Who has the largest labia? The sexiest female traits. What do men like? Complaints regarding problems with hypertrophy of the labia minora

From patients' questions:
"...Why are my labia minora larger than my outer lips and much larger? Is it possible and necessary to do any surgical operations?, because my genitals seem disgusting to me, they bother me very much! And how might my boyfriend react to this, with whom I want to start my sex life (I’m still a virgin), but I can’t because of this problem?! And is it worth telling him about it, because he’ll notice sooner or later anyway?!”

"...What size should the female intimate organs be? If my labia minora are hypertrophied, what is the reason for this and how serious is it (or is it just an aesthetic factor?)"

"...I'm afraid of gynecologists like fire. And all because I'm ashamed! My labia majora are smaller than the labia minora. Such a shame. I'm afraid of surgery... I've actually had this problem since I was 14 years old. I was afraid, I didn't even lose my virginity for a long time because - for this. Although she loved and wanted, she kept thinking that she would see and run away, think: “Like my girl, but with joints! Horrible!" Whoever I asked, no one has anything like that there. Can you imagine a 16-year-old girl with 4 cm mugs. This is not normal at all! "

"...I have one large labia minora...And it seems to me that it becomes even larger with age...Why are they abnormal? And can the birth of a child affect their enlargement?"

Hypertrophy of the labia, or more correctly, the internal (small) lips, is a condition in which there is a disproportionate increase in their size in comparison with the external (large) ones.

This is a common occurrence and from a medical point of view, unless there is a significant degree of the process, cannot be considered as a disease requiring surgical treatment. Options for the size of external genitalia in women are equivalent and equivalent, just as both small and large breasts are acceptable and natural.


Based on aesthetic considerations, the following degrees of severity of this problem can be distinguished, depending on how much the labia protrudes from the genital slit in a standing position:

About a third of the fair half of humanity faces a similar situation to one degree or another (see survey results below). Their labia minora can not only be hypertrophied, that is, be longer than the outer ones, but also differ in shape and color from each other. This is an individual characteristic of each woman and there can be several reasons: congenital, mechanical, traumatic, genetic.

Hypertrophy of the labia in girls can be detected from the first days of her life. Typically, the occurrence of this aesthetic defect is facilitated by prematurity or underweight during fetal development. In addition, excessive development can be caused by heredity, so girls who are faced with a similar problem should ask their closest relatives about it. In this case, it will not appear immediately, usually during puberty or with the onset of sexual activity.

Thus, individual differences in the structure of the genitals in girls and women are most often of a congenital nature; they can also occur due to hormonal disorders, after injuries, or childbirth. Often, large labia minora of large sizes can sometimes cause their owners a number of inconveniences, both physical and psychological.


  • Unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • Chafing when wearing tight-fitting underwear or clothing;
  • Inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals;
  • Discomfort when urinating - splashing to the sides, feeling of wetness;
  • Difficulties with intimate hygiene.


  • Discomfort in intimate relationships;
  • Embarrassment of visiting a gynecologist or cosmetologist;
  • Aesthetic obstacles when engaging in certain types of activities and sports.


Come for a consultation with a specialist, discuss your problem, find out the most optimal way to solve it. Depending on what specific problem related to the appearance of the genitals brought you to the clinic, we will offer one or another solution to it.

The main way to eliminate hypertrophy of the labia is to undergo labiaplasty surgery. In addition to it, you can perform procedures for contour plastic surgery of the external genitalia using hyaluronic acid preparations. Injection rejuvenation of intimate areas allows you to increase tone, change the shape and size of the external genitalia, moisturize the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule, and enhance sexual sensations by enlarging the G-spot and clitoris. Carrying them out will help to recreate aesthetically attractive lip shapes, get rid of existing difficulties and achieve sexual attractiveness at any age.

Find out in more detail what types of labia there are:

Norm Flabby Long
Hanging Large Stretched
Asymmetry Dark Black
sticking out Enlarged After childbirth

My opinion on the topic “Why does a girl need labiaplasty?” I call it "my second language". My inner labia are gigantic - they protrude more than 4 cm from my body. I don't remember it being any different. I never thought that my genitals were special until I grew up and began to take a closer look at those around me - who looked like them, what they wore and what they could afford. I love sunbathing and playing active sports. And then my problem began to manifest itself.... I came home and gritted my teeth, pulled my lips, peeled them apart, then sat with my legs spread, massaging my vulva with Shea butter to relieve the pain... But now I understand that I used to make the mistake of thinking that being a woman meant living in constant pain. The surgery helped introduce me to the other side of my vagina..."

Sunday, June 11, 2017 00:02 + to quote book

What a horror girl. Don't do any operations and stop making complexes. It's already hard to find you, those with big lips. For me personally. Yes, and I know many men. I really like the big ones. If your partner doesn’t like you and God forbid he encourages you to have surgery, kick him in the face. Believe me. you will meet exactly your person. who will carry you in his arms and go crazy with you. And adore your big lips

Large labia minora is a completely normal phenomenon and there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, it can, of course, interfere with sports, but for a loving person to not like it, this is a grave mistake. Although it depends on who. I confess. For example, it will give me more pleasure to make love with my beloved girl if she has large labia minora. Excites much more than usual.

And by the way, making love is the best, most enjoyable and useful sport. It lifts your mood, trains the muscles of the whole body, calms and improves the nervous system, relieves fatigue, irritation, treats insomnia and charges you with positivity for the whole day if you do morning love exercises. Like this.

I think that the biggest problem is still sport, but even here, most likely it will be enough to simply choose the most appropriate underwear - and the problem will be solved. As for how your boyfriend feels about this - I think that if in fact there is an impression that this is bothering him in any way, then it’s worth talking to him before moving on fantasize. Between loving people, such a topic should, in theory, be discussed without problems, without shame, without complexes - otherwise what kind of love is it?

Besides all this, you know what. But we each have some distinctive feature that makes us unique, one of a kind. It can be anything, even such an intimate detail))

Yulyasya, you write that it SEEMS to you that this is stressing out your boyfriend, but you are together. So it really APPEARS. It seems to me that everything is fine, this is not a physical deviation, it’s just a physiological feature - some have big ears, some have a small nose. Nature decides everything.

If this personally bothers YOU in sports, then contact the appropriate specialist, but believe me, surgery to reduce the labia will be an unnatural and incorrect intervention. (Yes, the doctor will probably tell you so).

By the way, if the labia minora are large, this indicates the woman’s temperament. And there's nothing wrong with that. Read how they are divided in the Kama Sutra or here, and you will understand everything yourself. So don’t worry, but on the contrary, be proud that you have them like that. And if a man understands in the female anatomy, then it will attract him and not scare him away. The main thing is not to have complexes about this yourself. And one more piece of advice, look

about the classification of the labia with your partner, this will be useful information for both him and you.

“I think this is stressing out my boyfriend” - is the key word here seems or are you sure?

Each person has different physiological characteristics of the body, and this is normal. If your boyfriend loves you, then this will be just a small trifle that is easy to turn a blind eye to.

Now I will also answer in the same way as this problem worried me very much and, of course, I was interested in the Internet, and in the literature, and with doctors, and even asked my friends.

The gynecologist’s answer amazed me: she said that, according to statistics, 30-40% of women have large labia minora. 40% is almost half - I didn’t think there were so many of them.

She said that there is nothing wrong with this - it is not a pathology, and therefore it is not dangerous. Just a feature of nature. It’s worth paying attention to this; if they hurt or itch, then see a doctor.

1 “But” - oncological consequences are possible - this immediately stopped me. I have already decided that I won’t do it - I have cancer patients in my family.

Sexually transmitted diseases are possible and low sensitivity of the lips is ensured - also not an unimportant minus.

She also said that after giving birth they will stretch back to their previous size. That is, after such an operation you cannot give birth.

She told me to buy soft underwear in my own size - then the sponges will be in direct contact with the underwear - they will be fixed, but there will be no pain. If they are, it's not your size. You can carefully wrap them with your finger before putting on your underwear.

My man really liked this feature of mine (we separated and now I’m alone - I’m writing from past experience). He even said that half of them are like him, if not more. I don’t know if I lied or not, but the figure of 50-50% is very good. He even made me happy. I want to arrange a survey on social media. network - to find out whether the ex’s assumption that sympathy (or how to say) 50% to 50% will be confirmed. I will write the survey results in a comment in 7 days.

If large labia prevent you from playing sports, then what can we say about men?) If everything depended on this, then there would be no good athletes among men, but in fact, now men’s standards are superior to women’s (and sports standards for women with small labia also small, and not vice versa). And if you also dance well, then there’s definitely nothing to worry about. This is all a joke, of course, but with some truth. Maybe, of course, this leaves some imprint on feminine hygiene, with which I am little familiar, but everything else is a matter of taste. At least in sex - for sure. It contains things that are easier to do with large labia than with small ones - and this is your highlight. And whether your partner can or wants to take advantage of this is a question of his personal characteristics and features your relationship, not just the size of your labia.

This is good. Very. Since women with large lips are in the minority, and a man can have such fiery feelings for a woman with such lips that he will be ready to do almost anything for her. How many men like this? Answer: half - plus or minus 7 percent, judging by polls. What to do if a woman has a complex about this? You can realize the magnificence of nature’s gift yourself, or you can turn to those who can help in this survey. Is this a physiological problem? No is not. This is problem exclusively psychological. Consequently, its solution is carried out psychologically. Why is this good if women with big lips are in the minority? For the same reason that it is good when there is an emerald, and not a simple piece of glass.

All women by nature have different external characteristics and, of course, this also applies to reproductive organs. Each representative of the fair sex has different types of labia. Some people are quite happy with them, while others suffer from psychological and physical discomfort caused by their irregular shape. What types of labia exist and are some of them really as ugly as women think?

Types of female labia majora

The shape of the labia is formed in utero. But throughout life it can undergo both significant and small changes. The labia majora is a longitudinal fold of skin that normally covers the genital fissure and labia minora from the external aggressive environment. Skin color can be different - it is individual for each woman.

As such, the types of labia majora are not classified in any way. They just come in normal size and thickness, asymmetrical, or underdeveloped, which do not block access to the vulva.

Types of labia minora in women

There are many more structural variations in the labia minora, as opposed to the labia majora. Normally, they represent thin (up to 5 mm) longitudinal folds of skin, passing into the mucous membrane and located lengthwise. Near the clitoris, the lips are divided into medial and lateral legs, stretching from the top to the entrance to the vagina, ending at the bottom with a posterior commissure that connects them.

The labia minora are located inside the labia majora, and when closed they do not extend beyond them. But this is the classical norm, and in life everything often happens just the opposite. In some cases, deviations from common truths are a pathology, while others have a good chance of being considered a type of norm.

The types of labia minora, or rather the classification of their changes according to shape, are as follows:

  • · Elongation - with maximum lateral stretching, their size is more than 6 cm. This is degree 4; 4-6 cm are typical for grade 3; from 2 to 4 cm is the normal size of the labia minora, although women feel most comfortable when this size is no more than 1 cm when stretched.
  • · Protusion - zero, when in a standing position the small lips do not protrude beyond the large lips; first degree, characterized by protrusion of 1-3 cm; and the second - protrusion of more than 3 cm.
  • · Scalloped edges - smooth or carved edges of various shapes, which also differ in color.
  • · True hypertrophy - increase in all parameters - thickness, folding, pigmentation, wrinkling
  • · The absence of labia minora generally occurs in little girls and women with hormonal abnormalities.

All changes in the labia depend on factors such as excess or deficiency of hormones, childbirth, weight loss, and injury. If the size and shape cause inconvenience not only during sexual intercourse, but also in everyday life, they resort to plastic surgery.

As for male preferences, the majority of the stronger sex argue that the shape and size of the labia minora in no way affect their attitude towards the girl they love. And this also has little effect on your sex life. Most often, the problem of irregularly shaped labia minora is exclusively in the minds of the fair sex, while their men like everything without exception.

An abnormal feature of a woman, in which the size of the labia minora exceeds the size of the labia majora, is called hypertrophy of the labia minora. It is observed in 30% of representatives of the weaker half of humanity. For comparison: normally, the inner labia should be covered as much as possible by the labia majora and not protrude outward.

general information

Hypertrophy refers to the lengthening or enlargement of one or both labia minora. The latter are two longitudinal folds of skin located under the labia majora. They surround the urethra and the entrance to the vagina, connecting at the back into a commissure. The individual characteristics of each woman determine the size, shape and pigmentation of the labia, meanwhile, in all of them they are characterized by good blood supply.

Important! Normally, the length of the longitudinal folds of the skin when stretched laterally does not exceed 2–4 cm, and the thickness does not exceed 5 mm. If the length is more than 5 cm, doctors talk about hypertrophy.

Due to the fact that the labia minora perform several functions - they protect the woman’s body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, and her mucous membranes from drying out, provide hydration and additional stimulation during sexual intercourse, if hypertrophy is suspected, it is necessary to immediately consult a gynecologist.


There are congenital and acquired hypertrophy. At risk are those who had low body weight at birth. As a rule, pathology is not noticed immediately, but during the period or at the moment when the girl enters into sexual relations.

Note!The exact cause of the development of hypertrophy of the labia minora has not yet been established. Meanwhile, scientists are convinced that masturbation or an overly active sex life has nothing to do with the appearance of pathology. In addition, the abnormal feature is not caused by sexually transmitted infections.

Hypertrophy can be provoked by age-related changes that occur in a woman’s body. Making the situation worse:

  • chronic vulvitis;
  • vulvar lymphedema (swelling);
  • sudden weight loss;
  • surgical interventions on the genital organs;
  • piercing of intimate areas, especially the use of heavy earrings that pull back the skin;
  • injuries;
  • childbirth;
  • as a result of sexual intercourse.

Types and stages

There are severe and mild forms of hypertrophy. Along with this, doctors operate with the concepts of elongation, hypertrophy, protrusion and asymmetry when it comes to the structure of the labia minora.

Elongation is the lengthening of the fold by stretching by 5 cm or more. Depending on the degree of severity, the features are distinguished:

  • first stage– when the length of the skin fold in a stretched state is less than 2 cm;
  • second stage– when the length of the skin fold ranges from 2 to 4 cm;
  • third stage– when the length reaches 4–6 cm when stretched;
  • fourth stage– when the skin fold stretches more than 6 cm.

Protrusion is diagnosed when the labia minora extend beyond the labia majora in a standing position. Depending on the degree of severity, it can be:

  • first degree– when the edge of the skin fold protrudes by 1–3 cm;
  • second degree– when the edge extends more than 3 cm.

Important! Women who experience an excessive increase in the length or thickness of the labia minora need medical attention. Also, corrections require conditions in which there is increased wrinkling and folding. In such cases, they may have an asymmetrical shape or size and cause discomfort to the woman, provoke hypoesthesia, or decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms and complaints

Despite the fact that by hypertrophy doctors mean an abnormal condition and not a disease, women who are diagnosed with it experience problems of various kinds. They are conventionally divided into:

With hypertrophy, a woman notes:

  • pain during moments of intimacy;
  • discomfort when practicing certain sports - horse riding, cycling, skiing, running;
  • difficulties in performing personal hygiene;
  • pain during gynecological examination;
  • discomfort when wearing tight underwear or trousers.

Note! Despite the serious psychological problems of women caused by hypertrophy, many men find the anomalous feature unusual and interesting, so they are happy to enter into close relationships with them.

You should visit a doctor if, as a result of constant friction, sagging skin folds appear and their pigmentation changes. In the absence of medical care, the labia will only become inflamed, lose their tone and worsen the situation.

Diagnostics and labiaplasty

To make a diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to examine a woman in a gynecological chair. Due to the fact that it is impossible to influence the size of skin folds using conservative treatment methods, the patient must decide on the need for intimate plastic surgery. Labiaplasty, or surgical correction of the labia, does not have strict indications.

If a woman decides to undergo it, she is recommended:

  • get advice from a gynecologist who will take a smear on the flora during the examination;
  • hand over and ;
  • pass, as well as tests for,;
  • do - this study allows you to determine the quality of blood clotting.

Important! When general anesthesia is used during surgery, the patient is advised to additionally undergo an electrocardiogram.

Depending on the size of the labia and the expected result, the surgeon may perform:

  • V-shaped or wedge-shaped resection, in which V-shaped flaps are cut out on each side of the fold, allowing them to be reduced in size while maintaining their familiar appearance;
  • linear– in this case, after surgical intervention, the skin folds take on an unnatural straight appearance due to disruption of folding and shape.

Both options have a significant drawback, which is a long rehabilitation period. The only way out of the situation is laser labiaplasty. This is a gentle technique that uses a laser beam to minimize the development of bleeding and the appearance of scars. Meanwhile, it is not recommended for nulliparous women.

Contraindications for labiaplasty

Surgery on the labia minora is denied to women who have been diagnosed with:

Important! Labiaplasty is not performed on minors.

Consequences of labiaplasty

Each of the above procedures refers to technically simple operations. After completing it, the woman is recommended to stay for several hours under the supervision of specialists, after which she is sent home. After a few days, discomfort in the labiaplasty area usually disappears.

According to statistics, up to 90% of patients who decide to undergo intimate plastic surgery are satisfied with the result. The rest undergo repeated procedures because they do not feel satisfied with the appearance of their genitals, and also continue to experience discomfort.

Possible postoperative complications:

  • scars that take a long time to heal;
  • bleeding;
  • swelling and hematoma;
  • development of infections or inflammations;
  • decreased sensitivity of the labia minora.


It is impossible to protect yourself from hypertrophy, but it is completely possible to reduce the risk of its development. To do this, it is enough to undergo an examination by a gynecologist every six months, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and refuse genital piercings.

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