What to do to avoid gaps. Gymnastics for pregnant women is a way to avoid ruptures. Correct breathing, pushing and posture

Your birth can be one of the most enjoyable moments in your life. Without long hours debilitating pain, while being as safe as possible for you and the child. And also - absolutely natural. It sounds like a description of a science fiction novel, especially for those who have already experienced all the delights of pain during childbirth. However, this is not a fairy tale. Pain-free childbirth exists! And most importantly: they are available not to some mythical characters or stars, but to any Belarusian woman.

We asked Vladislav Rimashevsky about which method is the most effective and safe.

Vladislav Rimashevsky

Many women call the pain during childbirth the most severe pain they have experienced throughout their lives. It is compared to the condition when you have 20 bones broken at the same time. It is believed that the human body is able to withstand pain of up to 45 del (a unit of pain measurement). However, during childbirth, a woman feels pain up to 57 del.

Risk factors for severe pain during childbirth:

  • first birth;
  • painful menstruation before pregnancy;
  • late birth (after 30 years);
  • problems with the cervix. For example, she was treated for erosion;
  • poor psychoprophylaxis. Even the fact that a woman is single, for example, significantly increases the risk that pain during childbirth will be severe.

To relieve pain natural childbirth, there are 2 groups of methods: non-medicinal and medicinal.

Non-drug methods of labor pain relief:

  • free mode of women;
  • acupuncture;
  • fitball;
  • special breathing, etc.

These methods can be combined and applied in turn. They really work and relieve some of the pain. And most importantly, they calm you down. The woman has a feeling of control over the birth process and participation in the situation. However, the effect of each of these methods on the body is strictly individual and cannot be predicted.

About the benefits of psychoprophylaxis using a personal example. When I myself was preparing to become a mother, I took the upcoming birth very responsibly and attended childbirth preparation courses at the 2nd City Clinical Maternity Hospital of Minsk. And closer to them I trained to breathe correctly. But most of all, for some reason, the phrase of our wonderful doctor and lecturer Marina Borisovna Revkovskaya affected me most: “Imagine what your ideal birth day should be like in detail, tune in to the best and believe that this will happen.” It would seem like ordinary supportive words. But I did. And guess what? It worked! And the birth began on its own and on time, and a separate ward for partner births miraculously turned out to be free, and even the first snow fell on that very day! And although fitball personally brought me more pain than relief, I was ready to open up to it and perceive it only as a natural stage before meeting my long-awaited son.

I remember my personal birth as positive and successful. However, if I happen to visit the delivery room again, my choice after talking with our expert is clearly for safe drug pain relief. The process is as natural as possible, and everything painful sensations"removed".

Medicinal methods of pain relief during childbirth

Most effective method pain relief during childbirth - (epidural, spinal, spinal-epidural).

Why is she so good?

  • With analgesia, only pain is “turned off.” The woman cannot stop feeling her legs. She can walk, feel contractions, straining, but without pain (or feeling it maximum like during menstruation);
  • the effect of using this method always occurs, and it is predictable.

Vladislav Rimashevsky

Candidate medical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, BelMAPO

At the Mother and Child Republican Scientific and Practical Center we use a technique called the “walking epidural patient.” Special mobile device(elastomer pump), a kind of silicone bag, fill with solution local anesthetic, connect it to the port. It continuously delivers an anesthetic solution into the epidural space. In this case, a woman can lie down, walk, put this “bag” in her pocket, on the bed. Technology controlled. The pump can be refilled by refilling it with local anesthetic solution. Thus, analgesia is present throughout labor, no matter how long it lasts. The Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Mother and Child” has a separate anesthesiologist who is assigned only to the delivery room. Every third patient wants to give birth using epidural analgesia. The modern position of doctors is this: the mere desire of a woman to reduce pain during childbirth is already an indication for performing analgesia (in the absence of contraindications). After all, in this way childbirth is more humane. And they don’t leave any unpleasant memories.

How will epidural analgesia affect labor? Won't they stop?

This analgesia has no effect on natural history birth process. It only relieves pain.

How is mom feeling?

Wonderful. Doesn't scream, doesn't suffer from pain. She is mobile, feels her legs, can move and walk.

How does such anesthesia affect the child?

The dose of anesthetic that is charged for epidural pain relief is minimal. It does not affect the functioning of the mother’s heart, the uteroplacental blood flow, or the baby. Babies who are born under anesthesia feel just as good as those who were born without it. And sometimes it’s better. After all, pain during childbirth often leads to a woman breathing sharply and deeply, which can lead to disruption of blood flow to the fetus and cause oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

Regardless of which method of pain relief you like: proper breathing, psychological attitude, aromatherapy, drug pain relief, it is important to know: childbirth without pain in conditions modern medicine- not a miracle at all, but a completely feasible reality.

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In the courses on preparation for childbirth, which I have been teaching for many years, one of the pregnant women always asks the question: “Is it possible to somehow prepare the perineum in a special way in order to completely avoid or at least reduce the degree of tearing during childbirth? How to give birth without tearing? By such preparation, women usually mean perineal massage, the technique of which is found in some books for pregnant women. As a rule, the following question arises: “If you do not massage the perineum, will there necessarily be ruptures during childbirth?”

Tears during childbirth. Risk factors.

First, you need to understand what determines the degree of risk of occurrence ruptures during childbirth. Here important have:

  • elasticity of pelvic floor tissues;
  • baby's head size;
  • the speed of exit of the head and shoulders (it is with these parts of the body that the baby is able to tear maternal tissues).

In turn, the elasticity of the perineal tissue depends on genetic factors (dermatologists and cosmetologists are well aware that some skin is naturally low-extensible, and some is prone to tearing), on the quality of local nutrition and on the date of birth.

It turns out that if a woman gives birth prematurely, her perineum is more susceptible to tearing during childbirth. It would seem that the baby is born prematurely, and therefore with a small head and narrow shoulders, but his mother runs the risk of severely tearing.

This phenomenon is explained very simply: everything in a woman’s body during pregnancy is adjusted to the goal of bearing and safely giving birth to a child.

Therefore, closer to childbirth, that is, by 37–38 weeks, the elasticity of the perineal tissue increases sharply, and many mothers, giving birth to very large babies, not only do not receive any tears during childbirth, but even manage without cracks.

The second factor: the size of the baby's head. As noted above, even a very small head can tear the perineum if a woman gives birth ahead of schedule. However, if the birth occurs at term, and the baby is large, the risk of rupture during childbirth is still higher than with the birth of an average-sized child. It is very difficult to influence the size of a baby; it depends, first of all, on genes and, to a lesser extent, on the diet and lifestyle of the pregnant woman.

The third factor: the speed of passage of the head and shoulders through the female perineum. When rapid labor this speed can be quite high. In addition, even if labor proceeds slowly, the last two or three attempts (as a result of which the head, shoulders and the entire body come out) are usually very powerful. At this moment, the actions of the midwife are extremely important. It is she who guides the woman and can influence the speed at which the child emerges.

How to give birth without tearing.

Here, in fact, we come to practical conclusions. So, in order not to tear during childbirth, you need to:

  1. Do everything in your power to give birth to the baby on time.
  2. Take care of local nutrition of the perineum.
  3. Learn to be aware of and, if possible, control the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor in order to be an active participant in your own childbirth.

Let's discuss each point in more detail.

Premature birth

Premature birth except physiological reasons have, of course, a psychological basis, but this is a topic for a separate article. I tried to describe how you can avoid post-term pregnancy (hence, enlargement of the head, and, no less important, hardening of the skull bones) in my article.

Preparing the perineum for childbirth. Oiling.

In the literature for pregnant women, there are recommendations for the prevention of ruptures during childbirth and for preparing the female perineum for childbirth. There is even a specially created oil for perineal massage (I know this from Weleda). I usually recommend oiling not only the perineum, but also the body, since during pregnancy, as a rule, the skin of the entire body dries out and its elasticity decreases. And although nature intended it so that, thanks to hormonal changes, the elasticity of the perineum clearly increases before childbirth, but it wouldn’t hurt to improve it.

To oil the body, you can take any vegetable oil. Almond is considered the most valuable, but olive, sesame, and sunflower are also suitable. Any choice can be flavored with a few drops aromatic oil. In my experience, most pregnant women choose orange, lemon, cedar or eucalyptus. In this matter, you should listen to your own preferences.

The oiling procedure itself is most conveniently done in a sauna or bathhouse, but if you don’t go there, use the bathroom. Having prepared the oil, you should undress and generously lubricate the entire body with oil, including the intimate area. After this, you need to sit for at least 10 - 15 minutes, then add oil to those areas of the body that absorbed the previous portion (very often the feet, legs, forearms and elbows are especially dry).

After another 5 – 10 minutes you can start washing. In order to wash off the oil, you need to first smear the body with “porridge” made from oatmeal, corn or pea flour (simply add warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream). The skin receives additional nutrition from such porridge, and excess oil is easily removed. There is no need to use any gels or scrubs.

I would like to note that in India, pregnant women oil themselves in this way every day, but even if you carry out this procedure once a week, you will get a good result.

In addition, to prevent ruptures during childbirth, you can begin to oil the vagina directly just before the birth (about a month in advance). For such oiling, ghee is used butter. I advise you to prepare it yourself, since ready-made ghee is not always of high quality.

In the evening, before going to bed, you need to separate a piece of ghee the size of Walnut and insert it as deep as possible into the vagina; overnight the oil will thoroughly saturate its walls. Contraindications for such oiling are severe inflammatory processes accompanied by itching and heavy discharge. In these cases, it is necessary to first carry out sanitation, and only then proceed with oiling.

Preparing the perineum for childbirth. Intimate gymnastics.

In order to increase blood flow, and thereby improve the nutrition of any muscle in our body, it is necessary to regularly tense and relax this muscle. Therefore, in order to influence the elasticity of the pelvic floor tissues, it is necessary to do intimate gymnastics daily.

I offer three options for exercises from such gymnastics. You can perform them in any body position: lying down, sitting, standing in the “cat pose”. They do not take much time and, when performed regularly, bring good results. Thanks to these exercises, blood supply to the pelvic floor tissues improves and elasticity increases. In addition, you are training in the ability to control the muscles of your vagina and perineum.

Exercise 1. Kegel exercise

Alternately tense and relax the muscles of the perineum. At the moment of tension, squeeze the muscles of the anus and the entrance to the vagina as much as possible.

Exercise 2. “Bag”

Imagine that there is a bag underneath you. Grab imaginary handles with your vagina and try to lift the bag off the floor. Hold it in this position for several seconds. Now place the bag on the floor.

Grab the handles again and lift the bag off the floor, and now lift the bag even higher and hold it in this position for a few seconds.

Repeat this exercise several times, trying to raise the bag higher and higher above the floor.

Exercise 3. “Elevator”

To do this exercise, imagine your vagina is an elevator shaft. Begin to rise from the entrance of the vagina deep into the cervix, one by one, as if through the floors, pinching different parts of the vagina. Feeling your vagina compressed throughout, begin to slowly, floor by floor, relax it from the cervix to the exit. At the end of the exercise, “go down to the ground floor,” while slightly sticking your vagina outward.

In conclusion, I want to say that there is no need to be so afraid of perineal ruptures during childbirth. Firstly, all obstetrician-gynecologists know how to apply sutures well, which, in most cases, heal quickly. Secondly, midwives carefully monitor the emerging danger of rupture during childbirth (this is determined by the color of the perineal tissue), and then the doctor performs an episiotomy. It is much easier to sew up a straight edge of a cut than a tear.

Do everything that depends on you, and entrust the rest to the people who will deliver the birth. However, when meeting a doctor or midwife, it would not hurt to say that you have seriously prepared and really do not want to have stitches in such an intimate part of the body. It is clear that not every doctor is ready to take this adequately. However, let us remember how quite recently it was difficult to discuss the issue of placing the baby on the mother’s stomach. Now this is being done everywhere, and largely thanks to the numerous persistent requests of women in labor.

The content of the article:

An easy birth is the dream of all expectant mothers, without exception. For a very long time, it has been ingrained in the minds of women that the birth of a baby should be painful. In fact, childbirth, as a natural process, does not have to be painful at all.

In general, if the pregnancy proceeded normally, without complications, the baby in the mother’s belly has a body weight that does not exceed the norm, and its position is correct, then we can already say that the mother has every chance of delivering a pregnancy without pain. Of course, this also requires preparation. the right attitude, usage various methods that contribute easy birth. But first, let’s find out why, for the most part, the process of delivery is very painful.

Why does giving birth hurt so much?

Soreness occurs for several reasons. Basic:
1. Fear of childbirth, that is, a psychological factor.
2. Physical factor, that is, the unpreparedness of the expectant mother.
3. Incorrect behavior of the woman in labor during labor activity.

Fear of childbirth. A person experiences fear for a reason: it is not only a feeling, but also a whole process that takes place inside the body, manifested in the production of hormones. These chemical metabolic products, the main one of which is adrenaline (and then other hormones with similar functions join it), lead to vascular spasm, leading to tension, resulting in pain. All this suggests that it is necessary to prepare for childbirth long before its expected start. Study relevant literature, materials from World Wide Web, videos, listen to lectures and consultations, etc. Knowledge is one of the steps to ensure that childbirth is easy and quick. And also: special auto-training helps to cope with fear very well.
Physical factor. During pregnancy, physical activity is very limited. But they are not excluded, but, on the contrary, even necessary. Simply in a form that will not harm either mother or child. Of course, you shouldn’t jump, run, lift your legs high, lift heavy objects, etc. But, for example, attending pregnancy fitness, water aerobics, or just doing feasible work at home will be useful for the expectant mother. Yoga is also very good for easy childbirth.

Household work such as mopping floors, hand washing and other types of light loads with the body tilted forward not only strengthens, but also helps ensure that the baby is positioned correctly in the womb.

If you do not physically train, then during childbirth the brain will not be able to adequately respond to the work of the reproductive organ (active contraction), which is one of the causes of pain during labor.

Wrong behavior is a consequence of the same fear and lack of knowledge about the amazing, incomprehensible (and not at all terrible) process happening inside. Moreover, it is not enough to simply know what contracts, opens, and why this happens. It is also necessary to first study the technique of easy childbirth and proper breathing and other techniques that help the baby be born painlessly for everyone.

11 rules for easy childbirth

By the way, such births occur quite often in practice. Women simply feel a little aching in their lower abdomen until the very beginning of the pushing period. And this often happens during menstruation, so they do not attach any importance to what is happening.
It happens that pain appears in the back or pubic area. But they help to cope with this problem:

Change of position;
correct breathing;
massage for easy childbirth.

By the way, a massage can be performed not only by a specialist, but also by a husband (of course, if he is prepared in advance). It is performed by gently rubbing and pressing on the painful area.

So, rules and tips for an easy birth:

1. One of the most important rules- this is a competent mindset for an easy birth. You just need to make a firm decision for yourself that everything will go great, without complications, quickly, easily and without pain. If the pregnancy is progressing well, and there are no other factors indicating that labor cannot proceed normally, then an easy delivery is possible.

3. Exercise stress throughout pregnancy. The one that is useful in this beautiful interesting position! Of course, in the absence of contraindications. For this purpose, there are gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, water aerobics, etc. Yes, just swimming in the pool will be many times better than lying on the sofa.

4. If there are no medical acute indications, then it is better to do without stimulation of labor. Yes, it will significantly speed up the process, but then pain cannot be avoided.

5. In order for the first birth to be easy, you need to learn how to relax and control your muscles during the birth process. Do not neglect learning these important actions for childbirth. Relaxation (mental, physical) is a very important component correct birth and an effective way to give birth without problems.

6. The last weeks before the birth of the baby should be spent enjoying life. Do what you like, eliminate anger and resentment, bring more smiles, good meetings, positive emotions. Watch your favorite movies, go for a walk, do creative work, talk with your baby. If you have older children, then spend time with them: read, play, chat about everything in the world. All these wonderful moments and activities will help produce the hormones necessary for proper childbirth.

7. What determines an easy birth? Of course, from proper breathing! You should definitely master it to the expectant mother. And not just master it - bring it to automation!

8. You should first select a position for childbirth, and long before the birth process begins, feel each position yourself. Most often, expectant mothers choose the squatting position: it makes labor as easy as possible and also speeds it up. By the way, childbirth lying down is the most unnatural way of the birth process. Nowadays, more and more people are giving birth in vertical position- it is clear that here gravity itself helps to facilitate the appearance of the baby.

9. Diet for easy childbirth. The main thing is that the food is healthy and wholesome. So, the basis is vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals. All food should be homemade; it’s better to forget about fast food at this time. Vegetable salads (naturally, without mayonnaise, in as a last resort- low-fat sour cream), dried fruits. Of course we need dairy products. Reduce the amount of fatty meat to zero, consume lean meat (that is, poultry, beef, etc.) in small quantities.

A month before giving birth, reduce the consumption of sugar and flour products, remove milk and sour milk from the diet. A week or two before the birth, keep only vegetarian foods on your menu. On the day of birth better food do not use.
This diet will not overload the intestines. Statistics say that expectant mothers who adhered to these nutritional rules gave birth easily or with minimal trauma.

10. The surrounding atmosphere can also affect the course of labor. Therefore, creating the most comfortable environment around a woman in labor (for example, like at home) is one of the means for an easy birth. Music is very calming; special sound recordings are even created for this purpose - sounds of nature (birds singing, murmur of water, rain, etc.), relaxing recordings.

11. Meditation also promotes easy childbirth. For example, by periodically visualizing various most pleasant images (sea, sun, waterfall), you can automatically switch to them during childbirth without any problems.
For an easy birth, a woman in labor only needs to follow the listed rules. You can also use some folk remedies. But only after consulting with your doctor.

Folk remedies for easy childbirth

According to numerous reviews, one of the best folk remedies, helping to give birth easily is a decoction of raspberry leaves. This plant tones the uterus and pelvic muscles, softens the ligaments around the birth canal. Of course, the decoction can only be used for later so as not to provoke premature birth. The berry itself is also very useful - at least with its ability to normalize increased arterial pressure, because it is sometimes a companion to the last trimester.

From about 35 weeks, you should take relaxing, short, warm baths every seven days. At the same time, be sure to listen to music that puts you in a positive, harmonious mood. Thoughts should only be positive. During all this, it is advisable to have a gentle conversation with your baby.

Another useful decoction: flax seeds (1 dessert spoon) per glass of boiling water. The decoction should infuse for at least 1.5 hours. It should be consumed 3 times a day. Preferably before meals.

A remedy such as chamomile or dill oil for easy childbirth is a godsend. It should be rubbed into the skin in the perineum, pubis and sacrum.

And another decoction: 1 small spoon of marshmallow, a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. It greatly facilitates labor.

There are various signs that indicate how the birth process will go. But even if they all say that the appearance of the baby will be painful and difficult, do not despair. We all know what the result of this difficult process is - a small, but already priceless happiness.

The other day I received this letter:

Hello, Elena. I'm pregnant for the second time. During my first birth, I had an episiotomy. Can I avoid it this time?

And since I get asked such questions quite often, I decided to cover the topic in more detail for everyone.

Episiotomy (incision) is a surgical incision of the perineum and back wall woman’s vagina to avoid arbitrary ruptures and injuries to the child.

There is undoubtedly a chance to give birth without an incision during the second birth. In my practice there were about a dozen such cases. But it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s your second birth or your first; it’s important for every expectant mother to know how to prepare the perineal muscles for childbirth. And here everything depends on you, on your willingness to work on it.

Download the checklist “Methods to facilitate the labor process” and find out how to help yourself during childbirth.

First you need to understand why an episiotomy is performed. Indications for it are the following risk factors:

  • Inelasticity of the perineal tissue. Most often it is determined during childbirth, when the baby’s head is shown. And it should be noted that in premature birth the elasticity of the perineal tissue is much lower than during full-term birth.
  • Baby's big head. This can be determined before birth, closer to the expected date.
  • Early birth. If labor occurs too quickly, a woman's risk of rupture increases greatly. Therefore, in such cases an incision is often made.
  • Incorrect attempts. If a woman does not push well or does not listen well to the midwife, she is much more likely to have an incision.
  • Hypoxia in a child during the pushing period. Here, as they say, the end justifies the means. But this problem most often arises in cases when a woman behaves incorrectly during the period of pushing, when there is poor muscle elasticity or big head in a child, or if there is an umbilical cord entanglement.

All this can be avoided by preparing your muscles for childbirth and understanding what mistakes you should not make when pushing.

First, let's talk about preparation.

What needs to be done to prepare intimate muscles for childbirth

I want to focus on 3 main steps, thanks to which your muscles will become elastic and be able to stretch enough so that childbirth takes place without tears or cuts.

1. Nutrition. It is the builder of your body and your child's body. Therefore, treat it as responsibly as possible. Don't overeat, try to keep your diet as varied as possible. This will provide your body essential vitamins and microelements. IN recent months During pregnancy, eliminate animal proteins and high calcium intake. Also, towards the end of pregnancy, you should not take additional vitamins. If your diet was varied, you have already accumulated a sufficient amount of them. Try to avoid sweets and baked goods, they often lead to thrush and similar infections, which, in turn, make the tissues of the perineum and vagina loose and inelastic.

In terms of nutrition, I would also include taking special natural remedy– evening primrose oil. This oil is richest source polyunsaturated fatty acids and others useful substances, which prepare the cervix for childbirth and make the pelvic muscles more elastic.

Try to avoid unnecessary use of drugs such as Actovegin. This is especially true at the end of pregnancy, as they contribute to rapid weight gain in the child, which will complicate his birth.

Watch the recording of the webinar with an obstetrician-gynecologist (free at)

2. Exercise. About the importance physical exercise, I think you have heard more than once. But it is important not just to know that they need to be done, but to know why and what kind of exercises will allow you to avoid episiotomy and ruptures.

Modern society mainly assumes sedentary image life. This and sedentary work, and a personal car, and the Internet, which allows you to solve many issues without leaving home. And they sit all day dear women precisely on the very muscles that are directly involved in childbirth. Constant pressure and constriction of these muscles leads to poor blood flow in them and oxygen starvation, which reduces their elasticity.

Since it can be very difficult to completely eliminate a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to periodically give the muscles a rest and increase blood circulation in the pelvic area. Stretching exercises, such as side leg raises or butterfly exercises, work well for this. Eat special exercises to improve the elasticity of the perineal muscles - this is.

And don’t forget about walking, they also restore blood flow and muscle elasticity. In winter - at least 1.5 hours and in summer - at least 2.5 - 3 hours.

3. Perineal massage.

This procedure, although not entirely easy and not very pleasant, is very effective. In my practice, there were mothers who had massages every day from the 30th week and gave birth without a single break, moreover, two of them had babies weighing more than 4 kg at birth.

You can start doing perineal massage before 30 weeks, but it will be enough to do it once a week until 20 weeks; after the 20th week you can switch to 2 times a week, and after the 28th week do it every other day. If you started massage in the second trimester, then you can do it every day only from the 35th week.

To perform the massage, you will need sterile gloves and any natural oil: chamomile, almond, calendula oil and - my favorite - wheat germ oil. You can also use olive or regular vegetable oil, but pre-pasteurized in a water bath.

The procedure is best done after a shower. Wearing gloves, wet your fingers generously in oil. Attention! Do not dip your fingers in a container of oil, but pour it onto your fingers so that the oil can be reused.

First make external massage perineum and labia with soft circular movements. Then move on to internal massage. Pour the oil onto one or two fingers again and insert shallowly (one phalange) into the middle of the vagina. Press on the inner walls of the vagina and hold your fingers for a few seconds until you feel a slight tingling sensation (the tingling sensation is not very pleasant, but it is the most effective). So it is necessary to walk around the entire inner circle of the vagina, Special attention focusing on the perineum (the muscles near the rectum). The massage lasts 5-10 minutes. Finally, be sure to try to relax and unwind.

By observing these three points in your preparation, you are guaranteed to be able to prepare your muscles for even a very strong stretch.

In addition to training special muscles, you will also need to learn correct behavior during childbirth and the ability to effectively relax and breathe. It is also important to listen to the midwife and stop pushing at the right moment in order to properly breathe through the birth of the baby’s head.

A very effective measure to prevent tears and episiotomy is vertical posture in pushing and natural pushing, without special efforts . But this is not possible in all maternity hospitals, and natural pushing in Russia is generally practiced very rarely.

I sincerely wish you to prepare well and give birth easily, without ruptures and episiotomy!

Practicing child and perinatal psychologist,

Expert on pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care

Head of the project “Happy Children”

Download the checklist "Methods of facilitating the labor process"

Although the painful process of childbirth is considered natural phenomenon, obstetricians give recommendations on how to relieve pain during contractions. Download our checklist and find out how to help yourself during childbirth.

About 25% of women in labor experience internal and external ruptures during childbirth. Not only first-time mothers, but also women who already have children are at risk. How to prevent possible injury birth canal, as well as the external genitalia and give birth without ruptures?

What can cause ruptures during childbirth?

Normally, the fetus slowly, without sudden pushing, moves along the birth canal. Then soft fabrics, the vagina and perineum expand under its pressure. But not all births go so smoothly. Obstetricians identify two main reasons for normal course childbirth without complications leading to ruptures.

  1. The first one is Mom's "impatience". Childbirth is a very painful birth process, and when the fetal head is already at the exit into the pelvis, the cervix begins to open fully. The woman in labor, with excessive efforts (since it is less painful for her), pushes the baby into the small pelvis, and the cervix, before it has time to open, tears. This can be avoided if you listen to the obstetrician leading the birth.
  2. Second - “Wave hi to mom”. So, jokingly, gynecologists call this type of involuntary rupture. They occur at the last stage of labor, when the head has already emerged and the widest part of the fetus, the shoulders, begins to move. At this moment, the child can pull the handle, which inevitably leads to a rupture. Not a single woman in labor is insured against such situations and they are not foreseen to happen. As a positive point, I would like to note that babies are also very tired at the moment of birth, so their “hellos” occur extremely rarely.

Learning to give birth without gaps - psychological attitude

It has long been noticed that women who are determined to have an easy birth give birth much easier than those who are afraid. A psychological attitude will help you overcome your fears, which consists not only of self-hypnosis, but also of special preparation for birth process:

  • The expectant mother should attend pregnancy courses. There you can find out how childbirth will go and learn correct technique breathing. This will minimize fear of the birth process. Specialists will also teach you how to behave in a particular situation during childbirth.
  • Communication with young mothers will benefit the pregnant woman. They are always willing to share their experience, but you should not listen to various “horror stories” about a terribly difficult birth, especially if there are 3 or 5 children hanging around the mother.
  • “Everyone has given birth and I will give birth!” Tune yourself to the fact that childbirth is a natural physiological painful process., after which you will meet your long-awaited miracle. Do not forget that the birth process is a difficult test for its two participants.

Intimate massage will help you give birth without tearing

An intimate massage can be performed provided that the course of pregnancy is stable and the baby is not in danger. For the procedure you need to prepare natural oils. Suitable: chamomile, rose, olive, calendula oil, calcined sunflower without additives. The procedure itself is very simple:

  • Lubricated fingers are inserted into the perineum no deeper than 5 cm.
  • Next, pressing movements are made, similar to stretching.
  • The procedure lasts 5–7 minutes and is performed about 3 times a week.

It is recommended to carry out this massage together with your husband. So, in addition to the benefits, the woman will receive pleasure, and positive emotions are very useful for pregnant women.

How to give birth without tearing? Intimate gymnastics

Intimate gymnastics involves alternating relaxation and tension of the vaginal muscles. Its implementation makes the muscles more elastic, which is very welcome during childbirth. You can start doing this kind of gymnastics at the stage of pregnancy planning, because it brings more colors to your life. intimate life partners. When carrying a child, you need to contact intimate gymnastics for pregnant women, which consists of 3 main exercises:

  1. Kegel exercise. Provides alternating tension and relaxation intimate muscles and anus.
  2. Elevator. Consists of gradual tension muscle tissue vagina “ascent and descent on the elevator.” In this case, you need to linger briefly on each “floor”.
  3. Bag. It is performed half-sitting (with knees apart) or on all fours. The woman should use her vagina to grab the imaginary handles of the bag standing on the floor and lift it as high as possible.

The above-described preparation for the birth process will minimize the risk of ruptures. Therefore, do not be lazy, but actively work on preparing the birth canal for delivery.

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