Dry mouth causes treatment with folk remedies. Eliminate dry mouth in simple ways. Natural Ways to Relieve Dry Mouth

Xerostomia is easily recognized by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of intense thirst;
  • dryness in the throat and mouth;
  • feeling of tongue stickiness;
  • the appearance of cracks on the lips;
  • a feeling of itching and burning in the mouth, inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • redness of the tongue, pallor of the lips;
  • the appearance of something unpleasant;
  • sore throat, hoarseness of voice.

Dangerous consequences of xerostomia

It would seem that what could be terrible about insufficient saliva production? In fact, this condition can have some unpleasant consequences for the oral cavity. MirSovetov identified the following problems that can be caused by dry mouth:

  • inflammation of the gums;
  • various infectious diseases of the gums, tongue and pharynx;
  • difficulties in wearing dentures.

In addition, if dry mouth is systematic or constant, but you ignore this problem, you risk not noticing the development of any dangerous disease.

Causes of dry mouth

There are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of xerostomia, let's try to understand them in more detail:

  1. The most common situation is dry mouth after sleep. As a rule, the cause of this is snoring or difficulty in nasal breathing, as a result of which a person is forced to breathe through the mouth all night. The reason for the fact that the nose cannot function normally is due to the following problems: deviated nasal septum, swelling of the nasal sinuses, allergies, polyps, etc.
  2. Gastronomic addictions can also cause dry mouth. It is known that salty and spicy foods cause a strong feeling of thirst, and if it is not quenched in time, there is a deficiency of fluid in the body, including saliva. This problem is, in principle, easily solvable. Over time, the water-salt balance in the body will return to normal and dry mouth will disappear.
  3. Some people, for various reasons, can only eat liquid or pureed foods. Such food does not require thorough chewing; it is quickly swallowed, almost without lingering in the mouth. As a result, the salivary glands do not perform their usual functions. And any organ that does not work for a long time can partially or even completely atrophy.
  4. Xerostomia often occurs in response to the use of various medications. This is considered a very common side effect of many medications. Such drugs include:
  • almost everything;
  • analgesics;
  • cough medicines;
  • antihistamines;
  • antifungal agents;
  • medicines for;
  • weight loss drugs;
  • most drugs for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases: antidepressants, muscle relaxants, etc.;
  • anti-vomiting pills.
  • Dry mouth can occur as a result of an infectious disease. A person in a fever loses a lot of fluid. If the infection manifests itself in the form of gastrointestinal dysfunction and is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, this also threatens to disrupt the water-salt balance in the body. Some viral diseases have a direct effect on the functioning of the salivary glands. Such diseases, for example, include mumps.
  • The use of radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer also negatively affects the production of salivary fluid.
  • Dry mouth can appear during severe nervous tension, as well as during prolonged periods.
  • Head surgeries and various skull injuries can cause disruption of the salivary glands.
  • Xerostomia is a symptom of a disease called Sjögren's syndrome. This disease most often affects women over 40 years of age, it is accompanied by swelling and enlargement of the salivary glands. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, throat, and stomach dry out. The disease should be treated by a professional doctor. In some cases, to alleviate the condition, patients are prescribed artificial saliva substitutes.
  • If the drying of the oral cavity is accompanied by an increase in appetite and increased urination, one may suspect. This problem should be addressed to the hospital immediately.
  • The cause of dry mouth is simple dehydration, which can occur due to heavy sweating, increased body temperature, or insufficient fluid intake.
  • In people who have undergone any interventions in the oral cavity, the salivary glands may be damaged. In this case, xerostomia becomes an expected result of such injuries.
  • Smoking is another factor in dry mouth. The smoke exhaled during smoking fills the mouth and dries out the mucous membranes.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration and causes a feeling of thirst and dry mouth.
  • The following diseases can be the causes of insufficient saliva production:
    • Alzheimer's disease;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • low blood pressure.

    How to get rid of dry mouth

    To eliminate this problem, first of all, you need to understand its root cause. If the culprit of xerostomia is a certain disease, it needs to be cured. However, you can relieve yourself of dry mouth if you follow some recommendations:

    1. Drink water as often as possible, preferably in small portions. When you leave home, always take a small bottle of drink with you.
    2. Try to limit your sugar intake.
    3. If you use mouthwash, choose one that does not contain alcohol.
    4. A good way to activate the salivary glands are lollipops or chewing gum.
    5. In particularly difficult cases, try using artificial saliva substitutes.
    6. Eat less spicy and salty foods. In addition, try to include liquid foods in your diet.
    7. If possible, quit or limit smoking and alcohol.
    8. Lubricate dry lips with a special cream or balm.
    9. Chips, crackers, salted nuts and other dry foods are not for you.

    Folk remedies for treating xerostomia

    1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry sage, chamomile and calamus root. Brew each of the herbs in a separate container, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse the decoctions for 40-50 minutes, then strain. During the day, rinse your mouth alternately with each product.
    2. Rosehip oil and Chlorophyllipt help with dry mouth. Buy these products at the pharmacy and put them in your nose every day. First, drop half a pipette of rosehip oil into each nostril, and after 15-20 minutes, drop the same amount of Chlorophyllipt into your nose. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

    The causes of dry mouth are a side effect of certain diseases, infections (diabetes mellitus causes dry mouth, liver disease), smoking, public speaking, and so on. Treatment with folk remedies for dry mouth, if the cause cannot be eliminated, then in addition to medications there are also folk remedies.

    — Submit daily urine for analysis

    — Check the level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood.

    - Maybe you don't drink enough fluids. Every person needs at least a liter of water. And coffee, tea, and soda dehydrate the body.

    In the meantime, you are undergoing examination, there are treatments with folk remedies:

    Drink plenty of fluids

    This is the easiest way to get rid of dry mouth. Drink a cold decoction of rose hips or sour juice from lingonberries and cranberries. After all. when the body is dehydrated, of course, this causes the mouth to dry out. To avoid this, carry a small water bottle with you and take a sip from it from time to time. If you have sensitive gums and teeth, you can periodically suck on ice cubes. If your mouth is dry due to a hangover, then you should drink a glass of Borjomi with the juice of ½ lemon. Drink not in one gulp, but one sip at a time. Limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee, they have dehydrating and diuretic effects.

    Mouth rinse

    The choice of mouthwash must be taken very seriously. After all, most of them contain a lot of alcohol, so they are not suitable for dry mouth. We rinse the mouth with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and sage. Rinse your mouth with fluoride rinses. Use professional toothpastes. Use your tongue to massage the inside of your gums and cheeks. Brush your teeth 3 times.

    You need to develop the habit of breathing through your nose. Quit smoking. Due to this bad habit, dry mouth increases. When cooking, add more spices, especially red pepper. Use chewing gum only without sugar, just be aware that chewing gum is harmful to the stomach if used frequently. Humidify indoor air. Air conditioning and steam heating dehydrate indoor air, resulting in dry mouth. Rationally reduce your consumption of fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods.

    Rosehip oil and herbs for dry mouth

    Let's take blueberries, calamus root, sage, chamomile. We brew each such plant separately - take 1 tbsp for 1 glass of water. We insist for 40 minutes. We strain the infusions and rinse our mouths with them one by one, and eat the blueberries. Let's buy Chlorophyllipt oil solution at the pharmacy. We instill these products into the nostrils once a day. Place ½ dropper in each nostril. First we drip rosehip, rest for 15 minutes, then drip Chlorophyllipt. After instillation, we will lie down. We do this for 10 days and then the dryness will go away.

    Dry mouth is caused by taking medications to treat the kidneys, the nervous system, nervous diseases, and the initial form of diabetes. Antidepressants, diuretics, allergy pills, sleeping pills, and antipsychotics can cause dry mouth. To do this, we will change the tactics of treating the underlying disease, and dryness will not bother you.

    If the doctor has identified abnormalities in your health, the prescribed course of treatment will eliminate dry mouth. For diabetes mellitus, the doctor will prescribe medications that normalize sugar levels, this will help ensure that saliva is produced normally and then the cause of dryness will be eliminated.

    Quite often, writers use the phrase “dry mouth,” thereby expressing their hero’s strong anxiety. “His mouth was dry from fear...” Anxious and worried, a person feels his throat drying up. And, on the contrary, as soon as you get very angry, the flow of saliva increases. So what are the causes of dry mouth? Let's try to figure it out.

    It is known that moisturizing saliva is produced. If a person is overcome by strong excitement or fear, all the blood rushes to the brain and muscles. The thought begins to desperately work and look for a way out of this situation. All other systems of our body, at this moment, do not receive enough blood. Their work is slowed down. These include: Saliva is produced slowly, causing dryness in the mouth. As soon as the person’s condition returns, saliva will resume and everything will get better.

    The causes of dry mouth should be sought in the side effects of certain medications, even if you are currently taking them. These can be various medications against nausea and diarrhea, antihistamines, diuretics, vasoconstrictors and other drugs. Most likely, by stopping taking them, you will get rid of the discomfort. Older people, who usually take multiple medications at once, should be especially careful. Their interaction can make dryness even more pronounced.

    Viral infections and some other types of diseases also affect saliva production. This may be diabetes mellitus, hypertension, iron deficiency, arthritis, fibrosis, cystosis and

    We need saliva; it has disinfecting properties, removes bacteria from the teeth and tongue, makes it easier to swallow food, and helps digestion. Harmful alkalis and acids contained in food are neutralized with the help of saliva. Therefore, if you suspect serious illnesses that result in dryness, you need to go to the doctor. Sometimes, the causes of dry mouth need to be sought in intense dehydration of the body. This may include severe diarrhea, vomiting, limited fluid intake for various reasons, large blood loss, fever, or radiation exposure. This phenomenon will become an ongoing problem if surgery has been performed to remove the salivary glands.

    More often than not, the causes of dry mouth lie on the surface and lie in our small weaknesses and bad habits. Smoking is one of them. Not only does it constantly come into contact with smoke, passing it through itself along with the air, and as a result, it dries out. Nicotine itself has a negative effect on the salivary glands, impairing their functioning. An equally pressing problem is alcohol. The alcohol it contains has the most adverse effect on the mucous membrane, drying it out. in the mouth? Reduce the amount of cigarettes and alcohol to a minimum, or better yet, give up this habit that is harmful to the body. Consume as little as possible of highly salty and spicy foods. Eat more juicy fresh fruits and vegetables and drink clean water, at least two liters a day.

    Treatment for dry mouth includes the use of various remedies. It is best if they are prescribed by a doctor. These are various medications. Sugar-free chewing gum or lollipops will come to the rescue. If you don't have any on hand, a regular slice of lemon can help. Some people, just looking at this fruit, begin to involuntarily produce saliva. How to get rid of dry mouth using folk remedies? You can use various herbal decoctions to disinfect and moisturize your mouth. Pharmacies offer a large selection of rinses for this case.

    Don't forget to brush your teeth morning and evening. And if there are problems with the condition of your teeth, treatment for dry mouth should begin with a trip to the dentist. It should be noted that saliva production decreases slightly with age. This is a normal phenomenon of the body. By caring for your mouth, cleaning and moisturizing it, you will feel comfortable at any age.

    Measures to combat dry mouth depend on the causes of this problem. Typically, treatment for this condition focuses on three areas:

      Treating the underlying condition causing dry mouth

      Prevention of caries

      If possible, take measures to increase salivation

    Treatment of concomitant diseases

    If your dry mouth is due to a condition that can be corrected, your dentist or other professional will consider correcting it. For example, dry mouth may be related to a medication—it is a side effect of many antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, pain relievers, allergy medications (antihistamines and decongestants), diarrhea medications, and medications used to treat urinary incontinence and illness. Parkinson's. In this case, the dentist or other doctor may adjust the treatment regimen or dosage of the drug.

    In cases, however, when the causes of dry mouth cannot be corrected (for example, damage to the salivary gland due to radiation or chemotherapy), or when the dry mouth is a manifestation of the disease itself (for example, Sjögren's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease or stroke), treatment should be aimed at taking measures to increase salivation (see below).

    Prevention of caries

    Saliva is not only necessary for digesting food and making it easier to chew and swallow - it is a natural cleanser for the oral cavity. Insufficient saliva production increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Prevention of caries and gum disease with dry mouth requires special care in maintaining oral hygiene, including:

      Brushing your teeth at least twice a day (ideally after every meal and before bed)

      Daily cleaning of interdental spaces with floss

      Using fluoride toothpaste

      Visit your dentist for a checkup and professional teeth cleaning at least twice a year. As an additional preventative measure, your doctor may recommend daily use of mouthwash or fluoride gel.

    Increased salivation

    Your dentist or general practitioner may recommend the use of artificial saliva substitutes. These products can be purchased over-the-counter as rinses or aerosols. There are also toothpastes, mouthwashes and moisturizing gels specially formulated for those who suffer from dry mouth. Discuss the use of these products with your dentist or general practitioner.

    Your doctor may also prescribe you the drug salajen, a drug that enhances the natural production of saliva.

    Another prescription drug, evoxac, is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is used to treat dry mouth in people with Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease that causes dry eyes, dry mouth, dry skin, and muscle pain.

    Finally, there are a number of promising new methods in development. Scientists are busy finding ways to restore impaired salivary gland function, as well as create an artificial salivary gland that can be implanted into the body.

    How to deal with dry mouth?

    The following measures will help reduce the symptoms of dry mouth:

      Drink water frequently to keep your mouth moist and loosen mucus. Carry water with you and drink it little by little throughout the day, and keep it by your bed at night.

      Use sugar-free lollipops, ice cubes, or sugar-free ice cream. Chew gum that does not contain sugar (preferably with a sugar substitute - xylitol). This stimulates salivation.

      “Dilute” food with broths, soups, sauces and gravies, sour cream, butter or margarine. Choose soft, moist foods (refrigerated or room temperature).

      Avoid using commercial elixirs and mouthwashes that contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. These ingredients may increase dry mouth.

      Avoid salty and dry foods (such as crackers and toast, baked goods, crispbreads, dried meats and fish, dried fruit and bananas), as well as foods and drinks with high sugar content.

      Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine (coffee, tea, some colas, chocolate drinks). Alcohol increases fluid loss by increasing urination. In addition, both alcohol and caffeine contribute to dry mouth. Also avoid acidic drinks such as tomato or fruit (orange, apple, grape, grapefruit) juices.

    Other measures to reduce irritation associated with dry mouth include the following:

      Minimize the consumption of spicy and salty foods (if your mouth is extremely dry, these foods can cause soreness in the mucous membranes).

      Stop smoking.

      Use a lip moisturizer to relieve irritation.

      Use a toothbrush with soft bristles; Rinse your mouth before and after meals with water or a mild mouthwash (½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon baking soda per cup of water). Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

      To increase the humidity in your living space (especially at night), use a humidifier.

    Prepared with the participation of doctors from the Cleveland Clinic Dental Department.

    It is difficult to find a person who has never felt dry mouth in their life. Everyone should know the causes of which disease manifests itself in the form of this symptom, so as not to miss an important clue from the body about a malfunction in its normal functioning.

    If a deficiency of saliva is observed very rarely, after eating food that contributes to this, or alcohol, then there is no need to sound the alarm right away - this is normal. A person should drink enough fluid to restore water balance in the body.

    If this phenomenon bothers you often and tends to get worse, and a metallic taste has appeared in the mouth, the first step is to rule out whether the patient has diabetes, since dry mouth is one of the symptoms of this disease. This can be done by visiting an endocrinologist and getting a referral from him to take a blood test for sugar and glucose tolerance.

    Main reasons

    Saliva in the mouth has an important function, so you need to ensure that its amount is not lower than normal. It cleanses the mouth, helps digest food and inhibits the growth of bacteria, preventing the development of infections.

    A deficiency of saliva is felt by a person as:

    • Intense thirst that is present almost constantly.
    • Its consistency changes and it becomes sticky.
    • Lips become dry and cracked.
    • Pimples appear in the oral cavity, turning into ulcers.
    • Tongue tingling and burning sensation.
    • Distortion of voice sound.
    • Dry throat and scratchy feeling.
    • The appearance of bad breath.

    Why does dry mouth occur? What disease causes this symptom to occur in people?

    Doctors have identified pathological conditions that disrupt the patient’s saliva production:

    1. Impaired functioning of the salivary glands, which is manifested by a sharp decrease in salivation. The most common diseases are mumps, sialostasis and sialadenitis. The patient may observe an increase in the size of the glands, their swelling and pain.
    2. Infectious diseases that are accompanied by high fever and sweating, leading to dehydration. These are ARVI, flu, tonsillitis and other diseases.
    3. Diseases of the endocrine system that interfere with salivation in the patient. The most common and dangerous disease in this group is diabetes. Thirst accompanied by dryness is its classic symptom. This is caused by a lack of insulin, without sufficient levels of which metabolic processes in the body are disrupted.
    4. Damage to the salivary glands, causing their dysfunction. Xerostomia appears due to a violation of the integrity of the gland tissue.
    5. Loss of salivary glands after surgery due to the presence of diseases requiring their removal.
    6. Sjögren's syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease.
    7. Excessive loss of fluid from the body. Any pathology, such as a burn, fever, vomiting or diarrhea contributes to the appearance of dry mouth.

    Non-pathological causes of dry mouth depend on the patient's lifestyle and habits that lead to dehydration. This is the consumption of foods that disrupt the normal water balance in the body, insufficient fluid intake and the presence of bad habits. Taking some medications has side effects such as dry mouth. In most cases, adjusting the drinking regime will help solve the problem. After cessation of therapy, the disorder disappears on its own.

    After waking up

    The feeling of dry mouth immediately after waking up is quite common. It can be triggered by many factors, both internal and external. Nasal congestion, snoring at night, and respiratory problems are the most common causes of discomfort.

    As alcohol is eliminated from the body, dry mouth appears. The reasons for which diseases are associated with insufficient saliva production are described in the medical literature and reference books to inform doctors and patients that this symptom should definitely be paid attention to.

    And although insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane in the morning is not critical in most cases, you should monitor salivation throughout the day, because this can be a symptom of a serious illness.

    Why does your mouth get dry while you sleep?

    Dry mouth at night requires close attention, as it can be a symptom of a serious illness. It is important to correctly detail it and understand what reasons contribute to its appearance. In addition to drying out of the mucous membrane due to improper or difficult breathing, as well as overeating at night, diseases of the nervous system can provoke this phenomenon.

    It should be borne in mind that the salivary glands do not work as actively at night as during the day. If their innervation is disrupted, then this phenomenon is aggravated. This symptom may indicate the presence of chronic diseases. If there is a systematic repetition of insufficient saliva production, and it does not go away after waking up, this is an alarming sign. The patient needs to make an appointment at the clinic with specialized specialists.

    Causes of dry mouth that are not due to illness

    Even a healthy person should be wary of dry mouth. The causes and diseases associated with saliva deficiency can be found out by entering a query into a search engine. The list of them will be quite large, so this symptom cannot be ignored and must be eliminated as quickly as possible.

    External and internal causes of dry mouth:

    • Insufficient air humidity and elevated temperature. This problem is observed in the summer, when there is drought, as well as in apartments with central heating, if there is no additional air humidification.
    • Poor nutrition. Eating fatty, spicy and salty foods contributes to dry mouth. The causes of which disease manifest themselves in this way are determined according to the list of disorders in the body that provoke the development of the disease in the patient.

    Pregnant women are susceptible to disturbances in the functioning of the salivary glands. This phenomenon is facilitated by profuse sweating, frequent urge to go to the toilet and the body’s adaptation to increased stress. Potassium deficiency and excess magnesium also contribute to a lack of saliva production.

    An alarming sign is the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth; it can signal the onset of gestational diabetes. A woman should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe tests for blood sugar levels and the body’s tolerance to glucose.

    Constant dry mouth: the feeling of dry mouth, its causes and consequences

    There are situations when a person feels a short-term lack of saliva production, this is unpleasant, but not dangerous. You should definitely see a doctor if you experience persistent dry mouth. A feeling of dry mouth may be a symptom of the development of serious diseases that should be treated as soon as possible.

    This is especially true for diabetes mellitus, which can go unnoticed by the patient in the initial stages, at a time when it is necessary to begin its therapy and compensate for metabolic disorders.

    Diabetes mellitus as a cause of dry mouth

    Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system that slowly destroys the patient's body. One of its main symptoms is constant dry mouth. The feeling of dry mouth and incessant thirst exhausts a person. He feels constant hunger and a frequent urge to urinate.

    A person is thirsty because glucose molecules bind water molecules, thereby causing dehydration. This condition requires therapy, which includes taking medications that lower blood sugar levels. Patients must monitor its amount using special equipment.

    How to win

    What should a patient do if there is constant dry mouth? The feeling of dry mouth can be caused by various reasons. If they are pathological, then the underlying disease must be treated, otherwise it will be impossible to solve the problem. If a deficiency of saliva occurs due to the patient’s habits, they need to be corrected.

    In any case, if unpleasant sensations appear, you need to replenish your water balance as soon as possible and take care to ensure that there is no excessive loss of fluid.

    Dry mouth: the cause of the symptom, diagnosis of disorders and their treatment

    Many people notice at one time or another in their lives that their mouth feels dry. The cause of insufficient salivation can be either minor and easily removable, or serious, requiring treatment of the pathological process. The body is a system, the normal functioning of which depends on the coordinated work of all its organs and systems. There is a large list of disorders that lead to human dehydration.

    They lead to dry mouth, which cannot always be eliminated by replenishing the lack of fluid in the body. Each patient needs to be attentive to the sensations in the oral cavity and if there is dryness in it, consult a doctor.


    The patient’s complaint that his mouth is dry should not be ignored. The cause requires diagnosis under the guidance of an experienced doctor. He needs to collect anamnesis and carefully analyze it in order to determine the necessary tests and diagnostic procedures for the patient.

    This can be a whole range of measures, depending on the clinical picture:

    1. Saliva tests and studies of the mechanism of salivation will help determine whether the patient has pathologies of the salivary glands.
    2. General blood and urine tests will show the doctor what condition the patient’s body is in, whether there is a hidden inflammatory process or anemia.
    3. Measuring blood glucose and glucose tolerance in a patient is necessary to exclude diabetes.
    4. Ultrasound of the salivary glands will help determine the presence of tumor processes, stones or neuritis in the salivary glands.
    5. A serological blood test will show whether a person has Sjögren's disease.

    These are the most common tests and studies for problems with salivation. Having studied the clinical picture, the doctor can adjust their list at his discretion, based on the feasibility of their implementation.

    Why is it dangerous?

    Should a person worry if their mouth is dry? The cause of this phenomenon may be provoked by the presence of a pathological process or not be associated with it, but it must be determined. If there is not enough saliva, then this is a disaster for the oral cavity, since the normal balance of microflora in it is disrupted.

    There is a rapid growth of pathogenic microbes, which cause gum disease and tooth decay. Some patients experience candidiasis in the oral cavity. People with a deficiency of saliva often have dry and inflamed lips, which often develop cracks.

    Which doctor can help?

    If a person notices that his mouth is dry, the cause of this phenomenon may be a malfunction of the body, so it is recommended to consult the following specialists:

    • The dentist will check the condition of the patient’s teeth and gums, the presence of caries and inflammatory processes in the gums.
    • The endocrinologist will check the condition of the thyroid gland and refer you for a blood sugar test so as not to miss the development of diabetes. In case of violations, the drug Novotiral or Tireot may be prescribed.
    • An otolaryngologist examines for the presence of respiratory diseases.
    • A gastroenterologist will help diagnose gastrointestinal diseases if they are present.
    • A cardiologist will check your heart function.
    • A neurologist will evaluate the functioning of the patient's nervous system.

    The reason for the lack of saliva in a patient is rarely obvious; before the doctor determines it, the patient will need to undergo the necessary tests and examine the body using diagnostic methods recommended by the doctor.

    Treatment with traditional medicine

    Dry mouth can and should be combated with the help of traditional medicine. This will help get rid of an unpleasant symptom even before a diagnosis is made. Of course, you shouldn’t cancel your doctor’s consultation. One of the best ways to eliminate the lack of saliva production in the mouth is to rinse with decoctions of blueberries, calamus root, chamomile and sage. They need to be cooked separately, taking 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for at least half an hour. Next, you need to strain the decoctions and rinse your mouth with them one by one.

    The swollen blueberries should then be eaten. At the pharmacy you need to purchase oil made from ripe rose hips and a solution of “Chlorophyllipt”, which also contains oil. We first instill the first remedy into the nose, rest for a quarter of an hour, and then drip the second. For one application, you should take half a pipette of oil solution, this will be enough. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    It is useful to rinse your mouth with wormwood and calendula. To prepare the remedy, add 30 drops of the tincture of these herbs to a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Rinsing should be done before meals, three times a day. After this, you should not eat for 20 minutes. After eating, you can rinse your mouth with olive or sunflower oil, which you should spit out after the procedure. Instead of rinsing, you can wipe the mucous membrane with a cotton swab moistened with oil. It coats the oral cavity well and prevents moisture loss.

    Chewing mint leaves helps cope with symptoms of insufficient activity of the salivary glands and high blood sugar. A quarter of an hour before meals, you should chew several washed leaves, thoroughly washed in water. Chewing unground cardamom spice after meals will help relieve dryness. This should be done after every meal and do not rinse your mouth after this for at least an hour.

    How to increase salivation

    When a person has dry mouth, the cause is not always related to the presence of a serious illness.

    In order to increase saliva, you should do the following:

    • Pay attention to your drinking regime to ensure sufficient water intake in the body. According to doctors, the amount of fluid consumed should be at least two liters.
    • Make sure that the air in the house is sufficiently humidified and that its temperature is not too high or low.
    • Review your diet, eliminating foods that disrupt your water balance. You should avoid alcohol and coffee, which cause dry mouth. It is better to eat dishes at room temperature that have a liquid consistency.
    • Place sugarless gum or hard candy in your mouth. An ice cube works well to moisturize the mouth if you gradually dissolve it.
    • Take 10 drops of Echinacea purpurea tincture every hour.

    Each person can choose the appropriate method for themselves, but it is better to use them in combination, then there will be no trace of dry mouth. If saliva deficiency occurs frequently, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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