Dogs for children are the best breeds. Which dog breeds are best for children Different dog breeds for children

So, the moment came when your child began to ask for a dog, trying to appease you with the most incredible promises: “I will study with straight A’s!”, “I will look after him!” - all possible exhortations, if only you get the coveted dog. And you seem to have already given up, and you don’t mind, but you still can’t decide what breed of dog to buy. Let's try together to find out the best dog breeds for children that will not only best friend your child, and will become a full-fledged member of your family, without causing much trouble.

A very important point when purchasing a dog for your family is the age of your child. Professionals advise not to purchase an animal for children under 6-7 years of age.

  • Firstly, such a baby will not yet be able to care for his pet, and all responsibility will fall on you
  • Secondly, at this age the child does not yet understand that an animal is a living being, and you need to behave appropriately with it.

After 6 years, many children are already able to feed their dog on their own and care for it at home. Of course, it is better for an adult to take the dog out for a walk, because the baby may not be able to hold the dog if something interests it.

Best breeds dogs for children aged 6-7 years will be small dogs with a non-conflict character. It is advisable to get larger and more serious breeds when the child is 12 or more years old. This is due to the need for serious education of the dog, which a small child, alas, will not be able to give to a dog that is much larger than himself.

How does a dog affect a child?

Children's doctors and psychologists unanimously note that the appearance of an animal in the house has a very beneficial effect on the development of a child: he quickly learns a sense of responsibility for his actions.

Agree, such an experience is difficult to get with plush toys, but with a living creature, which you will have to look after willy-nilly, it’s easy. In addition, the animal socializes children, making them less withdrawn and more sociable.

Also, don’t forget about this important point, how happy your child is from communicating with a four-legged friend. No toys or gadgets can give a child the sensations and impressions that he can easily get from playing with his dog.

What size dog is best to buy?

If we talk about dog breeds and their compatibility with children, then contrary to popular belief, small dog breeds for children are by no means the best choice. The thing is that small dogs are more prone to aggression and defending their rights, while medium-sized dogs and large breeds– more calm and loyal.

Small breeds will be one of the best dog options for an apartment and children, only if you approach their upbringing responsibly. And, of course, it’s worth teaching your child how to handle a new animal, because small dog It’s easier to cause injuries through negligence.

Otherwise, such dogs will become an excellent family member, plus - they live longer than large dogs, which means that your pet will delight you with its presence longer.

Medium dog breeds are the best choice for older children: anywhere from 10-12 years old. Dogs such as spaniels or retrievers are very good-natured and loyal, although they also need to be trained from a very young age.

Due to their size, they will be able to accompany your children in active games, and you do not have to worry about the child accidentally stepping on his pet. If we choose a dog breed for a child who wants to run with his pet and throw a ball to him, then medium breeds are best suited for these purposes.

It is best to get large dogs for a child who has reached a conscious age, that is, from about 12-15 years old. This is due to the weight of the dog - not every adult is able to hold it on a leash. big dog, let alone children.

But more dogs are calm about squeezing and playing, unless, of course, it causes them pain. In addition, a large dog is an impressive guard for your child, and few people will dare to approach such a dog if the owner does not allow it.

Training and proper upbringing will help the child to fully control even the most massive dog. This means that when answering the question of which breed of dog for children is right for your child, you should not immediately weed out large dogs - they may be an ideal option in some cases.

What breeds are best for children?

If you are looking for dog breeds for an apartment and children, then among small dogs we can recommend Spitz, miniature poodles, Chihuahuas, and also miniature pinschers and a dachshund.

All these dogs are very cute and beautiful, and besides, they don’t take up much space. This will not cause you any trouble even with the most limited living space - such a dog will only need a small sleeping mat and small bowls. As for caring for such breeds, it is not difficult: due to the size of your pet, even brushing during shedding will not cause much trouble.

If we take into account the average breeds of dogs for children, photos of which are presented here, then we can recommend getting a spaniel, border collie, terrier, retriever, Welsh corgi, or beagle.

All of these breeds are relatively small, will not take up much space, and are perfect for a small apartment. At first, you will need to get used to the fact that there is a new tenant in the house, but the calm and non-conflict nature of these breeds will very quickly make you love the dog with all your heart.

If you are determined to get a large dog, then we can advise you to choose a Dalmatian, Doberman, Collie, or Shepherd. At proper education these dogs are very obedient and will never harm your child, even to the detriment of themselves.

But the now popular huskies, huskies and malamutes are dogs with a complex character, and therefore they need a firm hand from their owner. A child is unlikely to cope with such a dog, besides, they recognize only one owner, and consider the rest of the family members to be their equals. To keep such large dogs you need a lot of space, so if you have a small apartment, it is better to refuse to have such a pet and choose a smaller breed. But if the space allows, then a large dog will become a faithful friend to you and your child.

Well, what if the child-friendly dog ​​breed you have your eye on is too expensive? What to do if you want a dog, but purebred puppy not enough funds? In this case, you can simply get yourself a puppy without any breed, an ordinary mongrel. We assure you that the child will be delighted with such a gift, and you will get an endlessly grateful pet. Mongrel dogs no worse than purebred dogs, and such a dog will certainly be very loyal and loving.

Rating of the best dog breeds for children

Let's sum it up and determine the top dog breeds that are ideal for children. Let's divide them into 4 groups: small, medium, large, and also highlight special group– hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Small dog breeds

Although it is generally accepted that small dogs are more aggressive towards children than their larger relatives, even among the small representatives of the canine world there are several breeds that get along well with children and can become their faithful friend in the future. long years. Of particular note are such breeds as pug, dachshund, miniature poodle and Welsh Corgis (or Pembrokes).

All these small representatives of the dog world react very restrainedly to children’s pranks, which means you don’t have to worry about your pet biting a child for taking it in the wrong way, or accidentally hurting him. Most likely, the dog will simply run away to avoid such a fate.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

These cute and funny dogs are actually great companions for your child. These small dogs are originally from Wales, and according to legend, they were received by people as a gift from fairies, who used them as sled dogs. That is why on the back of all Welsh Corgis you can see a kind of saddle mark formed by hair.

Up to 25 cm tall and weighing up to 12 kg, these cute creatures are always ready to play with the child, devoting most of their time to active games and running around. This will give the child the opportunity not only to communicate with a living being, but also to receive additional physical activity.

Welsh Corgis are unpretentious in their maintenance: they eat any food, and are quite neat and clean in the house. However, there is a nuance - during seasonal molting, these dogs change their entire coat. You need to be prepared for the fact that in addition to walks, you will also need regular brushing. Otherwise, these dogs are a complete bundle of positivity and energy, and your child will definitely have fun and interesting with such a friend.

Miniature Poodle

Another name for the breed is toy poodle, from the English toy. Essentially a toy poodle, a play dog. Initially, this breed was bred as a hunting dog, but over time it turned out that poodles have a remarkable intelligence and ability to train. Today, these cute dogs can be found in almost any circus - they are capable of tricks that other dogs cannot even dream of.

Toy poodles are great for keeping in a family with children - they perceive a small child as a friend and spend all their time with him. Also, this dog is almost ideal for keeping in an apartment - they do not require special care and do not take up much space.

The average weight of an adult dog of this breed is up to 5-6 kg, and its height is up to 25 cm. By choosing this breed as a pet for a child, you are almost guaranteed to get a smart, cheerful and restless pet.


What association do we have when we mention pugs? These are funny and smart dogs that have been used as decorative pets. This breed appeared in China, but quickly spread throughout the world. For a long time It was fashionable among noble people to have several pugs at once.

The average lifespan of these dogs is about 15 years. By getting a child such a dog, you are giving him a friend who will be with him for many years and teach him to take care of others. Thanks to their good-natured nature and excellent trainability, pugs are well suited for small apartments.

Medium dog breeds

All medium-sized dogs are more or less suitable for families with children. But I would like to focus on three representatives: the cocker spaniel, the beagle and the Labrador retriever.

Labrador Retriever

You cannot find a better dog for a child than a Labrador Retriever! This statement has long become an axiom, because Labradors behave like adult puppies all their lives. They love to play, run, jump, have fun - everything that the child offers him. Run after the ball? - OK! Just running back and forth across the grass? - Especially!

Cheerful and intelligent retrievers will become an excellent friend to your child, and besides, they will not create any difficulties, because their maintenance does not require special conditions. Only occasionally do they need to be combed and walked several times a day. These are all the conditions necessary for a loyal and cheerful friend to appear in your family.


Unsurpassed hunters, perfect as a companion for children - all this is about beagles. These are medium-sized dogs with a height at the withers of about 35 cm. Thanks to their intelligence, beagles learn quickly and instantly understand what is wanted from them. Cheerful and lively - this is how you can briefly describe this breed. They are highly trainable, and therefore even an 8-9 year old child can be their owner.

In terms of care, these smooth-haired dogs are not at all demanding and will not cause trouble when kept in urban conditions.

American Cocker Spaniel

Agile and good-natured American cocker A spaniel will be an excellent friend to a child of any age. Thanks to its character, the spaniel will definitely make friends with all family members, becoming an integral part of it.

The breed is purely hunting, however, due to its kind and flexible nature, Lately Cocker Spaniels are increasingly being adopted as companion dogs. These dogs love it very much active games, and are capable of spending hours playing outdoors with your children. Due to their small size, spaniels get along well in an apartment, requiring only brushing and care for their long ears.

Large dog breeds

Large dogs are best suited for teenage children, if only for the reason that a small child will not be able to keep such a dog on a leash. Thanks to his calm character and poise, of all large breeds It is worth highlighting those that will fit perfectly into a family with children. This Irish Setter, Newfoundland, and Giant Schnauzer. In our opinion, these large dog breeds are the most suitable to become your child's reliable companion.

Giant Schnauzer

This German breed dogs, which were created to help shepherds. For these purposes, the smartest and quickest dogs were selected, thanks to which Giant Schnauzers can boast of excellent trainability and a sharp mind. These qualities have allowed them to earn a reputation as calm, balanced and reasonable dogs - they will always stand guard over your baby and will never harm him.

This breed is perfect for keeping in a country house or a large apartment, but it is worth considering that Rizens love long walks. In addition, you will need a set of tools to care for their thick coat. Otherwise, this is a great dog for your child.


The Newfoundland is a very popular breed originally from Canada, where they were used as working assistance dogs. Thanks to the harsh climate, dogs have acquired thick hair and abundant undercoat, which makes caring for them a little troublesome. However, this is offset by the kindest character and flexible disposition - best qualities that a dog should have for a family with children.

Huge giants are calm and balanced, and therefore you don’t have to worry about your child - he will be safe as long as his pet is next to him.

However, due to the size of the dog, keeping it in an apartment presents a certain difficulty - the dog will take up a lot of space and will not be comfortable in a cramped room. If you have a private house– don’t hesitate to buy such a friend for your child.

Irish Setter

The Irish Setter, which is tall on its paws, does not seem massive - it is hunting dog who loves to run and frolic. Thanks to their intelligence, setters often become part of a family with children, because the dog understands that children are foolish and do not pose any threat. Your child can play with this dog for hours, and the pet will always be happy to have fun.

The long coat of these beauties will require care, and you will also have to put up with the need for long walks. But by putting up with these little things, you will give your children a great friend who will not leave their side for a minute.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

If your child is susceptible allergic manifestations, then you shouldn’t risk getting a dog at random. Once children see a dog, they will no longer be able to part with it, and allergies are no joke. For such cases, it would be best to choose a breed with hypoallergenic properties, of which there are actually a lot. Among them are all types of schnauzers, poodles, Scotch terriers, Irish Spaniel, Airedale Terrier, Chinese Crested, Puli, Bichon Frize and others.

West Highland White Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers also get along very well with children.

Due to the special structure of the coat, all these dog breeds have virtually no flaking skin, and therefore they almost never cause allergic reactions, which means a child with allergies will also be able to get a dog, and at the same time get a reliable and selfless friend.

The most suitable dog breeds for children are those that will be not only a loyal friend for your baby, but also an excellent protector. When choosing an animal, take several factors into account: pet size, personality traits, ability to train, and care.

The most faithful friend.

No less important indicator– the age of your child. A preschooler (6-7 years old) is best suited for medium-sized dogs; it is advisable to purchase a representative of a serious breed no earlier than 11-12 years old. Consider the baby’s temperament, his desire and ability to care for the animal. If your child has an overly busy schedule (lessons, clubs, competitions), take a picky dog. Sociable and responsive dogs are suitable for an inactive baby.

Here is a list of four-legged friends who get along best with children.

1. Dog without breed

Yes, yes, that's not a typo. An ordinary mongrel can be smarter, friendlier and more loyal than its other four-legged companions. By showing mercy and picking up a puppy on the street (of course, you need to show it to the vet), you will become an excellent example for your baby. The child will learn to be compassionate, attentive, caring and responsible.

A mongrel dog.

2. Sheltie is the most family dog

Despite the excessive activity, many families choose the Sheltie. The reason lies in her intelligence, playfulness and friendliness. The animal will not make you bored, it will always have a lot of fun. Sheltie is able to find mutual language with any person who often appears in the house. Sheltie - not just a pet, but a full member of the family. Don't forget about it!

Shetland Sheepdog.

3. Cocker Spaniel

An active pet who will always find adventure for himself and his owners. He is distinguished by his excessive love for children. Showing aggression towards a child is something supernatural for a cocker spaniel. An inquisitive animal is a real find for people leading active image life. Feel free to take your dog for a walk or a hike – and it won’t make you bored.

Cocker Spaniel.

4. St. Bernard

Legends are made about the patience and forbearance of these dogs. Saint Bernards are resistant to any children's pranks, non-aggressive and friendly. Not prone to aggression. But you shouldn't leave small child alone with the dog, because its large size can lead to negative consequences. A St. Bernard can unintentionally harm your baby.

Good, good St. Bernard.

5. Irish Setter

An irreplaceable friend, constantly thirsting for communication, will always be happy to play with the child. The restless Irish Setter is an excellent companion for walks and hikes. It will be difficult for a small child to cope with a dog's hyperactivity, so a setter is better suited for a teenager.

Irish Setter.

6. German Shepherd

You simply cannot find a better breed of dog for children that combines the qualities of a loyal friend and a good guard. A 10-year-old child can easily care for an animal. You will have to walk your German Shepherd often, because she loves freedom very much. Don't lock your dog in your apartment - it will get bored. Children who spend a lot of time outside will find a reliable companion in a shepherd dog.

German Shepherd.

7. Poodle

Compliance and playfulness are the main qualities of the poodle. Obedient and clever dog can easily learn various commands and tricks. Participation in circus acts is a common thing for a poodle.

A friendly dog ​​will play with children for hours. But remember that they need to be constantly and carefully looked after.


8. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever needs a special approach. A lot of attention should be paid to training a dog. If you raise him correctly, then you will not find a better guard and rescuer. A reliable friend, always ready to keep children company. Patient with all the child’s pranks. Seeing him aggressive towards children is unrealistic. But it is not advisable to leave your baby and Labrador unattended. The reason for this is the large size of the dog.

Labrador Retriever.

9. Collie

Responsibility and activity are irreplaceable character traits of a collie. You can easily trust her to play with your child, even if no one is nearby. The dog is ready to have fun with children for hours without feeling the slightest fatigue. With a collie, your child may become exhausted - keep this in mind when choosing a pet for yourself.

The dog is easily trained and understands different teams. It is almost impossible to anger a collie.


The friendly and affectionate Beagle always loves to play with children. Apartment - no the best place for keeping a freedom-loving dog with a developed hunting instinct. The beagle prefers outdoor fun to four walls. When purchasing a puppy, remember that he should be given a lot of attention and taught commands. It is better not to allow an untrained dog near the child. If you train a dog, it will become reliable friend and a guard for the baby.

What other dog breeds for children do you know?

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Psychologists have noted that children who grow up with animals quickly develop a sense of responsibility for their own actions. This quality is the most valuable for a person and it most likely will not develop if a child plays with soft toys or a computer. This section of our website presents dog breeds for children that can become a true friend for a child.

Children and dogs

In addition, children willingly trust their pets with problems, secrets and fears. According to psychologists, many children think that the dog is always ready to listen to them, console them, and express support. However, do adults always have time for this? Or to notice that something happened to the child?

Based on experiments, experts noted that a dog in the house has an influence on the upbringing of the baby. They were able to prove that it is through the example of a dog that children learn such significant qualities as:

  • devotion;
  • honesty;
  • tolerance;
  • inability to meanness;
  • the ability to forgive and love.

For this reason, before refusing to allow a child to buy a pet, you need to think carefully about all the advantages and disadvantages of a dog for children. And our website will help you with this. This section presents the best dog breeds for children and apartments with detailed description and photographs.

Reasons for purchasing dogs for a child

Some adults note that a child needs a dog solely for the reason that the child is afraid of these animals. But there are some nuances here too. If there is a pet, the child will naturally get rid of such fears. In addition, the presence pet helps to increase self-esteem and a feeling of pride that there is such a wonderful comrade. But here the question arises about what best dogs are there for children? You will find the answer in this section.

When choosing a breed, you need to remember the age of the child. Even if the child is already a teenager, we must remember that the weight of the dog should not be greater than the weight of the child. Otherwise, he will not be able to keep the pet in a critical situation.

You also need to know everything about keeping an animal. If the child is still very small, and adults want to purchase big dog, then in in this case It’s worth waiting a little until the baby grows up. Dogs, even trained ones, can, quite accidentally, hurt a baby.

Before you decide which dog to have in an apartment with children, you need to know that small pets are also not always simple solution. Small animals don't like being rough. These dogs respond to such actions by growling and biting. In this regard, individuals large sizes are more tolerant. Also, small dogs are very fragile, for this reason they can be accidentally hurt.

There are many breeds, each with their own characteristics and skills. If your child likes to ride a bicycle, for example, then in this case you should choose a dog of the breed that will like the child’s hobby.

At the same time, we must remember that a dog for children in an apartment will in any case cause trouble for adults. Breeds that require minimal care and are not demanding on living conditions are presented in this section.

So, the persuasion and pleading eyes are over, and at the family council a decision was made: your child will have a dog! First, let’s define what “a dog for a child” means.

It is worth understanding that the “child’s dog,” no matter how much your child promises to look after it and do everything, the animal and the responsibility for it will still lie on the shoulders of the whole family. Therefore, when deciding to get a dog, re-evaluate your capabilities. And, of course, choose the right breed.

Which one is suitable?

The main and main criterion is safety ! You must be 100% sure that the animal will not harm the child (ideally, the opposite situation should not arise). Focus on the rule “the weight of the dog cannot exceed the weight of the child”, and it is better to be smaller so that your child can hold the animal.

There is an opinion that what smaller breed, the safer, but this is not entirely true. Often, small animals are more aggressive, for example, a Pekingese or a Spitz may bite if they are careless about their tail and paws. But the imposing large breeds can be fabulously good-natured and even allow you to ride on horseback. So you need to select based on the characteristics of the breed: good disposition, strong psyche, disposition towards children.

Advice: A child should not get a dog until he is 6 years old. Before this, the baby simply will not be able to properly distinguish it from a plush toy - this is fraught with danger for both parties.

Also, in addition to size and character, it matters:

  • Your child's character. If he is mischievous and loves to run and play, a Dalmatian is perfect - he can run for hours, even behind a bicycle, and not get tired, collie, Labrador. If the baby is calm and spends more time at home, something like a cute fat pug or “ sofa dog"like a Maltese dog.
  • Gender of the dog. For a child it is definitely better to choose a female. True, during heat, an adult will have to walk her (unless you are thinking about sterilization), but bitches are softer, more attached to the house and owner, and less inclined to dominate. The child will be able to gain control over the animal without any problems.
  • Difficult to care for. There are very beautiful breeds, but think about whether the baby will be able to take care of this particular animal, and if something happens, you will be able to help him? If yes, then you can pay attention to the long-haired beauties, who will often have to be combed and bathed. If not, get someone with short hair and a non-white color.
  • Price and pedigree of the animal. Please note that a dog is not a cheap pleasure, especially the currently popular breeds. Of course, there is a great temptation to bring a fluffy ball from the market, or buy a cheap handsome dog without a pedigree. But it’s better not to do this: it could turn into a tragedy. You will not know the genetics and characteristics of such an animal, while breeders, if aggressiveness is observed, reject the entire litter.
  • Possible susceptibility to disease. Having selected a breed, ask what it suffers from: many artificially bred species have a tendency to diseases of the kidneys, bones, etc. A sick pet is not only a big expense, but also a huge stress for the child, so it is better to choose a pet that is not predisposed to serious illnesses and long-lived.
  • Allergies. Unfortunately, if your baby develops an allergy to wool, you will have to say goodbye to your pet. You can avoid this by doing an allergy test in advance or choosing a hypoallergenic breed - these exist.

Nannies: names with photos

Having a dog that will act as a nanny for your baby is not great. Such breeds are rightfully considered the best for apartments and families. By the way, this is a common practice from ancient times: before, when a baby was born in a rich family, a dog was immediately chosen for him - as a companion and nanny.

Interesting: According to research, children growing up with dogs learn responsibility faster than their peers without pets!

A nanny dog, ideally, should understand when your child is misbehaving and call the parents. She will accompany the baby in all his games (you will have to explain that riding an animal, dressing it up or pulling its tail is not fun, because “nannies” are also very patient). In addition, such a dog will understand when someone wants to harm the baby and will be able to protect him.

Nanny dogs easily get along with all family members, but they give the greatest preference to children. They calmly tolerate children's pranks, affectionate and kind. What breeds are these? These include:

For apartment

For private home and security

  1. Collie

    Don't be intimidated by the word "shepherd" - this breed is also known as a collie. They are very beautiful, with long, silky fur that is so pleasant to pet. By the way, a collie never minds being petted. Collies easily get along with kids and are quite patient, able to endure their pranks, so they are rightfully considered suitable breeds for children.

    And the main value of collies is that they were bred as shepherd dogs. They will take care of your child, won’t let you wander too far during a walk, and will accompany you everywhere. And, of course, they will defend themselves with their breasts. Every year in the United States, hero dogs are awarded. Awards are often given to collies who save children on roads, fires and water.

  2. German Shepherd

    This breed is quite controversial: it, without any doubt, requires careful training and a strong hand. She may try to dominate her adult owner.

    But, nevertheless, the baby will be safe with it: german shepherds They understand perfectly well that there is a child in front of them and that he needs care. They are extremely smart and will always support the baby in his games. In addition, with such a fanged nanny, no one would dare to harm the child.

    Important: This does not apply to other types of shepherd dogs, especially Caucasian ones - they are prone to unmotivated aggression.

  3. Great Dane

    Yes, the size of this noble animal raises some doubts. But, nevertheless, Great Danes are very responsible and loyal.

    True, there is nuance: the animal should grow up with the baby, because large dog may cause harm unknowingly. But if the Great Dane puppy is raised by your child - better than a nanny and no defender can be found.

  4. Irish Setter

    This dog was bred as a hunting dog, but due to its pleasant and calm character it is perfect for caring for naughty babies.

  5. Newfoundland

    It is also called the “bear dog”. Indeed, it’s scary to let such a “bear” near your baby! But in vain. This dog, like the St. Bernards, was bred as a rescue dog. She must be able to take care of the helpless and weak, and have a good disposition.

    Thanks to their patience and open disposition, the Newfoundland easily gets along with kids, and makes an excellent playmate for older children. But do not forget to ensure that the child does not abuse the good nature of the huge dog.

Important: The "nanny" breed does not guarantee 100% safety for the child.

This is still an animal, and it is impossible to fully understand what is in his head. The dog may be tired, in a bad mood, or sick. So it’s worth keeping an eye on the communication between your baby and his pet with at least one eye.


How to choose a pet for a child with allergies? And it’s not about the chaos that a furry resident is guaranteed to bring into your life along with joy, but about a banal allergy? There is a solution - here are the best breeds to choose:

10 best and kindest

1. Labrador Retriever

Labradors are extremely popular as a family dog. They are calm and gentle towards their owners. The Labrador will need to be trained diligently, but once he understands what is required of him, he will do just that. Even with the most capricious child, the dog will be patient. In addition, the breed needs active movement and loves water, so it will be able to keep the baby company during any games.

2. Beagle

An excellent option for a restless child. This breed loves to play. So a beagle can easily keep your baby occupied for the whole day and take part in the most active games. However, there is also a drawback: beagles love to bark very loudly! Also, a beagle should not be let off a leash on the street: it is easily distracted by foreign smells and can get lost.

3. Pug

A small, funny companion that is suitable for a calm, dreamy child. It is unlikely that he will be able to share active games with him, but from time to time playfulness attacks the pug. The rest of the time he will snore peacefully on the sofa, touch you with his appearance and will never offend you!

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It is considered a companion dog, able to adapt to the rhythm of life of both a child and an elderly person. This is a very docile animal that never shows aggression. What is important is that the breed does not require special living conditions and is not picky about food. The child will be able to care for and train the spaniel himself.

5. English bulldog.

Yes, this stocky and dangerous at first glance fat guy is actually peaceful and, what is valuable, knows how to control his behavior. He can play with children for hours and can even learn to play hide and seek and ball.

6. Hungarian Vizsla

This breed is not very common - but in vain. She is ideal for children: smart, obedient so that even a child can train her, with a soft and cheerful character. In addition, the Vizsla is very beautiful.

7. Bichon Frize

The best choice for home and children. Affectionate, hypoallergenic, small and very beautiful dog. She requires a lot of attention because she has a beautiful white coat, but does not shed.

8.English pointer

A good family dog ​​that will be active outside and calm in the house. She needs the constant attention of her owners, so it is better to get such a breed for a child of 7-8 years old, when he will dote on her and not leave her alone.

9. Bernese Mountain Dog

This is the so-called “farm dog”, very imposing and caring. She will not leave the baby even one step. At the same time, the Sennenhund will like it much more at home on the sofa than on the street.


A dog made for love and cuddling - she really is perfect suitable for baby!

Interesting: in America, a puppy of this breed is considered a traditional gift for a child for Easter




Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

English bulldog

Hungarian Vizsla

Bichon Frize

English pointer

Bernese Mountain Dog

Golden or golden retriever

10 that don't fit

Strictly speaking, all dogs are flexible and patient with children: they understand that you can’t take much from a foolish child. And yet, it is better not to get a dog from this list: either the child will not cope with the training, or they could theoretically harm each other:

  • chihuahua;
  • Pekingese;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • chow-chow;
  • Ridgeback;
  • husky;
  • bullmastiff;
  • dachshund;
  • pit bull;
  • Doberman


We talked about nanny dogs and dogs that can provide excellent company for a child. And what breeds are capable of truly loving your baby? There are many of them. For convenience, we divide them into three groups:


  1. Leading, of course, Saint Bernard He is calm, reliable, and has a credible past as a rescue dog. This animal will sincerely love your baby and will become not only a nanny, but also a friend.
  2. Newfoundland. A good-natured dog with amazing intuition. The Newfie is perhaps the only breed that will calmly allow itself to be ridden and that sincerely loves children's games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer or Giant Schnauzer. This is a friendly and loyal dog that needs attention. She will love whoever gives it to her - including the child.
  4. Cane Corso. Don't let it scare you appearance: There are legends about this dog’s devotion to children. Dog handlers call this breed a nanny-governess: they are even ready to give their life for the baby.
  5. Boxer. Yes, he will have an excellent relationship with the child: he has an increased love for children.

Cane Corso
Giant Schnauzer


Which representatives of medium-sized breeds love small children:

  1. Shar Pei. A sedate and at the same time funny dog ​​can become an excellent protector. They can be fierce, protecting the child like a lion.
  2. Samoyed dog. She is very beautiful and loves to play with children, but will require a lot of care.
  3. Border Collie– a fast herding dog, extremely intelligent and affectionate. She will “shepherd” the baby – and will do it with love.
  4. English bulldog– yes, he is considered a medium-sized dog. It is better to give it to an older child: for all its affection for children, this is a rather stubborn breed. In addition, these medium-sized animals are very suitable for an apartment!
  5. Cocker Spaniel. The dog gets along well with hyperactive child: They will become inseparable!

Border Collie

Little ones

Important: A child should not have such a dog, he may inadvertently crush it.

Plus small dog the fact that they are suitable for any apartment, and often these little tails are very fond of children.

  1. York- a beautiful, flexible and hypoallergenic baby.
  2. Papillon– a charming dog with huge ears and long hair.
  3. Spitz– is very attentive to the owner, and the child will adore.
  4. Miniature Pinscher. He is smart, can attack someone who, in his opinion, poses a danger to the baby - and usually turns out to be right.
  5. Coton de Tulear- an obedient and devoted little one. Gets along easily with other animals.

Coton de Tulear


Which one to choose?

Using these tips, you will be able to decide which ideal nanny or four-legged companion to buy for your child. Remember the main thing:

  1. Before getting a dog, make sure both you and your child understand the responsibilities.
  2. You should not take your dog to an untrusted place or succumb to fashion trends.
  3. Best breed – Golden retriever. She will definitely never hurt the baby.
  4. Among large breeds, there are also excellent nannies! The main thing is the character of the dog; even a tiny but capricious Pekingese can bite.
  5. A child should not take a dog that is too small, as he may injure it. Likewise, the dog should not be too large.
  6. There are breeds that are absolutely not suitable for families with children.

However, families live in the most different dogs. Sometimes both a bull and a large mongrel get along with the baby.

If your pet gets along well with your child, show off your warm family photo in the comments! Share how you managed to raise an affectionate and loyal friend. Or is this entirely due to your child?

And remember: the happiest childhood can be called the one spent with a dog.

The dog is the most devoted creature living long time side by side with a person. Some pets perform well various jobs, others are full-fledged companions, others are taken in to fulfill the child’s wishes. But how to choose the right dog for children? What breeds are recommended to pay attention to?

Naturally, the requirements for getting a dog largely depend on the age of the child - a 4-5 year old child will be happy with any fluffy ball, but a teenager will most likely say what kind of dog he would like to have. Parents should not blindly follow their children’s lead, but they should still take into account the wishes of the future owner.

If the living space does not allow you to take a puppy into the house even medium breed, then you can pay attention to compact pets - poodles, chihuahuas, dachshunds, spitz dogs, miniature pinschers and various lap dogs. These dogs are not aggressive, stress-resistant, agile and do not require much space. In addition, they do not require complex care, except that some may need to be trimmed and combed periodically.

Don’t think that if there is a baby in the house, then the pet must be tiny. Small child may accidentally harm your dwarf pet. Among the medium-sized breeds, good-natured and active, you can take a closer look at spaniels, beagles, Welsh corgs, collies, and terriers. But there is one caveat here - these dogs need regular outdoor games and activities, which means the child must be of the right age to provide this to his four-legged friend.

The choice of large breeds should be approached more carefully; not all of them are suitable as playmates. You should not get a puppy based on the popularity of the breed, for example, beautiful and proud huskies, strict Alabai, very expensive and showy Tibetan mastiffs require a firm hand And serious training. And graceful greyhounds are not so easy to train.

What qualities should a dog have?

No matter how old the child is, his dog should not be aggressive, wayward or stubborn. In addition, it has a number of requirements:

Of course, there are many requirements for both parents and children, but there are also a great variety of dog breeds and you can always find best dog for your own child.

Best Dog Breeds Suitable for Kids

Dogs for children that can become for a child true friends:

  • . A not very common breed, originally from Wales, the representatives of which, according to legend, were a gift to people from fairies. Corgis are compact in size, weighing up to 12 kg, active, sweet and loyal. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness in food, cleanliness, and in addition, they do not require complex care.
  • . This dog has long topped the lists of the most highly intelligent breeds and has a hypoallergenic coat that is practically non-shedding. Poodles love to play and perform various tasks, understand their owner perfectly and are not stubborn. Your pet's coat requires special care and requires regular trimming.
  • . Little ones Chinese dogs With a funny appearance, positive and quick-witted, Pugs have recently been gaining popularity. Since ancient times, they have played the role of family favorites, but then they more often lived in the imperial chambers, and today - in children's rooms.
  • . If you need a larger pet, then the Labrador Retriever is great option! These dogs remain playful throughout their lives, picking up on their owner’s intonations and mood. They are always nearby, but at the same time devoid of intrusiveness. Such a pet will very quickly find a language with its little owner.
  • . Small dogs hunting breed, are distinguished by their ingenuity and irrepressible energy. It is possible to keep such a pet in a small apartment. Even a child can train a beagle, but with such a noisy family you will have to forget about peace and quiet in the house. Beagles have well-developed hunter instincts, which should be taken into account when walking - the pet can run away after passing living creatures.
  • American Cocker Spaniel. This cute and good-natured dog of a hunting breed almost immediately becomes the favorite of all family members. He is easy-going, playful and hardy, so children can run and jump with him for hours, and the dog will only be happy about it.
  • . Canadian giants with luxurious coat, easy-going character and balance. Under the supervision of such a dog, the child will be safe. But when choosing, you should keep in mind that your pet will need a lot of space. It is best to keep a Newfoundland in a private home.
  • . It is best to get a puppy of this service breed for a child. school age who can deal with such smart dog, requiring regular load. As a result, they will become inseparable friends and spend a lot of time outdoors. And besides, the German is an excellent bodyguard.
  • . The Scottish Shepherd is a beautiful, hardy dog, not aggressive, requiring active exercise. She easily understands even complex commands, so it will be a wonderful companion for a child adolescence. Collie care requires standard care, but with regular long-term brushing of the coat, especially during seasonal shedding periods.
  • . If a family decides to get a large pet so that the child has an impressive guard and protector, then it is difficult to find a better dog than the St. Bernard. He is phlegmatic, does not pay attention to minor irritants, but at the same time vigilantly monitors the child and is always ready to help. Of course, such a large pet needs space and one more nuance - St. Bernards have increased salivation, and drooling can flow quite profusely.

Having a dog in the house is undoubtedly a hassle and additional expense. But on the other hand, the child learns to take care of his smaller friend and takes on a certain responsibility, naturally, due to his age. And one more important nuance- he acquires a faithful, devoted friend, whom he will remember with warmth all his life.

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