I want to see the stars!
Yes, White Prince, I will fly!
Space music sounds, flight improvisation.
Princess (enthusiastically):
Flying in the clouds
I admired the sky, ah!
The White Prince gets down on one knee and says, bowing his head:
And now, princess, waltz,
The moonlit waltz sounds for us.
Dance of the Prince and Princess.
White Prince:
Princess, thank you,
I'll give you a necklace,
I brought this gift to you
Yellow star beads.
If trouble suddenly comes,
Then you will break the thread,
Beads will fly into the sky,
The stars will definitely shine.
Mark the Milky Way,
Don't forget about it!
And then I will find you,
And I’ll quickly get rid of the trouble.
Now I have to fly away... (flies away)
Disturbing music, frightened Snowmen run in.
1st: snowman (in panic):
Trouble, trouble, trouble has come!
Hurry up and hide wherever you are!
2nd: snowman
Hide, hide quickly,
Kholodey himself is flying here!!!
Princess (surprised): Get cold?! And who is this?
3rd: snowman
You won't believe it for anything!

But angry Cold,

He is a thunderstorm for all people

For both birds and animals.

1st (with crying):

Turns everyone into ice,

Hear: it’s already flying!

Oh, the terrible cold is coming,

He can destroy the city!

2nd: snowman

There will be no birds then in the spring,

Oh, how scary! Oh-oh-oh! (cringes)

3rd: snowman

Kholodey's servants are also with him!

We can't wait, let's run, run! (hiding)

Kholodeychiki appear with icy peaks in sharp-angled blue caps. They all look like icicles. They carry two poles covered with blue material, among the poles Kholodey strides majestically.

to the beat of the drums the Kholodeychiki chant:

We are Ice-Colders,

We walk without a break.

We are Kholodey's servants!

Without sparing anyone,

Let's chill everyone easily!


XO! XO! XO! (shaking peaks)

We are so formidable

We are icy peaks

Let's put it into action right away,

Who will go against us?

Not bad work! (in a silly tone)



Forward! Without many words,

Covered with snow

We need to remove it.

Hey, icy army,

Beat the drum, beat it!



Kholodeychik (humiliating and bowing):

Get cold, our patron,

He is the master of the cold,

He is the most important person in the world!

Cold, he points imperiously with an icy cane, puffing:

Place the throne here!

He sits down in a chair covered with a blue cloth. Disturbing music sounds in the background:

Cool with pathos:

I!!! Great Cold!!!

I!!! The most important thing in the world!

There is no better dream of mine -

The cold of permafrost

Bring it here quickly

And the cold will come, yes!

The north wind is blowing!

And then any risk

Turn into bitter ice

Let no one expect mercy

Never from Kholodey.

You always tremble!

Turns to the Icemen, points to the Snowmen and the Princess:

I give you an order!

Capture them now!

Coolers, go ahead!

The Cold Ones rush towards them and want to tie them up. The Snow Princess breaks free and runs up to the Cold Ones.

Snow Princess (boldly):

The White Prince will save us all!

He flies back and forth

And white snow will fall now,

And it will cover you like a blanket,

A soft, white blanket.

Snow will save you from frost,

Cold, are you shaking? (strictly/

Get cold (evil):

Snow doll, how dare you

I'm getting cold to object?

You must be silent now

Cool, connect everyone!

Snowman (sadly):

There's no way we can escape!

No one will help us!

Do we have enough patience?

Snow Princess (joyfully):

I have a necklace

Bead, fly up high,

Turn into a star there!

Other beads fly

Call the White Prince,

The prince will understand that there is trouble here,

And he will fly here soon!

Get cold (mockingly):

Well, well, the joke is not bad,

She made me laugh (along with the Kholodeychiks in chorus): Ha-ha-ha!

Cold: Let him fly quickly, I’m not afraid of the prince!

Flying music, the White Prince and Winter appear.

White Prince:

Who isn't afraid of me here?

Cool down, are you angry again?

I'm ready to help my friends

Fly away quickly!

The clouds will speed up

Snow will fall to the ground.

White snowflakes are flying,

There will be a whole lot of snow!

Snowflakes fly in to the music, hover around Kholodey and Kholodeychikov, who wave them away in fear.

Get cold (to the side):

Eh, what a shame!

Oh please don't!

I assure you I'm not a coward

But I'm afraid of white snow!

I'm glad to leave the city

Coolers, back!

We're flying north

We are dying, we are dying...


We're hanging in the clouds

We're flying away, we're flying away,

We won't hurt anyone!

We're flying far away! Ooo!

They take the throne and, spinning, fly out to the music.

Snow Princess:
White Prince, you are our savior!

You are a real winner!

Children run in

Boy: Did something happen here?

All the evil is behind us now,

The White Prince has accomplished his deeds,

Now the earth is white,

Until the sunny spring

Let him rest and dream!

1st child: Let's always, in any weather

2nd child: Let's take care of our native nature!

Girl: And from our caring love,

The earth will become lighter and more beautiful!

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