Caring for the English Cocker Spaniel breed. Caring for an English Cocker Spaniel An English Cocker Spaniel as a Family Member

Caring for a spaniel does not require much work from the owner. The main thing is to allow the pet to splash out its energy, because in the urban jungle it cannot show its hunting talents as intended. The dog needs to be walked regularly and played with at home and outside.

Content Features

There are 3 breeds of cocker spaniels - English, American and Russian. Their roots are the same, but there are also differences. For example, the American cocker can be found more often at an exhibition than during a hunt. The main difference between the breed is its long, shiny coat of uniform color. In theory, the American Spaniel is a hunting dog, but it does well in a quiet environment.

The Russian cocker is a descendant of the English one. When the British brought these pets to Russia, breeders liked them. But it was necessary to make the breed more resistant to climate change or hunting conditions. After crossing different types of spaniels, breeders were able to create a dog adapted to wooded, flat and swampy areas.

The common features of all three types of spaniels are activity, playfulness, responsiveness and loyalty. Dogs become very attached to their owner, and if this is not controlled, the puppy can completely lose independence.

Cockers adapt their behavior to the situation. The pet behaves friendly with its owner and members of his family, makes contact himself, and gets along well with children and other animals. But the hunter's skills make the dog a good guard if necessary.

A not very pleasant feature of spaniels is a tendency to continuous, not always justified barking. Because of this, keeping a dog in an apartment will not be easy. Some cockers are stubborn and willful, and have an unshakable sense of ownership over their toys.

Estrus in female cocker spaniels begins at 7-10 months and lasts 21 days with a break of 5-6 months. In this regard, the breed is no different from others. Those who are going to breed puppies need to breed the dog with a male during the last 5 days of estrus.

Who can handle the breed

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel is not difficult. The main conditions of keeping are attention to the coat and regular outdoor games. It is better to bring such a dog into a large family so that someone is always at home.

Cockers can be left alone, but not for long. Loneliness affects the dog’s psyche, it gets irritated, gets into the habit of constantly howling, barking and ruining things. The spaniel is sincerely attached to only one person, but tries to please all family members and treats everyone with love.

This breed is suitable for older people who want a loyal companion in retirement. The spaniel will not let you get bored, will be a devoted friend, and will amuse you with his acting abilities.

English and Russian cockers can be owned by hunters. If you start training your puppy right away, he will be a good companion by adulthood. Spaniels have a sensitive sense of smell; they do not stand in a stance, but immediately rush to the prey, without giving it time to escape. When it finds itself in the tenacious teeth, the cocker carries it to the owner carefully, holding it by the very edge so as not to damage it.

American spaniels are winners of many exhibitions and shows. If you want to compete, the breed's long coat and neat face will win your heart.

All cockers can be safely left alone with children. You can even leave the house for a while and hand over the reins to your dog. She takes such tasks seriously, not allowing the child to do anything wrong.

All this applies to well-mannered dogs, who were shown in childhood who is boss. If you constantly indulge the whims of a seemingly defenseless puppy, then as it grows up its character will become unbearable - the pet will sit on your neck, considering itself to be in charge. Such errors will have to be corrected by the instructor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any dog, even a mongrel one, requires care. You will have to put even more effort into keeping a pet with a pedigree. Cocker spaniels are not overly demanding. The advantages of their content:

  1. They are easy to train. They try to please the owner, so they master the commands without any problems.
  2. Cockers are smart. They quickly understand what not to do and what they can get away with.
  3. They love to travel and tolerate driving well. You won’t have to leave your dog with someone close when you need to leave for a few days.
  4. Spaniels are loyal. They will not run away from you during a walk, or do anything that upsets you.
  5. Pets are easy-going. If you punish a dog, it will understand everything, will not take revenge on you, and will forget about the incident within half an hour.

But things are not so easy with these animals. They also have disadvantages:

  1. Gluttony. Cocker spaniels will not refuse another portion of food, even if they have just destroyed a full plate. You will have to make sure that your pet does not overeat and feed it a balanced diet to avoid obesity.
  2. Selfishness. If you raise a dog incorrectly, it will do as it wants, ignore your commands, and start fights with other animals while walking.
  3. Emotionality. Cockers become attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness. If you leave your dog alone for a long time, be prepared for damage to furniture, clothing, and anything else your teeth could reach.
  4. A sense of ownership. Cockers are friendly towards children, but if a child takes the treasured toy, war will begin.
  5. Demand for attention. Spaniels need a lot of time. While you are at home, play with the dog, feed it, pet it, scratch it. If you don’t do this, she will get bored and start looking for entertainment for herself, for example, she will try to test the strength of your slippers.

What to buy

The dog should be comfortable in the house, it should have its own sleeping place. Get a bed or house in advance. Other animals should not be allowed into the cocker’s abode, otherwise he will show aggression.

For a puppy, it is better to buy the cheapest collar and a regular leash without a tape measure. When your dog grows up and gets used to walking next to you on walks, choose more expensive accessories. Choose toys carefully – spaniels love soft and exciting toys.

Think about what your pet will chew so that he does not choose furniture for this purpose. Buy sinew bones, but to begin with, not too large so that the dog can carry them to a convenient place. You need a regular bowl, without a stand, but with high sides so that your ears don’t fit into it.

To care for the coat, you need a furminator or a regular brush, but with it, combing will take longer and is not as effective. For water procedures, you will need shampoos and conditioners specifically for spaniels.

Place of detention

Cocker spaniels are small in size, so they feel comfortable even in a one-room apartment. The dog needs to create a separate corner in order to immediately stop attempts to go to sleep in the owner’s bed.

A pet can only be kept outside in the summer - it is not adapted to cold weather. Make a comfortable booth, put soft bedding and additional toys in it.

The Cocker cannot be kept on a chain or in an enclosure - he constantly needs freedom of action so that he can splash out his energy.

You can put a playpen for dogs in the apartment. The pet is allowed into it if the owners leave for a while. There should be plenty of space in the playpen; toys should be placed there so that the pet does not get bored and does not look for a way to retreat.

Feeding rules

Proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health. There are two diet options for a cocker spaniel - natural food and super-premium dry food. If you don’t have too much free time, buy ready-made formulations. Feed your dog natural food if you can devote time to cooking every day - you cannot give your spaniel regular human food.

In the first 2 months, the puppy needs to be fed 6 times a day with the same food as in the nursery, the amount of food is approximately 0.5 cups. The dog's weight should increase from 350-450 g to 4-5 kg. Establish a clear feeding routine so your puppy knows when to expect food.

After 2 months, you can introduce liquid semolina or rice porridge with milk into your diet. Minced meat and bones and grated carrots are added to it. The number of feedings is reduced to 5, and after four months of age – to 4. At this point, the dog’s weight is 8-10 kg.

Starting from the age of six months, the puppy is transferred to three meals a day. At this time, its weight is 11-13 kg. After 1 year, the dog is fed 1-2 times a day. The diet should consist of 80% proteins and 20% carbohydrates.

The cocker's menu should include the following products:

Spaniels should not be given pasta, sausages, sausages, confectionery products and river fish. Do not feed your dog fried, fatty or smoked foods, and do not allow them to eat food from your table.


A cocker spaniel should be taught from childhood to water treatments and brushing so that an adult pet does not cause problems. Only wash your dog if his coat looks dirty. Before doing this, check that there are no tangles in it. Use special dog shampoos or baby products that do not dry out the skin. After the procedure, the pet should be rinsed well so as not to cause irritation.

It is better to care for the coat with several brushes with metal, not too frequent teeth. Move along the hair growth in this order: neck, shoulders, back, sides, outside of the paws, area around the tail. Then take a softer brush and brush the ears (especially the inside), body, front legs, armpits, groin, hind legs and tail.

Use a wide-tooth comb to remove any dead undercoat, then go over again with the main comb. If there are tangles, they are sorted out with your fingers or a soft brush.

The procedure is performed every 2-3 days. If you live in a private home and often let your dog roam freely, you will have to brush it daily.

It is better to call a groomer to groom your cocker. He knows where to use scissors and where to use a clipper, so as not to spoil the breed. Russian Spaniels do not need to be trimmed.

Taking care of your teeth

As soon as you get a puppy, get him accustomed to the fact that you will periodically look into his mouth and check his teeth. Do this 1-2 times a week, then reward your pet with tasty food.

When baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth (at 6-7 months), they need to be brushed once a month. Choose a comfortable brush and veterinary toothpaste for dogs. A human one will not work, since you cannot explain to your pet that you need to spit out the remains and rinse your mouth. And aggressive substances will cause digestive problems. Regular dental care will prevent dental diseases.

Nail trimming

The cocker spaniel also needs to be taught this procedure from childhood. The claws are cut with veterinary pruning shears at an acute angle. First you need to carefully examine them, find a pulp with a collection of blood vessels. The claw should be trimmed at a distance of 2 mm from its tip.

If you cut too short, you can stop the bleeding with a veterinary pencil or powder. If there are none, sprinkle flour on the wounded finger. If it is missing, wrap your paw with a bandage to stop the bleeding. If it does not stop for more than 5 minutes, take your pet to the veterinarian.

Only trim the nails of dogs that do not wear them down during walks. If you walk with your pet on asphalt, this procedure is not required. If your favorite places are squares or beaches, then cut the nails when they become too long, without waiting for problems with the dog’s health.

Diseases of the breed

On average, Cocker Spaniels live 15 years if well cared for. Typically, dogs of this breed suffer from hereditary diseases. Before buying a puppy, check its vaccinations (they are indicated in the veterinary passport).

Common diseases in cockers:

  • nephropathy (kidney disease);
  • pathologies of bones and joints;
  • eye diseases - conjunctivitis, ectropion, retinal atrophy;
  • middle ear infections, deafness;
  • dermatitis, allergies, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (defect in collagen synthesis);
  • obesity.

If your dog is sick, contact your veterinarian; do not try to treat it yourself. The doctor will find out what the problem is, conduct tests, select medications and dosage. Your task is to follow the veterinarian's instructions and provide your pet with care.

Training Basics

Cocker spaniels actively accept training, but for this you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Timeliness. Start teaching your dog commands from an early age, otherwise it will be more difficult later.
  2. Regularity. Work with your pet daily, otherwise he will forget the learned commands.
  3. Sufficient load. Cockers are hunting dogs, so develop their potential. Use more active commands in training.
  4. Tolerance. Don't scold your spaniel for mistakes in training. The animal does not understand your speech; it needs time to get used to it.
  5. Game format. Get your pet interested and training will go smoothly.
  6. Personal contact. If you consider yourself the owner of a cocker, do the training yourself, without entrusting it to other family members or trainers.

First, train your spaniel to respond to your name, thereby attracting his attention. Then teach the command “place”, then “sit”, “to me” and “lie”. An important stage of training is learning the word “no” or its alternative “fu”. They are needed so that your apartment does not look like a battlefield.

Walks and games

Walking is the second favorite activity of cockers after eating. Walk your pet twice a day - morning and evening, or better yet, during the day. On the street, the pet must go to the toilet (this takes about half of the entire walk, since the animal can empty its bladder up to 10 times).

You need to play with the dog - let it bring you a ball or a stick. The second educational game is “Take It Away.” Take the stick, but don't throw it - let the dog grab it from the other side. This is how the spaniel develops self-control. If he starts to behave aggressively, give the command "fu" and end the game. The walk should last at least an hour.

Purchasing is a very responsible matter. She must be properly fed, educated and kept clean. If you want a little energetic friend, the English Cocker Spaniel will definitely suit you.

Breed characteristics and character

English cocker spaniel very loyal and kind. He always finds one favorite owner and quickly gets used to him. But he also plays responsively with other family members.

Friendly welcomes guests into the house. She does not have the habit of growling and barking at passers-by. A very cheerful, sociable, gentle breed. Considering that spaniels have the trait of being overly dependent on their owner, you should teach your pet to be independent.

If one day you have to leave for at least a couple of days, she will become sad and lose her appetite and desire to play. Among the characteristics of the breed, you can notice that knots dominate. They are more stubborn than cables.

But at the same time, the girls are helpful. There are also shy, calm dogs. Each of them, like people, has its own character. Sometimes you can notice that a pet takes on some traits from its owner.

English cocker spaniel a fast learning breed. They understand the owner's commands well. They always try to trick their owner. Training from an early age makes the dog disciplined.

This breed is perfect for keeping indoors. Be child friendly. Gets along well with other pets. It's rare to find a possessive personality trait when it comes to Spaniel toys.

These are suitable for hunting. They are very hardy, it seems that they do not get tired at all. Cockers try and work very hard. The English spaniel is a very sensual dog. Differs in mental and physical characteristics.

Despite its gentle nature, the dog reacts to rough treatment. Can grin and growl. You need to instill good manners in your pet from an early age. Socialization helps the animal to show its best qualities.

Breed standard

A dog's appearance can say a lot. Decorative pets do not have strong bones, strong muscles and are often small in size.

Cockers by nature, although small, are well built. The body is almost square in shape, and the head resembles a rectangle. There is a wide nose on the muzzle.

The eyes are large, but do not stand out. They have different shades of brown color. Looking at the spaniel, you can notice a kind, playful look. Large, long, flat ears are located at eye level. The neck is short, the shoulders smoothly blend into the body. The chest is correspondingly small, but expressive.

Despite the small paws english cocker spaniel very fast breed. That's why they take them hunting with them. The limbs are strong, the muscles are powerful. The amplitude of the knees gives good stability. The dog has a small tail set below the back. It can be docked for hunting purposes.

Cockers come in a variety of colors. Black English Cocker Spaniel, brown or two-tone. Possible spotted color. The coat is thick and wavy. It tends to get tangled because it is quite long. With normal nutrition, the dog gains weight well. An adult cocker should normally weigh up to 14.5 kg.

Care and maintenance

Every pet needs care. Individual characteristics make dogs slightly different in their keeping. It depends on the shaggyness, size and breed of the animal.

English cocker spaniel has long hair, so as not to accumulate matted tufts on its silky coat, it must be combed and cut.

Many owners prefer to turn to specialists for help. However english cocker spaniel haircut may not be very cheap. If you lack funds, you can carry out the procedure yourself.

Better twice a month. This will make bathing and cleaning easier. The hair on the paws should also be trimmed. They will have a well-groomed, neat appearance. At about half a year, cockers begin to shed. You need to constantly comb this fur so as not to spoil the growth of the new one. General care also includes nail trimming.

To all procedures English cocker spaniel dog should be taught from childhood. They don't really like brushing their teeth, combing their hair, or bathing. Therefore, it is better to consult a veterinarian on how to carry out dog hygiene without problems.

Claws are not trimmed very often, only once a month. Special care for ears. They are checked every week. At the same time, they are cleaned and lubricated with a special liquid. It protects against contamination. This breed of dog is susceptible to ear infections.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of odor from the ears, which indicates a disease. Since the ears are long, it is necessary to feed your pet from a narrow bowl so that food does not fall on them. This also applies to a bowl of water.

Of course, after every walk, especially in bad weather, when the paws are very dirty, it is necessary to wash them. If your dog is involved in exhibitions, you need to pay close attention to the cocker's face. Pluck long hairs and comb the tuft.

You should remember about walking. Like any living organism, a dog also needs air. Cockers will always be happy to frolic in the clearing. Visit your veterinarian.

The doctor must administer the necessary vaccinations. This is usually at an early age. Since English Cocker Spaniels are prone to infections and skin diseases, preventive examinations are necessary.


Every owner thinks about their pet’s diet. Draws information from books or the Internet, trying to follow all the rules. Especially with a purebred dog that cannot digest anything, you need to understand nutrition. The diet should be complete, filled with vitamins.

Proper diet for a spaniel is very important. This breed is prone to overeating and obesity. You should not spoil him with food from the master's table. Sometimes it is simply impossible to resist the pleading look of a cocker.

Kind eyes look and beg for a tasty treat. The animal's good appetite leads to distension of the stomach. As with any dog, enormous weight is contraindicated for a cocker.

Drinking in your diet is very important. A bowl of clean water should always be in place. They can only drink milk English Cocker Spaniel puppies. It is contraindicated for adults. Fermented milk products can be an addition to food.

Watch the portion your dog eats. For a puppy, 4 tablespoons per feeding is enough. The dog grows and the amount of food increases.

  • A puppy up to 2 months eats 6 times, but in small portions;
  • From 4 months, doses are reduced by 2 times;
  • From 4 to 6 months, the puppy eats 3-4 times a day;
  • Up to 1 year, the portion is increased, and the doses are divided into 2-3 times;
  • After a year, cockers are fed 1-2 times a day.

When getting a dog, the owner must choose feeding hours that are convenient for himself and the pet. Since everyone's workload is different, the working day can last a long time. The animal should not starve.

The diet must be varied so that the dog receives the necessary beneficial components for its body. The main products are: meat, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables and porridge.

Vegetables should be served stewed. It is better to take meat that is not fatty. For example, chicken, beef, and turkey work well. Sometimes you can add eggs to your food, but not more than one per week. There are also vitamin complexes; they must be given to the dog once every half-hour to maintain healthy coat and teeth.

Possible diseases

English cocker spaniel is not a sickly breed. They are hardy, strong, and live long. Life expectancy is on average 15 years.

However, like any animal, it still has a tendency to certain diseases. These include: vestibular diseases, infectious, immunological disorders, skin diseases and cancer.


If you see photo, English Cocker Spaniel, Are you excited about buying him, look for puppies with a pedigree. There is no need for merit at shows. But documents about its purity will guarantee that the dog will not bring surprises uncharacteristic of the breed.

Appearances can be deceiving. The color and structure fit the standard, but the character will appear completely different. Your attempts to raise a noble dog may be unsuccessful.

When meeting with a dog breeder, you need to pay attention not only to the puppies, but also to the owner. Strange behavior to sell the puppy as quickly as possible is not characteristic of a good owner.

The first months are very important for the development of the dog; they should receive vitamins and food. However, not everyone monitors the proper nutrition of their puppies.

If you are not confident in your knowledge, take with you a specialist who will help you identify a capable puppy. At this age, based on their habits, it is not yet entirely clear where the leader is.

But if you are not going to take your pet to exhibitions, then it is enough to determine the purebred of the breed. Buy an English Cocker Spaniel With a passport, of course, it won’t be cheap.

Decide right away what gender you want a pet. Considering that the cables look more impressive in appearance. But they need mating; the boys will wander around, causing inconvenience to the owner. It's even more of a hassle with girls. Are you ready to breed puppies and look for a purebred cable for breeding?

English Cocker Spaniel price without a passport cannot be higher than 10 thousand rubles. Pedigree puppies are much more expensive. Their cost depends on the pedigree. You can buy a puppy starting from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.

The American Cocker Spaniel, a popular hunting dog breed, often becomes a pet for city residents who have no idea what hunting is. The dogs have an attractive appearance and a wonderful character, but like any hunting breed, they have their own characteristics of education and care.

Cockers were brought to America in the 80s of the 19th century, they hunted woodcocks and rabbits. This is one of the few breeds that track not game, but fur-bearing animals. Over the years, the breed has undergone some changes - the muzzle has become shorter, the coat is longer, and the weight is less. A new breed has appeared - the American Cocker Spaniel.

Cocker spaniels have been ranked number one in the American Kennel Club studbook more times than any other breed.

In the 80s of the last century, it was a cult dog that many wanted to get. The FCI recognized the breed in 1985.

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniels have a beautiful appearance. They have wonderful soft fur with a thick undercoat and large, expressive eyes. The dog's ears, chest, belly and paws are decorated with thick, slightly curled curls.

The working qualities of American cockers have been preserved and can be successfully developed during training.

But who would think of walking through the forests with such handsome men? Dogs have retained the energetic and active character of their ancestors; they do not sit still for a minute unless they are busy eating or sleeping. The exception is individuals suffering from gluttony, sick or too lazy. American Cocker Spaniels are very active and smart, trusting, and people-oriented.


Ear, eye, and skin diseases are common in cocker spaniels. The dog can inherit eye cataracts, epilepsy, dysplasia and personality problems.

The average life expectancy of American Cocker Spaniels is 13 – 15 years. How long dogs live depends largely on their care and living conditions.

Breed standard and puppy selection

The Cocker Spaniel has a strong body, adapted to fast running and exhausting loads during the hunt, and the appearance of a graceful and noble animal with a cheerful character, always ready to work.

Description of the breed and standard requirements:

  • the head is well balanced, proportional in size;
  • dark eyes look smart, lively and bewitching;
  • the skull is rounded, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined;
  • the nose is black or matches the color of the coat;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • scissor bite;
  • hanging ears with long hair;
  • the neck is slender, slightly elongated;
  • the back is strong, the chest is deep;
  • tail with long hair, slightly raised, but not higher than the line of the back;
  • limbs with powerful muscles and strong bones, slender, straight.

The dog has a lot of colors, the main ones are chocolate, black and fawn, the rarest is roan. The coat is soft and long, silky. She is very beautiful, but requires special care and regular haircuts. In American Cocker Spaniels, the weight is not limited by the strict limits of the standard; the height of the dogs should be from 34 to 39 cm.

To choose a healthy puppy, you need to get to know its parents. You can do this at a dog show by asking the owner of the animal you like when the next mating is planned.

You can buy a purebred animal through the club. If the pet is planned to participate in exhibitions, choose a puppy from a litter of champions in several generations. Its cost will be twice as high as that of a puppy with minor defects in appearance.

You should not buy an animal on the market or through a private advertisement. It has long been known that a dog inherits not only diseases, but also character. There is no guarantee that a pet with a dubious pedigree will grow up to be good-natured and cheerful, and not aggressive or cowardly.

Purpose and character of the dog

The dog is distinguished by high intelligence. She is very mobile and active, always looking for something to do, play or communicate with her owner. Thanks to his natural intelligence and curiosity, he can easily learn commands.

Pets perceive training as a fun game. Dogs have a friendly and affectionate character, love one owner and are devoted to him. They get along well with small children and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the owner and his family.

The modern purpose of the American Cocker Spaniel is as a companion dog. But we should not forget about his excellent hunting qualities, which many breeders are trying to develop and strengthen.

Cocker spaniels search for prey based on smell; they also have a keen eye and a keen sense of smell. The better they smell while hunting, the more they wag their tail.

Dogs are ideal for hunting in the forest; they can crawl under any obstacle made of branches, and easily swim across a stream or small river. Thanks to their short legs, they make their way well through the forest thicket, but it is harder for them to overcome long distances than for large dogs.

In everyday life, American Cocker Spaniels are unpretentious, they have an excellent appetite and are always in a good mood. Long walks will be required to maintain the dog's health. In addition to daily games and training outside, attention should also be paid to the appearance of the pet.

Long hair requires time and special care products. It takes more than 1 hour for a dog to dry him after a bath.

Caring for a cocker spaniel that participates in exhibitions should be especially careful:

  1. For the beauty of the coat, high-quality dry and canned food and vitamins are necessary.
  2. Wool must be washed once a week. Then comb with conditioner and blow dry.
  3. The dog's back is trimmed. The hair on the paws, head and body is trimmed.
  4. The American Cocker Spaniel is groomed every three weeks.
  5. It is necessary to properly care for the ears - bury them once a week, massage them, and trim off excess hair. The dog can eat and walk in a knitted hat so that its long beautiful ears do not get dirty.

American Cocker Spaniels tend to be overweight. Adult animals need to be fed 2 times a day at a certain time. Puppies more often - 3 - 4 times a day.

Natural food should be warm and soft. Once every two weeks you need to spend a fasting day, giving your pet only 40% of the usual diet. The menu should include cereals, vegetables, dairy products, herbs, and meat.

  • The meat is given to the dog every other day, it is pre-frozen, cut into pieces or passed through a meat grinder. Pork and rabbit cannot be given, but poultry and beef can be given.
  • The cereals are doused with boiling water.
  • Vegetables are grated, greens are finely chopped. Vegetables can be given raw or stewed.
  • The Cocker Spaniel's diet should include sea fish, but before offering it to the dog, you need to remove all the bones.

Many owners prefer not to bother themselves with creating a full-fledged dog menu and buy super-premium quality dry food in the store. This is also the right decision, since professional food contains all the vitamins and microelements the animal needs.

How to train and raise a Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniels are overly energetic and nervous, especially when children are around. But for well-trained dogs this is not a problem. Therefore, it is important to go through a training course with puppies. Representatives of the breed are very smart, they understand well what is required of them. Cocker spaniels perfectly sense the mood of their owner.

If you plan to take part in an exhibition with your dog, you need to teach it not to be afraid of strangers and to be able to present itself. She must know the basic commands: “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Lie down!”, “Ugh!”, “Come to me!”

You should not be zealous in repeating commands. The dog must accept training as a game, only then will it obey.

During the performance at the exhibition, no one will require the hunting dog to carry out service commands.

Cocker spaniels for hunting are raised in a special way, walking in the forest and explaining everything in practice. They are taught to look for animals, bring back prey, not be afraid of shots, give a voice when they spot game, and much more.

Pros and cons of the breed

The American Cocker Spaniel is characterized by reliability and love of freedom, beauty and grace, tireless energy and intelligence. But having fallen in love with a dog’s doll-like face, you need to think about the pros and cons of the breed before buying a puppy.

Pros of the American Cocker Spaniel:

  • effective appearance;
  • small body size;
  • good hunting qualities with proper education;
  • lively and peaceful character;
  • devotion to the owner.

So, these dogs have a lot of advantages for urban keeping, but they have their disadvantages.

The disadvantages of the breed include the following qualities:

  • the need for careful grooming;
  • hyperactivity;
  • tendency to bark frequently;
  • disobedience due to improper upbringing;
  • gluttony.

Some representatives of the breed have less pronounced negative traits. The dogs quickly adapt to the owner, they have a very flexible character. Therefore, the person who raised him should be blamed for the dog’s bad behavior.

What is the difference between the American and English Cocker Spaniel?

The American and English Cocker Spaniel have differences in character and appearance, although it is easy to confuse these breeds.

Unlike American dogs, the English version is used for hunting. While the American Cocker Spaniel prefers performing to hunting.

The American Cocker Spaniel has wide-set, large eyes, which is a disadvantage for the English version of the breed. When choosing sires in American kennels, preference was given to dogs with a beautiful appearance, and hunting qualities were not taken into account.

When purchasing a new family member, the happy owner asks many questions.

What care will be correct? What to feed your pet? What diseases might he develop? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are small, funny and very interesting. But at the same time they have enormous potential.

Very often, future owners fall in love with one at first sight. An inimitable look, funny “pants”, a wagging tail and selfless goodwill attract you.

But you should not assume that representatives of this breed are peaceful in everything; if necessary, they will be able to fearlessly protect their family.

It should be noted that some puppies become overly dependent on their owners, so you need to teach your pet to be independent in time.

English cocker spaniels try to please their owner, because of this, they quickly and easily learn everything new.

True, some of these four-legged animals are prone to frequent, loud and not always justified barking, which makes their maintenance somewhat more difficult.

Some pets exhibit increased stubbornness and possessiveness, especially with their belongings.

Caring for a dog of this breed is not difficult, and consists of following the basic rules. When purchasing a dog of this breed, the English Cocker Spaniel, people think that the puppy’s coat does not require special care. In vain.

By the time the dog grows up, his fur will be very difficult to manage. In addition, a dog that has not been accustomed to this kind of process from a very young age will resist when it becomes an adult, causing a lot of trouble for its owner.

At any age, it is necessary to comb at least three times a week. Various coarse brushes and combs are used for this.


Your Cocker Spaniel should be washed regularly, every month. They bathe dogs using various products for dogs with long hair.

Special conditioners heal hair and have an antistatic effect.

After bathing, cover the dog with a large towel and soak up excess moisture. After which, proceed directly to drying, using a hair dryer and brushes.


Grooming an English Cocker Spaniel is best left to an experienced groomer. Each dog has its own original proportions, and a poor-quality haircut will change the appearance of the pet beyond recognition.

The specialist knows where it is better to focus attention, and where, on the contrary, to hide shortcomings. Ideally, after this, the cocker spaniel will look beautiful and natural, as if no complex procedures were performed on it.

Nail care

The animal's claws must be trimmed regularly as they grow. For this procedure, special nail clippers are purchased.

Dental care

Tartar periodically appears on your dog's teeth. Because of it, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, and over time, tooth decay may begin. You can get rid of this problem with the help of special means, or by contacting a veterinary clinic.

In the first days of the puppy's arrival in the house, you should not leave him alone. Don't forget that the Cocker Spaniel is a domestic dog, despite its hunting instinct.

At home, you should not tie your dog. An English Cocker Spaniel, of any age, needs to exercise a lot in order for its skeleton and muscles to develop properly.

Prepare in advance a place where the puppy will sleep. Representatives of this breed are very gentle, sociable and love direct contact with the owner, so they always try to lie down next to them on the sofa, but you should not spoil your pet too much.

The place should be located away from drafts and prying eyes. It is best if it is a bright and warm part of the room.

Try to make sure that the pets can see their owners from their place. The material for the “crib” can be a children’s mattress; it can be covered with any natural fabric.

English Cocker Spaniels have an excellent appetite, they are in constant motion and require sufficient, high-calorie food.

Meat products are used: beef, horse meat, chicken, liver. The main rule is not to feed your dog raw meat products.

Fish and vegetables. The fish is given cleaned of large bones, and the vegetables are pre-grated.

Also, for proper development, your four-legged friend must be fed with various cereals. Don’t forget about the vitamin and mineral complexes developed for dogs, especially during the growth period.


When an animal is properly cared for, it rarely gets sick, but even if all the rules of keeping are followed, health problems may arise.

Common diseases:

  • otitis;
  • distichiasis;
  • discopathy;
  • cherry eye;
  • entropion;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atopy;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • lipoma;
  • melanoma;
  • hepatitis.

In addition, dogs can suffer from demodicosis, deafness, dwarfism, and skin cancer.

Photo gallery

Let's look at photos of the English Cocker Spaniel, which gets along well with children and is friendly towards strangers. Despite the fact that he is a born hunter, he is good with other household inhabitants.

The Cocker Spaniel from England is a worthy representative of this family. Initially, the breed was created exclusively for hunting, but this did not stop these amazing dogs from becoming wonderful pets. Dogs are incredibly charming and playful. It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with their floppy ears, intelligent eyes and tail that is constantly in motion. Spaniels are able to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness around themselves.

History of the formation of the breed

The main role in the formation of the breed belonged to the British. Residents of this country began breeding spaniels back in ancient times. According to one legend, the closest relative of dogs is the fold-eared bird dog. The first representatives of the species were brought to Great Britain by the troops of Emperor Julius Caesar. Later stud books indicate that English breeders were able to develop many varieties of spaniels. To do this, experts crossed various European breeds, including Molossians and Great Danes.

Incredibly beautiful, compact, but at the same time strong dogs received such a name not by chance. In English, “cocker” is translated as “forest bird.” It was for hunting birds that brave dogs were used. The Cocker Spaniel breed was first mentioned in the works of Sydenham Edwards. He described them in the world-famous book “British Cynology,” which was published in 1801. In 1885, the first Spaniel Club was founded in England. Subsequently, this organization made a huge contribution to the development of the breed.

The common ancestor of all modern Cocker Spaniel dogs is world famous - the legendary black prairie dog Obo. He was born in 1879 and soon gained fame as an ideal producer. It was this dog that became the progenitor of the line of squat cockers with a somewhat elongated body. His puppies had courage, bravery and endurance. They easily found prey even in dense thickets. For a long time, black cocker spaniels were especially popular. Only by the beginning of the 20th century. individuals of brown, golden, white and red shades began to spread.

Initially, breeders avoided animals that had marks on their faces, too large white markings on their chests, and light-colored “socks” on their paws. Despite the fact that such spaniels were incredibly beautiful, they were not allowed to participate in competitions and exhibitions. As a result, in ancient times, color requirements were formed that are still relevant today. Since the 1940s, when breeding cockers, they began to separate them depending on the shade of their fur.

What external standards must animals meet?

For English Cocker Spaniels, the description of the breed presents strict requirements for the appearance of the dogs. The animal must have a compact body and small size. On average, the height of an adult male at the withers should reach 39–41 cm. For a female, these values ​​are slightly lower. The pet's weight should be in the region of 12–15 kg. However, when checking, the main attention is paid not to kilograms, but to the constitution. The dog must be moderately well-fed and have a beautiful, healthy, shiny coat. Signs of rickets, like other health abnormalities, are unacceptable. The ears are well-groomed, the nose is wet, and the eyes are shiny. Here are the main criteria you should pay attention to when buying a four-legged friend.

To participate in exhibitions and breeding, the requirements for a purebred dog are much broader:

  1. The head of purebred spaniels has a regular and clear shape. The transition from forehead to nose is pronounced.
  2. Thin teardrop-shaped ears are at the same level as the eyes. They are long and set low, so they easily reach the nose.
  3. The eyes of purebred pets are large and dark, not protruding. The pupils shine brightly. The characteristics of the breed allow that chocolate-colored dogs may have light brown eyes.
  4. The nose is straight with strongly developed nostrils and a large tip. Normally it should be black, but chocolate-colored animals may have a brown or red nose.
  5. The body of pets is well developed. The topline is correct, only a slight slope from the loin to the base of the tail is noticeable.
  6. The chest is of medium size. She is deep and beautifully proportioned.
  7. The back is short and muscular. Has a straight shape.
  8. The tail is located just below the line of the back. During puppyhood, docking is required. Half, and sometimes even 2/3 of the length is cut off. Experienced breeders recommend tail docking at 1–5 days of age.
  9. The front legs are straight and set evenly. They are short in length and have full dark pads.
  10. The hind legs are distinguished from the front legs by more developed muscles. The representatives of the breed have powerful and impressive thighs, which allows for high running speed.

The appearance of the animals largely determines how much English Cocker Spaniels cost. If you are buying a friend and not a show piece, it does not necessarily need to meet the above requirements.

What colors are recognized as the standard?

Representatives of the Cocker Spaniel breed come in two colors: solid and spotted. The first type includes animals whose fur has a uniform chestnut, red, black, or sable tint. At birth, Cocker Spaniel puppies may have light spots on their paws or face. However, as the pet gets older, they become invisible. Some plain specimens have tan marks - areas of a different shade.

Their depth and color saturation are important.

For spotted pets, white is added to the main color. In this case, light areas can be scattered throughout the body completely chaotically. For example, a completely black dog with a few white spots, or an almost snow-white dog with small black markings is considered black and white. Speckles add special originality to the spotted color. It can be very thick or very sparse.

The Cocker Spaniel dog breed has several colors that do not meet the standard:

  • white with brown or black pigmentation;
  • brindle;
  • blue or steel.

Animals with such colors are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Personality of pets

The Cocker Spaniel is active, playful and responsive. Funny pets enjoy interacting with people around them and love to communicate with other four-legged animals. However, most of all they love to spend time with their owner.

Of course, the characters of different individuals differ. But there are also common features that are common to the entire breed. For example, animals are very friendly and good-natured. These behavioral features allow them to get along well in families with small children and easily find contact with kids. A faithful dog will be a wonderful companion for an elderly lonely person. Some pets become so attached to their owners that they completely lose their independence. However, if English Cocker Spaniel puppies have received proper upbringing, this problem can be avoided.

Initially, animals were bred for hunting. In this matter, they are amazingly hardworking and tireless. The pet can easily find shot game and bring it to its owner. Active and resourceful on the hunt, at home the pet turns into the kindest creature. He is the favorite of all family members and requires affection and attention. And if the dog behaves freely with members of the household, then a visit from a stranger makes it wary.

This quality is evidence of the excellent watchdog qualities of pets.

All types of cockers are incredibly energetic and constantly on the move. Instincts force them to constantly hunt small animals and birds. Sometimes it is very difficult to tear a dog away from the intended prey, because he is used to pursuing it to the end. However, if your pet is raised correctly, it can easily get along with other four-legged animals, including cats. Sometimes dogs are jealous of their beloved owner towards other animals. But they don’t know how to be offended at all. Even if the pet is punished, after half an hour he will not remember the incident.

It is extremely rare among spaniels to find dogs with a quiet and timid character. But still, most representatives of the breed are sociable and curious. Some pets have a serious drawback - a tendency to incessantly bark. Another negative character trait is stubbornness, as well as an overdeveloped sense of ownership. The latter in most cases manifests itself in relation to toys.

How to train a pet

Training an English Cocker Spaniel does not require serious effort from the owner. However, the owner needs to remember: in order for the pet to agree to follow commands, it is necessary to praise and reward it. But you should forget about aggression and rudeness in the education process. Cocker puppies are very gentle and sensitive. A bad attitude can make them feel disappointed in people.

If you purchased a Cocker Spaniel puppy as a pet, it is quite enough to send it to a general training course. There the animal will be taught to obey, taught basic commands: “near”, “place”, “lie down”, “sit”, “fu”. Moreover, the learning abilities of pets are so high that not only a professional, but also a beginner can educate them.

If the owner decides to start training on his own, he must remember one important rule: during training it is forbidden to show excessive affection. If a Cocker Spaniel puppy realizes that his owner is too soft, he will become stubborn or ignore him altogether. Therefore, when raising, it is advisable to speak strictly to your pet. And as encouragement, you can use a friendly tone and your favorite treat.

If the English spaniel will be used as a hunting dog in the future, after completing a general training course he will need training.

Typically, preparation for hunting begins at 7-9 months. It is advisable for the pet to get used to the area where it will hunt in the future from an early age. As a rule, the English Spaniel shows excellent results when hunting field, waterfowl and swamp game.

In the first stages, your faithful assistant should be accustomed to the sound of a hunting horn. In this case, the pet will not be afraid of him and will learn to understand when to approach the owner. From an early age, Cocker Spaniel puppies destined for hunting need to develop their sense of smell. To do this, the owner hides some thing, for example, a toy or a treat, and the dog must find it. Each time the task becomes more difficult.

Gradually, cocker spaniels learn to catch game. The dog needs to be allowed to smell the bird, and then move away from it, indicating its location. In most cases, it will easily detect prey. A Cocker Spaniel, trained according to all the rules, learns quickly. Already at a young age the dog becomes a good hunter.

What kind of care does a dog need?

The Cocker Spaniel breed is incredibly beautiful and graceful. The main advantage of animals is a healthy, shiny coat. True, it is precisely this that is the biggest drawback. Your pet's hair requires proper care. A representative of the English Cocker Spaniel dog breed, whose coat is not properly cared for, loses its presentable appearance and beauty. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Owners need to take into account that spaniels do not shed seasonally, but constantly. To prevent curly hair from matting, it must be combed daily, removing dead hairs. For the same purpose, periodic trimming should be carried out.
  2. You should not wash your pet frequently, as water treatments can cause dandruff and dull fur. But you should brush your dog regularly with a special brush equipped with teeth of different lengths. The massage procedure is not only very useful, but also pleasant for your furry friend.
  3. Caring for a cocker spaniel involves regularly trimming its nails. To do this, use a special nail clipper. It is important to be extremely careful as there is a high risk of damaging blood vessels. During the procedure, small hairs growing between the pads on the paws should also be removed.
  4. After each walk in the winter season, you need to carefully examine your pet’s paws and wash off the salt from them. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing inflammation.
  5. It is important for the owner to know how to care for the ears. They need close attention. Once a week, the ear canals must be cleaned with a special solution. During feeding, the ears need to be tied up to prevent food from getting on them. There are also special bowls for spaniels to avoid this.
  6. Caring for an English Cocker Spaniel includes regular eye rubbing. The procedure must be performed 3 times a week. You can use either a special solution or tea leaves.
  7. Teeth also need regular cleaning. To take care of spaniels, you should get toothpaste and a brush. You should not rely only on food that provides protection against tartar.

To ensure that the care and maintenance of your pet does not cause problems, it must be taught hygiene procedures from childhood. In this case, everything will be brought to automaticity and will not take much time.

Remember that proper care of your puppy is the key to its beauty and health.

Cocker spaniel diet

Like any other dog breed, Cocker Spaniels can be fed two types of food: natural food or premium dry food. Of course, the second option is much more convenient. However, most four-legged owners prefer natural products, believing that such food is much healthier. If you use familiar food for feeding, you can choose an individual diet for pets with different nutritional characteristics. For example, allergy sufferers.

Most representatives of the breed are greedy for food. That is why obesity is a dangerous problem that pets can face. Animals that lead an inactive lifestyle and spend a lot of time in the apartment are especially prone to gaining excess weight. Therefore, before pampering your pet with another treat, think about what might happen to the dog after a while. Perhaps soon you will have a cute, but sick and unhappy fat man living with you.

What foods should not be used to feed pets?

Cocker spaniels have an excellent appetite, but they are indiscriminate in their diet. The owner must strictly control what exactly the pet eats. Animals often love to beg. A treat for pets is any more or less edible thing.

You should not give in to your pet’s pleading gaze and give it forbidden food. The consequences of such an act can be dire. Inadmissible products include:

  • raw, bony, river fish;
  • tubular bones, which can injure the delicate mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • baked goods, especially freshly baked white bread;
  • sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products;
  • confectionery and pasta;
  • broccoli and uncooked white cabbage.

The owner must ensure that the animal’s diet is balanced, correct and healthy. It is recommended to give the dog additional vitamin and mineral complexes. They are sold at any veterinary pharmacy.

What diseases can occur in pets?

Representatives of the breed rarely get sick. However, strong immunity does not always protect them from hereditary and acquired ailments. The most common diseases that occur in cockers are:

  1. Psychological illnesses that can occur in dogs include aggression, hysteria and an increased tendency to panic.
  2. Common dermatological ailments include asthenia. With this disease, the pet's skin does not have normal elasticity, sensitivity and strength. The animal may scratch until open wounds appear. Fungi can settle on injured areas.
  3. Dogs' eyes are also weak. Cataracts, glaucoma, entropion and other problems with the organs of vision are common.
  4. Defects of the musculoskeletal system can be inherited by your pet. One of the most common and dangerous is hip dysplasia.
  5. The most vulnerable part of a dog's body is the ears. Improper care of a puppy or adult can provoke the development of otitis media.

To detect and prevent diseases at an early stage, visit your veterinarian regularly. Don't forget to monitor your nutrition.

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