Bronchomunal: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies. Bronchomunal for children instructions for use: detailed treatment regimen

Nowadays, it is difficult to find mothers of children under 12 years old who have not heard about the drug “Bronchomunal” - from friends, conversations in clinics, in transport, pharmacies, on parent forums on the Internet - most mothers have heard at least one mention of this drug. Some parents learned about bronchomunal from doctors: some were advised, others were prescribed a course of treatment. And very few parents have sufficient knowledge about this drug, which is why questions constantly arise: is it a medicine or a vaccine, what does it do, what does it treat and what does it affect, when to give, what is the effectiveness. So, let's try to answer these questions.

Vaccine (inoculation) or medicine?

Practically both. Bronchomunal stimulates the body to better fight pathogens. Thus, the effect of bronchomunal is similar to the effect of vaccination, but is softer than vaccination, since it does not create immunity, but stimulates immune system. Bronchomunal is one of a number of immunotropic drugs bacterial origin. The mechanism of action of these drugs is similar to vaccines, which is why they are sometimes even called “therapeutic” vaccines.

Unlike vaccines, which contain live weakened bacteria, bronchomunal contains only lyophilized lysates of the complex of 8 bacteria, which most often causing infections respiratory tract: streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae), viridans and Staphylococcus aureus(Staphylococcus viridans, Staphylococcus aureus), hemophilus influenza ( Haemophilus influenzae), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella ozaenae, Moraxella catarrhalis. Also, the drug contains auxiliary components: propyl gallate, monosodium glutamate (anhydrous), mannitol, magnesium stearate, maize starch.

The action of Bronchomunal is quite narrowly focused - stimulating one’s own defense mechanisms the body in the fight against respiratory tract infections (upper and lower), causing infectious diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis. The drug also activates the general immune response to exposure to these pathogens. Thanks to this "excitement" own immunity the frequency, duration and severity of diseases is reduced, and, consequently, the need for the use of antibiotics and other drugs. An important advantage of the drug is that you need to drink it once a day - before sending the child to kindergarten- “swallowed” and that’s it.

What does bronchomunal do, what does it treat, what does it affect?

Firstly, based on the properties of the bacterial lysates included in the bronchomunal, the drug is a kind of drug that acts not on the body as a whole, but on a limited local space - in the nasopharynx - increasing local immunity, “teasing” him. Bronchomunal forces him to be in full combat readiness and actively fight infections.

This is also useful for adults, but children especially need it. High susceptibility in four-year-olds (and younger) to acute respiratory infections viral infections is explained, first of all, by the immaturity of the immune system, and most importantly, by the lack of immunological memory. After 5 years, antibodies appear to an increasing number of viruses, which leads to a decrease in morbidity. The immature children's immune system, so to speak, does not have sufficient “experience” in dealing with pathogens, and therefore she does not always have time and “remember how” to adequately respond and successfully protect the young owner from such habitual infections, causing diseases respiratory tract. Therefore, in children, these infections often result in diseases that are more difficult to cure and take longer.

Immunostimulants are a very useful aid in the fight of parents with the illness of their children.

But, of course, precisely because we are talking about an “immature” children’s immune system, the decision to use any immunomodulator, including bronchomunal, should be made together with the attending physician, and even better, after consultation with an immunologist and an immunological examination. Moreover, a blood test for immunity should be repeated after treatment.

Bronchomunal - for children or adults?

Bronchomunal is available in packs of 10 capsules (blisters). The capsules are opaque, blue in color and labeled “BronchoMunal” and contain a finely granulated free-flowing powder that is white to slightly beige in color.

What is the difference between the so-called “Bronchomunal for adults” and “Bronchomunal for children”?

The answer is simple: solely by the amount of bacterial lysate contained in the capsule.

“Children’s” Bronchomunal P (pediatric, children from 6 months to 12 years) - contains 3.5 mg of lyophilized bacterial lysate in 1 capsule; “adult” Bronchomunal (children over 12 years of age and adults) -7 mg of lyophilized bacterial lysate in 1 capsule.

But the choice of what age to use, what dosage to use, remains with the doctor.

Children aged 6 months and older. up to 12 years of age, Bronchomunal P is usually prescribed according to the same regimen as for adults. The drug is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 capsule per day. If the child is unable to swallow the capsule, it can be opened and the contents dissolved in a small amount of tea, milk or juice.

When to start prophylactic use of bronchomunal?

One of the best domestic pediatricians, Evgeniy Komarovsky, recommends taking bronchomunal according to a special regimen in order to strengthen the child’s immunity. The scheme for the preventive use of the drug is simple: take one capsule on an empty stomach daily for 10 days, and then 20 days of “rest” (the drug is not taken). Then again 10 days of one capsule and 20 days of rest. And for the third time for 10 days we drink 1 capsule. It is advisable to start therapy on the same day every month.

Maximum effective prevention will be if during these three months the child does not suffer from colds and infectious diseases. Of course, the most realistic way to observe such a regime is in warm time years: May - September - at this time children rarely get sick, and, according to a number of pediatricians, if there is an acute respiratory infection in the period between appointments, it’s also okay. Since bronchomunal has an accumulating effect and its course should ensure the creation of immune memory, it is better to start preventive treatment no later than July.

But before starting a preventive course, you should evaluate the child’s condition. If he is very weakened after an illness, he will not form a response immune reaction neither for bronchomunal nor for vaccination. Therefore, after serious illnesses respiratory tract, it is worth starting a preventive course of bronchomunal no earlier than 2 months after recovery. If the child behaves actively, eats with appetite, and the body temperature is normal, then taking bronchomunal is completely justified.

It is better to carry out a three-month course of bronchomunal every year as a preventive measure. It should be remembered that if the child has been vaccinated (vaccination), then start giving bronchomunal no earlier than 4 weeks (28 - 30 days) after the vaccine is administered.

What scheme is used to use bronchomunal for the treatment of acute diseases?

When choosing a specific regimen for taking bronchomunal, it is better to rely on the decision of the attending physician. Often the application is the same as in the case of prophylaxis - 10 days of 1 capsule, 20 days of break, then 2 more times of 10 days of intake and 20 days of rest.

The first course can be prescribed for 30 days, 1 capsule per day, depending on the doctor’s decision, taking into account the severity of the disease, its course and the condition of the body. In parallel with bronchomunal, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or other medications.

What are the restrictions on the use of bronchomunal?

Like any other drug, bronchomunal can cause unwanted effects. In the entire history of use of the drug, these have been rarely recorded.

Celebrated individual cases increased body temperature, disorders gastrointestinal tract: stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea (disorder), vomiting. If these symptoms are mild, there is no need to stop taking the drug.

Possible manifestations of hypersensitivity to the drug - allergic reactions, skin allergic reactions, skin rash. If a hypersensitivity reaction occurs, it is recommended to stop taking bronchomunal.

If you have hypersensitivity to bronchomunal components (including non-bacterial ones), its use is contraindicated.

Since the safety of using bronchomunal during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied, you should not use it during these periods, and especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is also no research data regarding the transfer of the drug to an infant with breast milk mother during .

The drug, which is stored at a temperature lower than + 25°C, is suitable for use for 5 years from the date of manufacture. Naturally, it should be stored out of the reach of children. If the storage conditions were not met or the manufacturing date is earlier than 5 years before use, it is better to buy a new package.

Are there bronchomunal substitutes?

And a few words about drugs similar in their action to bronchomunal.

According to the ENT Department of the Children's diagnostic center There is no St. Petersburg on principle big difference between bronchomunal, bronchovacomal and . All these drugs are immunomodulators, made on the basis of microbial preparations - bacterial lysates (bronchomunal and bronchovaxom.) or bacterial ribosomes (ribomunil), and are approved for use by the Ministry of Health.

All three drugs are used both for prevention and treatment in combination with other medicinal drugs(including antibiotics). Bronchomunal, bronchovaxom and ribomunil act on the immune system similarly to vaccines, strengthening immunity against infectious diseases respiratory tract, increase the body's resistance to infections and develop immune memory.

Despite the fundamental similarity of these drugs, the choice of an immunomodulator for a particular child must be made in conjunction with the attending physician, or even better, on the basis of consultation with an immunologist.

Analogues of the drug broncho-munal are presented, in accordance with medical terminology, called “synonyms” - drugs that are interchangeable in their effects on the body, containing one or more identical active ingredients. When selecting synonyms, consider not only their cost, but also the country of production and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Description of the drug

Broncho-munal- Immunomodulatory drug of bacterial origin. It has an immunostimulating effect, strengthening the immune system against respiratory tract infections.

After taking the capsule, the bacterial lysate accumulates in Peyer's patches of the gastrointestinal mucosa, in particular, located in small intestine. Antigen presenting cells in Peyer's patches are activated by the bacterial lysate and subsequently stimulate other cell types (B lymphocytes) responsible for specific immunity. The number of circulating B lymphocytes increases, this leads to an increase in the production of polyclonal antibodies, especially IgG serum and IgA secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and salivary glands.

The drug stimulates the majority of leukocytes, which is characterized by an increase in the number of myeloid and lymphoid cells, as well as a selective increase in the expression of receptors on the surface.

In patients receiving the drug, increased protective properties body against bacteria and viruses.

Clinically, the drug reduces the frequency acute infections respiratory tract, shortens the duration of their course, reduces the likelihood of exacerbations chronic bronchitis, and also increases the body's resistance to infections respiratory system. This reduces the need to use other medicines, especially antibiotics.

List of analogues

Note! The list contains synonyms for Broncho-munal, which have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, as well as well-known companies from Eastern Europe: KRKA, Gedeon Richter, Actavis, Egis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

Release form(by popularity)price, rub.
Caps 7mg N10 (Lek d.d. (Slovenia)561.60
Caps 7mg N30 (Lek d.d. (Slovenia)1475.80
7 mg No. 10 caps (OM RHARMA (Switzerland)623.30
7 mg No. 30 caps (OM RHARMA (Switzerland)1641.10
3.5 mg No. 10 caps (OM RHARMA (Switzerland)616.70
3.5 mg No. 30 caps (OM RHARMA (Switzerland)1699.90
Caps 3.5 mg N10 (Lek d.d. (Slovenia)561
Caps 3.5 mg N30 (Lek d.d. (Slovenia)1474.30