Pinched sciatic nerve and cutaneous paresthesia. What to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched. How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve with herbs

Pinched sciatic nerve is a disease in which the nerve is compressed without damaging its sheath, causing irritation of the nerve tissue.

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest in the body and consists of sensory and motor fibers. It originates in the lumbar spine, in the pelvic area. From the sacral region, through special openings, the branches of the nerve enter the pelvis, stretch under the gluteal muscles and branch into small processes that penetrate the femoral and gluteal muscles. Below the popliteal fossa, the nerve branches into a pair of large processes, which provide sensitivity to the joints, muscles and skin.

The pathology may be accompanied by pain of varying localization and intensity. At the same time, symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve in women in 80% of cases are localized on the right side, and in men - on the left.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve include:

  • Osteochondrosis. With this disease, metabolic processes in tissues are disrupted, as a result of which the vertebrae are deformed, the gaps between them are reduced, and nerves can be pinched.
  • Mechanical damage to the spine and hip joint.
  • Hernias in the lumbar spine. When the fibrous ring is destroyed, the nucleus pulposus protrudes, which puts pressure on the nerve endings.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Benign or malignant tumors located in the spine.
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Spondylolisthesis. The vertebrae move back or forward in relation to neighboring vertebrae, which leads to pinched nerve endings.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Reiter's syndrome. A disease in which simultaneous damage occurs to the joints, genitourinary organs and eyes.
  • Tunnel syndrome. As a result of genetic, endocrine or systemic diseases, nerve trunks are captured in the natural channels formed by bones, muscles and tendons, and they are traumatized.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Displacement of intervertebral discs when lifting heavy objects or sudden movements.

Another cause of pinched sciatic nerve is depression or stressful situations. A person can only partially control the tone of the gluteal muscles, back muscles and piriformis muscles; he can tense them. The relaxation function is performed by brain structures that are responsible for the emotional sphere of life.

Even a short, powerful surge of negative emotions can cause prolonged spasm and pinching of the sciatic nerve. Emotional relaxation also leads to muscle relaxation.

Factors influencing the development of the disease include:

  • Engaging in strenuous sports.
  • Heavy physical labor, lifting and carrying heavy objects.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Infectious diseases: herpes zoster, tuberculosis.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Elderly age.
  • Poisoning with chemicals and drugs.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • Metabolic or circulatory disorders.

Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve

If pinching of the sciatic nerve is caused by hypothermia, a stressful situation or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, then with timely and correct treatment it is possible to completely get rid of the disease.

There are the following signs of a pinched sciatic nerve in the hip or pelvis:

  • Painful sensations. They can have a different character, they can be cutting, piercing, sharp, shooting. In most cases they are paroxysmal in nature. The pain originates in the lumbar region and extends from the limb to the foot. In severe cases, the pain can be unbearable, the patient cannot move, any slightest movement causes an acute attack of pain, which sometimes leads to loss of consciousness. When bending forward, the pain decreases slightly, but it is very difficult to straighten up.
  • Walking problems. A person cannot stand on the affected limb, as this leads to the appearance or intensification of pain. A sign of pinching of the sciatic nerve as a result of increased muscle tone is a specific gait (the straightened leg is carried forward when walking).
  • Increased body temperature. When the sciatic nerve is pinched, the temperature rarely rises above 38 °C. In some cases, the skin in the area of ​​the affected nerve may be hot. Subsequently, the skin in the foot area becomes cold and turns blue.
  • Impaired flexion. Bending the leg at the knee joint becomes difficult and is accompanied by severe pain.
  • Change in skin color. Redness of the skin may occur along the nerve. In the future, a bluish tint may appear.
  • Edema. In some cases, redness is accompanied by swelling.

Symptoms of pinching of the sciatic nerve in the area where it passes through the piriformis muscle:

  • Dull, aching, constant pain in the sacroiliac, hip joint and buttock. It intensifies when a person stands, walks, or does a half-squat. Pain sensations decrease if the patient sits with legs apart or lies down.
  • The appearance of a feeling of chilliness, burning and stiffness along the affected nerve (most pronounced in the area of ​​pinched nerve).
  • Reducing the superficial sensitivity of the skin.
  • Spasm of the blood vessels in the leg, resulting in lameness, while the skin turns pale. After the person stops, sits down or lies down, the attack passes, but soon repeats.
  • Detection of dense and painful piriformis muscle upon palpation.


In order to diagnose a pinched sciatic nerve, you need to seek help from a neurologist. The doctor will perform an examination, looking for decreased or absent knee reflex, weakness of the quadriceps muscles, and changes in sensation in the front of the thigh.

Instrumental research methods for pinched sciatic nerve include:

  • Radiography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • CT scan.
  • Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system.

Lab tests:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • General urine analysis.

Since the signs of pinched sciatic nerve are quite varied, differential diagnosis is carried out with such diseases as:

  • Radiculopathy (inflammation or pinching of the spinal nerve roots).
  • Aneurysm of the iliac femoral or popliteal artery.
  • Tumor or hematoma in the pelvic organs.


Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. The dosage of drugs, the treatment regimen and its duration are determined after a face-to-face consultation. In case of acute inflammation, at first the patient is prescribed bed rest and limitation of physical activity.

Drugs used to treat pinched sciatic nerve:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Reduce the inflammatory process and the intensity of pain.
  • Muscle relaxants. They reduce the tone of skeletal muscles, eliminate muscle tension, which helps restore mobility in the affected area.
  • B vitamins. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and play an important role in cellular metabolism.
  • Corticosteroids. Used to eliminate the inflammatory process.
  • Purine derivatives. Improves microcirculation in areas of poor circulation.

Depending on the intensity of pain and the severity of the patient’s condition, drugs are used in the form of tablets, injections and intravenous drips.

The pathology may be accompanied by pain of varying localization and intensity. At the same time, symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve in women in 80% of cases are localized on the right side, and in men - on the left.

Physiotherapeutic methods are used in complex treatment:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Paraffin baths.
  • Ultrahigh frequency therapy.
  • Water procedures.
  • Massage.

At home, the patient can perform therapeutic exercises to relax and stretch the sacral and lumbar areas. It is also possible to use the Kuznetsov applicator.


Pinching of the sciatic nerve can lead to the following consequences:

  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Spontaneous defecation.
  • Distortion of posture.
  • Amyotrophy.
  • Paralysis of a limb.


The prognosis depends on what exactly caused the disease. If pinching of the sciatic nerve is caused by hypothermia, a stressful situation or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, then with timely and correct treatment it is possible to completely get rid of the disease.

If the pinched nerve is caused by vertebral hernias or osteochondrosis, the prognosis is unfavorable. The disease becomes chronic.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid pinching the sciatic nerve, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Monitor your body weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity.
  • Watch your posture.
  • Avoid using soft mattresses for sleeping.

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Part of the sacral plexus, the sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body. It is located along the entire length of the leg, starting from the tailbone and ending with the foot. If pain occurs in the lower limb, a person may suspect pinching of the sciatic nerve.

Compression of the sciatic nerve without disruption of the myelin sheath is a pathological process accompanied by a pain syndrome called pinching. The location is the lumen of the sciatic foramen in the area of ​​the piriformis muscle or vertebral discs.

Most often, pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs in one limb, but there are cases when two legs are affected. The condition can be complicated by intense pain and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, medically called sciatica.

Severe pain in the buttock area, radiating to the leg, is one of the common symptoms of sciatica, which can be aggravated by inflammation of the piriformis muscle. Manifestations of the disease may be similar to osteochondrosis and other pathologies; only a qualified doctor can differentiate between pinched sciatic nerves and prescribe the correct treatment.

Main causes of pathology

  1. Intervertebral hernia is one of the main causes of pathology. Degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, accompanied by rupture of the fibrous ring and displacement of the nucleus pulposus, can cause pinching of the nerve roots.
  2. Traumatic impact on the spinal column with displacement of the vertebrae.
  3. Osteochondrosis in the lumbar and sacral areas.
  4. Neoplasms of various types in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.
  5. Excessive physical activity associated with heavy lifting.
  6. Inflammation of organs located in the pelvis.
  7. An abscess localized in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.
  8. Multiple sclerosis.
  9. Infectious diseases: bone tuberculosis, malaria, rubella and others.
  10. Changes in blood vessels with the formation of blood clots.
  11. Exposure to cold air in the lumbar region.
  12. Muscle inflammation in the buttock area.
  13. The condition of pregnancy can cause the disease. As a result of the enlargement of the fetus, the uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs and tissues, causing pinching of the nerve column.

In addition to preexisting conditions that may affect the sciatic nerve, there are a number of risk factors:

  • obesity;
  • lack of minerals in the body;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals, ethanol derivatives;
  • herpetic herpes zoster in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.


The main symptom of the disease is a nagging pain along the nerve fiber. The pain can be sharp, aching, shooting, of varying intensity, affecting the back surface of the buttock, thighs, and going down to the knee and ankle joint.

Increased pain can be caused by a change in body position in a sitting position, cough reflex, or during laughter. Unpleasant sensations of tingling, numbness and burning of the skin are observed in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve. It becomes difficult for the patient to stand for a long time, the person begins to limp, falling on the affected leg.

In addition to the characteristic pain, there are additional symptoms:

  • sudden shooting pain in the lumbar region, radiating along the entire length of the lower limb to the heel;
  • a feeling of slight stabbing pain on the skin of the sore leg, appearing between attacks of pain;
  • the back surface of the thigh and buttocks “burns”, reminiscent of the sensations after thermal exposure;
  • with large areas of damage, the upper layers of the skin lose their sensitivity and become numb;
  • limited movement of the legs and lumbar spine;
  • muscle weakness in the affected leg;
  • increased symptoms when moving to a sitting position.

Women experience lower back pain less frequently than men. Infringement of the sciatic nerve in the male half resembles prostatitis in its manifestations with unpleasant sensations in the pelvic area.


To make a correct diagnosis, consultation with an experienced specialist is required. At first glance, it may seem that, due to the specific pain characteristic of neurological pathology, any patient can diagnose a pinched sciatic nerve.

However, in some cases, the clinical picture of the disease is similar to destructive changes in the spinal discs, forming an intervertebral hernia. Hernia pain is more prolonged, acute, and has a greater risk of recurrence of neurological pain.

The examination by a doctor consists of several stages:

  • taking an anamnesis includes studying the patient’s complaints about the objective nature of the symptoms and their intensity;
  • visual inspection and palpation of the affected area;
  • diagnostic research methods prescribed by a doctor to collect a complete picture of the pathology.

The methods of accurate diagnosis are as follows.

  1. X-ray of the lumbar and pelvic area.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the affected area.
  3. Computed and magnetic resonance tomography.
  4. Study of muscles and peripheral nerve fibers using responses to electrical impulses.
  5. If a malignant formation is suspected, a radioisotope scan of the spinal column is performed.
  6. General analysis and blood biochemistry.

The final diagnosis will be helped by specific symptoms for pinched sciatic nerve:

  • Bonnet's symptom: increased pain when raising the limb upward and decreased pain when bending the leg at the knee, all actions are performed by a doctor;
  • Lasegue's symptom: the patient, lying on his back, raises his straight leg up, experiencing pain, and slowly bends the limb at the knee, and the pain becomes almost imperceptible;
  • cross syndrome consists of feeling pain in both legs when lifting the affected limb;
  • decreased plantar, knee and Achilles reflexes.

Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve

How to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an effective comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating the pathological process. Blocking pain is one of the main directions of therapeutic procedures. The key to complete victory over the disease is to eliminate the cause of pinching of the largest nerve in the lower part of the human body.

The therapy consists of a medication component, physiotherapy, alternative medicine, and an orthopedic regimen using warming bandages and corsets of varying degrees of rigidity.

Therapeutic procedures at home

Many patients, feeling unbearable, begin self-treatment at home. Using recipes and advice from traditional healers, patients do not always achieve the desired result. Often, falling into the hands of charlatans without medical education, you can acquire a lot of complications that lead to irreversible consequences for human health.

Therefore, when deciding on therapeutic effects at home, an important condition must be met: any action must be agreed upon with the attending physician so as not to harm the body.

Frequent therapeutic manipulations carried out by patients at home are as follows.

  1. The sore leg can be rubbed with an alcohol solution prepared in advance. Spruce or pine buds, pine needles or coltsfoot flowers must be poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:1 by volume, placed in a dark place and allowed to brew for a week. The tincture has an anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effect on the sciatic nerve.
  2. Massage using warming analgesic ointments requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, especially in the acute period of pathology. Massage cupping should be used with extreme caution so as not to aggravate the situation.
  3. Wax applications to the affected area are applied to skin previously lubricated with a rich cream. Wax deeply warms the skin and can cause an increase in the inflammatory response when the sciatic nerve is pinched.
  4. Gymnastic exercises during the recovery period of pathology have a beneficial effect on joints. A specially selected set of exercises, developed individually for a particular patient, will be effective. Only a physiotherapist can create a list of exercises.

We can conclude that treatment at home will not lead to the desired result; such measures will not be sufficient for a complete cure. Temporary improvement can be an insidious deception, followed by a relapse.

Medical tactics

The complex of therapeutic measures includes medicinal procedures and physiotherapeutic effects on the sciatic nerve. Symptomatic treatment consists of relieving pain to alleviate the patient's suffering. To eliminate neurological pain, a blockade with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed; for mild pain, oral use of analgesics is sufficient.

If the pinching is caused by an inflammatory muscle lesion, the doctor prescribes muscle relaxants that relax muscle fibers and antispasmodics. Venotonics will help improve blood circulation in affected tissues. In addition, taking vitamin complexes contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient’s body. Warming and analgesic ointments will have a local effect, helping to cope with pain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures included in the therapeutic complex:

  • magnetic therapy, provided there are no contraindications, in particular the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • electrophoresis;
  • applications with paraffin;
  • treatment with medicinal leeches;
  • hydrogen sulfide and mud baths;
  • ultraviolet exposure to the area of ​​the sciatic nerve;
  • laser procedures.

Methods such as manual therapy, acupuncture, massage of active points should be agreed with a doctor to avoid worsening the condition. During the acute period of the disease, massage and manual manipulation are not recommended.

An orthopedic regime using a hard mattress and a corset for the lumbosacral spine, which acts sparingly, relieves the load on the diseased area. In case of severe pain, a rigid fixation corset is prescribed, which will help effectively eliminate the pain syndrome. In the future, the patient can use a corset for dynamic loads, which helps protect the vertebrae from heavy physical activity.

Prognosis and possible negative consequences

Seeing a doctor at the initial stage of the disease predicts a complete cure without negative consequences. The treatment prescribed by the doctor will completely restore all functions associated with the impact of the sciatic nerve.

Self-medication, the protracted nature of pinching of the sciatic nerve leads to the following changes:

  • severe pain that is difficult to relieve;
  • paralysis or partial immobilization;
  • insomnia;
  • disruption of the functionality of internal organs;
  • menstrual irregularities, in more severe cases – infertility;
  • constipation and delayed bladder emptying;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.


Preventative measures to promote sciatic nerve health include:

  • avoiding strenuous physical activity, particularly heavy lifting;
  • hypothermia;
  • preventing the appearance of extra pounds;
  • balanced diet;
  • avoid sudden turns of the body;
  • lead an active lifestyle.


If you experience pain in the lower back, radiating to the leg, changes in gait and joint mobility, you should immediately consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. “Blind” treatment using the selection method can only aggravate the pathological process and lead to complicated conditions that cannot be restored.

Nerve endings are located throughout our body, extending from the brain and spinal cord, they send important messages throughout the body. When there is pressure (compression) on the nerves, the body sends warning messages in the form of a pain symptom. It is strongly recommended not to ignore such signals.

Location of the sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body; it crosses 5 sections of the spine at once, going down to the leg from the lumbosacral plexus, and is responsible for innervation in the hip joint and knee joint. Where this nerve formation is located and where it passes can be seen in the figure above.

Pain in the sciatic nerve is a fairly common phenomenon, which manifests itself if the nerve roots are pinched where they exit the spine. This happens as a result of osteochondrosis, hernial protrusions, arthritis, various injuries, constant stress on the spinal column and diabetes. Regardless of the cause of the disease, patients have the area and legs.

It is important to know why your lower back hurts! After all, only in 5% of cases the cause of pain is hidden in damage to the sciatic nerve. In most cases, excessive tension and muscle strain are to blame. For a correct diagnosis, you should definitely consult a doctor, who will find out how long the pain has been, whether the nerve has been cold, and will conduct a series of examinations and tests.

Pain syndrome reduces the quality of life, interferes with movement, and in the absence of adequate treatment leads to dire consequences. That is why many people are interested in additional information about this pathology. Where is the sciatic nerve located, what are the causes and symptoms of its pinching? How does this disease progress in a person? How to prevent relapse? Are there any restrictions?


Pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve is the most typical manifestation of its pinching. Symptoms of the lesion can be varied, pain in the buttock and along the entire length of the nerve differs in nature (it can be sharp, shooting, pulling, aching, pulsating), also, if the nerve is pinched, numbness in the leg is one of the standard manifestations of the disease.

It is important to know how the disease manifests itself! Symptoms of the disease are felt in the following areas:

  • buttocks;
  • small of the back;
  • hip;
  • shin;
  • toes.

Depending on how the leg or lower back hurts, the doctor diagnoses the disease:

  • the leg hurts, unpleasant sensations go down the back of the thigh to the shin and heels;
  • patients complain that their leg is numb, tingling or burning;
  • symptoms of pain increase when sitting, as well as when coughing, laughing and muscle tension;
  • minimal dulling of pain when taking analgesics.

In addition to pain, compression of the nerve can manifest itself in difficulties during movement, prolonged standing, and chroma develops.

Signs of the disease in men are similar to the symptoms of prostatitis, the buttock hurts on the left, and numbness of the lower leg occurs on the same side.

Signs of the disease in women may be somewhat different, they vary depending on why the nerve is pinched. There is often discomfort in the lower back, the leg and buttock hurt on the right. Infringement of nerve roots during pregnancy is quite common; this is due to an increase in the size of the fetus and its pressure on the walls of internal organs. Most often, such a clamp does not require treatment; the symptoms go away after childbirth.

Sciatica can also occur if the patient has a cold in the area described. Symptoms of a cold nerve are pain concentrated in the lumbosacral region, radiating to the leg.

How to understand that this particular neuralgia has befallen you? Patients experience:

  • muscle atrophy and weakness;
  • sensitivity decreases or, conversely, increases;
  • the skin becomes dry;
  • During the examination, pathological reflexes appear;
  • limited movement of limbs.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Pinching is caused by irritation of the nerve roots of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine. The most common causes of infringement:

  • lumbar spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back);
  • degenerative diseases of the vertebral discs, leading to their destruction;
  • spondylolisthesis (a special condition in which the vertebrae begin to slide incorrectly;
  • pregnancy;
  • bruise from a fall;
  • muscle spasm in the lower back or buttocks.

Other causes of pain that aggravate the patient’s condition are excess weight, lack of regular exercise, wearing high-heeled shoes, and a mattress that is too soft.

The sciatic nerve is pinched, what to do?

When your lower back hurts or your leg goes numb, it’s natural that you want to relieve yourself of the discomfort by taking urgent measures. However, when pinched, as in any other case, self-medication is not the answer.

The first thing to do if a nerve is pinched is to consult a doctor, without whose consultation you should not resort to any procedures. A qualified physician will determine the nature of the disease and give certain recommendations to ensure the correctness of treatment. Only an integrated approach will help get rid of discomfort in the short term.

What to do if a nerve is pinched and your lower back hurts (procedure):

  1. lie on your stomach on a flat surface, put your head and shoulders on a pillow, cover your body with a warm blanket;
  2. do not use heating pads, warm compresses and massages;
  3. Urgently contact a therapist or neurologist to receive a prescription for painkillers and physiotherapy.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve

Pinched sciatic nerves are treated with both conservative and surgical methods, depending on the severity of symptoms and progression of the disease. Moreover, doctors usually give preference to non-invasive treatment methods, since with their help they can relieve pain with minimal risks to the patient’s health.

An integrated approach to the treatment of strangulation, involving the combination of drug therapy, therapeutic and preventive measures and adjustment of the regime, allows you to loosen the clamp and get rid of pain.

It is important to know which doctor treats this type of disease! An experienced neurologist will tell you how to relieve pain, help you quickly cure a cold or pinched nerve, and tell you how to treat during an exacerbation.

If the lower back hurts badly, what should the patient do?

In this case, bed rest is recommended; you need to lie on a hard mattress in a fixed position. After you have succeeded in calming the pain and reducing the inflammation a little, you are allowed to stand up and move around using a cane as a support.

It is also customary to treat pinching by adjusting the nutritional system, switching to a healthy and proper menu, enriched with vitamins and nutrients that promote weight loss.

Under no circumstances follow the advice of well-wishers who “know” exactly why a nerve in your leg hurts and is pinched, and how to cure such an ailment. Practice shows that with the best intentions, but due to ignorance of the true situation, you can cause even more harm to your body than in the complete absence of any action at all.

How to treat the sciatic nerve with medication

Medicines for pinched sciatic nerve are divided into several groups:

  • analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • immunomodulators;
  • Medicines for the sciatic nerve also include special ointments and gels that help improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and reduce the inflammatory process;
  • B vitamins.

The doctor decides which drugs to treat depending on the individual needs of the patient, the severity of symptoms and the presence of allergic reactions.

Treatment with medications is prescribed in the form of tablets (the choice lies in a wide range from ordinary analgin to opioids) or injections with non-steroidal drugs. Most of these substances have a number of contraindications, so the doctor prescribes what to treat. Narcotics and muscle relaxants are used for severe pain for an extremely short period of time (from a couple of days to several weeks).

Injections for pinched sciatic nerve

In case of significant pain, pinching injections show good results. Steroids effectively relieve inflammation. Injections for pain are placed directly into the affected area located around the nerve.

Steroid injections to treat pinching have a temporary effect (relief occurs for a period of one week to a year). However, they have significant consequences, so the choice of what to inject the patient should remain with a qualified doctor.

Sciatic nerve massage

Is it possible to do massage if the sciatic nerve is pinched?
As with most other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, this type of exposure helps to relax muscles and reduce soreness.

Massage for pinching can be performed even in acute stages of the disease, avoiding sudden movements and strong pressure. Only light stroking and rubbing are allowed, which helps improve blood flow in the damaged area.

How to knead and which area is determined by the specialist based on the cause of the pinching. Massage of the buttocks, lower legs, feet, and back of the thighs is allowed.


To alleviate the patient's condition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets and injections. The attending physician determines how to relieve pain in each specific case; Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Ortofen and others are most often prescribed.


Creams and ointments for pinched sciatic nerves help relieve muscle spasms and reduce inflammation.
Homeopathic ointments for the treatment of this disease and alleviation of its symptoms, Traumeel S and Zel T, are successful.

Products with a warming-irritant effect are also used. The name of the ointment is Finalgon, Nicoflex and others.

Sciatic nerve block

Drug blockade for pinching is used only in complex cases when traditional therapy methods are not effective. The following drugs are used to relieve pain with medication:

  • novocaine;
  • lidocaine;
  • diclofenac;

The technique for performing this procedure involves injecting the drug into a specific point directly above the nerve. When giving consent to a blockade, you should be confident in the skill of the specialist, as there is a risk of nerve damage.

Manual therapy

Manual adjustment of the position of the spine (manual therapy) is performed by a specially trained specialist and helps reduce pain. However, the choice of a chiropractor should be approached with maximum responsibility and procedures should be performed only on a massage table.

Surgery for pinched sciatic nerve

Surgery on the sciatic nerve is prescribed only in emergency cases, with progressive weakness in the legs, loss of bowel and bladder control.

Exercise therapy for pinched sciatic nerve

A specially designed set of exercises allows you to develop the affected area. Initial attention is paid to the fingers and feet, and after the pain has decreased, gymnastic exercises are supplemented with tasks for other muscle groups.


Hair-thin needles are inserted into specific points on the body located near the affected area. Usually the effect is painless and shows good results.


Exercises in the pool under the supervision of an experienced instructor help you return to your normal pace of life and eliminate the consequences of pinching.

Kuznetsov applicator

This device is an effective measure for treating a pinched sciatic nerve at home. It is commercially available and shows impressive results.


To increase the rate at which medications enter the bloodstream, they can be administered in the form of an intravenous drip. This is how B vitamins or painkillers are administered.



A course of electrophoresis with no-shpa is often prescribed as a physiotherapeutic procedure for the described disease. Allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


The list of possible procedures is quite large, in addition to those already mentioned - UHF, paraffin baths, magnetic therapy and others.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve with leeches

To avoid complications, it is strictly not recommended to perform this procedure yourself. With a qualified approach, it helps to establish blood supply in the affected area and relieve swelling and inflammation.

Folk remedies for treating sciatic nerve

Treating strangulation with folk remedies is a fairly common practice. However, it is worth approaching this process wisely and combining traditional medicine methods with traditional therapy.

Popular folk methods:

  • treatment with apple cider vinegar and honey (a compress of a glass of honey and a tablespoon of vinegar);
  • a heated honey-alcohol mixture (300g per 50 ml) is rubbed in during massage;
  • crushed burdock root for the sciatic nerve, mixed with a glass of Cahors, heated, strained and drunk in two doses;
  • bathroom with pine shoots.

The listed methods and any other methods are used only after consultation with a doctor.

Treatment at home

Most often, pinching treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis (at home).

After the examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis, thinks through how to treat the patient in each specific case, prescribes a course of medications, most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets and injections, as well as analgesics if necessary. Usually the patient is told how to calm the pinched nerve and heal himself as quickly as possible at home.

Naturally, treatment of pinching with the help of massage, acupuncture, acupuncture and a number of physiotherapy procedures should be carried out in rooms specially designed for this, but you can help yourself in some ways on your own.

Treating the nerve at home can be done by taking warm sitz baths to relieve acute pain, aromatherapy, and performing prescribed physical exercises. All this will help in unblocking the nerve root compressed by spasm and speed up your recovery.

You can find out more about how to treat a nerve in your leg from your neurologist.

Sciatic nerve restoration

The duration of the recovery period after pinching depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor. Therefore, you should not ignore alarming symptoms, self-medicate, or use dubious methods.

After the symptoms disappear, to avoid relapses, it is recommended to control your weight, sleep with orthopedic massage, perform morning exercises and resort to regular physical activity.

How to sleep with a pinched sciatic nerve

In the acute stage of the disease, you should limit your own activity, adhere to bed rest for several days, doctors recommend sleeping exclusively on your stomach, on a hard mattress. In this case, the head and shoulders should be located on the pillow.

Consequences and limitations

In the absence of adequate treatment for this neuralgia, the patient’s quality of life and his ability to care for himself are significantly reduced. Constant severe pain when pinched affects the emotional state, leading to depression and insomnia. Also, such a disease is dangerous due to possible damage to internal organs and curvature of the spine.

Patients are often interested in whether it is possible to heat the sciatic nerve. The answer to this question depends on the specifics of the disease. In some cases, dry heat is indicated; in some cases, it is recommended to replace it with cold heating pads. Therefore, to obtain personal recommendations, you should contact a qualified specialist.

Follow all the neurologist’s prescriptions, wisely combining methods of traditional and traditional medicine, physiotherapeutic procedures and reasonable stress, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Pinched sciatic nerve is considered a serious pathological condition resulting from significant compression of the nerve ending, the membrane of which is not damaged in any way. And anyone can face this phenomenon. Unpleasant sensations begin to affect the lumbar region, the region of the lower extremities and the sacral area.

Pinched sciatic nerve

The disease makes it impossible to move normally and causes severe pain. Sacrolumbar radiculitis develops, which is called sciatica. And if you do not start treating such an illness in time, then soon a person will have to face serious complications and consequences related to his health. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the disease at the initial stages. And for this you need to know the symptoms of pinched sciatic nerve sciatica.

The causes of this disease

Before moving on to what symptoms appear when the sciatic nerve is pinched, you must first find out the reasons that provoke this painful condition. This pathology in most cases develops against the background of an intervertebral hernia, and also as a result of ruptured intervertebral discs. Nerve pinching also occurs when performing active exercises when sudden movements are performed. Sometimes this happens due to prolonged exposure to an incorrect position, due to limited physical activity, and also due to increased stress placed on the lower back. It is precisely the latter factor that influences the formation of pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy.

In addition to these factors, the disease can be triggered by other reasons. This:

While women are expecting a baby, the sciatic nerve can also be pinched. This happens due to the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put strong pressure on neighboring organs. The load placed on the spine increases, as the center of gravity of the entire body changes in pregnant women. Sometimes during pregnancy a woman takes an uncomfortable position, which leads to sciatica. Another difficult period when female representatives may encounter such an illness is menopause.

But in men, the risk of this disease is associated with alcohol addiction, poisoning with toxic and narcotic substances, overweight and smoking.

Signs of sciatica

The first thing that indicates a pinched sciatic nerve is symptoms of a spasmodic nature. A painful sensation occurs, which can be sharp, shooting or aching, pulling and pulsating.

The pain first appears in the lumbar region, going down to the gluteal muscles. Then it moves along the back of the thigh to the heel and lower leg, pulsating to the base of the fingers of both lower extremities. In some cases, there is partial numbness in the exact area where the nerve passes. A slight tingling or even burning sensation on the skin surface may be felt. Painful spasms intensify when a person takes a sitting position, as well as when laughing or coughing, or when a certain muscle group is tense.

In addition to pain, sciatica symptoms are characterized by difficulty walking normally. Discomfort is also felt when standing for a long time. And if such a disease is not treated on time, lameness subsequently develops.

This usually happens with one leg, if we are talking about one-sided pinching. And with a bilateral illness, a person may begin to limp on both legs at once.

In males, signs of pinching may resemble inflammation of the prostate. Similar symptoms appear. Because of this, time is often wasted, and treatment is prescribed at an advanced stage of sciatica. As for women, their symptoms of such a disease will depend on the degree of damage and the very cause of this disease. And it is worth noting that it is precisely the fairer sex who often have these unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region completely absent.

The most common symptom

The most common and most common symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve are:

  • physical weakness and atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • disorders with sensitivity that decreases or increases;
  • the skin becomes drier;
  • crawling sensations may be felt in some areas of the body;
  • the occurrence of pathological reflexes;
  • sweating of the feet increases;
  • a restriction of movement is formed, which largely affects the lower extremities.

If the pinched nerve progresses, then all the symptoms become more pronounced. As a result, a person’s usual way of life undergoes significant changes, not for the better. Pain is constantly felt, the intensity of which will depend on the cause of the inflammation, if such an illness was preceded by advanced influenza, serious infections, spondylolisthesis and stenosis, malaria. And in this case, the nature of the pain must be taken into account. This will help specialists make the correct diagnosis, which will help quickly block inflammation. In this regard, it is customary to distinguish three stages that the disease itself goes through:

  • it is difficult for a person to sit down (sitting symptom);
  • the patient is unable to lift the leg in a straight position (Lasegue symptom);
  • pain intensifies when the foot is flexed (Sicart's symptom).

In addition to pain, a person is faced with other signs of pinching, which are associated with disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses moving along sensory fibers:

Paresthesia(deterioration of sensitivity). At the very beginning, this disorder is manifested by partial numbness of some areas. Tingling may occur in the buttocks and hamstrings. And if the disease continues to progress, then sensitivity completely disappears.

Functional disorder of the pelvic organs. This happens due to compression of the fibers of the nervous and autonomic system. As a result, urination is impaired, and a person may face such an unpleasant problem as urinary incontinence. In advanced stages, chronic constipation may appear. And such symptoms are observed in severe cases of sciatica with infringement of the spinal cord roots.

Motor dysfunction. This disorder is the result of infringement of nerve motor fibers. A person may feel weakness in the muscles of the thigh, lower leg and buttocks. And this affects the gait, which changes, but only unilaterally. Lameness develops in one leg, which is the cause of painful spasm.

And if all these symptoms are simply ignored and complex treatment is not started, then in the future you may encounter a loss of all sensitivity of the lower extremities.

Features of symptoms

The pain that occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched are symptoms of varying intensity. It depends on the very cause of the disease. As a result, the pain can manifest itself as a weak and almost imperceptible tingling sensation, or it can transform into a strong burning sensation or a feeling of dull heaviness. In particularly advanced stages, the spasm becomes unbearable and constrains the entire body, because of this the person cannot move normally.

A distinctive feature of this pain is that it is often localized only on one side of the body. So, if acute pain occurs in the area of ​​the right leg, then a slight numbness or simply weakness is felt in the left leg. If a person is in an absolutely calm state for a long time, then the spasm reduces its manifestation and its intensity. But as soon as the patient gets up, sits down, changes position, or bends, the pain intensifies its manifestation again. Quite often such spasms appear at night. And what’s interesting is that it can be preceded by slight tingling and weakness in the body, as well as a decrease in the mobility of the lower extremities, especially in the knee joint and feet.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The cause of pinching of the roots of the sciatic nerve ending is lumbago with sciatica, the symptoms of which are localized in the lumbar region. Faced with lumboischialgia and nerve inflammation, the patient begins to notice the following signs:

Essential gait disturbance, which is characterized as intermittent claudication. This phenomenon is provoked due to paroxysmal pain. And when the sciatic nerve is pinched, all unpleasant sensations intensify with movement. In order to somehow ease the pain that arises, a person tries to tilt the body in the other direction. While walking, he instinctively chooses his healthy leg as a supporting leg. At the same time, you want to bend your sore leg under yourself. From the outside, people around have the feeling that the person has an injury, which leads to lameness.

Sensitivity changes. The reaction of nerve endings is disrupted. This usually occurs in the area where the sciatic nerve is pinched. As a result, sensitivity can be either increased or decreased.

Numbness and tingling. Such sensations are most characteristic of the thigh area (its back surface), the gluteal area, as well as the feet and lower legs. Quite often, fingers go numb. In addition to the fact that sensitivity is impaired, pain occurs, localized in one side of the body.

Deterioration in general mobility. When an ailment such as a pinched sciatic nerve is diagnosed, a person experiences difficulty with the mobility of the knee joint and foot. And when the position of the leg changes, this action may be accompanied by noticeable pain. The patient cannot calmly and freely perform flexion-extension movements of the lower limbs. It is also extremely difficult for him to twist his foot.

Weakening of the ligaments of the muscular system. Severe weakness is felt throughout the body, a person may complain of a complete lack of strength, and it is difficult for him to continue leading his usual, active lifestyle. And all actions that require muscle tension in the affected areas are given with incredible difficulty.

High body temperature. Sometimes the internal system of the human body reacts in a unique way to the pain that occurs when a nerve ending is pinched. And such a symptom may be an increase in temperature. This sign is very serious and indicates that you need to see a doctor immediately. At the same time, the skin on the back turns red, and the soft tissue noticeably swells. Then pelvic organ dysfunction begins. Uncomfortable spasms torment the patient when urinating; men may develop problems with weakened potency.

The primary symptoms of sciatic pinching can sometimes be confused with signs of other serious diseases. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how the symptoms of this disease occur.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of an ailment such as a pinched nerve occurs through surgery or conservatively. The treatment method will depend on the stages of development of pathological processes and on the manifestation of the symptoms themselves. At the same time, a multifaceted approach is important, when taking medications is combined with preventive and health measures.

During the acute period, when the sciatic nerve is pinched, bed rest and passive rest should be observed. And it is better if the position of the person’s torso is fixed. And for this, it is recommended to use a mattress with a rigid frame in everyday life. During the period of pain relief, you are allowed to make small movements around the room, and you can use a cane or the hand of a loved one to help.

Therapeutic therapy includes adherence to a special diet. Since the patient spends most of his time lying in bed, the diet should consist of light and low-calorie, but nutritious foods that will not cause constipation. This can be porridge, milk soups, vegetables in any form (but preferably in a ground state). But you will have to exclude fried and fatty foods, smoked meats and pickles, and fast food from your menu.

It is not necessary to undergo hospital treatment for this unpleasant disease. A pinched nerve can be effectively treated in the usual conditions of home, but only on the condition that the person follows all the doctor’s recommendations.

It is important to continue to engage in physical therapy with such an illness. Special gymnastics allows you to develop painful areas of the body. This mainly affects the feet and fingers. However, one must understand that all prescribed exercises should be carried out at the moment the symptoms “subside”. During this period, you can walk on your buttocks, do the “bicycle” exercise and simply bend your knees. In addition, you will need to raise your legs in a vertical position, as well as do half squats with support and support. And if such gymnastics are carried out correctly, then it will be possible to completely develop the diseased limbs and restore their lost functionality.

A massage performed when the sciatic nerve is pinched can be quite effective. As additional remedies, you can use a decoction of aspen leaves, or an infusion of an herb such as St. John's wort. Wax compresses and ointments prepared independently from natural ingredients can give good therapeutic results.

One of the causes of lower back pain is pinched sciatic nerve


A pinched sciatic nerve is a serious disorder that occurs in the human body. The general symptoms of this disease cause a lot of discomfort to a person. He constantly experiences pain, his activity and mobility of the body deteriorate, and the muscular system gradually weakens. And in order to start treatment on time and regain the opportunity to lead a normal lifestyle, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve in the initial stages.

If you do not pay attention to the emerging signs and do not start timely therapy, then the person may face serious consequences. This can be a significant disruption of the functioning of many internal organs, insomnia and decreased libido, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, failure of menstruation in women and even the development of infertility, a sharp decrease in motor and physical activity, intestinal dysfunction and immobilization of the lower extremities.

However, if a person still responds in a timely manner to all the symptoms that appear when the sciatic nerve is pinched, then the doctors’ prognosis is quite favorable. With comprehensive treatment, it will be possible to get rid of such an illness and forget about all the unpleasant symptoms that torment a person. The main thing is to know all the symptoms, which will not allow you to confuse this disease with another disorder in the body.

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