Japanese water therapy: water in the morning on an empty stomach. Japanese water treatment method: the easiest path to health

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

traditional method Japanese and Indian medicine for the treatment and prevention of the most common diseases. By following the rules for drinking water, you can significantly enhance the effect of medical supplies and therapeutic procedures.

For treatment you need to use only purified drinking water. It is generally accepted that melt water, as well as silver, have the most valuable properties. Prepare silver water easy - just immerse in a jug with drinking water silver spoon. It will be useful to add to medicinal water lemon juice(6-8 drops per glass).

The general rule in all water treatment options is to drink liquid in small sips, but continuously the entire portion indicated by the technique. Even if you plan to drink about a liter of water, you should not stretch out the drinking for an hour or more.

Japanese water treatment method

The Japanese technique is used to combat diseases such as: headache, arthritis, heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, runny nose, diabetes, constipation or diarrhea, gastritis, eye diseases, low-quality tumors.

Procedure for taking water:

1. Use purified lukewarm water.

2. After waking up, drink 640 ml (four 160 ml glasses). Only then go wash your face, brush your teeth, etc. You can have breakfast and drink other liquids only after 45 minutes.

3. After 15 minutes after breakfast/lunch/dinner, drink one glass, then do not eat or drink anything for two hours.

Depending on the disease, it is determined duration of treatment:

1) gastritis – up to 10 days;

2) constipation – up to 10 days;

3) diabetes mellitus – up to 30 days;

4) tuberculosis – up to 90 days;

5) cancer – up to 180 days;

If the body needs to cleanse itself, use salt water:

1. You need to prepare salt water, adhering to the proportion - take 1 g of salt per 1 liter.

2. If your weight does not exceed 60 kg, 1.5 liters will be enough. If the weight is more than 70 kg - from 2 to 2.5 liters.

3. You should drink the entire amount of water before breakfast, as soon as you wake up, and start eating food and other liquids no earlier than half an hour later.

Ayurvedic method

The Indian, or Ayurvedic, method is used for diseases: headache, anemia, hypertension, rheumatism, arthritis, cough, tachycardia, tuberculosis, laryngitis, breast tumor and reproductive organs, obesity, kidney stones, constipation, increased acidity stomach.

Proponents of the Ayurvedic method claim that water treatment relieves constipation in 2 days (maximum), hypertension in a month, and tuberculosis in three months.

"The Ayurvedic method strongly recommends eliminating alcohol throughout the entire course of treatment."

Indian order of drinking water:

1. One and a half liters on an empty stomach, similar to the Japanese method.

2. Refrain from drinking and eating for an hour.

If the health problem is related to arthritis or rheumatism, then drink for 7 days in a row - half a liter three times a day, abstaining from any food and drink for an hour after drinking water and an hour before drinking again therapeutic appointment. At the end of the week, reduce your water intake - twice a day will be enough. Drink water twice a day until you feel completely healed.


The traditional Japanese method is safe because it involves drinking a relatively small volume of water at a time - 640 ml.

Opinions differ regarding Ayurvedic methods. Using a large number of water at a time can provoke the occurrence of hyponatremia, which is life-threatening. It is known that the human kidneys can only take 800-1000 ml and no more in one hour!

Modern medicine claims that starting self-medication by any means without consulting a doctor is dangerous to health.

The Japanese are recognized long-livers; residents of other countries sincerely envy their health. This is a very popular method in Japan today. It is necessary to drink water immediately after waking up in the morning. For many diseases, water is a 100% cure.

The Japanese Medical Association has confirmed the healing effect of drinking plenty of morning water: the treatment of headaches, heart problems, bronchitis, indigestion and other diseases happens magically! This includes long-term and serious illnesses.

Recognized as an effective cure for the following diseases:

Japanese water treatment method

1. In the morning, even before brushing your teeth, you need to drink four glasses of water (a glass of water - 200 ml.).

2. Brush your teeth, but don't eat or drink anything for the next 45 minutes.

3. After these 45 minutes, you can eat and drink whatever you want.

4. Do not eat or drink for the next two hours after breakfast

5. Those who are unable to drink four glasses of water in the morning can start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it to reach four cups.

Why you should drink water in the morning

A person after sleep has more thick blood due to lack of water, so be sure to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. If a person does not do this and starts eating sandwiches with coffee, then the blood becomes even thicker, since water is needed for digestion.

Coffee and tea are diuretics. This means that the body will excrete more water through the kidneys than you drank. As a result, we have a chronic lack of water, constantly thick blood, and problems with the large intestine. And further down the list. Therefore, before meals, we drink water to ensure normal digestion. After eating, you need to wait until your next intake of water or food. This is about 2-3-4 hours depending on what you ate and how much.

Water leaves an empty stomach after 5-10 minutes. A single belch appears when the pylorus opens and the water comes out. Water quickly enters colon and is absorbed. This means that the body can calmly secrete juices into the stomach without thickening the blood.

Lemon water: benefits

1. Strengthens the immune system body. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and potassium. It stimulates the brain and nervous system, controls blood pressure.

2. The drink will level alkaline balance, after all lemon acid does not increase acidity.

3. Metabolism improves. Lemon juice contains pectin, which helps the body fight hunger. Additionally, it has been proven that people who support alkaline diet, lose weight much faster.

4. Lemon juice stimulates digestion. Warm water serves for stimulation gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis.

5. This drink has a mild diuretic effect. Lemon water increases the rate of urination, which helps to quickly cleanse the body while maintaining a healthy urinary tract.

6. The skin is cleansed. Vitamin C also helps reduce wrinkles and blemishes on the skin by removing toxins from the blood.

7. A glass of water is a fight against dehydration of the body; from the very morning all systems will begin to work correctly and, first of all, the adrenal glands, which secrete hormones. The body will be prepared for stress and will be able to function normally all day long.

Treatment times for some diseases

1. High pressure- 30 days

2. Gastritis – 10 days

3. Diabetes - 30 days

4. Constipation – 10 days

5. Cancer - 180 days

6. Patients with arthritis should follow this technique 3 days in the first week, and starting from the second - every day.

This technique does not have side effects however, at the beginning of treatment the number of urinations may increase. It will be better if you continue this procedure after treatment and make it the norm of life. Drink water and stay healthy and active.

Important detail

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with meals (not cold water). It's time to adopt this habit from them. We will only win. We explain for those who like to drink cold drinks during meals. Cold water reduces the absorption of food, as foods containing fats thicken.

In other words, fats in a liquefied state react faster with oxygen and are better absorbed by the intestines than if you wash down your food with cold drinks. Accordingly, fats are not deposited under the skin, and the likelihood of cancer is reduced tenfold.

The Japanese are recognized long-livers; residents of other countries sincerely envy their health. This is a very popular method in Japan today. It is necessary to drink water immediately after waking up in the morning. For many diseases, water is a 100% cure.

The Japanese Medical Association has confirmed the healing effect of drinking plenty of morning water: the treatment of headaches, heart problems, bronchitis, indigestion and other diseases happens magically! This includes long-term and serious illnesses.

Recognized as an effective cure for the following diseases:

  • headache
  • bodily pain
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • arthritis
  • cardiopalmus
  • epilepsy
  • overweight
  • asthmatic bronchitis
  • tuberculosis
  • meningitis
  • kidney and bladder diseases
  • vomit
  • gastritis
  • diarrhea
  • diabetes
  • constipation
  • all eye diseases
  • diseases of the female organs
  • cancer and menstrual irregularities
  • ear, nose and throat diseases

Japanese water treatment method

1. In the morning, even before brushing your teeth, you need to drink four glasses of water (a glass of water - 200 ml.).

2. Brush your teeth, but do not eat or drink anything for the next 45 minutes.

3. After these 45 minutes, you can eat and drink whatever you want.

4. Do not eat or drink for the next two hours after breakfast.

5. Those who are unable to drink four glasses of water in the morning can start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it to reach four cups.

Why you should drink water in the morning

A person has thicker blood after sleep due to lack of water, so it is necessary to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. If a person does not do this and starts eating sandwiches with coffee, then the blood becomes even thicker, since water is needed for digestion.

Coffee and tea are diuretics. This means that the body will excrete more water through the kidneys than you drank. As a result, we have a chronic lack of water, constantly thick blood, and problems with the large intestine. And further down the list. Therefore, before meals, we drink water to ensure normal digestion. After eating, you need to wait until your next intake of water or food. This is about 2-3-4 hours depending on what you ate and how much.

Water leaves an empty stomach after 5-10 minutes. A single belch appears when the pylorus opens and the water comes out. Water quickly enters the large intestine and is absorbed. This means that the body can calmly secrete juices into the stomach without thickening the blood.

Lemon water: benefits

1. The body's immune system is strengthened. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and potassium. It stimulates the brain and nervous system and controls blood pressure.

2. The drink will even out the alkaline balance, because citric acid does not increase acidity.

3. Metabolism improves. Lemon juice contains pectin, which helps the body fight hunger. Additionally, people who maintain an alkaline diet have been shown to lose weight much faster.

4. Lemon juice stimulates digestion. Warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis.

5. This drink has a mild diuretic effect. Lemon water increases the rate of urination, which helps to quickly cleanse the body while maintaining a healthy urinary tract.

6. Skin is cleansed. Vitamin C also helps reduce wrinkles and blemishes on the skin by removing toxins from the blood.

7. A glass of water is a fight against dehydration of the body; from the very morning all systems will begin to work correctly and, first of all, the adrenal glands, which secrete hormones. The body will be prepared for stress and will be able to function normally all day long.

Treatment times for some diseases

1. High blood pressure - 30 days

2. Gastritis - 10 days

3. Diabetes - 30 days

4. Constipation - 10 days

5. Cancer - 180 days

6. Patients with arthritis should follow this method 3 days in the first week, and starting from the second, every day.

This technique has no side effects, however, at the beginning of treatment, the number of urinations may increase. It will be better if you continue this procedure after treatment and make it the norm of life. Drink water and stay healthy and active.

Important detail

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with meals (not cold water). It's time to adopt this habit from them. We will only win. We explain for those who like to drink cold drinks during meals. Cold water reduces the absorption of food, as foods containing fats thicken.

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In other words, fats in a liquefied state react faster with oxygen and are better absorbed by the intestines than if you wash down your food with cold drinks. Accordingly, fats are not deposited under the skin, and the likelihood of cancer is reduced tenfold.

Hello! Lack of water in the body leads to the development of numerous diseases; the Japanese have learned this well. The inhabitants of Japan are the world's main centenarians, and their women look like girls even at 70 years old. Let's learn the Japanese method of water treatment, so as not to get sick and not get old!

What diseases can be treated with water?

No matter how much doctors tell us that we need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day, many do not attach appropriate importance to this. Some of us do not even suspect that a whole list of ailments appears precisely because of a lack of fluid in the body.

  • Often people feel (for no reason at all) , lack of strength, energy, without thinking that the body lacks simple, clean water.
  • The appearance of premature wrinkles, also occurs from fluid deficiency.
  • Excess weight is dialed due to . A small amount of water does not have time to wash away waste or toxins.
  • High blood pressure. it becomes thick, circulates poorly through the veins, and is not cleared of harmful substances. The circulatory system needs so much water that it fills all our arteries.
  • You can add it here high cholesterol , which appears due to fluid deficiency.
  • Constipation also appear from dehydration and poor digestion of food.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Due to water shortages, the amount of gastric juice, digestion worsens, hence gastritis appears, then a stomach ulcer.
  • Strong immunity and adequate fluid intake are also closely related.
  • They start without water respiratory problems, because the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs must always be kept moist to prevent penetration from environment harmful microbes.
  • Proper kidney function also depends on the volume of pure liquid we drink. Talks about water shortage dark color urine and her Strong smell.
  • The appearance of rheumatism, arthritis, eczema also occurs due to a lack of clean fluid in the body.
  • Water shortages also threaten cardiovascular disorder systems due to an imbalance of potassium and sodium.

Methodology of Japanese residents

Considering the benefits of clean water for the body, the Japanese drink clean water, do not get sick and remain young and productive for a long time. How do they do it? They drink water on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. She magically relieves them of many ailments.

The above list can be accessed add at least serious illnesses:

  • headache;
  • epilepsy;
  • obesity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • meningitis;
  • diabetes;
  • eye diseases;
  • ailments of the female organs;
  • oncology.

Water treatment method

  1. In the morning, even before, you should drink 4 glasses of warm water, 200 ml each. If it is difficult to drink this amount of water at once, start with a small dosage, then increase it to the specified amount.
  2. After brushing your teeth, do not eat or drink for 45 minutes.
  3. Then you can have breakfast.
  4. After having breakfast after 45 minutes of abstinence, you can again neither eat nor drink anything for 2 hours.

Detailed explanation of the reason for drinking water in the morning:

  • After sleep, a person develops thick blood due to lack of water. If a person does not drink clean liquid, but starts drinking coffee or tea with a sandwich, then the blood becomes even thicker, since part of the liquid is spent on digestion.
  • In addition, coffee is a diuretic drink, which means that more fluid will be released through the kidneys than you consumed.
  • As a result, the body experiences a daily water deficit, has thickened blood, and constipation begins. And then we go down the list.

Therefore, on an empty stomach we fill the body with water, have breakfast, and digest well.

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Water flows from an empty stomach within 5-10 minutes. At this time, you can feel a belch, this is the pylorus opening, the water comes out, then enters the large intestine and is absorbed there. What happens next? The juice is released into the stomach, but the blood does not thicken.

Benefits of Lemon Water

By examining people's reviews, we can come to the following conclusion: lemon drink helps many people to be cheerful and healthy.

Warm water with lemon in the morning will bring undoubted benefits to the body if you do not have stomach diseases such as ulcers.

  1. Strengthens the immune system. Citrus is rich in vitamin C and potassium. Potassium improves brain and nervous system function and normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Drink will even out the alkaline balance, despite the fact that lemon is sour, the acidity does not increase if prepared according to the following recipe: put 1-2 slices of lemon in 250 ml of hot water, let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Drink in small sips through a straw to avoid damaging your teeth. This drink will not harm even people with minor stomach and intestinal problems. The acidity of citrus fruit decreases when dissolved in hot water.
  3. Metabolism improves due to the pectin contained in citrus fruits. Pectin reduces hunger, so people lose weight faster because they don’t feel like eating for a long time.
  4. Citrus juice improves digestion, and together with warm water stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis.
  5. Lemon drink is diuretic, helping the body cleanse itself, maintain kidney health, urinary tract.
  6. Due to the presence of vitamin C, it occurs cleansing skin , and after this - a reduction in wrinkles, the disappearance of unsightly spots on the dermis, since the amount of toxins in the blood decreases.
  7. Glass of warm drink prevents dehydration, forcing all systems to work in the right rhythm in the morning, especially the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of hormones.
  8. To the body stress and anxiety will not be scary, he will work all day long in full force. Do you notice that when severe stress Is the person being offered a drink of water? Because she performs real miracles!

Terms of treatment of diseases

  • High blood pressure and diabetes - 30 days
  • Gastritis and constipation - 10 days
  • Oncology - 180 days
  • Patients with arthritis should drink the drink for 3 days in the first week, and daily starting from the second week.

This technique is free of side effects. However, at first you will notice an increase in the number of urinations. This is fine!

If you felt well during treatment, then continue to drink lemon water throughout your life. This procedure will only bring benefits. Don't forget to drink through a straw and take care of your teeth!

Chinese and Japanese against cold water

The Japanese are recognized long-livers; residents of other countries sincerely envy their health. This is a very popular method in Japan today. It is necessary to drink water immediately after waking up in the morning. For many diseases, water is a 100% cure.

The Japanese Medical Association has confirmed the healing effect of drinking plenty of morning water: the treatment of headaches, heart problems, bronchitis, indigestion and other diseases happens magically! This includes long-term and serious illnesses.

Recognized effective medicine from the following diseases:

bodily pain
diseases of the cardiovascular system
asthmatic bronchitis
kidney and bladder diseases
all eye diseases
diseases of the female organs
ear, nose and throat diseases

Japanese method water treatment

In the morning, even before brushing your teeth, you need to drink four glasses of water (a glass of water - 200 ml.).
Brush your teeth, but don't eat or drink anything for the next 45 minutes.
After these 45 minutes, you can eat and drink whatever you want.
Do not eat or drink for the next two hours after breakfast
Those who are unable to drink four glasses of water in the morning can start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it to reach four cups.

Why you should drink water in the morning

A person has thicker blood after sleep due to lack of water, so it is necessary to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. If a person does not do this and starts eating sandwiches with coffee, then the blood becomes even thicker, since water is needed for digestion.

Coffee and tea are diuretics. This means that the body will excrete more water through the kidneys than you drank. As a result, we have a chronic lack of water, constantly thick blood, and problems with the large intestine. And further down the list. Therefore, before meals, we drink water to ensure normal digestion. After eating, you need to wait until your next intake of water or food. This is about 2-3-4 hours depending on what you ate and how much.

Water leaves an empty stomach after 5-10 minutes. A single belch appears when the pylorus opens and the water comes out. Water quickly enters the large intestine and is absorbed. This means that the body can calmly secrete juices into the stomach without thickening the blood.
Lemon water: benefits

The body's immune system is strengthened. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and potassium. It stimulates the brain and nervous system and controls blood pressure.
The drink will even out the alkaline balance, because citric acid does not increase acidity.
Metabolism improves. Lemon juice contains pectin, which helps the body fight hunger. Additionally, people who maintain an alkaline diet have been shown to lose weight much faster.
Lemon juice stimulates digestion. Warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis.
This drink has a mild diuretic effect. Lemon water increases the rate of urination, which helps to quickly cleanse the body while maintaining a healthy urinary tract.
The skin is cleansed. Vitamin C also helps reduce wrinkles and blemishes on the skin by removing toxins from the blood.
A glass of water is a fight against dehydration of the body; from the very morning all systems will begin to work correctly and, first of all, the adrenal glands, which secrete hormones. The body will be prepared for stress and will be able to function normally all day long.

Treatment times for some diseases

High blood pressure - 30 days
Gastritis – 10 days
Diabetes - 30 days
Constipation – 10 days
Patients with arthritis should follow this technique 3 days in the first week, and starting from the second - every day.

This technique has no side effects, however, at the beginning of treatment, the number of urinations may increase. It will be better if you continue this procedure after treatment and make it the norm of life. Drink water and stay healthy and active.
Important detail

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with meals (not cold water). It's time to adopt this habit from them. We will only win. We explain for those who like to drink cold drinks during meals. Cold water reduces the absorption of food, as foods containing fats thicken.

In other words, fats in a liquefied state react faster with oxygen and are better absorbed by the intestines than if you wash down your food with cold drinks. Accordingly, fats are not deposited under the skin, and the likelihood of cancer is reduced tenfold.

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