Incense sticks: harm and benefit. Indian incense sticks: harm and benefit

There are various incense, and accordingly, methods for classifying them. This is due to both the wide variety of varieties and wide range their applications. Typically, incense is distinguished by place of production, appearance, composition and purpose.

The composition of incense sticks is divided into two parts: the base and the filler oil. And the bases, in turn, can also be divided into two types: coal bases and “masala” (a mixture of fine chip dust or crushed aromatic plants). Charcoal-based incense has a bright black color. They are good because when burned, the coal does not produce odor impurities, and the stick strictly emits the aroma of the filler oil. This is very beneficial when selectively influencing certain body systems.

Masala incense sticks come in a variety of shades, from light beige to dark brown. During combustion, the smell depends not only on the filler oil, but also on the composition of the base. It is wrong to think that the color of the stick determines its quality and that black sticks are chemical, and light ones are natural. The main thing for incense is the quality of the filler oil, as well as the quality of the “masala” in the case of light sticks. Mostly you can find Indian, Tibetan and Nepalese aroma sticks. Although there are also Chinese, Bhutanese, American. They are divided according to the method of application and manufacture. So let's figure it out.

Indian incense

Used during meditation and temple festivals, for thousands of years they were available only to dedicated monks and scribes. Today, the power of incense sticks can be used by a person who has nothing to do with the monastery.

The production of Indian incense occurs as follows: the odorous base is applied to a bamboo stick. After this, the stick is soaked in essential oil for several days (the most popular oils are eucalyptus, sandalwood and patchouli). The result is a double aroma, due to which there is a saturation with a pronounced smell.

Like essential oils, incense sticks are good for relieving a number of medical and psychological problems. For example, incense made from eucalyptus brings relief from a runny nose and cough, while patchouli incense (like patchouli essential oil) is stimulating.

Tibetan incense

Tibetan incense contains up to forty components. They differ from Indian incense sticks in that they do not have a bamboo base and, when burned, gradually change the smell, adding new overtones to the original aroma.

Tibetan incense got its name because of its specific structure, in which, instead of a bamboo base, completely different, more advanced components are used as a binding strengthening element, which, when incense, does not have a neutral effect, like bamboo, but a direct, practical effect.

The smell of incense can be described as herbal, forest and resinous, but Tibetan incense contains only natural ingredients with healing properties. Tibetan aroma sticks soothe nervous system, put your thoughts in order, set you up for meditative thinking.

Nepalese incense

These are baseless incense made from several herbs and minerals; they are not applied to bamboo, like Indian ones, but pressed over time. Herbs for Nepalese incense, as well as green tea leaves, are collected by hand in a strictly controlled manner. certain time, the peak of the harvest occurs in the spring months.

You don't have to burn the incense stick to the ground to feel the power of the aroma. It is best to light its tip, wait two minutes, then extinguish it and lightly ventilate the room. Since Nepalese incense does not consist of pollen, but of pressed grass, the aroma emitted is stronger and richer, and lasts longer.

The most used ingredients for making incense sticks are red or white sandalwood, lotus, cedar and pine. The aroma of sandalwood calms the nerves, relieves depression, helps with insomnia, stress, fear, anxiety, and a feeling of uncertainty. Burning sandalwood incense can even cure severe runny nose or eliminate nausea.


Now let's try to figure out the aromas “emitted” by the sticks.

Incense sticks with mint scent

The smell of mint calms, gives energy and strength. If you light these incense sticks in the friends zone or in the knowledge zone, it will help you improve your relationship with your friends or find helpers in any business. But pregnant women should not use essential oil with the scent of mint, it will cause undesirable effect on her well-being.

Basil helps to raise self-esteem, so it is better to light incense with the smell of basil in the northern sector - in the career zone, then it will help you discern your true friends and enemies. In general, basil is a symbol of the implementation of your projects and goals, your success and personal growth. The smell of this incense will invigorate you and clear your thoughts. But this fragrance is also not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Incense-scented incense sticks

This sweetish smell will cleanse the room of all negative energy. It is appropriate to use it before you perform prayer or meditation. The smell of incense will help you get into the right frame of mind. It is best to use these incense sticks or incense-scented essential oil in the assistant area.

Incense sticks with chamomile scent

The aroma of chamomile will give harmonious and warm relationships, both in the family and between spouses, if you fumigate the family and relationship area with it. In the health zone, the aroma of chamomile will have a beneficial effect on state of mind all residents of the apartment. It will relieve you of unnecessary fears and give you peace and quiet.

Incense sticks with eucalyptus scent

This aroma has a wide range of effects. Even in ancient times, eucalyptus was used to treat rhinitis and the upper respiratory tract. Its aroma activates thinking, so if there are students or schoolchildren in your house, then light this incense in the knowledge zone. And if you are going on a trip, then light a stick with this smell in the north-eastern part of the apartment, this will help you distinguish true friends from deceivers. What if you drop a couple of drops while taking a bath? eucalyptus oil into the water, this will help you find a way out of a difficult situation and solve any problem. You will restore your mental strength and clarity of mind after a hard day at work.

Incense sticks with lavender scent

Lavender incense is mainly used to cleanse the home, as well as its fragrant aroma with woody notes used against infectious diseases. If someone in your household is sick, it would be a good idea to light this incense in the health zone.

Rose-scented incense sticks

Since ancient times, the rose has been considered the patroness of love, tenderness and devotion. If you use rose-scented incense, you will be able to align your aura and the aura of your home. Also, the smell of roses will help with various types stress, insomnia and depression. Rose-scented incense is best burned in the area of ​​family and relationships. By doing this, you will strengthen your relationship with your partner and bring a little more tenderness and affection into it.

Incense sticks with geranium scent

The smell of geranium very well relieves headaches, migraines and helps with hypertension. If you are very overexcited, then an incense stick with the scent of geranium will help you calm your nerves. It can fumigate any area in the house, it doesn't really matter.

Rosemary scented incense sticks

Rosemary is considered to be a sacred plant. It is widely used in various rituals. Incense with the scent of rosemary treats many diseases, but this is especially true gastrointestinal tract, liver and nervous system. This incense also has a rejuvenating effect.

Incense sticks with juniper scent

These incense are great for purifying indoor air, and it is believed that using juniper incense can awaken feelings of love in your partner. But besides this, these incense have an antiseptic effect.

Incense sticks with saffron scent

In demand in Tibet and Nepal. Using saffron incense, you will gain the energy of love and compassion. Saffron renders good influence on the respiratory system.

Basil scented incense sticks

In India, basil was associated with God Krishna, so Indians greatly revere this plant. Basil-scented incense will help you not only cleanse your room and aura, but also get rid of mosquitoes. In addition, basil is an excellent antidepressant and immunostimulant. It is recommended to fumigate the health zone and knowledge zone with this incense.

Opium-scented incense sticks

Opium will develop your intuition and self-knowledge. It will enhance the brightness of your personality and will suppress all sorts of bad thoughts and envy. Incense sticks with the smell of opium are good for fumigating the career zone and knowledge zone.

Incense sticks with poppy scent

Poppy has long been considered a symbol of beauty and youth. It calms, pacifies and relaxes very well, so incense sticks with the scent of poppy are recommended to be used before you are about to meditate or during relaxation. The smell of poppy would be appropriate in the assistants' area.

Incense sticks with cinnamon scent

With its sweetish-spicy aroma, cinnamon can improve your mood and give you vigor. It will warm you up and relieve any depression. Cinnamon-scented incense can be used in any area, but if you want it to have the desired effect on you, it is better to fumigate it in the health area.

Part of the article is based on information from the portal

Life modern man– this is a constant rush, stress and chronic lack of sleep which are aggravated by air pollution and poor nutrition. People concerned about this “state of affairs” are constantly looking for ways and means that could relieve stress at the end of the working day, calm down, improve their well-being and set them up for positive communication with loved ones.

Such products as incense sticks, which have a number of healing properties, are now very popular. According to aromatherapists, competent, clearly dosed use of these products will help quickly tone the body after a hard day and normalize mental condition, balance physiological processes, increase overall resistance to environmental influences.

Types of Incense

Since ancient times, many countries around the world have practiced fumigating rooms with special incense, so there are several main types of incense sticks made in the traditions of a particular country. How should you light incense sticks and what are they made of?

As a rule, they consist of two main parts: the base and the filler. The base used is a mixture of dry crushed plants and wood chip dust (masol), bamboo, wood and charcoal; there are incense without a base. The fillers are essential oils, herbs and pollen.

Their main varieties include:

  • Tibetan incense is the most popular type of incense sticks made from hand-picked Himalayan herbs. These incense contains 40 components. It is noteworthy that no base is used in their manufacture. As they burn, they change their smell;
  • Indian incense - distinguished by a pronounced double aroma, because are made on the basis of bamboo sticks, which add aroma during the combustion process. The main filler of the sticks is aroma oils and ethers;
  • Nepalese incense - most often have the aromas of lotus, sandalwood, pine and cedar, are made from minerals and herbs by pressing, do not have a base;
  • Chinese incense - often has a very specific shape, for example, there are Chinese incense sticks in the form of thin spirals twisted together.

Unfortunately, very often, instead of truly useful incense, we are sold cheap synthetic fakes. Indeed, when burning, they can imitate any smell, but they have zero benefit. It goes without saying that natural-based incense is considered the best and healthiest.

How to choose?

When going to the store to buy incense sticks, it is important to correctly determine for yourself exactly what purpose you are pursuing and what effect you expect from inhaling these odors. Different smells have different influence on the human body, some are designed to calm and relax, others, on the contrary, should invigorate and energize.

Therefore for each specific situation you need to select your incense, namely:

  • The aromas of lotus and lemon will help relieve fatigue;
  • relax and unwind – sandalwood, rose, myrrh and lotus;
  • improve mood and relieve stress - jasmine, bergamot and ylang-ylang.
  • reduce irritability and relieve anxiety - lavender;
  • Opium will help increase efficiency and cheer up;
  • make the atmosphere romantic and arouse desire - patchouli, sandalwood and geranium.

If you want to quickly recover from an illness and strengthen your body, purchase incense with pine scents.

Basic rules of use

In addition to the rules for choosing fragrances, it is important to know how to use incense sticks so that it is not only useful, but also safe.

To the basic rules safe use relate:

  • never light several different “flavors” at once;
  • do not use sticks in poorly ventilated small areas;
  • give preference to products from trusted manufacturers;
  • use incense sticks only on a natural basis;
  • Do not use incense sticks daily.

In addition, it is important to take care of fire safety, because even a smoldering stick can lead to a fire. How to properly light incense sticks? To make the incense stick begin to smolder, light it and blow it out a little.

Smoldering incense sticks must be placed on a surface that is not susceptible to falling ash. If you plan to regularly use such incense, purchase a special stand.

Only benefit?

Many incense lovers are concerned about the question, are incense sticks harmful? And they are worried for good reason. More recently, Danish scientists have established a connection between the systematic use of incense and lung cancer.

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Incense sticks (incense), properties of aroma sticks, aromatherapy in horoscopes

The ancient science of aromatherapy has knowledge of how aromas affect the human condition: psychological and physical. During excavations of ancient civilizations, it is not for nothing that vessels for incense were found - incense was valued by the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks as gold and as spices.

And in the Middle Ages, when the plague decimated people indiscriminately, it was effectively combated by fumigating the air. Aromatic pine fires were lit throughout the city, producing acrid smoke. Any of the aromatic plants known at that time were used against the plague, because these were the best antiseptics available at that time.

Modern civilization has given us daily exposure to fumes and chemicals, and the modern lifestyle has given us stress and haste along with a lack of movement and bad diet. As a result, we also get ailments, obesity, accumulation of toxic substances in the body, and a real possibility of developing severe chronic diseases.

Aromatherapy makes it possible to slow down this process. Aromas are quickly introduced into the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, normalizing the human condition and balancing the processes occurring in the body, thereby increasing resistance harmful effects from outside.

There are many methods of using aromatherapy, but one of the most popular is aroma sticks.

Inexpensive and very easy to use.

Harm of incense sticks

Many of us use incense sticks (incense). This product became very popular during the “esoteric boom”, when the magic of the east began to penetrate our country. In those days they were credited with all sorts of “magical” and healing properties, used during rituals, practices and various ceremonies. Then incense began to be used mainly as flavoring agents, to create a pleasant atmosphere, and so on.

IN Lately There have been a lot of discussions on the Internet on the topic “are aroma sticks harmful”? It is said that using incense increases the risk of developing lung cancer. bronchial asthma and other diseases. They are also credited with psychotropic effects and are sometimes even classified as narcotic substances.

In fact Incense sticks have virtually no effect on health directly. They cannot cure a cold or relieve stomach pain, nor can they provoke cancer or asthma. Incense does not provide narcotic effect and do not contribute to the expansion of consciousness.

Incense sticks can only cause harm if they are of poor quality. Then you can earn headache and allergies. Also, incense intended for outdoor use will seem too smoky and spicy and may cause discomfort.

In order to avoid such troubles as allergies and headaches, you should carefully choose incense sticks. High-quality incense sticks are never cheap. In addition, you need to make sure that they do not smell too intense and “toxic”.

Properties of different scents of incense sticks

Indian incense

In their homeland, Indian incense sticks are smoked during temple festivals and meditations. The scented base is applied to a bamboo stick, which is then soaked in essential oil for several days, resulting in a double scent. It is thanks to this technology that Indian sticks have a distinct smell; they immediately fill the room with aroma.

The most popular essential oils in Indian chopsticks- , patchouli (excites passion) and eucalyptus (helps with colds).

Indian incense is on Russian market the most popular. Their packaging may be nondescript, but the quality of the oil is high, whether it is natural or synthetic.

Thai incense comes in brighter packaging, but is more expensive and of lower quality.

Nepalese incense

Nepalese incense sticks are baseless and consist of several minerals and herbs that are pressed for a long time. It is not necessary to burn them to the ground: only the tip is set on fire for about two minutes, after which the stick is extinguished. Nepalese sticks, consisting of pressed grass, have a rich, long-lasting aroma.

The most commonly used wood in Nepalese sticks is lotus, red and white sandalwood, pine and cedar.

The aroma of sandalwood helps with fear, anxiety, insomnia, calms the nerves, and also treats a severe runny nose and eliminates nausea.

Jasmine treats runny nose and asthmatic cough. Lavender stick eliminates insomnia and nervousness. Geranium incense calms and relieves fears.

Tibetan incense

These are the most sought after incense and occupy a special place in the tradition of aromatherapy.

The herbs for them are collected by hand in the Himalayas and at strictly defined times.

Tibetan incense sticks contain up to 40 components. The sticks are pressed, just like Nepalese ones. When burned, they gradually change their smell, but they are intended not only for aromatization. They are used in acupuncture for cauterizing points, and during massage, ground into powder and added to cream.

Chinese incense

These are most often baseless floral and sandalwood incense. They can also be in the form of thin spirals twisted in several circles. Burning clockwise, they create an “energy column,” as they say in China.

They can also be in the form of small baskets, boats, barrels.

How are aroma sticks used?

Smells play an important role in our lives. They can relax and excite, cause headaches and concentrate attention, lift our spirits and poison our lives. To properly use the power of odors, you need to know their properties.

Aroma sticks- the most convenient type of incense to use. This popularity is ensured by convenience, ease of use and low cost. The base impregnated with aroma filler is applied to a wooden sliver. Typically the base is made from coal or masala (a mixture of fine dust or crushed plants).

Black incense sticks are made of charcoal. When burning, they smell only of aroma filler. And in brown and beige sticks, a masala base is used, whose smell will be mixed with the aroma when burned.

Pay attention to the quality of the filler. The smell of a synthetic fragrance is not as pleasant and beneficial as the smell of a natural one. Do not burn several sticks at the same time - they can have a completely opposite effect.

In order not to get drowsiness instead of the expected increased ability to work, you need to figure out what smells contribute to what.

Relax - jasmine, myrrh, rose, lotus, sandalwood.

The scent of jasmine relieves stress, and it also helps to mobilize hidden reserves. Enhances sensuality.

The sweet and tart scent of lotus relieves fatigue.

Aromatherapy in horoscopes

  • Aries are most susceptible to colds, viruses, headaches and eye diseases. They are recommended the aroma of lemon, which tones and has an antiviral effect, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.
    Aries can also use sticks with scents of incense, pine, sandalwood, vanilla and patchouli.
  • Taurus have a chance to live their lives to a ripe old age without illness, but their tendency to abuse work, feelings, emotions, and many bad habits leads the body’s energy to decline. In such situations, they are found by illnesses - diseases of the neck, throat, nose.
    The aroma of Taurus is jasmine, which promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and improves the body's defenses. Sticks with the scents of cedar, lilac, pine, bergamot, and lily of the valley are also recommended.
  • Geminis get sick from boredom and nerves. Hence insomnia, allergies, breakdowns, joint diseases. Sandalwood is used for therapy to relieve depression, insomnia, headaches, and colds. The taste for life is restored with the aromas of orange, vanilla, ylang-ylang, and cinnamon.
  • Cancer is the most susceptible to depression. All ailments come from nerves and thanks to self-hypnosis, which contributes to diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary system. In such a situation, it is best to use the scent of myrrh, which helps get out of depression, cope with insomnia, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Useful aromas of lavender, juniper, bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon, pine.
  • Leo is resistant to diseases and resists them well. The most vulnerable place for Leos is the heart. You need less worry, stress and stress. The main aroma is considered to be rose, which improves blood circulation and relieves tension.
  • Virgos are attentive to their health, but due to anxiety and worry, the intestines can become a problem area. The scent of sandalwood is suitable for calming. When feeling unwell, eucalyptus will have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use orange, cedar, lemongrass, myrrh.
  • Libra can get sick from anything. You can put the nervous system in order with the aroma of ylang-ylang. It will relieve headaches, cramps and nervous tics. Use also mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cedar.
  • Scorpios can manage their health on their own, but this will require energy and strength. The aroma of patchouli gives strength, energy, determination, and vigor. The smells of magnolia, lemon, and pine have a good effect.
  • If life is interesting for Sagittarius, then they can live it without illness. They will need good mood and you should not overwork, otherwise diseases of the cardiac system, nerves, and liver may occur. The aroma of cinnamon is suitable for prevention; it lifts your spirits, calms your nerves, and gives you confidence in your abilities. Also use incense sticks with the scents of almond, patchouli, rosemary, and incense.
  • Capricorn has the ability to resist disease. He tends to overthink things chronic diseases. Skin, joints, and blood circulation suffer. Lavender-scented incense sticks are best. They will give you the strength to resist painful condition. The aromas of bergamot, clove, pine, sage, and sandalwood are effective for Capricorns.
  • Due to reluctance to be treated, chronic diseases in Aquarius. It’s better for them not to get sick at all, which means they need to maintain vigor and optimism. Incense lifts the mood and improves the well-being of Aquarius, whose smell does not allow you to become depressed and disappointed. Hyacinth, ylang-ylang and eucalyptus also contribute.
  • Pisces are the most susceptible to schizophrenia. This is due to the nature of Pisces, which feels like a victim in any circumstances. They need to pay attention to colds, often causing complications on the nose and legs. The festive and bright smell of orange lifts your spirits and helps you look at what is happening more positively. Pisces are suitable for incense sticks with the scents of myrrh, vanilla, bergamot, and lemon.

Lilia Yurkanis
for women's magazine



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From this article you will learn:

    What are the benefits of incense cones?

    How to use church incense

How to use incense? By turning to the study of this issue, a person will discover many important and interesting information. How do fragrances affect our lives? In what cases can one or another incense be used? This article will answer the most popular questions.

What are the different types of incense?

Fragrances have a unique ability to influence our physiology and energy. Plants have a huge reserve of energy, which gives them the ability to survive even in poor conditions. All objects around us have a similar reserve. Fragrances convey this energy to us, which in turn has a truly magical effect on us.

Aroma molecules penetrate our aura and give a powerful effect: they relieve immune deficiency, help distribute and harmonize energy, improve healing, make etheric body lighter and denser. In addition, aromas affect physical health and emotions. They can even replace a psychologist. Fragrances restore the aura, work with complexes and aggression, and help you believe in goodness again. But how to choose and use incense correctly so that it works to its full potential? First of all, you need to focus on Prakriti (in Ayurveda, this concept means the original nature of a person, given to him from birth).

Incense is also used in medicinal purposes. In this case, you can get rid of the imbalance of doshas (the so-called vikriti). By studying the state of prakriti and vikriti, you will be able to correctly select and use the appropriate aroma. To make incense they use the most different materials: various herbs, aromatic trees, special resins. Sometimes about a hundred different aromatic components are combined in incense.

The extensive classification of incense is due to two factors: a rich variety of varieties and a wide range of applications. Incense is divided according to the following characteristics- composition, application, appearance, Manufacturer country.

By origin incense is:

  • Indian and similar ones.

These include Indian, Thai, Ceylonese, Malay and Burmese incense. In this group there are almost no sticks without a base. But only here you can find “cones” and “plasticine” - an excellent alternative to incense sticks.

Such incense is the most powerful in terms of energy. Their composition and manufacturing method are kept secret; this knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation for many centuries. Herbs are collected in the highlands of the Himalayas only at certain times and only by hand. Afterwards, the raw materials undergo environmental assessment.

Unlike Indian ones, Tibetan incense contains up to forty ingredients. In addition, due to the absence of a bamboo base, there are no additional extraneous odors. They also differ in a more complex composition - during combustion, the aroma gradually reveals itself.

Sometimes in Tibet, incense is made in the form of powder with crushed Tibetan herbs. Most popular manufacturers: Center Tibetan medicine Dr. Dolkar, Dalai Lama Center, TWYC Center, Tara Tibetan Incense Center of Tashi Choling Monastery, Zonkar Shuud Monastery and others.

Tibetan sticks do not have a base. True, due to their lower density (compared to Chinese and Japanese), they crumble a lot and burn faster.

There are also Chinese incense. Sticks without a base of sandalwood or flowers are popular in this group. There are also unique incense, for example, incense in the form of a spiral. It is believed that when they burn clockwise, an energy column is created. Thanks to this, higher powers will be able to help a person faster. Having noticed small sandalwood and flower barrels, boats, baskets, you will know for sure that their homeland is China.

Chinese chopsticks are as elegant as their country of origin. The delicate aroma of flowers promotes mental clarity and concentration. You can use such incense at home without fear. The sticks are thin, but hard, and are tinted in various shades.

Sticks from Japan have a more delicate and refined scent. True connoisseurs of beauty, residents of the country rising sun They made sticks with a aroma that is very difficult to detect. Such incense is calming, calming and can be used by very sensitive people. Just like Chinese and Tibetan chopsticks, chopsticks from Japan are made without using a base. Their main feature- beautiful packaging, the Japanese approach its choice with great responsibility. Incense in a neat wooden box, decorated with traditional painting, will be a wonderful gift.

By shape highlight:

Such incense is common in Tibet and China. They are made in the form of sticks, which are cut on both sides. For example, Chinese incense resembles a bunch of pasta. Incenses native to Tibet are thicker and are most often tied together with colored thread.

Bulk incense is a special powder or ground herbs. To use them, the powder is placed in an aroma pot, and a burning coal is placed on top. You can also sprinkle such incense on a burning stick.

This type of incense is really very similar to the plasticine we are used to. This texture is achieved due to the composition: it most often contains honey and ghee. Thanks to its plasticity, incense can be used to make various shapes. Another feature is a strong rich aroma. Plasticine incense is recommended for use in spacious rooms or outdoors.

5 rules for using incense

First rule- choose a fragrance based on your characteristics: body constitution, date of birth and zodiac sign, character.

Second rule- choose scents that will work with your weaknesses and will be able to bring the doshas into balance.

Third rule- listen to yourself: do you have any allergies and do you feel a feeling of disgust after using incense?

Fourth rule- you need to use only those incense that you really like.

Fifth rule- experiment. You can use several types of incense at once, mixing aromas with each other.

How to use incense sticks

How to use incense correctly? First of all, you need to purchase incense sticks and a stand in which the ashes will be collected. As soon as the incense starts to smoke, place it in the room or in the center of the apartment so that the aroma can envelop the entire room. You can place the wand in any room and open the door - very soon the delicate aroma will reach the most secluded corners of your home.

How to Use Incense Cones

To use this type of incense, you will need a special incense burner. It should be purchased along with the scent cones. Couldn't find it? No problem. Take any saucer with a smooth bottom. Then everything is simple: you need to light the incense, gradually smoldering, it will spread an exquisite aroma throughout the house. After some time, the cone will burn out completely. Sometimes incense burners have a special lid, with its help you can extinguish the incense at any time. Aromatic incense in the form of cones can be used to scent rooms and for meditation.

How to use incense based on your zodiac sign

When choosing aromatic incense, you can also focus on your zodiac sign. However, please note that right choice and it is quite difficult to predict the result. Don't be discouraged if the scents listed don't suit you or you don't quite agree with the list. This is just a guide to help you sort through the many flavors out there. Listen to your intuition. So, for each sign you need to use certain healing herbs and aromas.

ARIES(March 21 - April 20): pine, patchouli, geranium, rose, lemon, Musk, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla, coriander, violet, juniper, sage.

CALF(April 21 - May 20): bergamot, mint, cedar, chamomile, lemon, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, Frankincense, rosemary, vanilla, thuja, jasmine, sage, lily of the valley, strawberry, lilac.

TWINS(May 21 - June 21): strawberry, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, orange, Musk, Neroli, rose, palmarosa, Frankincense, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla, cinnamon, lemongrass, ylang-ylang, jasmine, tulsi .

CANCER(June 22 - July 22): jasmine, amber, bergamot, pine, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, Myrrh, Neroli, orange, Frankincense, sandalwood, rosemary, vanilla, ylang-ylang, juniper, sage.

A LION(July 23 - August 23): Frankincense, coconut, lemon, orange, lemongrass, patchouli, Myrrh, rose, gardenia, sandalwood, rosemary, thuja, juniper.

VIRGO(August 24 - September 23): “Myrrh”, sandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, geranium, orange, lemongrass, “Musk”, “Neroli”, “Aphrodesia”, “Frankincense”, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, tulsi.

SCALES(September 24 - October 23): pine, rose, lavender, Frankincense, cedar, mint, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, geranium, eucalyptus, orchid.

SCORPION(October 24 - November 22): patchouli, jasmine, tulsi, pine, lemon, rosemary, sandalwood, cinnamon, vanilla, ylang-ylang, magnolia.

SAGITTARIUS(November 23 - December 21): lavender, Musk, lemon, lemongrass, almond, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, Frankincense, rose, rosemary, cinnamon, thuja.

CAPRICORN(December 22 - January 20): amber, sandalwood, bergamot, pine, lavender, sage, clove, eucalyptus, juniper, Frankincense, rose, cinnamon.

AQUARIUS(January 21 - February 20): lemongrass, rose, cedar, bergamot, pine, lemon, orange, Frankincense, thuja, thyme, eucalyptus, tulsi, ylang-ylang, hyacinth.

FISH(February 21 - March 20): cedar, orange, bergamot, chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, Musk, Myrrh, Neroli, Frankincense, rosemary, vanilla, jasmine, juniper.

How to use incense for different purposes

A huge amount of incense can be used at home every day.

The most common incense is from India with a bamboo base. They are easy to buy, they are cheap, and a wide variety of compositions will allow you to find the desired scent.

If your goal is to improve family relationships, pay attention to the following scents: jasmine, orange, musk, tangerine, coconut, incense, lemon, sandalwood, myrrh, and their combinations. They can be used to improve energy and make the room more comfortable. This is a great choice if you are just starting to learn aromatherapy.

Incense from Tibet and Nepal is recommended for various spiritual practices. From the very beginning they were made to improve the physical and mental health. Contains only natural ingredients, unique ingredients are often used, which are famous for their strong healing and sacred properties. Such incense is not characterized by overly cloying and sweet aromas. They are distinguished by the exquisite, calm, deep aroma of herbs that grow in the harsh Tibetan climate.

If you need to create the appropriate atmosphere for meditation, try using incense from China and Japan, primarily sandalwood sticks. Among other types of incense, it is worth taking a closer look at sandalwood, myrrh, pine, incense, musk, neroli, juniper, rose, and rhododendron. These aromas can be used to improve energy and achieve harmony with the world around you.

To communicate with higher powers. Using Incense - an important part in rites and rituals in many traditions. When choosing incense, take into account whole line factors - the tradition that a person is guided by, the tasks that need to be completed. A simple example: for a ritual for love, you can use the following types of incense - ylang-ylang, rose, vetiver, jasmine, musk. However, when performing a cleansing ritual, you need to use completely different aromas - sage, incense, juniper.

By the way, there are a number of universal aromas that can be used to perform rituals and other magical actions in different traditions. These include frankincense, myrrh and cedar.

For what purposes incense can be used, you can sometimes find out already from the name. For example, “Clean House”, “Gold and Silver”, “Divine Healing”, “ High power" and others.

Often, aromatic resins (incense and mixtures, myrrh, copal, etc.) and herbs (common and white sage, juniper, bison and others) are used in rituals. Many specialists prepare their own aromatic mixtures. True, the choice of incense is very extensive, so you can easily find the composition you need.

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You won't have to spend long searching for incense. In our online store “Witch's Happiness” you will find a fragrance that is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

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How to use incense sticks?

Incense sticks heal the body and soul - this is what they believe in the East. Aromatherapy relaxes, relieves stress and tension. It’s convenient that for a relaxation session you don’t need to buy an aroma lamp and essential oils - you just light the stick and inhale the aromas.

Is this always beneficial? Always, as long as you use incense correctly.

Choosing a scent

The aroma of sticks, like perfume, is individual. The effect depends on the correctness of its choice:

  • The aromas of lotus, sandalwood, and jasmine are great for relaxing after a working day. We recommend using them during constant mental or physical stress.
  • Rose scented incense sticks awaken sensuality. In the East they often fumigate rooms in front of intimacy. Vanilla sticks are also considered an aphrodisiac.
  • The smell of lemon has a beneficial effect on immune system. It is advisable to use such aroma sticks if you have frequent headaches and nausea.
  • Coniferous aromas kill germs and bacteria, invigorate, and improve your mood. They are used to prevent colds.
  • Lavender calms and calms. This aroma helps to cope with emotions and overcome stressful situations.
  • Lotus is one of the most effective scents in aromatherapy. It is useful for chronic fatigue, insomnia, stress, initial stages depression.

What types of incense sticks are there?

The most popular are aromas produced in Tibet, Nepal, China and India.

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