What are the benefits of fish oil made from cod liver for different categories of the population? A list of the most famous manufacturers that have proven themselves in the world market. Cod liver oil: beneficial properties, dosage To improve Fertility and help

Cod Liver Oil, its beneficial properties, application and dosage.

I was probably one of the few who passed the time when my mother almost forcefully tried to feed me fish oil. In our family there was another “trick”. Since we lived in the Far North, we always had a liter jar of red caviar in the refrigerator at home. Which was fed to us through force. I fell in love with caviar only in a later conscious state...

But apparently fish oil was still destined to be in my life. Namely because of its super beneficial properties! So, to make up for lost time, I now drink Cod Liver Oil every day.

It turned out that our distant ancestors ate fish oil to improve their health during the long dark winter nights. The main source of fish oil was the liver of fish, especially cod.

Cod liver has anti-inflammatory properties and supports the normal function of the cardiovascular, hormonal, immune, reproductive and nervous systems. And is a necessary supplement for adults and children!

What is Cod Liver Oil?

It is an extremely nutritious source of the vitamins we need (A, D and Omega-3).

By the way, Cod Liver Oil is one of the richest sources of Omega-3.

The biggest attraction for me is that fish oil is a so-called traditional food. This is especially true for Scandinavia, Alaska and the peoples of the Far North.

Useful properties of fish oil

Rich Source of Omega-3

In general, it is one of the richest sources of these fatty acids we need. Omega-3s have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the synthesis of Prostaglandins. And inflammation is a direct path to:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • anxiety
  • problems with cholesterol
  • digestive problems: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
  • arthritis
  • cancer

The cause of almost all chronic diseases is chronic inflammation due to imbalance and... Among our distant ancestors, who did not know chronic diseases, it was 1:1 or 1:2. In our time, this is 1:16 and even higher.

The largest source of Omega-6 in our diet are, in particular. Most people eat it every day, while very rarely eating fish or seafood.

Taking Cod Liver Oil balances these Omega acids.

Contains Vitamin D

Which is essentially a hormone as it affects the function of neurotransmitters, the cardiovascular system and our body's response to inflammation. Plays an important role in the creation and restoration of bone tissue.

Lack of this leads to chronic, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer.

For better absorption, Vitamin D must be taken with Vitamin K2, A and Omega-3 (the last 2 are found in Cod Liver!).

Contains vitamin A

And real vitamin A, not beta-carotene! This vitamin is an important antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress (free radical damage) and levels of chronic inflammation.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes, brain, hormonal balance and cancer prevention.

Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases

Cod Liver lowers the level of Triglycerides (a special type of dangerous fat in the blood that increases the chance of developing heart and vascular diseases).

It also balances blood levels, prevents atherosclerosis and fights hypertension.

Prevents cancer development

High levels of vitamin D, which Cod Liver is rich in, are associated with a reduced risk of cancer.

Prevents and treats Diabetes

Helps control inflammation and normalize blood glucose levels.

Taking Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D during pregnancy and in the first year of the baby significantly reduces the risk of diabetes in the baby.

One 2007 study in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology found that by giving diabetic rats Cod Liver Oil for 12 weeks, it behaved as a natural treatment for diabetes. It completely prevented changes in the pancreas and helped correct several important biochemical markers of this metabolic syndrome. In addition, it helped control the rats' weight and insulin sensitivity.

Helps with Arthritis

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists found that Cod Liver Oil is a natural antirachitic remedy! Which led to many mothers force-feeding or giving it to their children!

It reduces pain, swelling, stiffness and joint stiffness!

To improve Fertility and help in the growth and development of the baby

We all (or almost all) know that fats are necessary for the health of the reproductive system and for a smooth pregnancy, as they help our body synthesize sex hormones (including Estrogen and Progesterone).

Cod Liver Oil supports the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which control the release of sex hormones responsible for libido, pregnancy and reproduction. Also plays a critical role in sperm motility and viability.

And here's what fish oil can do:
  • regulates hormones
  • increases and improves the synthesis of cervical mucus
  • promotes regular ovulation
  • fights endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cysts
  • reduce menstrual pain
  • improves blood circulation in the reproductive system

Weston Price's organization claims that consuming Cod Liver Oil during pregnancy results in heavier babies being born, which is associated with a lower risk of chronic disease in the future. These women also had significantly higher amounts of Omega-3 in their milk than those who did not take it.

Another study, this time from the University of Oslo, Norway: children born to mothers who took fish oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding achieved better results during IQ testing at the age of 4 years.

Improves brain functionality

A 2007 study in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that taking this oil improves depression and combats anxiety.

There is already a strong connection between Omega-3 and the prevention of many diseases of the nervous system, including Alzheimer's disease.

Supports musculoskeletal health

Vitamin D is essential for building and maintaining strong, healthy bones. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Helps fight stomach and intestinal ulcers

Helps heal stomach ulcers, based on rat studies. Also reduces stress, which can have a direct effect on the occurrence of these ulcers.

Where to get it and how to use it?

Cod Liver Oil can be obtained from Cod Liver itself or from the oil of the same name (as a supplement).

We sometimes eat canned Cod Liver (without preservatives), but we still take “bottle” Oil every day. We have this pure Norwegian cod liver oil in a glass bottle. It is purified using molecular distillation. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the content of mercury or other heavy metals. Does not contain any other ingredients.

After you have opened the bottle, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

We take 2 teaspoons in the morning along with breakfast and other supplements.

I even stopped taking Omega-3 capsules. I only take them with me when it is not possible to take fish oil (for example, when traveling).

Dosage (according to Weston Price):
  • Children (3 months -12 years): 5000 IU vitamin A = 1 teaspoon
  • Adults (12 years and older): 10,000 IU vitamin A = 2 teaspoons
  • Pregnancy/lactation: 20,000 IU vitamin A = 4 teaspoons

Important: we are told that too much vitamin A has a toxic effect. As far as I could find information, this concerns either excessively high doses of vitamin A (more than 50,000 IU) or a synthetic form of water-soluble Vitamin A. Cod Liver Oil contains natural fat-soluble vitamin A. In addition to this, vitamin D, which is also contained there, protects our body from Vitamin A toxicity.

Included in the preparations


A.11.C.B Combination of vitamins A and D


The pharmacological effect of the product is determined, first of all, by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 class (eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic). These acids are structural components of cell membranes, help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reduce triglycerides as a result of reducing the concentration of very low density lipoproteins, reduce platelet aggregation, and improve the rheological properties of blood.


During and after absorption of omega-3 fatty acids in the small intestine, there are 3 main pathways for their metabolism:

1. Fatty acids are first delivered to the liver, where they are incorporated into various categories of lipoproteins and sent to peripheral lipid stores.

2. Phospholipids of cell membranes are replaced by phospholipids of lipoproteins, after which fatty acids can act as precursors of various eicosanoids.

3. Most fatty acids are oxidized to meet energy needs.

The concentration of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in blood plasma phospholipids corresponds to the concentration of these fatty acids included in cell membranes.


Prevention of conditions caused by dyslipidemia (lipid metabolism disorder).

Complex therapy for lipid metabolism disorders, including diet, statins, antiplatelet agents.

IV.E70-E90.E78 Lipoprotein metabolism disorders and other lipidemias

  • Chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis (and periods of their exacerbation).
  • Simultaneous use of fibrates and oral anticoagulants.
  • For severe injuries, surgical operations (due to the risk of increased bleeding time).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Children under 12 years of age (for capsules).
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Carefully:Hypersensitivity. Pregnancy and lactation:

Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and dosage:Take orally, 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. The course of application is at least 1 month.

In oil form, children from 3 months - 1/2 teaspoon per day. At the age of 1 year - 1 teaspoon per day. Children from 2 years old - 1-2 teaspoons per day; from 3 to 6 years, 1 dessert spoon per day; from 7 years old and adults - 1 tablespoon per day.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions, decreased blood clotting, exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, diarrhea, and fishy breath are possible.


Not described.

Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction: Special instructions:

Patients on anticoagulant therapy should be under constant medical supervision while taking fish oil, and, if necessary, appropriate adjustment of the dose of the anticoagulant should be made.


Cod liver oil is a dietary supplement that has been used since the 18th century. Today it is taken to provide omega-3 fatty acids (specifically eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)). In addition, cod liver oil contains fairly high amounts of vitamin A and D. Cod liver oil relieves pain and stiffness in the joints caused by arthritis, prevents coronary heart disease, maintains and improves cognitive function, controls blood pressure, and normalizes cholesterol and triglyceride levels . However, as with any supplement, you must know and understand what you are taking in order to choose the right dietary supplement.


Part 1

Choosing the Right Supplement

    Read the label. Carefully read the concentration of vitamins and other components contained in the supplement. Use only additives that meet recognized industry standards. Look for a supplement whose label will detail the purity of the product and the concentration of mercury, heavy metals and other possible contaminants.

    Decide whether you want to take the supplement in capsule form or liquid form. In terms of nutritional content, there is no significant difference between the two varieties. It is only worth noting that capsules may cost a little more. It is up to you in what form to take cod liver oil - in liquid form or in capsule form.

    • Liquid supplements often have a noticeable fishy taste, which can be avoided by taking supplements in capsule form. An unpleasant fishy smell or taste is a common side effect of both types of supplements.
    • If you don't like the taste, try refrigerating cod liver oil capsules or liquid.
  1. Read about possible side effects. Before going on sale, nutritional supplements (including vitamins, minerals, protein and herbal supplements) must be approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of the Russian Federation. Find out how dietary supplements may affect you.

    Part 2

    Include cod liver oil supplements in your diet
    1. Consult your doctor. Although most dietary supplements are not harmful, it is better to be on the safe side. Dietary supplements may interact with medications you take and may also affect your health. Consulting with a physician before taking a dietary supplement is a wise decision. Be sure to discuss the following points:

      Make an appointment with a nutritionist. Consulting with a nutritionist will allow you to evaluate your current diet and determine whether you need nutritional supplements at all. Some people get adequate amounts of vitamin A and D, as well as healthy fatty acids, from their diet.

      • Ask a nutritionist what foods you should start eating to include cod liver oil in your diet.
    2. Select the desired dosage. Many dietary supplements are sold in different dosages. Choose a nutritional supplement with the right dosage for yourself.

    3. Add cod liver oil to your diet. If you decide to take a liquid supplement, you will need to get creative to incorporate it into your diet. Cod liver oil is not the most pleasant tasting or smelling additive.

      • If you decide to buy fat in liquid form, there are a number of ways and tricks to take it. Cover your nose and drink the fat as cough syrup, add it to a smoothie or other favorite drink, pour it over a salad, or mix it with a teaspoon of honey.
      • Some cod liver oil supplements add ginger or lemon to slightly dull the unpleasant taste and smell of fish oil. Give preference to these additives if you are very sensitive to taste.
    • Be sure to consult your doctor before adding any dietary supplement to your diet.
    • Like any other dietary supplement, cod liver oil should be taken exactly as directed. Make sure you really need this supplement and do not increase your dosage unless your doctor tells you to.
    • If you take liquid cod liver oil, look for supplements with natural flavors that mask the taste of the fish oil. Avoid taking supplements with a lot of artificial flavors, as they can make it difficult to tell if the fat is rancid.

Humanity has known about fish oil or cod liver oil for more than a thousand years. It was discovered by the Vikings in Scandinavia, for whom it served not only for cooking.

Vikings used it in tanning leather, preserving wood, and even poured it into lamps as a flammable substance.
The medicinal properties of the oil were discovered and began to be actively used at the beginning of the eighteenth century. At first, doctors prescribed it for rheumatism, but very soon it became clear that it was useful in other cases.

Composition of cod liver oil

Fish oil is not just good for our body, but also prolongs the life of a human cell. It's like prevention against aging.

Due to the high content of unsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, it improves the body's immunity and creates almost impenetrable protection against various ailments. The effect is strengthened by the high content of vitamin A, which has strong antioxidant properties, and vitamin D, which improves the production of antibacterial peptides.

Useful in case of recovery of the body after serious treatment. Very important after a course of strong antibiotics or prolonged bed rest.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

Regular consumption helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and improves the overall functioning of the heart and circulation. It also acts as a preventative against ovarian, breast or colon cancer. Fish oil improves bone mineralization, which is essential for healthy development of the body. This is another reason, in addition to strengthening the immune system, why it is recommended to be given to children. It is also prescribed for the prevention of rickets in children.

But that's still not all. For both children and adults, fish oil helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and brain activity. This is important not only for studies. Research shows that taking this dietary supplement regularly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oil also acts as a preventative against various vision problems. In addition, it can be used outside. Ointments with cod liver oil accelerate the healing of wounds, frostbite, burns or diaper rash and help maintain elastic and smooth skin. In concentrated form, they are sometimes prescribed as a maintenance treatment for problems with psoriasis, acne or various eczemas. Taking it will improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the nails, and give the hair a healthy look.

How to take fish oil

It is very useful, but still we are talking about a medicine, so you should use it with some caution and adhere to the dosage recommended in the instructions or by your doctor. Caution is also needed during antibiotic treatment, because although it helps the immune system, it can activate the growth of bacteria. It is better to leave it for the rehabilitation period. People who are already taking vitamins A, D or E from another dietary supplement, or those who are being treated with anticoagulants, should be careful.

Medicine in capsules

For many people, fish oil means a disgusting liquid that smells fishy, ​​but these days it can easily be found in tasteless capsules that are unlikely to cause any discomfort.

The very first methods of obtaining fish oil are associated with cod liver. Later, the meat of fatty fish began to be used to extract useful substances. However, dietary supplements differ in their composition. Each of them contains useful substances that help improve the functioning of internal organs. Let's take a closer look at the dietary supplement, which is obtained from cod liver.

A few centuries ago, people began to use cod liver. However, it was originally a by-product used to fuel oil lamps or for animal feed. Later, people realized that it helps to cope with joint pain and colds.

Today, the product is still made into fish oil. It is cheaper and, moreover, contains other useful components that are not found in preparations based on valuable fish meat.

Previously, it was believed that a large amount of dangerous substances accumulated in the liver, so supplements were recognized as potentially dangerous. However, today several degrees of purification are used, thanks to which the final product does not contain harmful impurities.

The preparations contain not only Omega-3 fatty acids, but also vitamins A, E, D. Unlike products made from fish meat, these products have a higher concentration of useful substances. That is why the benefits from it may be higher than from other dietary supplements.

Norwegian cod oil: benefits

Dietary supplements based on Norwegian cod liver have a higher concentration of vitamins A and D than other products. An additional advantage is that all products are purified from heavy metals and harmful impurities. This ensures that purified fish oil reaches the consumer and is safe for use.

6 main advantages

The product contains components that help cope with a number of diseases. Its benefits are as follows:

  1. the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies is reduced. We are talking about heart attack, stroke, ischemia and other dangerous conditions. At the same time, people with a penchant for them can continue to lead an active lifestyle without fear of deterioration in their health;
  2. the condition improves in diseases associated with joints. The substances that make up the drug fight enzymes that corrode joints;
  3. cholesterol levels and blood pressure are reduced;
  4. Vitamin A, which is included in the composition, improves vision and prevents the deterioration of eye function. Visual acuity increases;
  5. vitamin D prevents the development of rickets in children, and in adults helps maintain the proper functioning of the hormonal system;
  6. the activity of the central nervous system improves, as well as cognitive functions and concentration.

Disease Prevention

The beneficial components that make up fish oil provide a positive effect in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It has been proven that regular use of the dietary supplement provides the following results:

  1. the concentration of “bad” cholesterol decreases, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies;
  2. visual function is normalized, so vision does not deteriorate even in the presence of risk factors;
  3. the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves;
  4. bones are strengthened, joints become more mobile and receive the necessary nutrition;
  5. The body's defenses are increased, due to which a person is less likely to encounter ARVI and influenza.

The product is effective in complex therapy in the treatment of diseases of the joints, bones, cardiovascular system, visual organs, as well as hair loss, skin aging, brittle nails.

Benefits for pregnant women and the fetus

Fish oil contains essential substances that are important for pregnant women to receive. They contribute to the proper formation of the fetus. Dietary supplements have the following advantages:

  1. contains amino acids that are not produced in the body;
  2. proteins present in fish oil are easily digestible and do not burden the digestive tract;
  3. Vitamin A supports the proper functioning of internal systems. Thanks to it, a pregnant woman will not experience hair loss, brittle nails, and stretch marks will not appear on the skin;
  4. vitamin D in combination with calcium protects teeth and bones from destruction, and also helps to form the correct bone structure in a child;
  5. other vitamins (B, C, folic acid) strengthen the immune system;
  6. microelements reduce the risk of developing anemia and other dangerous conditions caused by their deficiency;
  7. cod liver normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of blood clots (and, as a result, varicose veins);
  8. weight does not increase and excess fat deposits are not deposited, which is important in late pregnancy. In addition, cholesterol levels are stabilized.

Benefits for the elderly

People after 45–50 years old face a significant lack of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. The body stops synthesizing them in the required quantity. Therefore, older people require additional intake of fish oil, which is an essential source of Omega-3 and other components. It ensures the health of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens bones and joints, prevents tooth decay and vision loss, and also improves brain function and strengthens the immune system.

Weight loss and cod fat

Despite the fact that fish oil is a high-calorie product, it is impossible to consume it in such quantities as to gain weight. In addition, the components included in its composition provide gentle weight loss.

If you stick to a diet, then your body lacks nutrients. As a result, hair may fall out, nails may break, and teeth may decay. Therefore, it is important to use the supplement to maintain the proper functioning of internal organs. Otherwise, your metabolism will slow down and you will not lose weight, no matter how hard you try.

Another point is that the level of “bad cholesterol” decreases. Due to this, fat deposits are quickly broken down and processed into energy. This increases endurance and increases motor activity.

Benefits for children

The use of drugs is important not only in old age, but also during periods of intensive growth. Vitamins and microelements help improve metabolic processes, normalize blood flow to the brain, and strengthen blood vessels. This allows the child to develop quickly and increases the level of intelligence.

With regular intake of dietary supplements, children become more assiduous and perceive information better. Fine motor skills also develop, which also has a positive effect on brain development.

The effect is manifested in a decrease in nervous excitability. Hyperactive children require mandatory intake of fish oil to improve concentration. Increases resistance to stress. The immune system is strengthened, the risk of developing allergic reactions and asthma is reduced.

When used in children, dietary supplements help prevent the development of rickets, promote proper growth of teeth and bones, and also prevent possible deterioration of vision. In adolescence, the use of fish oil helps restore hormonal balance, prevents the development of complications caused by hormonal changes, and also reduces nervous excitability.

Quality baby supplement

Children's health is the most important aspect. When choosing cod liver-based fish oil for little ones, you need to be extremely careful and careful. A low-quality product will not only not benefit the growing body, but can also cause irreparable harm.

One of the best supplements in this category is considered to be a product from ChildLife.

ChildLife, Cod Liver Oil, Natural Strawberry Flavor, 237 ml

The fish for this supplement was caught in the clean waters of the Arctic. The manufacturer assures that the shortest period of time passes from the moment of catching to production, that is, the raw materials remain as fresh as possible.

During production, a patented mechanism is used to remove various unwanted impurities; the contents of each bottle are subject to the strictest control.

Babies from six months to one year should take half a teaspoon of the product per day. For older children, a dosage of one to two teaspoons per day is recommended.

After opening the bottle, it is recommended to store cod liver oil in the refrigerator and use it within the next 100 days.

The supplement has a pleasant strawberry aroma, so children take it without any problems.

For beauty

The dietary supplement has a positive effect on appearance. The substances included in its composition nourish the hair and strengthen the hair follicles. Therefore, the product is indispensable for excessive hair loss and loss of shine. It restores their structure and reduces their cross-section. Hair becomes more manageable and grows one and a half to two times faster.

Over time, the skin also begins to experience a lack of vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. Collagen ceases to be produced in the required amount. This reduces the tone of the skin, elasticity disappears, and wrinkles appear. Fish oil eliminates these problems and also fights inflammation and oily skin.

Nails also receive nutrition. Calcium and vitamin D ensure their rapid growth and prevent brittleness and peeling of the nail plate.

How to choose a quality supplement?

Choose the right dietary supplements to evaluate their benefits and not face negative consequences. When purchasing a product, please pay attention to the following factors:

  1. place where fish are caught (it must be caught in the wild and not grown on fish farms) - northern reservoirs;
  2. country of origin (compliance with technologies with multi-stage purification stages is usually guaranteed by American and European companies);
  3. processing method (several stages of product purification are used to eliminate the presence of harmful impurities);
  4. concentration of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids (DHA and EPA). The ratio should be approximately 2 to 1.

Read labels and information from the manufacturer. Choose those drugs that meet current quality standards (best of all - global or American).

5 best brands

Some companies specialize in the production of fish oil and guarantee high quality products.

The company produces dietary supplements using modern equipment. The liver goes through several stages of purification, so that no dangerous impurities remain in it. Due to the impeccable quality of the product, it does not cause allergic reactions and is safe to use.

The manufacturer has been on the market since the 80s. Specializes in the production of natural supplements. To obtain fish oil, the company uses only fresh fish, and also checks its quality in independent laboratories. Bonus - the product is additionally enriched with vitamin E of our own production.

Brand #3: Nature's Answer

This is one of the largest American companies. Her philosophy is that customers should receive only natural products, without the addition of synthetic components. High quality is confirmed by numerous studies conducted by independent laboratories.

The manufacturer offers a wide range of natural health products. Regardless of what kind of product is put on the market, the company follows the main rule - to use only natural ingredients;

Company employees believe that Omega acids cannot be replaced by anything, so they must be supplied to the market in their natural form. Fish oil is offered in different forms. Clients can purchase medications that are additionally enriched with nutrients.

Are there many benefits to canned cod liver?

The canned product contains a significant amount of useful elements. Unlike other types of preservation, cod liver is not processed thermally. It is washed, salted and some spices are added. Therefore, canned food retains more useful elements.

However, compared to pure, processed fish oil, the composition is poorer. In addition, liver is a high-calorie product. You will have to eat a lot of it to get the right amount of Omega and vitamins, and this can lead to a set of extra pounds. Therefore, it is easier and more effective to take fortified supplements.

Cod liver supplement from Solgar (Cod Liver Oil, Vitamins A & D, 250 Softgels)

This product from a well-known manufacturer is used as an additional source of useful elements. It contains the following components:

  1. vitamin A;
  2. vitamin D;

The drug is obtained from cod liver using the molecular distillation method. Thanks to high-tech purification, all potentially dangerous impurities, including heavy metals, are removed from the product. Only useful components remain. The capsule consists of natural plant components (glycerin, gelatin, etc.). There are no artificial colors, preservatives, gluten, wheat, or sugar.

The supplement is available in the form of soft capsules, which are washed down with water.

The manufacturer indicates that it is necessary to take 2 capsules twice a day to prevent various diseases.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to any components of the product, the period of pregnancy and lactation. Before starting treatment, you must consult your doctor.

The action of the dietary supplement is due to the presence of Omega fatty acids, as well as vitamins A and D. For example, vitamin A promotes the production of collagen (increases skin elasticity), stimulates the body's defenses, protects the eyes and accelerates the healing process of wounds.

Vitamin D is the main assistant in restoring and strengthening bone tissue, improving joint function, and increasing immunity. In addition, it helps increase serotonin levels, which is also called the happiness hormone. With regular use of dietary supplements, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves, the risk of developing joint and vascular diseases decreases, and vision becomes sharper.

Who needs to be more careful with the reception?

Most often, manufacturers indicate contraindications for use on the packaging. Some of them are relative and can be removed after consulting a doctor. These include:

  • increased sensitivity and individual intolerance;
  • excess vitamin D in the body;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • pathological conditions associated with excessive calcium deposition;
  • liver and kidney diseases in the acute stage;
  • ulcer;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

Cod liver oil is a product that helps prevent many serious diseases. It should be consumed in adulthood, as well as during periods of intensive growth (in children). The fatty acids and vitamins included in its composition help cope with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and improve appearance.

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