A dog is the most faithful friend of man and family. A dog is man's faithful friend All about man's friend the dog

Everyone knows that a dog is best friend person. However, few people can say why exactly? Of course, we can say that dogs are loyal and cheerful, but all this will be just generalizations. What exactly do these pets do to deserve the title of the best?

Terrible short term memory

One of the most annoying things about having friends is the fact that they always remember everything. If you do or say something wrong, you will definitely be reminded of it later. Which is absolutely impossible with dogs simply because of the way their brains function. These animals very quickly forget everything that happened to them, so you can do whatever you want (within reasonable and humane limits, of course), and your dog will quickly forget about it and will continue to love you with all his heart.

Excellent long-term memory

Even if the dog forgets that you stepped on its tail, since it does not have the best short-term memory, then it will definitely never forget about what binds you together. The point is that, unlike short term memory, long-term in dogs is perfectly developed - this is what explains their devotion and love for one person.


No matter what happens, the dog will protect its owner and its territory. Dogs are excellent protectors and will be able to fend off any attack on you or your property if they understand that it is a real threat. However, it is worth noting that dogs cannot always distinguish real threat from the postman or courier, so their defensive reaction can sometimes be excessive.

Imitation of emotions

People very often do not understand when you are in trouble, angry or, conversely, incredibly happy. But dogs are real masters at this. If you are sad, your dog will look at you with big, sad eyes and drooping ears and tail. If you get angry, then your dog will start growling - not at you, but just like that, into space. Dogs share absolutely all emotions with people and almost never make mistakes.

Small dishwashers

Naturally, no one suggests washing dishes with dog saliva. But if there is too much food left on your plate to throw away, but too little to save for next time, you can offer it to your dog. She will be happy, and it will be much easier for you later to wash the dishes that were previously cleaned by your dog.


Dogs love to be active, they need movement, they want to run, play, frolic, especially when they are still young. Therefore, you can use your dog as a way of motivation - take it with you for walks and runs, play games with it active games outside, and you can keep yourself in shape by combining walks with your dog with exercise.

Dogs are incredibly smart

It's no secret - dogs are some of the smartest pets you can have. Naturally, a lot here depends on the breed, as well as on luck, but if you are lucky, you will get a pet that is able to understand you perfectly, do what is required of it, and also live its own life. full life, which will be a real pleasure to follow. Because every time you will be amazed at the things your dog can do.

You won't be alone

Pets are The best way fighting loneliness. It's always nice to have someone alive in the same room. However, if you have a rat or rabbit, then you are unlikely to feel much company, and the fight against loneliness will not be as effective. In this regard, dogs - the best option. After all, the dog will always be next to you - when you eat, work, watch TV or sleep. You can order her to stay in another room, and she will do so, but with an incredibly sad expression on her face. Because her main instinct is to be close to her owner all the time.

Dogs won't let you down

How often does every person have a situation when friends with whom you agreed to meet call at the last minute and say that they cannot come. All plans are ruined, the day is broken, and nothing can be done about it. But if you are friends with the dog, this will never happen. The dog itself will constantly want to spend time with you - and it will only be happy if you suddenly decide to go for a walk. She will not have any plans, unexpected situations, and so on. Moreover, she will be ready to go with you even if she feels bad.

Dogs know how to live

Simply put, dogs behave exactly the same way humans would behave if they didn't have the burden of their "intelligence." The life of a dog is simple - it wakes up, enjoys every day, eats, sleeps, walks and goes about its business. And at the same time, she is always happy - she does not think about the bills that she needs to pay, about the job that she needs to go to again. Naturally, such a life for a person would be quite boring, given that the human intellect is much better developed, but the dog is always satisfied and happy with his life.

We all know the expression “A dog is a man’s best friend”, but few of us have thought about the meaning of this expression. Why a dog? After all, there are many other domestic animals, such as cats, cows, pigs. The cow gives us milk, from which we then make many various products food, the pig gives meat. The dog in this regard is clearly inferior to other animals, but it is the dog that is called man’s friend. Let's find out why.

The appearance of a dog next to a person

From time immemorial, people have strived to improve their lives. He domesticated wild cows, goats, and sheep so that he would always have meat and, of course, milk for food and skins for clothing. Then a dog appeared next to the man. She guarded the herds livestock from predators, helped herd them, thereby winning a secluded corner in the human heart. That's when shepherd dogs were bred.

Let's look at how they differ from other dog breeds. Herding dogs are powerful, mentally stable and hardy dogs. They know their job - to herd and protect livestock. Bringing slippers and newspapers and obediently giving a paw at the owner’s request is not their prerogative, but helping a person straighten out the herd, catch up and return animals that have gone astray is always welcome.

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Dog hunter and helper

The more civilized a person became, the higher the requirements became for herding breeds. If at first a large and strong dog was needed, then later the requirements for herding breeds changed radically. People began to need smart, sociable people with a balanced nervous system, capable of long and hard work. Naturally, such requirements come with considerable physical and energy costs, which is why herding dogs have turned from giants into small and compact human helpers.

But let's not forget that man was still a hunter. He spent many hours and even days hunting. Naturally, this required great physical effort. Most of the animals that man hunted were much faster than him, which made the hunting process much more difficult. And then the man again turned for help to his faithful friend - the dog. He began to take her hunting with him. The dog chased game, climbed into deep holes, swam and dived in search of prey killed by its owner.

For different types hunting were withdrawn different breeds dogs - hounds to drive game, burrowers (such as dachshunds and dogs), to get game from narrow holes, huskies for hunting large animals (with their barking they distracted attention to themselves, allowing the hunter to get closer to the prey), pointers - for hunting feathered game. Thus, we have the necessary hunting dogs. These breeds are characterized by the following features: speed, endurance, unquestioning obedience to the owner, high intelligence. Hunting dogs have made human life much easier.

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Along with hunting and cattle breeding, man also paid due attention to his leisure time. And here companion dogs played their role. They brightened up a person's rest and entertained him with their presence. They had a very friendly character, were smart and extremely nice. Nowadays, when progress has been made high level, companion dogs acquired a number of other functions: they became eyes for the visually impaired (guide dogs), medicine for people suffering from mental and other diseases (canistherapy).

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the expression “A dog is a man’s friend” fully justifies itself. Just look at dog eyes, in which one can read the devotion, fidelity and love accumulated over centuries for one’s older brother – Man.

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Many families get a dog, because they are loyal and attentive and for many are considered the most precious companions in life. For thousands of years, four-legged friends have lived together with humans. With a dog, you are never alone, because a dog is a man's friend. Did you know that a dog contributes 22 percent to the life expectancy of its owner or owner? And yet, it is so. Dogs can solve our pressing problems, such as lack physical exercise or protect too weak immune system. Our four-legged friends have a keen sense when something is wrong with us and can technically suffer for us.

  • Do you have physical ailments?
  • Are you suffering from mental health problems?
  • Are you suffering from loneliness? You need true friend?
  • Feeling threatened and afraid of burglars?
  • Are you a woman on the road who needs an escort?
  • Are you overweight?
  • Does your life seem boring?
  • Do you suffer from physical disabilities?

No matter what problem you have, dogs have served humanity for centuries. And this is no coincidence. The dog is like the most faithful four-legged friend solves many problems every day, both for the individual in particular and in family life.
Regardless of who it is for you family dog: As a friend or as a substitute for occupational therapy for older adults. Dogs include an incredible number of spaces in Everyday life people - often most people don't even know about it. Take this knowledge to your situation!

Question about the advisability of using a dog

Now you can consider the feasibility of using a dog as a helpful solution to your problem. Scientists believe that dogs are social creatures that have brain structures similar to humans and that they feel just like us. Studies have shown that stress levels decrease when we pet a dog.
It doesn't matter to a dog whether its owner is thin or fat, rich or poor. The animal love of a dog has no prejudice. And this is important.
The human brain is imprinted on nature and animals over millions of years. Research shows that our brains respond differently to living things than to inanimate things. Animals give us what people often lose. For example, intuition, spontaneity, selflessness.

Dogs have the key to elderly and lonely people. Many people need to take care of others. Animals give a feeling of what is needed and structure the day of a lonely person, being, first of all, a living being with whom one can communicate or cuddle.

Unfortunately, in practical life there are still few esoteric, healing stories circulating about how dogs help cure oncology and many aspects of their impact on human health.
But modern research they are proving it once again positive connection between dog and physical health person. An important aspect here is what dogs have positive influence for motivation for physical activity their owners.

Since ancient times, a dog has lived next to a person, he is our friend and helper. This is the first animal that was tamed ancient man. He shared food with the dog, and the dog helped him hunt and guarded him and his home. Since then, the faithful friendship between them has continued.

It is still not known from whom exactly the dog originated. Some thinkers are inclined towards wolves, others towards jackals, and still others believe that she had her own ancestor. Dogs helped in hunting and acted as guards. After all, the man used her security and hunting instinct. Subsequently, the dogs were divided into groups that designated their economic purpose. First, guard and hunting dogs appeared, later - decorative dogs, from whom no service was required.

With the development of mankind, the scope of application of some dog breeds has changed greatly. At all times, people highly valued dogs, they were even worshiped as deities and objects of worship, and they were also given to emperors.

First of all, a person sees his companion in a dog and finds him in every possible way. However, research shows that our pets can also improve the health of their owners and increase their activity levels. And yet, it is dogs that reduce the risk of developing diseases that are associated with coronary insufficiency. And without even realizing this, a person walking with his beloved dog, feeding and brushing it, devotes much more time to his health. Your routine changes when you get a pet, which forces you to organize your schedule. And, among other things, they teach their owner patience, give him unconditional and endless love and always remain devoted friends, and you can share your joys and sorrows with them.

Today, the role of a dog in people's lives is very important; it performs many functions. First of all, a dog is usually pet the whole family, who warms with his friendly attitude, entertains, and protects the house. My mother loves dogs very much. She says that dogs are very smart, they know how to learn, they understand their owner even without words, sensing his mood. There are breeds of dogs, for example, Labrador, which are very kind, they are taken into families with small children, and they become true friends and protectors for them.

A dog does a lot of good things for us. Specially trained dogs they help search for people in the mountains, rescue people on the water, serve in the police, and others become guides for people who have lost their sight; they will not let you get lost in the forest. I'm sure dogs can do many more things that I don't know about. The dog also took an active part in space exploration.

Today there are about 400 dog breeds in the world. The mass of some dogs exceeds 100 kg, and the height is 1 m, but there are also dwarfs, inferior in size domestic cat. A breed of dog such as St. Bernards has an excellent sense of smell.

Saint Bernards can smell people buried by an avalanche under a three-meter thick layer of snow. If the dogs find a frozen person, then two of them lie down on the sides of the unfortunate person to warm him, and the rest rush headlong towards the people and lead them to the found traveler. If the dogs find a person buried in an avalanche, they try to dig him up and free him.

There are also a number of observations that half an hour to an hour before the earthquake in Ashgabat, indoor dogs woke up their sleeping owners and pulled them out. And during the years of the Great Patriotic War 60 thousand dogs “served” in the army. The dogs performed important work. Among them were riders, messengers, ambulances, guards, and saboteurs.

In some countries, monuments to dogs have been erected: in Paris - to St. Bernard Barry, who slept 40 people during snow drifts in the Alps, in Berlin - to a dog - a guide for the blind; in Nome, Alaska - to the team leader Balt, who delivered anti-diphtheria serum to a snow-covered village during an epidemic; in Leningrad, on the territory of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, - a dog serving science; in Osaka in Japan - a team of sled dogs left behind by the expedition in Antarctica; in Italy - to the dog Verny, who for 14 years stubbornly went to the train every evening to meet his owner who died in the war; in Tokyo - to the dog Hachiko for loyalty.

The dog accompanied and greeted his owner every day as he left for work. The owner suddenly fell ill and died, but the dog came every day to meet him at the station and remained there until the last train in the hope that one day his owner would arrive. This went on for 10 years until the day when the dog tragically died at this station.

It is no coincidence that Charles Darwin called dogs “loving us more than themselves.” A dog is a man's faithful friend, who will not laugh or betray, will help in everything where he can, will understand his mood and try to improve him, despite the fact that he has four legs and a tail and cannot speak. And mutual understanding without words is even more valuable. Therefore, it is worth being grateful to our pets for their devotion and responding to them in the same way.

This is what happened to us interesting story: “It was snowing outside, and my mother and I decided to go sledding. While we were walking, a cute white dog with large red spots on its back followed us. She constantly whined, trying to explain something to us, and then lay on her back and quickly waved her tail. We headed towards the house and our new friend did not lag behind us. We didn’t know what to do and let her into the entrance. At home, my mother and I thought for a long time about what this cute dog was trying to tell us.

The next morning we got up early for school, took food for our new friend and went to feed, when we saw her, we couldn’t believe our eyes, she was lying under the stairs, and next to her were five colorful puppies. Our happiness knew no bounds; now it is clear that she was looking for a home for herself and her puppies. All the neighbors were happy to have a new little family in our building. Together they began to feed and care for the new residents.”

And friendship is not a one-sided game, so a person, for his part, must also be a true comrade to his favorite. Usually people treat dogs well and take care of them, from food to the now fashionable trips to dog beauty salons! Interestingly, dogs don't require much.

For their kind attitude, they are happy to have a soft pillow in the apartment and an ordinary booth in the yard. They agree to live their lives in captivity in order to be needed. Therefore, in my opinion, the most important thing is not to offend animals, because they also have feelings, and they love their owner.

A dog is a man’s faithful friend, who will not laugh or betray, will help in everything he can, understand his mood and try to improve him, despite the fact that he has four legs and a tail and cannot speak. And mutual understanding without words is even more valuable. Therefore, it is worth being grateful to our pets for their devotion and responding to them in the same way.

Any dog, with all its diversity, even the most decorative one, remains a dog, loving and devoted to its owner. There are no bad breeds of dogs, because any dog, including even the simplest mongrel, is worthy of respect or at least sympathy.


1. V. I. Davydenko encyclopedia on dog care.


1. Dog and owner

2.Help with problems

3.Ready to do anything for a friend

I often see owners with dogs - they walk, play and seem to be having a lot of fun. I also want a dog. Why? Yes, because a dog is man's best friend.

Sometimes things don't go well Bad mood, but just look into smart looking eyes your friend, and he will understand you without words. We will definitely become friends. The dog will wait for my return and will enjoy our games. I will teach her commands, look after her, and take her for walks. Friendship must be on both sides.

Dog a true friend, because it is impossible to bribe it, it is impossible to lure it to someone else’s side. He will always remain faithful to you, and for the sake of this friend, you don’t mind getting up early every day to go for a walk with him. And on weekends, long walks in the park are much better than sitting at the computer. And I myself will be more organized in everything. Therefore, I am sure that a dog is a man's friend.

Dog is man's best friend grade 4


1. The coolest defender

2. Misunderstood and abandoned friend

3.Human responsibility

There are friends who can do anything for you - they will protect you from an offender, they will sit next to you when you are sick. They have their own strong character, but they will tolerate your quirks without offense. I'm talking about dogs.

A dog is a man’s friend” - this expression sounds so simple and at the same time, not everyone understands it. It’s especially offensive that it happens that a person does not value this friendship. Does not value his dog's loyalty. There are homeless people on the street and lost dogs. Maybe it got lost when moving, or maybe it got boring or was no longer needed. But the most annoying thing is that when a puppy grows up and stops being playful and cute, he ends up on the street. This is the most offensive situation. Why did you then take responsibility for this miracle?! I don’t understand it. And I will never be like that. Because they don't abandon friends. This is vile.

When you take a puppy into your home, you need to understand that this is not a toy. A dog lives a long time - sometimes fifteen years or more. She needs to be walked every day. This may be inconvenient. At first, of course, walking with a puppy is interesting. But then, sometimes, you want to sleep or just hang out with friends. But it is important to remember that the dog is your friend. Which means you yourself should be her friend. Always. Even when it's inconvenient.

Dog is man's best friend 5th grade


1.Examples of friendship between a dog and a person in literature

2.Relationships between dogs and people in cartoons and films

3.Good helpers

The theme of friendship between two people is very often raised in various works. The relationship between the two friends has always been interesting. But there is another friendship that is much stronger than human friendship - this is the relationship between the owner and his dog.

There is in the literature vivid examples such friendship, which include in the obligatory school curriculum. For example, Turgenev’s “Mumu” ​​describes the sad tragic story about human betrayal, and “Black Bim White Ear” by Troepolsky is a story of human stupidity. And the following thought was voiced there: that the dogs themselves, being faithful, do not believe that they are doing anything supernatural. And people, not knowing how to live faithfully, count loyalty to dogs as devotion.

There are examples that a dog is a man's friend in films and cartoons. The cartoon "Volt" tells the story of how, having lost his owner, a dog tries with all his might to find her. By the way, the theme of betrayal creeps in there too. Even if not in relation to Volt himself. But his friend, the cat Mitten, was thrown out into the street by the owners. And “Hachiko” is a famous film about the loyalty of the dog Hachiko to his owner, whom he did not abandon, even when the owner died.

There are also positive examples. The film "Marley and Me" tells the story of a family that adopted a dog. The dog was disobedient, ruined a lot of things for them, the circumstances of this family’s life changed. But they did not abandon him, they did not refuse. It would be nice if there were more such examples.

For many years now, people and dogs have been friends, live together, and help each other. For example, huskies, like sled dogs, transport people over long distances, and Labradors serve as guide dogs for blind people and the elderly. German Shepherds serve as good protectors, and dachshunds originally hunted with their owners. All that remains is for people to learn to treat their friends – dogs – responsibly.

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