Dream of a funeral for a friend who is alive. Why do you dream about your own funeral? Subtleties of dream interpretation. Why do you dream about the funeral of a living person?

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Did you dream about the funeral of a living person, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Funeral of a living person in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I had a dream that my son-in-law’s father died, but I didn’t see his body, I myself work on a ship, well, it was like this, my ship comes to my city and I’m going home to give the keys to my parents, I come and everyone there is dressed in black, and I they say that it is so and so!!!

    I had a dream I was burying my own son as if I was in a morgue and they put some kind of mixture in his mouth behind a pike like for cement for teeth and close his mouth and next to me are my dead parents and a living husband and, in my opinion, a doctor

    It was a funeral. The man’s face was actually dead, but everyone took him for someone else who was alive at the moment. It was late in the evening, there were a lot of people near the multi-storey building in which I used to live, and for some reason they were all having fun, dancing, drinking champagne. There was a flickering light nearby, as if a star had descended from the sky, I tried to get closer to it but could not. There was fear. And with this fear I woke up......

    I immediately dreamed that they were burying my great-aunt (who was buried two months ago), then some girl was diagnosed with cancer and she was dying, but I don’t remember whether she was buried or not. And then for some reason I dreamed that we were burying my three-year-old daughter, but at the last moment she said, “Mommy, I love you very much,” and I saw that she was alive.

    I dreamed of the funeral of an unfamiliar child, there were a lot of people, they were seeing off like some dead soldier, such songs and everything like that... When they laid him, this child, I saw that he was breathing. He turned out to be alive, then I adopted him.

    I dreamed of a child... the child was alive, but in the dream we were going to bury him. I told everyone that we couldn’t bury him because he was alive, but everyone denied it.
    I haven’t seen anything like this.

    they want to bury me, I don’t believe that I died, my relatives don’t see me except my daughter, who also died, I run away, then I fall into the abyss and see myself from the side that I died and I see myself from the side, I scream, I cry, no one hears or sees me

    I dreamed about the funeral of my living classmate; he loved me very much at school. We haven’t seen him for 2.3 years. the funeral took place in a local community center, everyone present asked me to look into the coffin, but I was very afraid, so I never looked. Then, I don’t remember exactly how, but it turned out that it was like a joke on his part and in fact he was alive. the next day we sat at my house and talked.

    Hello! I dreamed that they were burying my grandmother. There are a lot of people, and I know that it is my grandmother who is being buried. I looked, and she was lying on the bed alive, and I said, “How are we going to bury her if she’s alive.” After that I woke up, at this moment my grandmother was alive. I had a dream about a week and a half ago.

    I dreamed of the funeral of a man whom I had loved unrequitedly for a long time. He was buried next to my father's grave. During the funeral, I stood with my father’s grave and cried bitterly, telling him that now I would never have happiness. When we started to leave the cemetery, along the way I ran into a guy who was being buried. But she passed by. Since this is not the first death in our village where I live. And this is not my first dream. From the cemetery we went out onto the road. I found myself alone. It was dark all around. People dispersed along the sides of the road, and through the darkness I heard voices that said, “How many more deaths will we have?” Then, through this darkness, a train appeared, the kind that children usually ride on. It was empty. And I was just driving along the main road of my village. After which I heard the words “Our village is definitely cursed.” And I woke up in fear

    I saw how in a dream I understood the funeral of my uncle (who was buried half a year ago) and his living father was buried along with the coffin, I was very worried, I wanted to know why to do this?? but I didn’t learn anything from anyone, they buried him alive, and standing up.

    I dreamed that they were burying my friend, but she was alive, as if this was how it should be, I see that she is not comfortable in the coffin and I decide to correct her, she gets up and climbs out and says that the coffin is uncomfortable. I lie down in the coffin to check if it’s really uncomfortable, and then with difficulty I climb out of it. And at the same time, the funeral of her sister is going on, but she is dead. And my friend lay back in the coffin more comfortably and closed her eyes (pretended to be dead) and they carried her in the coffin

    I dreamed that my classmate died. I was walking with someone and saw either a photograph or a monument, we stopped and remembered that this man had died... It seemed like he had drowned... We decided to go to his grave or to the monument, and there were people there.. And for some reason there were a lot of children... Although he 25.. I put the flowers and left.. But I didn’t see the funeral at the table..

    My daughter had a dream for 3 days, on the first day, that the coffin was standing near the entrance, on the second day, that he was in the cemetery, and on the third day, that they were holding a funeral service for him. She dreamed about her father, he is currently in intensive care

    I dreamed that I was suffering from something serious, all my relatives, including my late mother, were going to the place of my burial, they were supposed to bury me while I was still alive, but at the end of the dream I told her to delay my burial not for long, because I felt something else not the time.

    I dreamed of the funeral of a man, 65-70 years old, whom I didn’t know. He was lying in a coffin with his eyes open, blinking, trying to say something. there are more red flowers around him, wreaths with red flowers, and my grandmother is present, who is still alive and is telling me something, I don’t know what. I asked that he not be buried alive, but no one heard me. then this coffin turns out to be empty, and everyone disappears somewhere.

    I dreamed of the funeral of a man whom I had loved very much in the past. I dream that I found out about his funeral and am going to see him. I've been going for a long, long time. As a result, I come to some village. All his relatives gathered there. Everyone was happy to see me. I clearly saw his sister. We hugged her and cried a lot. Then everyone disappears and I see this coffin. It is brown in color. I'm crying a lot. I see him as a man in a black suit. I didn’t see the face, but I felt that it was my beloved. And I stand and cry loudly. I cried so much that I woke up. It turned out that she was crying in reality too.

    I dreamed that I was about to be buried, I think I saw an open coffin. My late grandmother tried to put a bunch of socks on me, but I took them all off and started crying. I lamented that I didn’t want to die and that I was actually alive. I told my mother about this... I woke up in tears in a terrible dream. Tough.

    I had a dream about the funeral of a young man I knew, but I couldn’t see who it was, the dream was some kind of gray, non-colored, in the dream my dad, my aunts and relatives were with me;

    My eldest son died two months ago, he turned 35 years old, before he died I had the same dream as now that he was lying in a coffin and suddenly he seemed to wake up and say that you are burying me, even though he was not yet dead. And now I again had a dream that my youngest son died. I am very afraid for my youngest son. Please explain to me.

    They’re burying my relatives’ child, but they don’t have a small child. They’re burying him alive.. It’s like he won’t live long anyway, he’s undergone some kind of surgery. And the child is a living baby, he’s smiling, he’s dozing, and they’re nailing down his coffin.

    It was morning, I was at home.. my girlfriend Vika asked me to come.. I got ready and came to her.. we sat with her all day. until 11 o'clock and I got ready to go home. all was good. in the morning at about 9 o'clock Vika's mother called me and said that Vika had died... I was in shock.. the next day there was a funeral.. despite the fact that she had many friends and relatives there were a couple of people at the funeral.. everything was creepy. They cried except for her stepfather.. Her mother and I stood over the grave for a long time. and I woke up

    It’s like I was burying two people on Mother’s Day, the first coffin was I wasn’t worried or afraid, and I don’t even know who it was. and the second was my husband, he was lying in a coffin full of clean water, he didn’t have shoes and there were big dirty nails on his hands and feet. I was very scared. I looked at him from the side and was afraid to approach him. Then I woke up and there were a lot of people in the cemetery. people and cloudy weather

    Hello! I dreamed that my former classmates and I were sitting at school and waiting for the funeral to begin. At first I didn’t know that it was the funeral of my 7-year-old brother, as they told me about it, I started crying (I was in shock, supposedly). My ex was also there beloved (classmate), he told me something I don’t remember.

    Hello. Tell me, I buried my grandmother yesterday. And today I had a dream that my one and a half year old son was lying in an adult coffin and sleeping. But at the same time he is alive. He sleeps, tosses and turns and is capricious. And then in this dream I dreamed of the dark shadow of an elderly woman. But I couldn’t figure out who it was. Because she got scared and ran away. What could this dream mean? Thank you.

    I’m standing on the street on the side of the road near a friend’s house and at this time a funeral procession is walking down the street, everyone is crying. The mother of a supposedly dead girl I know walks in the procession and falls. Following this funeral, I see the funeral of another person, but not on the street, but indoors. We are in a building with a long corridor and a procession is walking along it, but the deceased person is a student of the acting department and the whole procession is having fun and fooling around. There are only young people in the procession.

    I dreamed that they buried a girl with white hair alive, she screamed and cried and asked for help, but they buried her and then she cried some more and I went there, looked at the photo and read the sign, it said “Lyudmila”, I realized that she had already died and left

    I dreamed of a funeral, but I didn’t see the process itself, then everyone got upset, I ran up and started crying at his grave, the man’s mother came up to me and hugged me, she started talking, but I couldn’t hear what she said, and that’s when I woke up

    On a gray day, I walk down the street and see a funeral, they are burying a person I don’t know. But he lies in the coffin alive because he moved his head. I asked the question why are you burying him because he is alive. But it seemed to me that they wanted to get rid of him, because he was very ill, their family was very poor

    we buried the truly murdered Tatyana Viktorovna, I was her sister, she was 19 years old, well, I had a dream that I went for milk with my brother, we bought it, it was some unfamiliar place and a few minutes later Tanya came out of that gate, she was glad to see us then my mother came and said who did we bury then? I myself didn’t understand anything then, Tanya, who did we bury here? Mom even then told Tatyana to do her homework. And after that my mother woke me up for school, she’s like my half-sister, we have the same father but different mothers

    I have a dream that it’s like a morgue, but it’s not a morgue, it’s mom, dad, and a child
    that first they took my mother away, she starred in the news, then they brought her back, then I dreamed that they ate some kind of meat, it seemed to be raw
    then they came and took away the little baby, and the child was 5-7 years old

    funeral of a living girl (the first child of my man) at the funeral I was the third child of the family and just started to carry out the trumpet, I went to leave, with the man at the funeral I was boiled because it was almost like that of my child. It was still winter, and then some man stole a bag of potatoes and ran into me with my mother, and I walked home

    I dreamed that my father died. I was crying a lot in the corridor when at that hour I was already licking on the potato. My relatives were running around here and there. And then I asked my soul to leave that room when I was lying down. I shouted to a new place where are you going to find us You tell us in a joyful voice that you need to go everything.

    I attended the funeral of my sister, who was being buried by my long-dead mother, I screamed, why are you burying her, mom, she’s warm, she’s alive, everyone around was in white clothes, when they brought her to me to say goodbye, she hugged me tightly and started talking to me and I said again why are you burying her, she’s alive and everyone disappeared somewhere and the room was bright

    I dreamed about burying my still living child. Supposedly he is sick and will die anyway. But in his dream he is in a healthy state. My mother is burying me and I’m crying very hard and asking you not to do this, saying that she can be cured. His mother disgraced him alive. He cried in his grave, I ran away from home. She found the father and told him to go dig him up and take the child. He did just that. Mom allowed it. The child calmed down and I was happy. What kind of dream can you tell me?

    in a dream I dreamed of the funeral of some woman I knew, she was buried by a lot of people and my late grandmother also buried her, the funeral was gorgeous but I didn’t see the cemetery itself, also in the dream I talked to my dead grandmother and she invited me to come into the house, but I didn’t go, the guys I knew stopped me, and they said that they would take me home, and in that dream I also saw my blood as I began to flow, and then I had this feeling that someone pulled me out of the dream and I woke up.

    For the first time, this man (we broke up about 4 months ago) seems to be dying before my eyes from a heart attack. I’m in his house with my friends, but I don’t see him in the coffin. Today, in the same house, he seems to have died , but I meet with his ex-wives, they threaten me that if I took something from things, it’s better that I get out of the city in a good way. And I remember that my girlfriends and I (they started disappearing for good reason) actually took some kitchen utensils. And my friends tell me how they can know what he had if they didn’t live with him. And 2 more friends die with him, but each their own death. I didn’t see anything about the bodies or faces themselves

    Hello, I dreamed that my friend died and I went to bury him, but they dug him up and he turned out to be alive! Why such a dream? I felt uncomfortable throughout the dream and asked him for forgiveness

Death and funeral are the strongest sacred symbols of the other world. Appearing in our dreams, they signal something important, upcoming changes in the usual way of life. It is especially scary when the picture of the burial of a person who is alive and well appears. Arising unexpectedly, it’s about why you dream about the funeral of a living person.

Funeral of a relative or friend

Attending the funeral of your relative promises a solution to financial difficulties. Even if problems have been going on for months or years, relief will soon come. The main thing is not to give up and work for results.

Burying a friend who is seriously ill in reality or is on the verge is a sign of health problems. Pay attention to your friend - the hero of the dream, provide him with all possible help, or just spend time together. Perhaps a sincere conversation will calm both him and you.

Participating in funerals, drinking and eating a lot - to good health and improved relationships with loved ones.

A funeral in a dream of a living person can be interpreted as a prediction of expenses and deprivations in the near future. Your authority may be undermined by ill-wishers. To ensure that this bad omen leaves you, write a note in the temple for the repose of the soul of this person or give it to a beggar.

Burying a friend in rain, snow or hail means you will soon have to pack your bags and move very far away. If the weather in a dream is sunny and warm - changes are for the better, you just need to be patient.

Why do you dream about other people’s funerals: possible options

If you are at a funeral in a dream, where none of the participants in the ritual action are familiar to you, expect a big happy event ahead (a wedding, the birth of a child, a new successful job). A more accurate interpretation may be influenced by the details of the dream:

  • Rich funeral. Don't worry so much about money and the impression you make on others. Try to place the right emphasis in life and determine what is more important to you at the moment.
  • A poor, modest organization of a ritual attended by several people. There is a person next to you who really needs you.
  • Strong and mournful crying at a funeral. In the near future, pleasant chores await you, which will require a lot of strength and patience. But the result will exceed all expectations.
  • A dead man comes to life in a dream and speaks to you. Expect news that will radically change the situation in your life. You need to make decisions with a cool head, without emotions and unnecessary worry.
  • Child's funeral. A dream with such a plot is very difficult and leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. You are troubled by inner restlessness. You need to take care of your health. Also be careful when traveling and driving. It may be worth taking out life or property insurance.

Everyone will be able to answer the question “Why do you dream about other people’s funerals?” If after awakening the heart remains calm and no alarming premonitions appear, then the dream most likely carries a good and positive message.

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Seeing a Funeral in a dream

A successful outcome, for the wedding;

They bury you - long life;

A dead person is alive - an invitation to a wedding.

Also see Dead, Deceased, Corpse.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

What does the dream of a funeral mean?

Alien, luxurious - you will achieve wealth; strangers, wretched - a difficult struggle for life; own - long life, health; family happiness

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What do funeral dreams mean?

If you dreamed of a rich funeral, your dream predicts dishonor that will befall your home. A poor funeral, on the contrary, portends good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Dream about a Funeral

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does a funeral mean in a dream?

Funeral - Seeing it means joyful events, good luck. Taking part in a funeral means gifts or joy from friends. Your funeral is a great success, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

The meaning of funeral dreams

Funeral - as you dream about a funeral, it is a good thing, maybe there is a wedding in the family. If you dream of a funeral, grief will freeze. A funeral is a happy ending; wedding; They hide you - a long life, for employees - a salary increase.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does Funeral mean in a dream?

A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage.

If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience.

If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed.

To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married.

A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning.

Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity.

Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Funeral

Wedding, success // funeral, troubles; burying relatives, a friend, a noble person - happiness, wealth, inheritance; an unknown person is buried - slander, false news; you are buried - unexpected joy, long life // bad; funeral songs to sing or hear - sadness, death of relatives or friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Funeral

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at someone’s funeral, in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage. A dream in which you bury a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Seeing the funeral of a family member in a dream means winning or the long-awaited discovery of a long-lost item that is very dear to you. If you are present at your own funeral, this predicts you a long life and family happiness.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great losses. A magnificent, solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos means confusion in matters of the heart.

A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not according to your merits, but for your intelligence and spiritual qualities.

The funeral of an old person is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in solitude from the hustle and bustle and all sorts of worries. If in your dream a very young man or child is buried, this means that in reality you will succumb to harsh pressure and come to terms with the role of an eternal debtor.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this foretells you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

Walking in a funeral procession in a dream, carrying a cross, is a harbinger of lost hopes; carrying a coffin is a sign of unrequited love. Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave means you will soon recover from a chronic disease; filling it up means new worries.

Accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and seeing how he winks at you - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such traits that he never had and cannot have because of his absurd character that is directly opposite to these qualities.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a funeral dream predict?

Being at a relative's funeral on a clear, sunny day is a sign of good health for your family and friends. If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Funeral

Successful completion of affairs and a certain period of life. See your own long life; wedding. The funeral of an influential person is a major personal change or transformation in the country.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Dream prediction Funeral

A favorable dream means a long life for the one who is being buried (see also Dead). If you dreamed of the funeral of a person who has already died, it means that sadness will soon leave you.

If you dream that you are looking out the window and see a funeral procession, you will be invited to a celebration. Hearing funeral music is a sign of fun.

Find yourself at the funeral of a friend or relative on a sunny day - you will soon meet this person on a joyful occasion. If it is raining, you will receive unpleasant news from him. Imagine that the rain stops, the clouds dissipate and the sun brightly illuminates everything around.

If you buried your own child in a dream, it means that he will have a long life and will bring you a lot of joy.

If you see your own funeral from the outside, such a dream could mean a wedding (for unmarried people) or a big celebration in the family (for married people). If you are buried, the dream predicts a long life for you.

If you dreamed that your spouse was buried in the same grave with you, this is an extremely happy sign. You will live together happily ever after.

Being at the funeral of a stranger means solving a long-standing problem. Imagine that you are placing white lilies on the grave of a buried person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Why do you dream about a funeral?

If you saw yourself in a dream at the funeral of a relative on a good, sunny day, then the dream promises good health for you and your loved ones. But if the weather was gloomy and it was raining, illness, bad news and a decline in business are possible.

If you attended the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

Hearing a funeral bell in a dream, expect sad news about an absent person. They themselves rang the bell - illnesses and failures are possible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

Participating in a funeral procession on a gloomy or stormy day: a sign that some of your plans are doomed to failure. Perhaps, while planning your affairs, you made a fatal mistake or simply did not notice some serious pitfall.

If you see yourself at a funeral in good weather: such a dream foreshadows your quick deliverance from some problem that has been bothering you.

Meeting a funeral procession on your way that blocks your path: foreshadows unexpected obstacles in business. Most likely, some unpleasant events from your past, which you have almost forgotten, will remind you of themselves and interfere with your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the dream of a funeral mean?

To see a funeral procession is a good event, reconciliation, a wedding.

To bury someone close to you - for men it means success in a matter that you considered hopeless, internal changes in yourself, changes in business.

Crying bitterly, mourning at a funeral is short-lived happiness.

For those who mourn, to see condolences - for the holiday.

Seeing a funeral procession means a wedding.

To see yourself buried alive means you are ready to make a huge mistake, which your enemies will quickly use to harm you.

If you saved yourself by crawling out of the grave, at the cost of great efforts you can safely get out on the right path.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

Participating in a funeral in beautiful weather means the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

Bad weather at a funeral in a dream means illness, bad news and worsening affairs in reality.

Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

Interpretation of dreams from

Only negative thoughts and feelings are associated with funerals. Such a feeling of loss is quite difficult to express and compare with anything. Many people, having seen such a process in a dream, begin to tune in to something bad. Do not be upset, as often negative dreams, on the contrary, have a positive interpretation. To make sure of this, you need to try to remember as many details as possible, and then begin to interpret.

Why do you dream of a funeral?

If the weather was clear during the ceremony, it means that everyone in the family will be healthy. It could also be a harbinger of changes for the better. A dream about bad weather is a negative symbol that predicts the occurrence of diseases and negative news. A funeral is a positive symbol, which indicates that the work started will end successfully. If you dream about the funeral of a living person, this is a favorable sign that promises participation in a grandiose celebration. A magnificent farewell ceremony is a harbinger of a rich life, and a modest one is a sign of life’s struggle.

Taking part in a funeral means that in the future you can expect joyful events and valuable gifts from friends. If you dream of preparing for a funeral, it means that in reality there is a matter that you have not been able to cope with for a long time. For single women, a dream about a funeral promises, but for married women it is a harbinger of a successful resolution of the case. If you buried a person alive, it means that some incredible event will happen soon. A dream in which you cried at a funeral promises bad times ahead. The dream book recommends not to be upset and fight for your happiness.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a relative?

A dream where you had to bury a child indicates that the health of all family members will be excellent. The funeral of a brother or sister predicts longevity and good health. If you had to bury your father, it means that you should expect problems in the material sphere, as well as other troubles. Night dreams about the mother’s funeral predict the onset of a “dark streak.” The dream book says that the problems that have arisen will have to be dealt with for a long time. During the burial of the mother the weather was bad, which means that in work and business you will have to face numerous competitors.

Why dream of seeing your own funeral?

In this case, night vision promises a long and happy life. The dream book says that, despite pessimism, you can count on companionship. If you see a coffin with your name on it, this is a signal that you need to change your life, give up bad habits, etc.

Why do you dream about funerals of loved ones?

Burying a friend whom you have not seen for a long time means that he may soon come to visit. If you are participating in a farewell ceremony with a close friend, this is a positive sign that predicts good luck in all your endeavors. Night vision, where a friend’s funeral took place, and the weather was clear, is a harbinger of the appearance of her new lover.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a stranger?

Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of problems in communicating with other people. If the weather was good during the ceremony, it means that you can soon count on an improvement in your financial condition. This may also be a harbinger of meeting an influential person who will help cope with existing problems.

Why do you dream about the funeral of relatives who are alive?

If you had to bury your living grandmother in a dream, it means that she will live for many more years. Dreams where relatives who are alive in real life were buried have a similar interpretation.

A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage.

If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience.

If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed.

To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married.

A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning.

Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity.

Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

Participating in a funeral in beautiful weather means the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

Bad weather at a funeral in a dream means illness, bad news and worsening affairs in reality.

Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

Interpretation of dreams from

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