At what age is it better to adopt a puppy? At what age is it better to buy a puppy? At what months is it better to buy a puppy?

You are sure that you are ready for a dog to appear in your home, you have decided on the breed and know where you will take your new friend. All that remains is to decide at what age it is better to adopt a puppy. This important question, because it largely depends on how your living together with a dog.

The answer to the question " at what age is it better to get a puppy?“is not unambiguous, since it depends on the purpose for which you are adopting a dog, on the composition of the family, your employment and many other factors.

The earlier the better?

It is a fairly common belief that a puppy should be adopted as early as possible, as soon as he is able to feed himself. Indeed, a couple of decades ago it was customary to give the baby to new owners when he turned one month old. But is this the right decision?

Unfortunately no. If a puppy is separated from his mother and siblings too early, this can cause many problems. At the age of one month, the puppy is still highly dependent on the mother, who raises the cubs and teaches them the rules of behavior, including cleanliness in the den and communication with relatives.

In addition, the age of 3 – 7 weeks is the so-called primary socialization of the puppy, when it learns to be a dog and masters the language of its species. And if he does not get this knowledge, his future life will become quite difficult - to the point that behavioral problems will arise.

In addition, at the age of 1 month it is too early to give vaccinations, and the puppy runs the risk of getting sick in a new place.



When is the best time to get a puppy?

Today it is believed that the optimal age for a puppy to move to a new family is 60 days. At this age, the baby already recognizes himself as a dog, has learned the basics of communication with representatives of his species and has become quite strong. In addition, at this age the puppy can already begin to be trained (of course, in game form), and you won't waste precious time.

However, if there are children in the family, it may be worth waiting until the puppy is 4 to 5 months old. At this age, the puppy is already able to hide if he is tired of communicating with your heirs, or to stand up for himself, while he is not so small that children could cause him serious harm. But, of course, it's worth making sure that the puppy has had a positive and safe experience with children while in the breeder's care.

If you are counting on winning in the show ring and this is very important to you, it is better to wait until the puppy grows up and it becomes clear whether you can count on prizes. At two months you can only approximately determine how big a dog will grow, so there is a risk that you will have to give up your dream of winning all the champion titles of the Universe and its surroundings.

Remember that a puppy requires a lot of effort to care for it, in particular, more frequent walking and feeding. Do you have the ability to provide all this?

If not, you might want to consider adopting an older dog (6 months or older). Such a pet is most likely already accustomed to walking, and you can feed it twice a day. In addition, he may already have undergone some training. However, there is a risk that the dog has already formed and bad habits, which will be more difficult to get rid of than if you were raising your baby “from scratch.”

In any case, the choice is yours. And no matter what age you adopt a dog, with the right approach and the right attitude, it will give you a lot of joy and become a loyal friend.


Buying a dog is an important and responsible step in the life of every person. Before adopting or buying a puppy, you need to answer several questions for yourself, such as the purpose of the pet, the financial aspect, free time to raise the puppy, etc.

Future owner must clearly understand what he will have to face when choosing a particular breed of dog, and also age category animal. The care and maintenance of a one-month-old and one-year-old puppy will be very different. There are several points that you should pay attention to and carefully study before purchasing a puppy.

Vaccinations and other preventive measures

When considering the best age for a puppy to go to a new family in terms of preventative procedures, you should know that a dog under 4 weeks old cannot yet be vaccinated. Therefore, if breeders claim that the puppy has already been vaccinated and provide the appropriate documents, then we can confidently say that this is a hoax. Up to 4 weeks, the baby has only colostral immunity received from mother's milk.

The first vaccination is usually given at 6 weeks. It includes canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis. This vaccine is created exclusively for these small puppies to protect them from diseases that are fatal to them. It is mandatory for nurseries or shelters where these diseases have been recorded.

It is ideal if the breeder teaches the animal from an early age to trim its claws, clean its ears, comb its fur, and visit veterinary clinic and communicate with the doctor without aggression. This will make the future life of the future owner much easier.

As a result, if we take into account the protection of the future pet from dangerous diseases, then best age for purchasing a dog there will be 3.5 months, since after the last vaccination you must undergo a quarantine of 2 weeks.


Up to 35 days, babies feed exclusively on mother's milk. It contains an optimal complex of vitamins, minerals and immunoglobulins. Ready mixes or cow's milk will never meet the needs of a puppy’s body as much as bitches' milk. Subsequently, an animal separated from its mother early will suffer from allergies to many foods and have problems with gastrointestinal tract, often suffer from infectious diseases.

If life circumstances If you left the baby without a mother, it is important to pay special attention to his nutrition. Puppies up to a month eat every 3-4 hours, including at night. It is important to choose a bitch milk substitute that is ideal for your dog.

Pet stores offer a wide range of ready-made mixtures, however, regarding quality and composition, it is better to consult with a veterinarian rather than a pet store employee. Sometimes veterinarians recommend adding probiotics to the formula or adding a vitamin complex containing calcium. After 35 days, food or products that the owner plans to feed the animal for the rest of its life begin to be introduced into the baby’s diet. When it comes to food, it is also important to choose the product good quality. For the first time, it is advisable to purchase soft food; it will be easier for the baby to eat it.

Based on this information, if the baby is not left without a mother, then adopting a puppy before 35 days of age is contraindicated.


Often, unscrupulous breeders offer to buy one-month-old puppies, citing the fact that the puppy is no longer suckling from its mother and during this period it is easiest to raise a dog for yourself. However, at this age the process of socialization of the animal is not yet completed. A dog teaches its offspring how to care for itself, relieve itself in a designated place, bite force, vocal signs and body language, hunting, etc. Babies, through play and repetition after their mother, learn skills that a person cannot fully teach.

If you plan to raise a dog to become a prize-winner of many exhibitions, a world champion and a parent of highly paid offspring, then it is better to choose a dog that is at least 8 months old. By this age, the animal usually looks like an adult. There is no need to guess what size and constitution it will grow to be. Also, by this age it is usually possible to diagnose genetically inherited diseases, for example, dysplasia hip joints. Animals with such diseases are rejected from breeding, which means all hopes and dreams of titles will disappear into oblivion. You should also study documents about the parents’ health, conclusions veterinarian about the absence of genetic diseases.

By 4 months, the dog has already developed its future character and basic habits.. Ideally, the breeder begins training with a dog handler, aimed at passing exhibitions, already at this age. It is good if the puppy knows what a leash and muzzle are and does not resist wearing them. The new owner will simply need to not neglect the acquired skills and continue training the pet. It is important to ask in what conditions the puppy lived all his life, what he ate, how he communicates with other animals and children. With this information, it will be easier to create a similar environment for your new pet to reduce the stress of the move. There will also be no surprises when you appear in new family children or other animals.

This means that to make raising a dog easier, it is ideal to take a puppy from 4 months and older.


Having studied all the aspects presented above, it turns out that it is best to purchase a puppy in 3,5-4 one month old when all planned preventive actions, the dog received basic skills from its parents and is accustomed to certain foods.

When the issue of purchasing a dog has already been decided, each future owner fluffy pet The question is: at what age is it better to adopt a puppy so that he can quickly and easily adapt to new living conditions, and this will not negatively affect his health? There are a number of very important points, which a puppy buyer should pay attention to.


Puppies are not vaccinated until 4 weeks of age, since during this period they have immunity acquired from their mother's milk. The first vaccination is usually given after they reach 6 weeks of age. It is usually done at 6-8 weeks. This vaccine protects small puppies from deadly diseases: canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis. Revaccination is done after 3-4 weeks. In addition, puppies are vaccinated against rabies at 3 months. Before this, deworming must be carried out. Quarantine after the last vaccination lasts 2 weeks.

Features of feeding

From a feeding point of view, there are also a number of recommendations on what age is best to adopt a puppy. For the first 35 days of life, furry pets are fed only with mother's milk. In this way they receive the required amount of immunoglobulins, vitamins and minerals. No others nutritional mixtures will not replace it. If a puppy is separated from its mother early, it will subsequently have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, often suffer from various infectious diseases, and also suffer from food allergies.

If for some reason the baby is left without a mother, feeding will cause a lot of trouble for the owner. It is best to select a suitable formula that replaces mother's milk for a puppy on the advice of a veterinarian. You need to feed your baby every 3-4 hours, including at night.

After 35 days of life, when the puppy eats on its own, it is necessary to gradually begin to accustom it to the food that the owner plans to feed his pet in the future. It is advisable that the food is not hard, as it will be difficult for the baby to eat it. When choosing food for your puppy, you should pay attention to the quality of the product.

So, when deciding at what age it is better to adopt a puppy in order to avoid problems with feeding, it is important to take into account that this baby is over 35 days old.

Features of education

Once a puppy is in the hands of its owner, it is very important that its socialization process is completed. A mother dog gives her cubs important skills in self-care and communication. Puppies repeat everything after their mother. Thus, the role of the mother is very important in the life of a small pet, and a person cannot fully replace her.

It’s good when the breeder accustoms the puppy to hygiene procedures- combing fur, cleaning ears, eyes, washing, cutting, and so on.

At what age is it better to get a puppy if in the future you plan to make him a highly paid producer, a winner of dog shows? This must be a puppy aged 8 months or older. During this period he looks like an adult. And if he has health problems, it’s easier to track.

Physical characteristics of healthy puppies

There are a number of expert tips on how to choose a healthy puppy. First of all, when buying a furry pet, you need to look at the mother, and, if possible, the father. This way the future owner will get an idea of ​​what his dog will look like. It is necessary to ask the breeder about the character, habits and health of the parents. If possible, it is a good idea to examine all the puppies in the litter. Healthy individuals should be active, curious, playful and moderately well-fed. Their coat is clean, shiny, without dandruff, and their skin is without redness. The abdomen is smooth, without swelling. The eyes of healthy babies are dry, shiny, without pus. Ears are pale pink, without unpleasant odor. The nose is cool and wet, without discharge. All teeth are present oral cavity and the tongue is free of plaque and odor. The bite is correct.

Features of behavior of healthy puppies

Healthy babies differ good appetite. They are playful and lack aggression, although they may be wary of strangers. A balanced puppy reacts calmly to sharp sounds.

When examining puppies, you can use some tests that will help determine how easily the baby makes contact, is obedient, and obeys a person. The simplest of them is to call the puppies to your place. The most curious, brave and sociable one will run up first.


The future owner of a furry pet must clearly understand what problems he may encounter when choosing a particular breed, because each of them has its own characteristics of maintenance and upbringing.

As an example, consider the characteristics of Rottweilers - dogs belonging to the guard category. When choosing a puppy, you should focus on its appearance and the makings of a future guard, which begin to appear closer to two months of age.

First of all, you need to decide whether to buy a boy or a girl. Then you need to visit several nurseries and select a litter. Having decided on a kennel and litter, you can choose a puppy. The buyer should not take as himself large puppy, and the smallest. It is better to choose a medium size. Healthy puppy The Rottweiler is active, curious and mobile. If the arrival stranger frightened the baby and he stopped playing with other puppies, then he will make an excellent guard. If a puppy does not play with its brothers and sisters and stays away, then it is not worth buying it at all. A promising dog is an active dog. A good option when choosing a Rottweiler puppy, determine the leader and buy it.

Features of the exterior of a healthy Rottweiler

The examination of your future pet should begin with the teeth. A healthy Rottweiler puppy should have six incisors above and below, as well as a scissor bite: lower jaw tightly covered with the top. Lips and gums are dark in color.

The puppy's stance also requires the attention of the future owner. A healthy dog ​​has a straight back line and straight, powerful paws.

When examining a Rottweiler puppy's head, you should pay attention to the profile. The baby's chin should be clearly defined, and the forehead should not protrude above the curve of the nose.

If planned show dog, special attention requires the length and shape of the ears. They reach the middle of the cheeks and have triangular shape. The inner edges are pressed to the head.

Rottweilers grow in 8-10 months. But shortcomings can be seen in a puppy at one and a half months. It is worth making sure that there is no umbilical hernia. Fifth fingers on hind legs must be docked. There should be no creases on the tail. The ears, eyes, and skin of a small Rottweiler should be clean. The nose is wet and black. The skin is elastic, blue-gray on the back and pink on the stomach, without redness or dandruff. The coat and undercoat are black.

Is it worth it get a pet if there is a child in the house? This question arises for many parents. And the children ask to take at least someone into the house, and the parents want to raise the child to be kind and caring. The aspiration is correct, but before you decide on anything, you need to answer some questions for yourself.

Does a child always need a pet?

Many will confidently answer “Yes”, because animal in the house helps to instill responsibility in children and instills kindness in them. In addition, a pet can become one best friend. Regarding kindness, in most cases this is true, but with responsibility it does not always work out. Often a child perceives an animal as a new living toy and only engages with it for the first time. Then he gets tired of it, and caring for the new family member falls entirely on the shoulders of adults. Here, irresponsibility is fostered rather than responsibility. If parents insist and force their son or daughter to take care of the pet, the child may develop a negative attitude and even aggression towards the small living creature, which distracts him from more interesting things.

Therefore, purchasing pet , parents must be prepared that they will have to take care of it themselves, and so that the child does not get tired, firstly, choose the animal that is most suitable for their baby, and secondly, maintain the child’s interest in the pet.

When is the best time to buy a pet?

The second question that concerns parents is whether their baby has already grown enough to buy him an animal. Some advise getting a pet when the child can take care of it himself, others, on the contrary, early, so that from the first years of his life the baby gets used to the fact that he is not alone in the house. In fact, there is no definite answer, because children are all different. Yes, and parents too. Some people can’t stand either cats or dogs, while others dote on them. For those who categorically do not want to see our little brothers in the house, it is better to take the animal really later, so that the baby can take care of it himself or not take it at all, finding an alternative replacement for it. If parents themselves selflessly love animals and are ready to take responsibility for them, you can get an animal at any time. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is how the appearance of a pet will affect the baby’s health. Which animal should you choose to minimize any dangers?

A dog or a cat is better for a child

Parents, listening to the wishes of their children, more often take into the house the animal that they themselves like. It’s good if the opinions of family members coincide. If not, you still need to settle on one. Take in limited space Apartments of animals that rarely get along are undesirable. Their genetic characteristics will lead them to frequent stress, illness and shortened life.

Let's compare all the "yes" and "no" for a cat and a dog

  1. A dog can become a protector of the child and the home as a whole. Never a cat.
  2. The dog can be trained. Probably not a cat.
  3. The dog knows its place and the word “no”. The cat does what she likes.
  4. At first, the dog shits in the apartment. The cat knows its potty from the first days.
  5. The dog will have to be taken out for a walk, even when there is neither time nor desire. The cat will never interfere with the owner's daily routine.
  6. A large dog takes up a lot of space, eats a lot, and requires significant financial expenses. A cat, unless it is an exclusive breed, is much cheaper.
  7. There are aggressive breeds dogs that can be life threatening small child. At worst, the cat will only scratch.
  8. Both cats and dogs get sick, so you will have to spend money on a veterinarian.
  9. The fur of both cats and dogs can cause allergies, and quite serious ones.
  10. Both cats and dogs can cause infectious diseases in children, so they need to be kept perfectly clean.

Birds, fish, rodents for children

If there is neither the opportunity nor the desire to take to the house of cats and dogs, You can opt for birds. Often children are bought parrots or other birds. Of course, this is a good decision, because a living creature appears in the house, which is interesting to watch and which will teach the child to be responsible. But birds also have pros and cons.

  1. They take up little space and are suitable for any apartment.
  2. There is no need to walk them or change the potty.
  3. They do not need to be bathed or combed.
  4. You cannot play with them either at home or on the street.
  5. They should almost never be petted or caressed.
  6. They also litter.
  7. They chirp and make noise.

Maybe it's better to take hamster or pet rat ? These animals have a lot of advantages, but they don’t have prestige, especially for a rat. They should be taken into the house only after the child’s firm consent. These fluffy balls are very funny, you can play with them, and you can pick them up. They are inexpensive and unpretentious in everyday life, which is also important for many families. And yet, they have their drawbacks.

They definitely need a place, preferably a large aquarium, so that they cannot leave it on their own.

  1. They have a specific smell; you will have to clean their house every day.
  2. They cannot be castrated, but offspring are produced with enviable regularity once every three months!
  3. They live an average of only 3 years, and their death can be traumatic for a child.

It's even more difficult with fish. The aquarium needs to be cleaned and the water changed. Fish also get sick; they require constant enrichment of the water with air and special lighting. But they swim so beautifully, calming with their movement nervous system and bringing harmony. But does your baby need it? It is advisable to have fish if adults themselves love these creatures and are ready to take care of them. A child, even 10-12 years old, will not be able to independently carry out all the maintenance work.

So is it necessary to take an animal into your home?

To sum up all of the above, there is still no clear answer. On the one hand, children need to learn to take care of someone. And he needs a companion, especially if he is the only child in the family. On the other hand, for parents it is extra hassle and financial costs. Well, those who resolve all these issues positively, with the appearance of an animal in the house There will be a lot of pleasant moments, gratitude and happiness for the child.

Such questions arise in inexperienced owners who have never dealt with four-legged friends. The age at which a young pet is purchased and weaned from its mother is very important. After all, the adaptation of a new family member in the house, the formation of character and health depend on it. So, let's look at this issue in detail.

About age criteria for acquisition

According to the rules of the Russian Cynological Federation, breeding puppies receive their documents 45 days after birth. That is, legally they are already ready to be separated from their mother and move to a permanent owner. But the documentary aspect of selling a puppy is one thing, but its physiological and psychological readiness for a new stage of life is completely different.

Physiologically, a young pet can feed independently from the age of 35 days, without depending on its mother. However, this is the extreme, minimum allowed age of his independence. And any extremes are bad. It is necessary to give the puppy time to adapt to the new food, also combining such nutrition with feeding with mother's milk. Such a transition to an “adult” diet will be softer and more reasonable. Moreover, it will not be disturbed natural development puppy and its socialization. We are talking about the time that the baby spends at a distance from the mother, exploring the surrounding space; meeting new people who come to the house; the ability to lick oneself independently, imitating the mother. IN early age young dogs simply copy their mother’s behavior in everything. This includes lapping from the plate, and the attitude towards the owner, and even going to the litter box.

During the period of feeding puppies with mother's milk, they develop protection with antibodies entering the body. Maternal immunity acquired by puppies is very important in the first month of life, therefore it is strictly not recommended to separate them from their mother until 30 days of age. As for psychological maturity, it begins at 8 weeks, when the period of socialization ends. The main functions of this period are regulation of bite force, communication with other dogs, contacts with the owner and other people. At this time, breeders systematically pick up the offspring, check the ears, eyes, and teeth. Such actions give puppies experience of communicating with people and experiencing mild stress. The latter helps build resistance to emotional shocks in the future. If the puppy has gone through a period of socialization with its mother, then it will be much easier for it to adapt to a new life with its owner and will grow up to be a healthy and brave dog.

What's best for the owners?

Experts call the period of development of canine offspring up to 8 weeks imprinting, when the formation of an image of one’s own species, openness to the outside world and memorization of a person occur. That is why optimal age separation from the mother is the period after 8 weeks, and the ideal period is after 12. Then the puppy will already be vaccinated and will go through an adaptation period after vaccination. His research activity will also increase and his independence will increase. And this is good for the owner. After all, it’s difficult to raise a baby who doesn’t even know how to eat on her own.

It is also worth considering that if the owner is busy and constantly at work, you can only take a three-month-old puppy into the house. At this age, he can already be alone for a long time. A growing puppy gets used to a new environment, easily assimilates its status and sleeps a lot, which is important for the owner. True, at this age the dog needs three meals a day, but this problem can be solved.

Choosing a puppy that is not yet eight weeks old is difficult, even for a specialist. Indeed, during this period, the properties of the exterior are not yet fully formed.

Sometimes breeders offer buyers puppies aged four to five months, or maybe older. There is no need to immediately abandon such an acquisition. If you like the dog, his documents are in order, you had the opportunity to see his father and mother, everything is fine in health, then age will not be an obstacle to the purchase. And behavioral deficiencies can be easily corrected.

It is always better for the owner if the breeder answers all his questions without hesitation, gives nutritional advice, and warns about the genetic predisposition to diseases of the breed, if any. Owners should definitely give preference to purchasing a future friend from a nursery.

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