Adyghe cheese. Adyghe cheese at home: delicious under any name! Recipes for making homemade Adyghe cheese

Adygei is a type of brine cheese, which is prepared without rennet. This fact classifies it as a vegetarian product. At home, Adyghe cheese is prepared from only 3 components: milk, whey and salt. The taste is neutral, slightly salty, which is why it is used in many recipes.

Inventory: a large saucepan with a capacity of at least 7-8 liters, a medium saucepan with a capacity of 2 liters, a slotted spoon, a colander - 2 identical ones, a bowl, a kitchen thermometer.


The right components

  • Whey acts as a curdling enzyme for milk. That's why you need to take sour whey, yesterday's whey.
  • Milk, on the contrary, must be fresh. Otherwise, it will curdle prematurely when heated.
  • The ratio of whey to milk depends on the curdling ability of the milk. Therefore, the exact proportion is determined experimentally.
  • If you plan to store the finished product in the refrigerator for more than a week, the heating temperature of the milk can be increased to 95 degrees. It is better to store such cheese in brine.
  • In production, it is allowed to add citric or acetic acid, but in very small doses (no more than 0.3% of the total volume of milk).
  • For better fermentation It is allowed to add 200 g of sugar to hot whey. And when the curdling process begins (after the heat is turned off), you can add a glass of cold whey to the pan.

Step-by-step preparation

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 days.


Homemade Adyghe cheese is often prepared at home, and it tastes better than store-bought cheese. The author of the video talks about the intricacies of preparing a delicious homemade product.

Adyghe cheese is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Its calorie content is relatively low: 240 kcal per 100 g of product, so it indicated for overweight people and high blood pressure. Thanks to its protein and amino acid content, it remains a favorite food for anyone watching their figure or following a diet.

The cheese is prepared very quickly; the milk in it does not undergo long-term heat treatment. Thanks to this, all milk proteins and calcium are preserved in the product. It is also rich in other mineral salts: potassium, sodium, iron, zinc. Enzymes help improve digestion and calm the nervous system. And tryptophan in its composition makes this product a real antidepressant.

If you still decide to buy Adyghe cheese in the store, you should remember that its shelf life is no more than a week. The brine should be clear and the smell should be neutral. Crusts on the surface and mold are unacceptable. Contraindication There may be lactic acid intolerance.

Now that we have learned so many interesting things about Adyghe cheese, it’s time to find out what can be made from it.


Adyghe cheese eaten with sour cream, bread and even watermelon, added to salads, used in filling pies or pasties. By itself, it goes well with wine, fruits and herbs. Sometimes the finished cheese wheels are smoked. In this condition it can be stored for up to one year.

When fried, Adyghe cheese does not melt, like, for example, mozzarella or suluguni. The pieces retain their structure and shape, which is why it is often used for grilling or deep-frying.

Quick lavash pie

We will need:

  • Thin lavash – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Adyghe and hard cheese – 200 g each;
  • sour cream – 250 g;
  • greens (onion, parsley, dill) - a large bunch;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

Serve with fresh vegetables or vegetable salad.

Beet salad

We will need:

  • Young small beets - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Adyghe cheese – 200g;

Hello dear readers. I really love homemade cheese. I like the recipe to be simpler. But at the same time the dish turned out very tasty. I really can’t get around to making hard cheese, but I need to tinker with it a little. I have never cooked Adyghe cheese at home. But I tried it in Crimea and I really liked it. I'm talking about homemade Adyghe cheese.
Very tender, not sour with a creamy aftertaste. We also used Adyghe cheese to prepare Greek salad, as well as feta cheese.

I know. Previously, we often cooked, then ate. And I always want to try something new and interesting. My recipe is simple; my mother often used it to prepare cheese for us.

To be honest, I like homemade cheese more than the plastic cheeses that are sold in our supermarket. One thing is the presence of village milk. And it’s better if the village milk is thick.

The advantage of Adyghe cheese is the natural raw materials for its preparation. It is useful for children and adults, and pregnant and lactating women.

The calorie content of Adyghe cheese is approximately 270 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The soft and delicate taste will not leave you indifferent. Moreover, the ingredients are more than simple.

Ingredients for making cheese:

  • 3 liters of milk
  • 1 liter of kefir

Were you surprised by the amount of ingredients? Me too, when I found out the recipe. Our friends shared the recipe with us. I don’t know how they make it in dairies, but it can be prepared at home. If you know how to cook Adyghe cheese correctly, write the recipe below in the comments.

Making Adyghe cheese is even easier. From this amount of ingredients we got 550 grams of delicious homemade Adyghe cheese.

I try to prepare cheeses at home and try different recipes because I like to have a cup of aromatic tea with a piece of cheese for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cottage cheese with honey. Well, sometimes there is oatmeal. But every day I get tired of oatmeal for breakfast and want to diversify my breakfast. So that it’s both tasty and healthy.

I was cooking. It turned out 300 grams of cheese. But the cheese was also very tasty. I recommend trying it if you haven't tried it yet. The recipe is very simple.

We bought milk at the local market from friends. We made kefir ourselves from milk. You can say all the products are rustic. I’ll say right away that I don’t know whether cheese from store-bought products will work or not, I don’t know. Because I’ve never made cheese from them. As you know, the milk there is powdered.

To make cheese you need to boil 3 liters of milk. I took a larger saucepan so that the milk wouldn’t “run away.” Pour kefir into boiling milk in a thin stream while stirring the milk.

But I read, searching on the Internet, that kefir can be replaced with regular whey or even lemon juice. But I have an original recipe with kefir. That's why I try and cook with kefir.

The milk will curdle. Leave the milk on the stove until it boils. When you see pieces separated from the whey, the cheese needs to be strained. It boiled for me for about a minute. It is important not to overheat it, otherwise the cheese will be hard.

Usually you need to wait until the serum turns greenish. So that the milk curdles well.

A lot of whey remains. I have more than 3 liters left. The whey is tasty, not sour. You can cook many different dishes from it or drink it just like that. Moreover, there is no salt in the whey. The whey is not sour, I would even say sweet. Very pleasant to the taste.

Then the whey drains and we collect the cheese into a ball, while I tied the gauze. Be careful the mixture is hot. Next, you need to put a press on the cheese. I cover it with a plate and put a bottle filled with water on top.

You need to leave it under pressure for 2-3 hours. But I didn’t leave it like that for long and left it for 1 hour. The cheese turned out great. I had it with feta cheese. I left it under pressure for a long time and it was rubbery and dry.

I pour out 0.5 liters of whey and dissolve half a tablespoon of salt in it (for 1 liter of whey, 1 tablespoon of salt) and dip the cheese into the salty solution. Next, I covered it and put it in the refrigerator.

But of course, before that we tried Adyghe cheese. The cheese turned out to be very, very tasty.

Don't be afraid that it won't work out, everything will work out. Moreover, you already know how to prepare Adyghe cheese at home.

It can be added to salads, eaten with honey, as well as with herbs and vegetables. I add this cheese to it. Sometimes I cook with feta cheese, sometimes with Adyghe cheese. It turns out very tasty. You can make sliced ​​cheese for the holiday table. You can get a natural and healthy product in a matter of hours.

We ate half of it almost immediately. Our children really love homemade cheese, especially our daughter. She eats it without bread, tea or vegetables.

So try it, cook it. You will succeed. Enjoy your meal.

It’s rare that someone doesn’t prefer a piece of cheese for breakfast, because cheese is not only nourishing, tasty, healthy, but also an easily digestible product. And if this cheese is also made with your own hands, with a good mood, all your household members will feel love and care. There is no doubt that everyone will appreciate such a dish, because you need to put effort into its preparation. And don’t be afraid of difficulties; preparing Adyghe cheese at home from milk with your own hands with the step-by-step recipe that we present to you is not at all difficult.

Adyghe cheese at home: a detailed recipe

The main thing is to prepare in advance all the necessary products, which we list below.

Adyghe cheese has less calories than semi-hard and hard cheeses, only 264 kcal.

100 grams of homemade Adyghe cheese contains:

  • Proteins – 19.8 mg;
  • Fats – 19.8 mg;
  • Carbohydrates – 1.5 mg.

Vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, C and essential macro- and microelements for the body, such as iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, sodium, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, as well as saturated fatty acids .


  • Full-fat milk (not canned) – 5 liters;
  • Cream 20% – 0.5 liters;
  • Lemon (large) – 1 piece;
  • Sea salt – 1/2 tablespoon.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home

At the very beginning, we draw your attention to the fact that the milk for making Adyghe cheese must be live, with a short shelf life, and not canned. As a rule, such milk is sold in soft plastic bags with a shelf life of no more than 7 days.

Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan and set to heat. When the milk and cream starts to steam and they are ready to boil (foam will begin to form), add salt while stirring constantly and squeeze the juice of 1/2 of a lemon into the milk mixture. You will see how, with gentle stirring, the milk begins to curdle into an airy curd that floats to the surface. There is no need to stir the mixture until smooth.

When the milk-lemon mixture begins to boil, squeeze the second part of the lemon into it while stirring lightly and remove from the burner.

You can see how the milk mixture turned into transparent whey, and the curd floated to the surface.

We line the colander with double or triple (it all depends on the quality of the material) pre-washed gauze, place it in a container (any bowl the size of the colander will do) and carefully, using a slotted spoon, begin to remove the curd from the surface of the whey, placing it on a gauze mat.

When all the curd has been transferred, remove the colander from the bowl, carefully, not completely, pour the whey from the pan (where the curd was prepared from the milk mass) into the bowl in which the colander stood.

From the bottom of the pan, collect the remains of the curd and also transfer it to cheesecloth in a colander.

We lift the gauze with the curd from the colander, gently squeeze it out and leave the remaining whey to drain in a suspended state for two to three hours. Occasionally we approach the gauze bag with cottage cheese and squeeze it slightly, allowing the whey to drain. The more often we squeeze the cottage cheese, the stronger the resulting Adyghe cheese will be.

Then, when the whey is no longer released from the curd, carefully transfer it from gauze into the prepared mold (this can be an ordinary plastic container), press down the curd with the lid of a smaller container and place a press on the lid (an ordinary two-liter bottle of water will perfectly fulfill the mission of the load) . Leave the cheese under pressure for 6 – 8 hours. If a little whey has formed on the surface, carefully remove it with a spoon.

It is best to prepare Adyghe cheese in the evening and leave it under pressure in a cool place all night. In the morning, without much effort, the cheese is transferred to a plate by turning the mold upside down.

Your hearty, tasty and healthy Adyghe cheese, prepared with your own hands at home, is ready.

Since each manufacturer has different milk quality, the weight of the produced Adyghe cheese may vary.

Have a nice meal, friends!

Recipe by Larisa Yaroshevich

Adyghe cheese is quite easy to prepare at home in modern city apartments. Of course, it won’t work out like in the Caucasus, in a Circassian village, but it will at least be no worse than in a store.

Adyghe cheese: information

Adyghe cheese belongs to the group of soft cheeses. It is accompanied by such well-known varieties as ricotta, mozzarella, mascarpone, blue cheeses, curd cheeses, feta cheese, feta, etc. Of course, these are very different products, but they have something in common: being cheeses without ripening, they are made using technology , eliminating secondary heating and forced pressing.

Adyghe cheese has a delicate, but at the same time dense consistency, and a fermented milk, slightly “whey” taste, moderately spicy, moderately salty. Adyghe cheese is fresh and light. It doesn't have a crust, but has a slight flaky texture on the surface.

Adyghe cheese is made from goat, sheep or cow milk. The preparation technology is quite simple (which allows you to easily make Adyghe cheese at home): milk is heated to almost 100 degrees, fermented milk whey is added, as a result of which the milk curdles. Then the cheese mass, still warm, is kept in special vessels, squeezed out of the whey and salted.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home

Of course, the homemade Adyghe cheese of a modern city dweller will have its own characteristics. In addition, it can be prepared in different ways. The difference is expressed mainly in what your starter, or whey, will be.

The most important thing about the products

Milk. If you can get your hands on real country cow's milk, that would be great. I make it with regular 2.5% packaged milk. You can take milk with higher fat content, then the cheese will turn out fattier.

Sour cream.“City” sour cream is suitable, since it is made with sourdough, and in our recipe this is very important. Rustic, separated sour cream will not work!

Serum. In my recipe, sour cream and eggs are used as a starter, but you can use kefir, yogurt, or make your own whey. However, I prefer my version, since I have tested it and always succeed.

Bonus. After cooking (more precisely, as a result of it), you will have almost 1 liter of whey left. It makes great pancakes!

Recipe Ingredients

  • milk 1 l
  • salt 1 tbsp
  • sour cream 200 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.

Instructions for preparing Adyghe cheese

I usually make cheese in the evening and leave it in the refrigerator overnight under pressure. In the morning the Adyghe cheese will be ready. You will be pleased with its fresh, soft taste and aroma.

If you love cheese, then you have probably tried many varieties. Do you know the benefits of Adyghe cheese and how you can prepare it at home? If not, then be sure to find out!

What kind of cheese is that?

Adyghe cheese is one of the national dishes of Circassian cuisine. It got its name thanks to the Republic of Adygea, where it has long been produced in large quantities.

Adyghe cheese is a soft cheese that does not require ripening. It is prepared using fermented milk whey, usually from cow, sheep and goat milk, and certainly from pasteurized at high temperature.

There are two main types: fresh cheese and smoked. The first has a soft creamy taste, while the second is famous for its spicy smoked taste and bright aroma. The color will depend on the quality and fat content of the milk used for preparation. Most often it varies from milky to cream or light yellow.

How is this cheese made?

The preparation is not very difficult. First, the milk is heated to 95 degrees, then whey is gradually introduced, which starts the processes of coagulation and sedimentation of milk proteins. After a few minutes, curdled clots begin to form, which are placed in baskets (it is they that leave the pattern characteristic of this variety on the heads) and left until thickened and dense.


Natural Adyghe cheese contains a lot of useful substances, including phosphorus, copper, zinc, calcium, sodium, magnesium, proteins and carbohydrates, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins H, A, D, C and group B.

By the way, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is only 220-240 calories, so it can safely be called dietary.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Adyghe cheese lie in its following properties:

  • This cheese contains a lot of protein, which improves the condition of muscle tissue and also participates in the formation of new cells in almost all tissues of the body.
  • The composition includes enzymes that normalize digestion processes and improve appetite.
  • Adyghe cheese is an excellent source of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, hair, teeth and nails.
  • This product is very useful for the immune system, since, firstly, it helps to normalize the intestinal microflora (and it contains beneficial bacteria that protect the body from attacks by harmful microorganisms), and secondly, it contains ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • B vitamins (and there are a lot of them in this cheese) are very useful for the nervous system, and also take part in many metabolic processes.
  • Adyghe cheese is very beneficial for blood vessels and the heart and helps improve the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.
  • The product contains tryptophan, and this substance improves mood and helps cope with depression.
  • This cheese is very useful for overweight and obesity.

Can this one do any harm?

Harm to Adyghe cheese is possible only if such a product is abused. Firstly, a large amount of enzymes entering the digestive tract can cause stomach pain, as well as exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. Secondly, excess tryptophan can trigger a migraine attack. In addition, the product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to milk protein.

How to cook?

How to make Adyghe cheese at home? The easiest way to prepare it is from milk.

You will need:

  • 3.5 liters of milk;
  • 500 ml of whey (it must certainly be acidic);
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

First, the milk needs to be heated, but not boiled. That is, as soon as foam begins to form, you should reduce the heat to minimum.

When the foam begins to rise, carefully and slowly pour the whey into the pan, while constantly stirring the milk. You should end up with flakes in about a minute or two. This will indicate that the ripening process has begun.

Continue heating the milk until all the milk protein has settled and the whey turns a clear greenish color.

Place the flakes in a colander; the whey can be drained or used to make cheese next time.

Press down with a spoon to form a head.

When all the liquid has drained, salt the mixture on one side, then turn it over and salt the other side.
Transfer the mixture to a dish or tray and place in the refrigerator for five to six hours to cool completely and chill.

Homemade Adyghe cheese is ready!

Tip: The whey should be acidic, so if it isn't, you can just leave it in a warm place for a couple of days. In addition, you can prepare the whey yourself. To do this, heat kefir, yogurt or sour milk and wait until all the liquid is released.

What can be made from this cheese?

You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from Adyghe cheese. Below are several recipes.

Option one

Make Adyghe khachapuri

You will need:

  • 500 ml of yogurt, kefir or sour milk (to make the dough more tender, you can mix 250 ml of one of these ingredients with the same amount of sour cream);
  • 4 or 5 cups flour;
  • one egg;
  • 5 tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • a teaspoon of sugar.

For filling:

  • 500 grams of Adyghe cheese.


First you need to prepare the dough. To do this, sift the flour and mix it with soda, sugar and salt.

Make a well in the center, pour kefir and butter into it, and break the egg.

Knead a fairly elastic dough and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Divide the chilled dough into several parts. Roll each part into a fairly thin layer.

Place grated cheese (a few tablespoons) in the center of the layer.

Bring the edges of the layer to the center, connect and pinch.

Turn the cake over and gently roll it out with a rolling pin.

Form the rest of the flatbreads in the same way. Fry them in vegetable oil.

If desired, you can make a pie. To do this, roll out all the dough and form a large flat cake. Bake it for about 40 minutes in the oven.

Option two

This recipe will help you prepare a salad with vegetables.

You will need:

  • half a glass of rice;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of spinach;
  • one bell pepper;
  • 300 grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one onion;
  • three tablespoons of butter;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rice needs to be boiled until tender. For one part of the cereal, use two and a half or three parts of water.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Peel the pepper from the seeds by removing the stem. Cut it into strips.

Tomatoes can be cut into slices or cubes.

The cheese should be cut into medium sized cubes.

Peel and chop the garlic using a garlic press.

Heat oil in a frying pan.

Fry the onion until translucent, then add the garlic and cheese. Fry everything until golden brown.

Mix fried cheese with onions and garlic, rice, peppers and tomatoes, salt and pepper the salad.

Option three

You can make Caesar salad.


  • 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 200 grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 50 grams of lettuce;
  • 50 grams of crackers;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • garlic clove;
  • salt to taste.


Boil the chicken fillet or bake it in foil in the oven.

Grate the cheese.

Tear lettuce leaves with your hands.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Chop the garlic and mix with mayonnaise.

Mix all ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise and garlic.

Be sure to eat this cheese, it’s tasty and healthy!

Aug 12, 2015 Olga

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