Directory of medicines. Instructions for medical use

Cycloserine belongs to the group reserve antibiotics. Its use is characterized by the slow development of drug resistance.

The active substance of the drug is cycloserine. Auxiliary elements include:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • talc;
  • stearic acid in combination with magnesium salt;
  • calcium phosphate.

The formation of the active substance occurs during the life of certain types of actinomycetes. The principle of the bactericidal action of the drug is based on changes in the synthesis of peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell. The structural formula of the drug is as follows - C 3 H 6 N 2 O 2.

Mechanism of action of Cycloserine

Cycloserine penetrates into bacterial cells and destroys them from the inside. It effectively eliminates the inflammatory process. Shows the greatest activity in relation to gram-negative bacteria. Used to treat chronic tuberculosis. It works effectively even when other drugs fail. Combination with second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs is possible.

Plasma protein binding is low. The maximum percentage of active substance concentration is achieved in 240 minutes after reception.

The drug is able to penetrate body fluids. The main amount is in the pleural cavity, the rest is concentrated in sputum, bile and breast milk. The half-life is 10 hours. The drug is excreted by the kidneys.

An overdose of the drug is a dangerous condition for health and life. The maximum daily dose is 500 mg. When an excess amount of Cycloserine enters the body, psychosis develops, headaches and confusion appear, and convulsions occur. It is possible to fall into a coma. To eliminate the symptoms of overdose use sorbents, pyridoxine and antiepileptic drugs.

Important! In case of chronic renal failure, the drug is taken with caution. During treatment, it is advisable to monitor the condition of the kidneys.

Release forms

The medicine is produced in the format of capsules and tablets. Capsules are sold in packages 10 and 30 pieces. One blister contains 10 capsules. One capsule includes 250 grams active substance. Tablets are produced according to 1200, 700, 50, 40, 30 and 10 pieces. The concentration of Cycloserine in one tablet is 250 grams.


In pharmacies, Cycloserine is found under the following trade names:

  • Mycloserine;
  • Serocycline;
  • Duplocycline;
  • Oksamycin;
  • Tebemycin;
  • Gloxin.


Cycloserine is produced in the following countries: Russia, China, India, UK, Switzerland and South Korea. The drug is produced by the following companies:

  • "Pharmasintez" (Russia);
  • "Atoll" (Russia);
  • "Routek Ltd" (Great Britain);
  • "Promed Exports Pvt. Ltd" (India);
  • “Jinzhou Jizhong Amino Acid Co. Ltd. (China);
  • Dong-A Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (South Korea);
  • "Eli Lili Vostok S.A" (Switzerland).

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor.

Photo 1. Cycloserine capsules, 250 mg, manufacturer - The Chao Center.

In what cases is it used?

Cycloserine is used for infectious diseases. It is used as part of complex therapy and as an independent remedy. The instructions indicate the following indications for use:

  • infectious pathologies of the excretory system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases caused by yellow bacilli.

At the initial stage of tuberculosis, the drug is not used. During this period, drugs with less effectiveness are used. Cycloserine is prescribed for recurrent stage diseases in combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs. At this stage, the symptoms of the disease become more pronounced. People with weakened immune systems and untreated tuberculosis are at risk.

Cycloserine helps with chronic tuberculosis. The course of therapy is long. In some cases it can reach 14 months. Compliance with the prescribed treatment regimen will ensure the prevention of complications in the future.

Attention! You cannot combine Cycloserine with alcohol and sour fruit juices. Otherwise, the effect of the drug neutralized.

Analogues and effectiveness

Cycloserine belongs to the group of potent drugs. Its effectiveness in the fight against tuberculosis has been proven by many years of experience in use in medicine.

The drug eliminates not only the symptoms of the disease, but also foci of inflammation.

Hemoptysis gradually disappears, the functioning of the cardiovascular system normalizes, and the intensity of pain in the chest area decreases.

The effect of taking Cycloserine meets expectations, subject to the recommendations of a phthisiatrician.

If the drug is not suitable due to individual intolerance, it is replaced with an analogue drug. Suitable analogues - Mizer, Coxerine, Cycloserine-Ferein, Coxamine.

Useful video

Watch a video that explains how the drug is used and what its mechanism of action is in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Capsules No. 0, opaque, white body, light brown cap; the contents of the capsules are powder or a mixture of powder and granules from white or almost white to light yellow. It is allowed to compact the contents of the capsule according to the shape of the capsule, disintegrating when pressed.

Excipients: lactose 162 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide 3 mg, magnesium stearate 5 mg.

Composition of the capsule body: titanium dioxide 2%, gelatin up to 100%.
Composition of the capsule cap: iron oxide dye black 0.1%, iron oxide red dye 0.12%, iron oxide dye yellow 0.3%, titanium dioxide 2%, gelatin up to 100%.

10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (2) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (3) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (4) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (5) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (6) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (8) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (10) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (1) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (2) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (3) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (4) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (5) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (6) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (8) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (aluminum/PVC) (10) - cardboard packs.

20 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
40 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
50 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.

Capsules hard gelatin, size No. 1, with a white or almost white body and a red cap; the contents of the capsules are white to light yellow powder.

Excipients: magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium phosphate, talc.

Composition of the capsule shell: titanium dioxide, crimson dye Ponceau 4R, quinoline yellow dye, gelatin, water.

10 pieces. - blisters (10) - cardboard packs.

7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (1) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (2) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (3) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (2) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (3) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (10) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (10) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (50) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (54) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - cellless contour packages (60) - cardboard packs.
7 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (50) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (54) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (60) - cardboard packs.
100 pieces. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.

100 pieces. - polyethylene bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

Capsules hard gelatin No. 1, with an opaque white body and an opaque red cap.

Excipients: lactose 120 mg, purified talc 10 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil) 3 mg, magnesium stearate 10 mg.

Composition of the capsule shell: Capsule body: gelatin up to 100%, titanium dioxide (E 171) 2.11%; Capsule cap: gelatin up to 100%, crimson dye Ponceau 4R (E 124) 0.49%, quinoline yellow dye (E 104) 0.00999%, titanium dioxide (E 171) 2.16%.

10 pieces. - aluminum strips (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - aluminum strips (5) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - aluminum strips (10) - cardboard packs.


Tuberculosis (as part of combination therapy), atypical mycobacterial infections (MAC infections).

— tuberculosis (chronic forms, reserve drug, as part of combination therapy);

- atypical mycobacterial infections (including those caused by Mycobacterium avium);

- urinary tract infections.

Use in elderly patients

Patients over 60 years old - 0.25 g 2 times a day.

Dosage regimen

When taken orally for adults, the dose is 0.25-1 g/day in several divided doses. Maximum dose- 1 g/day.

For children - 10-20 mg/kg/day in divided doses.

Orally, immediately before meals (if irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa - after meals), adults- 0.25 g every 12 hours for the first 12 hours, then, if necessary, taking into account tolerability, the dose is carefully increased to 250 mg every 6-8 hours under monitoring the concentration of the drug in the blood serum.

The maximum daily dose is 1 g. Patients over 60 years old, and also with body weight less than 50 kg- 0.25 g 2 times/day. Daily dose for children- 0.01-0.02 g/kg (not higher than 0.75 g/day).

Side effect

From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, anxiety, confusion, depression, difficulty speaking, nightmares, muscle twitching, tremors, restlessness, peripheral neuropathy, seizures.

Allergic reactions: possible skin rash.

From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, nightmares, anxiety, irritability, memory loss, paresthesia, peripheral neuritis, tremor, euphoria, depression, suicidal ideation, psychosis, epileptiform convulsions.

From the cardiovascular system: exacerbation of chronic heart failure in patients taking 1 to 1.5 g of cycloserine per day.

From the digestive system: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea.

Allergic reactions:(skin rash, itching), megaloblastic anemia and increased levels of liver aminotransferases, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, especially in elderly patients with pre-existing liver disease.

Others: fever, increased cough.

Contraindications for use

Depression, psychosis, alcoholism, renal dysfunction, epilepsy, organic diseases of the central nervous system, history of seizures, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to cycloserine.

- hypersensitivity;

— organic diseases of the central nervous system;

- epilepsy;

— epileptic seizures (including in history);

— mental disorders (anxiety, psychosis, depression, including a history);

— chronic heart failure;

— chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 50 ml/min);

- alcoholism.

Carefully apply in childhood.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Cycloserine is excreted in breast milk, so if it is necessary to use it during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Used only in cases of vital necessity.

Use in children

Application is possible according to the dosage regimen.

Carefully apply in childhood.

special instructions

With monotherapy with cycloserine, rapid development of mycobacterial resistance is possible, so only combination therapy should be used.

Careful monitoring of patients receiving cycloserine at doses above 500 mg/day is necessary to identify signs of CNS toxicity.

During the treatment period, avoid drinking alcohol.

Before starting cycloserine therapy, it is necessary to isolate cultures of microorganisms and determine the sensitivity of the strains to this drug. In the case of tuberculosis infection, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the strain to other anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Treatment with cycloserine should be discontinued or the dose should be reduced if the patient develops allergic dermatitis or symptoms of central nervous system damage, namely headache, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, tremor, peripheral paresis, dysarthria, convulsions and psychosis. Due to the low therapeutic index of cycloserine, the risk of developing seizures increases in patients with chronic alcoholism.

Poisoning usually occurs at blood drug concentrations greater than 30 mg/L, which may result from overdose or impaired renal clearance. When taking the drug, hematological parameters, renal function (creatinine and urea nitrogen concentrations in the blood), drug concentrations in the blood and liver function should be monitored.

When treating patients with reduced renal function who are taking a daily dose of more than 500 mg and who are suspected of showing signs and symptoms of overdose, drug levels in the blood should be monitored at least once a week. The dose must be adjusted so as to maintain the drug level in the blood below 30 mg/l.

To prevent symptoms of damage to the central nervous system, in particular, seizures, agitation or tremor, it is possible to use anticonvulsants or sedatives. Patients receiving more than 500 mg of cycloserine per day should be under the direct supervision of a physician due to the possible development of such symptoms. The toxic effect of cycloserine can be prevented or reduced by prescribing glutamic acid 500 mg 3-4 times a day (before meals) during treatment, and daily intramuscular administration of the sodium salt of ATP (1 ml of 1% solution), as well as pyridoxine in a dose 200-300 mg/day.

To prevent side neurotoxic effects, psychotropic benzodiazepine drugs diazepam (5 mg) or phenazepam (1 mg) are prescribed at night, as well as piracetam at a dose of 800 mg 2 times a day. In some cases, the use of cycloserine can cause the development of vitamin B12 and/or folic acid deficiency, megaloblastic and sideroblastic anemia. If anemia occurs during treatment, it is necessary to conduct appropriate examination and treatment of the patient.

It is necessary to limit the mental stress of patients and exclude possible factors of overheating (staying in the sun with bare head, hot shower).

Due to the rapid development of resistance during monotherapy with cycloserine, its combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs is recommended.

The effect of taking cycloserine on the ability to drive a car and use machinery has not been established.


Overdose is observed when the concentration of cycloserine in plasma is 25-30 mg/ml as a result of taking cycloserine in high doses and/or impaired renal clearance. Acute poisoning can occur when more than 1 g/day is ingested. Symptoms chronic intoxication with long-term use at a dose of more than 500 mg/day: headache, dizziness, confusion, increased irritability, paresthesia, psychosis, dysarthria, paresis, convulsions, coma.

International name


Group affiliation


Dosage form


pharmachologic effect

A broad-spectrum bactericidal antibiotic that disrupts cell wall synthesis, acting as a competitive antagonist of D-alanine, and inhibits enzymes responsible for cell wall synthesis.

Active against gram-negative microorganisms, at a concentration of 10-100 mg/l - Rickettsia spp., Treponema spp. The MIC in relation to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is 3-25 mg/l in liquid and 10-20 mg/l or more in solid nutrient medium. Drug resistance occurs slowly (after 6 months of treatment it develops in 20-60% of cases).


Tuberculosis (chronic forms, reserve drug, as part of combination therapy).

Atypical mycobacterial infections (including those caused by Mycobacterium avium), urinary tract infections.


Hypersensitivity, organic diseases of the central nervous system, epilepsy, epileptic seizures (including a history), mental disorders (anxiety, psychosis, depression, including a history), CHF, chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 50 ml/min), alcoholism, pregnancy, lactation. With caution. Childhood.

Side effects

From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, nightmares, anxiety, irritability, memory loss, paresthesia, peripheral neuritis, tremor, euphoria, depression, suicidal ideation, psychosis, epileptiform convulsions.

From the digestive system: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea.

Other: fever, increased cough.

Application and dosage

Orally, immediately before meals (if irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa - after meals), adults - 0.25 g every 12 hours for the first 12 hours, then, if necessary, taking into account tolerability, the dose is carefully increased to 250 mg every 6-8 hours under supervision concentration of the drug in blood serum.

The maximum daily dose is 1 g. Patients over 60 years of age, as well as with a body weight of less than 50 kg, take 0.25 g 2 times a day. The daily dose for children is 0.01-0.02 g/kg (not higher than 0.75 g/day).

special instructions

The toxic effect of cycloserine can be prevented or reduced by prescribing glutamic acid 0.5 g 3-4 times a day (before meals) during treatment, and daily intramuscular administration of the sodium salt of ATP (1 ml of 1% solution), pyridoxine 200-300 mg /day

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor renal function (the concentration of creatinine and urea nitrogen in the blood) and the concentration of cycloserine in the blood (should not exceed 30 mcg/ml).

It is necessary to limit the mental stress of patients and exclude possible factors of overheating (staying in the sun with bare head, hot shower).

Due to the rapid development of resistance during monotherapy with cycloserine, its combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs is recommended.


Increases the rate of excretion of pyridoxine by the kidneys (may cause the development of anemia and peripheral neuritis, an increase in the dose of pyridoxine is required).

Ethanol increases the risk of developing epileptic seizures, especially in people suffering from chronic alcoholism.

Ethionamide increases the risk of CNS side effects, especially seizures.

Isoniazid increases the incidence of dizziness and drowsiness.

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Composition and release form

1 capsule contains cycloserine 250 mg; in a blister pack 100 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antimicrobial

Inhibits the synthesis of the cell wall of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutic concentration in plasma is created after 1 hour. Evenly distributed, penetrates into lymphoid tissue, lung tissue, pleural and ascitic fluid, sputum, bile. It passes the placental barrier and the BBB (the concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid corresponds to the concentration in plasma, and is determined in the amniotic fluid and fetal blood). Metabolized in the liver (30%). It is excreted mainly by the kidneys (66% is found in urine within 24 hours, another 10% over the next 48 hours) unchanged and excreted in feces. A certain amount is excreted in milk.

Indications for the drug Cycloserine

Tuberculosis of the lungs (active form), kidney tuberculosis, acute urinary tract infections.


Hypersensitivity, epilepsy, depression, severe agitation, psychosis, severe renal failure, alcoholism.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy - only if absolutely necessary. When breastfeeding, the expected benefit to the mother and the possible risk to the baby should be assessed.

Side effects

Headache, tremor, dysarthria, dizziness, convulsions, drowsiness, semi-consciousness, confusion of thoughts, disorientation accompanied by memory loss, psychosis with suicidal attempts, character changes, increased irritability, aggressiveness, paresis, hyperreflexia, paresthesia, major and minor clonic attacks seizures, coma, congestive heart failure (when taking 1000-1500 mg per day), megaloblastic or sideroblastic anemia, increased serum aminotransferases, allergic reactions (itching).


Ethionamide and isoniazid increase neurotoxicity. Incompatible with alcohol (increases the risk of epileptic seizures).

Directions for use and doses

Inside. Adults 500-750 mg/day in 2-3 doses (12.5 mg/kg body weight) under control of the drug level in the blood; in children, the initial dose is 10 mg/kg body weight per day. The dose varies depending on the therapeutic effect and the level of the drug in the blood.


Symptoms: headache, dizziness, irritability, paresthesia, dysarthria, paresis, convulsions, psychosis, confusion or loss of consciousness (coma).

Treatment: intake of activated carbon and maintenance therapy (hemodialysis, administration of 200-300 mg per day of pyridoxine to stop the development of neurotoxic effects, etc.); all activities are carried out against the background of drug withdrawal.

Precautionary measures

Hematological parameters, renal and liver functions should be monitored.

special instructions

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to isolate a culture of microorganisms and determine the sensitivity of the strain to cycloserine and other anti-tuberculosis drugs. Prescribed in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents in the absence of effect from treatment with first-line drugs, such as streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol.

Storage conditions for the drug Cycloserine

In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. In sealed packaging.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Cycloserine

1.5 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Instructions for medical use

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
A15-A19 TuberculosisDisseminated tuberculosis
Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis
Caseous pneumonia
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Drug-resistant tuberculosis
Drug-resistant form of tuberculosis
Drug-resistant tuberculosis
Fulminant pulmonary tuberculosis
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Chronic multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Fulminant pulmonary tuberculosis
Chronic pulmonary tuberculosis
N39.0 Urinary tract infection without established locationAsymptomatic bacteriuria
Bacterial urinary tract infections
Bacterial urinary tract infections
Bacterial infections of the genitourinary system
Bacteriuria asymptomatic
Chronic latent bacteriuria
Asymptomatic bacteriuria
Asymptomatic massive bacteriuria
Inflammatory disease of the urinary tract
Inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract
Inflammatory diseases of the bladder and urinary tract
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system
Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract
Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system
Fungal diseases of the urogenital tract
Fungal infections of the urinary tract
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections caused by enterococci or mixed flora
Uncomplicated genitourinary tract infections
Complicated urinary tract infections
Infections of the genitourinary system
Urogenital infections
Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
Urogenital tract infection
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections
Uncomplicated genitourinary tract infections
Exacerbation of chronic urinary tract infection
Retrograde kidney infection
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Mixed urethral infections
Urogenital infection
Urogenital infectious and inflammatory disease
Urogenital mycoplasmosis
Urological disease of infectious etiology
Chronic urinary tract infection
Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
Chronic urinary tract infections
Chronic infectious diseases of the urinary system

Trade name of the drug: Cycloserine

International nonproprietary name of the drug: Cycloserine

Dosage form:


Each capsule contains:
Active substance: cycloserine (in terms of active substance) 250 mg. Excipients: magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium phosphate, talc.
The capsule shell contains: titanium dioxide, crimson dye Ponceau 4R, quinoline yellow dye, gelatin, water.

Hard gelatin capsules size No. 1 with a white or almost white body and a red cap.
The contents of the capsules are white to light yellow powder.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: J04AB01.

pharmachologic effect
Broad-spectrum antibiotic. It acts bacteriostatically or bactericidal depending on the concentration at the site of inflammation and the sensitivity of microorganisms.
It disrupts cell wall synthesis by acting as a competitive antagonist of D-alanine. Suppresses the activity of enzymes responsible for cell wall synthesis. Active against gram-negative microorganisms, at a concentration of 10-100 mg/l - Rickettsia spp., Treponema spp. The MIC in relation to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is 3-25 mg/l in liquid and 10-20 mg/l or more in solid nutrient medium. Drug resistance occurs slowly (after 6 months of treatment it develops in 20-60% of cases).
Absorption after oral administration is 70-90%. Practically does not bind to plasma proteins.
TS max - 3-4 hours; in proportion to the dose taken of 0.25, 0.5 and 1 g, C max is 6, 24 and 30 µg/l, respectively. After taking 250 mg every 12 hours, Cmax is 25-30 mcg/ml. Penetrates well into body fluids and tissues, including CSF, breast milk, bile, sputum, lymphatic tissue, lungs, ascitic and synovial fluid, pleural effusion, and passes through the placenta. The abdominal and pleural cavities contain 50-100% of the concentration of the drug in the blood serum. Up to 35% of the administered dose is metabolized. T1/2 with normal renal function -10 hours. Excreted by pubertal filtration unchanged: 50% after 12 hours, 65-70% within 24-72 hours, small amounts - with feces. With chronic renal failure, cumulation phenomena may occur after 2-3 days

Indications for use
Tuberculosis (chronic forms, reserve drug, as part of combination therapy).
Atypical mycobacterial infections (including those caused by Mycobacterium avium), urinary tract infections.

Hypersensitivity, organic diseases of the central nervous system, epilepsy, epileptic seizures (including a history), mental disorders (anxiety, psychosis, depression, including a history), CHF, chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 50 ml/min) , alcoholism.

Use during pregnancy and lactation
Used only in cases of vital necessity.

Directions for use and doses
Orally, immediately before meals (if irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa - after meals), adults - 0.25 g every 12 hours during the first 12 hours, then, if necessary, taking into account tolerance, the dose is carefully increased to 250 mg every 6- 8 hours under control of drug concentration in blood serum.
The maximum daily dose is 1 g. For patients over 60 years of age, as well as with a body weight of less than 50 kg, 0.25 g 2 times a day. The daily dose for children is 0.01-0.02 g/kg (not higher than 0.75 g/day).

Side effect
From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness, nightmares, anxiety, irritability, memory loss, paresthesia, peripheral neuritis, tremor, euphoria, depression, suicidal ideation, psychosis, epileptiform convulsions.
From the cardiovascular system: exacerbation of chronic heart failure in patients taking 1 to 1.5 g of cycloserine per day.
From the digestive system: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea.
Allergic reactions (skin rash, itching), megaloblastic anemia and increased levels of liver aminotransferases, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, especially in elderly patients with pre-existing liver diseases.
Others: fever, increased cough.

Overdose is observed when the concentration of cycloserine in plasma is 25-30 mg/ml as a result of taking cycloserine in high doses and/or impaired renal clearance. Acute poisoning can occur when more than 1 g/day is ingested. Symptoms of chronic intoxication with long-term use at a dose of more than 500 mg/day: headache, dizziness, confusion, increased irritability, paresthesia, psychosis, dysarthria, paresis, convulsions, coma.
Treatment: symptomatic, activated carbon, antiepileptic drugs. To prevent neurotoxic effects, pyridoxine is administered at a dose of 200-300 mg/day, anticonvulsants and sedatives.

Interaction with other drugs
Increases the rate of excretion of pyridoxine by the kidneys (may cause the development of anemia and peripheral neuritis, an increase in the dose of pyridoxine is required). Ethanol increases the risk of developing epileptic seizures, especially in people suffering from chronic alcoholism.
Ethionamide increases the risk of CNS side effects, especially seizures.
Isoniazid increases the incidence of dizziness and drowsiness.

special instructions
Before starting cycloserine therapy, it is necessary to isolate cultures of microorganisms and determine the sensitivity of the strains to this drug. In the case of tuberculosis infection, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the strain to other anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Treatment with cycloserine should be discontinued or the dose should be reduced if the patient develops allergic dermatitis or symptoms of central nervous system damage, namely headache, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, tremor, peripheral paresis, dysarthria, convulsions and psychosis. Due to the low therapeutic index of cycloserine, the risk of developing seizures increases in patients with chronic alcoholism.
Poisoning usually occurs at blood drug concentrations greater than 30 mg/L, which may result from overdose or impaired renal clearance. When taking the drug, hematological parameters, renal function (creatinine and urea nitrogen concentrations in the blood), drug concentrations in the blood and liver function should be monitored.
When treating patients with reduced renal function who are taking a daily dose of more than 500 mg and who are suspected of showing signs and symptoms of overdose, drug levels in the blood should be monitored at least once a week. The dose must be adjusted so as to maintain the drug level in the blood below 30 mg/l. To prevent symptoms of damage to the central nervous system, in particular, seizures, agitation or tremor, it is possible to use anticonvulsants or sedatives. Patients receiving more than 500 mg of cycloserine per day should be under the direct supervision of a physician due to the possible development of such symptoms. The toxic effect of cycloserine can be prevented or reduced by prescribing glutamic acid 500 mg 3-4 times a day (before meals) during treatment, and daily intramuscular administration of the sodium salt of ATP (1 ml of 1% solution), as well as pyridoxine in a dose 200-300 mg/day. To prevent side neurotoxic effects, psychotropic benzodiazepine drugs diazepam (5 mg) or phenazepam (1 mg) are prescribed at night, as well as piracetam at a dose of 800 mg 2 times a day. In some cases, the use of cycloserine can cause the development of vitamin B12 and/or folic acid deficiency, megaloblastic and sideroblastic anemia. If anemia occurs during treatment, it is necessary to conduct appropriate examination and treatment of the patient.
It is necessary to limit the mental stress of patients and exclude possible factors of overheating (staying in the sun with bare head, hot shower). Due to the rapid development of resistance during monotherapy with cycloserine, its combination with other anti-tuberculosis drugs is recommended. The effect of taking cycloserine on the ability to drive a car and use machinery has not been established.

Release form
Capsules 250 mg.
10 capsules in an AL/PVC blister.
1, 5, 10 blisters in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions
List B. Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies On prescription.


"M.J. Biopharm Pvt. Ltd.", India
IZJolly Maker Chembars2, Nariman Point, Mumbai, 400 021, India
Consumer complaints should be sent to the address of the representative office in the Russian Federation:
119334, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 45, entrance 17, office 492

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