How to remove ear plugs. Stages of removing a plug from the ear. Earwax curettage method

In life, it will be useful to know how to rinse your ear to get rid of wax. Typically, hydrogen peroxide is used to combat this problem at home. Washing is The best way eliminate contamination, but if performed incorrectly, the procedure can lead to a number of complications, including otitis media or eardrum injury. To prevent this, you should consider the issue in more detail.

Features of ear plugs

First, let's look at what a traffic jam is and how it forms. With a normal structure, special glands function in the human ear, which ensure the production of small amounts of sulfur. She allows naturally clean the ear canal from dead epithelium, dust particles and microbes.

Gradually, the discharge accumulates and, if it is impossible to get out, it gets stuck into clumps. There are three types:

  • dense;
  • soft plasticine-like;
  • paste-like.

The most difficult thing to do at home is to clean your ears from dense wax plugs. They can swell when wet and dry to the canal walls and membrane.

The reasons for this accumulation of wax in the ear can be the following factors:

  • violation of rules;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • age-related characteristics and hormonal changes;
  • being in a dusty environment;
  • high humidity;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • genetic characteristics of the organism;
  • frequent use of headphones or hearing aid.

The problem can be partially solved by periodically rinsing the ear with for preventive purposes hydrogen peroxide. It is important to prevent wax masses from compacting and hardening deep in the ears.

If the discharge does turn into a plug, this problem will manifest itself with symptoms such as:

  • congestion;
  • the occurrence of noise in the ear;
  • throbbing pain;
  • fluid accumulation;
  • hearing impairment.

Sulfur plug was, is and will be the main reason for visiting an otolaryngologist. Almost everyone has encountered this problem at least once in their life; and some are so unlucky that they have to systematically remove wax plugs. There are many reasons for wax plugs in the ear, and not all of them can be prevented. It is advisable to get rid of traffic jams only in medical institution, since only a doctor can clean your ears 100% safely. If it is not possible to visit an otolaryngologist, then you can use home remedies to remove wax from the ear, but only with extreme caution so as not to harm this complex sensory organ.

The main function of wax in the ear canals is protection. Earwax prevents reproduction pathogenic bacteria and fungi, does not allow the tissues of the ear to absorb water when it penetrates inside and prevents water from flowing into the deepest parts of the ear, from where it cannot flow out. IN in good condition earwax is formed continuously and is released from the ear during chewing, without accumulating in the passage in a large dose. If for any reason the natural removal of wax stops, it begins to accumulate in the ear canal and forms a plug.

Causes of wax plugs in the ears

In order for the formation of an ear plug to occur, factors provoking this phenomenon must be present. The development of wax plugs in the ear can be caused by:

  • Congenital feature internal structure ear.
  • Traumatic disorders in the structure of the ear.
  • Frequent diving. When a person is under water, a high blood pressure inside the ear, which causes a lump earwax. If such thrombosis occurs regularly, then the body does not manage to properly get rid of dense sulfur, and therefore a plug develops.
  • Very frequent removal of ear wax by mechanical means. In the event that a person often cleanses earwax from his ears when there is no need for this, earwax begins to be produced in excessive quantity, because of which the body ceases to cope with its removal from the ear canals, and it forms an ear plug.
  • Frequent entry of chlorinated water into the ear canal. When exposed to chlorinated water, earwax begins to swell and form a plug.
  • Prolonged exposure to dust. If there is heavy dust for a long time, the viscosity of earwax increases, and it ceases to be fully released during chewing.
  • Significant excess of cholesterol in the blood. It has been noticed that the higher the content of this substance in the blood, the more often plugs form. It has not yet been possible to establish what the connection is between cholesterol and sulfur plugs, but such a pattern is observed.
  • Very dry air. In the case when a person a long period time in a room with too dry air, sulfur begins to be produced excessively large quantities and does not have time to stand out from ear canal. As a result of this, a traffic jam is formed.
  • Age-related changes in the process of earwax secretion.

Very often, a person does not even realize that a wax plug has begun to form in his ear until it completely blocks the ear canal, causing hearing loss.

Symptoms of wax plug in the ear

The presence of wax plug can be determined by a number of symptoms, even if it has not yet led to complete blockage of the ear canal and hearing loss. Very often, the signs of a developing traffic jam are not paid attention to, attributing them to some external factors. Suspicions that wax has begun to accumulate in the ear can be confirmed by the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of stuffiness in the ear without pain;
  • constant ringing in the ears;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • the feeling of your own voice echoing in your ear;
  • hearing loss.

Complete deafness occurs only when wax completely blocks the ear and sound waves are no longer able to reach the eardrum.

What absolutely cannot be used to remove wax plugs at home

Some patients, trying to clear the ear plug on their own, cause serious injuries to themselves, due to which the damaged ear completely loses hearing. This happens for the reason that sometimes things are used for the procedure that are completely unsuitable for this purpose. The following items must not be used to remove an ear plug:

  • knitting needles;
  • crochet hooks;
  • hairpins;
  • nails;
  • needles;
  • toothpicks;
  • drill;
  • cotton buds.

At first glance, many of these objects seem convenient for removing the cork, but they are fraught with great danger. Any awkward movement can cause a sharp object to pierce sulfur plug, will pierce the eardrum, causing irreversible deafness. If you use a cotton swab to clean your ear, it will only compact the wax, which will make removing the plug much more difficult.

How to remove wax plug at home

At home, if necessary, it is quite possible to deal with sulfur plugs. However, do self-treatment this pathological condition should only be done if it is not possible to visit a doctor.

If a pharmacy is available, then you can use one of 2 types of drops that help dissolve the sulfur plug.

  • Drops "Remo-vax"– this drug dissolves the wax plug, but only if it has not yet completely closed the ear canal. Ideally you should use this remedy for prevention in case of increased sulfur formation 1 time in 10 days.
  • Drops "A-cerumen"– the drug can remove wax plugs even with complete blockage of the ear canal. It has a mild effect and can be used by children from 2.5 years old.

The rules for using these products are specified in detail in the instructions, and they should not be violated, as this will ultimately lead to undesirable consequences.

You can deal with wax plug without using special drops. In this case, actions using other means and methods should be performed with extreme caution, since a number of treatment components can cause acute allergic reaction, which will provoke the development of otitis media.

  • Ear rinsing. This action allows you to remove the plug mechanically by washing it out of the ear with water. The procedure can be carried out independently, but, unfortunately, at home it does not always give desired result. In order to rinse, the patient should prepare warm boiled water to which a little manganese has been added. The color of the water should be pale pink. For the procedure, a syringe is used, from which the air must be squeezed out before rinsing, since if you forcefully release it into the ear, then there will be discomfort. After this, lean over the sink so that sore ear was facing downwards, a manganese solution is injected into it using a syringe under fairly strong pressure. Rinse the ear for about 20 minutes. If the plug does not come out during this time, this means that it is impossible to remove it from the ear without prior preparation.
  • Will help dissolve the plug in the ear drops made from juice onions . To obtain the medicine, take 1 small onion and chop it to a paste. After this, the juice is squeezed out of it using gauze and mixed with warm water. boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Having mixed the composition well, they are instilled into the sore ear 3 times a day for 3 days. For 1 dose, no more than 5 drops are injected into the ear canal. As the plug dissolves, it will come out of the ear on its own. If you want to speed up the process, you can rinse your ear according to the scheme from the 1st recommendation.
  • Olive oil can also be used in the fight against sulfur plugs. For treatment, a little oil is heated in a spoon to body temperature and instilled into the sore ear, 6 drops 4 times a day. This therapy is carried out for 3 days, after which, if the plug does not come out on its own (which happens quite often), the ear is washed out.
  • Soda with salt allows you to clear the ear of wax. To carry out the procedure, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 level teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of warm boiled water and use a syringe to rinse your ear with the mixture, leaning over the sink. Baking soda and salt quickly dissolve the plug and remove it from the ear. Usually, even with a very tight plug, 15–20 minutes of rinsing is enough.
  • Used to remove plugs from the ear and hydrogen peroxide. For therapy, you need to inject 5 drops of the drug into the sore ear and cover the ear with cotton wool. After 12 hours of exposure to peroxide, the ear should be rinsed with soda and salt. If the symptoms of the plug have not completely disappeared, then instill hydrogen peroxide and rinse again. If after 3 procedures it was not possible to completely remove the plug, then a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Preventing the formation of wax plugs

In order to reduce the risk of developing wax plugs in the ears, you should adhere to certain preventive measures. To prevent the disease you need:

  • refuse to use cotton swabs for cleaning ears;
  • do not remove wax from the ears unless absolutely necessary;
  • dry your ears with a cotton swab after swimming;
  • promptly treat ear diseases;
  • fully treat ear injuries;
  • support normal level air humidity in the home;
  • control blood cholesterol levels.

Prevention significantly reduces the risk of developing wax plugs in the ear, but it cannot guarantee 100% that it will not happen. Taking this into account, even if all preventive measures If symptoms of wax impaction appear, you should immediately visit a doctor.


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Earwax is a protective lubricant that protects the ears from getting wet and dust particles entering them. When pronouncing sounds or chewing food, it comes out of the ear on its own. But when exposed to certain factors, the process of removing sulfur is disrupted, as a result of which it begins to accumulate in the ears, blocking the passages and forming a cerumen plug.

Its appearance leads to and it is not possible to restore it without removing this plug. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, then you can try ear removal at home. But you should be very careful, because one awkward action can lead to serious complications, including complete deafness.

If wax plugs form in the ears, this does not mean that a person does not take care of himself and does not clean his ears. Most often, their occurrence is caused by our illiteracy in terms of personal hygiene.

Most people use cotton swabs to remove wax from their ears, which is absolutely not allowed. Their use leads to the “pushing” of wax into the ear, resulting in the formation of a plug.

Another big mistake people make is that they very carefully scrape out wax from the ear openings, getting to the very deep sections what not to do. Earwax itself is removed from the ear, and when we start, the ears become very irritated and begin to produce it in even larger quantities, which also leads to the formation of a plug.

Moreover, quite often ear plugs are formed after a person has had an ENT disease. This happens due to the fact that during illness the ears are also subject to irritation and turn on protection, which entails the active production of sulfur.

Conditions can also affect the appearance of ear plugs. environment. Quite often, people living in arid areas or, conversely, from areas with high humidity turn to an ENT doctor with similar complaints. People who work in dusty factories and factories for a long time are also at risk.

Individual structural features of the auricles may also be the cause frequent occurrence ear plugs.

How can you tell if there is a plug in your ear or not?

Before you remove wax plug at home, you need to understand if it exists at all? Naturally, for this it is better to consult an ENT doctor. He will use a stethoscope to examine your ears and tell you whether you have plugs or not.

But if you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, then you can recognize wax plugs by the following signs:

  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • hearing loss;
  • feeling of congestion when pronouncing sounds;
  • headache.

When the plug has big sizes and completely blocks the ear canal, a sensation may occur foreign body in the ear, severe throbbing pain, cough, dizziness. When talking, you can hear your own echo, but your hearing disappears completely.

In such cases, it should be carried out as soon as possible. Of course, it is much better if a doctor does this. But if you decide to remove the plug from your ear yourself, then you can put into practice one of the methods described below.

The traditional method of getting rid of wax plugs

How to remove wax plug from the ear at home? For this you can use traditional method rinsing the auricle. To do this, you will need a furatsilin solution and a syringe without a needle.

The solution must be warm, since exposure to cold temperatures on the eardrum can cause inflammation. So, into a syringe (the larger it is, the better), you need to draw up the solution, bow your head over the sink with the affected ear down, and quickly inject the solution into the auricle.

To remove the plug, the procedure will need to be repeated several times. As soon as the plug comes out, you need to wipe your ear dry and plug it with cotton wool for about 20 minutes. It should be noted that after removing the plug, hearing improves dramatically, which can become unusual for the patient and cause headaches. But this phenomenon is short-lived.

If the traditional method of removing wax plugs does not bring positive results, then you can try using 3% hydrogen peroxide. This helps soften the plug and allow it to be safely removed from the ear.

It is used as follows: a person lies on his side with the affected ear facing up, and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are dropped into it. The patient should spend several minutes in this position. At this moment, he may feel hissing, burning, or complete loss of hearing. This is quite normal and there is no need to be afraid of it.

Then the person should turn over to the other side and wait until the plug flows out of the ear along with the hydrogen peroxide. If the plug does not come out the first time, the procedure should be repeated.

When interacting with this substance, the sulfur plug swells, which can cause the appearance of pain syndrome. This is due to the fact that as the volume increases, the plug begins to touch the nerve endings and put pressure on the walls. If you feel severe pain during the procedure, this indicates that the sulfur plug is already large. You should refuse to continue the procedure.

Choosing modern drugs

If the option of using hydrogen peroxide does not suit you, you can resort to help modern medicine using special medications, for example, Remo-Vax and A-Cerumena. These products are completely safe, have no contraindications and side effects, therefore they can be easily used without prior consultation with a doctor, even in young children.

The advantages of these drugs are that they do not lead to swelling of the plug, but contribute to its destruction into smaller particles. And they are already removed from the ear by regular rinsing.

Use of wax candles

Wax candles began to be used to remove wax plugs many years ago. You can use regular thin candles, or you can make them yourself from medicinal herbs(you can use chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.) and essential oils. To give these candles their shape, regular wax is added.

These suppositories are good because they relieve irritation of the walls of the ears and eliminate inflammation. To do the procedure correctly and painlessly, you need to clean the ear from dirt and massage it using regular baby cream.

Then you need to lie on your side with your affected ear facing up. It should be covered with gauze cloth, in which you need to make a small hole. A candle is inserted into it and lit. When the candle burns out (it should rise a couple of centimeters above the gauze), it is extinguished and the ears are thoroughly cleaned. Then the ear is thoroughly cleaned of wax and plugged a small piece cotton wool for a couple of minutes.

It should be noted that all these methods of removing wax are not always effective. If you have already tried almost everything, but have not achieved positive results, then you should seek help from a doctor.

Hearing problems, discomfort, ear congestion and partial deafness - all this may indicate the formation of cerumen. This is a rather unpleasant, but non-critical phenomenon, which you can get rid of by visiting an ENT doctor or doing it yourself at home.

There is nothing particularly dangerous in the formation of an ear plug; it is a kind of protection of the ear canal from dust and contaminants. The contents of the cork consist not only of sulfur itself, but also a large number of foreign impurities, which indicates the effectiveness of such protection.

Symptoms and causes

The main sign of wax plug will be the flow of water after swimming or washing. If the ear canal is clean, any liquid can flow out smoothly without any effort. In the case when the ear canal is blocked by a plug, water, when it gets in, causes noticeable discomfort and is in no hurry to leave its position.

Externally, the cork can be seen as a small dirty yellow or brown lump. It is especially noticeable in young children. Depending on the degree and “age”, the consistency of the ear plug can range from a paste-like inclusion to a hard dry lump. Danger self-cleaning ears from similar phenomena may consist in the close location of the cerumen plug to the eardrum. Any careless movement and use of sharp objects to clean the ears can lead to partial or complete deafness and a number of serious complications. We recommend that you read about.

You can remove the ear plug yourself only after taking a number of protective measures. If it is difficult or impossible to perform such a manipulation at home, you must immediately contact the clinic.

The reasons for the formation of wax plug are not yet fully understood; usually everything will depend on hereditary predisposition and structural features of the hearing aid. Among the possible ones, excessive efforts in personal hygiene should also be highlighted. As paradoxical as it may sound, it is the frequent cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs that leads to hyperactive wax production and the formation of plugs.

Main causes

  • Heredity.
  • Anatomical features.
  • Active secretion of sulfur glands.
  • Hair growth in the ear canal.
  • Constantly being in dusty places, for example, at a specific job.
  • Constant use of headphones or hearing aids.
  • Drying of the ear canal.
  • Consequences of previous specialized diseases.

By changing or removing one of the factors (if possible, of course), you can theoretically get rid of this problem. But practically no one is immune from the formation of sulfur plugs. There is no need to be afraid of this, since they can be easily removed both in a clinic and at home.

How to get rid of traffic jams as an adult

Save an adult from this unpleasant phenomenon usually not difficult. If it is small and soft, it is quite possible to perform manipulations at home. In case of difficulty or painful symptoms in the ear area, extraneous noise or a sharp decline hearing acuity - you should immediately consult a doctor for help. The manipulation itself will not take much time and will not cause severe pain.

After contacting a specialist and a brief examination, the doctor may choose or offer you one of three possible options removal of inclusion.

Washing out

Preparatory measures include soaking the sulfur plug with 3% hydrogen peroxide. The doctor determines the duration of such measures individually; it is quite possible to carry out the procedure the next day after pouring the peroxide. After sufficient softening of the plug, proceed directly to its removal.

A warm decoction of medicinal herbs is drawn into a large syringe without a needle, after which the procedure of rinsing the ear canal is performed.

You can find out the reasons why the inside of your ears itch.


This manipulation is carried out using a special electric suction device and can only be performed by a specialist. Application of artisanal alternative methods may damage your hearing, so it is highly undesirable.


An extreme measure necessary in the case of a particularly dense and dry plug. Simple manipulation is usually performed with local anesthesia short-acting and does not affect the patient’s further well-being. This is usually necessary after unsuccessful self-medication, when special measures are present and should be taken.

There are many ways to get rid of wax. The doctor will be able to choose the best one for your case.

How to help your child

A special feature of the “children’s” wax plug will be its relative softness (in children, characteristic hardening and severe blockage are less likely to be observed). In this case, the auditory canal in a child is much narrower than in an adult, so you should act more carefully.

The main feature will be the behavior of the baby, who may either not understand the essence of what is happening, or may react too painfully to a generally simple procedure. Contacting a doctor in this case will avoid many problems, and help will be provided quickly and effectively. Your task is to ensure the most calm and level body position, otherwise there is a risk of accidental injury.

Regular hygiene procedure removal of earwax should be carried out as needed, but not more than once a week (great frequency provokes active wax formation). Children's cotton swabs are also available with a special limiter to avoid unfavorable situations. After all visible traces of earwax have been collected, it is recommended to wipe the cleaned surface with a dry cloth to avoid dust sticking to the area.

How to get rid of it at home

It would be useful to remind you that removing wax plugs on your own can be fraught with serious consequences, so before you begin the procedure, make sure:

  • You know what needs to be done and how.
  • All possible precautions have been taken.
  • If something goes wrong, you can get emergency medical help.
  • There is no likelihood of current ear disease, otitis media, for example.

In any other situations, it is better to wait and consult a doctor. If you are determined to do it yourself, here is an algorithm of actions using the already mentioned.

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy for a cost of 50 rubles.

How to get rid of it yourself:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Place a few drops of peroxide in your ear.
  3. Lie in this position for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Turn over to the other side (if necessary), placing a napkin or towel under your ear.
  5. Repeat for the second ear.

It is better to repeat the procedure for several days until the plug is completely dissolved. The result will be noticeable both in improved hearing and in discharge from the freed ear. Do not use hard objects to clean your ears. Matches, knitting needles and simply picking with your fingers can lead to serious damage to the ear canal.

Using ear candles

This can be said to be a traditional method, a kind of classic ear manipulation. The positive effect will consist not only in getting rid of foreign matter, but also in additional heating of the ear apparatus.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Cover the ear with a napkin with a small hole.
  3. Light the candle and place the opposite end to your ear.
  4. As it burns, the sulfur will melt a little and soften.
  5. After combustion to a critical point, the candle is extinguished, the remaining sulfur is removed with cotton swabs and napkins.
  6. Cover the cleaned ear with a cotton ball for about half an hour to avoid sudden cooling.
  7. Repeat the procedure if necessary for the second ear.

This method is safe and can be used to remove ear plugs in children.

Similar candles used to be made independently from beeswax, medicinal herbs and propolis. Now you can buy them at the pharmacy.

Alternative Methods

Special medical supplies are able to quickly and easily dissolve earwax, after which they are independently removed from ear canal. These so-called cerumenolytics are sold in pharmacies and differ high efficiency. The method of application is described in detail in the instructions and does not cause any difficulties in execution. If you are planning to remove a plug from a child, be sure to check with your pharmacist about the possibility of using such drugs in childhood.

You will find drops for otitis media in adults.

Ear wax plugs are an unpleasant but easily corrected phenomenon. Regular personal hygiene will minimize the risk of traffic jams, but even with individual characteristics and hereditary predisposition, you shouldn’t be too upset.


This video will tell you how to wash your ears at home.

Removing traffic jams is a simple procedure that can be handled by a specialist. When performing this procedure at home, you must adhere to a number of rules and avoid unnecessary risk of injuring the fragile eardrum. Special medications and folk remedies will help make it easier and safer. Read also about antibiotics for otitis media in adults.

A wax plug is an accumulation of earwax, consisting of the secretion of the sebaceous and sulfur glands, and keratinized epithelium. People often face this problem different ages. Hearing loss and appearance extraneous sounds in the ears are the main symptoms of blockage of the ear canal with wax.

An ear is an organ in a person or animal, complex in its structure, which is designed for perception sound vibrations. To understand the cause of the appearance of various pathological processes in the auditory organ, you need to know how it works.


Consists of the auricle (functions to receive sound waves, which are transmitted to inner part organ) and ear canal (covered skin, containing sulfur and sebaceous glands). The end of the external auditory canal is the eardrum. It separates the outer and middle ears, and looks like a thin membrane that is impermeable to liquid and air. The eardrum is necessary to transmit sound to the middle ear and protect the inner part from foreign objects.


The tympanic cavity of the middle ear is a small space, the volume of which is about 1 cm³. This area contains the malleus, stapes and incus. All of them perform the function of transmitting sound waves to the inner ear. Upon closer examination, you can see that the hammer is a handle and a head connected, on the one hand, to eardrum, on the other hand, with an anvil; the anvil is attached to the stapes, which in turn covers oval window inner ear.

The middle ear cavity is closely connected with the nasopharynx through eustachian tube(serves to equalize the pressure on both sides of the eardrum).


Its structure is the most complex and intricate. Location - temporal bone. Inner ear otherwise called the membranous labyrinth, which includes: semicircular canals (filled with fluid); snail; vestibule. Any vibration that occurs in the oval window is transferred to the liquid, with the help of which the receptors are irritated (located in the cochlea, creating nerve impulses).

In inner ear In humans, the vestibular system is located, which is necessary for a person to balance and accelerate in space.

Having examined the anatomy of the ear in more detail, it becomes clear how important accurate diagnosis and treatment of any diseases arising in this organ are.

Functions of earwax

Sulfur is produced by sulfur glands located in the skin of the external auditory canal.

The main functions of earwax are:

  • ensuring the ear canal is cleaned of foreign particles and moisturized;
  • protection from the influence of adverse factors.

Earwax has antimicrobial and antifungal effect, due to its biochemical composition; its components are lipids, unsaturated fatty acid, cholesterol, enzymes, lysozyme and immunoglobulins. It is insoluble in water and is produced for natural lubrication, which is necessary to prevent the epithelium of the ear canal and eardrum from drying out.

Self-cleaning earwax

U healthy person wax is removed on its own when the temporomandibular joint is activated, for example when talking or chewing. Under the influence of certain factors, cleaning the ear canal from accumulated wax can be difficult, which leads to the formation of wax plugs.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs

The following factors are identified for the accumulation of sulfur secretion and blockage of the ear canal:

  1. Non-compliance with the rules hygiene care behind the ears. Most often, the outer ear is cleaned using cotton swabs or hard objects. This method leads to the following results: it disrupts the natural mechanism of spontaneous cleansing; irritates and injures the skin of the ear canal, and accordingly increases sulfur formation; promotes deeper pushing of the sulfur mass inside, thus compacting it there;
  2. Violations anatomical structure ear canal (too tortuous or narrow ear canal);
  3. Natural tendency to pronounced formation of sulfur secretion (most often inherited);
  4. Unfavorable external factors: prolonged stay in very dusty places; frequent entry of water into the ear, high humidity; strong changes in atmospheric pressure; using headphones or hearing aids;
  5. Excessive and active hair growth in the external passage;
  6. Inflammatory diseases (with pathological processes the viscosity and pH of sulfur changes);
  7. Dermatitis, psoriasis (if the cartilaginous area of ​​the ear canal is affected).

How it manifests itself

A person's hearing may deteriorate.

Signs of wax plug appear when the ear canal is completely filled sulfur secretion. Most often, they appear after a shower, because when water gets into the ear, the wax mass swells, which leads to blockage of the passage.

Sulfur plug, symptoms:

  • significant reduction sound perception on one ear;
  • extraneous noise, squeaking in the ear opening;
  • feeling of ear fullness;
  • feeling of echo own voice in the ear;
  • V in rare cases Pain in the ear canal may occur.

If a cerumen plug has formed next to the eardrum and puts pressure on it, the following symptoms may appear:

  • cough;
  • lack of coordination;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • cardiac dysfunction (this manifestation is very rare and is associated with the work of the heart and nerve endings in the ear).

With prolonged accumulation of earwax, its protective function is impaired, which can lead to inflammation in the middle ear.

How to remove wax plug

The main methods for removing sulfur plugs are: cerumenolysis; aspiration; instrumental curettage; irrigation (washing out). Such procedures should only be performed by an otolaryngologist after an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Cerumenolysis– this is the extraction of cerumen plug with cerumenolytics (special agents that can dissolve earwax). The composition of such drugs most often includes: sodium bicarbonate or urea peroxide.

A popular remedy is A-Cerumen. It is designed to cleanse the ear canal and can also be used to prevent the formation of wax plugs. If it gets into the ear, active substances dissolve the accumulated sulfur mass without causing it to swell.

Cerumenolysis is not always effective and may require additional procedure for ear plug removal.

Aspiration of wax plug It is used only after softening the sulfur with cerumenolytic agents. This procedure refers to “dry” removal methods. To carry it out, a special aspiration tube is used, which the doctor inserts into the external auditory canal. The disadvantage of this method is that it is too loud noise during the procedure, and there is also a risk of vestibular disorder.

Washing out wax plug using a professional Propulse device is considered one of the most effective methods.

How to carry out the procedure:

  • the patient is in a sitting position, a waterproof cape should be attached to his neck;
  • most often the patient is asked to hold a container near the earlobe for the water to drain during the procedure;
  • the doctor carefully inserts the nozzle into the ear canal and, pressing the foot pedal, supplies water;
  • When particles of sulfur plug appear, the water supply stops. The remains of the ear plug are removed using a special disposable spatula;
  • Water in the ear canal is removed using cotton wool.

Instrumental curettage applies if:

  • other removal methods did not bring the desired result;
  • the patient has persistent hearing loss or disturbances in the eardrum;
  • was moved purulent otitis media or chronic otitis media has developed.

With this method it can be applied local anesthesia. The procedure is performed under optical control; To carry it out, special tools are used, which should only be used by a highly qualified specialist.

How to remove wax plug at home

How to get rid of wax plug at home? You can try to remove the ear plug if:

  • when pressing on the nodule of the auricle (located closer to the face), there is no pain;
  • wax plug in the ear is removed in an adult (if a child has ear congestion, a doctor’s consultation is required);
  • no ear pain or fever.

What to drip in (soften, soak, pierce, clean)

It is not so easy to remove wax plugs on your own, most often when using special means, it only succeeds in softening the sulfur mass. To achieve a soft consistency of the ear plug, hydrogen peroxide (3%) is instilled into the ear no more than 5 times a day for 5 days.

You can also use A-Cerumen. For more convenient use of this medicine at home, it is recommended to purchase it in the form of a spray. How to remove wax plug with A-Cerumen:

  • to remove, you need to spray one in each ear, leaving for 1 minute;
  • then tilt your head to the side so that the dissolved sulfur mass flows out;
  • rinse the ear with saline solution;
  • course: morning and evening, 3-4 days.

Given medicine approved for use in children over 2.5 years of age.

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