Sunglasses protection 3. How to choose sunglasses by type of protection? Why do you need sunglasses?

Among the abundance of sunglasses assortment presented in opticians and specialized stores, how can you not get confused and choose a quality product that is suitable not only in design, but also in the type of protection? The task is not easy.

Having decided to purchase a much-needed stylish accessory, first of all, you should decide in what conditions you will have to use it (on the seashore, in a car, on a walk or for all occasions) and pay attention to the protective properties of glass. High-quality glasses are comfortable to use, do not change color rendition and provide reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Prolonged exposure to the sun without special glasses is fraught with complications for vision. Particular caution on sunny days should be exercised by people with eye diseases or poor health.

The most dangerous times for unprotected eyes are early morning and afternoon hours When the sun is low, the effect on the eyes increases.

Also, the negative effect of UV rays increases when reflected from the water surface. When choosing sunglasses based on the type of protection, you should consider how ultraviolet radiation affects the unprotected or insufficiently protected surface of the eyes.

Effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight on the eyes:

  • Conjunctivitis. It occurs as a result of damage to the cornea and is accompanied by aseptic inflammation.
  • Dry eyes. Burning sensation, photophobia, redness of the eyes.
  • Pterygium.As a rule, it is accompanied by pain and itching. In severe cases, swelling occurs and visual acuity decreases.
  • Snow blindness. Profuse lacrimation, corneal ulcers, short-term vision loss.
  • Cataract.Cataract. Visual acuity deteriorates, color perception changes.

be careful, the retina of the eye is very sensitive to UV radiation, the negative effects of which appear after some time. During the period of irradiation, as a rule, no discomfort or pain occurs, but this is not a reason to neglect protective equipment.

How to choose sunglasses by type of protection

When choosing the right sunglasses based on the type of protection, several factors are usually taken into account - the level of UV filter, the color and material of the lenses. These parameters directly affect the functionality and safety of wearing glasses.

Radiation protection levels

Ophthalmologists distinguish several stages protective properties of sunglasses:

  • Minimal. The filter level is 15–20%. Recommended to wear in cloudy weather.
  • Initial. Allows penetration from 40 to 75% of sunlight. Suitable for gentle sun in the morning and evening hours.
  • Average. Blocks up to 65% of ultraviolet radiation. A suitable option for active sunny days and holidays in hot countries.
  • Maximum. They transmit only 7–10% of sunlight. Designed for increased eye protection. An ideal choice for people suffering from photophobia, as well as those who enjoy skiing and surfing.

Information about the degree of protection of the glasses is located on the inside of the temple. The degree of protection, depending on the manufacturer, can be indicated in a digital value from 1 to 4 (the higher the number, the higher the filter level).

Note, that maximum protection glasses are not recommended to be worn while driving a vehicle as excessive darkness may affect visibility.

What does UVA or UVB marking mean?

Depending on the intensity, ultraviolet rays are divided into:

High-quality glasses must be marked by the manufacturer for ultraviolet transmission and spectrum of rays. At the same time, detailed information about the protective properties of glasses and recommendations on the conditions of use are indicated in a special insert.

Most sunglasses only block part of the UV rays. The corresponding protection range is indicated by the UVA or UVB marking. How to choose sunglasses by type of protection?

Another type of marking, often used by manufacturers, will help with this, and containing information about the transmittance of UV rays:

  • UVA ray transmittance from 85 to 98%. Used during periods of inactive sun.
  • Blocks up to 70% There are two types of dangerous rays (UVA and UVB). A universal option for city conditions.
  • High UV protection. One hundred percent ultraviolet blocker of all types. An ideal choice for a holiday at sea or in the mountains. Blocks glare from the sun's rays from the surface of water or snow.

Glasses that filter out all harmful rays are labeled UV-400, 100% UV-Protection or High UV-protection . This indicator informs that maximum protection is integrated into the structure of the lenses, which cannot be erased or scratched. In any weather and lighting, your eyes are guaranteed complete safety.

Which color to choose based on the degree of protection at different latitudes

Which sunglasses to choose by type of protection and color Characteristic Where to use
Gray or malachiteClear color reproduction, no distortionUniversal (applicable in city conditions and on the sea beach)
YellowRetains bright blue colorIn the evening and cloudy hours
PolarizedBlocks aggressive bright lightOn the beach, in the mountains, driving a car, bicycle, motorcycle
MirrorReflect lightIn the mountains, in hot countries, during periods of high solar activity
GraduatedPartially change color renderingIn city conditions, during periods of inactive sun
ChameleonsLenses change color depending on light intensityA universal option for urban environments

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The popular idea is that the richer the color of the lenses, the more protection they have. However, according to experts, the ability to block sunlight does not depend on the color intensity of the lenses.

If the lenses do not have protective properties, then the dark color, on the contrary, provokes the receipt of a higher dose of ultraviolet radiation compared to transparent lenses. The pupils dilate under the influence of dark lenses, which makes them more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Glass or plastic?

When wondering how to choose sunglasses based on the type of protection, you should consider that, from the point of view of functional characteristics, high-quality plastic glasses and natural glass lenses have identical optical properties and equally protect against ultraviolet radiation.

However, the effect of visual perception of an image through different types of glass or plastic will be completely different. What material to choose for glasses depends on personal preference and comfort.

Advantages of organic glass (plastic):

  • lightness, almost not noticeable on the face;
  • safe to wear, does not leave any fragments when dropped;
  • large selection of frame designs;
  • variety of lens colors;

Advantages of mineral glass:

  • protection from scratches;
  • aesthetic appearance (glass lenses are thinner);
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Important to remember When choosing sunglasses based on the type of protection, mineral glass products are usually more expensive than plastic ones. At the same time, glass has increased fragility; if it falls, there is a risk of injury from lens fragments.

If glasses are purchased for children or people actively involved in sports, then for safety reasons, you should opt for accessories made of polymer materials.

What are the benefits of polarized glasses?

Glasses with polarized lenses have become most popular among people leading an active lifestyle. Basics The advantage of this type of glasses over others is that it blocks polarized light, which is especially important when driving vehicles during solar activity.

In addition to reflecting glare, they have other significant advantages:

  • provide clarity of vision in any type of activity (sports, driving, beach holidays);
  • improve color perception of objects (colors are more saturated);
  • neutralize glare and bright flashes, their use reduces the risk of road accidents;
  • create additional protection from UV rays;
  • perfect option protection from aggressive rays for people with photophobia;
  • prevent eye fatigue.

Which glasses should you choose?

The choice of the right sunglasses must be taken with full responsibility; the purchase should be determined not only based on the type of protection, but also on other equally important parameters, such as size, color, conditions and place of purchase.

Wearing unsuitable glasses leads to extremely negative consequences: fatigue, headache, retinal damage, and the development of cataracts.

How to avoid a bad purchase

Unsuitable glasses Rationale
Low securityThey will not be able to protect their eyes from the active sun. They are an additional accessory for wearing in the evening and cloudy hours.
With small lensesThey will not be able to fully protect from the sun.
Counterfeit brandsAs a rule, they only copy fashionable designs and do not provide protection from UV rays.
Red, orange and blue lensesThey distort color and irritate the retina. It is not recommended to wear it for more than two hours at a time.
Purchased in non-specialized storesRisk of purchasing glasses that do not contain a sun barrier.
With a transition from one color to anotherEyes get tired quickly.
Inappropriate size (tight, too big)Uncomfortable fit of glasses provokes the penetration of ultraviolet radiation onto the unprotected surface of the eye.
Penetration of dangerous sun rays into the eyes. The load should be distributed on the bridge of the nose.

Important to remember! Cheap glasses with simple dark lenses of different colors, purchased at local retail outlets, usually contain only dye and do not have protective filters.

Wearing such glasses is extremely dangerous. Don’t skimp on your health; well-chosen high-quality sunglasses will become not just a stylish accessory, but also a reliable protector of your vision.

How to choose sunglasses by type of protection, watch this video:

Sunglasses - stylish eye protection in the summer:

At all times, people tried to protect their eyes from direct exposure to sunlight: in China they covered their faces with wide-brimmed hats, in Japan they put fabric blindfolds with slits into which mica was inserted, and in India they were covered with silk strips impregnated with resin. Real sunglasses appeared 200 years ago, and they were intended for soldiers of Napoleon's army.

Why do you need sunglasses?

The main purpose of sunglasses is to protect your eyes from direct sunlight.
What is the danger of such exposure?
Sunlight consists of a collection ultraviolet And infrared rays of different lengths. And, if infrared rays are mainly scattered in atmospheric moisture, then ultraviolet rays with a length of 280 to 380 nanometers reach the ground, they are absorbed by the lens, which, while protecting the retina, itself suffers:

  • Over the years, the proteins in the lens begin to lose their natural structure and begin to become cloudy, leading to the development of cataracts.
  • The ability of the lens to focus on close objects is also lost, its elasticity decreases, which leads to the development of farsightedness.

We will tell you what technical characteristics of sun protection optics to pay attention to so that you can choose the glasses that will protect your eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Glass or plastic?

Despite the fact that glass lenses do not transmit ultraviolet rays at all, 95% of modern manufacturers prefer special plastic:

  • Glasses with plastic lenses are lightweight.
  • They are not traumatic, which is especially important if you choose models for children and drivers.

Be careful! Whatever material you choose to make sunglasses from (glass or plastic), their main task is protection from ultraviolet rays, and whether the glasses will reliably protect your eyes does not depend in any way on the color of the lenses.

Dark lenses or light ones?

Lenses can be both dark and transparent, but they will absorb ultraviolet rays equally well only if they are covered with a special ultraviolet filter on top.

Manufacturers of high-quality sunglasses carefully monitor this and always indicate the degree of ultraviolet protection in the labeling.
If you see a sign on the temples of your glasses or in their documents "UV400", this means that these are high-quality sunglasses.

The number 400 in the marking was not chosen by chance. It means that ultraviolet waves, the length of which is measured in nanometers and equal to 400 units, will not penetrate the protective coating. In cheap glasses, the lenses are only colored, darkened, and not covered with a special filter.
The pupil under dark lenses expands, ultraviolet rays easily penetrate under the darkened lenses and are absorbed by the lens, which is very dangerous for vision.

Be sure to pay attention to Will glasses protect you from ultraviolet radiation?, and only then choose degree of light transmission of lenses- their shading. Special markings will also tell you about this; as a rule, on the temple of such glasses there may be the following inscription: “ Cat. 3" or " Filter cat. 3».

Classification of glasses according to the degree of light transmission

  • Glasses with 0 degree of light transmission almost transparent. They transmit from 80 to 100% of sunlight. They are recommended for sports activities in the absence of bright light.
  • Glasses with 1st and 2nd degree of light transmission transmit from 43 to 80% and from 18 to 43% of light, respectively. They are recommended to be worn in low to medium sunlight.
  • Glasses with 3 degrees of light transmission should be chosen to be worn in very bright sunshine.
The choice will depend on where and when you plan to wear your sunglasses:
  • For our latitudes in the hot summer, the optimal choice would be glasses with 2-3 degrees of light transmission.
  • For spring and early summer mornings, glasses of 1-2 degrees of light transmission are ideal.
  • If you decide to conquer mountains, then choose the darkest category 4 glasses.

Once again, we emphasize that the degree of shading of the lenses does not in any way affect their properties of protection from ultraviolet radiation. But the color and size of the lenses determines whether the eyes will feel comfortable.

Lens color and size

Not all colors and shapes of lenses will be comfortable for the eyes.
  • Thus, our experts advise you to opt for glasses with brown, green or gray shades of lenses, which are considered the most pleasing to the eye, and you should be extremely careful when choosing models with colored lenses.
  • Drivers are advised to choose glasses with gradient lenses that are darker on top than on the bottom.
  • Pay attention to the lens size. They must be big. It is not recommended to choose glasses with narrow lenses. The whole point of UV protection in this case is lost, because small lenses transmit rays through unobstructed areas and limit the field of view.
  • Glasses should sit comfortably on your face, fit against it, but not squeeze your temples or put pressure on the bridge of your nose. This may cause headaches and fatigue.

Quality issue

Information about the quality of the materials used can always be found on the label, which indicates what the lenses are made of, as well as from the markings on the frame or from the product passport.

    The abbreviations 89/686/EEC, ANSI Z80.3, AS 1067, EN 1836 mean that the glasses are of high quality and the materials used for their manufacture meet global safety standards.

    High-quality glasses are always equipped with instructions that describe all the features of the model you have chosen.

You can also check the quality of the lenses by contacting the specialists of the Glasses and Fashion salon on the street. Vasenko, 4, where using an optical device - a spectrophotometer or calorimeter - you can verify the safety of the sunglasses you choose.

It is better not to wear glasses at all than to wear low-quality models. Only wearing glasses with UV protection will protect your eyes. This is the first and most important thing you should pay attention to when choosing a quality product. How dark the glasses will be and what shape they will have is a matter of taste.

There is an opinion among doctors that it is better not to wear glasses at all than to spoil your eyesight with fake glasses. Let’s not argue with medicine, but try to answer the question: how to distinguish a quality product from a counterfeit one.

Of course, you won’t find real Italian or French models on the regular market, so you shouldn’t pay attention to the inscriptions on the frames. However, there are times when you come across fakes in stores, and even at a hefty price.

Glasses passport

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is that branded sunglasses always come complete with a passport, a case and a napkin. The passport, as a rule, contains information about compliance with standard N 1836, the country of origin and the care of the product. We advise you to ask for a quality certificate and a catalog with the model you have chosen. This is necessary in order to check the number, color and manufacturer of the product with the data indicated on the temples of the glasses. If the passport contains the “glare protection” sign, this means that the glasses “quench” glare from the reflective surface.

Glasses temples

The inside of the arches contains a lot of educational information. For example, the CE mark, which informs that the glasses comply with European standards.
Also on the frame may be indicated such characteristics as wavelength and the percentage of UVB and UVA that are retained by the lenses, and the refractive index. Let's look at them in more detail.

Regarding wavelength, remember the "UV 400" sign, which provides full radiation protection. The degree of protection against UVA and UVB is most often indicated on the label of sunglasses in the form of the inscription “Blocks at least 95% UVB and 60% UVA”. This means that ultraviolet radiation of category B is blocked by the lenses by 95%, and category A by 60%. To avoid confusion in the numbers, pay attention to models with indicators of at least 50%.

The higher the refractive index (for example, 1.4; 1.5; 1.6), the better and thinner the lens. Ray Ban sunglasses use a variety of protective lens coatings that meet all requirements and are labeled as required.

Lens categories

Lenses with the number 0 transmit between 80-100% of all radiation and are suitable for cloudy weather. The number 1 indicates the passage of 43-80% of the light. Such models are intended for weak sun. Number 2 is relevant for sunny days. These lenses transmit from 18 to 43% of radiation. The third category protects from active sun in summer, blocking 8-18% of rays. The last are dark glasses, transmitting 3-8% of light and providing reliable eye protection at ski or sea resorts.

Glass type

Sunglasses vary according to the type of glass specified in the certificate. The characteristics of glass are designated by the letters N, P and F. The letter N is typical for ordinary plastic glass with an ultraviolet filter. The letter P denotes glass that has a polarizing effect and perfectly protects the eyes in the bright sea sun. The letter F indicates photochromic glass, which has the property of adjusting to the brightness of the sun's rays.

The degree of sunlight transmission and the level of protection from ultraviolet rays are two key indicators that determine the quality and scope of a particular model of sunglasses. So, let's look at how to choose sunglasses by type of protection.

Sunglasses protection level

There are four levels of sunglass protection in total. Level “0” means that such glasses can only be worn in cloudy or cloudy weather, since they transmit from 80% to 100% of the sun’s rays. "1" is suitable for low sun, such as a summer evening. The degree of transmission of rays by lenses with such markings is 43 – 80%. Glasses marked “2” are suitable for strong sun and can be chosen if you decide to spend the summer in the city. They block most of the sunlight, transmitting from 18% to 43% of the rays to the eye. “3” is suitable for relaxing by the sea, where the sun is already very intense. The transmission percentage in them is only 8–18%. The most secure glasses have level “4”. In such lenses, your eyes will be comfortable even in the sun, since they transmit from 3% to 8% of the sun's rays.

Information about what kind of protection sunglasses should have should be looked at on the label, which also contains information about the manufacturer. Any high-quality model should have such labels. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the higher the protection, the darker the lens. Thus, glasses with protection level “4” cannot even be used when driving a car, they are so dark.

Sunglasses with UV protection

How to determine the protection level of women's sunglasses, in addition to information about light transmission? For this purpose, there is another parameter on the label - data on how many ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB spectrum) this or that model transmits. There are three types of glasses depending on this parameter:

  1. Cosmetic– such glasses practically do not block harmful radiation (transmission rate is 80–100%), which means they can be worn when the sun is not active.
  2. General– glasses with this marking are perfect for use in the city, since their glasses reflect up to 70% of the radiation of both harmful spectra.
  3. Finally, for a holiday by the sea or in the mountains you need to select glasses with the marking High UV protection, since they reliably block all harmful radiation, which multiplies many times when reflected from water.

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