Top best decorative dog breeds. The kindest dogs in the world. Golden means golden

It's no secret that fashion is a fickle lady. Trends change literally every day. And this applies not only to clothing and decor, but also to the breed of dog.

Fifteen years ago, large dogs were popular in Russia - Central Asian and German shepherds, collies, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards. Now Russians, especially residents big cities, tend to give preference to small and decorative breeds of dogs.

There may be many reasons why small dog breeds have become the most popular dog breeds in Russia. In the mid-90s, there was tension and even fear in society. People tried to start big dogs-guards, for example, shepherds, or fighting dogs - bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers.

In the 2000s, society “breathed out”, and the dog became more of a companion than a protector. In addition, it is much cheaper and more convenient to keep a small dog in a city apartment.

Fashion also plays an important role in choosing a dog breed when buying a puppy - for example, the corgis of the British Queen Elizabeth II attracted everyone's attention to this breed, and the black Labrador Koni of Vladimir Putin stirred up interest in these large dogs. We offer you a selection of the most popular dog breeds.

15. German Shepherd.

This is first of all service dog, and Russian dog breeders most often choose puppies of this breed as good companions and dogs that are easy to train.

Her ancestors were herding dogs, so German Shepherd Usually it is very attached to its owner. With good training, these are balanced dogs, calm and obedient. You could say that this is a good choice even for an inexperienced dog breeder.

14. Labrador Retriever

Labradors came into fashion in the mid-2000s, when the press talked about the dog Russian President Vladimir Putin's Horses. There has been a surge of interest in these dogs among Russian dog lovers and breeders.

Labradors were bred in Newfoundland in the last third of the 19th century; the first representatives of the breed appeared in Russia in the middle of the 20th century. It is large, energetic and strong dog With an easy-going nature, in the past they were mainly used as guide dogs, rescuers and simply as labor. Labradors are practically never aggressive and are well suited to living in a large house, in a family with children.

Presidential gift

13. Shar Pei

Strong and active Shar-Peis come from China. In the Middle Ages they were used as hunting dogs; this breed was very popular among both the nobility and the common people. In the 20th century, with the communists coming to power, dogs were declared a symbol of meaningless luxury and began to be destroyed. Among the Shar Peis, only a few survived, which became the basis for the restoration of the breed.

In Russia, Shar Peis are loved for their unusual, “folded” appearance and devotion to their owners. Adult Shar-Peis are very wary of strangers, but they jealously guard “their own.”

12. Siberian Husky

Northern sled dogs of the Husky breed are very popular in Russia, first of all, for their beauty - they are a slender dog, light and very agile. Huskies are not aggressive towards people, are hardy and even adapt well to the conditions of a city apartment.

However, the husky requires a lot of attention. This breed has been developing for centuries in the north as a sledding and working breed, and in the metropolis the Husky simply has nowhere to put his energy. She needs to spend a lot of time, walk and give physical exercise, engage in training, play with a ball or frisbee. Experienced breeders advise changing walking routes so that the dog’s intelligence and sense of smell do not “stagnate.”

11. Chow-chow

The name “chow-chow” means “shaggy lion”. Indeed, a dog with a lush mane resembles a miniature lion. At home, the chow chow is not very active, almost lazy, and the owner will almost have to force the pet to walk. If you don't pay attention physical fitness chow-chow, the dog runs the risk of becoming fat and completely lazy.

Breeders say that Chow Chow dogs are very loving, but reserved. They show their affection only to the most important people. The Chow Chow is wary of strangers and sometimes aggressive if provoked into contact.

10. Cocker Spaniel

The homeland of the cocker spaniel is England, where they appeared in early XIX century. The breeders really liked the breed and quickly spread throughout the world.

Spaniels - very energetic dogs who behave like puppies most of their lives. This can be corrected by training, long walks and physical activity, but a dog owner who decides to get a cocker spaniel should keep this in mind.

In addition, the Cocker Spaniel requires careful grooming. Their long hair needs to be combed and trimmed regularly, and the dog needs to be washed at least once a week. By the way, spaniels are excellent swimmers.

9. Beagle

The ancestors of beagles were brought to the British Isles by the Romans. The breed was formed by XVIII century in the north of England and was used as a hound. Aristocrats kept entire packs of beagles in their kennels.

Today, beagles are kept mainly for their small size and cheerful, affectionate nature. Difficulties in his upbringing are created by the innate instinct of the explorer: during a walk, the beagle loves to run away in an unknown direction in search of adventure, so you should not let him off the leash.

Beagles have a sociable character and will feel good in a large family, especially if there are children in it.

8. English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is considered a national treasure of the British and the embodiment of the traits of a “true gentleman.” This is a phlegmatic dog that will not cause problems for the owner and demand to play with it. Bulldogs do not like long walks and do not need them, preferring to spend time at home.

The hardest thing is caring for English bulldog. It is important to monitor his diet so as not to overfeed the dog. The bulldog also has certain health difficulties. Centuries of selection have led to the fact that these dogs depend on their owners more than others - they cannot even scratch themselves due to their short legs, and also need regular massage.

7. Jack Russell Terrier

The small but vigorous Jack Russell Terrier is loved by Russian dog breeders for its energetic character and ease of care. These are burrowing dogs that were bred in England to hunt foxes. Nowadays they are most often kept on farms to protect homes and supplies from rodents, and also as companions.

In the city, you will have to walk a lot with a Jack Russell Terrier; they are brave and hardy explorers of the world around them. In an apartment, the Jack Russell Terrier will get bored and start gnawing on everything he can get his hands on, so the breeder should play with him more often and take him for walks.

6. Corgi

Corgis are herding dogs that originated in Wales. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 10th century, so it is truly ancient British gender. The popularity of the breed was brought by the royal family - in 1933, the future George VI gave his daughters several puppies. Since then, Queen Elizabeth has always kept corgis in the palace.

These are life-loving small dogs with a friendly character, easy to train, very fond of children. Corgis love games and long walks. They do better in the cold than in the warm, so they are better adapted to life in a temperate region.

5. Pekingese

The sacred dog of the Chinese emperors was bred more than 2000 years ago, but came to Europe only in mid-19th century. Before that, mere mortals were prohibited from owning Pekingese.

In full accordance with its status, the Pekingese demands attention and respect. Pekingese love to be pampered and treat others kindly, but with a bit of arrogance. If you don't pay enough attention to these dogs, they can start playing pranks in the house, gnawing and throwing things around, and getting into exactly those places where they shouldn't.

4. Pomeranian

Pomeranian Spitz - miniature dogs, which are well suited as a companion. They are easy to keep in an apartment, Spitz are sociable and playful, they love outdoor games and walks. The fluffy Pomeranian needs to be washed and combed regularly.

Despite his innate devotion to his owner, the Spitz can prove to be very stubborn, so you should not neglect his training. Without the confident, strong hand of the breeder, the Pomeranian Spitz will quickly “sit on its head” and try to subjugate the owner.

3. Dachshund

Bred as a hunting dog burrowing dog, German Dachshund in progress artificial selection became shorter-legged and became prone to certain diseases. If you handle your Dachshund incorrectly, it may develop problems with its spine; and if you exercise little, your dog may become obese.

With a healthy approach from an experienced breeder, an energetic, cheerful and loyal Dachshund can live a long and prosperous life. Dog breeders are advised to carefully train the dachshund: despite its small size and generally non-scandalous character, the dachshund can show serious aggression.

2. Chihuahua

Europeans first met the Mexican miniature Chihuahua dog in the mid-19th century. And it was supposedly brought out about three and a half thousand years ago by the ancient Mayans. In the first quarter of the 20th century, Europeans and residents of the States began to keep Chihuahuas in their homes - especially dwarf dogs loved by women.

Compared to others dwarf breeds(for example, pinschers) Chihuahuas have a very stable psyche and peaceful character. These kids have an almost human character: they are affectionate, touchy and vulnerable. Chihuahuas can often be jealous and offended if the owner forgets about the pet.

1. Yorkshire Terrier

This breed appeared relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of the Yorkshire Terrier are the Manchester Terrier, Maltese, and Skye Terrier. Such dogs were kept by peasants in the British county of Yorkshire. A small dog with semi-long hair was an excellent replacement big dogs, which commoners were prohibited from owning. Small terriers protected the house from mice and other rodents, and also accompanied their owners everywhere.

Celebrities introduced the fashion for dwarf dogs

Of course, Western and Russian celebrities did the most to popularize this breed. Celebrities often appear in public with a Yorkshire terrier under their arm. Anfisa Chekhova, for example, does not part with her Yorkie named Coffee, and Ksenia Borodina named her pet Strudya.

There is an opinion that people are divided into “dog people” and “cat people”. If you prefer cats, the site's editors suggest reading about the most rare breeds oh cats in the world.
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Dogs stand out for their behavior in human society and their ability to learn. They understand our emotions well and grasp people's intentions. These are the only animals that interact with humans by tracking the direction of their gaze. Often they become real family members. They give themselves entirely to a person, without demanding special treatment.

It is difficult to put next to her another animal so attached to a person. The most important indicator of a dog's kindness is the attitude of this animal towards children. Determining the kindest dog breeds in the world is a subjective matter. . This largely depends on genetics, but to a decisive extent on how the dog is raised and trained.

In tenth place you can put pugs. These soft toy-like little dogs are full of life, openness and friendliness. They do not show aggression, but they instantly react to strange sounds. They can be a little lazy and like to lie on soft furniture. Sometimes their movements are clumsy and funny. Together with grunting and sniffling they look funny. Their devotion and selflessness are known, loyalty to their owners, whom they always strive to follow.

These are true friends who sometimes demonstrate their devotion by getting under the feet of their owners. Children find it interesting to play with them because these dogs have expressive facial expressions. However, they do not like to run around barking loudly during children's games.

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French poodles have always attracted people with their activity and grace. They can be placed in ninth place. Despite their almost toy appearance, these dogs are quite strong. They have a balanced temperament, which allows them to establish good relationships with people and other pets. Therefore, they always strive to be at the center of the company. They get along well with older people, whom they can listen to attentively for a long time. They play with delight with children of any age.

These are emotional dogs, but they are patient with the pestering of kids. They become very attached to their owners, often imitating them. It is not difficult to train them to behave correctly at home and on the street.

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Dachshunds have been known for hundreds of years as wonderful hunting assistants. However, they have the wonderful virtues of being a true good friend to man. . They are very clean and do not cause any inconvenience in the apartment. Despite their energy and courage, they have a balanced character. They are wonderful companions.

The dachshund is devoted to its owner, demonstrating its love for him in every possible way, and shows sensitivity when he is in a bad mood. May relieve irritability and Bad mood, climbing onto the owner's knees, arms or shoulders, and lying down on them. Easily finds contact with every family member. Loves to play excitedly with children, while emphasizing independence. Connoisseurs of this breed believe that dachshunds have developed facial expressions and a sense of humor. They deserve eighth place in the top ten.

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This good-natured, long-eared, long-bodied dog, ranked seventh, has a memorable, sad, soulful look. In Great Britain, the Basset Hound has long been valued for its gentleness and easy-going nature, sociability and intelligence. He is peaceful and friendly even to strangers, shows loyalty to other animals in the house.

Aggression is not typical for him, but he can be stubborn and cunning. She loves spending time with her family and playing outdoor games with everyone. Treats children with love, care and attention. A small child will not be allowed to move away from the company. In the evening, as a member of the family, he likes to sit on the sofa in front of the TV or listen to people's conversations.

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On the Scottish pastures this dog has long been known as a wonderful shepherd. Her main goal was always to keep the herd together so as not to lose a single animal. This quality is clearly visible today in dogs living in urban families. This shepherd begins to worry if someone who is walking or playing with him moves aside. Especially if children do it. Therefore, she, like a nanny, quickly returns everyone to their places. The dog has no aggressiveness at all, but is distinguished by agility, excellent memory, and exceptional friendliness.

All collies happily take care of small children, love to play with them, showing excellent intelligence. They show an example of affection for the family in which they live, respect for the owner. This collie It deservedly finds itself in sixth place.

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The German boxer in fifth place, despite his fighting name, is distinguished by exceptional tenderness and kindness towards his owners. Of the service dogs, they are considered the most playful. Therefore, they happily play with children, whom they sincerely adore. Such a dog will never hurt a child. They are on good terms with all family members and are devoted to them. They infect adults and children with their cheerfulness and activity.

Sensing a family member’s bad mood, the boxer demonstrates his willingness to help and tries to show his love and trust. These are strong, resilient and brave dogs excellent bodyguards and watchmen. They are even ready to protect their owner at the cost of their lives.

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In fourth place is this brave giant of Swiss origin with a heroic reputation. Representatives of this breed have saved hundreds of skiers and climbers, people affected by avalanches. This is helped by incredible intuition and a wonderful sense of smell. Dogs are unusually smart, intuitive and have a good disposition. They are easy to train due to their innate discipline.

They are distinguished by their peacefulness, obedience and thoughtfulness. Barking in exceptional cases. They love people very much, are flexible, and devoted to their owner. They are exceptionally careful in their interactions with children, with whom they play with pleasure and care. In the house, family members try not to create inconvenience.

These large dogs, originating from the island of the same name, have similar qualities to the St. Bernard. It is no coincidence that they are given third place. Newfoundlands are charming and kind, fearless and balanced. They do not experience aggression towards people, therefore they are not suitable as watchdogs.

They have perseverance and wisdom, listen well to commands and understand what they are told. These qualities allowed them to become indispensable lifeguards on the water, which is why they are also called “divers.” They treat their owners with sincere devotion, trying in every possible way to please them. They take part in games with pleasure, especially with children, where they demonstrate gentleness of character, kindness and boundless patience. Babies are closely monitored, especially on the water.

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Second place among the kindest dogs is given to golden retriever, which was bred long ago in the British Isles. He was supposed to bring shot game to the hunters. However, this affectionate and beautiful dog qualities have been discovered that allow it to be used to help people in need.

Thanks to its excellent sense of smell and excellent memory, this dog has become an indispensable companion for many people with disabilities. She can quickly find and bring the necessary things, and accompany a blind person on walks. Her patience and intelligence allows her to quickly find mutual language with children and become their nanny. The dog has a friendly and intelligent character. It quickly becomes attached to its owners and misses them.

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The top ten kindest dogs in the world are the Labrador Retriever. He was bred in Canada as a helper for those who need it. He can serve as a guide for people who have lost their sight and people with other types of disabilities. A stable psyche, kindness, devotion and complaisance brought him to the role of a favorite in many families. He becomes attached to adults and children and maintains friendly relations with them.

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The dog constantly strives to serve them. Thanks to their intelligence, Labradors are not difficult to train. They easily get in touch with new house guests. Their playfulness and sociability allows them to quickly make friends with children, for whom they can play the role of nanny.

An article about the most fashionable and popular dog breeds in Russia and Ukraine in 2019.

The fashion for dogs of a certain breed changes as often as the fashion for things. This can be explained not only by the desire to be a dog owner new breed, but also needs to have nearby four-legged friend with more advanced abilities and character qualities.

Dog fashion in Russia and Ukraine last years is also determined by the financial capabilities of the owners. Often people simply cannot afford the maintenance large dog, so they choose a small breed pet.

Top 10 most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Russia in 2019: ranking, photos with names

Before naming the most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Russia, it is worth noting that for city residents The priority in choosing a pet is its size.

At the same time, people living in cottages and private houses with garden plots choose dogs, capable of protecting the territory and possessions of the owner.

IN general view The top 10 popular dog breeds look like this:

10th place: Chow-chow

There are many versions of the origin of this breed, but most experts are still inclined to believe that chow chowdistant relative Shar Pei. These dogs, both of which originated in China, are distinguished by their purple tongue.

Chow-chow – working dog and a companion dog. In ancient times, Chow Chows helped reindeer herders, fearlessly driving away packs of wolves from herds, guarding houses, hunting and being used as draft animals.
However, Chow Chows feel quite comfortable in the small apartments of modern Russians. Chow chows will not require long walks or jogging from the owner. These animals only need a short walk and a minimum of attention.

They are tolerant of children and animals in the house, although they do not express much joy in their presence. But if the owner “gives slack” in some matter, the chow chow will instantly feel it and will certainly try to establish dominance over the household. Therefore, dogs of this breed need a domineering owner.

IMPORTANT: The dog’s thick, dense coat requires special regular care.

Chow chow

9th place: Shar Pei

Shar Pei considered a descendant of the Chow Chow. Back in 1978, the breed was noted by the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in the world. But the cute, funny appearance of the plush dogs and the funny folds on their body quickly did the trick. The 21st century can safely be called the era of the Shar-Pei, because today every 60 Russian families have a Shar-Pei.

It was previously the sharp short, spiky fur of the Shar Pei and its protective folds that helped these animals survive in battle and hunting. Modern Shar Peis, although they have retained their fiery temperament and fighting instinct, feel great in the city.

IMPORTANT: Owners should not forget about the origin of their pets and engage in their upbringing and training in a timely manner.

8th place: French bulldog

The breed was developed in England in the 19th century with the aim of producing an ornamental companion dog. French bulldogs, despite their gloomy appearance, are very loyal, friendly, loving, affectionate and cheerful animals that do not require special conditions content.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are suitable for busy people. A French bulldog will also be very happy living in a small apartment.

The excessive attachment of these animals to the owner can even be annoying. The dog is ready to do anything to be paid attention to, caressed or played with. The disadvantage of the breed is also that all french bulldogs snore in their sleep.

7th place: German Shepherd

Security guards, rescuers, guides, watchmen, shepherds and detectives - german shepherds They easily learn all these dog “professions” and successfully help people. Intelligent and active, German Shepherds need human interaction, be it long walks, learning commands and tricks, or active games.

These dogs are best suited for home guarding. After undergoing special training, the German Shepherd will become a reliable companion, protector and friend.

IMPORTANT: Since the shepherd's need to guard, protect and rescue, closed space city ​​apartment will become a prison for her. To keep these animals you need a house with a garden plot where the dog will feel like the owner.

6th place: Pekingese

In the old days, miniature dog breeds Pekingese were decorations of palace chambers, and not everyone could afford to buy such a pet. Modern Pekingese are residents of apartments and houses of millions ordinary people.

These dogs are arrogant and jealous, but despite this, they are affectionate and friendly. They are in dire need of their master's approval and love and can become offended if they are not paid attention to.

IMPORTANT: These dogs are not demanding when it comes to walking time and feel good in a small apartment.

5th place: Toy Terrier

Dog breeds Toy Terrier were bred in England in the 19th century to hunt rats. Despite their miniature size (no more than 28 cm), these dogs are very energetic and purposeful, they tend to show aggression towards their “enemies”.

Toy terriers do not require frequent walking. This dog can be called a toy (this is the translation of the name of the breed) for an apartment. However, this animal does not tolerate children, has a quarrelsome character, and is prone to stress and hysterics.

IMPORTANT: Toy terriers do not feel their miniature size. They can easily rush at a neighbor's mastiff if they feel a threat coming from him.

4th place: Jack Russell Terrier

Despite their small size, dogs of this breed have restless energy. The breed was bred to hunt burrowing animals. They cope with this task perfectly. One can say more: hunting is the purpose of life for Jack Russells.

These dogs are very energetic and active, so keeping them in an apartment is problematic - the animal needs to spend a lot of time walking or hunting. Russells get along well with children, because they are united by their love for noisy games and fun.

3rd place: Husky

- descendants of Eskimo sled dogs. Even the original name of the breed sounded “Eski”, which is short for “Eskimo”. Back in 2000, this was one of the rarest breeds, but less than 20 years later, dogs with a delightful look won the hearts of people.

Huskies are very good-natured, loyal and loving animals. This dog for families with children has high intelligence and a good mind.
The dog is very energetic, can be stubborn, and needs many hours of daily walks, jogging, training and work. She has no security qualities.

IMPORTANT: All Huskies do not tolerate confined spaces. Wherever the dog is, it will try to dig under the ground, climb over the fence, or simply run away. Every husky has run away from its own home at least once in its life.

The only thing weakness All huskies are prone to epilepsy. If you buy a puppy "from hand", there is Great chance receive a sick animal that needs special care and serious treatment.

2nd place: Labrador retriever

Every Labrador at heart he is a rescuer and helper. The breed was bred for hunting and fishing, but thanks to their intelligence and gentle nature, these dogs quickly became companions and friends.

Labradors are devoid of aggression, love to play with children and be the center of attention. These are balanced obedient dogs who do not aspire to leadership. It is probably due to these qualities that the breed is incredibly popular.

IMPORTANT: Average duration The life of a Labrador usually does not exceed 12 years, and this short life span is the only drawback of the breed.

The dog has a good visual memory and an excellent sense of smell. This allows Labradors to be successfully used to search for drugs and explosives.

Labradors can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. The most important thing is to spend a lot of time with your pet and walk with him every day.

1 place: Yorkshire Terrier

A unique little dog, the only animal whose fur will not harm an allergy sufferer. Now York- expensive fun, exclusively decorative dog. However, in the distant past, Yorkies were used to hunt burrow animals.

Today, Yorkies have lost their hunting skills. They treat other animals in the house well and are tolerant of children in the family. Also, these dogs are very smart, intelligent and well-mannered.

IMPORTANT: Yorkshire Terriers need attention and sufficient mental and physical exercise.

Top 10 most popular and fashionable dog breeds in Ukraine in 2019: ranking

10th place:

9th place:

8th place:

7th place:

6th place:

5th place:

4th place:

3rd place:

2nd place:

1 place:

In the top three no significant changes occurred. However, the Ukrainians gave 5th place to two dogs at once fighting breeds: American Pit Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier, combining them in the name "Pit Bull".

Both of these breeds were bred for bullfighting. The creators wanted to get dogs that could poison large animals to the last, and they succeeded. Temperamental, aggressive and fearless dogs fought to the bitter end.

Today, pit bulls are pets. With proper, serious training, they can become excellent companions, reliable fearless defenders and affectionate caring nannies.

IMPORTANT: In some countries, keeping and breeding pit bull terriers at home is prohibited by law.

Staffordshire Terrier

It is likely that at some point the dog will begin to show character and try to establish dominance. You need to be prepared for this and respond to such manifestations in a timely manner.

IMPORTANT: Pit bull terriers should not be left alone in the house with children or pets.

Ukrainians gave 8th place to the Rottweiler. This beautiful, powerful dog is a descendant of the Italian Mastiff. Rotty is a brave defender for his owner and a dangerous opponent for the enemy. He is distrustful, but extremely calm. Power, strength, courage, intelligence and loyalty are the main qualities of Rottweilers.

IMPORTANT: The Rottweiler needs proper education and steady hand. Otherwise, the owner of the strongest jaws can become dangerous even for his owner.

In 10th place in the Ukrainian top of popular dogs was the perky and energetic dachshund. These dogs were bred to hunt burrowing animals. Thanks to the structure of their body and paws, dachshunds easily penetrate any hole and reach its inhabitants.

Dachshunds become very attached to their owners and do everything possible to attract attention. These dogs need to be walked a lot or just socialized. They are curious and intelligent, energetic and quick-witted.

IMPORTANT: Dachshunds love to dig holes. This should be taken into account when choosing a dachshund as a pet.

The most fashionable and popular breeds of small dogs 2019: names and photos

Little cute dogs, more like funny toys, can brighten the life of a lonely person or become the favorites of a large happy family. Special conditions for keeping most dogs small breeds is not required, so in an ordinary city apartment you can safely have such a four-legged friend.

The most fashionable small dogs in 2019:

– loyal, graceful, smart and cheerful. These dogs have always been in fashion, but in recent years the breed has been at the peak of popularity.

- the smallest dog in the world. Moderately active and friendly, does not require special conditions.

– energetic, prone to aggression, a real little warrior.

– despite its diminutive size, it is very active and fast. Tend to show aggression stressful situations. Daily care of the coat and teeth is necessary.

– touchy, jealous and narcissistic, constantly demanding the owner’s attention.

– energetic, friendly and playful. Leads active image life, cannot stay in one place for long.

– cheerful and devoted to the owner. The body of the animal is covered with soft, thin, short hair; only the tail and head have long hair. This dog needs to be kept in a warm apartment. For walking in the cold season, you will need clothes.

Maltese (Maltese dog)- a three-kilogram snow-white miracle. Calm and balanced, at the same time fearless and brave.

– looks more like a soft toy than a living dog. Smart, calm, friendly, quick-witted, easy to train.

The most fashionable and popular medium-sized dog breeds of 2019

Medium breed dogs can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. They do not require long hours of walking, and at the same time they are able to show watchdog qualities.

Chow chow– a dog with an unusual appearance and a difficult character. He recognizes the owner as the head of the family, and treats others on an equal footing.

Chow chow

– the gentle character, lack of aggression and cheerful disposition of these animals wins more and more hearts. Huskies are excellent nannies and loyal friends, however, they are very bad watchdogs.

– under the stern appearance of these dogs there is a soft side kind heart. They get along well with children, are loyal and smart.

– distrustful of strangers, inclined to show character. Outwardly it looks like a plush toy with cute folds and wrinkles on the skin, but in reality this “toy” is an excellent watchman and a serious competitor.

Amstaff– a formidable, energetic fighter with a subtle, sensitive nature. The dog has high intelligence and a tendency to train. He gets along well with the children in the house and selflessly protects them. Basset Hound

– a good guard, defender and fighter, easy to train. Moderately aggressive, has a balanced psyche.

The most fashionable and popular breeds of domestic dogs in Moscow with photos and names in 2019

Popular in the capital of Russia dear dogs not show class large sizes, which can emphasize the status of the owner. The top 5 popular dog breeds in Moscow look like this:

5th place: West Highland Terrier(the cost of a show-class puppy is about 1000 USD) – despite its miniature size, it loves long walks, is active and cocky.

4th place: Welsh Corgi(about 2000 USD) – a cheerful, cheerful and very active dog. Easily trainable, friendly to all family members.

3rd place: Pomeranian Spitz (about 1500 USD) – a beautiful and cheerful dog with a “smiling” face. Loves to swim and play fresh air. One of the longest-living breeds.

2nd place: Golden Retriever(about 1200 USD) – a dog for the family. Cheerful, mischievous and energetic, at the same time responsible and smart.

1st place: Yorkshire Terrier(about 2000 USD) – Beauty, grace, bright mind, cheerful character, miniature size and absolute hypoallergenic wool make this dog the leader of all fashionable tops.

Popular dog breeds for apartments in 2019

Video: TOP 10 best dogs for apartments

The most popular “apartment” breeds:

  • Bolonka
  • Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Cocker Spaniel

Yorkshire Terrier - a dog for keeping in an apartment

Future owners need to understand that no matter what breed of dog is chosen, not just a pet will appear in the house, but a full-fledged member of the family.

A dog in the family best friend and defender

The animal needs care, care and attention. If you are not ready to devote enough time to the dog, no qualities and characteristics of the breed will save the situation - over time, the animal’s character may deteriorate. At the same time, even a mongrel mongrel can become a reliable protector and true friend subject to the friendliness of the owner.

Video: The most popular dog breeds

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