Chow-chows are monastery dogs. Old, faithful friend - chow-chow Description of chao chao

Chow Chow dogs have a very extensive and interesting pedigree.

Unlike most breeds large dogs, which were bred in Europe or the Middle East, Chow Chows originate from China and North Korea.

Moreover, in the latter they are considered not only excellent guards, but also a delicacy. Fortunately, the rest of the world is more conservative on this issue.

Chow chow is also one of the oldest dog breeds.

Typically, “shaggy lions,” which is what these dogs are called in China, are considered to be descendants of Tibetan Great Danes, as well as Spitz dogs.

The resulting explosive mixture created an extremely dangerous dog for opponents, which, despite its modest size, is capable of dealing with a small wolf.

And if we consider that the first breeders of this breed were ancient Buddhist monks, who not only monitored its purity, but also managed to prevent its degeneration, then Chow Chows become simply perfect hunting or guard dogs.

Unfortunately, British breeders also tried to “improve” the breed, turning it into a decorative one, making its fur even fluffier and its paws shorter. British Chow Chows are unlikely to survive two thousand years without degenerating the breed, but breeders are of little concern about this.

So this article will be about two breeds at once - the classic Asian Chow Chow and its British descendant.


Chow-chow – extremely calm and even phlegmatic dogs, and this applies to both the “Chinese” and the British.

They can be compared to the “mysterious Russian soul” that patriots so often talk about - these dogs will endure almost anything, but if attacked by a stranger, they will gladly show how to properly hunt two-legged (and therefore slow) game.

At the same time, they are extremely affectionate and very loyal towards their owner.

In China Chow chow puppies are often given to children aged 6–7 years, and the tradition has been going on for centuries - dogs, as they grow up, take children under their care and become their guarantee of safety even when their parents are not around.

Such dogs will be a little suspicious with strangers, but will quickly make friends, provided that people have a normal attitude towards dogs.

Cases of unprovoked chow chow attacks on children not registered, and it will be very difficult to provoke them. Although, spend a short briefing and in general it is very worth monitoring the child’s attitude towards the dog.

However, this character is also a disadvantage - Chow Chows are very difficult to master commands.

No, they very easily adapt to the new environment and accept its laws, and their mental capacity quite large, but they will not act on command. Probably, they simply don’t need it, because they solve everyday “problems” at once.

Rabies is completely incurable if it has entered the active stage:

British subspecies It is slightly more trainable, but at the same time, it is more aggressive - a high percentage of internal selection leads to early degeneration of the breed. However, all decorative dog breeds suffer from this.

All Chow Chows are very independent and will at times be more stubborn than the proverbial ram. For example, if a dog gets into the habit of sleeping on the sofa, then getting him out of there will not be easy.

However, such character traits eliminate the need to constantly look after the dog - the chow chow will easily find its food bowl and, if necessary, remind the owner of its emptiness.

Dogs value privacy and quite often retreat to the corners of rooms, where they simply watch what is happening, not wanting to take active part.

It's better to keep a dog like this in a private house or large apartment, since she needs space, but the dog can tolerate cramped conditions. The main thing is that he is often allowed outside.

But the Chow Chow doesn’t like a leash, but it can be trained, just like a muzzle. Just watch the fur under the collar - if it is not tightened correctly, the dog may feel discomfort. This especially applies to British breed dogs.

On walks, the dog is calm, but at the same time active - it will not rush at anyone, but it will have to run a lot.

But after rain or early in the morning, you still shouldn’t walk your dog - chow chows don’t like to walk in the wet, although they run around in the snow and love it very much.

Lifespan This breed is common for dogs. Chow chows live 10-12 years.

For allergy sufferers It is better to refrain from buying a dog of this breed at all - the Chow Chow sheds for a long time and tastefully. However, their fur is normally collected with a vacuum cleaner, so the dog’s apartment can only become heavily littered with your connivance.

Smooth (shorthair)

IN Lately A variety of the Chow Chow breed with short hair, the “smooth,” became popular. The name is derived from English word "smooth"- smooth.

Breeders note that there is actually less hassle with shorter hair. However, you will have to clean up the same amount of cleaning for carpets and household items as for long-haired Chow Chows.

It is believed that in character Smooths have more cunning, curiosity and ingenuity. They show stronger affection for their owner. They are also more thermophilic.

And how to properly keep them in an apartment.

How to make an enclosure for a dog at the dacha. Here .

Chow chow- a medium-sized guard breed, a companion dog. It is considered one of the most ancient breeds in the world. Her image was found on Chinese porcelain from the Han Dynasty (more than 2,000 BC). In China, where they come from, they were kept at temples and they were believed to be able to ward off evil spirits and have healing abilities. The ancestors of today's Chow Chows were short-haired and resembled today's smooths.

In the 18th century, when the first representatives arrived in England, they were considered a curiosity and kept in a zoo, called “the wild dog of China.” These cute and funny dogs resemble a teddy bear with a funny blue tongue that you want to squeeze and hug all the time. They belong to the Spitz group, and there is an opinion that they have the blood of a mastiff - Tibetan Great Dane.

There is an ancient Chinese legend about the origin of the breed. It tells that the chow-chow was present at the creation of the world, and turned out to be the only creature that the Creator allowed to lick a piece of heaven at the moment when the stars appeared on it, and from this the chow-chow’s tongue acquired a bluish-black color. Previously, this breed was used to hunt large animals, to guard homes, and sometimes they were kept as sled dogs. Today these are real pets and companions who always attract the attention of children and adults.

Chow Chow breed standard

In the photo there is a chow chow in full growth

  1. ICF classification: Group 5. Spitz and primitive breeds. Section 5. Asian Spitz and related breeds. No operational tests.
  2. Body type: strong, compact.
  3. Head: the skull is flat, wide, well filled under the eyes. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle) Not pronounced.
  4. Nose: black, large, wide. In cream and almost white dogs, a light nose is acceptable; in dogs of blue and cinnamon color, the color matches the coat.
  5. Muzzle: middle length, wide from the base to the tip of the nose.
  • The lips and palate are black (blue-black), the gums are preferably black.
  • The tongue is bluish-black. All puppies are born with a pink tongue, and only on the 14th day does pigmentation begin to appear on it. The tongue first becomes carrot-colored, and at three to four weeks the puppies are already dark blue tongue.
  • Teeth: healthy, straight, full set of 44 teeth. Correct scissor bite. The jaws are strong.
  • Eyes: dark, oval, medium size. Eyes that match the coat color are acceptable in blue and cinnamon dogs.
  • Chow chow photo side stand full length

  • Ears: small, thick, slightly rounded at the tips. Set wide apart, tilted forward towards the eyes and slightly drawn together, which gives the dog a frowning expression. A frown should not be achieved by a wrinkled scalp.
  • Neck: strong, full, not short, set firmly on the shoulders, slightly arched.
  • Back: short, straight, strong.
  • Loin: strong.
  • Chest: wide and deep. The ribs are well defined.
  • Chow Chow Tail: Set high, lying flat on the back.
  • Forelegs: straight, medium length, with strong bones. Shoulders are muscular and sloping.
  • Hind limbs: smooth, strong. The hocks point straight down with minimal angulation, causing a stilted gait. The hocks are straight, directed vertically downwards from the hocks.
  • Feet: Small, round, cat-like, with good toe support.
  • Movement/gait: short stride and stilted gait. The front and hind legs move parallel to each other and straight forward.
  • There are two types of Chow Chow coat:
    • Long-haired - the guard hair is hard, standing vertically; the undercoat is soft and dense. A lush “collar” forms around the neck and head. The tail is covered with long hair.
    • Shorthair (smooth) - short, close-lying coat; The undercoat is dense and soft. There should be no long feathering on the hips, and the tail is densely covered with short hair.
  • Disadvantages: Any deviation from the standard is considered as a defect, the assessment of which must be in exact proportion to the degree of this deviation.
  • P.S. Males must have two normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

    Chow Chow color

    According to the breed standard, the color of the Chow Chow comes in five colors:

    1. Black
    2. Red (red)
    3. Blue
    4. Cream
    5. Cymtha (light brown to pinkish brown)

    Character of the Chow Chow

    In the photo, a chow chow is resting on the grass.

    By nature, the Chow Chow is affectionate, intelligent, loyal and good breed, which adores the owner and all members of his family. Sometimes she can be stubborn and willful, but with proper upbringing she will be obedient. Experienced breeders claim that the classic long-haired Chow Chow has a calmer and more measured character than its relative the smooth (short-haired Chow), which constantly strives to run around, frolic and cannot sit still.

    Interesting feature breed, they almost never bark over trifles.

    The Chow Chow is an excellent guard and watchman, he has good feeling property, especially the owner's house. He always makes sure that the owner is safe. You can notice behind him an overly serious and wary approach to strangers and strangers, which can be quite an unpleasant surprise for those who are unfamiliar with the character of the breed. But good well behaved dog will never allow himself to show aggression and cowardice.

    It is patient with the owner's children, but given the strength and weight of the pet, do not leave the baby alone with it, no matter how much you trust the dog. And remember that the fact that he tolerates your children does not mean that he will let strangers near him, so be vigilant on the street and be prepared for different situations. The most important thing is to raise your pet correctly, and warn curious passers-by about the consequences.

    In the photo, a chow chow puppy is sitting on a wicker chair.

    The Chow Chow needs early socialization and training. From puppyhood, teach your pet to be obedient and submissive. Remember, an adult has a lot of strength that you will have to cope with. These cute charmers, reminiscent of fluffy bear cubs, have a sense of self-esteem and a difficult character; they will not amuse the host’s guests and will not try to impress or attract attention to themselves. The Chow Chow is more likely to watch rather than participate in what is happening. collective game or fun.

    The temperament of this breed is quite moderate and calm, they are not aggressive and docile.

    Dogs of this breed become very attached to their owner, but unlike many other breeds, the Chow Chow will not whine sadly, but will only patiently wait for the owner to return. Chow - Chow are very loyal to the family in which they live, and are always ready to defend their home from strangers. They usually show their love to those they truly trust. Therefore, if you are a new visitor to the house, try not to insist too much on the Chow Chow's attention, as you will immediately be mistaken for a stranger, just like anyone new to the pack.

    Beginners or inexperienced owners should be especially careful when letting their pet near those they may perceive as a stranger. What has led to this opinion and bad reputation about this breed is that homeowner's insurance does not cover Chow Chows, supposedly due to their tough temperament.

    Although it often happens that a male and female Chow Chow live together under the same roof, with little tension. But this cannot always guarantee the peaceful coexistence of these dogs, even of different sexes, at home. The Chow Chow is not considered a very active breed. Living in an apartment is quite acceptable for them, provided they get enough exercise.

    Sometimes this breed can appear very independent and aloof throughout the day, they will maintain a comfortable distance from others but always remain within earshot. Chow chows also love to watch new guests while sitting at the entrance.

    If you want to buy a Chow Chow, you must prepare yourself for daily walks with your pet. And even if you have a fenced yard where the dog can walk on its own, give it at least a little attention to satisfy its mental and physical developmental needs, and not only your pet will enjoy such communication, but you too.

    Although the breed is not very mobile and has little energy, the dog will still look forward to walking all day long, at least 2 times a day, to explore the territory and play outdoor games. Find at least a little time for a walk and your pet will be satisfied and happy. The Chow Chow is quite trainable, of course not as good as a German Shepherd, but it can remember the commands you need without difficulty.

    She can be stubborn and disobedient when trained, not wanting to perform the same command or exercise regularly. She can afford to do what she considers necessary. Therefore, she needs a responsible owner with a firm and fair character who will become her leader. Otherwise, you may not listen. It does not have increased aggressiveness towards animals, and if it grows up with them, then these are friends for life.

    The Chow Chow's voice is slightly hoarse and not loud. It rarely happens that a dog barks idle in the house. When a chow chow becomes a member of your family, you need to know that the dog will choose only one “main” owner for itself, this will be a person whom it can trust unconditionally, will be faithful, and will always fulfill all his demands.

    In the photo there is a blue chow chow tongue

    The breed has a fairly strong character, and a person should not rudely try to break it or suppress it, otherwise the response will be isolation and detachment. Enough in in rare cases, in response to an unfair order or punishment, aggression may appear.

    It tolerates cold well, but in hot weather you should provide your pet with a sufficient amount of water and a cool or shady place in the yard. Never leave your chow in the open sun, as this can kill it.

    Chow care

    Photo of chow - chow with blue tongue

    Chow-chow has a very beautiful wool, which everyone pays attention to, and care for it is required accordingly, although not very complicated. The coat of the Chow Chow is lush, of medium length with a dense, soft undercoat, and sheds. Shedding is seasonal 2 times a year, but if kept in an apartment with warm air it can last all year.

    The Chow cannot be cut according to the standard; you can only comb and pluck the fallen undercoat.

    It is recommended to comb 1-2 times a week using a sparse metal brush and a metal comb. It is most comfortable to carry out this procedure outdoors. The structure of the wool is such that it is capable of self-cleaning and does not mat, except perhaps in the area behind the ears and armpits. During the molting period, the dog’s hair does not fall off, because all dead hairs remain in the undercoat, and are then easily removed with a comb. Thus, all fallen hairs remain on the comb and do not pollute the apartment. In males, shedding is almost invisible.

    By nature, this is a very clean dog, and even after a walk, dirt will not appear in your house. Chow chow puppies up to six months old will require special care. From birth, the dog is covered with soft down, which quickly rolls off and gets wet. Therefore, puppies need to be brushed daily. Puppies become covered with adult hair when they are two years old.

    In the photo there is a dark-colored chow chow bear

    For hair care you will need:

    1. Metal brushes with long, sparse teeth for the body
    2. Comb with short, fine teeth for paws
    3. Crest
    4. Pukhoderka
    5. Thinning and standard scissors.

    It is recommended to bathe two or three times a year with shampoo for long-haired dogs, if necessary, in case of heavy soiling, or immediately before the exhibition. After bathing, dry thoroughly with a hairdryer and make sure that your pet does not sit in a draft.

    Inspect the ears regularly and wipe the inside of the shell with a damp disc soaked in warm water.

    Teeth should be brushed 1-2 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs using a toothbrush or finger attachment. Solid foods and chewing bones prevent the formation of tartar.

    Claws are trimmed once a month with a nail clipper for medium breeds. Smooth the sharp ends of the claw with a file so that there are no burrs. Accustom your pet to all procedures from puppyhood, otherwise it will be very difficult to cope with an adult pet. After any hygiene procedure Be sure to praise your pet and treat him with a treat.

    There are remedies different types The veterinarian can advise which one is suitable for your pet:

    • Drops on the withers - applied once every 3 weeks, do not bathe for 10 days after application.
    • The spray is applied immediately before a walk. You can treat the bed and all the dog's belongings.
    • The collar works when constantly wearing
    • The tablets are valid for up to 12 weeks, given to the dog orally with enough water

    Chow chow diseases

    Chow chow guard breed, which by origin belongs to the Spitz group. This is one of the most ancient dog breeds and a reliable companion for humans.

    History of the origin of the breed

    The Chow Chow is a representative of ancient primitive dogs that evolved from wolves in the arid steppes in the 150s BC. The homeland of the chow chow is northern China and Mongolia. Dogs of this breed were used for hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs. The Italian traveler Marco Polo brought the chow chow to Europe. In England, the first puppies of this breed appeared in the 1830s. The modern appearance of the breed is the result of British selection, and not purebred Chow Chows. Nowadays, they are bred only for decorative purposes, but sometimes the hunting blood reminds us of itself.

    Description of the Chow Chow breed

    Externally, Chow Chows are medium-sized dogs with a compact build and a square format. They have a noble posture and a large but proportionate head. Height is 48-56 cm in males, and 46-51 cm in females. Weight adult dog– 25-30 kg.

    There are no dwarf chow-chows (mini), there are only puppies that are small at birth, which can appear in the same litter with standard ones.

    Chow chows are naturally clean, their coat has a special structure - it hardly mats and does not get very dirty, and if it is heavily soiled, it cleans itself.

    The coat type has two varieties:

    • long-haired;
    • short-haired (smooth-haired).
    1. Long-haired dogs have a fluffy mane around the neck and abundant feathering around the limbs.
    2. Shorthairs have fairly straight and upright coats that are velvety to the touch.
    3. The ears are small, thick, rounded at the ends and protruding forward.
    4. The eyes are medium in size, oval in shape and dark color. Dogs of cinnamon and blue colors may have eyes that match the color of their coat.
    5. The teeth are large and even, the gums are black.
    6. in this breed it occurs during puppyhood.
    7. On average, the life expectancy of a chow chow is 12-13 years; long-lived dogs sometimes reach up to 17-18 years.


    The standard implies only completely uniform Chow Chow colors:

    1. The red color (red) has many shades: from bright red to light golden. Newborn red chow chow puppies have a black mask on their face and a dark brown coat color. As they mature, the fur becomes red in color. The nose, lips and gums are black, the tongue is dark blue, the eyes are brown.
    2. Dogs with black coloring should have a completely uniform coat, with the exception of a gray tint on the tail and paws. Black Chow Chows can bleach in the sun, resulting in a chocolate color, but a separate chocolate color does not exist in nature.
    3. Blue wool has steel grey colour with a slight tint of blue. Sometimes it may have a reddish tint. The nose and eyes of dogs with this color are dark gray, the tongue and palate are dark blue, and the gums and lips are blue-gray.
    4. The color of the cinnamon is the most unique. It can have different shades: from beige to rich golden. Dogs with this color have light eyes and a pinkish nose.
    5. Creamy and White wool occurs most rarely. This color is valued higher than others at shows, and puppies with this color are the most expensive. Creams have a black or gray nose, dark eyes, and apricot-colored ears.

    Breed standards allow shades of these colors, but not markings or spots. Professional breeders do not recommend breeding dogs of different colors; mating them can produce spotted litters. Mixed Chow Chow is not recognized by standards.


    Absolutely all representatives of this breed are characterized by a sense of ownership of their home, a place to sleep, a beloved owner, toys, bowls. For example, if a chow chow walks on the lawn in the yard, he believes that this yard belongs only to him.

    Representatives of this breed are not prone to intensive communication; they can perceive any living creature as a competitor. Chow chows treasure their love and devotion for their owners. They behave proudly and arrogantly with others, or ignore them.

    Dogs of this breed are psychologically confident. They will not show aggression, timidity, fear or panic; these feelings are alien to them. Thanks to this, Chow Chows make ideal guard dogs. Their toughness and toughness is reflected in their good physique and athleticism.

    Chow chows are temperamental and stubborn, but quite kind. Their explosive impulsiveness can sometimes be confused with aggressiveness.

    IMPORTANT! In order for the behavior to be calm and consistent, the owners need to take care of physical activity for the pet.

    Although these dogs have strong morals, they are very loving and value their owner’s attention most of all.


    Dogs of this breed are quite difficult to train, train and raise at home. This is due to their innate stubbornness and pride. However, in puppyhood, chow chows are quite obedient; you need to use this moment and start raising your pet from an early age or give the puppy to professional dog handlers.

    IMPORTANT! When training and raising them, their socialization is very important. It is necessary to allow your pet to interact with other animals as often as possible while walking, introduce it to guests, and take it with you on picnics and short trips.

    The Chow Chow is a very independent and freedom-loving breed that does not tolerate excessive pressure from the owner, or, conversely, excessive affection and tenderness.

    The first commands you need to teach your pet are its name and the command “come to me”. In addition, from the very first days you should accustom him to a collar and leash.

    In addition to training and education, it is necessary to establish rules of behavior in the house so that the dog knows what it is allowed and what it is not allowed to do.

    Care and maintenance

    Dogs of this breed are very careful about their own hygiene; their coat (both long-haired and short-haired) has the ability to clean itself. Allergies to such wool do not apply.

    Despite the abundant thick undercoat, the coat is quite easy to care for; there should be no problems with it and how to wash it. Thanks to the special structure of the coat, it does not pill and does not fall out much when seasonal shedding occurs (twice a year). Clothes are not needed, they are used only for decorative purposes.

    1. Brush once a week using a metal comb with rounded teeth, and 3-4 times during shedding.
    2. When grooming, special attention should be paid to the tail and mane.
    3. Wash no more than two or three times a year.
    4. Vaccination is also carried out once a year, necessary vaccinations must be prescribed by a veterinarian.
    5. Every morning, wipe the eyes with napkins or cotton pads soaked in water.
    6. The claws are trimmed only once a month, as they do not wear down much due to the rounded shape of the paws.
    7. Ears should be cleaned once a month with hygiene sticks and or dry wipes.

    The Chow Chow can only be kept in an apartment with enough space for the pet's personal space and physical activity, but in a yard where dogs can guard their territory, they feel more confident.

    IMPORTANT! Dogs of this breed should not be left in the sun in the heat of the day; they need plenty of shade and constant access to cold water.


    Dogs of this breed may be prone to diseases such as:

    • bloating (volvulus);
    • hip dysplasia;
    • elbow dysplasia;
    • knee ligament rupture;
    • diabetes;
    • melanoma;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • glaucoma;
    • entropion (inversion of the eyelid);
    • ectropion (inversion of the eyelid).

    What to feed

    The pet’s nutrition directly affects its weight, health and the way the dog looks, because of this, all owners ask questions - what food and what to feed the puppy. Low-fat dry food is ideal for the diet, but the specific composition of the food depends on individual approach owners.

    1. The most important thing is to avoid excess proteins and fats in your pet’s diet. Sea fish (but not perch or pollock) and meat are best given raw.
    2. Also, daily you should give about 150 - 200 g of fresh cottage cheese, to which a little fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir is added.
    3. Sometimes cereals - buckwheat and rice - are useful in small quantities, as well as leafy greens - lettuce, cabbage, parsley.

    IMPORTANT! Cooking bone broths, potatoes and pork for your dog is prohibited, and boiled chicken should only be given if its quality has been checked, as it can cause allergies in the chow chow.

    If the dog refuses to eat the selected food, then it is better to contact a veterinarian, who will tell you how to choose the right food for your pet and the optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food.


    Photo of chow chow

    How much does a puppy cost?

    The average price of a puppy from a kennel or from elite breeders is 40-50 thousand rubles. You can buy a puppy inexpensively without a passport for 20-25 thousand.

    Height at withers: 46 - 56 cm

    Weight: 20 - 32 kg

    Black, red, blue, cinnamon, cream or white, often shaded but not spotted.

    Abundant, dense, straight and distant. The guard hair is of a coarse structure, but with a soft fluffy undercoat. Particularly abundant hair forms a mane or collar around the neck and well-defined feathering on the back of the thighs.

    The back is short, straight and strong. The loin is powerful. The chest is wide and deep. The ribs are well defined, but not barrel-shaped.

    Set on high, lies tightly on the back. Mobile, very well pubescent.

    Hind legs

    Muscular. The hocks point straight down, with minimal angulation, producing the characteristic stilted gait.

    Front legs

    Perfectly straight, medium length, with strong bones. The shoulders are muscular and sloping.

    Dark, oval shape, medium size and clean.

    Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

    The teeth are healthy and even, the jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular and completely scissor bite.

    The nose is large and wide, the nostrils are developed and open. In most cases the lobe is black.

    Small, thick, slightly rounded at the ends; Set wide and rigid, inclined forward towards the eyes and slightly drawn together.

    The skull is flat, wide; well filled under eyes. The transition from forehead to muzzle is not sharply defined.

    turn on

    switch off


    Chow Chow - big and strong dog, whose appearance makes you remember both a bear and a lion. This proud, impossibly beautiful and somewhat stubborn creature is one of the most ancient dogs in the world, and the formation of its breed is owed to the Buddha himself. Despite their low ability to train and learn, Chow Chows are incredibly popular pets that can make anyone laugh and enjoy themselves. In addition, they are excellent bodyguards and protectors - brave, disciplined and principled.

    Photo: mishko2007, Photo: Nicholas Haehn, Photo: Jorge Figueroa, Photo: altano, Photo: jeje62,


    The Chow Chow is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. It is logical that these animals belong to the group of primitive dogs. Many DNA studies prove: Chow Chow - primary rock, which evolved, like many other Spitz dogs, from real wolves in China and Mongolia - cold and dry lands.

    An authentic Chinese bas-relief from 150 BC depicted a dog that was as similar as possible to modern chow chows. It is known that the Chinese used these strong, loyal and hardy pets for hunting, guarding, reindeer herding and herding, and also as sled dogs.

    It is believed that the most purebred and intelligent chow chows lived in Buddhist temples, where clergymen were involved in their breeding - they even kept stud books. Since China is very for a long time was a closed and autonomous country, chow chows appeared in Europe only in 1785 thanks to travelers and sailors. For the first time for European society, Chinese dogs were colorfully described by the legendary traveler Marco Polo.

    The Chow Chow dog breed made its debut in England in 1830. British breeders and specialized breeders could not help but pay attention to such impressive and exotic dogs, so they quickly began breeding and improving the breed. By by and large, our chow-chow contemporaries owe their appearance and straightforward, persistent character to British dog breeders. It was they who turned these animals into decorative dogs that were fully adapted for life in a secular society. Despite this, Chow Chows have not lost their working and other specific abilities, which is especially important. Quite quickly they gained tremendous popularity despite their extremely low training abilities. Scientists at the University of British Columbia have proven that Chow Chows are one of the most incapable of learning dogs (77th place among 80 breeds).

    Many believe that the Chinese bred the Chow Chow breed specifically for the purpose of eating their meat. This is not entirely true. In addition, the Chinese almost never eat dogs. It is known that in some Japanese villages it is customary to eat chow chows specially bred for this purpose. one year old. The Chinese previously ate not purebred representatives of the breed, but mixes, which, however, was no less cruel.

    The Chow Chow is the only dog ​​in the world with a blue tongue. According to legend, a curious animal licked the edge of the sky while God was creating the world. By the way, chow chows are born with the tongue of a normal Pink colour, but over time it darkens.


    Chow chows cannot claim to be intellectuals. They are too straightforward and stubborn for mental feats. However, they are not hopelessly stupid. What the Buddha's assistants lack in intelligence (you must admit, such a wonderful nickname cannot appear without a reason) they compensate with devotion, attentiveness and relative high level psychological adaptability. Like other Asian breeds, Chow Chows are accustomed to thoroughly studying the world of their owners - their habits, character, type of temperament. IN in this case A certain curiosity helps the Chow Chow in the best possible way.

    In order to make your pet smarter and more savvy, the owner of the Chow Chow must be as open and patient as possible in his relationship with the dog, respecting its subtle, but at the same time very direct and proud disposition.


    All representatives of the Chow Chow breed, without exception, are characterized by a strong sense of ownership: of the house, of the territory, of the owner, of toys - of everything around. For example, if a dog walks on the lawn, then this well-groomed area belongs only to him.

    The Chow Chow breed is not prone to too intense communication, as these dogs perceive any living creature as a competitor and rival. Of course, you can fight this, but only with early socialization and strict education. They save their love and devotion exclusively for their owners, ignoring everyone around them with some arrogance.

    A well-mannered Chow Chow will never show aggression or timidity - it is a psychologically very confident dog that knows no fear; and who never panics. Perhaps this is why chow chows make ideal guard dogs. Their strong and resilient character is reflected in their excellent physique and athleticism.

    Chow Chows are quite kind, but temperamental and stubborn. Sometimes their explosive impulsiveness is confused with aggression. In order for their behavior to be extremely smooth and consistent, the owner must take care of the proper amount of physical activity. Despite their decisive disposition, Chow Chows are very loving, so they highly value attention from their owner.


    As we have already said, the Chow Chow dog breed does not particularly like communicating with strangers and other living creatures. But they are used to building close and trusting relationships with their owners - only under such conditions can these dogs demonstrate their love.

    Although Chow Chows may appear aloof or sullen throughout the day, and may not respond well to calls to socialize, they do not like it when someone else dominates their territory and attracts the attention of their beloved family.

    It is known that these dogs have a very difficult time getting used to other animals in the house - primarily due to their selfish nature. A Chow Chow will never make friends with a cat, but it is possible with a dog, but only on the condition that the pets grew and developed together from the age of puppies. Chow Chows invariably tend to be extremely dominant, so if you want to keep your pet in the company of someone, it is better to get a dog of the same breed, but of the opposite sex.

    Chow Chows can be somewhat aggressive towards strangers in the house - especially in the first moments of a guest's stay in the house. No, no, they won’t attack a person, but they can really scare you with their barking (by the way, these dogs’ vocals match their size). Chow-chow children are treated well and even with tenderness, but they just like to play, usually alone with themselves or with other dogs, so the dog will quickly get tired of the company of the baby.


    Chow chows are very difficult to train, train and educate. This is due, first of all, to incredible innate stubbornness.

    Many people think that Chow Chows are not able to carry out many commands because they do not have a good memory. Know that this is not true. These dogs have an excellent memory, they just use it selectively, remembering only what they really need, and not what they are forced to do. However, it is possible to overcome stubbornness.

    Chow Chow puppies are quite obedient. You must take advantage of the moment and begin training and education in a very early age. If you do not want to resort to the help of a professional trainer, then for basic training you will only need to learn a few commands with your pet. For example, "come to me!" and "you can't!"

    The basis of learning in this case is also early socialization. By nature, Chow Chows are quite severe dogs with a straightforward character. But, of course, you can slightly adjust their disposition. Allow your Chinese pet to interact with other dogs as often as possible during walks, introduce him to the world, invite guests home, take your young Chow Chow with you on picnics. Under these circumstances, the pet will grow up to be quite sociable and open, will rarely show aggression and will allow you to feel calm during walks.

    In addition, the owner must remember that the Chow Chow dog breed is known for its love of freedom and independence. These four-legged creatures will not tolerate excessive pressure from humans or, conversely, annoying tenderness. Try to dominate your relationship with the animal with respect and caution, otherwise this powerful pet will sit on your head and turn you into a servant. At the same time, you should not resort to aggression, too harsh punishments and shouting - be strict and reasonable, speak to the dog in a clear commanding tone.

    Walking and exercise

    Chow-chows, which are currently considered almost decorative dogs, have retained all their working and specialized qualities. They are incredibly strong, athletic and energetic. In order for their life to follow the correct natural rhythm and be harmonious, the owner must take care of regular walks.

    The optimal walking regimen is two to three hour sessions a day. It is important to remember that during walking, representatives of the Chow Chow breed not only satisfy their natural needs, but also develop mentally. As you know, these dogs are very curious, so they strive to explore every bush, tree and stone on their way. This is especially important in the case of puppies or very young dogs.

    Quite often, Chow Chows need long runs, during which nothing will hinder their movements. Therefore, the owner needs to try to find a sparsely populated place (forest, field, river bank) in order to allow the pet to frolic without a leash and collar.

    Chow chows are very unique. They have a hard time remembering and assimilating commands, forcing the owner to repeat the same instructions a dozen times. On the other hand, they do not tolerate monotony. Experienced Chow Chow breeders argue that walking areas should be changed as often as possible, because dogs quickly get tired of the repetitive landscape. It is worth noting that games with chow chows should also be varied.

    Chow Chow dogs are very clean. Their fanatical desire for sterility caused many strange phobias. For example, these dogs are afraid to walk on grass covered in dew.

    Chow chows are very clean. Their fanatical desire for sterility gave rise to many strange phobias. For example, these dogs are afraid to walk on grass covered in dew.


    Pets of this breed not only carefully monitor personal hygiene, but also control their daily routine, not allowing themselves to overeat or get too tired during walks. In addition, their coat (both long-haired and short-haired dogs) has the ability to self-clean.

    Despite the developed thick undercoat, the Chow Chow's coat is quite easy to care for. The special structure of the coat hair does not allow the fur to roll up and fall abundantly onto the ground and floor during seasonal molting (which traditionally occurs twice a year). These dogs need to be brushed once a week with a metal comb with rounded teeth, three to four times during shedding. During basic grooming of the coat, special attention should be paid to the mane, tail and other most furry areas of the body. Chow chows should be washed no more than two or three times a year.

    The eyes are wiped with napkins and cotton pads moistened with water every morning. The claws usually need to be trimmed only once a month, because the Chow Chow’s nails are quite soft and wear well on the ground and asphalt during walks. Grinding is also facilitated by the special arched shape of the paws (the toes are gathered into a tight fist). Ears should be cleaned once a month using hygiene sticks and napkins.

    Chow-chow and your apartment

    Chow chows feel quite comfortable in city apartments, but the ideal option for keeping them would be a courtyard (of course, if you live in own home). These dogs are born guards, so they can fully reveal their potential outside in a kennel. However, even in an apartment, Chow Chows are used to always being under control. front door. Despite the fact that these dogs love peace, quiet and solitude, they never lose their vigilance, watching over family members in order to protect them in case of danger. This circumstance must be taken into account when arranging a personal place for resting and sleeping for the Chow Chow. Try to keep all rooms visible. The place itself should be clean, neat, moderately hard and elastic (an orthopedic base is desirable - for example, a children's mattress). It is very important to protect the Chow Chow's personal territory from direct exposure to sunlight.

    What to feed a Chow Chow dog

    Low-fat and nutritious dry food is ideal. However, the specific composition of the diet depends on the individual approach of the owner. The main thing is to avoid high content proteins and fats in their balanced diet. Meat and sea ​​fish(not perch or pollock!) it is better to give it raw, cut into pieces. 150 - 200 g of cottage cheese is given daily, to which a little fermented baked milk or kefir is added. From time to time, cereals (buckwheat and rice) and leafy greens (cabbage, lettuce, parsley) are useful in small quantities. It is forbidden to cook bone broths, pork, and potatoes. It is best to serve chicken only of proven quality and boiled, as chow chows may be allergic to it.

    This cutest breed dogs, very soft and fluffy, similar to a bear.

    They have a nice, warm and soft wool that can even be used to knit socks!

    Why does the Chow Chow have an unusual blue tongue? About this and much more in detailed description breeds further.

    The Chow Chow breed has changed many names during its history: and Tibetan mastiff, and the dog of the barbarians; but for almost a century they have been called “chow-chow”.

    There are only two real versions of the origin of the name: according to the first, the dog got its name from the “Chu” dog, and according to the other, the breed was christened by English merchants who traded spices.

    On a Chinese bas-relief from 150 BC. has already been depicted hunting dog, similar in appearance to a chow chow, which gives grounds to assert that this breed- one of the first primitives to evolve from the wolf. Later they began to be used for reindeer herding, riding, guarding and hunting.

    The absence of inbreeding in the breed was maintained by Buddhist monks.

    The refreshment of blood was carried out through the exchange of producers between monasteries.

    The first information about chow chow came to Europe thanks to Marco Polo, since he lived for a long time in Tibet, the homeland of another In England, the first individuals appeared in the 30s of the 19th century.

    The proud dog we are accustomed to today is more a product of British selection than the ancient Chinese Chow Chow.

    Description of the breed

    FCI Standard No. 205 dated January 27, 2011 “Chow-chow”
    Group 5 “Spitz and primitive breeds”
    Section 5 “Asian Spitz and related breeds”

    The weight of a male reaches 32 kg, of a female - 27 kg.
    The height of males is 48-56 cm, females 46-51 cm.

    The Chow Chow is a strong, well-balanced dog, included in the It has a bluish-black tongue, medium-sized, clear, oval-shaped eyes.

    Unique in its stilted gait- a relatively short stride, the hind legs do not rise high, barely touching the ground, reminiscent of the movement of a pendulum when viewed from the side. This characteristic, special, short stride, gait allows you to move freely, easily and with a reserve of endurance.

    HEAD Medium length, wide from base to end.
    EYES Dark, oval-shaped, medium-sized and clean. Eyes that match the coat color are acceptable in blue and cinnamon dogs.
    NOSE Large and wide, black (with the exception of cream and almost white dogs, in which a light-colored nose is acceptable), and in blue and cinnamon dogs - the same color (but black is preferable in all cases).
    EARS Small, thick, slightly rounded at the tips, tightly packed together, giving the typical frowning expression on the muzzle.
    NECK Powerful, voluminous, not short, set firmly on the shoulders and slightly curved.
    BREAST Wide and deep. The ribs are well rounded but not barrel-shaped.
    PAWS Small, round, cat-like, with good support on the fingers.
    TAIL Set on high, lies tightly on the back.

    There are two varieties of chow chow short-haired and long-haired:

    1. In shorthaired- short, dense, straight, upright coat, non-lying, plush in texture.
    2. In long-haired- rich, abundant, dense, straight and distant hair, but not excessively long. The guard hair is of a coarse structure, with a soft fluffy undercoat.

    The following photos clearly show the short-haired and then the long-haired varieties.

    The color must be clean:

    • cinnamon (cinnamon color);
    • black;
    • red;
    • blue;
    • ginger;
    • cream;
    • white.

    Shades are allowed, in this case the back of the thighs and the bottom of the tail are lighter in color, but in no case should there be spots.

    Why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue? Some researchers believe that the Chow Chow has an unusual tongue color. due to its origin from extinct polar wolves, which had clearly defined tongue pigmentation.

    There is also an opinion that the presence of a Chow Chow's tongue of this particular color is associated with its origin from an animal that was an intermediate link between a dog and a small Asian bear.

    The Chinese themselves offer a wonderful legend that explains the unusual color of the Chow Chow’s tongue: a very, very, very long time ago he licked a broken piece of the sky. It is our right to choose which version to take on faith.

    Character, abilities, skills

    This is not the most active breed, has a strong sense of home ownership, is proud and independent. It is loyal only to its owners, so strangers should not try to win the dog’s attention.

    Showing both timidity and aggression is not part of the behavior of a well-bred Chow Chow. They can be very stubborn, not wanting to do the same exercise several times. performs reluctantly, as if doing a big favor.

    It's worth being prepared for brisk daily walks. Despite little activity throughout the day, the Chow Chow needs to satisfy its thirst for play to maintain mental and physical health.

    If you are planning to get another animal besides the Chow, be careful - they are very love to demonstrate their superiority over other animals, So tolerance in puppies needs to be taught from a very young age.

    The innate stern expression of the muzzle also reflects the internal attitude towards others.

    Usually, dogs in a family choose only one owner; the rest are friendly. They are indifferent to children, but also Child bullying will not be tolerated. He constantly changes his location and does not like to stay in one place for a long time.

    These are wonderful friends who, however, know their worth. An excellent security guard, along with the fact that they have a strictly expressed sense of home.

    Conditions of detention

    Before you get a Chow Chow, make sure you have the following items in your home:

    • dishes;
    • bathing products (only high-quality shampoo and conditioner are suitable);
    • metal comb with sparse teeth for combing;
    • hair dryer for drying and styling hair after a full bath;
    • collar with leash for walking (according to age).

    The Chow Chow's coat does not mat and is self-cleaning. You should comb your dog once a week with a metal comb, but use a slicker brush only when shedding actively. You need to be taught to use a collar from puppyhood, as well as to wash your paws, because this breed does not like to bathe at all.

    How long do Chow Chows live? Life expectancy directly depends on the conditions of detention and averages 10-12 years.


    What to feed your chow chow? It is allowed to feed only one type of food: either “natural” () or factory-made. You cannot mix them - it will lead to negative consequences.

    If factory food is chosen, it should be of super premium class; this has a positive effect on the health and beauty of the pet’s coat. It is important not to overfeed the dog and provide daily active walks.

    Due to its phlegmatic temperament, the breed is susceptible to obesity, which results in joint dysplasia.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Main advantages breeds:

    • incredibly beautiful;
    • devotees;
    • persistent;
    • don't smell.


    • wayward, do not obey commands well - need firmness and affection;
    • susceptible to diseases (glaucoma, melanoma, difficult childbirth).

    The dog is perfect for people with a strong character, purposeful, who need a one and only friend.

    Additionally, check out the video about the Chow Chow dog breed:

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