Device for creating artificial lightning. How to make lightning at home

In the section on the question how to make lightning at home??? given by the author Neurosis the best answer is Charge the jacket to a high potential with electrification when removing it in the dark.
This is where you will see lightning!
You can build a Van de Graaff generator on this effect and get huge discharges.

Answer from dry up[guru]
Pet a clean cat, preferably during a thunderstorm; walk barefoot on the carpet and touch a metal object, eight pins and put them in a socket. It’s possible with magic, but I haven’t tried that. Unlike the other one.

Answer from SV[guru]
Cut it from your husband's trousers or from your own sweatshirt!

Answer from Petrovith[guru]
Buy a lock, they are numbered, and insert through the top.

Answer from Cut your hair[guru]
Clasp? Few really. Electric - Run around in synth. sweater and take it off. Stat. email

Answer from Vitek Terekhin[guru]
buy an electric shock...

Answer from No name[guru]
first become Zeus
or at least Danae

Answer from Evil Flint[guru]
The surest thing in the microwave. There are hundreds of ways. From regular to ball. Search online for experiments with microwave ovens. You just have to buy more stoves.

Answer from Vyacheslav Kolar[newbie]
It is necessary to bring the contacts from the generator (in operating mode) closer together. Follow safety precautions!!

Answer from Dmitry Golovkin[guru]
Weak discharges can be obtained by ordinary electrification - for example, rubbing a piece of plexiglass with dry wool, and then removing the charge from each surface with any two pieces of metal. When metals come close together, a static discharge will occur.
The second way is to charge a powerful electric capacitor from a direct current source with a voltage of several hundred volts. when the capacitor leads come closer together, a breakdown through the air will occur.
It is also quite simple to make an electrophore machine, which is based on the same static electricity.
If you need (or rather, it’s interesting) to receive powerful discharges, you can make a high-voltage transformer (up to several tens of thousands of volts); the sparks will be up to half a meter long, but they are weak and generally can be passed through your hand without harm - the current strength is negligible.
There are chemical ways to create microlightning - during the crystallization of a saturated solution of potassium sulfate and sodium sulfate, discharges occur between the resulting crystals and a distinct crackling sound is heard.
But the most grandiose (and, unfortunately, the most dangerous) way is to catch “wild” lightning. All you need is about 1 kilometer of very thin copper wire (not hard to get), a gunpowder rocket and appropriate stormy weather. A wire is attached to the rocket and launched into a thundercloud. If particularly successful, several lightning bolts will strike the rocket in succession.

This is Denis and he does all sorts of weird but funny shit.

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Ionized plasma column

Plasma heats the air so that it begins to sound. Imagine a plasma welding arc modulated by audio frequency currents. There are no moving parts, and therefore no resonances. The main disadvantage is increased ozone formation. “If these tweeters had been invented in the 60s, we would all have died of skin cancer!” - the experts at NewForm Reseach ( scare us. Well, today we are somehow fighting ozone from laser printers...

Tweeter with vertical splitter

In “air” tweeters, sound is generated “out of nowhere,” right in the air, at the intersection of two very powerful ultrasonic beams. When two narrow beams with frequencies of, say, 200 and 205 kilohertz intersect, intermodulation produces a difference tone with a frequency of 5 kilohertz. The problem is that to obtain a level of 100 dB in the audio range, the room will be filled with ultrasonic beams with frequencies over 200 kilohertz and powers up to 150 dB, which is fatal for someone who accidentally comes under such a beam. I would like to believe that these shortcomings are more technological than fundamental. If at the dawn of electricity it was said that household appliances of the future would require a voltage of several kilovolts (color TV), the inventors of that time would have considered such a device deadly dangerous.

Serega80 08-07-2008 06:28

Voot 08-07-2008 06:39

That's great. What is this for?

biologist 08-07-2008 10:20

That's great. What is this for?

Sobot 08-07-2008 12:46

Put one on the balcony...
How to do it?

qwwerty 08-07-2008 13:17

Why do this at home? Herase - 8 kW, it accidentally triggers once and crashes. Better not to repeat it. As a child, I experimented with two magnetos (generators) from a motorcycle. Lightning strikes like this. Of course, it’s not a meter long, but 3-4 centimeters, but it’s also quite clear. But how many times did the magneto give me an electric shock and it was no big deal.

Voot 08-07-2008 13:38

quote: Originally posted by biolog:

Nikola Tesla's experiments on transmitting energy over a distance.

Ah, got it.

Sobot 08-07-2008 15:08

quote: Originally posted by qwwerty:
Why do this at home? Herase - 8 kW, it accidentally triggers once and crashes.

Good security system.
But where do you get so much energy?
Although it is not at all necessary to make 8 kW there...

Has No Name 08-07-2008 15:13

quote: Originally posted by Vut:

Ah, got it.
By the way, you may be aware that a friend here told me that Tesla discovered the variable component of the earth’s electromagnetic field and learned how to convert it into electricity - to obtain energy for free on a commercial scale. Is he lying or not?

I discovered a method for obtaining electrical energy from the electromagnetic field of the earth in the 9th grade!))) I’m silent, I’m afraid of Abramovich)))

Has No Name 08-07-2008 15:16

PS: As a failed physical therapist, I’ll say that the problem is not getting a powerful discharge, the problem is how to direct it in the right direction. Ot tag ot!

Andronich 08-07-2008 15:40

I once saw a scheme for protection against midges a long time ago - there was a tricky grille on the window and when an invader tried to fly in, it was shocked by a discharge, it didn’t plow or not, I didn’t assemble it

Voot 08-07-2008 16:55

quote: Originally posted by Has No Name:

I discovered the electromagnetic field of the earth in 9th grade!)

You probably rotated the frame? And here’s the trick: it’s not the position of the conductor that changes, but the field itself. But slowly. Therefore, it works on some harmonic of these oscillations (I don’t remember the wavelength, but according to estimates, the antenna turns out to be unrealistic).

Has No Name 08-07-2008 17:04

quote: Originally posted by Vut:

You probably rotated the frame? And here’s the trick: it’s not the position of the conductor that changes, but the field itself. But slowly. Therefore, it works on some harmonic of these oscillations (I don’t remember the wavelength, but according to estimates, the antenna turns out to be unrealistic).

Y!!! Wait!!! Am I a sucker, or what? It takes energy to rotate the frame! Everything is much more primitive

qwwerty 08-07-2008 17:23

quote: Originally posted by Andronich:
I once saw a scheme for protection against midges a long time ago - there was a tricky grille on the window and when an invader tried to fly in, it was shocked by a discharge, it didn’t plow or not, I didn’t assemble it

Such crap has been on sale for 30 years. I remember in the 90s it was like a mesh barrel with a UV light bulb inside. The mosquitoes were supposed to fly onto the lamp and burn on the mesh. And now I have such a unit in the form of a tennis racket. You hit a fly and it explodes with a cheerful crack.

How to make lightning in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, almost everything is possible, including influencing the weather, causing various phenomena whenever you want. Below you can find out how to make lightning in Minecraft.

How to summon lightning in Minecraft using commands

You can create lightning in Minecraft by entering several commands in the game chat. There are two ways to do this. In the first case, you need to wait for a thunderstorm and enter the following command in the chat: /weather thunder. Then put a space and in triangle brackets indicate the duration in seconds of this weather phenomenon. It should look like this: /weather thunder<15>. That is, lightning will flash for 15 seconds.

During a thunderstorm you need to be more careful as the lighting will become dimmer. However, you can spawn several different hostile mobs, so you should take a weapon with you. Also, during a thunderstorm, you need to stay away from creepers that emit blue light, as they are hit by lightning and can explode.

Also, during a thunderstorm, you can call lightning with another command. You will need to enter the following into the chat: /summon LightningBolt. But you must have a Minecraft version higher than 1.8 installed, otherwise nothing will work.

Summoning lightning using plugins

You can call lightning yourself after installing a special plugin called. You can download it.

After installing it, you can become a real Zeus the Thunderer; you just need to craft a rod that spews lightning. This will require the following resources:

  • redstone dust;
  • gold bar;
  • wooden stick;
  • emerald.

You only need to correctly arrange the elements on the workbench: in the third upper cell - an emerald, in the central one - a stick, in the first lower one - dust, in the lower middle one - a gold bar. The treasured rod will be in your hands, and you will be able to strike any mob with lightning.

You will find more crafting recipes in our section.

The device for creating artificial lightning is based on the creation of ultra-powerful, narrowly directed radiation during spark breakdown, which propagates in free space at the speed of light. This is achieved in the following way: a high-voltage voltage is applied to the corona electrode from a heavy-duty source, in pulsed or continuous mode; at the same time, a high-voltage voltage of the same polarity is applied to the accelerating electrodes; between the corona and non-corona electrodes, a super-powerful flow of electrically charged particles is formed, which are compressed by the magnetic field The solenoids move along magnetic lines of force to the first accelerating electrode, but under the influence of its potential, the coronary flow of charged particles is compressed, forming accelerating narrowly directed radiation, and artificially created lightning emerges into free space. To cool the corona and non-corona electrodes, helium gas is introduced from the cooling system. The invention allows the use of powerful voltage sources to create artificial lightning. 1 ill.

The purpose of the invention is to create ultra-powerful, narrowly targeted radiation to destroy targets in space and on Earth. The devices are known (author St. SU 577596, class H 01 T 19/00). This device is designed to obtain air ionization using a corona discharge. It is not possible to produce artificial lightning with this device, since its design and technological features are designed to use a low-power voltage source. The device is known (author St. SU 1046817 A, class H 01 T 19/00). A device for creating a corona discharge, which is designed to treat the surface of materials made of polymers and other chemical products in order to increase adhesion. It is impossible to produce artificial lightning with this device, since it does not have the magnetic field of the solenoid, with the help of which the transfer of electrically charged particles is possible, as well as the absence of accelerating electrodes that increase the output energy of electrical particles. The device can be located on aircraft and ground-based systems. The invention can be used in mining and other works. The drawing shows a coronary gun, a device for creating artificial lightning, its body 1 made of a conductive non-magnetic material, electrically connected to the ground bus 14, structurally made in the form of a truncated cone UK, its wide side smoothly transitions from a cone-shaped to a cylindrical form. On the narrow side of the CC, a corona electrode 2 is symmetrically installed, made in the form of a hollow sealed pipe, to which helium gas is supplied from the cooling system 13 through a connector 18 and a pulsed heavy-duty high-voltage voltage from a source 9, separated by a dielectric 4, with a non-corona electrode 3, which connected to housing 1. Cone-shaped accelerating electrodes 5, 6, 7 are inserted into the internal cavity of housing 1, structurally repeating the shape of housing 1, separated from each other and housing 1, dielectric 8, connected to a source of constant high-voltage voltage 10. In the area of ​​corona 2 and not corona 3 electrodes, a solenoid 11 is installed on the outside of the housing 1, connected to a direct current source 12. A gap of 0.7-1 mm is maintained between the corona and non-corona electrodes 2 and 3. The device also contains a solenoid DC source 12, a control system 15, a pulse signal generation source 16, a modulated signal source 17. The operating principle of the proposed device is based on the creation of ultra-powerful narrowly directed radiation or artificial lightning during a spark breakdown, which propagates in free space at the speed of light. This is achieved as follows. Depending on the range of the object intended to be struck by artificial lightning, a command is received from the control system 15 to supply the support system and execute the specified program. To do this, helium gas is supplied to the corona electrode 2 at connector 18 from the cooling system 13. Then, from source 16, where the pulse mode is formed, a control voltage is supplied to source 9, at the same time a control voltage modulated by frequency _f1_ is supplied from source 17 (frequency f1 is encrypted), as a result, the generated pulsed heavy-duty high-voltage voltage, modulated by frequency, is supplied to the corona electrode 2, simultaneously from the source 10, a constant, adjustable, that is, high-voltage voltage of different amplitude is supplied to the accelerating and focusing electrodes 5, 6, 7, of the same polarity with the output voltage of the source 9, in the gap between the corona electrodes 2 and the non-corona electrodes 3, a a super-powerful corona discharge, as a result of which a corona flow is formed, compressed by the magnetic field of the solenoid 11, moves along the magnetic force lines to the accelerating electrode 5, but under the influence of its electric force lines they are focused, receive additional energy, and move to the second section of the accelerating electrode. And since the accelerating electrodes 5, 6, 7 are structurally made in the form of a CC, repeating the design of housing 1, the electric lines of force, perpendicular to the surface, are directed at an angle to the corona flow formed from the corona discharge, additionally compress and strengthen it, push it out from one section to another, which makes it possible to develop super-powerful energy according to the law of Coulomb forces, thereby formed by each section of the accelerating electrodes, narrowly directed radiation exits the device into free space by artificially created lightning.


A device for producing radiation from a corona discharge, containing a housing, corona and non-corona electrodes, a high-voltage voltage source, a direct current source, a solenoid, characterized in that to produce artificial lightning, helium gas is supplied to the corona electrode from the cooling system and, in a pulsed mode, a super-powerful high-voltage voltage , modulated by frequency f1, in the gap between the corona and non-corona electrodes, a super-powerful corona discharge is formed, compressed by the magnetic field of a solenoid connected to a direct current source, moving towards accelerating focusing electrodes, made in the form of a truncated cone, separated between themselves and the housing by a dielectric and coinciding in form with the body of the device, to which a constant high-voltage adjustable voltage is supplied, the polarity corresponding to the super-powerful high-voltage voltage with the formation of electric power lines perpendicular to the surface of the truncated cone.

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The group of inventions relates to ion generators. In the ion generating apparatus, each of the induction electrode (2) for generating positive ions and the induction electrode (3) for generating negative ions is formed as an independent part and separately mounted on the substrate (1) using a metal plate spaced apart from each other. Therefore, even if the substrate (1) is deformed, the upper end regions of the needle electrodes (4, 5) can be located at the center of the through holes (11) in the induction electrodes (2, 3), respectively, and positive ions and negative ions can be stably generated . The technical result is increased stability of ion generation. 2 n. and 3 salary f-ly, 13 ill.

The invention relates to methods for forming discharges in the atmosphere. The technical result is an increase in the time of maintaining the discharge state. For this purpose, a method has been proposed for initiating high-voltage discharges in the atmosphere, in which the formation of an electric discharge channel is ensured between objects having different electrical potentials, the field strength between which is close to the threshold strength at which an electrical breakdown occurs, by creating negative O2 ions in the area of ​​its intended location - and their accumulation until a stationary concentration is reached, and maintain the specified concentration of the specified ions during the time necessary for the development of the discharge, and at the same time, the creation and accumulation of O2 ions is carried out by influencing the atmosphere in the area of ​​​​the intended location of the specified channel with pulsed laser radiation, providing ionization of oxygen molecules, with the supply of radiation in a train of pulses with a pulse repetition period in the train that is shorter than the lifetime of negative O2 - ions in atmospheric air, with the duration of each pulse in the train from 1 ps to 10 ns, and the supply of pulse trains is carried out for a time exceeding lifetime of the O2 - ion in atmospheric air. 6 salary f-ly, 4 ill.

The group of inventions relates to medicine. A method for reducing the amount or removing particles suspended in a local gaseous environment during surgical procedures and/or upon their completion is implemented using a device. The device for reducing and removing said particles contains two electrodes, each of which is in electrical communication or can be electrically connected to opposite poles of a high voltage direct current source. The first electrode may be connected to the patient's body. The electrically conductive shaft of the second electrode extends through the elongated insulating sheath and has an exposed distal end. The rod and accordingly the second electrode are adapted for insertion and retrieval at the site or area of ​​the surgical procedure such that, when in use, the two electrodes, in communication with opposite poles of said high voltage direct current source, ionize said suspended particles, attracting them towards the patient. At the same time, a high voltage direct current source is prepared. An electrical connection is provided between the patient's body and one of the poles of the said source using the first electrode. An electrical connection is provided between the second electrode and the other pole of the said source. Said second electrode is introduced into a gaseous medium to ensure ionization of said suspended particles and attraction of these particles to the patient. The use of a group of inventions will reduce the number of particles suspended in a local gaseous environment and formed as a result of a surgical procedure. 2 n. and 10 salary f-ly, 10 ill.

Device for creating artificial lightning

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