Techniques for entering the OS. The technique of lucid dreaming with an overview of alternative techniques How to do it without preparation

1. You need to go to bed for a night's sleep at a time so that you can fall asleep before 00 o'clock. It’s better before 23:00 for those who have to get up early for work or school. You need to fall asleep with anticipation an interesting adventure in a lucid dream. This will be the best intention.

Your intentions, which you record immediately before sleep, become commands for the subconscious, in particular due to the special mode of operation of the brain at this moment. And they get stronger from nightly repetition. So pay attention to this, and fix your intention so that you feel it as a command that you are literally sending into your subconscious.

Team is first and foremost a feeling of anticipation for an exciting experience. But you can also speak in words, only there must be feelings behind the words. As you know, the subconscious does not understand words. His language is feelings, imagination and sensations. Therefore, feel, and do not just speak the task.

Don't turn it into something difficult and ponderous. Don't make it a job. Rely on the slight anticipation of interesting experiences and exciting adventures. Often this feeling before sleep is called integral, that is, it combines all the individual commands, aspirations and tasks into a certain general feeling associated with the desire to get into a lucid dream. This is easier to do than to explain. Therefore, try it first, and then figure out what is clear and what is not.

It’s best if you fall asleep in this integral feeling and pleasant anticipation. Moreover, we must remember that our commands may need time to germinate in the subconscious, so decide in advance not to be disappointed if something doesn’t work out yet, but to continue practicing. In any case, progress and development are underway. Don't bother him with unnecessary thoughts.

And be psychologically relaxed. Do not fixate yourself rigidly on the goal, because this way you will again miss the process itself. You won’t even be able to feel this anticipation, because it is in the present, if you are internally tense and rigidly goal-oriented. Yes, we have a goal. But our attention is mainly immersed in the process of practice.

Remember that learning to lucid dream is not a difficult skill. This is available to everyone. And with the right setup, it is available the very next morning after you made the decision to be there and used the right technique.

2. Waking up to an alarm clock at 5-6 am.

3. Stay awake for 5-10 minutes.

5-10 minutes is a universal basic time, which is not taken out of thin air, but is again the result of experience, experiments and is consistent with the use of a certain sleeping position. If sleep position did not matter, then the time of intermediate wakefulness could be different. However, you need to understand that the time and even the very need for this wakefulness is very individual in each case. However, in any case, start practicing strictly according to the proposed scenario, and do not immediately start inventing some kind of your own method. To invent your own method, you need experience.

Do not drink any stimulant drinks, as these drinks affect everyone differently. In addition, it takes time and also interferes with the arrival of the desired states. During these 5-10 minutes, go to the toilet, wash, drink some water. All. Then to bed.

4. Lie on your back and relax. Watch your breath. At the same time, it is necessary to create and renew an internal mood in oneself to volitionally resist the loss of consciousness.

We conducted a special survey in which several hundred people participated. The question concerned how comfortable the position on the back is for falling asleep. More than 50% of respondents said that, lying on their backs, they can, in principle, fall asleep, but experience certain difficulties with this. About 30% answered that they could not sleep on their back at all. And less than 20% do not experience any difficulties with this.

Based on the results of this survey, you are asked to lie on your back at this stage of performing the technique, since the majority of people surveyed chose the most effective answer for this technique. That is, in this technique of entering the OS, the position should be such that you can fall asleep, but at the same time you would experience some difficulties with it. That is, you don’t need the most comfortable sleeping position, but one that, although with difficulty, you can still fall asleep in it. Correctly chosen body position will contribute to the main element of the proposed technique - preventing sleep.

And for most, this is a supine position. But maybe not for you. Therefore, choose a pose that suits you. You need to find a position in which you can fall asleep, but with some difficulty. This will allow you to regulate your condition. If you are in the most comfortable position for falling asleep, you will quickly fall asleep. If the position is one in which you cannot fall asleep at all, then this will disinhibit the psyche and also complicate the result, since you may begin to actively think about abstract things.

I describe everything in such detail not because there are any difficulties here, but to better clarify the issue, since it is key. The issue of body position is such a technical subtlety that you just need to find out for yourself once. And having found out, accept it as a working option.

Observing the breath allows you to reduce the activity of the mind and remain in the process of practice. You direct your attention to your breathing so as not to get carried away by thoughts, and to return if you do get carried away. It also helps prevent you from falling asleep. Observing the breath, we gently approach the border of sleep.

Feel comfortable while performing this step. After all, at the moment of observing breathing, you are engaged in the OS practice that is fascinating to you. Get rid of all everyday and world problems from your head. But don’t get too emotional about the practice itself. Relax psychologically. When I say that the activity of the mind should be low, this applies to everything. And thoughts about practice too. Don’t emotionally repeat to yourself something like: “Something is going to happen now. Oh, something is already happening! Oh God, how exciting this is. I'm filled with anticipation." No need. At this stage, just be relaxed and watch your breathing.

If being mindful is enough for you to calm your mind and be present in the process, then this is also a good option. Or connect the counting of exhalations or inhalations to your breathing observation to further stimulate yourself to the vigor of consciousness, if necessary. As you exhale, mentally say “one.” On the next exhalation, “two”, then “three”. And so on. Choose your option experimentally.

Your task at this stage is to include, as it were, an internal contradiction, when the body and mind are not only allowed to fall asleep, but also recommended, but the consciousness, on the contrary, is forbidden to sleep. Simply put, you strive to avoid passing out.. That is, you perform a certain act of will without making any effort. This is not difficult if the position is chosen correctly and you have several hours of sleep at night.

In fact, in real practice this is all done very simply. And the approach to the border of sleep occurs gently, without causing any difficulty, fatigue or tension. It is important to understand once in practice and that’s it. No special skills required. I suggested this approach to preventing falling asleep in general terms back in my first book, and since then I have been convinced many times that it best. Precisely because falling into a lucid dream occurs as if by itself. You are just creating the conditions.

Unlike methods in which you need to track and effectively use the moment of awakening, the proposed approach allows you to have much more time in reserve than a fleeting moment lasting a few seconds. In addition, for a beginner it is almost impossible to use this moment of awakening due to panic, haste, the need to automatically remember the need to not move, not open your eyes, not turn on internal dialogue, and so on.

Using this technique of balancing on the border of sleep, you have the opportunity to calmly and without haste use the entire reserve of your time to get into the OS, which can even be measured in hours, and not in some fleeting moments. This allows you to be psychologically completely relaxed.

An important point that also relates to this stage is that it is advisable not to move at the moment when you are already lying down in the correct position. Of course, if something starts to itch, scratch it. But it’s better not to make any unnecessary movements. The object of your attention at this stage should be your breathing and your waking, calm consciousness.

Already this stage of the sequence can spontaneously lead you to OS, since all the conditions have been created. With practice this will happen. That is, you won’t need to do anything else at all, but just follow the recommendations of this point of technology and have intentions on the OS.

However, it is better to take it one step further. Since the attitude associated with balancing on the border of sleep allows you to stay for a long time in the best state for the transition to OS. That is, you create all the conditions to have multiple lucid dreams in one morning, and this in itself helps to increase the duration of each individual lucid dream. And it multiplies the possibility of being hit by an OS.

Typically, the time during which a person approaches the border of sleep is calculated from tens of seconds to tens of minutes. On average, with the right position, you can gently approach the edge of sleep 5-20 minutes after returning to bed.

5. Balancing on the border between dreams and reality.

Balancing on the edge of sleep is not an absolute goal. This is just a tool that helps create the best conditions for the transition to a lucid dream. This setting is aimed at ensuring that, on the one hand, you do not experience long uncontrollable lapses of consciousness into sleep during this morning practice. On the other hand, so that you do not remain in too much activity of the mind, which will not allow you to approach the border of sleep at all.

At this stage, you will experience brief lapses of consciousness into unconscious sleep, followed by a transition to lucid dreaming. Or a short lapse of consciousness will end with a rapid return to a borderline state. And the borderline state is the best to go to the OS.

That is, no matter what happens to you at this stage, you will still find yourself in the best state to enter a lucid dream. Return to the border state or transition to the OS will be caused by this an attitude towards maintaining clarity of consciousness, which will work unconsciously, which is very convenient. This very balancing on the border of sleep, carried out against the background of the intention to get into a lucid dream, is a way to get there.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right position so as not to fall asleep completely, and also to have a mindset to counteract falling asleep, which will pull you out of the unconscious fall into sleep. You can see from your own experience that this really works. The attitude towards staying awake and maintaining awareness will literally herself pull you out of the oblivion of an unconscious fall into a dream or awaken awareness within such a dream.

So, preventing sleep becomes a key element of practice control, allowing you to use all the opportunities to get into the OS. That is, the possibilities of waking up, and the possibilities of falling asleep, and the possibilities associated with being in a dream. You will not need to catch these moments, since you will almost always be in the state necessary to get into the OS. Moreover, if desired, this can last several hours.

6. During this balancing on the border of sleep, you may begin to experience some “effects”. Vivid images, vibrations, sounds, etc. will appear.

As I said above, the previous two stages of the sequence can already lead you into a lucid dream if configured correctly. And this stage is simply bound to give you OS. Because if you have reached this stage of the technique without getting into the OS earlier, then you are now not even one step away from a lucid dream, but much closer. You're almost there.

If the OS happened on its own, then good. If, at some point while balancing on the border of sleep, a full-fledged image or even a certain landscape appears before your mind’s eye, then you need to make a tiny effort and allow yourself to enter this landscape or cling to some of its details.

For example, one day, lying on my back, I saw that a fully-fledged tree trunk with bark and even insects crawling on it had appeared to my left. I wanted to grab this trunk with my hands, as a result of which I immediately found myself in some kind of forest inside a lucid dream.

Typically, in this state, the occurrence of visual images is the most common occurrence, since the eyes are our main sense organ.

But it happens that effects associated with phantom bodily or sound sensations occur, such as vibration, noise, loss of body sensitivity. In this case, when these effects occur, it is better to create a feeling of leaving the body. Through the feeling of taking off, standing up or rolling out without the help of muscles. You will still end up in the space of a lucid dream.

At first, it also happens that the effects that usually accompany balancing on the border of sleep do not yet appear on their own. In this case, already being in a state of such balancing or close to it, try to push the appearance of effects.

To do this, use your imagination and imagine anything. The first thing that came to mind. It is not necessary to present something that you have already planned to present. Like some kind of lotus, Tibetan letter or something like that. Start looking at the first image or setting of some imaginary place that comes to mind.

In a state of balancing on the border of sleep, this practically guarantees that the situation will quickly “come to life” and you will begin to see as if in reality, and not imagine. This will mean that you are either already in the OS, or you need to allow yourself to gently enter this environment. You can catch your attention on some element of this environment, trying to be close to this element.

If visual images do not work, then use your imaginary sense of touch or hearing. For example, you can imagine that in front of you is a soft chair with a rustling film on the surface. And you begin to beat out a rhythm with your hands, tapping on the tape. At the same time, you actively work with your imaginary hands, trying to feel these blows, and also try to hear the beat being beaten. You need to work actively and sweepingly with your hands in sensations.

If it has come to this stage of the technique, then on average the entire time from the moment you return to bed in the morning until the arrival of the first OS takes from 10 minutes to an hour. With experience the OS will come almost instantly. Just lay down, relaxed a little, the pictures started to appear, and then you were already there. For a beginner, the time it takes for a lucid dream to occur can be measured in an hour. But this is mainly because it takes some time to understand how it works. Just like in any other business. So nothing surprising or problematic.

A beginner will either often fall asleep because the position is too comfortable, or, on the contrary, will always remain in too much activity of the mind, never approaching the border of sleep. But you must understand that these are all technical issues. Solvable technical issues that you just need to customize for yourself. And when this is done, the transition time to the OS will begin to be measured in a matter of minutes.

Almost all people dream during their night's rest. They can be completely different, a person can observe what happened to him before, or he can see something fantastic, unreal. Some even have the opportunity to see prophetic dreams, which come true after a while. In addition, there is a unique type of dreams - lucid ones, when a person can control what happens to him. Many people really want to learn how to get into such dreams, so they ask themselves: how to induce a lucid dream, what needs to be done for this?

What are lucid dreams?

What are lucid dreams? Ordinary dreams are uncontrollable and people do not even realize that they are dreaming. At this time, most often many see a mixture of real life incidents and imaginary situations. And in a lucid dream, a person understands perfectly well that he is dreaming and that everything that is happening is unreal, so he can learn to control everything he sees.
In a lucid dream, for example, a person can effortlessly fly away or move to another country or a fantasy world. In such a dream, you can create houses and other objects at your own request, and do whatever you want with the surrounding individuals and creatures.

What is it for?

Many people do everything possible to prolong their life at least for a short time, for example, they adhere to strict diets, take some drugs or medicines, and perform special exercises. However, not everyone notices that every day we spend about 8 hours sleeping, that is, we simply do nothing for one third of the day. This may not seem like much, but if you do the math, everyone loses about 10 days a month, and in 30 years we lose about 10 years of life! We cannot do without night rest, but we can make dreams manageable, thereby, as it were, increasing life expectancy. There have been cases when a person slept for only 8 hours, but in his sleep he lived for a couple of weeks or even months!
In addition, in such a dream a person can freely swim and breathe underwater, or, for example, relax on the seashore every day, create any landscapes and places at his discretion, make the brain and subconscious mind work for themselves. There is almost unlimited freedom of action here, there are no rules or laws, so many people want to induce a lucid dream. Some argue that while in such a dream you can get answers to questions of interest, develop your abilities and talents, better understand yourself, and do everything that is prohibited in the real world.

Is this possible or not?

Some people believe that inducing controlled sleep is impossible. Maybe they tried several times, it didn’t work, and they decided that it was all fiction and fairy tales. Yes, it may not work out the first time; it may take a week or even several months to immerse yourself in a lucid dream, but if you persistently pursue this goal, success awaits.

The main thing is not to give up at the beginning. Of course, it may not be possible to build huge castles or raise fantastic creatures right away. It will come with time. First, you need to step over a big barrier - a person must understand that he is in a dream.

Where to begin?

Many people wonder how you can induce a lucid dream the first time? It is worth noting right away that few people succeed in this. However, if you have a strong desire and motivate yourself, then this can happen. Your chances of success will increase if you prepare properly. Firstly, inducing a controlled dream will not work in a tired person who is physically working hard. If you feel tired every evening in the evening, then it is better to go to bed earlier and set an alarm clock, for example, for 3 or 4 in the morning, and only after waking up try to enter conscious vision.

In the evening, you don’t need to drink a lot of liquid, as you will want to go to the toilet at night, and this will definitely ruin all your efforts.

You need to have a pen and notepad ready to write down everything you see. You need to keep a dream diary in great detail, recording all the smallest details. Most often, dreams are natural; they need to be analyzed, memorized, and the diary reread in order to draw up an action plan for the next night. You can plan to go to some place, explore something, do the impossible, for example, take off.

Change of consciousness

While in a dream, you need to learn to do one exercise - check whether this is reality, ask yourself the question: am I dreaming or not. Many have noticed that if, while in a dream, you look twice at an inscription or an object, they will definitely change. It is necessary to develop the habit of doubting the reality of everything that happens around. Only when a person learns to understand that he is sleeping will he be able to change the environment.
During the day, you need to configure yourself that everything will definitely work out tonight, for example, you can tell yourself that today I will definitely fly in my dreams. It is very important to believe in a successful outcome. If the first time it was not possible to cause a controlled vision, then you need to convince yourself that next time you will definitely succeed.

What to do while falling asleep?

How to enter a lucid dream? This must be done while in a calm state. While falling asleep, it is very easy to induce a controlled dream, but a person must free himself from emotions and excitement, he must learn to control feelings and thoughts. As mentioned above, you can’t fall asleep when you’re tired, because this will lead to a quick blackout.
You need to lie on your back and close your eyes, completely calm down and relax so that not a single muscle of the body is tense. At this moment, the brain will begin to fall asleep and the person will feel like he is falling into a viscous substance, this state will last for several seconds, and it is very important to control this process of falling asleep; one must not allow consciousness to turn off. It is at this moment that, if everything is done correctly, a lucid dream will begin. For some, this turns out very simply, although others face great difficulties with the fact that consciousness turns off and they are no longer in control of the situation.
When falling asleep, you can go into a lucid dream very quickly; some people prefer to start doing this in the daytime, when the body is not yet tired. If you practice several times, you will get better and better, and after some time the person will no longer depend on fatigue and time of day.

Health status and well-being

The above technique should not be mastered if you are feeling unwell or during illness. If the body temperature is elevated or there is a headache, then first you need to get rid of them. In addition, you should not try to induce a controlled vision while under the influence of alcohol or after overeating.
Consciousness is a very fragile and delicate instrument, so it is necessary to influence it very carefully and accurately, while the body must be healthy.

What to do when everything works out

With some effort and persistence, everyone will definitely be able to achieve a controlled dream. What should you do in it? The first thing many people do is look at their hands; this, by the way, helps so as not to wake up. It’s worth trying to take off; many will agree that this is an excellent feeling that is almost impossible to experience in real life.
It is important to periodically remind yourself who is the boss. During a dream, you can see good, kind, but also scary creatures. It is necessary to control the situation, not to be a simple observer, not to be afraid, it is important to remember that there is the power to change everything around, a person is a master and can order people or any creatures to do anything, this requires self-confidence.
Some even manage to return after a day or two to the places they created, the castles they built, the pets they raised. And some have learned to obtain important information that they could not obtain in the real world. This is a huge, practically unexplored area for self-realization, various experiments, relaxation and peace, the main thing is to make efforts, have patience and the desire to achieve results.

I’ll note right away that this is a serious practice and before using it, it’s better to read the materials from the “My Dreams” section. The methods given below can give much more than simple control of dreams and the formation of your own reality in them. To have some idea about the possible consequences of such a hobby, read my description of the meeting with, and then decide whether you are ready to plunge into this transcendental world. As for me, I have always been interested in the mystical or transcendental side of the issue and it is from this that I will start. You can watch these videos and you will understand what I mean:

I'll tell you about my experience of lucid dreams. If you have anything to add, don't hesitate. In order to enter a lucid dream, I use several combined techniques.

First technique is extremely important and will bring awareness not only to your dreams, but probably to life in general. You should do one simple exercise throughout the day. So here it is:

Do you remember how you ended up here?

When you find yourself in a new room, in a new room, in any new place, mentally say who you are and how you got here. For example: “I am Pavel (your name), a dreamer. I came into the room from the hall. I am Pavel and came into the hall from the corridor. I'm Pavel, I came to the store from the street. To the street from the store and so on whenever you move. Remember the last 3-4 places you visited.

This is an extremely effective technique. If you do it day after day, you will easily fall into lucid dreams, even if you are not immediately successful with the second technique. In a dream, you will automatically remember who you are and where you came from! This way you will gain awareness. But be patient and don't expect too quick results. In addition, considering how much time a person usually spends on all sorts of stupid thoughts and watching television programs, everyone can find half an hour of physical and half an hour of mental training a day.

This exercise will also bring a little awareness into your daily life (I don’t say real, since there are very convincing arguments about the relativity of the real). For example, here’s a test of awareness: has it ever happened that a light bulb in your room burned out and you, knowing full well that it was burned out and there was no light, after a while you went in there and tried to flip the switch? If this happens, then, unfortunately, your life is unconscious. Your actions are like reflexes and you are simply used to doing the same thing. Therefore, it is necessary to train. Then in your dreams you will remember who you are and where you came from, and you will become more focused in life.

How to enter a lucid dream using Tensegrity

There is a very good exercise called “Tensegrity” and described by Carlos Castaneda in his books. This practice allows you to control the energy flows in the body in such a way that, by moving the assemblage point or attention, induce a state of consciousness that will facilitate entering a lucid dream or astral plane. It is best to perform the exercise in an open space or standing by a window in order to more clearly imagine how you “throw” your attention into the distance. You can repeat the series several times and not only before bed.

The next thing we need to learn to do is master one of the basic yoga poses.

It's called Sivasana - Corpse Pose

Don’t be afraid of such a scary name; this pose is intended for rest and relaxation. But it is not easy and requires training. In general, the ancients correctly said that in a healthy body, a healthy mind. If you want to engage in spiritual practices, first take care of the strength and health of your body. Train every day, do squats, push-ups, run. There is also such a very useful thing as a jump rope. In a strong and healthy body, the spirit will grow stronger. This is quite enough.

If you maintain physical fitness, then you can take up spiritual fitness, but I do not recommend using my practices to people who deliberately bring aggression and ignorance into this world. Such people will have corresponding dreams and will only lead them to madness. Remember that our dreams, including conscious ones, are formed by the subconscious and before delving into it, put things in order.

Let's get back to yoga. Sivasana is actually very beneficial in all respects and does not require you to be flexible or physically strong. In addition, it serves as a basis for other techniques such as access to the astral plane, lucid dreams, rapid restoration of the body and recovery. By itself, it allows you to restore the body not in 8 hours of sleep, but in 5, if done correctly. Moreover, if you suffer from insomnia, this technique is ideal for you. It can also be used to quickly get rid of minor illnesses.

How to do Sivasana?

Lie down on the bed or any other comfortable place so that nothing disturbs you. Lying on your back, extend your arms along your body, a short distance from your hips, and spread your legs slightly to the sides. Completely relax all your muscles and carefully listen to the sensations of your body: is it comfortable for you and is nothing bothering you? If something is in the way, adjust your position so that you can no longer move.

Now let's move on to complete muscle relaxation.

Focus on your little toes and completely relax them, then the next toe and so on, move up, feel every muscle, even the smallest one. Slowly relaxing your body centimeter by centimeter, reach your shoulders and relax your arms to your little fingers, then your neck, every muscle of your face, and so on to the top of your head.

Attention: turning point in the exercise

You should not move, not even a little bit, if you move you will lose the fight with the body! It is not stupid and will understand that you want to deceive it and will check you. Your nose will suddenly itch, so much so that you will forget about the exercise. If you scratch it, that’s it, you’ve lost for today. The eye or elbow may become extremely itchy.

Why does your nose or eye itch before bed?

The body is cunning and before falling into sleep, it checks whether the consciousness is asleep. Rather, it is such a concern for you. This is the most important point of practice. The brain checks that if the body and consciousness are asleep, then no one will care that the eye itches. The second pitfall is swallowing saliva. You will probably be distracted by this. Wouldn't it be a loss to swallow saliva? It will be a loss if you pay attention to this. You can swallow saliva, but you need to let it happen automatically. How?

Just don't think about it, directing your attention in the right direction. Proceed to the next stage (proceed to it after relaxing all the muscles). Breathing should be deep and calm, like that of a sleeping person, and as soon as you set your breathing to an even rhythm, calm your heart. Listen to the sensations in your chest and try to put him to sleep.

And now the most interesting thing: here you have a choice of what to translate shivasana into. Into a lucid dream, into the astral plane, or into the technique of rapid body recovery

To Enter a lucid dream Focus all your attention at the back of your head and try to fix it there. After some time, you will no longer feel your body. It will fall asleep. That is, it will literally be paralyzed. Only the mind will remain. You will find yourself in darkness, which you can turn into any world, while experiencing completely real sensations.

For those who have difficulties with shivasana in the first couple of days, I recorded this video material, which is designed to make the task easier for you.

There is one more point here: before creating your personal world, you can open your eyes by physical effort, then you will see your room in addition to the dream that has already come. You may see a scary monster or a naked woman there, each to their own. In medical practice, this is called “night demon syndrome.” Some people open their eyes randomly in their sleep and suffer from it.

Lucid dreams are the first step to entering the astral plane. Without mastering these techniques, you most likely will not be able to enter the astral plane - these are very similar techniques. If you have any additional questions, I will answer them in the comments below.

Sooner or later, dreamers may encounter so-called astral predators and other inhabitants of these spheres of the universe in their travels. If this happens, and you have strong concerns about this, I can offer a very powerful protective practice called “”

Another important point: people often have interesting dreams, but they forget them very quickly. All dreams must be written down in a dream diary, for example on my Forum in the section of the same name. The mind then begins to perceive dreams as something important and you will remember subsequent ones better. The main thing is not to be lazy and write down your dream immediately after waking up.

How to enter a lucid dream? Practice and methods
Comments: 230

How to get into a lucid dream? It's not that difficult, the main thing is the desire to master the skill. Below are exercises that will help you become aware of your dreams.

In the article:

How to get into a lucid dream - information for a beginner

If a person already knows what a conscious dream is, what opportunities and dangers it offers, you can begin exercises that will teach you to become aware of night travel. To try to get into a meaningful dream for the first time, you need to know the rules.

The main condition for learning to dream lucidly is the desire and regularity of training. If you have a desire to learn and a willingness to spend time achieving your goal without expecting immediate results, you should start practicing. When to Expect Success - unknown, the skill is developed individually.

It is imperative, regardless of the chosen technique, to maintain dream diary. In the morning, after waking up, you need to write down everything you saw at night. Experts who study lucid dreams believe that it is worth starting a dream diary several days before starting the practice. You need to write down all your dreams - both ordinary and lucid. The notes will be useful in the future and will strengthen your memory.

People who play video games are more likely to be aware of themselves while they sleep. If a person is interested in how to induce a lucid dream, it is worth adding relaxation while playing your favorite game to your schedule. Scientists have found that one hour of video game play a week promotes meaningful dreaming. Meditations are also useful. Taking B vitamins increases the likelihood of lucid dreaming.

How to Enter a Lucid Dream - Reality Check

Entering a meaningful dream: where to start? One simple way is the reality check method, based on developing a waking habit that will also manifest itself in a dream. Every few hours it is necessary to perform a reality check, looking at what appears differently in dreams than in reality.

The most common option is to look at your hands. If a person does this in real life, he must definitely do it at night. In a dream, hands change shape and length, and the number of fingers may also change.

You need to pinch or close your nose to see if you can breathe. If there is no shortage of air, it means the person is sleeping. Another option is to look at any text or watch, then turn away and look again. In a dream, the text or time will change, the inscriptions will blur, become incoherent and unclear.

The main thing at this stage is to avoid strong emotions that contribute to awakening. It is necessary to calm down and continue to study the new reality and its possibilities.

Lucid dreaming - how to learn using the mnemonic method

Reality testing is not the only way to learn. Mnemonic method involves the use of a phrase learned and memorized to the point of mechanical repetition, which includes understanding in a dream and contributes to the development of such a habit as awareness of oneself at night.

How to learn to dream meaningful dreams using memory? Before falling asleep, you need to repeat:

I will be aware that I am dreaming.

The phrase can be anything, but the meaning must correspond to the purpose - a short sentence is suitable. Before you go to bed, you need to perform a reality check - these two methods are combined and enhance each other's effectiveness.

How to become aware of yourself in a dream - looking for signs of sleep

If someone who wants to have lucid dreams already keeps a dream diary, but still wonders how to become aware of themselves in a dream, the notes will help. You need to re-read the diary and find what you dream about most often at night. You should remember these signs of sleep, noting them as something that makes it possible to separate fantasy from reality.

This helps to enter a lucid dream. It doesn’t matter whether the sign of sleep is a change in the color of your favorite sofa in the house or an increase in the number of tails on your cat.

If you don’t have a dream diary, you should definitely try this method. Memorizing the signs of a dream is combined with any other methods of dream awareness.

How to induce daydreams or sleep paralysis

How to awaken a waking dream (sleep paralysis)? This phenomenon is associated with awareness in a dream and access to the astral and subtle worlds. The person is conscious, however, he cannot move until the dream comes to an end; hallucinations are also possible. People periodically suffer from sleep paralysis without wanting to cause it. The condition is safe if not combined with other disorders.

The first condition for increasing the likelihood of sleep paralysis is lack of sleep and lack of routine. It is necessary to combine waking sleep with short-term rest during the day or evening. The best period is from 19:00 to 22:00. It is necessary to sleep on your back - this body position increases the likelihood of waking sleep. You should repeat any word, concentrating on it and not be distracted. You can count silently to stay conscious.

Another option is to set your alarm so you can sleep for 4-6 hours. Then you need to wake up for 15-30 minutes, read or watch a movie to engage your brain. Then go back to bed and try to sleep. If sleep does not come, you need to take a comfortable position.

How to induce a lucid dream using timely awakening

You can try going to bed a few minutes after the person wakes up. For example, after keeping a dream diary every morning. How will this help induce meaningful dreaming? This way you can understand when lucid dreams most often occur. The goal is to wake up in REM sleep and then fall asleep. Here you need to guess: outside the laboratory, it is impossible to calculate the sleep phase on your own, unless you ask someone to observe eye movements while the person is sleeping.

Another option is to try waking up during the night. You need to set the alarm to ring in 4, 5, 6 or 7 hours. So the probability of “getting” into the REM sleep phase will be higher. It is believed that after this time the REM sleep phase becomes prolonged. If a person had a dream before waking up, when he goes back to sleep, he needs to imagine the continuation of the dream.

After getting up on the alarm clock, you need to bring your body into an active, wakeful state: have a snack or just move around. According to research, you need to stay awake from several minutes to an hour - the time will have to be selected individually, by trial and error.

Turns out to be an assistant light alarm clock or a special device for dream awareness - “dream alarm clock”. It is not necessary to wake up if you do not want to try the interrupted sleep technique. Light stimulation during REM sleep produces positive results.

How to get out of a lucid dream

If you have an understanding of how to enter meaningful dreams, but you cannot control what is happening in dreams, you should learn how to get out of dreams into reality. This will help if the plot has involuntarily changed: interesting adventures have turned into a nightmare. Coming out of a lucid dream is easier than entering, but there is a problem - false awakenings.

Emotions contribute to awakening. If you get scared, a person wakes up. This happens to beginners who are delighted with their first successes in becoming aware of themselves in a dream. If you don’t want to wake up, you need to remain calm.

What is the easiest way to get into the phase (lucid dreaming, astral travel, leaving the body)? Read the simplest techniques for beginners and try them word for word!

All the techniques and methods presented below are very simplified, so that it is clear to the novice practitioner. The most detailed and modern description of the techniques in the article and book

Option 1/8: Ultra-short astral travel technique for beginners

1. Make the most emotionally interesting plan for actions within astral travel.

2. Having woken up, lying straight in bed and without moving or opening your eyes, you should try to immediately feel yourself near a predetermined goal. For example, a novice practitioner, when entering the astral plane, can imagine himself in front of a mirror, with a friend, on the Moon or in a medieval castle. You need to try to literally feel yourself in this place, trying to touch and look at everything.

3. If the technique does not work within a minute and the novice practitioner does not reach the goal, he must immediately fall asleep again with the intention of trying astral travel (phase) according to the same principle on the next awakening, etc. Usually only a few such attempts are required. The main thing is that the technique is on awakening and no more than half a minute or a minute.

Option 2/8: practicing techniques + practical alarm clock

1. download the files “Workout 1” and “Workout 2”.
2. set aside half an hour in the afternoon or evening, lie down comfortably and turn on the file “Workout 1”
3. follow instructions and remember them
4. make several real attempts at night and in the morning
5. the next day, again set aside half an hour in the afternoon or evening, lie down comfortably and turn on the “Workout 2” file
6. make several real attempts at night and in the morning
7. post your results in the comments
(If you can’t wake up on your own or don’t remember trying at this moment, download a practical alarm clock)

Option 3/8: Brief description of astral travel techniques for beginners

You need to wake up, without moving or opening your eyes, and immediately try to separate from the body. The separation technique is carried out by a beginner “astral operator” (phaser) without any idea, but with the desire to make a real movement without straining the muscles (rolling out, taking off, getting up, etc.).

If separation within 3-5 seconds does not work and the practitioner does not find himself in astral travel or a lucid dream, one should immediately try to alternate several of the most effective techniques for 3-5 seconds each until one of them works, then use it. You can stay longer:

observation of images: try to look at the pictures that appear before your eyes and make them out;

listening: try to hear the noise in your head and make it louder by listening or strengthening your will;

rotation: represent rotation around a longitudinal axis;

phantom swing: try to move any part of the body without straining the muscles, trying to increase the amplitude.

"tension" of the brain: trying to strain the brain as if this were possible, which leads to vibrations that also need to be strengthened by the same action.

As soon as some technique of entering the astral plane begins to clearly manifest itself, a beginning practitioner should try to implement it as long as progress is made, and then he should try to separate. If it doesn’t work out, you can return to technology again. You can also start alternating it with another technique of astral travel.

The total time for alternating techniques should not exceed 2 minutes, but you should not deviate from them in less than one minute. From time to time, especially against the background of any interesting sensations, you can try to separate from the body.

Option 4/8: Short video instruction

A short video instruction about the simplest method of astral travel: indirect techniques that are best suited for beginning practitioners.

Option 5/8: Mobile phone technology

The essence of this technique of entering the astral plane is that a beginning practitioner needs to, upon awakening, preferably without physically moving, immediately try to imagine the sensation in his hand, as if there was something lying in it. It is best to imagine a mobile phone, since the hand of a modern person is very well accustomed to it, although the object can be anything. You need to concentrate your attention on the imagined sensation of your palm very carefully and actively. Most likely, within a few seconds a physical sensation of the phone lying in it will begin to appear in your hand. And this feeling will become brighter and brighter. If such a feeling does not occur within 10 seconds, then the technique is unlikely to work and it is better to switch to another. In any case, astral travel techniques should not be used for more than one minute upon awakening. Then it's better to go to bed and try again the next time you wake up.

When the feeling of a phone appears in your hand, you need to concentrate your attention on it. At the same time, this will no longer be an idea, but a real feeling that a beginner practitioner needs to clearly understand in advance, expecting a result. As soon as the sensation is stable, you can begin to slowly feel the mobile phone with your fingers, with physical sensations and not some imaginary ones, although, of course, the physical body (“astral body”) should not move or tense. If this does not work, then you need to continue to concentrate on the simple sensation and try to feel it later. If this works, then you need to start twirling the mobile phone in your hand as actively as possible, feeling all its parts with your fingers.

As soon as you can spin the phone in your hand, it means the technique has worked and you can calmly separate from the body and enter into astral travel; in this case, the easiest way is usually to roll out or stand up. At the same time, you need to continue to hold the phone and twist it in your hand, which will maintain the resulting phase state (exit to the astral plane). The separation itself in this case, again, should be more like actually physically getting up or rolling out of bed, and not like sharing something with something. That is, a beginner practitioner just needs to do the separation technique as if physically, starting from the feeling of the phone in his hand.

If you can’t separate, then you need to continue to carefully feel the phone in your hand and try to do this a little later. If you can get up, then you need to do the typical actions for astral travel: deepening, and then carrying out pre-set tasks in parallel with maintaining the state. If separation occurs only halfway, then you need to try to separate by force.

As a rule, the real sensation of the phone in the hand occurs every second attempt of any practitioner, including beginners. Then it’s all a matter of experience and dexterity, since such a feeling is a sign that access to the astral plane has already arisen and you just need to use it wisely.

Option 6/8: A more detailed description of the technique of entering the astral plane

So you are a beginning practitioner of astral travel and have decided to urgently enter the phase at all costs, that is, go to the astral plane, experience an out-of-body trip or have a lucid dream. It is reliably known that a very, very strong desire is already half the battle in this matter, since the more you think about it at the moment, the greater the chances of a positive outcome.

Of course, for most people to quickly get into astral travel, only the so-called. indirect entry method. In particular, it seems that for a person who has not experienced entering the astral plane, the most productive techniques will be “climbing out” and “rolling out”. Not the most euphonious names, but they reflect the essence as accurately as possible. Maybe they are not the most effective in general, but in this case they are very convenient.

You should be very determined to remember your idea every time you wake up. This is greatly helped by thinking about astral travel and its possibilities before going to bed. And then, upon waking up, you must always remember the phase and literally right there, without expecting anything, try to crawl out or roll out of the body. It is important that you do not make any physical movements before this.

Let's start with the "rolling out" technique. The point is to try to roll out of bed, but without straining your physical muscles. For beginners, this sounds incomprehensible and strange. But this is the only way that can be described in words. In order to understand what to do at the right moment, you can first practice this desire to turn on your side at any time, without straining a single muscle of your body. Usually at this moment there is a slight tingling sensation in the body, a slight tension in the head, etc. You must remember these sensations and then reproduce them immediately after waking up. At the same time, you will feel how you really roll out of the body, that is, you find yourself on astral travel, as esotericists call a completely pragmatic state. The sensations can be so real that it will be very difficult for you to understand this movement with your physical or phantom body. Having rolled out, you can proceed to the next steps.

If you can’t “climb out” within 3-5 seconds and nothing interesting is observed, then you need to proceed to the second technique – “climbing out”.

“Climbing out” consists of trying to make “mental” movements with all parts of the body, that is, imagining a real movement and trying to feel all the feelings that arise. At first these movements may be dull and indistinct, as with a normal mental image, but gradually (after a few seconds) they will become dominant and you will stop feeling the real body and find yourself in the “astral plane”. Along with simple “mental” movements, it is very effective to combine “mental feeling” of the body and what you are lying on.

Please note that all this should not be done sluggishly and lightly, but as aggressively and persistently as possible, which is the determining factor. The same applies to the “rolling out” technique.

In addition, if “climbing out” does not work within 5 seconds, you should try again “rolling out” or any other techniques for entering the astral plane in the same dynamics: “phantom swinging” (swinging your arm without straining your muscles or imagining), "rotation" (imagining rotation around a longitudinal axis), "listening" (trying to hear sounds inside the head), "visualization" (trying to see something before closed eyes), etc. And so alternate techniques for a minute. All this is done immediately upon waking up after sleep and no more than a few seconds are allocated for each technique.

During this process, at the transitional stage, feelings of extreme fatigue and laziness often arise. A novice practitioner performing techniques for entering the astral plane must understand that these are harbingers of good luck and they quickly pass with continuation. Remember this so that at the most opportune moment you don’t give up and give up on this venture. With a more or less clear sensation of the phantom body, you need to immediately resort to the primary deepening, in this case by feeling everything that is possible (yourself, the bed, etc., which comes across in the “astral plane”), which will be very useful. It also helps a lot to look at objects, maybe with your hands, at a distance of up to 10-15 cm.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and try to worry as little as possible, especially at the first appearing harbingers of getting into astral travel. Try to suppress your anxiety, otherwise it will ruin everything.

How long it takes before you succeed in astral travel depends only on the number of awakenings and attempts immediately afterwards. Note that on a weekend morning, when we don’t need to rush anywhere, we wake up and fall asleep many times in a row, so if you catch at least half of all awakenings, there will be a very high probability that you will master astral travel over the next few days, including first, even if you are a novice practitioner. But it may take more time. More or less knowledgeable people in this case, in addition to “climbing out”, try other techniques: “take-off”, creating “vibrations”, “rotations”, “phantom swings”, “listening to internal sounds”, “forceful falling asleep”, “observation” images." If you cannot understand from the name of these techniques for entering the astral plane what they are about, then you can read this in the sections with a detailed description of the techniques on our website or download. It is also recommended to watch our 10 o'clock.

As general practice shows, there is no other more effective technique for a novice traveler in the astral plane. Moreover, it may seem that the technique is so simple that it simply cannot be so little common if it were effective. Indeed, I woke up and “get out” or “roll out”! However, the fact of the matter is that no one even realizes that entering the astral plane (phase) is possible at the moment of awakening, and therefore does not try. But then this can be done simply simply. Sometimes, upon awakening, it is not even necessary to use other astral travel techniques for beginners, since it is enough to simply try to immediately separate, fly up, roll out, etc. It's hard to believe, but it's really true!

Do not be upset if this astral travel technique does not give quick results. If a novice practitioner “catch” at least ten awakenings over the course of two weeks and nothing came of it, then it is worth carefully analyzing the actions, since an error has crept into the understanding of the technique. It is effective in almost all known cases of such application, especially if everything is done as described above. For this reason, you can pursue this technique of entering the astral plane to the bitter end, even if it takes a significant amount of time. The goal is worth it, especially since luck will surely come.

Option 7/8: Main article of the site

Option 8/8: Super detailed description of astral travel techniques in the book

This textbook is the result of 15 years of personal practice and study of out-of-body phenomena and lucid dreams (“astral travel”), combined with the successful experience of teaching it to thousands of people. This book is not created for those who like light, empty reading. It is for those who want to learn something. There are no arguments or stories in it. Only specific dry knowledge and techniques of lucid dreaming combined with complete pragmatism and clear action algorithms.

Bonus: super detailed descriptions of techniques in the video seminar “Leaving the Body in 3 Days” (10 hours)

(For maximum effect, you need to make at least 5 full attempts before watching the second and third days. You need to start watching the video the evening before the day off. )

— a program that analyzes errors in practice

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