Is it worth getting a cat and what breed of cat should I choose for my apartment? What breeds of cats are best suited for an apartment?

Young children have a soft spot for animals, and many of them retain this love throughout their lives. How often do kids ask mom and dad for a cat or a dog! Far-sighted parents prefer to dissuade their child from purchasing a puppy, since he will need to be walked in any weather, and kids will not always want to do this, especially when it is raining and slushy outside. For this reason, it is easier for adults to accept a cat into an apartment, since it is much easier to care for it.

Choosing a pet breed

In such a situation, the question arises, what best breed cats for children. Many mothers and fathers do not bother themselves with such thoughts and allow their child to bring an animal into the house from the street or take a kitten from a mongrel cat from a friend. By the way, such “foundlings” quite often become devoted and true friends, not requiring special care.

But still, such a pet is a “pig in a poke”, since it is unknown how he will get along with children and household members, not to mention genetics and possible hereditary diseases. Guided by similar considerations, some parents are still inclined to buy a friend for their child in a specialized nursery.

What should a cat be like for a child?

Those who have at least once visited nurseries or exhibitions and sales of pets are well aware that the variety of breeds sometimes makes one’s eyes run wild. What kind of cat should I get for my child, and what should I look for when choosing a pet?

An animal that can become a friend for small children has the following qualities:

  • Adapt quickly to changed conditions and easily get used to new owners. A kindergartener is unlikely to be happy with a pussy huddled under the sofa and not wanting to come out to get acquainted.
  • Be loyal and sociable as your baby will want to play a lot with his new friend, especially at first.
  • Love outdoor games and be quite active. Wanting to have a pussy at home, the baby dreams of throwing her a ball or making her run after a rustling package tied to a rope, so the animal must be active. The child will quickly get tired of admiring the constantly sleeping “fluffy”.
  • Be able to stand up for yourself. Often children, without malicious intent, accidentally hurt animals, and kids will not miss the opportunity to grab a pussy by the tail or pull the fur. If the animal cannot “fight back”, the child will simply torture it.
  • Don't be afraid of the street. Of course, when choosing a tiny squeaking lump, it is impossible to guess how the animal will behave during a walk. In this case, you will have to start raising him from the very first days, so that the baby can not only play with a friend in the house, but also take the animal with him into the yard.

Advice. Experienced breeders recommend, if possible, taking your pussy with you on vacation or to the countryside, so that your new friend will always be close to the child. Such a pastime will become a habit for the animal, and the pet will not avoid communication, and the child will learn to take care of someone from childhood.

The calmest cat breeds

The main advantage of a cat living next to a child is its peaceful disposition.

An angry cat can seriously injure not only a child, but also an adult, so it is better to choose for children good breeds. What types of cats have a calm and easy-going disposition?

You can choose one of the following:

  • . This animal is like a plush toy and children will admire it. In addition, they are quite calm and friendly, and rarely show their claws. However, you should explain to the child that you cannot anger your new friend, since the “British” can still defend themselves.
  • . These animals are similar to the “British” ones, but they can be distinguished by the special shape of their ears. The auditory organs of such pussies are very small and pressed to the head. Animals of this breed get along well with children and are not afraid of strangers, which will allow the child to show off his new friend to the neighboring children by inviting them into the house.
  • Persian. These luxurious large animals with long thick hair are popular not only with children, but also with adults. They are calm and patient, allowing themselves to be carried, hugged and squeezed. But if your baby has a tendency to allergies, it is better not to buy a “Persian” for him.
  • . This pussy attracts the attention of children with the bright blue color of the iris. Such an animal will not require special care, will get along well with the baby, and will not get angry or hiss, even if he does not leave the cat for days.
  • Literally translated from in English The name of this breed means "rag doll", which corresponds to the nature of the pussies. They are able to stay in the arms of their little owner for hours, endure hugs and stroking, without showing any aggression or signs of dissatisfaction.

Important! No matter how calm and phlegmatic a cat may seem, it can be dangerous to humans in a certain situation.

You need to immediately explain to the child that this is a living creature that needs not only care, but also periodic solitude. In addition, the child must understand that it can cause injury to the animal and handle it carefully. Otherwise, the consequences can be sad not only for the animal, but also for the baby.

The most sociable cats

The Maine Coon's character is calm and patient.

Since the baby will constantly strive to communicate with the animal, especially at first, the cat must have the appropriate qualities. It is necessary that she is not burdened by attention to herself, and she takes it calmly.

The most sociable cat breeds are:

  • This type of pet has become popular not only due to its docile nature, but also its unusual appearance. This large animal resembles a lynx with fluffy ear tufts; it is also graceful and physically developed. In addition, cats of this breed are tolerant of children and will become excellent partners for them in games and pranks.
  • Despite the somewhat “demonic” color, these animals are very good-natured and sociable, and curiosity is their business card. In addition, Siamese cats are trainable and quickly master the simplest tricks, which will delight the child. However, you should remember that such pets are vindictive and vindictive, and make sure that the child does not offend his new friend.
  • . This animal will be a real gift for the baby, since it will not leave a single step from its new owner. Pussies will constantly strive to communicate, ask to be stroked, and even sleep next to their little friend, which will not leave the child indifferent.
  • Manx. These charming animals have the ability to easily adapt to a person’s mood and sense when they are needed. They are happy to play with children only on the condition that the kids do not offend them, and if the child is busy with his own business, the pussy will simply sit nearby, without attracting attention to itself. Another advantage of the Manx is that the pussies of this breed do not have a tail, which means there is no need to be afraid of accidentally stepping on it and causing aggression from the animal.

Of course, the final choice should be given to the child. Therefore, it is better not to try to surprise your son or daughter by purchasing a cat secretly, but to take the baby with you so that he can choose a new friend.

The most hypoallergenic cats

Cats oriental breed have an unusual appearance.

Many parents have good reason to fear allergic reaction child to cat hair, which will be everywhere, despite regular cleaning. For this reason, it is better to choose hypoallergenic cats, which include the following breeds:

  • . Of course, the lack of hair on the body does not make this animal too attractive, but its owners do not have to worry about allergies. In addition, the body temperature of “hairless” cats is higher than human, and often babies sleep in the same bed with “live hot water bottles”. In addition, sphinxes are completely non-aggressive and devotedly love their owners.
  • . The fur of such a cat also does not cause allergies, and you can not be afraid to bring it into the house where the child lives. In addition, these animals are beautiful, active and playful, and children will definitely like them.
  • . These short-haired animals with large ears are also hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive children. By nature, they are quite flexible and loving, devoted to their owners and can become a true friend for the baby.
  • Despite the presence of long, thick and fluffy hair, animals are also classified as hypoallergenic. These huge beauties can easily win the heart of a child and will love him deeply and devotedly. The only disadvantage of these animals is that the baby is unlikely to be able to carry such a friend in his arms, since some individuals reach a weight of up to 18 kg.

Advice. For those who are thinking about the question of which of the listed varieties of cats to choose, it is better to opt for the Sphynx, especially in cases where the child suffers from allergic reactions.

Other breeds of animals whose fur does not cause allergies are safe only in most cases, but it is impossible to talk about 100% hypoallergenicity of an individual whose body is covered with a thick “fur coat”.

The best cat for a child

The Ragdoll is a rare and adorable cat breed.

So, which cat is the best for a child? All breeds have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and making a choice can be quite difficult. Since the main requirements for a new friend for a baby are calmness, sociability and hypoallergenicity, you need to try to choose an animal of a breed that would combine all these qualities:

  • For children prone to allergies, the ideal option is the Sphynx cat. This animal is not inferior in intelligence and sociability to other species, and will not disappoint its little owner.
  • Another type of wayward handsome men, possessing all the listed qualities, is Siberian cats. A huge animal with a luxurious fur coat will not only quickly make friends with the baby and play with him with pleasure, but will also become a source of pride for the child, arousing the admiration of others for its external beauty.
  • And for restless children who love to cuddle and nurse animals, best friend will become a Ragdoll cat. She will be happy because she is constantly petted, carried in her arms and cared for in every possible way. True, the population does not belong to the varieties of hypoallergenic cats, like the two previous breeds, but if the baby does not have a tendency to similar manifestations, you can safely purchase such an animal for him.

Which cats should not be purchased for children?

Siamese cats are not the best partners for children.

Considering various breeds cats, we can only talk about common character traits that unite representatives of a particular population. However, every animal has individual characteristics, so you will need to observe the kitten before purchasing.

You should not buy a fluffy dog ​​if it behaves like this:

  • hides and hides in the corner of the enclosure or carrier;
  • fears loud sounds, cower and tremble;
  • when you try to pick him up, he resists and tries to bite him;
  • looks sick and passive.

Experts recommend purchasing not kittens for children, but rather adult ones. This is due to the fact that pussies coming out of childhood, the character has already formed, and after a short observation of the individual, you can understand whether it is suitable for the child or not. In addition, it is more difficult to injure an adult animal, but a baby may accidentally step on a kitten or otherwise cause serious damage to it.

The video talks about the ten most affectionate cat breeds:

If you have firmly decided that you want a cat to live in your home, and have also agreed on this issue with the rest of your family, then you have a difficult choice to make. The fact is that not all domestic representatives of the cat family have the same character and equally focused on close contact with people. What breed of cat is best to choose so that he can live with you and give you many pleasant moments?

How to choose a purebred cat for your home?

More than one hundred breeds are known today. There are more or less common ones, and each breed has certain features of appearance, character and behavior. Representatives of some of them - for example, Burmese, Persian, Ragdoll or Maine Coon - are very affectionate and sociable, and cannot imagine their life without human society and prefer to spend the maximum amount of time curled up on their owner’s lap and purring loudly. Take such and only those families in which one of the household members is always at home and will be able to give the furry animal as much attention as it needs.

Representatives of other breeds - Siamese, for example - can be more freedom-loving and independent. They do not shy away from the owner’s affection, but they also do not demand it at any cost. Such animals do not need the constant presence of a person nearby and can remain alone for some time. That is why it is better to get them for those people who spend a lot of time outside the home and return there only at night.

If you like a cat of a particular breed, be sure to find out as much as possible about its representatives before you bring it home. Think about whether you can find mutual language with the animal, taking into account its temperament and characteristics of its character, and only after that make the final choice.

Choosing a purebred cat and not making a mistake: is it possible?

If it is not a priority for you to have your pet and the opportunity to take part in exhibitions, then it is better for you to take a mongrel animal. This is also a kind deed, because thoroughbreds will be sold out in any case, and an ordinary one may end up on the street. Such animals are no less beautiful than their counterparts from good families"with pedigrees, and they are also very smart and most often have good immunity.

When choosing a kitten that does not belong to a specific breed, you can rely solely on personal preferences. Some people like short-haired, red, healthy cats, while others like fragile tri-colored, graceful cats. It is difficult to say what kind of character an animal that does not belong to one breed or another will have when it grows up, but by then you will absolutely find a common language.

Since ancient times, there has been no better neighbor for a person than a cat. She brings harmony to life and calms even with her very presence, she pleases and amuses, committing small pranks. The indoor cat is the most adapted animal. She easily gets accustomed to her place, to the toilet and lives quite a long time compared to other pets.

Which cat breeds are better?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are many factors influencing the choice. This behavior, color, character and much more. To decide which breed you should give preference to, you need to consider the features of the most popular ones.

  • Outbred cats. These animals, which cannot boast of their pedigree, are in no way inferior, and sometimes even superior, in intelligence, charm and beauty to their titled relatives. They are generally more resistant to various diseases, do not show aggression, are very affectionate and sociable. These are a wide variety of cats, differing from each other in color, coat length, and appearance. Such a friend can be found in any shelter for homeless animals or even on the street.
  • Angora breed. Playful and very cheerful cats easily adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and get along with other animals. Long hair adds to the hassle of cleaning.
  • British cat. For a home with small children, this the best option. Animals patiently and unrequitedly allow themselves to be squeezed, they are very calm and confident. They have very weak immunity, you should be careful about their health. Grooming is not burdensome.
  • Abyssinian cat. A very active and inquisitive person who demands to be treated with respect may even scratch. Therefore, this is not a very suitable option if there are children in the family. Short hair does not require special care.
  • The Siamese cat breed is also one of those animals that should not be kept in a home with a small child. They are capricious and do not tolerate familiarity when they are pulled by their mustache or tail.
  • Burmese cat. She is moderately active and inquisitive, has angelic patience, allowing children to do whatever they want with her. Absolutely not aggressive. Therefore, she is considered the best “nanny” among cats.
  • Scottish lop-eared. Cats of this breed are friendly and do not allow themselves to bite or scratch. But you can’t hold them in your arms for a long time, and they are also very shy.
  • Persian cats. Resembling little teddy bears, they bond very well with children. Thick coat requires regular brushing and special care.

There are many other breeds that are also worth considering as pets.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a new tenant, you must take into account the lifestyle that the owners lead and the characteristics of the family. There are breeds of cats that cannot tolerate noise, turmoil, transportation in transport - all this causes them severe anxiety and panic. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what kind of character the kitten has - calm or mischievous, whether it tolerates a change of environment well, whether it is able to remain alone, etc.

Once upon a time there was a black cat

Black cats have always seemed like mystical creatures to people. Many myths, superstitions and legends have been created about them. In fact, these are very graceful, affectionate and playful animals that are not particularly different from cats of any other color.

A house cat is necessary not only to catch mice and rid the owners of their invasion. Possessing the strongest energy, it is able to influence people’s health, improve well-being, relieve pain, stress, normalize blood pressure, etc. And the black cat is especially distinguished by this. In a house where such an animal lives, the energy supply is much better. It is believed that a black cat brings prosperity and good luck to its owners.

Housewarming with a cat

Moving in ancient times, in addition to a change of place of residence, also meant the beginning of a new stage in life. And in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to receive the blessing of the gods. For this purpose, the cat was first launched in new house, acting as a victim for higher powers. There is another explanation for this custom. It is believed that animals perceive energy very well, so where the cat chooses a place, it is recommended to place a bed so that sleep is healthy and complete.

How to housetrain a cat

It will take some time for a cat to adapt to a new place. For some animals, a few days are enough, while for others it may take months. The cat should be placed in a secluded corner so that it is not disturbed by other pets. It is advisable to avoid noise, loud conversations, and do not force the cat to come out of its hiding place and pick it up.

The first signs that the animal has settled in and feels quite comfortable are the start of eating and using the litter tray. After this, you can start talking to her and even try playing with the ribbon in front of her nose. The main thing is not to grab the cat in your arms as soon as it comes out of its hiding place. Let him calmly walk around the room, exploring the territory. And only then you can give her the opportunity to explore the remaining possessions.

Several cats in the house

This situation, when there are many cats in the house, is quite acceptable, but only under one condition - each of them must have its own territory.

Otherwise, it may happen that when a new tenant appears, the old resident will begin to leave cat marks and, due to jealousy, will begin to move away from the owner. Enmity may arise between animals. And living several cats in a small room is a serious burden not only for them, but also for the owners. When two cats move into the house, you need to be on guard at first to prevent their aggressive behavior.

It is also problematic to keep animals of different ages and temperaments. If you add a young, playful and mischievous cat to an old or fearful cat, who will pester her with his games, her life will become simply unbearable. Vigilant owner supervision is simply necessary in order to prevent the tyranny of one animal in relation to another.

When a cat and a male cat live together at home, it is easy to predict how it might end. Therefore, if there is no interest in breeding kittens, care should be taken to avoid these undesirable consequences.

Like a cat and a dog

Before bringing a new pet into your home, you should pay attention to whether your cat or dog shows any signs of aggressiveness towards other animals. It may happen that hostility towards the new tenant will threaten his health and life. Animals are very sensitive and can immediately sense that someone else has taken their place in the house. A cat and a dog will need the same amount of affection and love from the owner so as not to feel deprived. Only then can their hatred and aggression towards each other be avoided.

But it also happens that some cats get along much better with dogs than with their relatives. They may well become inseparable friends who play and even sleep together.

When a cat and a dog live together in a house, you should also take care of the feeding process, which is noticeably different for these animals. A dog has the habit of eating everything that is put in its bowl, but a cat can go to its cup several times a day to have a little lunch. Therefore, if her dishes are in a place accessible to the dog, then it is unlikely that anything will remain there. The cat's bowl should be placed somewhere high so that the dog cannot reach it.

Proper nutrition for cats

The pet will be active, cheerful and energetic if it is provided good nutrition. Today we offer a huge selection of different ready-made feed for cats. It is important to purchase one that matches the age and energy expenditure of the animal. Under no circumstances should you mix food from different brands.

To walk or not to walk

To decide whether to let your cat out for a walk, you need to decide for yourself which relationship is preferable between you. And only then make a choice. If a cat lives in a house located on a busy street filled with moving vehicles, then for safety reasons it is not recommended to let the animal go for walks. And if the house is located outside the city or there is a large yard, then it is quite possible to send your pet for a walk.

A cat living at home becomes completely domestic. This life suits her quite well, especially if you open the window so you can breathe fresh air lying on the windowsill and admiring the birds.

A cat that is let out for a walk will never become completely domestic. She is forced to preserve her wild instincts when she is on the street, and may well bring them into the house. They manifest themselves in the fact that cats and kittens begin to mark their territory in the house. Moreover, this is typical even for castrated animals. In addition, there are many dangers on the street, including infectious diseases to which a cat may be exposed. For a house where children live, would be better suited option of keeping an animal without free range.

Don't forget about preventive vaccinations which must be done annually.

The cat family is quite large and has an impressive diversity. And this applies not only to everything with the cat family, but also to domestic cats.

Among this tribe of small predators, anyone can choose a representative that will correspond to the individual preferences of its owner. After all, some people like hairless cats, some like large and short-haired ones, and some like fluffy and small ones.

Is it true external signs- this is only half the battle, and much more important is whether you can get along with your pet day after day while staying in the same territory. And this issue is most acute for those who live in a city apartment. This article is dedicated to choosing the most suitable cat for apartment keeping.

The best cats for a city apartment

British shorthair cat

Perhaps the ideal option for urban apartment living is the British Shorthair cat. This one is incredibly beautiful and, as a rule, gray cat gets along well with its owners in apartment conditions, has a moderately active and very friendly character.

“British dogs” are very easy to train, and due to their short hair, they reduce grooming issues to a minimum.

There is no doubt that it belongs to the type of calm cats intended specifically for apartments, since British Shorthair cats are distinguished by their calmness from the very beginning. early age, are alien to hooliganism and do not require either excessive care or any worries.

Persian cat

Representatives of this breed are loved by many for their long fluffy hair and snub nose. Persians can be of two types:

  • owners of a moderately snub nose and, by the standards of Persian breed, relatively long nose, are considered representatives of the classical type;
  • those cats that have an upturned and very small nose are considered representatives of the extreme type.

A nervous Persian is either nonsense or the result of extremely unfavorable conditions.

Both of these types are characterized by muscular short legs. In the United States, the extreme type of Persian is more popular, while in Europe, most cat lovers prefer the classic type. Persians are naturally calm, affectionate and serene.

Representatives of this breed need attention from the owner, they differ developed intellect and need daily grooming, otherwise tangles will form in their coat very quickly.

Peterbalds are an ideal option for those owners who do not want to bother themselves with caring for their pet.

This hairless cat is amazingly elegant. Since Peterbalds have no wool, there is no hassle associated with it. However, we must also admit that the health of these animals cannot be called powerful, and the energy that will be saved on caring for the animal can then be wasted on maintaining its health.

Be that as it may, it is not worth purchasing a representative of this breed, driven solely by laziness and reluctance to spend time on combing. It would be much smarter to just get a cat with very short hair - they won't be much more of a hassle.

In terms of character, Peterbalds are calm, patient and quick-witted. St. Petersburg Sphynxes are friendly towards all family members, do not require care, are not vindictive and do not have conflicts at all. Their nature is such that the Peterbald does not create virtually any inconvenience, maintains smooth relationships with all family members, without singling out any one, but needs love and tenderness.

Calm cats for apartment living


This cat is well suited for a large apartment. Her character is submissive and relaxed, capable of adding a touch of celebration to her owner’s everyday worries.

The Ragdoll is calm, not prone to withdrawal or hysterics, does not need special care, obeys rules very easily, but does not like loneliness and therefore, as a rule, follows its owner like a “tail”. It has a good appetite, but not prone to obesity. Playful, but within reason.

Scottish fold

Externally, these animals are very similar to the British Shorthair cat, but the ears hang forward. The character is calm and balanced, but at the same time not without cunning and playfulness. This is purely apartment breed, since Scottish Folds don’t have much desire for walks on the street: they much prefer the comfort of their home and the company of their owner. The Scottish Fold gets along very easily with other household members (both two-legged and four-legged) and is very trainable.

Shorthair exotic

The Exotic Shorthair is the result of crossing an American Shorthair and a Persian. He is distinguished by a calm character and the same calm and good manners and habits. To the number talkative cats Exotics are not treated and, as a rule, prefer to remain silent. Exotics are very submissive to their owner, they are quite easy to care for, they react to the owner’s actions carefree and, at the same time, are friendly and loyal.

Russian blue cat

This is a submissive and soft, but at the same time independent cat. She can calmly remain alone, despite all her love for her owner. The Russian Blue is great for those owners who spend a lot of time at work and only come home in the evening.

The Russian Blue cat is characterized by developed intelligence.

She is kind and gentle towards her owner, but she is quite suspicious towards strangers. It is elegant in appearance, and its short hair and good constitution make this cat very easy to care for. Good manners it absorbs without much effort.

Sacred Burma

This is friendly and affectionate cat, who had both Persian and Siamese cats. The Burmese has a friendly character and gets along with other pets without any effort. They also get along well with small children. The Burmese has quite graceful features and a medium-length coat that requires careful grooming. Otherwise, representatives of this breed are undemanding in care and maintenance.

What does an apartment cat need?

Future owners of these animals need to remember that when choosing a cat, they are choosing a friend with whom they will live for 10-15 years. For this reason, choosing a breed should not be done in haste, under the influence of a momentary mood, or, even worse, under the influence of fashion for a particular breed. First, you should slowly think through your likes, capabilities, availability of free time and funds, as well as lifestyle, and based on this, make assumptions about which breed will suit such an owner best.

When everything is decided with the breed, there is also no need to rush to run to the breeder. First you need to arrange the house in such a way that the cat has everything he needs immediately upon arrival at the house. That is, the house should have:

  • tray;
  • filler for it;
  • bowls for food and water (preferably several ceramic ones);
  • bed and/or house;
  • scratching post (required!);
  • toys and, preferably, a climbing frame;
  • carrying;
  • vitamins;
  • feed supply (if preference is given to ready-made feed);
  • comb-brush;
  • nail clipper for cutting nails.

It is also worth preparing a cat’s first aid kit in advance, since this item is often neglected when preparing for the kitten’s arrival at home, and after that the first aid kit is completely forgotten. If the owner has chosen a breed such as the Exotic Shorthair, he should immediately prepare for the fact that he may have special needs in terms of eye care. The same can be said about all breeds with short and snub noses. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare your pet’s eye care products in advance.

In general, before bringing a kitten home, you should carefully study all the information regarding the care of representatives of this breed and its health. And only after this can you move on to the next stage - choosing a good breeder from whom the kitten will be purchased.

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Mom, let's get a kitten? And so happy parents Already in search of a four-legged friend who will not only keep the baby company, but also teach him responsibility, compassion and love for animals. Is there a way to choose that same playful and good-natured kitten?

When planning to give your child a tailed playmate, it is important to remember that responsibility for the kitten lies on the shoulders of adult family members. Parents will have to feed, comb and bathe the mustachioed baby. If you are not ready to sacrifice free time, you should not get a pet in the hope that the child will do everything himself necessary manipulations care

Cats live on average about fifteen years. And all these years, the cat has been a member of the family with its own character and habits. A timid or aggressive kitten and Small child- an explosive combination that will lead to nothing good. A mustachioed baby weighing half a kilo is capable of seriously biting or scratching a noisy child, acting within the framework of natural instincts. It does not matter which kitten to choose for a child, one month old or six months old, if he is born from street cat and spent the first weeks of his life without contact with humans. Therefore, you should not look for a friend for your baby in courtyards and basements: semi-feral kittens born on the street are very wayward and independent.

Kitten "from hand"

Popular cat breeds for young children are a very expensive purchase. A purebred kitten, born from quality sires, healthy and raised in compliance with all the rules, will never end up in a market, a pet store or a subway crossing. You should not skimp on the safety and health of your child - contact only professional nurseries with breeders who have felinological or veterinary education.

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