Bull Terrier. Bull Terrier Who created the bull terrier breed

The Bull Terrier is an old English breed. The name itself speaks of its origin from two, fundamentally various sources. Bull - speaks of the ancestor of the bulldog, terrier - emphasizes that this dog belongs to the large family of English terriers. Then, therefore, he is a crossed breed, a crossbreed? Absolutely logical question. Many dog ​​owners are very surprised when a proud bull terrier lover emphasizes that the bull terrier, as a single, systematically bred dog breed, is much older than almost all known German breeds dogs. In canine literature and the example of old engravings, the Bull Terrier can be shown as early as 1820 as its own breed of dog. He made his triumphant move into the canine world from Birmingham in the center of the Black Country around 1860 after James Hincks, the father of the modern Bull Terrier, managed to consolidate this type of breed so much that from then on we can talk about a fairly uniform picture of the phenomenon with clear outlines.
Dog breeding in the 19th century differed from dog breeding in the 20th century, primarily in that in the 19th century the successes of the dog expected by man were in the foreground, and the external picture of the phenomena was often neglected. In the 20th century, on the contrary, the external form, the single, anatomically uniform type of the breed is at the forefront of dog breeding - unfortunately, the essential features of setting goals for dog breeds are too often neglected. This is often shamefully kept silent and yet is of such fundamental importance. The origin of the Bull Terrier is associated with dog wrestling, an incredibly popular entertainment of the people in the 19th century in old England. Civilized people at the present time can only hardly imagine the extent to which brutal animal fighting spread throughout the British island, and from there penetrated into many countries of the world.
Dog fighting required absolutely special dog. Passion for the game, passion for fighting, toughness, courage, insensitivity to pain and endurance were the main prerequisites for surviving a fight in the ring. At the same time, four-legged gladiators must be small in size and capable, mobile and dexterous in order to have the necessary speed in the fight. However, physique mattered only secondarily; combat strength, dexterity and successful combat endurance were in the foreground. Such a dog fight continued mercilessly round after round, it was carried out according to precisely established rules, it could last for hours. One can hardly imagine that here the passion for competition and the vanity of two-legged people contribute to cruelty. And so it is important to know, since ultimately the Bull Terrier breed emerged from the fiery furnace of this dog fight.
What is decisive for us is that in the process of selection from more than 100 generations of dogs, the character of the Bull Terrier was determined, which is significantly different from other dogs. The goal was an intelligent dog with an iron will, ready to fight at any time, who knew how to die.
Consciously, courageously, fight again and again for own life- this is the fate of a fighting dog.
And it is also very important: in relation to a person, a fighting dog must be constantly affectionate, and in no way should direct its weapon against a person, otherwise, with all its strength and danger, a person would not be able to subordinate it to his power.
Bulldog and white english terrier- the two main roots from which the Bull Terrier originated. However, it is also necessary to name the Dalmatian, who has big influence on the bull terrier, because it became related in order to give the bull terrier a physique suitable for long trotting.

10 years, 2 months ago

In former times, cruel hobbies were commonplace and most dog breeds were not bred for the sake of home care or protection, but for hunting, baiting large animals and especially dog ​​fighting. For some it was entertainment and an opportunity to make money on bets. Others, mostly rich people, wanted spectacles to somehow diversify their measured lives. The Bull Terrier is a child of that harsh era. His ancestors were successful fighters. But thanks to perfectionist breeders, the breed has acquired a new stylish image. So, when cruel spectacles were banned, thanks to their original appearance, bull terriers found their place in the sun.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

About the name of the breed

Like most terriers, Bullies were bred in Great Britain. So the name of the breed has English roots. “Bull” means “bull”, with which the bulldogs who participated in the selection of the breed fought in the arenas. And “terrier” refers to the second type of dog that took part in the selection.

History of the breed

For the sake of the public

Before the ban in 1835, bull baiting with dogs was popular in England. Ancestors took part in it English bulldogs. Then the breed looked different: high legs and a square, wide head allowed it to deftly fight large animals. But when the authorities banned cruel entertainment, the organizers of the bloody spectacles found other ways to make money - dog fighting and baiting rats. Moreover, an impromptu arena could be organized in any pub. There were both poor people and rich people here.

But it soon turned out that fighting bulldogs were completely unsuited to new types of fights. Here even greater agility and cunning were required. Alas, the short-faced strong bulldogs could not adapt: ​​the battles became too dull.

Then fighting bulldogs began to be crossed with other breeds. Selection with terriers turned out to be the most promising. The resulting dogs did not lose their strength and tenacity, but in addition gained intelligence and dexterity. The new four-legged fighters were named simply - “Old Bull and Terrier”. They became the ancestors of modern bull terriers.

Chance of survival

The first Old Bull and Terriers looked awkward: overweight body, crooked legs, wide head with a blunt muzzle. But the “monsters of selection” coped with their fighting duties. In new generations, the features of terriers have become more distinct: the paws have become longer and the muzzle has become sharper. And yet they were far from the ideal of beauty.

This concerned dog dealer and fan James Hinks. He decided to improve the appearance of the breed while maintaining its fighting qualities. The breeder began his experiments in the mid-1850s. And already in 1862 he showed his best pet at a show exhibition in his native Birmingham.

As a true businessman, he realized that violent entertainment was gradually becoming a thing of the past. This means that the public will lose interest in ugly fighting dogs. And only a noble appearance could give the breed a chance to survive and attract the attention of aristocrats to it.

So Hinks decided to make his dogs completely white. To do this, he used white Old English terriers and Dalmatians in selection. And so the elegant ones appeared, but still courageous dogs. And so that the public would not confuse new dogs with unsightly ancestors, James gave his pets a simpler name - bull terrier.

The Bull Terrier revealed the most remarkable qualities that it absorbed from the dogs of its predecessors, namely endurance, high intelligence, and activity. In England, he immediately received recognition and love from dog breeders. Keeping a white bull terrier has become considered fashionable. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, they began to breed colored bull terriers.

White and colorful

In 1864, two of Hinks' dogs, white bull terriers Madman and Puss, became champions. And although they were still different from modern bull terriers, the breed was already gaining popularity. The military and migrants became interested in her, and so soon, together with the English colonists, Hinx's dogs settled on different continents. Then the noble “bulls” fell in love with students and teachers at Oxford University.

But there were still many problems that the breeders had to solve. In 1985, the English authorities banned ear cropping. This little detail almost deprived the breed of popularity, since uncropped ears spoiled appearance. Fortunately, for quite short term breeders managed to breed individuals with naturally erect ears.

But perhaps the biggest problem was discrimination against dogs of color. To many they seemed not noble enough. When colored bull terriers won at shows in England, most breeders protested the judges' decision. After all, if you give titles to non-white dogs and use them for breeding, then white line the breed may degenerate. Because of this, not only colored dogs, but also white ones, which had colored ancestors in their pedigree, were no longer used in matings.

But it was this decision that almost destroyed the breed. Long-term selection of white individuals has led to the impoverishment of the bull terrier gene pool. At the same time, the dogs inherited many defects from their relatives, the English white terriers: deafness, infertility, blue eyes.

By 1950, the number of sick puppies increased. And only then, in order to save the breed, it was necessary to recognize colored bull terriers and allow them to be bred. The breeders remembered in time that in 1936 the champion title in England and America was won by the male Rebel of Blighty, whose parents were colored bull terriers.

Wiped his nose

It is interesting that initially the breeders of Old Bull and Terriers did not take Hinx's white "Bulls" seriously. They stated that from beautiful dogs they make bad fighters. Then James made a fateful bet. He put his white forty-pound bitch Puss against a sixty-pound old-style dog. In half an hour, Puss dealt harshly with her opponent. James, who won the bet, received £5 and a box of champagne. And his pet, which received a minimum of wounds, won the title at a dog show the very next day.

Standard: main characteristics of a bull terrier

Oddly enough, the standard for this dog breed is very vague. Weight can vary from 18 to 30 kg. And the height is from 30 to 45 cm. The Miniature Bull Terrier breed has a height limitation. Its height should not exceed 35.5 cm. With a weight of 18 to 30 kg, it is important that the dog does not look very fat or, on the contrary, very thin.

Everything agrees on the main thing - this is a very muscular, strong dog.

The head is set low, strong, long, and egg-shaped. There should be no bends or distortions on it. Strong lower jaw with a scissor bite. Pronounced, open nostrils.

Eyes dark brown, narrow, triangular shape. The ears are erect, close to each other. The legs are strong and muscular, very stable and strong. The bull terrier's torso is round in shape. The chest has pronounced muscles and is quite wide. The tail is short and tapers towards the end.

If the bull terrier is white, then colored spots can only be on the ears and head. If colored, then the colored suit should prevail over the white.

Masculine and stylish

Bull Terriers modern type appeared only in 1928. The first model dog was Lord Gladiator. His muzzle was lowered - this is the so-called “downface”. In profile, it resembled an arc going down, like the claw of a crayfish or the fingers of a person grasping something. The head acquired an ovoid shape. It was this feature that made the Bull Terrier’s grip very powerful, and it also instantly distinguished the breed from other dogs.

Lord Gladiator retained the features that bull terriers already had. His muscular body was perfect. Harmonious proportions, slanting small eyes, a powerful lower jaw with a scissor bite, strong limbs - all this formed the image of a serious and brave dog, but at the same time not devoid of style.

And soon, as a result of selection, others were added to the classic pure white color: black, brindle, red, red, and a tricolor combination. With this exterior, the breed has survived to this day. And the variety of coat colors has increased the number of bull terrier fans.

Mini course

At the beginning of breed selection, bull terrier litters contained dogs of different sizes. Individual breeders began to select the smallest individuals and crossbreed them. It is also likely that . The result was miniature bull terriers, which were initially used to bait rats. They are not much different from their relatives. Only their height is from 25 to 35 cm at the withers, and their weight is from 11 to 15 kg.


The bull terrier dog breed is considered. She doesn't feel pain, she's strong, she's agile. But like other dog breeds, it all depends on training. If there is real friendship between a person and a dog, if the dog has learned from childhood that the owner is in charge, he is the leader and obedience to him must be unquestioning, then best friend than a bull terrier cannot be found.

This is a very active, playful, restless nature. Before you take a bull terrier into your home, you need to be prepared for daily, many-hour walks. Therefore, such a dog is suitable for young, energetic owners, but not for elderly pensioners.

Initially, this breed, although bred as a fighting breed, is not directed against humans. According to the standard, only balanced, adequate individuals should remain in the litter.

Aggression and bitterness are developed in a dog in the process of improper upbringing and maintenance. The Bull Terrier is jealous and capricious. He will never agree to stupid submission and slavery. This must also be taken into account when purchasing this breed dogs. It takes a lot of patience, love and care to properly raise a dog and socialize it correctly. And since she has a high intellect and her own mind, she will happily respond to a kind and friendly attitude and will readily obey a fair leader, that is, an owner. And then more loyal than a friend can not found.

How to choose bull terrier puppies and where is the best place to buy

Puppies should be selected at the age of 2 – 2.5 months. Be sure to take it from a nursery. Under no circumstances at the bazaar or through an advertisement where you can buy a mongrel or.

In the nursery, by this age, puppies will receive all the vaccinations necessary for this age, and those that do not meet the standard will be rejected. You need to pay attention to your teeth. By this time the puppy should have twelve of them, six at the bottom and six at the top.

Hearing test: bull terriers genetic problem with ears, especially whites - they are often born deaf. You need to clap your hands and look at the puppy’s reaction, make sure that he hears. Ideally, you should also look at the parents of this baby. If they have any deviations from the standard, then this can be seen without being a specialist.

The Bull Terrier is a smooth-haired dog. She does not require any special care. She molts twice a year - in spring and autumn. The fur can be easily removed with a special mitten or a fine brush. After a walk, she doesn’t need to give her a bath either. Simply wipe with a sponge or damp towel. Check ears and eyes for inflammation. Bull Terrier ears are usually not affected inflammatory processes. But prevention doesn't hurt. A dog's nails wear down on their own during walks. But if they begin to protrude beyond the pads, they need to be trimmed.

Since the Bull Terrier is very active, his walks should also be active. Let him run around to his heart's content, play with the ball, and jump over the crossbar. Firstly, this will always keep him in good physical shape (these dogs are prone to obesity), and secondly, at home he will already be peaceful and imposing, and this will create a calm environment for the owners.

Like whole line other breeds, bull terriers Previously, they were bred not for the purpose of becoming a pet, not to help a person and simply to be his friend.

The cruel morals and entertainment of people dictated their requirements for various breeds, among which were endurance and aggressiveness, a high pain threshold.

Bull Terrier - originally fighting dog, has earned its popularity for its unique appearance, which cannot but remain in the memory.

The name of both breeds is good for that evidence, because “bull” translated from English means bull.

In the case of bulldogs, the banal prefix dog, the meaning of which we all know, is attached to the first part of the word. Bulldogs were the ancestors of bull terriers.

Bull Terriers got their name thanks to the breed, which took an active part in their breeding. The Bull Terrier is the result of crossing Bulldogs with Terriers.

Bull baiting has proven to be a banned form of entertainment in early XIX century. This jeopardized the need for the ancestors of bulldogs and bull terriers.

However, enterprising amateurs aggressive dogs began to use them for dog fighting and even for baiting rats. And this was very important from the point of view of the formation of the breed.

The ancestors of the bull terriers could not show what the public was waiting for. They were strong, but did not have the necessary agility and intelligence, which made “internecine” fights sluggish.

Photo 2. Bull terriers originate from bulldogs and terriers

Therefore, the first bull terriers (although they were not yet bull terriers) began to crossbreed with representatives of other breeds in order to develop in them, in addition to strength, a number of other qualities important in fighting.

Among the dogs with which mixing was carried out were terriers, which were added to the name future breed the corresponding prefix.

Old-Bull-And-Terrier- this is how the breed was originally named.

She still had a long journey ahead (almost a hundred years long), at the end of which dogs were born who had preserved physical characteristics, strong and powerful bones, muscles, but at the same time changed in appearance - they became more charismatic and agile.

Uniqueness external forms These dogs, their intelligence is what made them popular.

The first dogs that attracted attention and were already very similar to modern bull terriers became champions at the exhibition in 1864.

In the selection process, the emphasis was placed on representatives with white color. Colored bull terriers were carefully screened out.

The reason for this was the belief that multi-colored bull terriers were less noble than their white relatives.

Such games with the color of dogs almost led to the extinction of the breed, because such strict selection led to the inevitable impoverishment of the gene pool of these dogs.

It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the situation changed in favor of multi-colored bull terriers, and they began to be taken seriously.

Bull Terrier Character

Let us immediately note the scattered rumors that surround dogs fighting breeds. We talked about this in the article about. Bull Terriers are no exception.

The aggressiveness of these dogs, their attitude towards strangers, as well as other inhabitants of your home, depend entirely on your pet. And this depends only on you.

If you start raising a bull terrier seriously from puppyhood, then in addition to being smart and very strong four-legged friend, you will receive a reliable and devoted companion, with all your with a dog's heart loving you and your family.

Photo 3. The character of bull terriers depends on their upbringing

Some may be surprised, but bull terriers are very obedient and disciplined.

They will never go against the opinion and orders of the owner if he has been able to establish himself as a real leader.

Bull Terriers are very active. They will not be satisfied with a 15-minute walk every two days. Bull Terriers need to maintain their physical condition.

You must be prepared to walk with your pet for a couple of hours every day, because otherwise his temperament and activity will manifest itself where you would not like it at all - in the apartment (house).

Bull Terriers are capricious and even jealous, but proper education they do not show the aggression that is so carefully attributed to them.

Thoughtless slavish submission is also not typical for them. They should respect you and see you only as a leader, but in no case should your relationship with such a pet be based on fear and physical impact on the dog.

Only a good, kind attitude towards your pet will cause him to have the best feelings for you, because the bull terrier is clever dog, very sensitive to your mood and attitude.

Video about the bull terrier breed:

Bull Terrier is a breed of dog related to terriers. There is also a miniature bull terrier, which differs in height. These dogs are considered uncontrollable and dangerous, but this is not true. They are stubborn, but love people and their family with all their hearts.

  • Bull Terriers suffer without attention and must live in a home with their family. They do not like to be alone and suffer from boredom and melancholy.
  • It is difficult for them to live in cold and damp climates due to their short fur. Prepare clothes for your bull terrier in advance.
  • Caring for them is simple; just comb them once a week and wipe them dry after a walk.
  • The walks themselves should be from 30 to 60 minutes long, with games, exercises and training.
  • This is a stubborn and headstrong dog that can be difficult to train. It is not recommended for inexperienced or mild owners.
  • Without socialization and training, Bull Terriers can be aggressive towards other dogs, animals and strangers.
  • They are not suitable for families with small children, as they are too rough and strong. But older children can play with them if they are taught to handle the dog carefully.

History of the breed

The history of the appearance of bull terriers begins with the Middle Ages and the emergence of such a thing as “blood sport”, which is translated as bloody fun. This is a type of entertainment in which animals fight with each other, including dog fighting. These fights were popular entertainment in England at that time, and bets were placed on them.

In the fighting pits there were both poor and rich, and the profits were often huge. Almost every village in England had its own fighting pit, not to mention the cities. In them dogs fought with bulls, bears, wild boars and with each other.

In bull-baiting, short dogs were needed that could grab the nose of a bull to render it helpless. They were well prepared and only the strongest were chosen.

Often the dog held on to the bull even when it was flying in the air and held on as long as it was alive. It is believed that the first such battle was held back in 1209, in Stamford. From the 13th to the 18th centuries, this cruel game was even considered a national sport in England.

Over time, the popularity of bull baiting grew, and with it the need for certain type dogs. The size, character, and strength of the dogs were adjusted to the requirements of the fighting pits; other qualities did not matter. Over the centuries, strong, vicious, fast dogs have been developed and improved.

However, in 1835, the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed, prohibiting this type of entertainment. The owners found a way out and switched from fights between animals to fights between dogs, which are not directly prohibited by law. Dog fighting required less space, money and was easier to organize.

There is a demand for compact fighting dogs, which were easier to hide when the police appeared. In addition, dog fighting lasted longer than bull-baiting and not only strong but also hardy dogs were needed, capable of enduring pain and fatigue.

To create such dogs, breeders began crossing the Old English Bulldog with various terriers. These Bull and Terriers had the alertness and agility of a terrier and the strength, tenacity and high pain threshold bulldogs. Bull and Terriers gained a reputation as gladiators because they would fight to the death for their owner's approval.

In 1850, James Hinas from Birmingham began breeding work to develop a new breed. To do this, he crossed the Bull and Terrier with other breeds, including the now extinct White English Terrier. The new white bull terrier has an elongated head, a symmetrical body and straight legs.

Hinks bred only white dogs, which he called bull terriers to distinguish them from the older bull and terriers. A new breed also called the "Hinks breed" or The White Cavalier for their ability to protect themselves and their families, but never start first.

In 1862, Hincks exhibited his dogs at a show in Chelsea. This dog show brings popularity and success to the breed and new breeders begin crossing with Foxhounds and other breeds.

The purpose of crossing is to increase elegance and dynamism. And Hinks himself adds the blood of greyhounds and, to smooth out the stop. Those dogs were not yet similar to modern bull terriers.

The Bull Terrier was fully recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1885, and in 1897 the BTCA (The Bull Terrier Club of America) was created. The first bull terrier of the modern type was recognized in 1917, it was a dog named Lord Gladiator and he was distinguished complete absence foot.


The Bull Terrier is a muscular and athletic breed, even intimidating, although they have a good temperament. The breed standard does not put forward any special requirements for height and weight, but usually the bull terrier reaches 53-60 cm at the withers and weighs 23-38 kg.

The shape of the skull is distinctive feature of this breed, it is ovoid or oval, without pronounced curves or indentations. There should be no rough features; the distance between the nose and eyes is visually greater than between the eyes and the top of the skull. There is no stop, the nose is black with large nostrils. The lower jaw is strong and has a scissor bite.

The ears are small and erect. The eyes are narrow, deep, triangular in shape, dark in color. The expression of the eyes is intelligent, devoted to the owner. This is the only dog ​​breed that has triangular-shaped eyes.

The body is round, with a deep and wide chest. The back is strong and short. The tail is short, wide at the base and tapering towards the end.

The coat is short, close to the body, shiny. The color can be pure white (spots on the head are acceptable) or colored (where color predominates).


They are attached to their family and owner, want to take part in its life, love to be with people and play.

When playing, you need to be careful with children, as this ball of muscles can inadvertently knock down a child. In general, it is not recommended to walk a Bull Terrier for those who cannot cope with it: children, the elderly and people after illness.

Is not guard dog, but they are fearless, loyal and intimidating, and can protect from danger. They have a natural protective instinct, but they are usually quite friendly with strangers.

The Bull Terrier has a strong instinct of pursuit; they can attack animals; during walks you need to keep the dog on a leash. They do not get along well with other animals in the house. Cats, rabbits, hamsters and other small animals are in constant danger.

The breed's ancestors were dogs from fighting pits, and they themselves took part in battles, although their creator saw bull terriers as a gentleman's companion, not a killer. The fame of their bloodthirstiness and uncontrollability is exaggerated.

For example, the American Temperament Test Society (ATTS), which aims to remove potentially dangerous dogs from breeding programs, reports high test pass rates.

The figure is about 90%, that is, only 10% of dogs fail the test. They are usually not aggressive towards people or dogs.. Bull Terriers were once gladiators in the pits, but today they are calmer.

Other dogs do not fit in because bull terriers are a dominant breed, and as a result, it is recommended to keep only bull terriers in the house. No cats, other dogs or rodents. Males can bully other males during a walk, always keep your distance while walking and do not let the dog off the leash.

As with other breeds, early socialization is the foundation for developing a friendly and manageable temperament. The sooner a bull terrier puppy gets acquainted with new people, places, things, sensations, the more calm and manageable he will be.

However, even such a dog cannot be trusted to communicate with other animals; instincts take over. Much depends on the specific character. Some bull terriers are friends with cats and dogs, while others cannot tolerate them at all.

It is not wise to test this on your friends' dogs, warn them and ask them to leave their animals at home if they are going to visit you.

Bulls are quite intelligent, but also independent and training them can be challenging. They respond well to confident, consistent training and supervision and poorly to roughness, hitting and yelling.

The role of the leader must be played out by the owner constantly, since the bull terrier is smart enough to probe the boundaries of what is permitted and expand them. Both miniature bull terriers and regular ones can be stubborn and uncontrollable, so they are not recommended for people who are getting a dog for the first time or who are mild in character.

Parenting is a long process and you will need patience. They have a fairly divided attention span, so lessons should not be long and they need variety to maintain interest. When attention is lost (and this often happens), you can regain it with the help of a treat or praise.

But even the most well-trained bull terriers can try to push the boundaries of what is permitted from time to time. Leadership, correction and constant supervision are needed to curb their strong character.

These dogs are alive and need large quantities exercise to stay happy and healthy. If his needs are met, the bull terrier can live in an apartment. Of course, they are more comfortable in a private house with a yard.

But they also live quietly in an apartment, provided they have a varied and regular load. This could be walking, jogging, playing with a ball, or accompanying you on bicycle rides. If they are missing, you will know about it. From boredom and excess energy, they become destructive: they chew objects and furniture, mouth the ground, and bark.

They also suffer from loneliness, when they have to spend a lot of time without people. Those who spend a lot of time at work should take a closer look at other breeds. Out of boredom, they begin to behave the same way as when there is excess energy, becoming nervous and destructive.

Isolation does not help, as they can chew on everything, even the doors behind which they are locked.


The short coat requires minimal grooming and can be brushed once a week. After a walk, you can wipe the dog dry, but you can also wash it regularly, as this does not harm the coat.

The rest of the care is the same as for other breeds - trimming nails, checking the cleanliness of ears and eyes.


If you decide to buy a bull terrier puppy, then check it for deafness. It is quite difficult to understand whether a puppy, especially a small one, can hear you. But deafness occurs in 20% of white bull terriers and 1.3% of colored ones.

Due to their short fur, they suffer from insect bites, so a mosquito bite can cause allergies, rashes and itching. Otherwise it's enough healthy dogs who do not suffer from specific genetic diseases.

The average lifespan of a Bull Terrier is 10 years, but many dogs live up to 15 years.

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Historical reference

Bull Terrier is one of the oldest English breeds. As can be understood from the name of the breed, its ancestors are bulldog and terrier.

50's years XIX century - the Englishman Hinks is breeding the white bull terrier. For breeding, an English terrier, a bulldog, and a Dalmatian were crossed.

1862 - Hinks exhibits a white bull terrier for the first time. The bull terrier of those times absorbed all the best from all crossed breeds: activity, muscularity, high intelligence. The White Bull Terrier was a prestigious breed and was considered a sign of good taste among the English intelligentsia.

Last quarter of the 19th century - the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club.

The beginning of the 20th century began the breeding of Bull Terriers of various colors.

Until our time, the Bull Terrier breed has changed quite a lot, because almost more than 100 generations of dogs have passed through, but this beautiful breed still remains one of the favorites among dog breeders.

Breed standard

Breed characteristics

The appearance of the dog is beautiful physical fitness. The Bull Terrier has a stocky, dense, muscular build. Along with these qualities of the figure, he is very smart, decisive, and cheerful. Teaching various skills requires patience, persistence and rigor from the trainer.

Representatives of this breed generally lack pathologies at the anatomical level. Since breeders around the world pay increased attention animal genetics.

ICF breed standard(International Canine Federation)

The Bull Terrier has a strong, long, without bends, egg-shaped head. Strong lower jaw. Strong, healthy, white, scissor-shaped teeth. Pronounced, open nostrils.

Smart eyes look like this: deep-set, triangular in shape, narrow, slanted.

Thin, small ears. They are close to each other.

Muscular, strong limbs. The front ones have strong, round bones. Hind legs muscular and strong. Flexible knees. The paws, both front and rear, are parallel to each other.

Deep, wide chest with prominent muscles. Short, strong back.

Colored or pure white color. It is acceptable for the latter to have colored spots on the head.

Tapering, short tail towards the end.

The dog's weight should correspond to the rule of the golden mean.

Care and maintenance

The Bull Terrier is one of those dogs that feel free in limited space. An important fact for him is close contact with the owner. Loneliness is the worst thing for a bull terrier.

The content is simple and not burdensome. It is necessary to bathe no more than 2 times a year. Street dirt and dampness can be removed with a wet sponge. After all, real hair care is balanced diet. It is necessary to watch the claws. To do this, it is necessary for the dog to walk not only on a soft surface, but also on a hard one (asphalt). This will allow the claws to wear down and the pet will not experience any discomfort. So-called nail clippers must be used carefully. It is allowed to cut off the horny part that protrudes outwards no more, otherwise there is a possibility of injuring the blood vessels.

Due to the structure of the eye, few contaminants accumulate in them. Therefore, it is enough to wipe them periodically with a cotton swab. Just like the ears.


The most important rule, is to give everything you need useful material bull terrier while still a puppy. But feed within reasonable limits. In relation to puppies of this breed, the rule should apply - it is better to under-than over-. Excess food harms the animal's temperament. He will move less, as a result of which a character trait such as laziness will begin to develop. It must be remembered that the task proper nutrition- this is the muscular physique of the dog in the future.

Balance in nutrition - health in the future. When developing from a puppy into adult dog additional supplements will be needed such as: fish fat, calcium, vitamins, mineral salts.


Bull Terriers live on average 10-12 years.

They are prone to skin diseases (infections, fungi, eczema, allergies).

The absence of undercoat indicates that cold, draft, and dampness are contraindicated for the pet.


As mentioned earlier, Bull Terriers cannot stand being alone. Like other dogs, attached to their owner, they are very worried about his communication with other four-legged friends.

A negative character trait is stubbornness. What makes the owner persistent in learning commands and achieving their subsequent implementation. Punishing, scolding, and especially showing force is strictly prohibited. Historically, dogs of this breed have been stubborn to the core. Therefore, the main task of the owner is to raise the bull terrier so that the desires of the dog and the owner coincide. For example, if I wanted to go for a walk, then both of them had this need. Try to train your bull terrier strictly on a schedule. It will be easier for both him and you.

If you are faced with the problem of choosing the sex of an animal, then it is recommended to follow the rule - opposite according to the gender principle. If a male owner takes a dog for himself, then it is better for him to choose a female. And if the woman is the owner, then on a male dog.

The Bull Terrier is an excellent companion in all matters, an athlete and, in some cases, a bodyguard!

P.S. Video about Bull Terrier

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