Modern problems of science and education. Topic: “Passive, active and interactive teaching methods

The introduction of interactive forms of training is one of the most important areas for improving student training in a modern professional educational institution. The main methodological innovations today are associated with the use of interactive teaching methods.

The concept of “interactive” comes from the English “interact” (“inter” - “mutual”, “act” - “to act”). Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity. It implies very specific and predictable goals. One of these goals is to create comfortable learning conditions in which the student or listener feels successful, intellectually competent, which makes the learning process itself productive.

Interactive learning is a way of learning based on dialogue forms of interaction between participants in the educational process; training immersed in communication, during which students develop skills of joint activities. This is a method in which “everyone teaches everyone and everyone teaches everyone” (according to V.S. Dyachenko)

While maintaining the final goal and main content of the educational process, interactive learning changes the usual broadcasting forms to dialogue ones based on mutual understanding and interaction.

In pedagogy, there are several teaching models:

® passive - the learner acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches);

® active - the student acts as a “subject” of learning (independent work, creative tasks);

® interactive - interaction. The use of an interactive learning model involves modeling life situations, using role-playing games, and joint problem solving. The dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea is excluded. From an object of influence, the student becomes a subject of interaction; he himself actively participates in the learning process, following his individual route.

The purpose of the work is to study the features of the use of interactive methods in modern institutions of secondary vocational education.

Job objectives:

1. Consider the state of interactive methods at the present stage of development of education.

2. To study the scope of application of interactive methods in the modern educational process.

3. Identify the features of modern interactive methods.

The object of research is interactive methods.

The subject of the research is the features of the use of interactive methods in modern open source software.

Research methods - analysis of literature on the topic of pedagogy, psychology and issues of innovative methods of education.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of pedagogical support for interactive interaction

1.1. Classification of interactive methods of interactive interaction in training sessions with college students

The educational process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the involvement of all students in the group, without exception, in the learning process. Joint activity means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution; in the course of work, knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity are exchanged. Individual, pair and group work is organized, project work, role-playing games are used, work with documents and various sources of information is carried out. Interactive methods are based on the principles of interaction, student activity, reliance on group experience, and mandatory feedback. An environment of educational communication is created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, and the possibility of mutual assessment and control.

The presenter (teacher, trainer), along with new knowledge, leads the training participants to an independent search. The activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of students, his task becomes to create conditions for their initiative. The teacher refuses the role of a kind of filter that passes educational information through himself, and performs the function of an assistant in work, one of the sources of information. Therefore, interactive learning is intended initially to be used in intensive training of fairly mature students. Interactive methods can be used when the curator organizes the following work with students:

® organization of thematic classes,

® organizing temporary creative teams when working on an educational project,

® formation of a student’s portfolio,

® organization of discussions and discussion of controversial issues that have arisen in the team,

® for creating educational resources.

To solve educational and educational problems, the curator can use the following interactive forms:

1. Interactive tour.

2. Use of case technologies.

3. Video conferencing.

4. Round table.

5. Brainstorming.

6. Debate.

7. Focus group.

8. Business and role-playing games.

9. Case-study (analysis of specific, practical situations).

10. Educational group discussions.

The acquisition of key competencies depends on the activity of the student himself. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is the introduction of active methods into the educational process, which together make it possible to organize interactive learning. From an object of influence, the student becomes a subject of interaction; he himself actively participates in the learning process, following his individual route. Joint activity means that everyone makes their own special contribution to it; in the course of work, knowledge, ideas, and methods of activity are exchanged.

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing the cognitive activity of college students. It implies very specific and predictable goals: the development of students’ intellectual abilities, independent thinking, criticality of mind; achieving speed and strength in mastering educational material, deep penetration into the essence of the phenomena being studied; development of creative potential - the ability to “see” a problem, originality, flexibility, dialecticism, creative imagination, ease of generating ideas, the ability to conduct independent search activities; the effectiveness of applying professional knowledge, skills and abilities in real production practice.

1.2. Comparison of traditional and interactive approaches

Traditional education has the goal of imparting and assimilating to students as much knowledge as possible. The teacher transmits information that has already been meaningful and differentiated by him, determines the skills that, from his point of view, need to be developed in students. The task of students is to reproduce as completely and accurately as possible the knowledge created by others. The knowledge obtained in the process of such training is encyclopedic in nature, representing a certain amount of information on various academic subjects, which in the student’s mind exists in the form of thematic blocks that do not always have semantic connections.

Many teachers are faced with the problem of the inability to connect the content of their subject with students’ knowledge in other academic disciplines. And then doubt arises about how deeply the students have understood the educational material, appropriated it and used it in situations beyond the scope of the average vocational educational institution. It is quite difficult to dispel this doubt, primarily because the process of reproducing educational material also acts as feedback from the student to the teacher. Confirmation of the above is the words of Sh. A. Amonashvili: “Before, in that distant past, when I was an imperative teacher, I did not live with my students in one creative passion, and the difficulties they faced remained unknown to me. For them I was only a controller, and for me they were problems solved correctly or incorrectly.”

Active learning methods- methods that allow you to intensify the learning process and encourage the student to creatively participate in it.

The task of active teaching methods is to ensure the development and self-development of the student’s personality based on identifying his individual characteristics and abilities.

Active learning involves the use of a system of methods that is aimed primarily not at the teacher presenting ready-made knowledge, memorizing and reproducing it, but at students’ independent acquisition of knowledge and skills in the process of active mental and practical activity.

Active learning methods allow students to develop their thinking; promote their involvement in problem solving; not only expand and deepen knowledge, but at the same time develop practical skills and abilities.

Active learning methods- this is a set of methods for organizing and managing the educational and cognitive activities of students, which have the following main features:

· forced learning activity;

· independent development of solutions by students;

· high degree of involvement of students in the educational process;

· primary focus on the development or acquisition of mathematical skills;

· constant communication between students and teachers, and monitoring of independent learning.

Active learning methods provide targeted activation of students’ mental processes, that is, they stimulate thinking when using specific problem situations and conducting business games, facilitate memorization when highlighting the main thing in practical classes, arouse interest in mathematics and develop the need for independent acquisition of knowledge.

To organize active cognitive activity of students in the classroom, the optimal combination of active learning methods is crucial. The selection of these methods can be carried out according to an algorithm that includes: analysis of the content of educational material, determination of lesson goals.

A chain of failures can turn talented children away from mathematics; on the other hand, learning should proceed close to the ceiling of the student’s capabilities: a feeling of success is created by the understanding that significant difficulties have been overcome. Therefore, for each lesson it is necessary to carefully select individual tasks and cards that take into account the individual abilities of students. Differentiated learning promotes the development of children's interests and abilities. Experience shows that there are many factors that shape interest in mathematics: tasks that arouse curiosity, the influence of a teacher, parents, ambition, etc.

The surest way to increase the likelihood of sparking interest is to ensure that all of these factors are present. Group discussions and work have a significant impact on the development of mathematical abilities.

Thus, active learning methods- these are ways to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active.

Along with active learning methods, interactive methods are used in the educational process. Many equate active and interactive methods; however, despite their commonality, they have differences. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods

Currently, many teachers and instructors believe that the only condition for introducing interactive learning into educational practice is the direct use of computer teaching tools. Thus, the understanding of what exactly stands behind the term “interactive learning” has not yet become the property of widespread pedagogical practice.

Interactive method – a form of interaction focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. To achieve the goals set in the lesson, the teacher and student must understand each other and move in the same direction. The teacher also develops a plan and course of the lesson.

When using interactive forms, the teacher ceases to be the main informer of information; he only regulates the process and is involved in its general organization, gives consultations and formulates topics or questions for discussion in groups, controls the order and time of implementation of the planned plan, and prepares necessary tasks in advance. If one of the students has at least a little experience with the problem being solved, he shares his knowledge with the others, and at the same time, all students interact with each other. They begin to jointly solve assigned problems, overcome all conflicts, give in, and find something in common.

It follows that the main feature of interactive learning is that the learning process occurs in joint activities, and all types of group forms can be classified as forms of interactive learning. This also includes the collective method of teaching, which is understood as such a form of organizing educational activities when one teaches everyone, and everyone teaches everyone.

The main objectives of interactive learning tools:

§ ensure the dialogical nature of training, eliminate the monologue presentation of educational material;

§ eliminate duplication of information that can be obtained by students independently from available sources;

§ contribute to the development of students’ communicative competencies in various forms.

In solving educational and educational tasks, the teacher can use the following interactive forms:

· Round table (debate, discussion) is a method of active learning, one of the organizational forms of students’ cognitive activity, to fill in the missing information, allowing them to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, teach a culture of discussion, strengthen positions, and develop problem-solving skills.

· Brainstorming (brainstorm, brain attack) is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which participants in the discussion are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, even the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.

· Business and role-playing games are a form of recreating the substantive and social content of professional activity, modeling systems of relationships, various conditions of professional activity characteristic of this type of practice.

· Case-study (situational analysis, analysis of specific situations) is a pedagogical technology based on the use of a real situation for the purpose of analyzing a given case or modeling a situation, problems are identified, an alternative solution is sought and then the optimal solution to the problem is adopted.

· A master class is the main means of conveying a conceptual new idea of ​​one’s own (author’s) pedagogical system. Over the course of many years, the teacher has been developing an individual (author’s) methodological system, including design, goal setting, the use of a sequence of a number of well-known educational and didactic methods, classes, his own “know-how”, events, taking into account the real conditions of work with various categories of students, etc. .

There are other types of interactive learning that can be used in the educational process. These include trainings, Socratic dialogue, group discussion, interactive excursion, video conference, focus group, mini-lecture, project development, solving situational problems, playing out situations, acting as a teacher, “Take a Position”, “Decision Tree” techniques, “Pop formula” and etc.

Principles of working in an interactive lesson:

· the lesson should not be a lecture, everyone should work together;

· all participants are equal to each other, regardless of age, experience, social status, place of work;

· each participant has the right to put forward his own opinion on any issue;

· none of the students is criticized (only the idea can be criticized);

· everything that is said during the lesson is food for thought.

Thanks to interactive training:

ü students better understand and assimilate the topic, apply knowledge creatively, solving practical problems;

ü the motivation and involvement of students in solving the problems under discussion increases, and they become more active;

ü abilities, knowledge, skills, activities grow, students discover new opportunities, accumulate experience, realize all values;

ü the experience, attitudes, students change, their understanding of the surrounding reality changes, since interactive teaching methods are an imitation of interactive activities.

Game as a method

Math games have cognitive significance, therefore they highlight a task for the solution of which comparisons, analysis and synthesis, judgments and inferences must be used in mental activity.

1. The main objectives of the Puzzle Solving Competition are to increase students’ interest in the subject; development of logical thinking; students gain experience in participating in competitions.

2. Participants of the Competition are teams of 4 people.

3. All teams participating in the Competition are given the same set of different tasks, which are given 30-40 minutes to solve.

4. For a correct solution to a task (answer), its value in points is awarded; for an incorrect solution (answer), half the value of the task in points is deducted.

Games that are usually used in mathematics lessons:

· "Battleship"- a favorite game of junior and senior schoolchildren. The playing field is a square consisting of 10 columns and 10 rows. The target coordinates are determined by the column and row names.

This game is played by three teams. One field for all teams. All ship cells are painted over. The cells touching the sides of the ship are indicated by a letter corresponding to the topic of the question.

Participants must master all ships. The teams take turns making shots. The presenter opens the indicated square. If one of the ship’s decks is underneath it, then that team is immediately awarded 1 point and given the right to make the next move. If there is a letter under it, it means that the side of a ship is nearby. The team is asked an appropriate question and given 30 seconds to think about it. If a team answers incorrectly, then the answer can be given by another team, whoever is faster, the price of a correct answer is 2 points, there is no third attempt. If no one could give the correct answer, then the turn passes to the next team. If the field is clear, move forward.

· "My own game". The game involves 3-5 teams who select the topic of the question and its cost from the screen. The winner is the team with the most points.

· "Mathematical Banker" The class is divided into teams (preferably two people), each of which represents a bank (the president of the bank and his deputy). Cards with tasks are laid out on the table upside down; each card has a cost from 50 to 300 conventional units, depending on the complexity of the task. These are possible deposits, investments, etc. The starting capital of each bank is 500 conventional units. Having chosen a card with a task and solved the problem, the bank replenishes its capital by the specified amount if the problem is solved correctly and suffers losses by the specified amount if the solution is incorrect. Irga goes for a lesson or two. At the end, the results are summed up for the bank’s capital.

This game can be used to practice problem solving skills on any topic. Gives children the opportunity to work at their own pace and choose their level of difficulty for assignments on a given topic.

· Mathematical brain ring. The main goal of this game is to create a situation for the student where he needs to solve a problem correctly and quickly.

By the beginning of the game, the presenter must have a certain list of tasks to which the answers are indicated.

Schoolchildren are divided into teams. Each team is given a piece of paper on which they will write down their answers. Next, the tasks are played out. Each one is analyzed like this:

1. The presenter gives (or simply reads) the condition of the problem to the teams, after which they begin to solve it.

2. The price of the problem is immediately announced using the “points for answer” + “points for solution” system.

3. As soon as the team has found the answer to the problem, they write it down on a piece of paper and hand it over to the presenter.

4. The presenter collects answers, taking into account the order in which they were received.

5. Solving the problem stops when answers from most of the teams have been collected.

6. Teams that give correct answers receive “answer points.” The first team to answer correctly gets the right to tell the solution. The solution is scored on a “yes or no” basis: the team receives either all “solution points” or none.

The total number of tasks used depends on the time spent and is not announced in advance.

When the drawing of tasks is completed, the results are summed up. The winner is the team with the most points.

All these games can be used both in class and outside of class time. Extracurricular work in mathematics provides schoolchildren with additional opportunities to develop their abilities and instills an interest in mathematics. The main purpose of extracurricular work is not only to expand and deepen the theoretical material studied in class, but also to develop the ability to apply knowledge gained in class to solving non-standard problems, instilling in students a certain culture of working on a task and developing the intellectual potential of each student.

"Interactive teaching methods and techniques"

In usSection No. 1

“Relevance of the selected topic”

Who doesn't want to know English? I think there is no person who would answer this question in the negative. Without knowledge of English it is impossible to travel, learn about the culture of other peoples, have a prestigious job...

But when learning a foreign language, many problems arise.

One of them, in my opinion, is the problem in teaching speaking. Practice shows that very often a student experiences a so-called “language barrier.”

As my own teaching experience shows, it is not always possible to achieve results in speaking using traditional methods and forms of work. The interaction of all participants in the process is necessary. Interactive methods and techniques meet these requirements. Practice shows that the introduction of such methods makes it possible to transfer a fairly large amount of knowledge in a fairly short period of time. Using these methods, opportunities are created to unlock the personal potential of each student. They allow students to learn how to practically use their knowledge of a foreign language.

These methods also help to diversify learning activities and help increase motivation to learn.

But in order to achieve all these results, the teacher needs to organize the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for the student.

Section No. 2

“Types of methods and techniques and their application in practice”

What are interactive teaching methods?

Interactive methods are based on interaction patterns “teacher = student”, “student = student”, “student = class”, “group = group”. That is, now not only the teacher involves children in the learning process, but also the students themselves, interacting

with each other, influence the motivation of each student. The teacher only plays the role of an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for children’s initiative.

Objectives of interactive teaching methods:

* teach independent search, analysis of information and development of the right solution to the situation.

* teach how to work in a team, respect other people's opinions, and show tolerance for another point of view.

* teach you to form your own opinion based on certain facts.

Classification of teaching methods and their practical application.

Methods are classified according to different criteria:

by the nature of educational activities: reproductive, problem-based, research, search, explanatory and illustrative, heuristic, etc.;

according to the degree of activity of the teacher and students: active and passive;

by source of educational material: verbal, visual, practical;

by the way of organizing educational and cognitive activities: methods of forming knowledge in practice, methods of obtaining new knowledge, methods of testing and evaluation.

Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following interactive methods are expected to be used:

* Round table (discussion, debate) - a group type of method that involves students’ collective discussion of problems, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution.

* Business games(including role-playing, imitation, hole) - a fairly popular method that can be used even in elementary school. During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.

* Case method." Students are presented with a situation (real or as close to reality as possible). Students must investigate the situation, propose options for resolving it, and choose the best possible solutions.

* Project methodinvolves independent analysis of a given situation and the ability to find a solution to the problem. The project method combines research, search, creative methods and teaching techniques according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

* Interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT . For example, online tests, working with electronic textbooks.

* Problem method— involves the formulation of a problem (problem situation, problematic issue) and the search for solutions to this problem through the analysis of similar situations (issues, phenomena).

In the learning process, the teacher can choose one method (or technique), and/or use a combination of several. Each teaching method contains a set of techniques that help to most effectively implement the method in practice.

There are manyteaching methods , used in modern lessons. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

1. "Brainstorm"

A good technique for finding new ideas. Increases the activity of schoolchildren in the lesson, as all students are involved in the work. When using it, activity-based and person-oriented approaches are implemented. The good thing about this technique is that it can be used at many stages of the lesson. There are quite a lot of varieties of “Brainstorming”: reverse, shadow, individual, on the board, shuttle, combined, visual, “solo” style, etc.

« Back “Brainstorming” is used more often during work on systematizing material or when working on mistakes. The main tasks of “reverse brainstorming” are to find errors and try to eliminate them.

« Combined brainstorming "This is a combination of forward and reverse. It is good to use for analyzing some completed work and identifying its shortcomings.

"Individual brainstorming" can be used as homework, when the student is asked to independently at home (within a few days) think through possible answers (a way out of some situation) and offer their ideas in class.

"Brainstorming on a whiteboard" Best suited for the initial stage of a lesson as goal setting. Here, each student has the opportunity to speak, and the teacher can record everything on the board and during the lesson, to consolidate the material, you can work with these ideas.

"Solo" is used throughout the work on a topic (problem), when students collect their ideas and record them in a notebook or special cards. You can start working with this type of “assault” from the very beginning of the topic, and at the end of the topic discuss the results.

These techniques can be used in different forms of work, and as practice shows,

Students are interested in working with these techniques in practice.

2. "Snowball"

This technique can be used to develop oral speech skills and to form and activate lexical and grammatical materials. “The growth of a snowball can take place along two lines” - with an increase in vocabulary and/or grammar. This technique is good because it combines a lot of topics (books, character, appearance, relationships, etc.)

For example, when studying the topic “Mass media"( books)you can use this option:I like reading books~ I like readingelectronic books~ I like reading e-booksbecause they are easy to use ~ I like reading e-books because they are easy to use, compact andreliable~ I like reading e-books because they are easy to use, compact and reliable, which is really important to me....

3. "Cluster »-

It is a graphical form of organizing informationwhen the main semantic units are identified and recorded in the form of a diagram indicating all the connections between them. In the center is the main concept, thought, on the sides are large semantic units connected to the central concept by straight lines. You can also depict this technique in the form of a “bunch”. These can be words, phrases, sentences expressing ideas, thoughts, facts, images, associations related to a given topic. This technique is good to use to solve some problem at the stage of consolidating material, when systematizing (repetition), when working with text, when repeating at the beginning of a lesson, when introducing a topic, when checking.

Let's look at several topics where you can use this technique. In 9th grade the topic “Countries” is studied. Great Britain, USA and Russia." To activate LE and systematize the material, you can use this “cluster”.

AT 7 the class spends a lot of time studying the topic " Teens problems.” Basic The points of this topic for discussion can also be arranged in the form of a cluster, then using other techniques, discuss the problems and ways to solve them.

This technique helps the teacher track the level of mastery of the material, contributes to gaining experience working in a group, and helps to find connections between concepts. It should be noted that this technique is also good because incorrect assumptions can be corrected and the cells filled in with new information (adding it as you study the topic).

4. "Fishbone »

This technique can be used as a separately used methodological technique to analyze a situation, or act as a strategy for an entire lesson. It is most effective to use it during a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge. Work on filling out the diagram can be carried out in individual or group form. It is advisable to present the result of the work in the form of a presentation at the end of the lesson. What else is good about this technique? It allows you to “break down” a general problematic topic into a number of reasons and arguments. Visually, the “bone” can be located both horizontally and vertically. There is a problem in the “head” that needs to be solved. Then on the sides there are reasons and facts and at the end in the “tail” there is a conclusion.

Students can be offered some text with problematic content (This could be a video). For example "Ecology. Environment. Problems. We can protect the environment.”These topics are relevant and taught in many classes. Students need to find out the causes of problems in the environment: fires, poaching, misuse of natural resources, exhaust fumes, etc. Then you are asked to think about the facts: health problems, the disappearance of many species of plants, animals, birds, pollution of resources, etc. In the end, it is necessary to draw a conclusion: respect for nature, construction of special cleaning systems, transition to less toxic types of fuel, recycling of raw materials, etc.

This technique can be used in absolutely any topic and in any mode of operation.

As practice shows, using this method, students cope more successfully with the tasks and goals of the lesson, better assimilate LEs, and try to construct logical statements and more detailed sentences. For many, the “language barrier” disappears.

5. "POPS formula"

It is an effective tool for monitoring the quality of learning material by students in all humanities disciplines. This technique helps to consolidate the material covered and identify “gaps.”

The structure of the POPS formula contains 4 important components, which represent the decoding of the first letters of this abbreviation and are necessary elements for constructing the text.

P- position. It is necessary to express your own opinion on a given problem. To do this, you can use the following formulations: “I believe that...”, “In my opinion, this problem deserves / does not deserve attention”, “I agree with...”.

ABOUT- justification, explanation of your position. Here you need to provide all possible arguments to support your opinion. The answer must be justified. It should touch on points from the course or topic studied, define definitions and concepts. The main question in this block is why do you think so? This means that you should start revealing it with the words “Because...” or “Since...”.

P- examples. For clarity and to confirm the understanding of your words, you must provide facts, and there must be at least three of them. This point reveals the students’ ability to prove the correctness of their position in practice. The main thing is that they are convincing. The figures of speech used in this step are “For example...”, “I can prove this with an example...”.

WITH- consequence (judgment or inference). This block is final; it contains your final conclusions confirming the position expressed. The beginning of the sentences in it can be like this: “Thus...”, “To summarize...”, “Therefore...”, “Based on what has been said, I conclude that...”.

I successfully use this technique in high school to write the Unified State Exam (USE). It can be used to prepare both oral and written parts.

6 “Catch a mistake”

This technique has no disadvantages if everything is organized correctly. This technique can be used at all stages of the lesson (at the beginning of the lesson to activate existing knowledge, in the middle of the lesson to repeat the material studied, as well as at the reflection stage to summarize). Students are offered material (text) in which errors were made. These may be errors in both vocabulary and grammar. They need to find them. Work can be done individually, in pairs, in groups.

This text combines several topics. The text contains 20 errors.

7. “Restore the story”

A good technique for summarizing and consolidating material. And also to control the material covered (LE, grammar..) It can be done in several ways:

First method: Each student receives sentences that must be placed in the correct order and restore the logical sequence of the entire text. Work can be done in pairs or individually. Students can then be asked to tell the resulting version of the story.

Second method: You can give a text where words are missing (or words are replaced with pictures). Recover text by inserting words or replacing pictures with words. After completing the task, you can arrange mutual control in pairs. This technique is very popular with children of primary and secondary education, because children like to work with pictures, crosswords and other similar tasks.

8. “I know, I want, I can”

This is a very convenient way to structure and systematize the material being studied. Using the “I know” technique will be effective. I want to know. Learned” in the lesson, which will be followed by further research activities of students. Working with a table is a kind of setup for subsequent independent activity.

Filling out the ZHU table

A table is drawn in student notebooks and on the board, which will be filled out throughout the lesson.

At the beginning of the lesson, based on the students’ answers to the material covered, the “I know” column is filled in.But first you need to pose a “problem” and at the stage of transition to working with information, you can fill out the first column. There may be LE and answers to questions, associations, etc.

Immediately after filling out the “I know” column, new questions are formulated, the answers to which the children would like to receive after studying the topic. They are written down in the second column. The teacher’s help is important here; he must motivate students to reason: What else would you like to know? What can you learn in today's lesson?

At the end of the lesson, students draw conclusions and write down what they learned in the third column.

Depending on the age category of the students, the table can be modified and a version that is more understandable and interesting for children can be used in the work. So, for example, in the elementary grades it will be easier to use the following formulation: “Already knew (or guessed). Found out. It remains unclear." The main thing is to remember the goal of the method - to develop the skills of independent work with available information.

For example, in primary school in 4th grade the topic “A“nimals.”Students already know from previous classes the names of many animals and birds, their colors, and what they can do. We fill out the “I know” column, remembering the LE on this topic and answer the teacher’s questions.

At the next stage of the lesson, we ask the question “what else would we like to know about animals?” For example, where do they live? what do they eat? what benefits do they bring to people? At the “reflection” stage we summarize: can we answer these questions?

I often use this technique at the “goal setting” and “reflection” stage of the lesson.

Let's look at how you can practically apply several techniques in one or two lessons (using the example of the topic« The root of all evil” 10th grade textbook“New Millennium English”).

Subtopic of the lesson: "Fighting for life" . Students are encouraged to discuss and analyze the causes and effects of poverty and find ways to solve the problems of poverty (poor) in the country. At the initial stage of the lesson, to activate vocabulary, the teacher can use the “brainstorm ».

Students recall words related to this topic. This can be done frontally, in pairs, in groups. Words can be written down on pieces of paper or on the board.

This technique can be replaced with “associative series ” or “a series of associations”, which has the same goals and objectives as brainstorming.

Words (expressions) can be represented in the form of a diagram, table (cluster). Of course, as you complete this task, new vocabulary will appear. The teacher needs to help students in their work and record the necessary new vocabulary on the board.

Then, in the next step, students need to think about the causes and consequences of poverty. This task can be done in the form of a “cluster” or use the “fishbone” technique. This task is best done in small groups.

To check and discuss this task, the teacher prepares answers in advance (can be presented in the form of a presentation), discusses and analyzes the received options with students.

Next, students can be asked to fill outZHU table. At this stage of the lesson, it is already possible to summarize preliminary results: what students know about this topic and what they would like to know (How to solve this problem? ). Students are given a speech task: How can this problem be solved?

Here you can use "problematic method "and such techniques asPOPS formula , « cluster " or "fishbone " Pupils work in groups. Each group works on this problem and develops ways to solve it in the form of a "cluster".

Then present their results to the class, comparing and analyzing the results.

But before answering this question, students need toprove , Whatpoverty is a really big problem . To solve this problem, students are asked to listen to the first part of the text and answer questions on the assignment.

Students are then asked to complete reading assignments. Students activate LE and select the necessary information for further work on the topic. The new LE that appears during reading is also recorded in the notebook.

To summarize, you can use the technique"POPS formula". This technique helps students express their own opinions, explain their position and draw conclusions from what has been said.

During the completion of these tasks, students activate LE. To activate and control LE on this topic, you can use techniques"snowball », « catch error " or "restore the story ».

The last part is completed at the end of the lesson.ZHU tables . What did we want to know? What do we know as a result? Were we able to answer the main questions posed at the beginning of the lesson?

Thus, we can conclude that in one or two lessons you can use several methods and techniques for working with the material.

At the end of the topic“The root of all evil”students prepared a lesson in the form of a business game according to the scenario proposed in the textbook.


The use of interactive methods and techniques helps to increase the intellectual activity of students and the effectiveness of lessons. Interactive teaching techniques and methods ensure the strength of knowledge, creativity and imagination, team spirit, freedom of expression and mutual respect for all participants in the educational process.

In the specialized literature there are different interpretations of the terms “teaching method” and “teaching technique”. In essence, it is a way of interaction between a teacher and students, through which knowledge, skills and abilities are transferred.

The difference is that the technique is a short-term method that involves working with one specific ZUN. And the method is a long process, consisting of several stages and including many techniques.

Thus, the teaching method is only an integral part of this or that method.

Classification of teaching methods

Methods are classified according to different criteria:

  • by the nature of educational activities: reproductive, problem-based, research, search, explanatory and illustrative, heuristic, etc.;
  • according to the degree of activity of the teacher and students: active and passive;
  • by source of educational material: verbal, practical;
  • by the way of organizing educational and cognitive activities: methods of forming knowledge in practice, methods of obtaining new knowledge, methods of testing and evaluation.

Active learning methods: definition, classification, features
What are active learning methods?

Active teaching methods are based on the “teacher = student” interaction scheme. From the name it is clear that these are methods that require equal participation of the teacher and students in the educational process. That is, children act as equal participants and creators of the lesson.

The idea of ​​active learning methods in pedagogy is not new. The founders of the method are considered to be such famous teachers as J. Comenius, I. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, G. Hegel, J. Rousseau, D. Dewey. Although the idea that successful learning is built, first of all, on self-knowledge, is found among ancient philosophers.

Signs of active learning methods

  • activation of thinking, and the student is forced to be active;
  • long time of activity - the student works not sporadically, but throughout the entire educational process;
  • independence in developing and searching for solutions to assigned tasks;
  • motivation to learn.

Classification of active learning methods

The most general classification divides active methods into two large groups: individual and group. More detailed includes the following groups:

  • Discussion.
  • Gaming.
  • Training.
  • Rating.

Active learning methods and techniques

During the learning process, the teacher can choose either one active method or use a combination of several. But success depends on the consistency and relationship between the chosen methods and the assigned tasks.

Let's look at the most common active learning methods:

  • Presentations- the simplest and most accessible method for use in lessons. This is a demonstration of slides prepared by the students themselves on the topic.
  • Case technologies- have been used in pedagogy since the last century. It is based on the analysis of simulated or real situations and the search for solutions. Moreover, there are two approaches to creating cases. The American school offers a search for one and only correct solution to a given problem. The European school, on the contrary, welcomes the versatility of decisions and their rationale.
  • Problem lecture— unlike the traditional one, the transfer of knowledge during a problem-based lecture does not occur in a passive form. That is, the teacher does not present ready-made statements, but only poses questions and identifies the problem. The students themselves come up with the rules. This method is quite complex and requires students to have some experience in logical reasoning.
  • Didactic games— unlike business games, didactic games are strictly regulated and do not involve the development of a logical chain to solve a problem. Game methods can also be classified as interactive teaching methods. It all depends on the choice of game. Thus, popular travel games, performances, quizzes, and KVN are techniques from the arsenal of interactive methods, since they involve students interacting with each other.
  • Basket method- based on simulating a situation. For example, a student must act as a guide and give a tour of a historical museum. At the same time, his task is to collect and convey information about each exhibit.

Interactive teaching methods: definition, classification, features

What are interactive teaching methods?

Interactive methods are based on the “teacher = student” and “student = student” interaction patterns. That is, now not only the teacher involves children in the learning process, but also the students themselves, interacting with each other, influence the motivation of each student. The teacher only plays the role of an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for children’s initiative.

Objectives of interactive teaching methods

  • Teach independent search, analysis of information and development of the right solution to the situation.
  • Teach teamwork: respect other people’s opinions, show tolerance for another point of view.
  • Learn to form your own opinion based on certain facts.

Methods and techniques of interactive teaching

  • Brainstorm- a flow of questions and answers, or proposals and ideas on a given topic, in which the analysis of correctness/incorrectness is carried out after the assault. Read more about.
  • , comparison charts, puzzles— search for keywords and problems on a specific mini-topic.
  • Interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT. For example, online tests, working with electronic textbooks, training programs, educational sites.
  • Round table (discussion, debate)- a group type of method that involves students’ collective discussion of problems, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution.
  • Business games(including role-playing, imitation, hole) - a fairly popular method that can be used even in elementary school. During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.
  • Aquarium- one of the varieties of business games, reminiscent of a reality show. In this case, the given situation is played out by 2-3 participants. The rest observe from the sidelines and analyze not only the actions of the participants, but also the options and ideas they propose.
  • Project method— students’ independent development of a project on the topic and its defense.
  • BarCamp, or anti-conference. The method was proposed by webmaster Tim O'Reilly. Its essence is that everyone becomes not only a participant, but also an organizer of the conference. All participants come up with new ideas, presentations, and proposals on a given topic. Next comes a search for the most interesting ideas and their general discussion.

Interactive teaching methods in the classroom also include master classes, constructing an opinion scale,

Pedagogical sciences/5. Modern teaching methods

Adilbekova A.K.

North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev, Republic of Kazakhstan

Interactive teaching methods and their classification

In order to better understand the essence of interactive methods, let's look at diagrams that will help us see the differences between passive, active and interactive methods.

Fig. 1 - Passive method

Passive method(Fig. 1) is a form of interaction between students and teachers, in which the teacher is the main actor and manager of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners, subject to the teacher’s directives. Communication between the teacher and students in passive lessons is carried out through surveys, independent work, tests, tests, etc.

Rice. 2 – Active method

Active method(Fig. 2) is a form of student-teacher interaction in which the teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson. Students here are not passive listeners, but active participants in the lesson. If in a passive lesson the main character and manager of the lesson was the teacher, then here the teacher and students are on equal terms. If passive methods presupposed an authoritarian style of interaction, then active ones presuppose a more democratic style. Many equate active and interactive methods; however, despite their commonality, they have differences. Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods.

Rice. 3 – Interactive method

Interactive method (Fig. 3). Interactive (“Inter” is mutual, “act” is to act) - means to interact, is in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. In other words, unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The teacher's place in interactive lessons comes down to directing the students' activities to achieve the lesson's goals. The teacher also develops a lesson plan (usually, these are interactive exercises and assignments during which the student learns the material).

Therefore, the main components of interactive lessons are interactive exercises and tasks that students complete. An important difference between interactive exercises and assignments and ordinary ones is that by completing them, students not only and not so much consolidate already learned material, but learn new ones.

Interactive teaching methods: Interactive games; couples and groups; "Brainstorm"; "General Discussion"; projects; seminars; "General hubbub"; word associations; everyone teaches everyone; “Mosaic” (“Openwork Saw”).

Game classification:

- By area of ​​activity: intellectual, social, psychological, physical, labor;

- By gaming environment: computer, technical, desktop, television;

- According to the gaming method : subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation, dramatization;

- By the nature of the pedagogical process : educational, cognitive, reproductive, creative, generalizing, diagnostic, training, controlling, developing.

Role-playing game. An entertainment game, a type of dramatic action, the participants of which act within the framework of their chosen roles, guided by the nature of their role and the internal logic of the action environment, together create or follow an already created plot. The success of the actions of the game participants is determined in accordance with the accepted rules. Players are free to improvise within the chosen rules, determining the direction and outcome of the game.

Its goal is to visually imagine, see, and revive circumstances or events familiar to students.

Business game– simulation of a real process in a game using a model. Its features are:

Differences in interests of game participants;

Having a common game goal;

Implementation of a chain of decisions;

Using a flexible time scale.

Pairs and groups.This is one of the most popular methods, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in work, practice cooperation and interpersonal communication skills (in particular, the ability to actively listen, develop a common opinion, resolve disagreements), which often may be impossible in a large team.

Working in pairs and groups gives students more opportunities to participate and interact.Groups can be formed arbitrarily, at the request of the students, but most often when planning group work in a lesson, the teacher divides the class into groups in advance, taking into account the level of educational skills, student success and the nature of interpersonal relationships.

When organizing group work, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

You need to make sure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the group assignment. If there is a lack of knowledge, students will not make an effort to complete the task;

You should try to make your instructions as clear as possible;

It is necessary to write down instructions on the board and/or cards;

The group must be given enough time to complete the task.

"Brainstorm". This is an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which participants in the discussion are asked to express the largest number of solution options, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice. This technique can be used to solve a specific problem or find an answer to a question.

General (educational) discussion. An educational discussion is a purposeful, collective discussion of a specific problem, accompanied by the exchange of ideas, judgments, and opinions in a group.

Types of discussions:

- Thematic:the issues discussed are related to the topic of the lesson;

- Biographical: focused on the individual past experience of the participant;

- Interactive: the structure and content of the relationships emerging “here” and “now” are discussed.

Project activities. Independent research of various topics carried out by students over a period of time.This technique can be used to change the value orientations of students, improve the climate in the team, individualize and differentiate learning.It is best to use it when children can already perform independent searches, that is, at an older age.

"General hubbub."A technique used to change the pace of the lesson, a kind of physical education, the opportunity to communicate in pairs or groups.

Drawing.The technique is used for the purpose of development:


Teamwork skills;


Method "everyone teaches everyone" can be used when learning new material or summarizing basic concepts and ideas. The essence of this method is that students teach each other in rotating pairs. Teaching each other is one of the most effective ways to assimilate information about a subject and practice important skills and abilities to explain difficult material, ask questions, listen, communicate, etc. Students will also be able to, with the help of their peers, review the big picture of concepts and facts that must be studied during the lesson, which, in turn, will raise questions and increase interest. Thus, this method initiates interest, encourages asking additional questions, allows students to take an active part in the learning process and share their knowledge with classmates.

Classification of interactive teaching methods

According to Yu.S. Arutyunov– based on the presence of specified models of activity and the presence of roles.

Table 1. Classification of interactive teaching methods





Problem-based learning

Case Study Analysis

Business game

Practical lesson

Simulation exercises

Game Design


Action according to instructions



Problem lecture


According to O.S.Anisimov– based on the result achieved:

- traditional – lectures, seminars, practical classes, trainings (provide a broadcast function);

- new (imitation) - (ensure the strengthening of the role of thinking and the development of motivation of students);

- the newest ones are innovative games, organizational and activity games, organizational and mental games (ensure the formation of an intellectual culture and a culture of self-development).

According to S.S. Kashlev– at the core – the leading function in pedagogical interaction:

- methods of creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication;

- methods of organizing the exchange of activities;

- methods of organizing mental activity;

- methods of organizing meaning-making;

- methods of organizing reflective activity;

- integrative methods (interactive games).

According to D.V. Chernilevsky and N.V. Borisova – based on: the presence of a model and the presence of roles:

Imitation - imitation or imitation-game modeling, i.e. reproduction in learning conditions with one or another measure of adequacy of processes occurring in a real system (game and non-game forms and methods);

Non-imitation – building models of the phenomenon being studied (discussions, brainstorming sessions, etc.).

So, interactive forms and teaching methods show new opportunities related, first of all, to the establishment of interpersonal interaction through external dialogue in the process of mastering educational material. Certain interpersonal relationships arise between students in the group; and the success of their educational activities largely depends on what they are. student interaction based on educational material can become a powerful factor in increasing the effectiveness of educational activities as a whole.


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