Siberian Husky - health care and hereditary diseases. Description of the appearance and character of the husky Living conditions and society

Skin diseases in dogs are becoming more common today. The reason lies in many aspects: improper and inadequate nutrition, deterioration of the ecological atmosphere of the air, a sedentary lifestyle, crossing with infected individuals. Often skin diseases in animals manifest themselves as hereditary predispositions to skin diseases.

Types of skin diseases in dogs

If there is the slightest change in the dog’s hair, contact a veterinary clinic to carry out the necessary tests and make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Here are some common skin diseases in dogs. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

If skin diseases appear in dogs , symptoms are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Excruciating itching, in which the dog scratches the body until there are abrasions and scratches.
  2. The appearance of new growths on the skin: plaques of different sizes and colors, warts, blisters. On the damaged body of the dog, peeling and redness of the skin develops, which turns into baldness.
  3. If the damaged areas of the skin get infected or get microbes, the dog’s skin becomes inflamed, swollen and festers.

Skin diseases in dogs are dangerous for animals and humans. It is important to provide timely medical care to your pet.

Treatment of skin diseases

Selected simple diseases of dogs and skin diseases can be cured at home.

The home flower, aloe, has healing properties. Aloe juice applied to the dog's damaged skin will relieve itching, discomfort and burning sensation. It’s easy to squeeze aloe juice yourself or buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy.

Herbal decoctions have similar effects: chamomile, calendula, echinacea. The drugs reduce pain in the dog, relieve inflammation and eliminate microbial suppuration on the skin.

These drugs are used exclusively in the initial stages of the disease. If complex skin diseases are observed in dogs, treatment is carried out in a veterinary clinic. Before prescribing medications, the doctor is obliged to conduct a full diagnosis of the suspected disease, take appropriate skin tests and blood tests, and remove scrapings from the dog’s skin. After determining the exact diagnosis of the disease, effective treatment is prescribed.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease cannot be made solely by visual examination. It will be necessary to conduct laboratory tests on the dog's hair.

If a doctor, after looking at a dog, immediately prescribes medications, the dog cannot be treated under the guidance of such a doctor. Remember, improper treatment can lead to the death of the animal.

Preventive measures

Dog diseases are often associated with improper maintenance and care. It is necessary to fulfill simple conditions so that the pet remains healthy and alert.

Don't let your four-legged friend suffer, remain a responsible owner.

Of the large number of eye defects known in dogs, only three diseases affect Siberian Huskies: bilateral cataracts, corneal opacity (dystrophy), and progressive retinal atrophy. The color of the iris (brown, blue, odd-eyed) does not affect the frequency and manifestation of these diseases. Any defect that may lead to partial or complete loss of vision must be taken seriously by the breeder.


This type of cataract occurs on the posterior wall of the lens capsule in relatively young dogs and usually matures slowly. Cataracts (persistent clouding) may appear first in one eye but will eventually affect both eyes. In some cases, it can progress with such intensity that it will lead to complete blindness of the dog.

Attention was first drawn to this disease at a general meeting of members of the National Siberian Husky Club of America in 1976. This issue was addressed at the meeting by Dr. Alan MacMillan, a veterinary ophthalmologist at the University of California, who began a 5-year study with the support of the National Club and its members.

When McMillan completed his research, it turned out that bilateral cataracts in the Siberian Husky breed are indeed a hereditary disease. The mode of transmission of the disease has not yet been established. However, according to many veterinary ophthalmologists, it can be caused by a recessive gene that can provoke the birth of puppies affected by cataracts in a particular dog.

In 1976, Jean O'Brien, later Chairman of the National Club's genetics committee, published this guide for owners: "Immediately remove all dogs affected by cataracts from breeding in your kennel.

“In addition, we hope that any dog ​​that produces puppies in more than one litter that are found to have cataracts will also be removed from further breeding use.”

Twenty years later, the current official guidance on issues related to cataracts and other eye diseases is essentially the same: “Each dog that is used for breeding should be examined by a representative of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists during the year preceding its use for breeding. Only healthy dogs should be used for breeding. Caution should be exercised when breeding dogs whose close relatives have suffered from cataracts. If a breeder suspects that one of the dogs is passing on this defect, even if it is not expressed in any way in the dog itself, it should be immediately withdraw from further breeding."

Unfortunately, there are no tests to identify carriers of cataracts. A breeder with the best intentions may cross two healthy animals and, to his horror, discover cataracts in their offspring. In this case, both parents may be carriers of the defective gene responsible for cataracts. In another case, two healthy dogs give birth to healthy offspring, the breeder is pleased to note that everything is in order. Meanwhile, one of the parents is a carrier of cataracts, which means that a certain percentage of puppies from this litter will also carry the defective gene. Later, when one of them is mated with another carrier, this defect will appear in a certain part of their offspring. This may help explain why recessive genes are often called "hidden" genes and why they "pop up" in one generation. As long as carriers (dogs that have sired more than one cataract-affected puppy) continue to be used for breeding, hereditary cataracts will never disappear from the breed.

There is another condition responsible for partial cataracts, which occurs as follows: The fetal eye requires nutrition from the blood supply from the vitreous artery, which is located behind the lens of the eye. After birth, there is no need for such nutrition, the artery is destroyed, and the remains of its tissue are excreted in the bloodstream. But sometimes particles of the destroyed artery remain on the back wall of the eye lens, turning into tiny opaque formations. In humans, such formations are called Mittendorff points - congenital, since they are present at birth, but not hereditary. Therefore, some veterinary ophthalmologists ask their patients to undergo two or more examinations every six months and, if no changes occur in the eye, they declare the dog fit for breeding. However, other doctors do not agree with this diagnosis and believe that the dog in such a case should not be allowed for breeding.

Diseases and recommendations for huskies - withEvery day huskies are winning more and more human hearts. Once, meeting the gaze of bluelike a “crystal stream” with eyes, it is impossible to resist and not fall in love with this breed forever.

If you realize that this is a dream, know that: after a year of living with a husky in an apartment,You won’t have a home in the usual sense. Whatever a husky can't chew, it will break. To avoid this, the walk should last at least 4 hours a day. Within the city limits, you need to use a tape measure to walk your dog. They are prone to escape. The most important thing is to ensure that the command “come to me” is followed. Huskies are often aggressive towards their relatives. This requires extra attention from you.

Huskies have instant reactions, and since, unlike other dog breeds, they do not bark, you must learn to intuit what she is going to do in the moments before she lunges. The Husky is a very affectionate, people-motivated dog. A husky will never make even a small guard. The dog will lick any stranger with enthusiasm, as if he were the most dear person in his life. Don’t even try to provoke the dog into “putting it on guard.”

Throughout the history of the breed, dogs that were aggressive towards humans were culled. Husky has luxurious soft fur. Since there are batteries in the apartment, the seasonality of molting will be disrupted. The fur will shed all year round; in the apartment the dog languishes from the heat. In addition to poor obedience, they are prone to chasing cats on the street, followed by strangling their prey. The most important thing is that the cat does not run across the road. No amount of commands or shouts can stop the husky.

The best thing is if you can provide your dog with year-round country life. Large aviary with an exit that does not restrict movement. And it’s better if you have a couple of huskies so that it doesn’t get boring. Make sure you have a good fence, they are prone to digging, and also be prepared for the fact that they can dig up all the flower beds. Remember - huskies do not bark, they love to howl, especially at night. Not all neighbors will like it.

Huskies are romantic, this is the only breed that can sit with its muzzle raised to the sky and look at the stars. Husky sled dog, if you get yourself four, you can take up sled dog sports. You will be called a musher - a dog manager.

If you only have one dog, you can go skijoring. You are running on skis, a husky is rushing ahead, fastened to your belt with a special pull rod with a shock absorber. In the summer you can go bikejoring (a cyclist plus a husky in a single team). If you don't want skis and a bike, your husky will be happy if you do canicross with him. You run, with a dog in front of you, also fastened to your belt, and so on every day for 10-15 kilometers. You can start these classes from the age of one. Before this, practice the commands “stand”, “left”, “right”, “come to me”. Impeccable execution of commands is the key to your safety.

Husky diseases

Juvenile cataract

Macular degeneration




Male disease - cryptorchidism

Cryptorchidism is not the descent of one or two testicles into the scrotum. The disease is genetically inherited. If you are purchasing a dog for breeding, it is better to buy an older puppy. By 4-5 months, both testicles should descend into the scrotum; if this has not happened in your puppy, conduct an ultrasound examination. If a testicle is detected in the abdominal cavity, it is advisable to undergo surgery. Remaining in the peritoneum over time, testicular tissue can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

For husky puppy WOLMAR WINSOME ® PRO BIO BOOSTER Ca. (Details in recommendations)

Husky disease - juvenile cataract

The genetically inherited husky disease occurs due to close inbreeding. Appears in puppyhood. The lens becomes cloudy, becomes milky white, and a cataract forms. Successful treatment requires surgery. During which an artificial lens is implanted into the husky's eye. Having purchased a Husky puppy from 6 months of age, you need to undergo tests for juvenile cataracts annually from a veterinary ophthalmologist. When purchasing a husky from a kennel, ask whether the puppy's parents have been tested for cataracts.

Disease - macular degeneration of the eyes

A pathological process in the eye system that leads huskies to blindness. Occurs due to insufficient consumption of huskies and toy terriers,polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized in the dog’s body and can only be supplied in the form of food additives.With daily use of Husky WOLMAR WINSOME ® PRO BIO OMEGA 2500 improves blood supply to the retina of the eye, reducing the risk of developing visual impairment.

Disease - injury to the cervical spine

Unfortunately, it is a common disease. Due to inexperience, the owners, remembering that a husky sled dog harnesses him to a children's sled, joyfully sits in them (not having a child's weight, but over 60 kg). Holding the leash fastened to the collar with your hands, they give the command “forward.” The husky suddenly takes off from its place. Due to the jerk, a colossal load occurs in the cervical spine, as a result of a herniated intervertebral disc.

Symptoms include severe pain in the neck, and there may be a forced posture - head down.

The diagnosis is made based on the readings of a CT scan. The veterinarian surgeon will decide whether to operate on the Husky or treat it conservatively.

If you decide to “ride” a husky, the dog must be on a harness, not a collar, and your weight must not exceed 30 kg.

For your dog:

WOLMAR WINSOME ® COLLAGEN MCHC - (Details in recommendations)vitamins for huskies WOLMAR WINSOME® PRO BIO GA-GLICAN - (Details in recommendations) Diseases and recommendations for Chihuahuas

Disease - myositis

Husky gets myositis when playing sports in the cold season. Before running with your husky in the cold, you must warm up the dog (rubber it with hay). After the lesson, you cannot leave the husky outside. You need to bring it into a warm room to cool it down. Symptoms of myositis are fever and severe soreness in the affected muscles. The veterinarian will diagnose whether it is rheumatic or traumatic myositis and prescribe treatment.

For huskies when playing sports:

WOLMAR WINSOME ® PRO BIO IGF MAX- (Details in recommendations) WOLMAR WINSOME® PRO BIO L - COLLAGEN - (Details in recommendations)

Husky disease - gastritis

A husky, a dog with a good appetite, while walking on a tape measure, still manages to eat any kind of garbage. Husky sincerely believes that the most delicious thing is in the trash heap and the harmful, greedy owner knows, that’s why he doesn’t let him in. In a hurry, a dog can even eat an empty plastic bag, which smells delicious. This behavior leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of gastritis are: frequently recurring causeless vomiting, pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea. At the Husky veterinary clinic, they will perform a gastroscopy, make a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment. Husky is a typical scavenger dog. The only way out is to walk around wearing a muzzle. The consequences of uncontrolled picking up scraps on the street can be severe poisoning, possibly fatal.

WOLMAR WINSOME ® PRO BIO OMEGA 2500 - allows adult husky dogs to maintain the level of vitamins and amino acids in sufficient quantities (according to the recommendation of a veterinarian, in case of some husky metabolic disorders, reach a level close to 100%).

WOLMAR WINSOME ® COLLAGEN MCHC - correct formation of skeletal bones in husky puppies, in adult dogs with problems with bone tissue, injuries, joint diseases.

WOLMAR WINSOME ® PRO BIO GA-GLICAN - adapted to the weight of puppies or adult dogs, allows you to support and shape the joints of puppies. In adult dogs, it will prevent injuries and allow the joint system to recover in cases of problems.

Although this breed originated in the Russian Far East, it only became truly popular in the far north of America. The development of the north and the “gold rush” at the beginning of the 20th century forced explorers and adventurers to look for companions in their difficult task. And the Siberian Husky easily coped with all the challenges of cruel Alaska. Repeated winners and regular participants in harness racing, which continues to this day. The Siberian Husky is a very stubborn dog, so it will only obey its leader. And becoming one is not an easy task.

This breed of dog does not do well in an apartment. Of course, they were born on the edge of the world, and from then on their character remained quite wild. Huskies are incredibly energetic, so if you decide to have this dog in an apartment, prepare a crate or a strong leash for it, otherwise your home will be in chaos. Huskies simply love to chew, scratch, or dig for something. Weigh these factors before getting a dog. The Siberian Husky practically does not bark, but this does not mean that this dog breed is quiet. Like their distant relatives wolves, they simply love to howl. You need to prepare and come to terms with the constant complaints from your neighbors. Husky is the only dog ​​in the world that will never, under any circumstances, bite a person. Therefore, they are not at all suitable for security work. These dogs should not be let off the leash for walks; they can easily rush off into the distance and disappear from the owner’s sight. Lost huskies are a fairly common occurrence.


As already mentioned, the Siberian Husky is an incredibly energetic dog. She must constantly be on the move, because these pets were born from hard work. If you can keep your husky busy, she will love you even more. Whether it's a simple run in the morning or towing a car. Huskies are not at all predisposed to aggression towards people. Therefore, they are completely unsuitable for protecting your home. Dogs are more likely to help an unwanted guest rob you than to prevent him. Despite this, the appearance of a husky is very similar to a wolf, which is why they look majestic and powerful.

The Huskies came from a harsh land where every decision could cost a life. Because of this, their character cannot be called obedient. They simply love to show their independence, every now and then playing some pranks. Despite their loud bark, huskies are often quiet dogs. True, they can make strange and soft sounds to show their happiness.

These dogs simply love company and easily get along with children, who reciprocate their affection. After all, none of the children can resist the mighty but gentle beast. The indisputable advantage of this dog is the inability to harm a child.

It is very important that the dog has one trainer. And since huskies are distinguished by their wayward character, this person must have remarkable will and fortitude. Another important point is the need to train the dog from an early age.

The ideal accommodation option for this dog is a country house. Wide fields for running and a minimum of noisy cars are what a husky needs to be happy. Then he will be able to run and fool around at any time and in any weather. Of course, they can live in an apartment, but it is very important to give this dog enough freedom, which is not always possible in city life.

Education and training

Siberian Huskies have a very difficult time training. Training should begin quite early, at the age of 3-4 months. For any training of this dog breed to be successful, you need to use unconditional authority. You need to monitor your behavior extremely carefully, because otherwise you will not have a successful relationship. It is also important to spend a lot of time with your puppy, several hours a day. These dogs will only obey you when they feel great love and attention from you.

Huskies are very stubborn and wayward dogs, so all explanations will have to be repeated several times. Particular attention should be paid to the communication of this dog with other animals. Otherwise, the husky will react very violently to their appearance. It would be a bad idea to let huskies off leash in an unfenced area. This breed of dog loves everything unknown, so it can run sharply in any direction and get lost. Training should only begin after your dog has expended enough energy. Only then will it be possible to get some attention from her. One lesson should not be very long, because huskies very quickly lose interest in monotonous activities.

Huskies gained popularity due to their extravagant appearance. A mouth in the form of a wide smile only improves the opinion of others. You should not expect any useful actions from a husky. First of all, they should be perceived as a close friend who will never betray. Then living together with these dogs will only be a joy for you.

But there is still one exception. If you live in a fairly wild area, there is often snow around and you have a sled, huskies can be used as mounts. Believe me, they will only be happy about it. From such work, Siberian Huskies receive incredible and incomparable pleasure.


The best care for this dog is an active lifestyle. Run in the park, ride a bike, harness it and you will see how cheerful this animal can be. Siberian Huskies simply love space and wild nature, so living near an open field or dense forest will be a plus. A park is also suitable, but then you should carefully monitor your pet. If you're going on a mountain hike, it wouldn't hurt to take this furry friend with you. Therefore, think twice before getting this breed of dog. Perhaps she is too active for you.

Despite its furry appearance, the Siberian Husky is a very easy dog ​​breed to care for. They practically do not shed. They shed their dewlap only twice a year. But this does not mean that dogs do not need to be combed and freed from unnecessary hair. Husky is a very clean dog. They are virtually odorless and are known for pragmatic grooming, reminiscent of cats. Therefore, bathing is not for huskies, because here their already known independence is manifested.


The wild blood of the husky practically excludes vegetables and fruits from the diet. Meat should make up 70% of a dog's diet. Lamb or beef suits these pets best. But in this regard, huskies are not too picky, so any other meat may be suitable. As well as offal, but you need to cook them first.

It is preferable to give the meat raw, cutting it into pieces. Huskies also love fish, but it should be served boneless and boiled, just like offal. Although huskies are quite picky, you should instill in them a love of fruits and vegetables. Cabbage, beans, zucchini and pumpkin are best cooked. The rest can be given raw.

Also, in order to sufficiently satiate the huskies, they are given various cereals: rice, buckwheat or millet. To improve digestion - cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. Such feeding should enrich the animal’s body with all the necessary elements and vitamins.


Huskies are quite strong animals, but they still have a predisposition to certain diseases:

  1. Testicular tumor.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Cataract.
  4. Dystrophy of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  5. Glaucoma.
  6. Perianal gland adenoma.
  7. Depigmentation of the nose.
  8. Entropion (turn of the eyelid).
  9. Retinal dystrophy.
  10. Atopic.
  11. Degenerative myelopathy.

Characteristics of the Siberian Husky in the table

Breed name

Siberian Husky

Country of origin


Time of birth of the breed

ancient times


friend, assistant


16-27 kg

Height (height at withers)

50-60 cm


12-15 years

Siberian Husky video

The Siberian Husky was bred by the Chukchi to help with work (pulling carts and sleds). This distant relative of the wolf can howl and practically does not bark. Husky is the only dog ​​that is not capable of biting a person. But she loves freedom and simplicity, and therefore locking her in an apartment is unwise. This promises the owners spoiled things.

You should only walk with a representative of Siberia while keeping the animal on a strong leash. The Husky can often burst into a run. Finding the dog can be difficult later. The pet loves people very much, especially its owners. Therefore, he will become a great friend for any family. The main thing is not to forget to walk him in sufficient quantities. And it is recommended to have it for owners of houses with adjacent plots.

These are fast and athletic dogs with a fairly compact build and easy gait. Siberian Huskies are friendly and affectionate dogs with their family, however, they establish closer and deeper relationships with only one person from the family.

A breed of independent thinkers, the husky's free spirit is similar to that of wolves. However, by their nature they are more reminiscent of cats.

Huskies can be a little stubborn at times. But well-trained Siberian Huskies are wonderful companions and close friends of children.

The Siberian Husky is a quiet dog and you don't hear it bark very often. Despite this, some huskies are quite talkative; they make special soft sounds when they want to say that they are happy. The Siberian Husky is a very grateful breed of dog.


Most often, Siberian Huskies suffer from the following diseases:

  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Depigmentation of the nose
  • Laryngeal paralysis
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Hypertension
  • Perianal gland adenoma
  • Testicular tumor in male dogs


Twice a year, huskies shed all of their undercoat. At this time, an intense period of molting occurs, which can last three weeks or more. Luckily this only happens twice a year. The rest of the time, Siberian Huskies practically do not shed. However, it is worth noting that molting periods depend on climate. Some owners who live in climates that do not have significant seasonal changes say that their Huskies shed throughout the year.

During non-shedding periods, huskies require minimal grooming. These dogs do not need to be trimmed or cut; all that is recommended is to periodically brush the dog and free it from dead hair.

It is also necessary to regularly trim the dog’s nails and check the condition of its paws, especially active and working Siberian Huskies.

This dog breed really needs a lot of exercise as they are sled dogs. Siberian Huskies are great hiking companions. If you make a backpack for a husky, it can carry food and water.

Using Huskies in dog sledding is a very effective way to burn off the excess energy of these dogs, provide them with the physical and mental stimulation they need, and satisfy the working needs of this breed. Naturally, the use of dog sleds is only possible in a certain climate, where there is a large amount of snow.


Siberian Huskies feel most comfortable in cool climates. In hot weather, the Siberian Husky should not be left outside, and walks should be reduced to the necessary minimum.

These dogs are prone to exploration and travel. Keep this in mind, otherwise you can easily lose a pet that is overly enthusiastic about such activities.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

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