Cairn Terrier puppy long tail long legs. Cairn Terrier (photo): An energetic companion with a playful personality. History of the origin of the breed

If you dream of a small but vigilant guard, easy to care for, then the Cairn Terrier is a suitable option. He is smart, resilient, and easily transforms from a show dog into a four-legged athlete. Representatives of this breed easily adapt to the role of a companion for a single person and a family member.

Height at withers: 28-31 cm
Weight: 6-8 kg


  • sand;
  • ginger;
  • shades of gray;
  • brindle;
  • motley.

Pure black coloring of cores is unacceptable, but gray colors of dark tones are found. The fur on the face and ears is darker than on the body.

It is not always possible to determine the color of Cairn Terriers during puppyhood. These dogs, as they grow older, sometimes change color: sandy turns into red, and light brindle turns darker.

  • The body is muscular, with a broad chest.
  • The legs are straight, slight markings are allowed on the front paws.
  • The head is neat in shape, broad-browed, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  • The nose is black.
  • The eyes are dark.
  • The ears are pointed and erect.
  • The tail is not docked; the dog holds it high.
  • The body is covered with hard, straight guard hair, which is bristled by a soft padded undercoat. Waviness of the spine is allowed. There is bushy hair on the head, and a goatee and mustache on the dog’s face. The hair on the ears is short.

History of the breed

The homeland of Cairn Terriers is Scotland. The breed originated in the highlands of the country, where people needed dogs to hunt animals in rocky embankments. The word "kern" is translated from Gaelic as "rocky terrain", "mound", "rocky hill".

The first mentions of hunting burrowing dogs date back to the 16th century, but there is no evidence that these are representatives of this breed.

Previously, Cairns were not classified as a separate breed - they were called short-haired Skye Terriers. Only in 1907 did the breed gain independence. In the same year, the first terriers were registered, which belonged to Alistair Campbell.

According to breed researcher J. Beynon, the ancient line of core breeding was founded by Captain McLeod on the Isle of Skye. The age of this line is 150 years.

Today, Cairn Terriers are popular in Europe. The first representative of the breed came to Russia from Great Britain relatively recently - in the 80s of the 20th century. By 2004, cores had gained popularity in Russia.

Behavior and temperament

Kern is an active, agile dog, devoted to its owner. He is resilient, and happily participates in “human” affairs.

Character advantages:

  • brave;
  • obedient;
  • affectionate;
  • playful;
  • vigilant;
  • patient;
  • communicable;
  • does not bark over trifles.
  • owner - protects his toys or food; without socialization, aggressive towards other dogs and animals; cannot stand loneliness;
  • hyperactive;
  • the hunting instinct is highly developed.

Cairn Terrier and man

Previously, the Cairn Terrier was used as a hunting dog and was also kept in homes as a rat catcher. Today it is a companion dog, but continues to be used in hunting burrowing animals.

The representative of the breed is a family dog, adapted to urban living conditions. Gets along both in a large family and with a lonely person. Does not choose a single owner, is friends with everyone equally, and with kids easily gets along well.

With proper upbringing, the Cairn gets along with other pets, perceiving dogs and cats as family members.

This is a dog that requires attention and care. The ideal option for maintaining cores is in a house in the countryside. If you live in a house with a garden plot, then remember: like any terrier, he loves to rummage in the beds.

But even in city apartments, a dog lives well with sufficient physical activity.
If the Cairn Terrier lives in the apartment, then it is important for him to provide long walks with outdoor games.

This dog can withstand cold and heat due to its fur, but in the winter season the dog should not be kept outside.

Caring for the Cairn's coat does not take much time - the dog is brushed 3-4 times a week. These terriers do not shed. Trimming is done once every 3-4 months, i.e. pluck out dead hair. If the dog is not a show dog, then the dog can be cut with a clipper in a grooming salon. But remember that cutting spoils the natural coat type of the Cairn.

This terrier is food lover, and when overfed, he gains excess weight. An adult core should be fed 2 times a day in small portions; the volume of food and calorie content depend on the dog’s mobility and living conditions. If your dog moves a lot, it is better to increase the number of feedings rather than the portion size.

The dog's diet should include raw meat, vegetables and fruits, and grains. The food is given cut into long strips: the dog will easily choke on thick or small pieces, as he eats greedily.
Kern can also be fed with premium dry food.

Training and education

Cairns learn everything on the fly and love to spend time with their owner, especially if the training is fun and active. Terriers do not tolerate strict training methods, preferring positive reinforcement. The main thing in training is consistency and perseverance, as well as early socialization so that the dog does not become aggressive towards other animals.

The Cairn Terrier is an athlete who will support any endeavors of the owner. To prevent the dog from getting bored, they practice agility, flyball, obedience, and thanks to their good sense of smell, the cairn can participate in hunting competitions. They make capable circus performers.

Health and life expectancy

Cairn Terriers live on average 16-18 years old, which gives them the right to be called long-livers.

At the same time, the dog is in good health, and there are few typical diseases:

  • obesity;
  • in old age - allergies;
  • cataract;
  • von Willebrand disease - a hereditary blood disease; luxation of the kneecap.

Some diseases are inherited, so when choosing a puppy, ask about the health of the parents.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

Buying a purebred puppy in our country is not difficult. The National Cairn Terrier Breed Club has information about serious breeders and upcoming shows.

Puppy price: from 25 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of Cairn Terrier dogs.

In the modern world, in a world of speed and stress, many of us lack communication and lack devotion. And we think about the dog. The dream of a cheerful and kind shaggy friend brings to mind the Cairn Terrier breed. This funny dog ​​is very similar to the children's fairy tale about Toto come to life.

These dogs are representatives of the oldest hunting terriers from Scotland. The Cairn Terrier breed was bred to hunt foxes and rabbits in the highlands of Scotland. These dogs were most often used to search for prey in piles of stones (cores).

At first, these terriers were called the “short-haired” Skye terrier, which was dissatisfied with fans of “Skyes” (they have flowing hair), and in 1910 this breed was officially given the name Cairn Terriers. Alistair Campbell is considered the founder of this breed. And in 1912, the breed was registered as an independent breed by the Kennel Club.

Immediate family

Kern is one of the representatives of the Scottish Terriers. The climate of this country is harsh and therefore the dogs have a hard, water-repellent coat and a warm undercoat. All terriers from Scotland are characterized by erect ears (acute hearing is necessary in the mountains). Short tails are also characteristic of people from this country (docking was prohibited there, and breeders deliberately selected puppies with short tails).

Here are the closest relatives of this breed:

  • Scottish Terrier originated in the Aberdeen Mountains. The first name of this breed was Scottish Terrier. Representatives of this breed have an imperturbable character (“a gentleman with the heart of a barbarian”). Very popular among dog breeders.
  • . The dog is medium-sized, up to 25 cm. It has medium-length, hard hair. It differs from other Scottish terriers in its light color. Peace-loving, but always ready to defend the owner.
  • Skye Terrier- from the Isle of Skye. Its difference is its long body and long fur. The coat hangs beautifully, but does not curl. This is an elegant and beautiful terrier.
  • Dandy-dinmont comes from the border region between Scotland and England. This is a small shaggy dog ​​with a cheerful character.

Appearance, breed standard, photographs

Height at the withers is about 30 cm. Weight is 6-7 kg. The breed can be described as follows: small dogs with short legs(typical representatives of terriers). His physique is strong and harmonious, a typical representative of a working dog.

Photo. Cairn terrier white color

Cairn Terrier dog in the photo

The dog has a small, overgrown head with a powerful jaw. There are large teeth with a complete scissor bite (the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth). The eyes are set wide and shaggy eyebrows hang over them. Eye color is dark brown.

The front legs are straight and slightly larger than the hind legs. The back is straight with a muscular lower back. The tail is small, sticking up. The coat is thick, slightly tousled.

By color The Cairn Terrier can be gray, sandy, brindle and almost black. The color of the muzzle and ears is darker, which is typical for this breed.

Core character

Kern is a true representative of the Scottish Terrier. He has a courageous, unassuming and resilient character. The Cairn Terrier is a hunter, and therefore displays the appropriate temperament: active, cheerful, ready for lightning-fast reactions.

He is very active, so all types of dog activities are created for him. The terrier does not require special entertainment; it can entertain itself. This dog is attached to its owner and requires attention. He loves children very much and gets along well with them (he is ready to get along with his neighbors too).

Cairn Terriers are very active, cheerful and brave dogs.

Kern is an excellent defender, and he is even ready to fight with a larger dog. The terrier (earthen dog) loves to dig and can dig a fairly deep hole. Therefore, if your dacha has flower beds and beds, then you need to inform your “hunter” that digging in those places is prohibited.

How to raise a dog correctly

The Cairn Terrier is highly trainable. He will be happy to spend time with his owner, especially if he offers active and fun activities. Main, training should start from the first months of the dog’s life. This way the terrier will learn to clearly recognize commands.

The dog has a good intellect, so you should not use forceful training methods on the core; he will perfectly feel the change in the intonation of your voice. When training puppies, the owner should use the word “may” more often. If the dog deserves it, then you must praise it loudly and enthusiastically. This way the puppy will quickly understand what he can and should do.

This terrier has well-developed guarding qualities, he shows fearlessness and courage, and he himself can attack a larger opponent.

Important: When walking, you should protect your cairn from fights with large dogs, which can seriously injure him.

If possible, Cairn Terriers should be taken outside frequently., since the dog is very active. Although it is more convenient to keep a core outside the city (no one has canceled natural instincts), it also easily adapts to small city apartments.

Cairn Terriers do not shed, but do require regular trimming.

The Cairn Terrier is suitable for keeping in urban environments, but it requires frequent walks and exercise.

Rules for grooming a Cairn Terrier

This breed does not shed. There is no need for a haircut either, just brushing the coat every week is enough. Even at exhibitions, dogs of this breed are exhibited in their natural form. If the core is cut with scissors, the fur will become like a “loofah”, which will collect dust and dirt and will roll off.

It is better to take your dog to the groomer at least several times a year, who can do the correct trimming of the Cairn Terrier (it is done by hand). Excess hair near the tail and front legs can be trimmed from time to time. The fur around the eyes and ears is slightly trimmed.

Although this dog does not need a haircut, there are many photographs of Cairn Terriers with haircuts and trimming on the Internet. This is a matter of taste for the owner, especially if the dog is not a show dog.

Feeding rules

It is better to feed the terrier in small portions twice a day. Basically, representatives of this breed are omnivores.

Suitable for their diet:

  • vegetables;
  • raw meat;
  • cereals;
  • fruits.

You should not overfeed the Cairn Terrier, as this breed is prone to obesity.

Cores are unpretentious and can eat one food throughout their life, but to avoid harm, it is better to use food with minimal additives. You should not fall for advertising about mineral and vitamin supplements (it is better to use children's vitamins - 1/8 part). But be sure to make sure your dog gets enough calcium. Fish oil and brewer's yeast should also be included in her diet.

You can't overfeed your dog. Since it is difficult to determine the optimal portion for your dog, it is worth feeling his ribs. If the ribs cannot be felt, then the dog is overfed - the diet should be revised downwards. If the terrier's ribs are sticking out, then the portion of food should be increased.

Diseases and life expectancy

These dogs live up to 15 years and are in good health, but it is still necessary to monitor the condition of your pets. Firstly, you need to remember about vaccinations (this will protect you from serious diseases).

Important: you must remember that vaccination will not save your pet from infection, but it will help get rid of the disease and serious complications faster.

This breed also has a number of hereditary diseases:

Cairn Terriers are susceptible to diseases such as luxating patellas and glaucoma.
  • One of the forms of glaucoma (ocular melanosis).
  • Hepatic shunt. In small breeds of dogs, blood circulation may be impaired. Especially after eating, signs of the disease are visible: lethargy, drooping of the head, blindness, eating inedible objects, convulsions. Surgical treatment of this disease is carried out.
  • Dislocation of the kneecap. This disease leads to severe lameness in the dog, so it is necessary to visit a veterinarian promptly.
  • Obesity. With a lack of physical activity and poor diet, Kern is obese. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to give your pet the opportunity to exercise its activity in the yard.

All these diseases can be easily treated, so puppies should be periodically taken to the veterinarian for prevention and to monitor the correct development of the dog. Her also must be treated for ticks and fleas, The following drugs are suitable for this: , .

Buying a puppy: how not to make a mistake in choosing

When choosing a puppy, you must first carefully look at the environment in the breeder's home. The mother of the puppies should not be emaciated, but have a well-groomed appearance. Puppies should be active, active, and cause delight, not pity.

It is possible to buy a Cairn Terrier puppy second-hand even for up to $100. It is clear that for such a price you may not get exactly what you dreamed of. But you can contact a nursery, where prices are naturally higher - 200-500 dollars, and for an elite breeder they can ask for up to 2000 dollars.

The cost of puppies depends on their class(top class, breed class, pet class). Lower cost in the pet class, since these animals are discarded from litters and, according to the Cairn Terrier standard, have weakly expressed natural characteristics.

The Cairn Terrier is a "ray of sunshine". The breed has a huge number of advantages. The Cairn Terrier is an ideal urban dog!
The dog is not large, but not “small” either; it is quite comfortable to pick up and carry over a short distance. It’s great to travel, both in a car and on public transport, where the dog does not cause negativity, but only the joyful delight of fellow travelers and the controller...
The breed as a whole is not aggressive; Cairn Terriers love children, are easy to train, and do not require complex nutrition and care.
I believe that people only see disadvantages in dogs if they are not ready for life with a dog or if they have not chosen the right breed. You must be prepared for the fact that the Cairn Terrier is active, agile, cheerful, loves to run, play, dig, and will not sit on the nightstand like a porcelain figurine. You need to walk him a lot, exercise, and communicate, since the Cairn is intelligent, very owner-oriented and suffers greatly without communication and attention from a person. Very often people are simply not ready for this and begin to consider the breed’s characteristics as shortcomings, but what they really needed was a plush toy, not a terrier...

An adult Cairn Terrier is the pride of its owner! He is well-bred, moderately well-fed, has good muscles and well-groomed, hard, medium-length fur.

The size of an adult core is desirable about 29-33 cm, weight - 7-11 kg. Colors: brindle - all kinds of shades from silver or golden to almost black (brindle is required), also solid colors: red, wheaten, cream, a dark mask and darkened tips of the ears are typical. White, solid black and black and tan colors in core dogs are considered defective.
Cairn terriers have a very interesting feature: it is not always possible to guess the color of puppyhood 100%. With age, many cores change color, for example, light brindle dogs usually darken by the age of 5-6, and the red and wheaten colors of puppies in childhood are so similar that often even the breeder cannot say for sure whether the dog will grow up red or wheaten...

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The peculiarity of the Cairn Terrier's coat is that the guard hair cannot fall out on its own, i.e. The Cairn Terrier practically does not shed. Caring for the coat of a Cairn Terrier is not difficult. It is necessary to thoroughly comb the dog once a week with a fine-toothed comb and take the dog to the groomer 2-3 times a year (for dogs not attending exhibitions). The groomer must be able to trim this particular breed, because... it is quite specific.
Trimming replaces molting for the terrier's core; it is done exclusively by hand, since the terrier's core cannot be cut. Unfortunately, in salons, few people know how to do the correct trimming of the core and often the masters try to give the core the appearance of a Westie, Scotch or Sealyham Terrier, but this is not true, the core is an individual and has a very pronounced breed type. If the core is cut with scissors, its fur will turn into a “washcloth” that absorbs all the dirt, dust and moisture. The wool will no longer be hard, shiny, moisture- and dirt-repellent, it will begin to tangle into tangles, and an odor will appear.
Therefore, if people are serious about having a core terrier in their home, then in order to maintain its correct, pedigree coat in order, they should visit a specialist 2-3 times a year who knows how to properly trim a core terrier.

The Cairn Terrier was originally bred to hunt foxes and small rodents. Nowadays, the Cairn Terrier is a companion dog. In city conditions, it is better if dogs do not develop their natural hunting instincts, since the city is a place of increased danger and no dog owner wants his pet to die under the wheels of a car while chasing a cat in the heat of the hunt. ..

The Cairn Terrier has excellent hearing and can alert its owner to the approach of strangers. But the Cairn Terrier loves people and is rarely aggressive towards strangers, rather distrustful or indifferent.
Cairn Terriers love children very much and are ready to participate in all their mischief and games; the Cairn Terrier will become a child’s best friend.
For the most part, Cairn Terriers are not talkative, they are rather silent. But if the owner encourages the rare “yelps” of his dog, then he will have a chance to get an excellent “yipper”.

Cairn Terriers are considered a very healthy breed. But like any living organism, they can get sick. During puppyhood, it is necessary to follow all the breeder's recommendations for vaccination, feeding and caring for the Cairn Terrier; following these recommendations will protect the dog from many health problems. It is also necessary to regularly vaccinate, deworm, and treat your adult dog for fleas and ticks. The average lifespan of a Cairn Terrier is 13-15 years.
In Russia there are no mandatory tests for breeding the breed. But responsible breeders make sure to screen breeding studs for heart disease and eye disease. Now it is possible to test Cairn Terrier puppies for the disease “liver shunt” PSS - this disease occurs in many small breeds of dogs.

RESPONSIBLE CAIRN TERRIER BREEDERS MONITOR THE HEALTH OF THEIR PRODUCERS AND PUPPIES! At the time of buying . It is worth paying attention to the situation in the breeder’s home, his attitude towards the mother of the puppies and the puppies themselves, how they look and in what conditions they are kept. Puppies must be well-groomed, neither fat nor thin, active, active. The mother of the puppies may look a little tired, but should be well groomed and not exhausted.


Many people wonder who to get, a male or a female?
I believe that if you take a puppy just “for yourself,” then you have to choose with your heart. So you came to see the puppies and whoever gets into your heart is your only one!
Otherwise, females are more obedient, but they go into heat 2-3 times a year, and this is a problem for city residents, because you have to keep your eyes open and not let the dog off the leash and prevent accidental mating. Males, if you do not train them, should generally walk on a leash, as they are prone to running away. If you take education seriously, then both females and males are very understanding and manageable.
The biggest mistake when buying a puppy is people’s lack of willingness to take responsibility for a living, helpless creature. We must remember that a dog, even a small one, is not a toy! And when buying a puppy, you need to understand that you need to invest a lot of work, patience and love in order to raise a Dog.


When raising a Cairn Terrier puppy, the key is love, perseverance and consistency. The most important rule is not to let your puppy do anything you wouldn't let an adult dog do.
The Cairn Terrier is highly trainable and there is nothing greater for him than to spend as much time as possible with his owner. With the Cairn Terrier you can engage in sports training: agility, flyball, obedience, you can engage in search and rescue service, because the Cairn has an excellent sense of smell. The Cairn Terrier is an active, active dog and boring, monotonous types of training are not very suitable for him, but active, fun activities will bring double benefits and strengthen friendship and contact with the owner and provide an opportunity to splash out the ebullient energy of the Cairn Terrier. The Cairn Terrier will be happy to keep company with a runner, although the dog’s load must be increased gradually. The Cairn Terrier is irreplaceable on a hike; it can go kayaking with you or go swimming on the lake. The potential of the Cairn Terrier is enormous; it is ready to support its owner in everything!


The Cairn Terrier is not picky about food, BUT it is better to choose super-premium dry food, this will keep the dog healthy and reduce the owner’s expenses for the veterinarian. If you feed the core with natural products, then the recipe is simple - 80% of the diet should be protein products (meat, offal, cottage cheese, kefir), 15% vegetables, 5% bone component.
Preparing a Cairn Terrier for exhibitions is work and a significant investment. The Cairn Terrier has been prepared for exhibitions since childhood. This is training in exhibition stance, showing teeth, and proper movement in the ring. Wool also requires special preparation. It is necessary to create “multi-layered” wool to give volume and a pedigree appearance to the core.


My advice to anyone who wants to buy a dog:

1. You should only get a dog if you cannot live without a dog.
2. All family members should want a dog.
3. If you are getting a dog for a child, you must really understand that the main part of caring for it will fall on adult family members,
because a child cannot be fully responsible for a living being.
4. Realistically evaluate your strengths; a dog is not a toy; it cannot be put in a closet and forgotten.
Are you ready to devote a sufficient amount of time and effort to your dog for 13-15 years, regularly feed it, walk it, exercise it, treat it if it gets sick?
5. Love your dog, because you are all he has...

Katerina Rozhkova, owner of the Cairn Terrier kennel "Iz Lunnom Sad".
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Cairn Terrier
The homeland of all terriers is Great Britain, where small, brave dogs have long been used to hunt burrowing animals - badgers and foxes, as well as to bait small predators and rodents that cause damage to the farm. In the 1870s and 1880s, before the breeds were officially recognized, Scottish, West Highland and Cairn terriers often shared common ancestors and even came from the same litter. This explains the confusion that existed in the ancient names of Scottish terriers. When terriers were not yet divided into breeds, they were called Skye Terriers and Highland Terriers, depending on whether they originated from the Isle of Skye or the Highlands of Scotland. These were the ancestors of modern Cairn Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Western Highland White Terriers (West Highland White Terriers) and Skye Terriers. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century was the Cairn Terrier recognized as an independent breed, for which its name was approved.

Ancient working dog

The Cairn Terrier is considered the oldest among the terrier breeds. Similar dogs were known in the Hebrides in Scotland, particularly on the Isle of Skye, several centuries ago. It is likely that they existed already in the 16th century. They were used to hunt otters and foxes. For several centuries, Cairn Terriers have been hunted on the rocky hills of Scotland. In the past, beauty and any specific external characteristics were not required of the terrier - the main thing was that he was strong, hardy and able to deal with pests - rodents and predators. Clan leaders kept packs of these terriers to hunt foxes, otters and badgers. Hunting was not only entertainment, it was necessary. Highlanders and peasants were forced to use dogs to protect the harvest from rodents - rats and mice. Often, in broad daylight, foxes and wild cats attacked sheep that grazed near farms and dragged poultry from the yard. Brave Cairn Terriers chased predators over the hills and fought bravely with the enemy in the hole, often dying in a fight whose motto was “victory or death.” They kept terriers and watchmen who kept order in the area. A good working terrier was the pride of its owner.

Origin of the name of the breed

The name "kern" comes from the Gaelic word for a rocky area, a pile of stones, a mound, a mound over a grave, or simply a rocky hill. (The Gaelic language, a variety of Celtic, was common among the peoples of Scotland and the Hebrides.) It was among the rocky hills and mounds that this breed of short terriers evolved over the centuries, with which they hunted various animals that lived in rocky crevices. These dogs were otherwise called “short-haired Skye Terriers.”

Ancient literature

The physician to Queen Elizabeth I of England and dog hunting owner John Caius, in his book “English Dogs,” published in 1576, mentioned small dogs used to fight rodents. John Leslie, Bishop of Ross, in his book History of Scotland from 1436 to 1561, published in 1830, mentioned “small dogs, which, creeping and crawling into holes, put to flight martens, badgers and foxes, and drive out from the den of wild cats." Webb, in his Book of Dogs, describes two varieties of Isle of Skye terriers - long-haired and short-haired. He also mentions a special line of white terriers with yellow patches on the ears, which were undoubtedly the ancestors of the modern West Highland White Terrier. In 1774, Oliver Goldsmith described one of the terriers as "a small kind of bloodhound, with a coarse coat, which drives out foxes or badgers that are snoring, or reports where they are underground in snorks." John Leslie, a contemporary of Queen Elizabeth I (16th century), also mentioned the same dogs in Scotland.

Exhibitions and official recognition

Under its modern name, the core was first shown at the Craft Exhibition in London in 1909, although some dogs there were recorded as "short-haired Skye Terriers with erect ears." (It was under this name that the first Cairn Terriers were presented at an exhibition in 1860.) In 1910, the Cairn Terrier was officially recognized by the Kennel Club of Great Britain. Somewhat earlier, since 1907, white terriers called the “White Scottish Terrier” began to be shown separately at the Craft exhibition, and the first terrier called the “West Highland” was registered by the Kennel Club in 1908. A great contribution to the development of the breed was made by its lover, Captain McLoyd, who worked with Cairn Terriers until the end of his life. The best modern lines have their roots in his dogs. Since 1912, Cairn Terriers began to be recorded in the stud book of the Kennel Club of Great Britain, and in 1913 the first dog of this breed was included in the stud book of the American Kennel Club. However, up until 1924, Cairn Terriers and White Western Highland Terriers, as well as Scotch Terriers, were often bred together: all puppies of any color other than white and pure black were registered as Cairn Terriers. The beginning of the spread of the breed in Europe can be considered in 1928, when the first Cairn Terriers appeared in France.

Portrait of a Cairn Terrier

Previously, the Cairn Terrier was not fashionable. Nowadays, many people appreciate this unpretentious dog with an excellent character, and the Cairn has become very popular. This is a cheerful, playful, funny, but at the same time obedient and devoted hunting dog, and a companion, a companion for sports and active walks. However, this terrier is proactive and likes to make decisions himself, so he will not obey the slightest gestures. The Kern resembles a jack-in-the-box jumping out of a snuffbox; it is hardy, undemanding to living conditions, and feels great in any weather: its hard, thick, tousled coat holds its shape well and protects the dog from snow and rain. Periodically, 3-4 times a year, the Cairn Terrier's coat is trimmed so that it retains its characteristic hard structure. The growing fur around the ears and paws is plucked and trimmed. Cores often live up to 15 years or longer, while maintaining excellent shape.

General appearance and behavior. The Cairn Terrier is a typical working terrier, lively and active. He is confident, but not aggressive.
Body type. Harmonious, strong, free movements.
Height at withers 28-33 cm.
Weight 7-11 kg.
Head. Small, short, wide in the forehead, with a small depression between the eyes.
Muzzle. Pointed, with powerful jaws, but not heavy. The “fox” expression is typical. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth, but pronounced. The nose is black.
Dental system. The teeth are strong. Scissor bite.
Eyes. Expressive, medium size, widely spaced, dark.
Ears. Small, triangular in shape, set high and somewhat wide, covered with short hair.
Neck. Set on high, strong, of moderate length.
Frame. The chest is wide and deep, the back is short and straight, the lower back is strong and flexible. The croup is powerful.
Forelegs. The shoulders are sloping, the forearms are not too short, they are set parallel.
Hind limbs. Hips are powerful. The angles of the joints are quite well defined. Hocks are short.
Paws. Rounded, with powerful claws. The front paws are larger than the hind paws and may be slightly apart. The pads are thick and durable.
Tail. Not long, set quite high, carried almost vertically. (Ear and tail cropping has long been prohibited in Scotland, so all Scottish terrier breeds have a short tail from birth and most often set high.)
Coat. Abundant guard hair of medium length, coarse and hard, straight (slight waviness is allowed), raised by a soft, dense short undercoat. On the cranial part of the head the hair is bushy, on the muzzle it forms a small mustache and beard, and on the ears the hair is short due to trimming.
Color. Red, sand, gray of various shades to almost black (however, pure black color is unacceptable), brindle (motley), muzzle and ears are usually darker - with blackening.


Origin: Scotland

Class: according to the FCI classification - 3rd group (terriers). Section 2 (small terriers)

Usage: The breed was bred to hunt foxes and small rodents, but is now more often used as a companion

Color: dark brindle, red brindle, gray brindle, red, wheat, cream, gray. Pure black, black and tan and white are not allowed

Dimensions: height at the withers: males - from 25 to 33 cm, females - from 23 to 30 cm; weight: males – 7–10 kg, females – 6–9 kg

Lifespan: 12–15 years

Once upon a time, fearless Cairn Terriers made their way into different secluded corners of the forest in search of foxes and rodents.

Now this ancient breed is rarely used for its intended purpose.

The Cairn Terrier became a companion dog with an affable personality, a movie star and a favorite of celebrities.

This is a real bundle of energy, a bright “ray of sunshine”, in its psychotype it resembles the breed and .

History of the breed

The name of the breed comes from the piles of "kern" stones that are found in abundance on the coast of Scotland.

The dogs squeezed into the cracks between the stones and caught rodents there. Hence the name.

Already in the 16th century, fearless Kerns hunted foxes, just like.

In 1870, Dr. Van Beet founded a kennel where he bred Scottish Terriers as a separate breed called the Shorthaired Skye.

The breeder tried to separate the Skye into a separate line.

The line was quite varied. But, thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, four varieties were isolated from it.

And in 1910, the shorthaired Skye Terrier was renamed the Cairn Terrier. The Cairn Terrier was recognized as an independent breed in 1912.


If you dream of a smart and energetic dog, then the Cairn Terrier breed is a good choice.

He will happily greet his owners at the door and happily run around the yard. This is an excellent defender with a well-developed hunting instinct.

He is smart, loyal and very sociable.

Characteristics of the Cairn Terrier:

  • cheerful disposition;
  • sharp mind;
  • self-confidence like boston terrier ;
  • persistence;
  • courage.

This dog often behaves selfishly. The owner will not be able to ignore the dog. He will seek attention at any cost.

But Kern does not have narcissism, which cannot be said, for example, about. He is more flexible and manageable.

The Cairn Terrier has a well-developed guarding instinct and requires socialization.

The fearless core does not know how to really correlate its size with the size of the enemy. It can attack very large animals.

You need to make sure that the brave kid does not get involved in a fight, from which he could suffer greatly.

The breed lends itself well to training and education. Dogs respond sensitively to mental and physical stimulation.

All they need is praise. Dogs are very sensitive to punishment or raising their tone. You can't tease them, you shouldn't even shout.

Otherwise they can become very naughty.

Important! This breed requires constant contact with people. Lack of communication has a bad effect on their character. A bored Cairn Terrier begins to dig holes in the yard and gets carried away by excessive barking.

Cairns have complex relationships with pets. Often they begin to compete for the owner's attention.

Dogs are not aggressive towards strangers, but rather distrustful.


Unpretentious and hardy Cairn Terriers have found application in various fields. Small cores are suitable for:

  • living in a family accustomed to active recreation;
  • keeping in a house or apartment;
  • as a play companion;
  • search and rescue service;
  • fox and rodent hunting;
  • security

Important! The dog needs purposeful activity. These could be games, competitions or jogging with the owner. Without stress, dogs become destructive and capricious.

Cairn Terriers are suitable for living in the city, but during walks it is better to take them on a leash using a leash.

Outside the city they need to allocate a fenced area. Don't forget about the instinct of these hunters.

They love to dig holes if given the time and opportunity to do so.

You need to understand that the same Cairn Terrier can bring joy and disappointment.

Buying a puppy is not everything, you still need to raise it. Boring types of training are not suitable for core dogs.

It's better to deal with them:

  • flyball;
  • freestyle;
  • obedience.

How to choose a dog

Regarding the choice of the gender of the puppy, you should know that this breed lends itself well to training and education, both males and females.

But the Cairn Terrier, whose photo touches with its spontaneity, requires firm and consistent education.

Males are more prone to protecting territory. Dogs very rarely show aggression without reason.

Bitches are less hot-tempered and more flexible. But you need to be prepared for estrus 2-3 times a year. But, unlike male dogs, they are not prone to escape.

You need to choose a puppy taking into account:

  • physical state;
  • character and temperament;
  • parents' condition.

Healthy Cairn Terrier puppies should show interest and curiosity.

Pay attention to the breeder’s attitude towards the dogs, the situation in his home and the conditions in which the kids are kept.

The color of core dogs in puppyhood is very difficult to guess. Babies tend to change coat color. This does not happen right away.

Even the breeder may not know what kind of dog his dog will grow up to be. For example, light brindle cores darken with age.

This happens by the age of 5–6 years. And it is almost impossible to distinguish between the wheaten and red colors of puppies until they are one year old.

Features of care


This breed is not subject to shedding, guard hairs do not fall out on their own, which means their use is impractical.

Dogs must be taken to a groomer. This is especially important for animals participating in exhibitions. They have to visit even more often.

Important! Trimming Cairn Terriers is quite specific. It is made exclusively by hand. You can't cut your dog's hair!

If a kerna is trimmed, its fur will mat and turn into tow. It will become porous and will absorb moisture, dust and dirt.

Wool will lose its unique properties and ability to repel water and dirt.

The dog will begin to smell unpleasant, and this is extremely undesirable for an animal living in the house.


Kerns are running around like mad in gardens and parks, on city streets. The city is a place of increased danger for Cairn Terriers.

Every now and then the dog wants to run away from its owner in search of adventure. Therefore, in urban environments you need to walk them on a short leash.

It is better if the dog accompanies the owner during sports activities. Hiking, running, cycling, even swimming are suitable.

Only the dog needs to be accustomed to stress gradually.


Cores have no special nutritional requirements. Both natural feeding and...

If you decide to choose dry food, then you need to go for the super-premium class. Then you will always have a healthy and beautiful Cairn Terrier before your eyes.

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other possible names: Cairn Terrier.
  • Adult height: from 28 to 31 cm.
  • Weight: The norm is considered to be from 6 to 7.5 kg.
  • Characteristic color: anything except white.
  • Wool length: medium length, straight and stiff.
  • Lifespan: on average 13-15 years and more.
  • Advantages of the breed: brave, cheerful, obedient, smart, learn quickly, loves children, good companions.
  • Difficulties of the breed: very active, assertive.
  • Average price: A purebred Cairn Terrier costs from $500 to $1,500 or more.

History of the origin of the breed

The Cairn Terrier is the oldest breed of all Scottish Terriers. has existed since the 16th century. These dogs were mentioned in the book “English Dogs” by John Caius, who was Elizabeth I’s doctor.

Also, a description of the little hunters was made by their contemporary, Bishop of Ross John Leslie, when he wrote the book “The History of Scotland from 1436 to 1561”. And already in the 17th century, the Scottish King James VI sent five dogs similar in description to Cairn Terriers to France as a gift.

Cairns are considered to be a short-haired variety of Skye Terriers that originated on the Isle of Skye in western Scotland. Cairn Terriers got their name from the fact that they could climb through a mound of stones in search of rodents, and in Scottish translation “cairn” means a pile of stones.

As a separate rock core were recognized only in 1907, and the first standard appeared in 1910. The first breeder of Cairn Terriers is considered to be Mrs. Alistair Campbell, who at one time collected almost all of these dogs on her estate. The breed is gradually gaining popularity outside of Scotland and England, where it is best known.

Purpose of the breed

Good sense of smell and ability to break holes They made excellent fox and badger hunters out of agile Cairn Terriers. These dogs were valued by rural residents for protecting farmsteads and buildings from small rodents such as rats and mice.

After the recognition of the breed, Kerns became frequent participants in exhibitions and gradually turned into decorative dogs and companions. The Cairn Terrier became a favorite of adults and children and even served as the prototype for Toto from the Emerald City or the Land of Oz.

Description of the nature of the breed

Small Cairn Terriers considered the most obedient dogs of all terriers. They are so in love and attached to their owners that they always try to please them in everything. Cores good-natured and unforgiving. Aggression and mood swings are alien to them.

These are big fans of outdoor games, they will take great pleasure in the opportunity to engage in such types of dog sports as flyball, agility and obedience.

These dogs are great with children of any age and are always ready to replace any toys for them. But they rarely find a common language with domestic animals, especially with cats, perceiving them as objects of hunting. Therefore, when walking with your pet, It's better not to let him off the leash, so that when chasing the cat, the kern would not be in danger.

Cairn Terriers are considered a universal dog. They feel great both in a private house, where they can run around a fenced yard for a long time, and in a city apartment. The main condition for them is the presence of a beloved owner nearby, separation from whom they always find it difficult to bear.

Compact dimensions and low weight allow you to take your pet with you everywhere, which makes the core an excellent companion, Moreover, everyone will look at such a miracle with tenderness.

Video review of the breed

By watching the video, you can learn more about what these funny Cairn Terriers are, as well as hear an opinion about the breed of their owner and advice on care and maintenance.

How to choose a puppy

Cairn Terriers have an interesting coat feature. No one can guarantee you that, as the dog grows up, it will not be the color you chose. As they age, their coat becomes either darker or lighter than its original color. So, for example, in Germany the column about color in the documents for this breed is not filled in at all.

Therefore, when choosing It’s better to pay more attention to the puppy’s health and behavior. You can take a puppy to a new home as early as one and a half months, after the entire litter has been certified and all the necessary things have been done, information about which you can check in the veterinary passport. Moreover, by this age, Cairn Terrier puppies already become completely independent and strong.

Kerns, like all terriers, very curious, and the puppies will always be happy to run to meet you to meet you. They should not be shy or apathetic, as this is completely unusual for the breed. When you see them, you should have a pleasant impression of their well-groomed appearance.

The coat of such a puppy will be pleasant to the touch, have a healthy shine and be free of bald spots, and the skin will not be irritated. Rounded bellies should be soft, and the puppies themselves should be moderately well-fed and look at you with clean, round eyes without any redness.

The owners of the litter, together with the puppy, will give you a metric, which contains all the data about the dog: information about the owner, mother and father, the name of the puppy, as well as data from the chip or brand.

Dog names

Once you receive the documents, you will see the pedigree name of your pet written on them. It is assigned according to established rules, according to which the names of the entire litter begin with the same letter.

This is an official name that you no longer have the right to change. But no one forbids you to call your corener whatever you like best in everyday life.
In addition to affectionate nicknames, the following names may be suitable for Cairn Terriers:

  • for boys– Hester, Basel, Jutem, Cros, Dizik, Gaust and others;
  • for girls– Juzelle, Gloris, Pinky, Amelia, Zela and so on.

The main care for the Cairn Terrier is focused on its coat, but there is nothing complicated about it. This breed is waterproof and has the remarkable property of self-cleaning. If a dog gets dirty during a walk, then it only needs to shake itself off and it will become clean again. The center punch does not emit any unpleasant dog smells, and they do not shed. Besides these dogs are considered hypoallergenic, that is, they practically do not cause allergies.

In order for the pet to always have a neat appearance, the Cairn Terrier needs trimming every three to four weeks or grooming two to three times a year. All this can be done in grooming salons or by calling a specialist to your home.

When trying to save money by deciding to simply trim your dog's coarse hair with regular scissors, you you're taking risks get a tow-like coat that will be difficult to comb over time, and you will still have to contact a specialist. Further coat care requires only weekly brushing.

Also, every week you need to brush your handsome dog and, if necessary, trim their fur and carefully trim their claws. Periodically it is necessary to carry out treatment from, as well as.
In damp and cold weather, you don’t always want to go outside with your dog, so try to teach your Kerner to go to the toilet first or to the litter tray as early as possible.

Possible health problems

The health of the Cairn Terrier should be taken seriously, as they, unfortunately, are susceptible to diseases such as:

In addition, they often suffer from flea bites, as well as obesity. Another threat to your pet is viral infections. Vaccinations will help reduce their consequences or completely avoid infection.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

When you bring your puppy home, spend the first few days following the breeder's recommendations, and then gradually switch to a food that is more acceptable to you and the puppy. At first, puppies are fed five times a day, as they grow older, reduce the number of meals, switching to two meals a day by nine to ten months.

Cairn Terriers unpretentious and omnivorous. They are perfect for raw meat or offal, as well as raw vegetables, cut into strips.

The protein portion of the diet should be about 80% of the daily value. The rest is replaced with vegetables or cereals. Proteins also include cottage cheese and boiled eggs.

For many, it is much easier to feed your pet dry or canned food. But such feed must be of the highest premium class. Cheap types can significantly damage the health of the core, and the money saved will have to be spent on veterinary services and treatment.
And don't forget about a bowl of clean water.

Training and education

Thanks to the desire to please their owners in everything, as well as intelligence, intelligence and good memory Cairn Terriers learn very quickly. Moreover, unlike other terriers, they do not have stubbornness and attempts to show their independence.

It should take place in a calm atmosphere and in a playful manner. It should also be taken into account that the movable center punch You quickly get bored with the sameness and monotony. It is better to keep classes and training short in time, but conduct them several times a day. Try teaching your pet a few tricks.

From an early age, you should try to socialize the Cairn Terrier in relation to other animals and not develop hunting instincts in him.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cairn Terriers for a reason They are considered ideal family dogs. They are very loyal to their owners, whom they love more than anything in the world. But they themselves need care and affection. Funny, playful and cheerful dogs will not leave anyone indifferent. They will happily frolic with both adults and children. But they rarely get close to other pets.

Kerners do not need long walks, although this brings them joy, as they are incredibly active and mobile. They are not picky about food and do not require long-term care. Compact size, non-shedding coat and no odor They make wonderful decorative apartment dogs. They also make good companions, ready to follow you anywhere.

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