In what cases does body temperature decrease? Low body temperature in various diseases. Medical diagnostics - how to do it

Thermoregulation is one of the vital functions of the human body. Thanks to many vital systems, the human body temperature in a normal state is kept within fairly narrow limits, despite environmental conditions. Thermoregulation of the human body is divided into chemical and physical. The first of them functions by increasing or decreasing the intensity of metabolic processes. And the processes of physical thermoregulation occur due to heat radiation, thermal conductivity and evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body.

Hypothermia: symptoms, causes and first aid

  • Classification of hypothermia
  • Causes of hypothermia
  • Low body temperature during pregnancy

It is impossible not to list the ways to measure temperature. Holding a thermometer under the arm, which is common among us, is far from the most optimal option. Fluctuations in the recorded body temperature from the real one can differ by as much as a degree. In the West, in adults, the temperature is measured in the oral cavity, and in children (it is difficult for them to keep their mouth closed for a long time) in the rectum. These methods are much more accurate, although for some unknown reason they have not taken root here.

The widely held belief that the normal human body temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius is not correct. Each organism is purely individual and without the influence of external factors, the temperature of the human body can fluctuate within 36.5-37.2 degrees.

But beyond these boundaries, we need to look for the reasons for this behavior of the body, since increased or decreased body temperature is a marker of any problems: diseases, poor functioning of life support systems, external factors.

Also, the normal body temperature of each individual person at a certain point in time depends on several other factors:

    individual characteristics of the body;

    time of day (at about six o’clock in the morning a person’s body temperature is at its minimum, and at 16 o’clock it is at its maximum);

    the age of the person (in children under three years of age, normal body temperature is often 37.3-37.4 degrees Celsius, and in older people - 36.2-36.3 degrees);

    a number of factors that have not been fully studied by modern medicine.

And if the state of elevated body temperature is known to most, then few people know about its decrease below standard limits, the processes that provoke this and the possible consequences. But this condition is no less dangerous than high temperature, so we will try to talk about low temperature in as much detail as possible.

Actions to take when the temperature drops

Having recorded a low body temperature, first of all you need to adequately assess your physical condition. If there is no weakness, you are not afraid and there are no other signs of illness, it is worth remembering whether you have been sick or hypothermic recently.

A slight decrease in temperature may be residual symptoms of these causes. In this case, it is not necessary to see a doctor. It is quite possible that a low temperature is the norm for your body.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

    body temperature 35 degrees or lower even without other symptoms;

    in addition to a decrease in temperature, weakness, trembling, vomiting and other symptoms that are unusual for a healthy person are observed. In such cases, even a temperature of 35.7-36.1 is a reason to seek help;

    in a person against a background of low temperature Hallucinations, slurred speech, blurred vision, and loss of consciousness are observed.

Any of these symptoms is reason to immediately consult a doctor. Even simple weakness at a low temperature should not be waited out at home, as irreversible processes can begin in the body, which will be very difficult to stop over time.

Before the doctor arrives, a patient with a low temperature should be placed in bed and wrapped in a warm blanket, after making sure that his clothes are dry. Ensure complete calm by giving a warm cup of sweet tea and, if possible, a warm foot bath or heating pad under your feet.

These actions will make it easier for the body to carry out the process of thermoregulation and the temperature in most cases will begin to rise to normal. Published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

“Normal” body temperature is considered to be 36.6 °C, but in fact, each person has his own individual temperature norm in the average range from 35.9 to 37.2 °C. This personal temperature is formed around the age of 14 for girls and at 20 for boys, and it depends on age, race, and even... gender! Yes, yes, men are on average half a degree colder than women. By the way, during the day the temperature of every absolutely healthy person fluctuates slightly within half a degree: in the morning the human body is colder than in the evening.

When to go to the doctor?

Deviations of body temperature from the norm, both upward and downward, are often a reason to consult a doctor.

Very low temperature - 34.9 to 35.2 °C - talking about:

As you can see from this list, any of the reasons described requires an urgent trip to the doctor. Even a hangover, if it is so severe, should be treated with a course of IV drips, which will help the body quickly get rid of the toxic breakdown products of alcohol. By the way, the thermometer readings below the specified limit is already a direct reason for urgently calling an ambulance.

Moderate drop in temperature – from 35.3 to 35.8 °C – may indicate:

In general, a constant feeling of chilliness, cold and wet palms and feet is a reason to consult a doctor. It is quite possible that he will not find any serious problems for you, and will only recommend “improving” your diet and making your daily routine more rational, including moderate physical activity and increasing the amount of sleep. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the unpleasant chills that torment you are one of the first symptoms of a terrible disease that needs to be treated now, before it has time to develop complications and enter the chronic stage.

Normal temperature is from 35.9 to 36.9°C – says that you are not currently suffering from acute diseases, and your thermoregulation processes are normal. However, normal temperature is not always combined with ideal order in the body. In some cases, with chronic diseases or reduced immunity, there may be no temperature changes, and this must be remembered!

Moderately elevated (low-grade) temperature – from 37.0 to 37.3°C this is the boundary between health and illness. May indicate:

However, such a temperature may have completely non-painful reasons:

  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna, hot bath
  • intense sports training
  • spicy food

In the case when you haven’t trained, haven’t gone to the bathhouse, or dined at a Mexican restaurant, and your temperature is still a little elevated, you should go to the doctor, and it’s very important to do this without taking any antipyretic or anti-inflammatory medications - firstly , at this temperature there is no need for them; secondly, medications can blur the picture of the disease and prevent the doctor from making the correct diagnosis.

Heat 37.4–40.2 °C indicates an acute inflammatory process and the need for medical attention. The question of whether to take antipyretic drugs in this case is decided individually. There is a widespread opinion that it is impossible to “bring down” the temperature to 38 °C - and in most cases this opinion is correct: the proteins of the immune system begin to work at full strength precisely at temperatures above 37.5 °C, and the average person without severe chronic diseases is capable of additional harm to health is to transfer the temperature to 38.5 °C. However, people suffering from certain neurological and mental diseases should be careful: a high temperature can cause them.

Temperatures above 40.3°C are life-threatening and require emergency medical attention.

Some interesting facts about temperature:

  • There are foods that reduce body temperature by almost a degree. These are green gooseberries, yellow plums and cane sugar.
  • In 1995, scientists officially recorded the lowest “normal” body temperature - in a completely healthy and feeling great 19-year-old Canadian woman, it was 34.4 °C.
  • Known for their extraordinary therapeutic discoveries, Korean doctors have come up with a way to treat seasonal autumn-spring pain, which affects many people. They proposed lowering the temperature of the upper body while simultaneously increasing the temperature of the lower half. In essence, this is the health formula that has long been known to everyone: “Keep your feet warm and your head cold,” but doctors from Korea say that it can also be used to improve mood that stubbornly tends to zero.

Let's measure correctly!

However, instead of panicking because your body temperature is not normal, you should first think about whether you are measuring it correctly? The mercury thermometer under the arm, familiar to everyone since childhood, gives far from the most accurate results.

Firstly, it is still better to purchase a modern, electronic thermometer, which allows you to measure temperature with an accuracy of hundredths of a degree.

Secondly, the location of measurement is important for the accuracy of the result. The armpit is convenient, but due to the large number of sweat glands, it is inaccurate. The oral cavity is also convenient (just remember to disinfect the thermometer), but you must remember that the temperature there is approximately half a degree higher than the temperature in the armpit, in addition, if you ate or drank something hot, smoked or drank alcohol, the readings may be falsely high.

Measuring the temperature in the rectum gives some of the most accurate results, you just need to take into account that the temperature there is approximately a degree higher than the temperature under the armpit, in addition, the thermometer readings may be false after sports training or taking a bath.

And, the “champion” in terms of accuracy of the result is the external auditory canal. You just need to remember that measuring the temperature in it requires a special thermometer and strict adherence to the nuances of the procedure, violation of which can lead to erroneous results.

A temperature in the range from 35.5 to 37 degrees is considered normal. In the morning the indicator is usually lower, in the evening it is higher. The temperature regime is influenced by the environment, physical and mental activity, stressful conditions, etc. If the indicators fall below 35 degrees, then we can talk about a phenomenon such as hypothermia. A mark on the thermometer of 34.5 indicates a mild degree of hypothermia.


  • Weakness, fatigue;
  • Pale skin;
  • A person constantly feels sleepy;
  • Chilliness, trembling of limbs;
  • Lethargy;
  • Low blood pressure readings.
  • Nausea;
  • Feelings of anxiety, fear;
  • Fainting is possible.

The women's magazine website draws your attention to the fact that a person may have his own characteristics of the body, so sometimes the presence of a consistently low temperature of up to 34.5 degrees is not a cause for concern.

Individual characteristics

  • For some people, low temperatures are normal. They feel well and do not experience any negative consequences;
  • Low temperature readings are typical for older people. They are caused by age-related processes;
  • Low rates may be due to body type. People who are short, fragile, with pale skin and slow processes of internal metabolism are characterized by consistently low indicators;
  • The temperature regime is reduced in women during pregnancy, at the age of 45-50 years during menopause. There is no need to see a doctor when a woman feels well and can raise her temperature to a comfortable level herself.

We can talk about hypothermia as a pathology if there are negative internal factors that provoke this condition. If your temperature was normal and has become consistently low, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases that cause hypothermia

  • Endocrine system disorders. With hypofunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), the characteristic signs of hypothermia include low blood sugar, the occurrence of edema and excess weight, decreased concentration, and memory impairment;
  • Chronic anemia, low hemoglobin;
  • HIV;
  • Colds;
  • Flu;
  • Depressive states;
  • Inflammatory process;
  • Distortions of eating behavior - anorexia, bulimia;
  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation.

External factors provoking hypothermia

  • Hypothermia;
  • Prolonged stress;
  • State of shock;
  • Constant lack of sleep;
  • Starvation or insufficient intake of nutrients during strict diets;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Poisoning with poisons, chemicals, drugs;
  • The temperature is usually reduced after surgery;
  • Burns, skin damage;
  • Avitaminosis.

Ways to increase temperature

How can you quickly increase the temperature?

  1. A few drops of iodine should be placed on a piece of bread, sugar and taken;
  2. Drink strong coffee or tea with a spoonful of honey and raspberries. You can take 1-2 spoons of coffee in the form of granules and chew it. There is no need to drink it, you can follow it with a spoonful of honey;
  3. Eat hot soup, it’s good to add a pinch of black pepper to it;
  4. You can eat potatoes, rice, and chocolate, preferably black. Foods contain a lot of carbohydrates; their digestion releases energy, which increases body temperature;
  5. You can eat the lead of a simple pencil. To prevent your teeth from turning gray, break the lead into pieces and drink water. The method must be used with caution, since the temperature will rise sharply and can reach up to 40 degrees;
  6. Decoctions of echinacea, rose hips, ginseng, and mint help;
  7. Take a warm bath;
  8. A warm foot bath helps. Add 3-4 tablespoons of mustard to the water;
  9. Rub your armpits with ground pepper, mustard or garlic powder;
  10. If you feel fine, do physical exercises that stimulate blood circulation.

Most often, a temperature of 34.5 in adults occurs due to hypothermia due to prolonged exposure to frost or cold water.

First aid

  1. Change wet clothes to dry ones if the person was in the water;
  2. Wrap the person up as warmly as possible, rub the limbs with a soft cloth;
  3. Give hot sweet tea to drink;
  4. Try to get the victim to a doctor as quickly as possible.

In conclusion, it should be noted that all recommendations for correcting well-being during hypothermia should be given by a doctor. Don't get carried away with self-medication.

Many people are accustomed to paying attention only to an increase in temperature, but most often they simply do not pay much attention to its decrease. And this phenomenon, in turn, can signal the development of pathological conditions and certain diseases, including serious ones.

First, it must be said that the norm is considered to be a fluctuation in body temperature from 35.8°C to 37°C. Other indicators will be a deviation. For example, a body temperature that has dropped to 29.5°C can lead to loss of consciousness, and up to 27°C - the onset of coma, when a malfunction of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the organs occurs.

To identify the cause of low body temperature, it is necessary to understand how thermoregulation processes occur in the body, which maintain a person’s body temperature at the desired level (about 36°C). It is also important to know what types of thermoregulation exist.
Types of thermoregulation and causes of their violations

1. Behavioral
When behavioral thermoregulation is disrupted, a person ceases to adequately perceive the temperature of the environment. The reason for such a violation may be:

  • effects of alcohol on the body;
  • mental disorder;
  • effects of narcotic substances on the body.

For example, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a person may not feel cold. As a result, he will become hypothermic and simply freeze, which often leads to a significant drop in body temperature (up to 25°C). This condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

2. Physical
As a result of functional failures of physical thermoregulation, the human body loses heat due to excessive expansion of blood vessels, which remain in this state for a long time. This condition often affects hypotensive people - people with low blood pressure.
Also, the cause of disturbances in physical thermoregulation can be endocrinological diseases, which are accompanied by symptoms such as increased sweating. Minor disturbances of this type of thermoregulation are observed in people during emotional stress. But this condition is easily cured.

3. Chemical
The reasons for violation of chemical thermoregulation include:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • pregnancy period;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • chronic asthenia of the body;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • decrease in hemoglobin level in the blood;
  • overvoltage.

Temperature 36°C: what does it mean?

This temperature indicator can also be present in completely healthy people. The reason for this condition may be:

  • recent illness;
  • morning time, when all processes in the body proceed more slowly than usual;
  • pregnancy;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • insufficient supply of vitamin C to the body;
  • overwork, fatigue.

Also, a body temperature of 36°C may indicate the development of certain diseases and be observed in such conditions as:

  • disorders of the adrenal glands:
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • prolonged fasting, as a result of which the body is depleted (often observed with improper dieting);
  • brain pathologies;
  • significant blood loss;
  • chronic bronchitis.

Primary signs of a decrease in temperature

Symptoms that may indicate a decrease in temperature include:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • apathetic state, general malaise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • slowness of thought processes;
  • irritability.

If a decrease in body temperature is observed in a small child, it should definitely be shown to a doctor. If an adult maintains a temperature of about 36°C for a long time, but during the examination no pathologies were identified, the person is cheerful and feels great, his condition can be regarded as normal.

Reduced human body temperature: causes depending on diseases and other pathological conditions

1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Often, body temperature decreases if chronic diseases are in the active stage. This is directly related to a decrease in the body’s defenses (immunity), which are directly involved in the thermoregulation of the body. After some time, symptoms of the underlying chronic disease begin to appear and the temperature may, on the contrary, increase. This occurs due to the development of inflammatory processes in the body. That is, a drop in temperature is the primary signal of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

2. Brain pathologies

A decrease in temperature may be one of the symptoms of tumor growths in the brain. The fact is that these tumors put pressure on the brain, disrupting blood circulation in it, which leads to a disorder in the body’s thermoregulation.

In addition to a decrease in temperature, brain tumors can manifest themselves by the presence of other symptoms, namely a violation of:

  • speech abilities;
  • sensitivity;
  • levels of certain hormones;
  • work of the autonomic system;
  • intracranial pressure (increasing). This is accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • memory;
  • cerebral circulation, accompanied by severe headaches that are difficult to eliminate by taking analgesics;
  • coordination of movements;
  • hearing;
  • psyche (auditory and visual hallucinations, etc.).

3. Thyroid diseases

Often, a decrease in body temperature is accompanied by a disease such as hypothyroidism, which is characterized by functional disorders of the thyroid gland, as well as insufficient production of thyroid hormones. These hormones support the normal functioning of the entire body, including the functioning of the nervous system.

The most common manifestations of hypothyroidism are:

  • brittle nails;
  • weight gain;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • chilliness;
  • memory problems;
  • dry skin;
  • frequent constipation.

4. Past infections

A frequent companion to conditions that occur after viral and bacterial infections is low temperature. As a result of the disease, the body's resources are depleted. First of all, this applies to the nervous and immune systems. And the thermoregulation center, located in the hypothalamus, is known to belong specifically to the nervous system.

5. Pathologies of the adrenal glands

Often a symptom in the form of a decrease in temperature occurs in the presence of adrenal diseases. First of all, this concerns adrenal insufficiency, in other words, Addison's disease. It develops asymptomatically for quite a long time and makes itself felt when it enters the chronic stage.
This condition is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • weak potency;
  • depressive states;
  • frequent urination;
  • irritability and short temper;
  • muscle aches;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • tingling and numbness in the limbs;
  • increased thirst.

6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia

People suffering from this pathology experience disturbances in thermoregulation due to fluctuations in blood pressure, which leads to heat loss. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, both a persistent slight increase in temperature and a decrease in temperature can be observed.

Common symptoms of this disease include:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • tachycardia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • chilliness of the limbs;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting.

An immunodeficiency state, in addition to low temperature, is accompanied by:

  • chills;
  • an increase in the size of lymph nodes;
  • frequent colds;
  • loose stools;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • development of tumor neoplasms;
  • increased sweating (especially at night);
  • weight loss;
  • weakness throughout the body.

8. Intoxication

As you know, during intoxication the temperature usually rises. But in some cases it can decrease significantly. This is due to inhibition of the nervous system, which takes part in the processes of thermoregulation of the body.

Severe intoxication, in addition to low temperature, can manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • neurological disorders. For example, when a person falls into a “deep” sleep, which is replaced by periods of extreme excitement;
  • liver and kidney damage;
  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • hemorrhages of varying severity (from single small spots to extensive bruises);
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • impaired blood flow in the extremities;
  • marbling of the skin.

9. Neurocirculatory dystonia

A disease such as neurocirculatory dystonia is characterized by disorders of the vascular system, which entails the development of hypotension - low blood pressure. In this condition, there is an expansion of the vascular beds, which is followed by heat loss and a decrease in body temperature.
In addition to hypotension, this disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia;
  • tremor in the limbs;
  • panic attacks;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • dizziness.

10. Exhaustion of the body (cachexia)

With this condition, a significant weight loss is observed (sometimes up to 50% of the total body weight). The layer of subcutaneous fat virtually disappears, causing the skin to become wrinkled and take on a gray, “earthy” tint. There are also symptoms of vitamin deficiency.
In addition, when the body is exhausted, nails become brittle and hair becomes thinner and dull. Frequent constipation often occurs with cachexia. In women, the volume of circulating blood decreases, which causes the absence of menstruation.

Also, with exhaustion, mental disorders can occur. At the very beginning, asthenia occurs - tearfulness, resentment, irritability, weakness and depression. If the pathology is successfully cured, asthenia will still be present for some time, and will also be accompanied by a decreased body temperature.

11. Anemia

These conditions are usually the result of an improperly balanced diet. For example, insufficient consumption of foods containing iron.

Symptoms that appear in iron deficiency:

  • difficulty swallowing. It seems to a person that there is a foreign body in his larynx;
  • addiction to pickles, smoked meats, spices and spicy dishes;
  • atrophy of the papillae located on the surface of the tongue;
  • deterioration of hair, nails and skin;
  • tachycardia;
  • dry mouth;
  • decreased performance, rapid fatigue.

12. Radiation sickness
In the chronic course of radiation sickness, when the body is exposed to ionizing radiation for a long time, a low body temperature is also often noted. As for the acute course of this disease, this condition, on the contrary, is characterized by an increase in temperature.

Symptoms accompanying low temperature during radiation sickness:

  • dry skin;
  • development of dermatological diseases;
  • the presence of compactions in the area of ​​the irradiated areas;
  • cataract;
  • the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • depressed genital area;
  • decrease in the body's defenses.

13. Significant blood loss
As a result of injuries, large arteries can become damaged, which leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. This entails a violation of thermoregulation and, accordingly, a decrease in body temperature.

Internal bleeding is considered the most dangerous. For example, in the ventricles of the brain, in the pleural and abdominal cavities. Such bleeding is quite difficult to diagnose and, as a rule, surgical intervention is required to stop it.

14. Hypoglycemia
Low blood sugar also leads to a decrease in body temperature. This condition can occur with physical exhaustion of the body and with an unbalanced diet, which contains a large amount of flour products and sweets. Often this condition becomes a harbinger of developing diabetes mellitus.
Other symptomatic manifestations of a hypoglycemic state:

  • headache;
  • dilated pupils;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • inappropriate behavior;
  • tachycardia;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • muscle tremors;
  • motor dysfunction;
  • confusion (the consequence may be fainting and/or coma);
  • tachycardia;
  • loss of sensitivity.

15. Overwork

Chronic fatigue, which may be associated, for example, with constant emotional stress or lack of sleep, can cause a decrease in body temperature. If, after prolonged overload, the body does not receive compensatory recovery, a failure may occur in any of the organ systems. This also entails the development of exhaustion.

16. Shock conditions

All shock states are usually accompanied by a decrease in body temperature. In medicine, there is a classification of such conditions depending on the nature, severity and location of the damage. The following shock states are distinguished:

  • neurogenic (central nervous system disorder);
  • cardiogenic (impaired cardiovascular activity);
  • infectious-toxic (acute intoxication);
  • combined (a combination of different types of shock conditions);
  • septic (mass blood poisoning);
  • traumatic (pain syndrome);
  • anaphylactic (allergic reactions).

With almost any type of shock, the victim experiences the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the respiratory system;
  • tachycardia;
  • moist skin that becomes pale or bluish;
  • low blood pressure;
  • confusion (lethargy or, conversely, agitation);
  • reduction in the volume of urine excreted.

Pregnancy and low body temperature

Sometimes when pregnancy occurs, women experience a decrease in body temperature. You can find out whether pregnancy is the reason for the decrease in temperature by objectively assessing the woman’s condition. In this case, she will have the following symptoms:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • chilliness of the lower extremities;
  • fainting;
  • long-term headaches.

What to do at low temperatures?

To know how to eliminate low temperature, you need to find out the reason for its decrease. If during the day the temperature fluctuates between 35.8°C and 37.1°C, this is considered normal. For example, in the morning the indicators are lower than in the evening.

If your temperature measured three times a day remains low for several days, consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the necessary examinations and, after determining the reasons that caused the drop in temperature, prescribe competent treatment. The doctor may order the following tests:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and internal organs;
  • fluorography;
  • general clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • chest x-ray.

If tests show that you have serious illnesses, you will definitely be referred to the appropriate specialists.
If reduced immunity is detected, you will be prescribed vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, and your diet will be adjusted.
If the temperature is low, which is the result of hypothermia, it is necessary to give the victim hot, sweet tea and cover with a warm blanket. You can also warm up by taking a warm bath.

For representatives of the fair sex, the temperature may decrease or increase depending on the menstrual cycle.
To prevent the development of conditions accompanied by a decrease in body temperature, follow preventive measures. Spend more time in the fresh air, avoid stress, eat right, play sports and strengthen your body.

Low body temperature in an adult often occurs due to the individual characteristics of the body and does not pose any harm to health. But more often hypothermia is evidence of the development of pathological processes. To return the indicators to normal, it is important to identify the main reason that provoked a sharp decrease in the value.

Prolonged low body temperature indicates the development of the disease

What body temperature is considered low in adults?

The indicator changes throughout the day, both for men and women - in the morning it is slightly lower than the usual value, and in the evening, on the contrary, it begins to increase. For a healthy adult, a temperature below 36 degrees for a long time is low.

Why is low temperature dangerous?

Low temperature poses a danger to the body and leads to deterioration in performance:

  • brain;
  • vestibular apparatus;
  • metabolic processes;
  • nervous system;
  • hearts.

If body temperature drops critically below 32 degrees, a person may fall into a coma. Lack of timely medical assistance increases the risk of death.

Why is body temperature lowered?

Unstable temperature occurs due to the influence of external and internal factors.

Causes Symptoms
External factors Internal factors
severe hypothermiaweakened immune systemheadache, general weakness, chills, severe loss of energy, drowsiness, nausea, trembling or numbness of the limbs
stress or shockpoisoning by toxic or noxious substances
busy work scheduleexhaustion of the body
drinking excessive amounts of alcohollack of vitamins and microelements
lack of rest and proper sleepthe presence of burns and other skin injuries that stimulate the dilation of blood vessels
following a strict diet, fastinglong-term uncontrolled use of antidepressants, tranquilizers or sedatives
A temperature below 35.5 degrees in a person is one of the symptoms of certain diseases.


A decrease in temperature is observed with a cold due to severe hypothermia. It is necessary to warm up the room, lie down in bed and place a heating pad under your feet. To avoid causing further harm to health, rubbing with alcohol or vinegar is prohibited. With ARVI, as a result of severe exhaustion of the patient’s body, a drop in body temperature and tachycardia is observed.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, frequent migraine attacks are observed


In case of poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs, which leads to severe dehydration, weakness and a decrease in body temperature. Deterioration of the condition causes convulsions, decreased blood pressure and loss of consciousness. It is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible, who, depending on the severity of the condition, will prescribe the necessary treatment or take the patient to the hospital. Before the doctor arrives, it is recommended to drink still water, green tea and dried fruit compote.

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation, and, as a result, a decrease in temperature, deterioration in performance, and severe pallor of the skin.

Frequent pain in the abdominal area indicates pathology of the adrenal glands

Liver failure

Leads to disruption of thermoregulation and lack of glycogen. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, nausea, memory loss, and the appearance of a yellowish tint to the skin. Diagnosis is carried out using a biochemical blood test and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

If you have liver problems, your skin will turn yellow.

Endocrine system diseases

Diabetes mellitus causes frequent urination, severe thirst and dry mouth, numbness in the limbs, weight loss, and increased appetite. Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are accompanied by a malfunction of the water-salt balance, which leads to jumps in the value - after a high temperature, after some time, a low value is noted. Symptoms such as dry skin, causeless weight gain, constipation and severe swelling are also noted.

You should be tested for blood sugar levels and thyroid hormone levels.

With diseases of the endocrine system, limbs swell

Viral and bacterial infections

After illness, the functioning of the immune system gradually returns to normal; as recovery progresses, loss of strength and hypothermia are observed. The main feature is that during the day the indicator remains at 37 degrees and above, and in the evening it drops to 35, which is accompanied by severe sweating and drowsiness. On average, this condition lasts up to 2 weeks.

Viral pathologies are characterized by severe sweating


The presence of benign or malignant neoplasms leads to impaired coordination of movements, decreased temperature, headaches and a constant feeling of cold in the extremities. We need to do a computed tomography scan.

Carrying a child

In women during pregnancy, the indicator is lower than normal - such a condition, in the absence of pain and deterioration in well-being, does not mean the presence of pathologies and does not require the help of a doctor.

A decrease in body temperature during pregnancy is normal.

There is a decrease in the indicator before the onset of menstruation or during menopause.

Some people have congenital hypothermia - this means that for them a low temperature is considered normal and does not lead to a feeling of discomfort.

What to do at low temperatures

To combat unstable temperatures, make changes to your usual lifestyle:

  1. Do exercises and take a contrast shower every day. Go to bed in a pre-ventilated room.
  2. Keep your daily diet balanced and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Eat dark chocolate, drink strong coffee, tea with raspberries or warm milk with honey.
  3. Take vitamins to strengthen your immune system. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Pay more attention to rest, avoid lack of sleep, overexertion and severe stress.
  5. Regularly maintain normal body temperature. Choose the right clothes so that they are not too hot or too cold.
  6. Stop taking medications without a doctor's prescription.

You can increase the temperature using foot baths - add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil or 1 tbsp to a container with warm water. l. mustard powder. Do the procedure for half an hour several days in a row.

The described integrated approach will help cleanse the body of toxins, dilate blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes and stimulate blood circulation. After the procedures, it is necessary to take temperature measurements again - if the indicator has reached the permissible value, it is recommended to monitor the condition for several days. If your temperature rises or falls, you should be examined by a doctor.

When to call an ambulance

You should call a doctor if:

  • the patient has a dangerously low temperature, which led to loss of consciousness;
  • after taking the necessary measures, the indicator continues to fall;
  • a low value was detected in an elderly person, while his health is deteriorating;
  • a decrease in temperature is accompanied by frequent vomiting, increased sweating, choking, severe pain, bleeding, too high or low blood pressure, impaired visual and auditory function.

If the temperature drops to 34 degrees, a heart attack, severe intoxication of the body, anaphylactic shock or internal bleeding is possible - the lack of medical assistance can lead to death.

You should be attentive to your health, there are many reasons for the appearance of hypothermia - an incorrect diagnosis, and incorrectly selected treatment will cause significant harm to the body.

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