Kerry blue terrier dog. Kerry Blue Terrier (Irish Blue Terrier) History of the origin of the Kerry Blue Terrier

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Do you remember the cartoon about the blue puppy, based on the fairy tale by D. Urban? It once caused a stir because of its name, which was not widely understood. But such dogs with a blue coat color really exist. Anyone who is familiar with this breed falls in love with it more and more every day. It has a combination of all the most good qualities, which may be in the dog. She is of medium size. Pets do not shed and have no fur odor. They have an excellent nervous system. Dogs are active at any time of the day and are very smart. They are extremely friendly to people. And what kind of pets are pleasant to the touch? When you stroke them, it feels like there is a soft scribble under your palm. The beautiful cover of these animals is determined genetically.

History of the appearance of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed

The homeland of Kerry Blue Terriers is Ireland. It was there, in County Kerry, that these blue dogs were bred. The breed was officially recognized in the twenties of the 19th century, however, it has been known in its homeland for more than one hundred and fifty years. These were versatile farm dogs. They guarded the house, nursed children, herded sheep, secured fishing gear in deeper waters, and also helped the Irish hunt animals.

They were highly valued for their ability to drive game with dexterity. The dogs took part in hunting foxes, wild boars and any burrowing animals. If the dog could not climb into the hole, then it would dig it up and drive the animal out of its hiding place. Despite their small stature, they are fearless and brave hunters. The Kerry dog ​​retains its qualities as a universal dog to this day. They perfectly perform the functions of a hunter, guard and of course a companion dog.

Thanks to their blue-gray coat, many people consider these dogs to be the most beautiful among terriers. It’s not for nothing that the Irish are proud of these dogs and call them their national pearl. In ancient times, when they lived and hunted in County Kerry, their wonderful wool was cut very short so that it would not get dirty and would not interfere with the dogs’ work. Their ears, like those of many other terriers, are pressed to the head so that a fox or badger cannot injure them.

The breed got its name, as you might have guessed, thanks to the name of the area in which it was born and beautiful color your "coat". The fur on the head and paws of the Kerry Blue Terrier is black, but along the body it is much lighter. This silver-gray shade is called “blue” by dog ​​experts, which means blue in English. This is the main breed and distinctive coloring of these dogs. Individuals that are purely black in color are discarded. They are prohibited from being exhibited or bred.

Dog handlers admit that the breed was formed with the admixture of the blood of Irish terriers, Bedlington terriers, dandy terriers, and perhaps other types of canines. The modern appearance of the Kerry Blue Terrier received its final parameters by the end of the 19th century. The official breed criteria were established and adopted in 1922.

Description of the external parameters of the Kerry Blue Terrier dog

Kerry Blue Terriers have an elegant appearance. Dogs are taller than average. The animals are proportionally built and covered with soft, curly hair of a blue-gray color. They have mesomorphic muscles, well-developed, strong and well-knit bones. They are distinguished by their endurance and universal performance data. They are used as companions, guards and defenders.

Kerry dogs are distinguished by their obedience and great affection for the owner and all family members. They have a balanced disposition and an active and energetic temperament. They are fearless and courageous. Angry and fearful individuals are rejected.

According to the norms, the height at the withers for males is from 47 cm to 50 cm, for females from 45 cm to 48 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1–3 cm. The weight of breed specimens reaches from 15 kg to 17 kg. They move easily, energetically, in a straight line.

  • Head elongated, medium size. Set aesthetically on the neck, with lean muscles, harmonious with the body. It is covered with a thick coat, which is cut in such a way as to perfectly emphasize its rectangular shape. Frontal part slightly flattened in the upper zone, moderate width. The furrow on the forehead is insignificant. The cheekbones are well defined and flat. The eyebrows are not high, smoothed. The bump on the back of the head is not pronounced. The bones at the temples are flat.
  • Muzzle parallel to the line of the skull, and also of equal length. It is elongated, but not narrow, has volumetric filling in the area eyeballs. The bridge of the nose is straight. The stop is not pronounced, rather smoothed out. The lips are dry, moderately thin, compressed, tightly closed, pigmented black. The mucous membrane of the mouth is also black. Scissor bite. The ripples slightly overlap lower jaw. The jaws are developed and strong. The teeth are powerful, white, with perpendicular incisors.
  • Nose- voluminous, with widened nostrils. The pigmentation of the lobe is jet black.
  • Eyes Kerry blue terrier of medium landing, located on the front line. They are slightly larger than average in size, round-almond-shaped. Their color ranges from dark brownish to coal black and nut. The darkest shades are preferred. The eyelids are dry and dark. They have an intelligent, attentive and insightful look.
  • Ears placed high. They have the average size, triangular in shape, hanging on cartilage. The cartilages are moderately thin, with pointed ends. The auricles are adjacent to the skull with their anterior edge. When alert, the dog raises them more on the cartilages. It is recommended to glue them at three months so that the ends are directed forward to the eyeballs.
  • Neck moderate length, oval shape, with strong, dry, muscles. It is beautifully curved, gradually widening, gradually blending into the shoulders. Set harmoniously high. Has a beautiful curve. The withers are well developed, there is no dewlap.
  • Frame elongated format, knitted, with dense muscles. The chest is moderately expanded, oval in shape, descending to the elbows. The back is shortened, straight, muscular. The loin is widened, voluminous, short in length. The croup is slightly sloping. The ribs are harmoniously developed and arched, elastic. The abdominal line is pulled smoothly towards the groin area.
  • Tail- thickened at the beginning of growth, narrower towards the end. Placed high. When moving, the dog raises it above the level of the spine. Breeders recommend docking at a distance of a third of its length. The dog looks more aesthetically pleasing, and the length of the tail does not bother them.
  • Limbs the front ones are erect, parallel to each other, with a dry system of muscles. The shoulders fit perfectly to the body and are strong. The elbows are located close to the chest and exactly under the withers. The forearms are vertical and straight. The pasterns are slightly inclined, slightly shortened. Rear - when assessed from the rear, parallel to one another, even, but placed wider than the front. The thighs have prominent, strong muscles, located at an angle. The shins are slightly shorter than the thighs. Knee joints perfectly developed. The hock joints are harmoniously curved, low, and dry. The metatarsus are vertical, short, and extend slightly beyond the pelvic bones. Paws - compressed, rounded. Fingers with curved, hard claws, pressed one against the other. The claws are pigmented black. The pads are dense, elastic, voluminous.
  • Coat Kerry Blue Terrier is curly, long, thick, shiny, with a uniform soft and silky structure. Guard hair abundantly covers the body of the animal. There is no undercoat. On the tail, the hair is thicker and slightly longer, which makes it more voluminous.
  • Leather- dense, fits the body well.
  • Color- uneven, blue. Whether in the shade or in the sun, you will always see that the Kerry has a blue tint. It comes in different tones, with or without black guard hair tips. The head, ears and limbs should be painted black. Pure black items will be disqualified.

Characteristic behavioral traits of the Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry blue terriers in modern world First of all, companion dogs. They are ready to accompany you on walks. At home they watch with interest what all family members are doing. Dogs will not bother you, but are always nearby. Despite the fact that Kerry dogs are very temperamental, they behave calmly in the apartment and do not bother anyone. But remember that pets need company. Smart and loyal dogs are not suitable for indifferent people who pay little attention to their four-legged friend.

These dogs love the family they live with. It's good to turn them on married couples with children of different ages. Kerry Blue Terriers are excellent babysitters. They take excellent care of children and do not allow them to stray far from their parents and home. At the same time, they perfectly protect them from strangers.

These dogs are not just for one person. In their human “pack” they share their love with everyone. Kerry cats feel comfortable in the apartment and love to sleep on sofas and armchairs. The only thing that needs to be given attention and time is their fur. The pets are trained well. They are very smart and grasp everything on the fly.

Health of the Kerry Blue Terrier dog

The nuances of caring for a Kerry Blue Terrier

These canines must be carefully looked after.

Their fur does not shed, but remains on the dog. Therefore, it must be cleaned regularly. Up to a year old, Kerry puppies are recommended to be brushed daily. Adults are combed once every two or three weeks.

Bath two to three times a month or when soiled. Concentrated cosmetics for “bath” procedures for dogs. Therefore it must be diluted warm water to prevent your pet from dandruff. When washing an animal, a dense foam is formed, which ensures deep penetration and helps remove stubborn dirt from the fur.

For the Kerry Blue Terrier's hair, you need to choose a targeted anti-tangle shampoo with a high content of conditioner. This concentrate gives the wool elasticity, eliminates dryness, and provides additional volume. During the second wash, it is necessary to use a shampoo that emphasizes the color of the coat and gives it aesthetics.

After bathing, apply a universal conditioner with vitamins. It also needs to be diluted with warm water and sprayed evenly over the dog’s entire coat from a spray bottle. Let the pet stand for a minute or two. We wash everything thoroughly. We apply a leave-in conditioner spray before blow-drying to protect the coat from drying out and prevent it from tangling in the future.

It is necessary to use a hairdryer after “bath” procedures so that the Kerry’s “fur coat” does not rot or wrinkle. Dry your pet with warm air from a hairdryer, in the direction of hair growth, while constantly combing.

Every two months the dog is trimmed and trimmed. If the pet is a show pet, then it happens that the manipulation is carried out every week. The Kerry “hairstyle” is one of the calling cards of the breed. In addition to giving the dog a wonderful appearance, it is also convenient and practical. Longer hair is left on the paws and the back is trimmed. The hair is cut between the pads. The haircut also includes long bangs and a wonderful beard. Her at natural feeding Dogs need to be washed every day. If the terrier eats dry food, then this is not necessary. In everyday life, bangs are held in place with rubber bands so as not to interfere with the pet’s vision.

Teeth four-legged pet will be in wonderful shape if you teach him to clean them regularly. If this is not done, then over time, tartar will be deposited on them. Its presence leads not only to the destruction of dental tissue, but also to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the animal’s mouth. The procedure can be carried out using zoological pastes and brushes. Since all dogs love to chew something, buy preventative edible bones and special toys for your terrier in the store.

The ears of the Kerry Blue Terrier are droopy. Therefore, they are cleaned in a timely manner using lotions that soften the sulfur. You can trim (pluck hairs) inside the ear, this will improve their ventilation.

Check your pet's eyes after walking and going into forested areas. Foreign particles entering them can cause redness and infection. Mechanical injuries cause more serious illnesses. If you doubt the diagnosis, do not take risks, take your pet to a veterinarian.

Nails should be trimmed regularly using nail clippers.

Feeding your Kerry Blue Terrier is up to you. The natural food of a predator mainly consists of lean meat and offal. And a dog, as we know, is a predator. The minimum addition is boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice, barley grits), low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and a small amount of vegetables and fruits (apple, carrot). The dog must take vitamins and minerals from professional manufacturers every day.

In the modern world, almost all professional dog breeders have switched to feeding their pets dry food, as it is well balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Only ready-made concentrates should be professional, super-premium, for active dogs. Regularly consuming quality feed, the animal’s body will receive everything it needs for endurance and wonderful external and internal physical shape.

Walks should be long and active. The dog must not only run and play uncontrollably, but also receive appropriate physical and mental exercise. A pet that has not received additional exercise will feel out of place and it is not clear how it will behave. He may become bored or destructive in the home. The Kerry Blue Terrier cannot be kept outside in cold weather as it does not have a warming undercoat. Pets are taken out with them at a young age three times a day, and subsequently twice a day.

Peculiarities of raising a Kerry Blue Terrier and interesting facts

Kerry Blue Terriers understand all household commands perfectly. With age they become not only wise, but also smart. But of course, for this you need to work with them regularly.

All "blue" terriers are born only black. And by the age of one and a half years they begin to “bloom.” This color in a Kerry is unstable throughout life. It can darken and lighten. It happens that some individuals remain black all their lives. Such dogs are rejected from breeding.

Purchase and price of Kerry Blue Terrier puppies

If you want such a pet, be prepared to wait a while for it, since the breed is not common and is quite rare. Buying a puppy must be approached responsibly and first you need to talk with breed specialists. And the most detailed advice can be provided to you at the canine breed club.

You need to carefully study the characteristics of the species. You need to take the question of the animal's character seriously. Know what to expect from a carry. To have a purebred, healthy pet with a balanced psyche, buy it from professionals. The approximate cost for a puppy varies from $300 to $800. You will find out the specific price at the place of purchase at the nursery.

For more educational information about the Terry Blue Terrier, see here:

Just one hundred and fifty years ago, it was developed in Ireland hunting dog Kerry Blue Terrier. The word “blue” was inserted into the name of the breed because the animal is distinguished by steel-gray fur with a blue tint. According to experts, to obtain new breed Irish wolfhounds were used, so the Kerry Blue Terriers turned out to be quite large dogs.

They were bred to protect flocks of sheep, but after some time the pets’ love for water was discovered, after which the animals began to be used for hunting muskrats and ducks. Today this breed is popular not only among hunters, but also among ordinary pet lovers.

Appearance description

Blue Terrier is different taller than average and elegant in appearance. It has a well-knit and strong bone structure, mesomorphic muscles, a proportional build of the body and a blue-gray soft curly coat.

Kerry Blue Terriers are good protectors, guards and companions. They have universal working characteristics, excellent endurance, great affection for the owner and obedience. The animal must be brave and fearless. Fearful and vicious dogs are rejected.

Standards appearance:

Adult males at the withers can reach 50 cm, and females grow no more than 48 cm. However, these parameters can vary within one to three centimeters. Kerry blue terriers weigh from fifteen to seventeen kilograms.

Gallery: Kerry Blue Terrier dog (25 photos)

Coat type and color

All body Kerry Blue Terrier dogs are covered with wavy, springy, soft, shiny and very dense hair. She has gray-blue color, and while moving it shimmers beautifully with a blue tint. The paws, tail, head, muzzle and ears should be darker in color. If on the pet's chest White spot with a diameter of up to two centimeters, then this is not a disadvantage.

Kerry Blue Terrier puppies are born black. Newborn babies may have red or blue tan, but from the age of six months the coat color should begin to change. By about one and a half years, the dog should acquire its gray-blue coat color. However, at this age the presence of blue iridescence is not taken into account in juniors. But the pet's haircut is taken into account, which is necessary for all breeding representatives of the breeds.

Character of the Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry dogs are very friendly and good companions. But even today, pets have retained all the instincts of a hunter and a watchman. They are smart, love children and are loyal to their owner. Not only puppies are playful, but also adult dogs. Even after a walk, they are able to jump, play and perform tricks. On the street, the dog will dig and look for something.

Dogs of this breed do not like to be left alone at home and are very homesick for family members. At this time, they can howl and even chew some of the owner’s things. Therefore, you should not adopt a Kerry Blue Terrier for someone who is rarely at home and is not able to pay enough attention to the pet.

But it is worth keeping in mind that the breed is stubborn, so training puppies will be quite difficult. They are capricious, so they can respond with grumbling or even barking to the owner’s dissatisfaction and scolding.

Especially attentive and family members should be careful with a bitch who has given birth to puppies. At this time, she is especially aggressive and is able to attack even the owner in order to protect her offspring.

The pet will love small children in the family, play with them and protect them. To protect a member of his family, he will use all his strength and power. The Kerry Blue Terrier will not be afraid of even a larger opponent and will enter into battle with him.

The pet will happily run through the forest in search of rabbits and small predators. He is an excellent rat catcher and can even replace a cat in a private home. Blue terriers swim well and with pleasure, so you can take them with you on outdoor recreation where there are bodies of water.

Education and training

TO training Puppies should be started after they reach three or four months of age. The breed is characterized by stubbornness and pugnaciousness, which can be avoided with proper and timely education. When training your puppy, you need to be friendly but firm. You should be patient and do not scold your pet. Perhaps he simply did not understand the command and will simply need to be repeated.

Kerry blue terriers are smart and if you find contact with them, they quickly understand everything and willingly fulfill the owner’s demands. When raising a pet, you should stop its aggression towards other animals.

You need to be very attentive to puppies who do not yet know commands. They should be taken for walks with a collar and leash, otherwise the small dog may run away and find it will be problematic.

Kerry Blue Terrier Health

Most often, dogs of this breed are susceptible to the following: diseases:

  • chronic otitis;
  • cataract;
  • inversion of the eyelid (entropion);
  • thyroid disease – hypothyroidism;
  • dislocation kneecap;
  • ear infections;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • oncology.

To avoid many diseases can be treated good care and correct balanced diet pet.

Features of care

Kerry Blue Terriers require careful grooming. Particular attention should be paid to your pet's fur. It differs in that it does not fall out, but remains on the animal, so it needs to be combed regularly. Adult dogs are brushed once every two to three weeks, and puppies – daily.

Bathe Kerry dogs should be carried out as soiled approximately two to three times a month. Using concentrated dog shampoos can cause dandruff in your pet, so before use, detergents and conditioners are diluted with water. It is recommended to use a special anti-tangle shampoo and conditioner. It will give the wool elasticity, provide it with additional volume and remove dryness.

The Kerry Blue Terrier's thick coat should be dried with a hairdryer after bathing. Otherwise, it will jam and fade. During drying, the coat must be constantly combed.

Show pets are given every week hairstyles. Dogs that do not show can be trimmed and groomed once every two months. During the procedure, the back is trimmed, and long hair remains on the paws. The pet still has a beard and long bangs. So that in everyday life the bangs do not interfere with the animal’s vision, you can grab them with an elastic band. The dog's beard must be washed every day if the pet eats natural food. When feeding dry food, this procedure is carried out as needed.

In addition to wool, it is necessary care for your pet's teeth, eyes, claws and ears:

  1. To ensure that your pet’s teeth always remain in good shape, you need to buy your pet special toys and edible bones. If tartar does form, you can try to remove it using a zoological toothbrush and toothpaste.
  2. After walking, you should definitely check your eyes, which can get foreign particles and dust. Serious diseases can cause mechanical injuries, if detected, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian.
  3. Ears should be regularly clean from dust and sulfur. Special lotions are used for this. Plucking hairs from them will improve ear ventilation.
  4. You should trim your pet's nails regularly using a special nail clipper.

Since Kerry Blue Terriers are active, they require nutritious, balanced food and long walks with games. Before getting such a pet, you should carefully study its character, features of training and maintenance.

A dog of medium height, an excellent hunter, guard, companion dog. This is an old breed from Ireland. According to official data, it is approximately 150 years old, only the Irish themselves claim that in fact the breed is much older. Initially used as a universal assistant, he acted as a guard, a rat catcher, and a shepherd.

The Kerry Blue Terrier was distinguished by his extraordinary intelligence and showed excellent learning abilities. Over time, the breed developed good endurance and ingenuity, very necessary qualities for working on the farm. The Kerry Blue Terrier is a loving, energetic and intelligent animal. There is no malice in his temperament, he is friendly.

Description of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed with photos

  • Skull: strong, proportional.
  • Stop (transition from forehead to nose): minor.
  • Nose: the nose is black, the nostrils are large and wide.
  • Muzzle: medium length.
    • Teeth: large, white, regular scissor bite (pincer bite acceptable).
    • Jaws: strong, well-muscled (with a strong grip).
    • Mouth: Gums and palate dark.
  • Eyes: dark or dark hazel, medium size, well set, with an interested expression.
  • Ears: thin, not large, directed forward or close to the sides of the head. The ears emphasize the interested, lively expression typical of a terrier.
  • Neck: Proportional, set correctly on the shoulders, of moderate length.
  • Back: medium length, horizontal.
  • Loin: Moderate length.
  • Chest: deep, moderately wide. The ribs are arched.
  • Tail: Thin, correctly set, carried vertically.
  • Forelegs: straight, strong.
    • Shoulder blades : correct form, inclined, fit tightly.
    • Forearms: Viewed from the front, straight and well boned.
    • Feet: Compact, paw pads strong and rounded, nails strong, black.
  • Hind limbs: firmly placed.
    • Hips: muscular, well developed.
    • Hocks: strong.
    • Feet: Compact, strong and rounded paw pads, black nails.
  • Gait/Movement: well coordinated, with parallel limbs, good fore reach and strong drive hind limbs. When moving, the topline remains level and the head and tail are carried high.
  • Coat: the coat is soft, abundant, wavy.
  • Color: blue of any shade, with or without black tips. Black color is acceptable only for puppies under 18 months, as well as a shade of reddish brown.
  • Height/weight of Kerry Blue Terrier:

    • Height at withers: Males 45.5 - 49.5 cm; Females 44.5 - 48 cm.
    • Weight: Males 15 - 18 kg. Bitches are smaller.

    Lifespan: Kerry Blue Terrier lives 10 - 14 years.

    Faults: Any deviation from the above is considered a fault and the severity with which the fault is assessed is proportional to the extent and effect on the health and welfare of the Kerry Blue Terrier.

    • Pink gums.
    • Yellow or light eyes.
    • Humpback or sagging back.
    • Narrow chest.
    • Twisted elbows.
    • Overshot or undershot.
    • The claws are white or colored.
    • Dewclaws on hind legs or traces of their removal.
    • Narrow or cow-like stance of the hind legs or their unnatural movement.
    • Dogs must be penalized if the exhibitor or handler supports their head or tail.
    • Heavy, harsh or bristly coat.
    • Any other color other than blue, except as stated above.

    Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

    N.B.: Males must have two normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.

    Interesting fact: all puppies are born jet black and only by the age of two years they acquire a “blue” color.

    Kerry Blue Terrier is a good hunter, but Lately More often they are kept as an ordinary family pet. Always a cheerful and active pet, gets along well with children. But it is worth noting that the decorative appearance is deceiving; despite its attractive appearance, it is an excellent watchman and security guard.

    Kerry Blue Terriers do not bark much, but if they do bark, it sounds impressive and threatening. They are resourceful and very attentive, always ready to active actions. They are often friendly to others, especially children. Kerry Blue is a wonderful family friend, he loves to take part in family affairs. These loyal terriers will be happy where they are truly loved.

    Main disadvantage His character is not friendly towards other dogs. This applies to both males and females, especially those who have given birth. They tend to be aggressive towards other breeds and provoke fights. But timely training and socialization solve this problem.

    Photo of Kerry Blue Terrier puppy

    If you want to buy a Kerry Blue Terrier, remember that he will not refuse a fight. Therefore, even despite the tenderness and devotion to the family, she is willful and needs a decisive and self-confident owner who will establish his leadership without using violence.

    Weak people with little or no handling experience are not recommended to own a Kerry Blue Terrier.

    They love children, but it is worth remembering that she is strong and large, so if the child is treated rudely, the latter may suffer. When interacting with large animals, the child should be instructed how to communicate with them correctly. The main rule is that he should know that while sleeping and eating, he should not come close.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier is a hunting dog with a well-developed instinct, so it is not recommended to keep it with other small animals and cats. The exception is when the terrier grows up with them from childhood.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier does not shed, the coat does not smell like a dog, does not cause allergies, but requires attention and care, so the beauty and appearance of the pet depends entirely on the owner. The time spent caring for your dog will pay off in its attractive appearance and well-being.

    Accustom your pet to “beauty” procedures from puppyhood, then grooming in the future will not traumatize it. The first step is to teach the puppy to stand on a bench or table, so there will be no need to bend over during procedures.

    Thanks to a special set of tools, the Kerry Blue Terrier will acquire a strict and elegant look.
    The wool must be combed with a metal comb with non-sharp, wide-toothed teeth. It is not recommended to use a fine-tooth comb as it will only pull out the fur.

    Kerry Blue Terriers are perfect for keeping in private homes and apartments. But it is worth remembering about regular and intense physical activity. She will be happy to jump over obstacles, run, go through mazes and other activities.

    The Legend of the Kerry Blue Terrier

    In the photo, a Kerry Blue Terrier is sitting on the grass.

    There are many stories and legends about the unusual coat color of the Kerry Blue Terrier. Here is one of them.

    “Once upon a time there was a man, and he had a dog that guarded his farm, house, and garden. But time passed, the animal grew old, and the man thought: “Why should I keep her and feed her in vain if she is so old? There is no use for her anymore. I’ll go and drown her.”

    Then the man took a boat, put him in it, and tied a stone around its neck. When the boat floated out to the middle of the river, the owner stood up, picked up the dog and threw it into the water. But from a sharp push the boat overturned, the man could not resist, fell into the river and began to drown. Fortunately, the noose with the stone slipped from her wet neck and she was freed. With all her might she rushed to save her owner and dragged him to the shore.
    The man survived.

    And when he woke up the next morning, he saw a dog the color of heaven in his garden. Then the man realized that this dog is characterized by human feelings - devotion and compassion.

    While saving the owner, the dog turned gray. Then the owner began to take better care of the dog, as long as it was alive.”

    Diseases of the Kerry Blue Terrier

    • hip dysplasia
    • ear infections
    • luxated kneecap
    • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease)
    • entropion (turn of the eyelid)
    • cataract
    • chronic otitis media

    Kerry Blue Terrier photo

    One of the oldest dog breeds to appear in Ireland is the Kerry Blue Terrier. For the Irish people, it is considered the national symbol of their country. This pet is very unique in both appearance, and by character. What features make it stand out from other dog breeds? It will help answer this question full information about this extraordinary pet.


    When looking through dog breeds with photos, it is impossible to miss the Kerry Blue. Among everyone he stands out for his unusual appearance and blue beautiful wool, which is the result of breeding work by scientists over many years and aimed at improving this

    There is no exact information about the original origin of the breed. All information is more like legends. One thing is certain: the Kerry Blue Terrier comes from Ireland (County Kerry). The breed is over 150 years old. Its first reliable description appeared in 1847.

    This breed was presented at the first exhibition in 1913, and in 1924 the Dublin Blue Terrier Club was registered. The Irish people made this breed a symbol of the country's independence, along with the shamrock. By 1925, there were already four breed clubs in Ireland that organized exhibitions and tests of the working qualities of blue terriers. This kind of active activity has attracted the interest of dog breeders from other countries. Animals were exported to Canada, the USA and some European countries.

    At an exhibition held in 1928, the Kerry Blue Terrier received the title “Almost Perfect Dog”. The dog became the third breed that was officially recognized by the still young International Canine Federation (ICF).


    The Blue Terrier is a cheerful and intelligent dog. She is a devoted friend and loyal companion for life. Descriptions of dog breeds compiled by experts highlight the following features of this pet:

    • high efficiency;
    • instant response;
    • curiosity;
    • ruthless attitude towards the offender;
    • natural instinct for negative and positive motives;
    • mobility.

    Despite the fact that this four-legged friend has taken root well in the apartment, it cannot be kept as a decorative animal. Initially, the breed was formed for hunting small game or rodents - it is a born hunter who must spend a lot of time in active physical activity.

    The Kerry Blue's curiosity, natural intelligence and cheerfulness guide him to constantly learn new skills and knowledge. He cannot be assiduous, since he is always striving to gain new knowledge. These traits make the pet highly trainable. Conscientious fulfillment of set goals, leadership, attempts to prove oneself and please the owner - this is typical behavior for the Kerry Blue Terrier breed. Photos of these four-legged friends fully convey their character. The forward-pointing ears emphasize the lively and interested expression of the muzzle. Attentive and penetrating gaze dark eyes betrays intelligence and natural flair.

    This pet is very friendly towards children and often takes part in games with them. The Kerry Blue's devotion and love for all family members simply knows no bounds, but he is wary of strangers. Sensing danger to its loved ones, the pet is able to show all its power and strength to protect its owner.

    What types of terriers are there?

    According to the ICF classification, the Kerry Blue belongs to standard No. 3, section No. 1 (medium-sized dogs) and group No. 3 (terriers, which includes other similar dog breeds). The names of these pets are: and Yorkshire Terrier. They differ in appearance, character and passion for hunting. The first differences in the descriptions of the listed breeds appeared many years ago. Most of modern terriers is of British origin. They are also divided into animals bred in Scottish, English and Irish territory. Dog breeds whose names have the word "terrier" are represented by many beautiful pets. The brightest, most unusual and rightfully distinguished of them is Kerry Blue.

    Application of the breed

    The explosive and courageous nature of Kerry Blue dogs makes them excellent guards.

    They will faithfully guard the object entrusted to them and will not be afraid to engage in battle even with an opponent larger than themselves. This breed will be an excellent friend for a hunter. It can be used to search for small predators and rabbits. The Blue Terrier is an excellent swimmer, so in ancient times it was used to catch otters. In addition, this pet is an excellent rat catcher.

    The dog is very intelligent and loyal to its owner, making it an excellent companion for life.

    External standards

    The height at the withers in males is about 45-49 cm (18-19 in), and in females it is 45-48 cm (17-18 in). The average weight ranges from 15-18 kg. The description of dog breeds compiled by the FCI identifies the following standard external indicators:

    • the head is powerful and large, covered with abundant hair, with a faint transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
    • the ears are shaped like an isosceles triangle;
    • eyes of dark shades have an expression of some wariness;
    • nose with large and wide nostrils;
    • gums and palate of dark shades;
    • powerful jaws have developed muscles and are able to provide a strong grip;
    • short croup;
    • strong bones with a dry constitution, muscles in the shoulder blades, deep chest and flat back;
    • the high-set thin tail is held in an upright position;
    • straight limbs with well-developed muscles;
    • the coat is wavy and thick, soft to the touch;
    • any color of a blue shade is possible, as well as dyeing the tips of the coat in black tones (up to one and a half years of age, black or brownish-red coat color is allowed).

    Looking at the dog breeds from the photo, you can see that the Kerry Blue differs favorably in appearance. Gorgeous shiny coat of an unusual shade, proud posture and proportional build make him stand out among his fellow dogs with a truly aristocratic appearance.


    Blue terrier babies have black fur, which by the age of 2-3 years will acquire bluish tints. The first hairstyle is done after changing teeth. It is in the first year that the foundation of a pet’s health is laid, so care, walks, proper feeding and adequate education.

    It should be remembered that Kerry Blue Terrier puppies are rather fragile individuals with a weak muscular system and ligaments. It is important not to lift them unnecessarily, and not to allow anyone to drag them, press them, or pull their tail. If you want to pick up the baby, then lift him under the chest and seat with both hands at the same time. You can't take it under your tummy!

    The place to sleep should be soft, spacious and away from the heating system and drafts. In rooms visited by small inhabitants, it is necessary to put all dangerous or valuable things out of reach: small objects, wires, equipment, hanging curtains, tablecloths, etc.

    Special toys made of pressed rubber or latex, which can be found at every pet supply outlet, are simply necessary. They help avoid damage to things, develop the pet and relieve it from boredom. You can use children's toys made of elastic plastic or rubber, as well as sticks made of dense wood.

    Until the age of three months, you cannot avoid the appearance of unpleasant piles and puddles on the floor. It is unacceptable to punish or scold a child for a natural need. To keep the house clean, you need to organize several trays, diapers or a pile of newspapers and teach your pet to relieve itself in the right place.

    After three months, you can start walking with moderate physical activity. As the baby grows, the duration of walks gradually increases. If you take your puppy outside 4-6 times a day from three to four months, he will quickly get used to defecating outside the house.

    Possible difficulties

    Sociability, intelligence and intelligence are in the blood of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed. The character, however, also has a negative trait - cockiness. Because of his hot Irish temperament, the pet not only loves fights - he is ready to provoke their appearance and take an active part. It contains natural aggressiveness towards other animals, including dogs.

    Experts say that this behavior only appears when the four-legged friend is not properly raised or is socialized late. This is why long walks in the company of fellow humans are so beneficial. This deficiency can be corrected by starting to raise your pet as early as possible. However, it should be taken into account that the dog has a bright personality and unique temperament, so the severity of education should be moderate, and it is better to exclude pressure on the pet.

    The next difficulty may be the labor-intensive care of the Kerry Blue coat and its trimming, which requires qualifications or the help of a specialist.


    Already from 3-4 months, during a walk, you can start teaching your puppy training skills. The Kerry Blue Terrier is prone to pugnacity due to its temperament. The correct educational process helps to avoid such behavioral problems, and the pet will learn to respect the dog owner. Education is based on such subtleties as: adequate firmness, friendly cooperation and complete respect for the personality of your ward. The Blue Terrier absolutely cannot stand any kind of pressure or rudeness towards him, but you can come to an amicable agreement with him at any time. You should not immediately scold the pet; perhaps he did not understand the owner’s wishes. The main thing is to learn to understand your four-legged friend and clearly explain your requirement. This breed is very intelligent by nature and lends itself well to training skills, so you can easily find contact with it. The Kerry Blue can make an excellent athlete, thanks to his good memory and the presence of drive and excitement, which is genetically inherent.

    Education should be consistent and moderately strict. Particular attention should be paid to aggression towards other animals, suppressing and not encouraging it initially. To help socialize and avoid behavior problems in the future, you need to find suitable walking companions as early as possible. You should know that this breed does not belong to indoor pets and is suitable for an owner who has enough time and desire for walks, care and education of his four-legged friend.

    How to care for fur?

    Gorgeous coat of bluish shades is one of the main advantages that the Kerry Blue Terrier can be proud of. The description of the breed emphasizes that the coat is wavy, thick, and silk-like. In addition, she does not have an unpleasant “dog” smell or shedding.

    Before you begin the trimming process, you need to prepare your pet. It needs to be combed thoroughly, and then washed and dried. The dog is combed against the grain. During grooming, you need to force the animal to accept correct posture just like at the exhibition.

    Grooming a Kerry Blue Terrier requires a certain skill, knowledge of the anatomy of the breed and its standards. A professionally performed trimming job will not only hide some shortcomings in the animal’s build, but will also emphasize the advantages of its figure. A groomed dog shouldn't look like it just came out of a hair salon. Transitions between parts of his body should be made smoothly, naturally and beautifully.

    It is better to trim your pet 2-5 weeks before exhibition events, hoping that by on the right day The length of the fur on the back was about 3-5 cm.

    For home care To take care of your four-legged friend's fur, you will need a brush made of natural bristles, a metal comb with sparse teeth, and a special brush with curved metal teeth. If the owner wants to trim his pet himself, then he will also need to purchase sharp, high-quality scissors and a clipper.

    You need to comb your four-legged friend thoroughly, at least three times a week, otherwise the fur will take on an unkempt appearance and tangles will form in it. It is better to do a haircut at least once every three months or as the coat grows.


    Grooming measures include more than just regular trimming and combing of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed. Photos of the pets confirm that they have a long beard and fur on their faces, which also require constant attention. It is better to collect the wool with an elastic band, otherwise the beard will appear unkempt and become dirty from food. Most often it is washed after each feeding. In addition, hairs getting into the eyes can cause suppuration. Overgrown hair can be shortened slightly with scissors.

    Kerry Blue also needs other systematic procedures. You should remember to clean your pet's eyes. They should be wiped daily with a cotton swab dipped in clean water. Once every two weeks it is necessary to inspect the ears and clean them as they become dirty. Claws should be shortened monthly. Removing plaque should also be included in the list of regular activities. This must be done at least once every three weeks to avoid the appearance of stones.

    Possible diseases

    The Kerry Blue Terrier breed is quite different good health and strong immune system. These dogs are not prone to any diseases. However, it should be remembered that healthy image Life for such a dog is possible only with the right diet and regular physical activity, which allows you to keep your pet in excellent physical shape. Only daily active walks will ensure not only sound sleep, but also longevity.

    Timely vaccination is also important to protect your pet from deadly pathologies.

    Particular attention should be paid to the animal's ears. Due to the tight fit to the skull, the auricle is poorly ventilated, and this can cause ear infections. The fur on the inside of the ear needs to be trimmed regularly.

    The Kerry Blue is susceptible to several diseases that affect other breeds. These include:

    • dislocation of the kneecap;
    • hip dysplasia;
    • plague;
    • viral enteritis;
    • chronic otitis;
    • cataract;
    • leptospirosis;
    • oncological tumors;
    • hepatitis.

    Feeding with natural food

    Your pet’s daily diet can be selected based on specialized ready-made feed or food prepared at home. At the right approach both ways are good.

    The positive aspect of this method is obvious - the owner is confident in the composition of the dish. The disadvantages include the time spent on cooking, purchasing ingredients and selecting the composition depending on the condition of the pet. When feeding natural foods, it is necessary to correctly formulate balanced menu so as not to spoil the health of your pet.

    1. refers to predators, so the lion's share of the diet is meat low-fat varieties, such as turkey, veal, beef or white chicken breast. The average daily requirement of an urban adult is about 250 - 300 g of meat products. Active pet young or an animal that has problems gaining body weight should receive up to 350 g of meat per day. The piece of meat is scalded with boiling water or boiled for about 10 minutes.
    2. The source of fiber will be porridge (preferably buckwheat or rice), which must be thoroughly boiled. It should be remembered that the correct portion is not porridge with added meat, but a meat dish with the addition of cereals and vegetables.
    3. Vegetable components are also needed for meat, but it is advisable to exclude legumes and white cabbage. It is better to offer vegetables raw with the addition of a teaspoon of any vegetable oil- this is how vitamins are absorbed correctly.
    4. In addition to meat, cereals and vegetables you need to add dairy products. Good source calcium will become curd in pure form, not curd mass.
    5. After consulting with your veterinarian, natural diet You can choose mineral and vitamin complexes that correspond to the age of your pet.

    Eating food

    Ready-made food has the following advantages: it saves time, is convenient for travel, and the problem beard of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed remains clean when eating dry snacks. Disadvantages may appear with daily consumption of low-quality products: allergic reactions, dull fur, dandruff and gastrointestinal functions. Therefore, it is important to choose the right manufacturer and carefully study the composition, which should predominate meat products. Dry food does not contain enough moisture, which means constant access to fresh water is necessary. It needs to be changed daily. Dry snacks can be soaked 15 minutes before meals hot water(approximately 70 o C).

    The feeding methods listed above are suitable for both Kerry Blue babies and adults. The only difference is the serving size and the number of feedings per day.

    A baby aged 1.5-2 months is fed 4 times a day. 3-4 month old puppies should have 3 feedings. Individuals over six months of age and adult animals are fed twice a day. There are a few useful tips to consider:

    • do not add salt to the dish;
    • do not feed in portions prepared for the human table;
    • do not serve baked goods or sweets;
    • stop picking up any food while walking;
    • feed in the morning and evening at certain hours;
    • monitor availability clean water in the pet's bowl.


    Breed characteristics, achievements of parents, status of the seller, availability of documentation, urgency of sale, gender of the animal - all these factors affect the cost of a particular Kerry Blue Terrier puppy. The price ranges from 12,000 - 30,000 rubles. For 12,000 - 15,000 you can buy a nice one purebred puppy from the nursery with all documents. But for 20,000 - 30,000 rubles you can already buy a show-class baby whose parents have titles, certificates and other achievements.


    Origin: Ireland (County Kerry)

    Class: according to FCI: group 3 (terriers); section 1 (large and medium-sized terriers); without performance tests

    Color: any shades blue color with or without black spots

    Application: burrow, guard dog and a great companion

    Dimensions: height at the withers of males – 45.5-49.5 cm, females – 44.5-48.5 cm; weight of males – 15-18 kg, females – slightly less

    Lifespan: from 12 to 15 years

    In Ireland, these dogs are often trusted to herd livestock and guard the farm. They also do a good job of catching rats at home.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier is a natural leader. This dog has irrepressible energy and is suitable for people who lead active image life.

    These animals are very attached to their owner and treat other family members well. However, you need to behave carefully with the Kerry and not allow children to pull the dog’s tail.

    The Blue Terrier sheds very little, and its coat is practically odorless, which allows even allergy sufferers to keep such a pet.

    According to official data, the Kerry Blue Terrier breed has existed for about 150 years, although the Irish claim that it is much older

    History of the breed

    The Kerry Blue Terrier dog breed was developed in Ireland. Subsequently, the animal became a symbol of this country. The terrier got its name from the mountainous area of ​​County Kerry, where it was first born, and the silver-bluish color of its coat (from the English “blue”).

    Cynologists are still arguing about the ancestors of the Kerry. Some believe that this is none other than the Portuguese Water Dog, distinguished by its thick, wavy coat. The second suggests that the breed originated from a soft-haired wheaten terrier, whose homeland is also Ireland.

    There is also a version that testifies to the crossing of black terriers (they are now extinct) with “blue dogs” from Spain. Some dog handlers tend to see a connection between Kerry and even more so - this is evidenced by the appearance and increased hairiness the latter's muzzle.

    When the First World War was already coming to an end, a breed standard was developed and then approved. Its popularity in the United States peaked in 1922. Then many clubs appeared where breed lovers gathered. Kerry began to appear more at exhibitions. There are many photos from such events.

    At one of the exhibitions in 1928, the Kerry Blue Terrier received the title “Almost Perfect Dog,” which influenced the successful spread of the breed to other countries


    The Kerry Blue Terrier is a medium-sized dog. She has a muscular body, straight limbs and posture, similar in physique to, but has completely different fur. The breed has its own standard, which its external characteristics must meet:

    • the head is elongated with a subtle transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
    • thin triangular ears that fit tightly to the base of the skull;
    • almost black eyes with an expression of alertness and a nose with wide nostrils;
    • strong jaws with developed muscles capable of providing a death grip;
    • a tall thin tail, which is sometimes docked, but in most European countries this procedure is considered illegal;
    • The coat is soft to the touch, thick and wavy from steel to light silver in color.

    Important! You need to know that all Kerry puppies are born with black coat color. By the age of 2, the dog acquires the bluish color characteristic of the breed. If this does not happen, then the animal cannot take part in exhibitions.

    Various dark blue and black color splashes that are located on the head, muzzle, paws or tail are acceptable regardless of age

    Character and habits

    This dog has a friendly and inquisitive character. Kerry puppies are active and love to frolic. You can take a lot of fun photos with them.

    Animals can be both quiet and noisy. The Kerry Blue Terrier has some behavioral characteristics.

    • Goodwill. This quality manifests itself in relation to others. Blue terriers are also good with children, but they may not tolerate it and give vent to their teeth when kids begin to pull the animals by the ears or tail.
    • Sociability. These dogs do not like to spend a lot of time alone. They definitely need to be in the spotlight and be part of the family.
    • Devotion. Usually it manifests itself only in relation to the owner, but the four-legged friend “communicates” in his own way with all the people living with him in the same house.
    • Innate pride. Kerry is a dog of aristocratic blood. She is very sensitive to rude shouts and will not tolerate vulgar treatment.

    Important! Blue Terriers need early socialization, because if the animal is not exercised at all, it will develop aggressive tendencies towards other animals and people.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier is a wayward dog, so its owner must be a self-confident person with the makings of a leader.


    The Kerry Blue Terrier will always be the most loyal and friend for the person who decides to have one. A dog with an explosive temperament is an excellent watchdog.

    Kerry is attentive and observant, as any nursery breeding this breed can confirm.

    They will be excellent helpers during fox hunting. Blue terriers penetrate narrow holes from which they pull out small predators and rabbits.

    IN old times Kerry were used for fishing. This breed has also proven itself well in terms of hunting small rodents (especially rats).

    If opportunities permit, the breeder should often travel with his pet to nature, where the animal can enjoy freedom. A timely haircut will prevent his fur from getting tangled while the terrier is frolicking and running in the grass.

    Before walking your pet, you need to remember a few rules well.

    1. You should not let the Kerry off the leash, as he will feel free and will run away from his owner until he gets tired. It is worth using not a collar, but - it is more convenient.
    2. In the garden plot it is necessary to put up a high fence along which fortifications should be laid, otherwise the dog will try to get out.
    3. The terrier begins to bark loudly as soon as he senses danger, which not all neighbors like. We must take care in advance of how to calm him down.

    The Blue Terrier is intelligent and always loyal to its owner, making it an excellent lifelong companion.

    How to choose a puppy?

    Before you buy a dog, you need to know everything about your future four-legged friend.

    If the breeder does not have the opportunity to directly communicate with those who already have a Kerry Blue Terrier, he can always find the necessary information, photos and videos on the Internet.

    In Russia, the price of an animal can fluctuate depending on the region in the region of 10,000-25,000 thousand rubles.

    Puppies blue terrier require special careful handling. Let us list some features of their content.

    • If you want to take the baby in your arms, this must be done very carefully. After all, its size is still very small. Kerry can be lifted by supporting the chest and seat with both hands.

    Important! Kerry Blue Terrier kittens have a weak muscular system, which can be easily injured by carelessly lifting the puppy, so you should not pick them up and cuddle them unnecessarily.

    • It is better to make a place for the terrier to sleep away from heating devices and drafts. It should be warm and soft.
    • In the puppy’s room, it is necessary to remove in advance everything that he can spoil or swallow: small objects, wires, equipment, etc. He needs to buy special toys that the terrier will chew.
    • Until the puppy reaches the age of 3 months, he will relieve himself where he feels comfortable. You shouldn't scold your child for this. You just need to put a few trays in the room and gradually teach him to go there.

    Read more about how to accustom your dog to a diaper or litter box:

    As soon as the puppy turns 3 months old, you can gradually start walking him. As he grows, the duration of his stay on the street increases.

    Features of care

    In order to avoid problems with caring for the dog in the future, they must be taught this from puppyhood.

    The baby must get used to standing on a special table while he is being cut or combed. Any nursery also regularly carries out procedures such as bathing and eye and ear examinations among its animals.

    Important! Owners of a blue terrier should know that certain procedures with their pet must be performed every day. This applies primarily to washing the eyes, since discharge often accumulates in their edges.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier sheds little and has no odor at all, so this breed is suitable for allergy sufferers. There are protective substances on the animal's fur. So, to wash your dog, it is better to use a specially selected product from a pet store.

    The breed standard implies that the animal's ears are “glued on” at the age of 3 to 6 months. This is done for their correct formation in the future.

    The animal's haircut must also be done in a special way. The price of the animal and its victory at exhibitions will depend on such nuances. You should not take on such a responsible mission. This work should be entrusted to an experienced specialist.

    The thick fur of these dogs often harbors fleas, and during walks they can pick up ticks, so you need to regularly examine the dog and pick out insects from its thick coat

    Haircut and combing

    Both puppies and adult dogs need their coat trimmed and combed. In order to demonstrate the standard of the pet breed in all its glory at the exhibition, the owners of Kerry Blue Terriers hold a special event. It can also be everyday. Trimming a Kerry's coat is a responsible procedure and involves the use of hair.

    Before starting, you need to wash the animal’s fur with special care, and then dry and comb out the animal’s fur. A well-executed haircut can hide minor flaws in the figure, correcting its size and highlighting a beautiful curve. Transitions between different parts of the blue terrier's body should not have sharp boundaries.

    A Kerry haircut is done at least once every 3 months. Combing is carried out 3 times a week. It is especially important for kennels to adhere to these rules, because the price of a well-groomed dog increases significantly.

    Important! Kerry needs to be cut at least 2 weeks before the exhibition, since the animal’s fur must have time to acquire the desired size (about 5 cm).

    Sometimes the owner himself quite successfully grooms his pet. To do this, he purchases a special machine and sharp scissors.


    Before you take a puppy into your home, you need to know what foods should be included in the dog's diet. Subsequently, you can create a balanced menu for your four-legged friend. What does a Kerry Blue Terrier need?

    • Lean meat (veal and beef, chicken breast). The animal should eat approximately 300 g of meat products per day.
    • Well-cooked porridge (buckwheat or rice). They can be added to meat dishes along with vegetables.
    • Raw vegetables (except legumes and white cabbage). It is better to add a little vegetable oil to them.
    • Fermented milk products (cottage cheese). They are necessary to strengthen the animal's bones.
    • Various mineral complexes. They should be given to your pet only with the permission of a veterinarian.

    The kennel can financially afford to feed the blue terrier good food. If the Kerry Blue Terrier eats it, you must remember that the price is in this case matches the quality.

    Allergies and gastrointestinal disorders are often caused by eating bad food. Your pet should always have fresh and clean drinking water in his bowl.

    Important! It is necessary to follow the feeding regime for dogs. Puppies under 2 months of age eat 4 times a day. Babies who have reached 3-4 months should already have 3 feedings. Adult animals are taught to eat 2 times a day.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier, like any other dog, needs to be fed during specially designated morning and evening hours.


    This breed has enviable health. Kerry puppies are generally not prone to any diseases; they love to play and frolic, as evidenced by reviews from many owners.

    However, due to improper care or simply in some cases, they appear cancerous tumors, luxation of the kneecap and viral enteritis, cataracts may develop.

    Important! To prevent the dog from getting an infection, the ears of blue terriers should be cleaned with cotton swabs and the hair there should be trimmed from the inside.

    Each kennel and owner of a blue terrier must treat puppies for 2-3 months against parvovirus enteritis, plague, hepatitis, and leptospirosis. Since we are talking about the health of the dog, the price is not particularly important here.

    Long before vaccinations, puppies must be treated for worms. A week before the start of vaccination, their body temperature begins to be measured daily. No procedures are performed on children during the period of growth of baby teeth.

    Elevated body temperature of a dog is a reason to contact a veterinarian


    Any nursery can confirm that puberty in Kerry males begins at 7-9 months, and in females - already at 6-8. The ripening process is characterized by the presence of (empty space). The bitch develops a reddish discharge, and the size of the genitals increases significantly.

    During this period, the dog must be strictly monitored and not allowed to go outside unattended. You can only walk with your female dog on a leash to avoid contact with male dogs (especially in the first 3-4 weeks of estrus).

    An accidental unplanned mating will have a bad effect on her health, and the puppies will be born rather weak. The breed standard, which specifies certain requirements for the appearance of Kerry Blue Terriers, will not be met in this case, since the kids may have changes in external shape.

    Kerry Blue Terrier: The dream of many dog ​​breeders

    The Kerry Blue Terrier is endowed with irrepressible energy and a violent temperament. Over time, he will definitely become a full member of any family, since he has an innate intelligence and devotion.

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