Category 3 protection sunglasses. Sunglasses - ten tips for choosing. Sunglasses: How They Can Help

Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time to seriously think about protection from sun rays.You need to protect not only your skin, but also your eyes.

The optimal protection for your eyes from the bright sun is sunglasses. How to choose them correctly?

Today it is a question not so much of aesthetics, but, first of all, of health. After all, even the name of this current spring-summer accessory says: its main function is to protect the eyes and the skin around them from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

Any fashion trends and designer frames are not the most compelling argument when choosing sunglasses, if you even think a little about the health of your eyes. Much more important specifications sun protection optics, allowing you to protect your eyes from the destructive effects of the sun.

In extreme eye conditions - for example, on a bright day or on mountain slopes, poor-quality glasses can cause irreparable damage to your vision, including central eye degeneration and cataracts. The sun's rays pose a particular danger to older people, since the amount of melanin pigment, which protects the eyes, decreases with age. Therefore, for pensioners who no longer think about fashion, sunglasses are vital.

What to look for when choosing glasses? If you don’t want to delve into the intricacies of your choice, buy branded sunglasses. Brands care about their image, so they do not produce a product that is hazardous to health. In general, high-quality glasses imply not only stylishness and vision protection, but also ensuring image clarity with the ability to change its brightness without changing color rendition.

Reasons for wearing

Here are some compelling arguments given by ophthalmologists and physicists who strongly recommend not leaving your eyes unprotected:

Serious and sometimes irreversible damage to the organs of vision from UV rays can appear five hours after active exposure to the sun on the eyes. The most dangerous consequences UV irradiation - the occurrence of cataracts, burns of the cornea of ​​the eye, partial loss of vision.

If you notice watery eyes after spending a day in the sun without sunglasses, painful sensations in the eyes in bright light, vision deterioration, then most likely the eyes were attacked by UV radiation and lost in this battle. The most reasonable thing in this situation is to immediately run for a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

For human eye exposure to ultraviolet radiation is always dangerous. UV waves, even in small doses, will not benefit the eyes; they are always a damaging factor.

Active exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes photokeratitis - sunburn cornea of ​​the eye, which can lead to temporary loss of vision. Previously, this phenomenon was often observed among polar explorers or skiers, which is why ophthalmologists call it “snow blindness.” Today, photokeratitis most often affects those who vacation at equatorial resorts and do not wear sunglasses. Remember: the closer to the equator you are, the more intense your eyes will be exposed to UV rays. Another rule is that the higher you go in the mountains or closer to the water, the more aggressive the UV radiation behaves. This means that the more you need sunglasses.

It turns out that even cloudy weather is not a reason to stop wearing sunglasses. Experts say that enough ultraviolet rays pass through clouds that are harmful to the eyes.

Which lenses do you prefer?

So, the benefits of wearing sunglasses are obvious. The question remains - how to choose not just a beautiful accessory, but also reliable protection?

It turns out that darkened glasses lenses do not always indicate UV protection. Most sunglasses with plastic lenses are cheap replicas famous brand, or even a fake that is dangerous to health. They transmit up to 100% of UV rays, even being “blacker than black”. Moreover, the blacker such glasses are, the more dangerous they are! In bright light, the pupil of the eye contracts to reduce the risk of potential burns - this natural protection nature provided us with UV radiation. And in cheap dark glasses without ultraviolet filters, the pupil remains “deceived.” It doesn't shrink, taking over sunstroke in full.

When choosing the right sunglasses, it is important to know a few nuances. First and most important point- the material from which the lenses are made. There are few options - lenses are made of either glass or plastic. Each material has advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic lenses

Their advantage is that plastic glasses are difficult to break - they do not crumble into dangerous fragments, but turn into cobweb crumbs, safe for the eyes and skin. Plastic lenses are also lightweight, and such glasses are much lighter compared to glass ones.

But here is a significant disadvantage - any plastic transmits 100% of ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the safety criterion for plastic lenses consists only of the quality of the material and filters that are used to create the blocking layer on the glasses.

Another drawback: plastic lenses are easily scratched. Carrying them in a purse without a case is like scratching them with your own hands with a knife. Additionally, extreme heat can warp the plastic.

Glass lenses

It would seem that glass has more advantages than disadvantages. Indeed, unlike plastic, glass does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, even if the lenses themselves are transparent. You can choose glasses with minimal darkening and be calm about the health of your eyes. Another advantage of glass sunglasses is that glass lenses are less likely to scratch.

But there are also disadvantages. Glass is a dangerous material, especially in such close proximity to the eyes. If you like active sports or drive a car, then it’s better not to think about glass lenses, the risk is too great.

The choice with maximum protection

Today plastic lenses very popular. Depending on the amount of ultraviolet rays transmitted, they are conventionally divided into classes in sunglasses:

Marking on labels - Cosmetic. These lenses can be classified more as aesthetic than actually safe for health - they transmit from 51 to 100% of UV rays. It makes sense to choose them only during the season when the sun is inactive.

Marking - General. Ophthalmologists claim that this category of lenses is ideal for the Russian climate. Such lenses transmit less than half dangerous radiation, 20-50 %. Sunglasses This class is suitable for wearing in the city, where a large flow of sunlight does not reach the ground.

Marking - High UV-protection. These lenses reliably protect the retina from burns. These sunglasses will be simply indispensable on vacation, especially on the ski slopes, where the amount of snow increases sunlight.

What does the label say?

High-quality sunglasses have special markings that help you make right choice depending on needs. Information about what class the lenses belong to is usually available on the label. But it is mandatory that it is indicated in the certificate for sunglasses. The level of protection is indicated in the inserts supplied with the glasses. They also contain information about the conditions in which the glasses are recommended for use (mountains, water surface, city, etc.).

«0» - light transmission 80-100 percent. Minimum protection against ultraviolet radiation all kinds.
"1", "2"- light transmission, respectively, 43-80 percent and 18-43 percent. These glasses are recommended for use in urban environments, since they only partially protect against ultraviolet radiation.
"3"- light transmission 8-18 percent. This type of glasses can be chosen for regular beach holidays and outdoor trips.
"4"- light transmission 3-8 percent. This is a very dark filter designed for high altitudes and hot countries.

Most often the inscription says the following: “Blocks at least 80% UVB and 55% UVA.” This means that the lenses block 80% of UVB and 55% of UVA.

You don't need to bother your head with the intricacies of the differences between UV waves different lengths- any UV waves are dangerous to the eyes.

Something else needs to be taken into account - the higher the percentage, the better protection for the eyes you purchase. Ophthalmologists advise choosing sunglasses in which both indicators are more than 50 percent.

Color is important too!

For relaxing on the beach or sailing, glasses with polarized lenses are ideal, which, in addition to ultraviolet radiation, will neutralize glare on the water. Their color should be dark green or gray.

It is better to relax in the mountains and ski in gray or brown glasses with a mirror coating.

Polarizing filters don't let you see intense light reflection from surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, ice, water), leading to poor visibility. By cutting off the harmful part of the “light”, they provide more comfortable and clear vision.

Photochromic lenses capable of responding to ultraviolet radiation by changing the amount of transmitted light. They are used in so-called chameleon glasses, which darken in the sun, and in the absence of sunlight their lenses become transparent.

When choosing sunglasses with photochromic lenses, consider darkening speed and lightening speed, as well as temperature sensitivity.
By the way, photochromic agents are special substances used in the production of such lenses - when low temperatures more active. That is, in the heat, the darkening of photochromic lenses is less, and the eyes are less protected by them.
Over time, the photochromic agents in the lenses may wear out and the lens darkening will weaken. Therefore, such glasses must be regularly replaced with new ones.

It would seem that the darker the glasses, the better they should protect the eyes. But intensely colored lenses are not always able to block solar radiation.

If the lenses just painted and do not have UV protection properties, its dose is even greater than that received through a transparent lens. After all, the pupils dilate behind dark lenses. Therefore, poor-quality sunglasses contribute to greater eye damage from ultraviolet radiation.

How to choose glasses?

Let's summarize what you should pay attention to when choosing glasses...

1. Decide in advance what you need sunglasses for.
2. If you have vision problems or eye diseases, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing sunglasses.
3. Do not buy sunglasses from stalls and markets. Quality glasses- not necessarily expensive. Choose from those sold in stores, such as tourist shops, that have clear labeling and inserts.
4. Carefully study the labeling of glasses - it indicates how much ultraviolet rays the lenses of the glasses transmit, whether they are able to adapt to the brightness of the light or remove glare.
5. If you drive a car or often go out into the sun and back, buy glasses with photochromic lenses. To relax in the snowy mountains, it is better to purchase glasses with polarized lenses.

The most in size correct glasses with large glasses that make a person look like a dragonfly or a skier. Such models protect not only the eyes, but also the skin of the face, on which “crow’s feet” form from ultraviolet radiation. Small glasses that do not cover your eyes well are of little use.

And you also need to remember - even with the most reliable glasses, you should not look directly at the sun. Wear high-quality sunglasses - and you will not only be elegant, but also healthy!
Based on materials from,

Show business stars and top models do not part with dark glasses, not only because this stylish and fashionable accessory allows you to “disengage” yourself from prying eyes or neglect cosmetics. They know very well: sunglasses- one of the best means for prevention " crow's feet"and wrinkles between the eyebrows. And doctors never tire of repeating that the eyes need to be protected from the sun and burns even more than the skin.

1. Keep in mind: it is a misconception that glasses with plastic lenses are worse

Today, most manufacturers prefer plastic; such glasses are lighter, more practical, and plastic glasses are absolutely not inferior in quality to glass ones. And sometimes they even surpass them, since it is more difficult to apply special filters to the glass that protect the eyes from UVA and UVB rays. By the way, the statement that any glass glasses do not transmit ultraviolet radiation is nothing more than a myth. Glass itself only blocks part of the ultraviolet rays; in order for UV protection to be complete, additional coatings must be applied to it.

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Monica Bellucci

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Kim Kardashian

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Kate Middleton

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Katie Holmes

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Keira Knightley

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Charlize Theron

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Angelina Jolie

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Gwyneth Paltrow

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Jennifer Aniston

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses


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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Victoria Beckham

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

Reese Witherspoon

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5 secrets for choosing the perfect sunglasses

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2. Before purchasing, ask for a passport!

To choose good sunglasses, be sure to look at the passport (certificate) for them. It must indicate the most important characteristics glasses, namely: what wavelength and what percentage of ultraviolet radiation they block. Good sunglasses should block ultraviolet wavelengths of at least 400 nm, which are the most dangerous to the eyes. There are also standards for light transmission, depending on which all sunglasses are divided into five categories.

Zero (look for the number “0”) are very light, only slightly darkened glasses for cloudy weather, transmitting 80-100% of the light. The first (number “1”) is slightly tinted glasses for partly cloudy weather; such glasses are well suited for early spring or mid-autumn in mid-latitudes. Second category (number “2”) – glasses medium degree darkness, which is suitable for sunny weather in the middle zone, but for the south they are rather weak. The third and most common category (number “3”) is glasses for summer, the beach, and bright sun. These are the ones we usually take with us on vacation. Glasses of the fourth group (number 4") transmit less than 8-10% of light; they are recommended for very strong sun, for example, high in the mountains, or at sea near the equator. In addition, glasses for bright sunshine should have polarized lenses, extinguishing solar glare on the surface of water and snow.

The easiest way to tell if your glasses are dark enough or not is how comfortable you feel wearing them. If you squint in the sun, despite wearing dark glasses, it means the darkness is too weak. And keep in mind: the color and tone of the glass does not affect UV protection in any way: high-quality lenses of group zero can block even 100% of ultraviolet radiation ( international standard– minimum 95%).

3. Don't skimp on sunglasses

When choosing sunglasses, you need to remember that this is not an accessory, but, first of all, a means of protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. And it depends on the quality of the glass how good this protection will be, not to mention the fact that bad glass will inevitably negatively affect vision. An independent study of one of the specialized magazines published in the USA and dedicated to optics showed that none of the several hundred models that street vendors sell for an average of $5-15 meet quality standards, and bright stickers from the “100% UV protection” series - nothing more than a fiction. Saving on sunglasses means saving on health, which is fraught with blurred vision, cataracts, corneal or retinal burns, and other eye damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. Darkening on the glass causes the pupil to dilate and, if UV filters are not applied to the lenses, it penetrates into the eyes increased amount ultraviolet. Thus, it is better not to wear sunglasses at all than to wear bad ones.

Buy glasses only from specialized points of sale, shops or opticians. Even if it is not an expensive model, it will be of high quality. Besides, if you don’t chase trendy models, good sunglasses are an accessory that you buy for several years. Well, if you doubt the quality and origin of the glasses you have already purchased, many optical stores have special devices on which you can check their light transmission and degree of UV protection.

4. Pay attention to color

The eyes feel most comfortable in glasses with lenses of neutral colors - gray, gray-brown, gray-green. But doctors do not recommend wearing pink, blue, orange and, especially, yellow glasses for a long time - your eyes will quickly get tired. There is also an opinion that these colors overstimulate the retina and cause so-called optical stress; the eyes become very strained and get tired quickly. But dim greenish lenses, on the contrary, calm the nerves and can even reduce eye pressure. In the opinion of many ophthalmologists, nearsighted people are most comfortable in lenses of brownish shades, while farsighted people are most comfortable in grayish and greenish ones. Learn more about how various colors affect our nervous system and health, the program experts will tell you "In the shape of".

5. Size matters too!

How larger size lenses - the better the sunglasses will protect the eyes and the skin around them from the rays of the sun, so one can only rejoice at the fashion for large, massive glasses. Glasses with massive temple bases also protect well from side sun rays (this is especially important if you are driving, relaxing in the mountains or at sea, where there is a lot of sun).

For many people, sunglasses are just a fashion accessory. However, first of all, they are intended to protect the eyes - both in the summer and on a resort vacation at any time of the year, and during winter sports.

The choice must be approached very responsibly, because low-quality glasses can cause harm instead of benefit.

Vladimir Neroev, director of the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, tells how to choose sunglasses.

Why does the sun harm your eyes?

Pigment provides natural eye protection melanin, the amount of which in the eyes decreases with age. Therefore, intense exposure to solar radiation on the eyes can lead to problems and cause eye diseases such as central degeneration or cataracts.

For example, even short-term observation solar eclipse without appropriate eye protection led to a decrease in people's vision, which was subsequently only partially restored.

What is sunlight

Sunlight is primarily a combination of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiation. Depending on the wavelength, UV radiation is divided into:

- long wave ( type A rays) – the least dangerous range (it is what causes tanning), but the effect accumulates over a lifetime and accelerates skin aging,
- medium wave ( type B rays) – in this range, radiation has a higher energy and, when present in sufficient quantities, causes dermatitis, burns and other skin damage,
- shortwave ( type C rays) is the most dangerous range, but it is almost completely blocked by the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere.

Ultraviolet radiation is uneven at different latitudes. It is much more intense near the equator, decreasing as it moves away from it. Ultraviolet radiation poses the greatest danger during the daytime.

Its influence increases when reflected from certain surfaces, increasing the total dose. For example, snow reflects about 90 percent of sunlight, water about 70 percent, and grass only 3 percent.

Infrared radiation is largely dissipated due to atmospheric moisture, but can also pose a serious danger, especially in combination with ultraviolet radiation.

What to consider when choosing glasses

The selection of sunglasses in stores is so wide that it can be very difficult to sort through them. To make the right choice, you need to understand where and how you are going to use your sunglasses.

High-quality glasses not only protect your eyes, but also provide comfort and image clarity. Ideally, sunglasses should change the brightness of the image, but not change the color rendition.

Choosing material

Lenses made from high-quality polymer materials, e.g. polycarbonate, block ultraviolet rays of types A and B. Glass also significantly blocks ultraviolet radiation, but not completely.

And here infrared radiation, which is also undesirable for the eyes, passes through both plastic and glass.

Light and color

It would seem that the darker the glasses, the better they should protect the eyes. But intensely colored lenses are not always able to block solar radiation.

If the lenses just painted and do not have UV protection properties, its dose is even greater than that received through a transparent lens. After all, the pupils dilate behind dark lenses. Therefore, poor-quality sunglasses contribute to greater eye damage from ultraviolet radiation.

This is especially true for children and adolescents, since they are more likely to be outdoors during the day than adults.

A good addition to sunglasses - visor or cap. They block about half of the sun's rays.

Radiation protection

Quality sunglasses have a special marking, helping you make the right choice depending on your needs. The level of protection is indicated in the inserts supplied with the glasses. They also contain information about the conditions in which the glasses are recommended for use (mountains, water surface, city, etc.).

«0» – light transmission 80-100 percent. Minimum protection against all types of ultraviolet radiation.
"1", "2"– light transmission, respectively, 43-80 percent and 18-43 percent. These glasses are recommended for use in urban environments, since they only partially protect against ultraviolet radiation.
"3"– light transmission 8–18 percent. This type of glasses can be chosen for regular beach holidays and outdoor trips.
"4"– light transmission 3–8 percent. This is a very dark filter designed for high altitudes and hot countries.

Polarized lenses

Polarizing filters block the eyes intense light reflection from surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, ice, water), leading to poor visibility. By cutting off the harmful part of the “light”, they provide more comfortable and clear vision.

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses are able to respond to ultraviolet radiation by changing the amount of light transmitted. They are used in so-called chameleon glasses, which darken in the sun, and in the absence of sunlight their lenses become transparent. There are sun lenses, combining both polarization and photochromic properties.

When choosing sunglasses with photochromic lenses, consider darkening speed and lightening speed, as well as temperature sensitivity.

By the way, photochromic agents– special substances used in the production of such lenses are more active at low temperatures. That is, in the heat, the darkening of photochromic lenses is less, and the eyes are less protected by them.

Over time, the photochromic agents in the lenses may wear out and the lens darkening will weaken. Therefore, such glasses must be regularly replaced with new ones.

How to choose glasses?

1. Decide in advance what you need sunglasses for.
2. If you have vision problems or eye diseases, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing sunglasses.
3. Do not buy sunglasses from stalls and markets. Quality glasses don't have to be expensive. Choose from those sold in stores, such as tourist shops, that have clear labeling and inserts.
4. Carefully study the labeling of the glasses - it indicates how much ultraviolet rays the lenses of the glasses transmit, whether they are able to adapt to the brightness of the light or remove glare.
5. If you drive a car or often go out into the sun and back, buy glasses with photochromic lenses. To relax in the snowy mountains, it is better to purchase glasses with polarized lenses.

Not everyone buys sunglasses to save eye health, because they have long become a fashion accessory. However, we really need them to protect our eyes from sunlight, dust and other adverse factors. Let's figure out why the sun is so harmful to our eyes, how you can protect yourself from it and buy the right sunglasses.

Sun damage to eyes

The sun is a source of heat and energy, without which all life on Earth is unthinkable. However, as you know, everything is good in moderation, and long stay exposure to the sun is fraught with the development of a number of undesirable effects, mainly on the skin and eyes.

It has been clinically proven that if a person for a long time If exposed to direct sunlight without appropriate protection, this can damage not only the surface of the eye, but also its internal structure. This subsequently leads to the development of acute and chronic eye pathologies requiring serious treatment.

With direct exposure, the cornea of ​​the eye is damaged, and such damage is similar to a skin burn. In addition, regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the eyes has a cumulative effect, which can cause the development of serious eye pathologies. So, in in rare cases When exposed to ultraviolet rays, eye melanoma may develop. This is a rare, but at the same time very aggressive disease that metastasizes very quickly. There is currently no cure for ocular melanoma.

Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the eyes because it can lead to the development of photokeratitis ( inflammatory disease cornea), snow blindness, solar retinopathy and dry eye syndrome. As for visible radiation, it can impair visual acuity and lead to visual fatigue. That’s why your eyes get so tired when sitting in front of a computer monitor.

It is noteworthy that the eyes of children and adolescents are more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. This happens because their pupil is wider and the lens is more transparent than in adults. In addition, children spend more time outdoors than adults and are less likely to use quality sunglasses. As a result of such activity, until the age of 18, children receive up to 25% of the life dose of ultraviolet radiation. In this regard, protection from ultraviolet radiation is extremely important, especially in childhood and adolescence.

Types of ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet rays are components of sunlight, and depending on their wavelength, they come in three types: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. According to the laws of physics, the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy effect it has. Therefore, ultraviolet rays with a shorter wavelength are more harmful to the body than ultraviolet rays with a higher wavelength.

  • Ultraviolet A rays. These ultraviolet rays have the longest wavelengths and are responsible for tanning. In addition, it is these rays that are responsible for premature aging skin.
  • Ultraviolet B rays. Sunburns are primarily caused by exposure to ultraviolet B rays. They are also the most common cause of oncological diseases skin (in particular). Prolonged exposure to the eyes can cause the development of cataracts.
  • Ultraviolet C rays. This type of ultraviolet rays is the most dangerous because it has the shortest wavelength. Thanks to the ozone layer, ultraviolet C rays do not reach the Earth's surface, although the appearance of a large number of ozone holes has led to the fact that these rays began to penetrate the globe.

It is noteworthy that ultraviolet rays affect the eyes most strongly in the morning and in the afternoon, and not at noon, as many people think. So, most of us hide from the sun when it is at its zenith, fearing negative impact sun rays on the skin. However, unlike the skin, the eyes are affected by the sun's rays, which shine at eye level. Therefore, morning and afternoon are the most dangerous periods.

Factors affecting the intensity of ultraviolet radiation

We should not forget that there are many factors that influence the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. If you want to protect your eyes from excessive sun exposure, then you should definitely know the following:

  • Clouds do not protect from UV rays. Thus, more than 90% of ultraviolet radiation penetrates through clouds.
  • In the mountains, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is higher than in the lowlands. When rising for every thousand meters, the radiation intensity increases by approximately 10-12%.
  • Clean snow can reflect up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation, while dry beach sand can reflect only up to 20% of radiation.
  • reflects up to 30% of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Ultraviolet penetrates into the water column, and at a depth of 1.5 meters its intensity is 40% of the intensity on the surface of the reservoir.

Sunglasses: How They Can Help

Buy sunglasses- not all. Main Choose high-quality UV protection. Sunglasses help us in bright sunny weather by protecting our eyes from bright light. However, not all glasses protect against UV rays. If you wear glasses without a UV filter, you will only make things worse. So, in the dark, the pupil dilates, which means that more sunlight reaches the retina than usual. As a result, with such glasses you will get a retinal burn.

High-quality ones should be made of glass or polycarbonate. It is noteworthy that each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Both glass and polycarbonate reliably block ultraviolet radiation. Glass is much harder to scratch. It is also the most transparent material known to mankind. Therefore, glass is still used in microscopes, binoculars, cameras and other optical equipment. The disadvantage of glass is the fact that it does not block ultraviolet A radiation, so the glasses require additional coating. In addition, glass glasses are quite heavy, fog up very easily, and can break if dropped.

As for polycarbonate lenses, they are almost 10 times stronger than glass or regular plastic (which is what inexpensive sunglasses are made from). This strength of polycarbonate makes these glasses ideal for children and athletes. They are much lighter and thinner than glass glasses and block 100% of ultraviolet radiation. The disadvantage of polycarbonate glasses is the fact that this material is quite easy to scratch, and its transparency is not the same as that of glass. Objects may not appear as clear when wearing polycarbonate glasses.

In addition to glass and polycarbonate, there are other materials from which sunglasses are made. For example, these can be impact-resistant lenses that are convenient for athletes - skiers and snowboarders.

Special coating and adding special chemical substances Provides additional eye protection from ultraviolet radiation. In darker glasses, the eyes are much more comfortable, since they are less tired from the rays of the visible spectrum. The brighter the sunny weather, the more dark lenses are suitable for it. Lenses in lighter shades are suitable in cloudy or foggy weather.

Sunglasses protection level

There are five types of lenses depending on the degree of protection. Very light lenses transmit 80-100% of light. They are suitable for wearing in cloudy weather. Dark glasses transmit only 3-8% of light, and they can be used, for example, in the mountains, where the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is much higher than on the plains. If you are going to the sea, then in this case Category 2-3 lenses that transmit from 18 to 43% of light will suit you.

Whatever glasses you choose, they should be completely transparent, allowing you to clearly see objects at different distances. High-quality sunglasses have special markings indicating the degree of protection and the ability of the lenses to adapt to the brightness of the light or remove its glare. The label indicates the percentage of blocking of ultraviolet rays of type A and B. In some cases, it indicates exactly where the glasses can be used - in the city, in the mountains or at sea. It is noteworthy that you cannot drive a car with category 4 glasses, and this is also indicated on the labels.

Special mention should be made about photochromic lenses- so-called “chameleons”, which react to the intensity of light and are able to change the degree of darkness, becoming dark in bright light, and almost transparent indoors. True, the photochromic substances on such glasses wear out quickly, so the “chameleons” need to be changed regularly.

Sunglasses are an indispensable accessory at any time of the year. Their main task is to protect the eyes from UV radiation. On sale you can find models that not only provide positive influence on the eyes, but also look beautiful. Of course, in last years sunglasses are more often used as fashion attributes. They complement your look, make you stand out from the crowd and add charm.

Branded glasses High Quality have several equally important properties.

  • prevention of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and bridge of the nose;
  • prevention of premature skin aging;
  • protection of the face from negative UV exposure.

It is also worth knowing that there are models not only for daily use, but also for specific cases:

  • for staying on the beach (they have completely tinted windows);
  • sports (special form);
  • to work in special conditions(motorists, rescuers, etc.);
  • improving vision.

The wide variety of models often confuses buyers. We found out how to choose the right sunglasses and what you should pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. Try a few different forms to accurately select the most suitable one.
  2. Focus on the type of lenses you need depending on the purpose of the glasses (sports, recreation, work, etc.).
  3. Don't forget about the size - incorrectly selected glass or frame can cause discomfort and at the same time look strange.
  4. The most important thing about sunglasses is their quality. The higher it is, the better your skin and eyes will feel.
  5. Pay attention to the manufacturer. Only the best of them make a truly worthwhile product that performs important functions such as wrinkle prevention, UV protection, etc.

Our rating will help you successfully cope with all the points and choose the most suitable model for you personally. We will tell you which brand fashion glasses are worth the money, and for which there is no point in overpaying and which inexpensive models are the best. Rating the best sunglasses will save not only your search time, but also your money.

The world's best sunglasses brands


Popular youth brand
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
average price: 10,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The DKNY brand presents a collection of sunglasses for free-spirited people who are not afraid to experiment with their appearance. The company's models are made of lightweight but durable titanium and hypoallergenic cellulose acetate material. The lenses have excellent protective properties. DKNY accessories combine high comfort and successful style solutions. They are very popular among young people who know a lot about fashion. In addition, the company's sunglasses are highly wear-resistant.

In the catalog you can find frames of various colors (plain, with patterns, etc.), they are made of plastic good quality. Nose pads are most often non-adjustable. The lenses mostly come in one tone. By the way, the company regularly introduces new aviator models. The average price of glasses is 10,000 rubles. Main advantages: popular youth brand, excellent wear resistance, beautiful stylish design, good choice.


Best quality
Country: Italy
Average price: 16,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Famous sunglasses shaped " cat eye"from FENDI is a combination of exquisite design and practicality. Durable materials make this model especially durable. They are made using the best technologies from high quality plastic. The designers of the Italian Fashion House worked hard to create a unique style. These branded glasses meet modern fashion trends. There are several frame colors to choose from: blue and black. A beautiful case allows you to protect this accessory from scratches in a woman's handbag. The fashion trend for round mirror lenses has not bypassed the FENDI house either. This year he introduced a new line of such glasses.


  • stylish appearance;
  • good quality plastic;
  • excellent protection against UV rays.


  • high price.

2 Prada

The most stylish design
Country: Italy
Average price: 14,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Italian fashion house has long established itself as a leader in the production of sunglasses and other accessories. The model is entirely made of high quality plastic. This provides good wear resistance. Many customers claim to wear Prada sunglasses for 7 seasons or more. The model range consists of several colors to choose from (brown, tortoiseshell, etc.). The appearance of the glasses corresponds to the latest world trends. They will make any look fashionable and bright. These branded glasses also have high protective properties. They prevent wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and prevent premature aging of the skin. In 2018, Prada introduced several aviator models with mirrored lenses, which are especially popular this year. Spraying is available in different shades to choose from.


  • reliable;
  • stylish;
  • have an unusual design;
  • made of high quality plastic.


  • high price.

1 Ray-Ban

The best sun protection
Country: Italy
Average price: 11,700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Everyone knows the famous Ray-Ban aviators, which are preferred by many world-famous stars. Ideal shape, high-quality lenses and frames made of reliable metal - all this makes Ray-Ban sunglasses leaders on the market. The fashion brand initially produced corrective frames, and subsequently launched the production of everyday models. Therefore, the lenses in these glasses not only provide excellent protection from the sun, but also do not harm the eyes. In addition, Ray-Ban sunglasses look very stylish. There are many color options for both frames and glass to choose from. One of the most popular models is with a mirror effect. This year the brand Ray Ban I decided to bring back the famous gray haze on the lenses. She gives the image a special romance.


  • high quality materials;
  • wear-resistant;
  • excellent sun protection;
  • stylish design;
  • wide model range.


  • high price.

Best Sunglasses Brands at Affordable Prices

3 Vittorio Richi

Best price
A country: Holland (manufactured in Hong Kong)
Average price: 1400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Budget sunglasses from Vittorio Richi have a simple yet stylish design. They are an example of excellent value for money. During production, all technologies are followed, which allows the manufacturer to produce high-quality and reliable products. Lightweight plastic frames that are almost impossible to damage and lenses made of the same material that can protect your eyes and skin from the sun are an excellent combination.


  • low price;
  • high sun protection;
  • good materials.


  • After some time, scratches may appear;
  • The case is suitable for short-term use.

2 Legna

The optimum ratio of price and quality
A country: Italy (made in China)
Average price: 2300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The beautiful appearance of sunglasses from the Italian manufacturer is distinguished by the use of high-quality materials. In addition, they are great for both daily wear and sports activities. They protect well from the sun and have polarizing properties. At the same time, they are optimal in cost. The line includes 3 lens colors to choose from: brown, purple and green.


  • equipped with double impact resistance;
  • polarization;
  • optimal price;
  • high production standards;
  • Beautiful design.


  • case without frame.

1 Polaroid

Best eye protection
A country: Italy (produced in Slovenia, China)
Average price: 4200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Polaroid is a true legend among sunglasses. Polarizing properties in combination with lenses produced by unique technology, made these branded glasses famous throughout the world. Their design is also equipped with solar absorbers and special scratch protection. Thanks to the shock-absorbing layers, the lenses become especially durable and flexible. Manufacturing material – plastic. Comfortable rectangular frame shape - distinctive feature fashionable Polaroid. The line includes two types of glass: mirror and classic, as well as two colors: green and black.


  • convenience;
  • high protective properties;
  • stylish design;
  • reliability;
  • unique lens production technology.


  • not detected.

Best Sports Sunglasses Brands

3 Bradex

The most multifunctional
A country: Israel (made in China)
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Bradex sports glasses come with as many as 5 interchangeable lenses, two cases, a lanyard and several frames. All this can be used depending on the weather, activities, etc. There is a lens designed for driving in fog, another protects against particularly bright sun, and a third is suitable for daily use. Multifunctionality is not the only advantage of Bradex sunglasses. They are also distinguished by the use of good quality materials (plastic, rubber, etc.).


  • 100% sun protection;
  • multifunctionality;
  • a large number of necessary items included;
  • low price.


  • low wear resistance.

2 Julbo

Great choice for different types sports
Country: France
Average price: 8000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The world-famous French brand Julbo produces sunglasses for various sports. Founded back in 1888, it now has extensive experience in producing the most comfortable and safe models for sports. The company's product range includes several lines: Zebra – for cycling and running, Octopus – water and sailing sports; Cameleo – deserts and mountains. Any glasses are guaranteed to protect your eyes from UV rays and also belong to the first optical class. Almost all models are made in several versions, differing in frame color and lenses.

Lenses are available both photochromic and polarized. By the way, the brand even produces glasses with mineral glass lenses. In the collection you can find interesting models for skiers and climbers. And especially for rock climbing, the company has sunglasses that block 90% of visible light. Important Feature brand products - impact-resistant glass. Advantages: high optical transparency, lens material close to glass, huge range, best reviews, glasses for a wide variety of sports.

1 Oakley

The most wear-resistant
Country: Italy
Average price: 13,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Highly durable branded glasses designed specifically for sports. They have increased impact resistance and strong defense from UV rays and bright light. Thanks to special technology, Oakley sunglasses have perfect visibility without any distortion. Special pads provide anti-slip properties even on wet skin. The kit includes interchangeable lenses of different colors, which are used depending on the situation. A reliable case will serve you for a long time. The glasses themselves are also highly wear-resistant.


  • very wear-resistant;
  • have a reliable design;
  • almost not felt on the face;
  • they are almost impossible to scratch or break;
  • they sit very comfortably and do not press anywhere, even during long periods of sports;
  • stylish modern design.


  • high price.

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